HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990 Ordinance No. 021n r CJIDINANCE OO d / SERIES OF 199~ BY l\l1l'IIORITY 11 (cl CXXJNCIL BILL 00. 16 mrRCXl(J(lD BY CXXJNCIL MEMBER WIG.INS AN CIIDINANCE REPEALING CHAPTER 2C (PWlBING CCOE) OF TITLE 8, mGLEl-J:Xll l·IJNICIPAL CCOE 1985, ANO REEXI\CTING A ~ OIAPTER 2C ADCPl'ING BY REFER!2a THE UNIFCR-t PWlBiliG CCOE, 19A8 EDITICJI, Wl'nl APPEM>ICES ANO INS'I'ALLATICJI STANDARDS, SUBJEX:.'T TO CERTAIN EXCEPTICJIS, ~KDIFICATICJIS ANO ~IEMNEffl'S, WHEREAS, the City of Englewood has used the Uniform Plunbing Code as a model construction cxxle since 1970; and WHEREAS, this Code is updated periodically to keep pace with changing technology; and WHEREAS, the City Division of Building and Safety staff has thoroughly revil!'wl!d the 1988 Edition of the Uniform Plunbing Code and rec:amends adoption thereof subject to the exceptions, nodifications and anenatents as hereinafter set forth; NCM, THEREFORE, BE IT CRilAINED BY THE CITY CXXJNCIL OF THE CITY OF ~, COLC!WlO, THAT: section 1. Chapter 2C of Title 8, Englewood Municipal Code 1985, is hereby repealed and a new Chapter 2C is enacted adopting by reference the Unifonn Plurrbing Code , 1988 Editi on, with l\ppendices and Installation standards, published by the International Association of Plmbing and Mechanical Officials, 20001 Walnut Drive South, Walnut, California 91789, subject to the exceptions, nodifications and amenanents set forth. Chapter 2C of Title 8, Englewood Municipal Code 1985, shall oow read as follo,,s: 8-2C-l: CODE l\OOPI'ED THERE IS HEREBY l\OOPI'ED, BY REFERENCE THERETO, THE UNIFCR-1 PLUMBING CCOE, 1988 EDITICJI, WITH APPENlICES ANO INSTALLATICJI STAIIDARilS, PUBLISHED BY THE INI'ERNATICW\L ASSOCIATICJI OF PialBl'iG ANO MEOiANICAL OFFICIALS, 20001 WAUIUT DRJ.""VE SOO'nl, WALN\11', C!,LIFORNIA 91789, WITH T"r!E SAME FCRCE ANO EFFEX:T AS IF THE SAME WERE FULLY SE:!' FCllTII IIEREnl, SUBJECT TO THE EXCEPTICJIS, MODIFICATICJIS AND ~!ENa·!EmS SE:!' FCllTII IN SEX:TICJI 8-2C-2 OF THIS CH;\PTER. THE CLER!( SHALL MAIN!'AIN AT ALL TIMES COPIES OF THE CODE AVAILABLE FOR PlJRCHI\SE BY THE PUBLIC AT REASCW\BLE PRICE. -1 - 8-2C-2 : SPEx:IFIC l•alIFICI\TIOIS TO l\OOPTED CCOE THE F0LLG'1ING SPEx:IFIC QIANGES, MCOIFICATIOIS AND AMllOlml'S ARE HEREBY MADE IN THE PROVISIOIS CF 1llE UNIFCRI PLUMBING CCOE, 1988 EDITIOI, HEREIN ~ l\OOPTED: A. OELEI'E SEx:TIOI 10. 2 OF PAAT I. B. SEX:I'IOI 20.l of PART I All'IINISTRATIVE Alm!ORITY. DELETE THE TEXT OF THIS SEx:TIOI AND REPLACE WITH THE FOLLCMING l'l:lRDING: THE A!JIINISTAATIVE AtJI'IICIUTY SHALL BE DEFINED AS THE CCOE AIMINIS'I'RMal CR K':S OOLY AtmlCIUZED l\GENl'. C. DELEI'E SEx:TIOI 20.2 OF PART I. D. DELEI'E SEx:TIOI 20.3.OF PART I. E . =IOI 20. 7 of PART I COST OF PERMIT. DELEI'E THE FOOR'nl PARAGRAPH IN ITS Em'!RerY. DELEI'E THE "9:l!Elm,E CF FEES" IN ITS Em'!RerY. REPLACE THE sro;::.; PARAGRAPH WITH THE FOLLCMING IOUJING: THE FEE Fal FACII PERMIT Slll\LL BE BASED OI THE VAUIATIOI CF a:NSTRUCTIOI AND DETERMINED AS SET FalTH IN TABLE No. 3-A OF THE 1988 UNIFORM BUn.DING COJE. F. DELEI'E SEx:TIOI 20 .12 OF PART I. G. DELEI'E SEx:TIOI 20.14 PART I. H. =IOI 40l(a)(2) OF CIIAPl'ER 4, MATERIALS. DELEI'E THE TEXT OF THIS SUBSEx:TIOI AND REPLACE WITH THE = l'l:lRDING : ABS AND PVC DWV PIPING MAY BE INsrALLED IN THOSE S'l'RucruRES WHERE CCMBIJSTIBLE COISTRUCTIOI IS I-ERMITTED. ABS AND PVC DWV PIPING NAY NOl' BE nlSTALLED IN AN'i WI\LL WHERE PROl'EX:TIOI OF OPENINGS IS REXlUIRED UNLESS SOC!! PIPING, OR '/W'/. ATTACHMENT TO SUCH PIPING, DOES NOl' PENETRATE AN'i PCI\TIOI OF SAIDWlll.L . I. 51:x:TIOI 503(a) (2) OF CIIAPl'ER 5, 1·1!\TERIALS. DELETE THE TEXT OF THIS SUBSEx:TIOI AND REPLACE WITH THE= l{)RDING: ABS AND PVC DWV PIPING MI\Y BE INSTALLED IN THOSE S'l'RucruRES WHERE CG1BUSTIBLE COISTRUCTIOI IS PERMITTED. ABS AND PVC DWV PIPillG MI\Y NOl' BE lllSTALLED IN !