HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990 Ordinance No. 038--- BY Alm!ORITY C&>nwa oo. :;, I smIES Cl!' 199r CXXJNCIL BILL 00. 39 INTROOOCED BY CXXJNCIL MEMBER 1171BENIC!rr l\N <ElINA!a 'ID APPROVE A JOINl' S'ruDY !\GREEMl:Nr EIElWEfl< THE CITY CF LAKENXO, THE CITY OF ~, THE TO\N OF MJUU&::N, THE ~ METROPOLITAN DISTRICT, THE INDil\N HILLS WI\TER DISTRICT, THE GENESEE WI\TER AND Sl\NITATICN DISTRICT, AND IOJNT CARBCN Mm'ROPOLITAN DISTRICT. WHEREAS, the City of Lakel«lOd, the City of Englel«lOd, the Tc,,,ri of M:>rrison, the Evergreen Metropolitan District, the Indian Hills Water District, the Genesee Water and Sanitation District, and M,unt Carbon Metrcpolitan District wish to jointly examine storage space in Bear creek Reservoir; and WHEREAS, it is desirable to conduct an operation study to detennine how reservoir levels will fluctuate under various hydrologic conditions and water developnent /use scenarios; and WHEREAS, the parties agree to share the cost of hiring a consultant to conduct an cp>.ration study of the reservoir; and WHEREAS, the parties agree to establish a study ccmnittee. NOo1, THEREFORE, BE IT ClRDAINID BY TllE CI'!Y OJUNCIL (F TIIE CI'IY OF ENGLEl-ro), COLORl\OO, AS FOLLCMS: Section 1. The City of Englewood hereby approves a Joint Study Agreerrent between the City of Lakewood, the City of Englewood, the Town of Morrison, the Evergreen Metropolitan District, the Indian Hills Water District, the Genesee Water and Sanitation District, and Mount Carbon Metrq,olitan District which generally provides as follaws: 1. 1'1at the parties agree to pay a prq,ortionate share of the fees for a con sultant to conduct an operation study to detennine how reservoir levels will fluctuate under various hydrologic conditions and water developnent /use scenarios. -n-ie maximum aggregate amount to be paid by t he parties to the Consultant shall be $30,000 .00. 'Itle percentages paid by each party are set forth in the Agreerrent. Englewood's share shall be 18'). but not to exceed $5,400.00. 2 . The parties agree that Lakewood shall award and aaninister payments to the Consultant in accordance with the "Consultant Agreement" wh ich is attached to the Join', Study Agreement. 1'1e J oint Study Agreemen'... also sets forth a list of qualified consultants fran which Lakewood will accept bids. 'Itle bid will be awarded to the lc...est responsible bidder. All funds shall be paid to Lakewood by e ach party prior to Lakewood awarding the contract to the Consultant. -1 - r 3. The /\greelrent Lakewood will enter into with the Consultant oo behalf of the Parties i s attached to the Joint Study Agreerrent • The scq,e of seIVices to be performed by the Consultant is attached to the Consultant Agreement as Exhibit A. 4. Each party is to state that it has obtained proper !lllthority fran its City Cooncil or Board of Directors to enter into the l\greerent. 5. l\11 plans, specifications, estimates, and any other aJC\lllE!Jlts or products developed by the Consultant !hall becane the individual property of each of the parti<!B and it may be used for any purpose deemed suitable by each party withoot requiring approval fran any other party. 6. The term of this l\qreemant shall cx:rrmence upon final execution by all parties and shall terminate after receiving Consultant's final study of Bear Creek Reservoir. 7. The Joint Study l\greelrent sets forth itens which are subject to approval by a majority of the parties and the Colorado Water ConseIVation Board. a. Award of the consultant contract. b. Termination of the consultant contract. c. Al,;• substantive arrp.nrnent of the consultant contract. d. Withholding of payment under the consultant contract for failure to perform, e. l\cceptance of the final report and authorization of final payment. 8 . Any arrenarents or modifications to the Joint Study l\greelrent shall be in writing and executed by the parties hereto to be valid and binding. 9, If any clause or provision contained in the Joint Study Agreement shall be judged to be invali( or unenforceable by a court of CCll?'tent jurisdiction or by operation of any applicable law , such invalid or unenforceable clause or provisions shall not affect the validity of the Agreement as a whole and other clauses or provisions shall be given full force and effect. 10. The Joint Study Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Colorado, Venue shall be in Jefferson County, Co~orado. -2 - 11. No party to the Joint Study Agreenent shall assign or transfer any of its rights or obligations witho.t prior written consent of the majority of the other Par ·ies. 12. '!he Parties agree and acknowledge that this Agreenent may be enforced in law or in equity , by decree of specific performance or damages, or such other legal or equitable relief as maybe available p.irsuant to law in the State of Colorado. 'nle prevailing party (parties) shall be entitled to costs, expert fees, and reasonable attorneys' fees. 13. '!tie Agreerent contains all of the provisions, obligations, understandings, and representations of the parties related to the subject matter of the Joint Study l\