>NY WI\LL WHERE PROl'EX:TIOI OF OPENINGS IS REXlUIRED UNLESS SOC!! PIPING, OR AN'i ATTl\CINE!ll'l' TO SUCH PIPillG, DOES NOl' PENE:l'RI\TE AN'i PORTIOI OF SAID 1'11\LI.. -2 - J. SD:'!'100 l004(a) OF CHAPTER 10, MATERIALS. IN nlE THIRD smmCE DELETE n1E PHRASE "A BUIIDING" AT THE DID OF THE SElll'ENCE AND REPLACE WITH THE FOLLa-lING 1-oRDING: THOSE Sl'RUCTURES WHERE CG!BUSTIBLE CCNSTRUCTIOO IS PERMITI'ED. CPVC AND PB PIPING MAY NOT BE INSTJ\LLID IN NIY WALL WHERE PROra:TIOO OF CP~INGS ISmx;iulRED UNLESS SUCH PIPING, Cl\ 1'NY ATTAO!MENI' 'IO SUCH PIPING, DOES NOT PDrel'RATE mY PCI\TIOO OF SAID WALL. Section 2. Not less than three ( 3) copies of the Code described herein '"'iinaII"1'ie certified to be true copies of said Code by the Mayor and the City Clerk and filed in the office of the City Clerk at least fifteen (15) days prior to public hearing and subject to p.,blic inspection at all tin-es while said Code is in full force and effect. 'nll! Clerk shall maintain at all tin-es copies of the Code available for purchase by the public at rroderate price. Section 3. All ordinances and parts of ordinances of the City of Engl~nflict or inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Introc1uc:ed, read in full, and passed on first reading a, the 1st of May, 1990. Published as a Bill for an Ordinance a, the 3rd day of May, 1990. A Public Hearing was held on June 4, 1990. Read by title and passed on final reading a, the 4th day of June, 1990. Published by title as Ordinance No.~/ , Series of 1990, on the 7th day of June, 1990. - ~: w.i/£&w--Patncia H. ~ City Clerk I, Patricia H. Cr<M, City Clerk of the City of Englewood, Colorado, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the Ordinance passed on final reading and put~ished by title as Ordinance No. ,EJ_, Series of L r;lli; ~ 17/ Patr!c1a H. CrCM DATE May I, 1990 INITIATm BY STAFF SOURCE ISSUE/ACTION PROPOSED COUNCIL COIIMUNICATION A6EIIIA ITEM 12 (c) SUBJ ECT Adoption of the I 988 Edition of the Uniform Plumbing Code . Department of Co11111unity Development Walter J . Groditski, Code Administra t or Adoption, by reference, of the 1988 Uniform Pl um bi ng Code with exceptions, modi f-lcat ions, and amendments . PREY I OUS COUNCIL ACTION None STAFF ANALYSIS The 1988 edition of the Uniform Plu".bing Code has been thoroughly reviewed by the Division of Building and Safety st ;:ff and adopt i on of the code, with certain amendments, is reco11111ended . BACKGROUND r ' '-../ The C:t y of Englewood ha s used the Uniform Plumbing Code as a model const r uction code shce 1970 . The Uniform Plumbing Code is updated by the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials and the International Conference of Building Officials every three years in order to keep pace with changing construction tech nology , hea 1th issues, and life safety concerns . Colorado State statutory requirements (Title 12 -58-104 .5) mandate that all plumbing installations in Co l orado minimally conform to the State-adopted standard which i s currently the 1988 Uniform Plumbing Code. In preparation for the adoption o the 1988 edition ~f the Uniform Plumbing Code the Di vis i on of Building and Safety has published information in the Englewood Citizen regarding the proposed code adoption; has notified all general contractors licen sed in Englewood of the proposed changes in the new code edition and of the City's intent to pursue adoption of this edition; and has met with the Englewood Chamber of Co11111erce to explain the nature of the changes in the new code editions . FINANCIAL Dtvelo~nt Costs : Amendments to the text of the code are ba s icall y for clar1fcatloiiaiia7or definition of safety programs ; therefore, no increased davalol)llent costs are anticipated throu ~h application of the 1988 Uniform Plumbing Code, · Revenue Effect: The permit fee schedule in the 1988 edition 1s identical to the prevlouslyiaopted i 985 ed\tion of the Uniform Plumbing Code ; therefore , revenue project 1 ons for l 9S0 wi 11 remain unchanged. S CTION: 8-2C-I: 8-2C-2: 8-2C-J: 8-2C-I: CHAPTER 2 CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY CODES ARTICLE C PLlJMBING CODE Code Adopted Specific Modifications to Adopted Code Penalty CODE ADOPTED There 1s hereby adopted, by reference thereto, the Uniform Plumbing Code, 1988 Edition, w.lth appendices and Installation standards, published by the 1ntemat1onal Association or Plumbing and Mechan1cal Offlclals, 20001 Walnut Drive South, Walnut, California 91789, with the same force and effect as 1.f the same were fully set forth herein, subject to the exceptions, modifications and amendments thereto as hereinafter set forth . One copy of the above described Code shall be certified to be a true copy of said Code by the Mayor. and the Clerk and fl led In the office of the Cieri< at least fifteen . days prior to public hear1ng and subject to public inspection at all times while said Code Is ·In full force and errect. The Cieri< shall maintain at all times reasonable qoples or the Code available for purchase by .the public at reasonable price . t otlce or public hearing shall be published one~ at least fifteen (15) days preceding date of tiearing, which notice shall state the subjer ' r:.atter or the Code, the name and address or the agency by which said Code h, $ been promulgated, time and place of hearing, and that copies or the f orego1ng CMe are on file with the City Cieri< and open to public Inspection . r 8-2C-2: SPECIFIC MODIFICATIONS TO ADOPTED CODE The follow Ing speclrlc changes, modifications and amendments are hereby made In the provisions of the Uniform Plumblng Code, 1988 Edition, herelnabove adopted: A PART I, Section I 0.2. Delete entire section. tRer.r t.o socuon 8-1-1. EMC 19115) B. PART I, Section 20.1, page la, ADMINISTRATIVE AUTHORITY. Delete the text of this Section and replace with the following wording: The AdmlnlstraliVI A11thorlty shall be defined i/S the Code Administrator or his d11/y a11thorlzed agent C. PART I, Section 20 .2. Delete entire section . (R,rtr t.o s.cuon 8-1-5, EMC 19'l:!) 0. PART I, Section 20.3 . Delete entire section. (R,ror t.o s.cuon 0-1-10, EMC 1965) E. PART I, Section 20.7, pages Ja-43 , COST OF PERMIT. 11.?olace the second pa_ragraph with the follow Ing wording : · The fee for each permit shal I /Je /JaseCI on the val11at ton of constroctlon i1nd determined as set forth In Ti1/Jle No. J'-A of the 1988 !Jn,form 811lldfng Code. Delete the fourth paragraph In Its entirety . Delete the "SCHEDULE Of FEES" In Its entirety . F. PART I, Section 20 .12 . Delete ent Ire section . (Rartr t.o SotUon 8~1-s. EMC 19115) G. PART I, Section 20 .14. Delete ent Ire section . (illrer t.o SotUon 8-H!, EMC 1985) c, f (j H. Se ct!c,n 40l(a)(2), page 37, MATERIAL~,. Delete the text or this subsection and r3place wi th the following wording : ABS 8nd PVC Ol+'V plpillfl may be installed in those stroctir,s when combvst Ible constroct Ion Is permitted. ABS and PVC Ol+'V piping may~ be installed In any wall where protect ion of openings is reqvired vnless svcll piping, oranya/lacllment tosvchpfpfng, does not penetrate any portion of said wall. I. Section 503(a)(2), page 47, MATERIALS . Delete the text or this J . subsection and replace w.lth the following wording : ABS and PVC Ol+'V pipillfl may be installed in I/lose stroctvres where combvst Ible construct ion is permitted. ABS and PVC Ol+'V piping may~ be installed in any Will/ where protect Ion of openings Is reqvlred vnless svcll piping, or any a/lacllmentto svcll piping, does not penetrate any portion of said wall. Section 1004(a), page 77, MATERIALS . In the third sentence delete the phrase ·a building· at the end of the sentence and replace with the following wording: those stroctvres wllere combvsl Ible conslrocl ion is permitted. CPVC and PB piping may~ be Installed In any wall wllere protect Ion of openings Is reqvired vnless svcll piping, or any attacllment to svcll piping, does not penetrate any portion of said wall. 8-2B-3: PENALTY It shall be unlawful for any person to erect , construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, Improve, remove, convert or demolish, equip, use, occupy, or maintain any building or structure In the City, or cause the same to be done, contrary to or In violation of any of the provisions or this Code . Any person violating any or the provisions of this Code , upon conviction, shall be punished by a fine or not more than five hundred dollars ($500 .00) or by Imprisonment for not more than ninety (90) days, or by both such fine and Imprisonment. '-.../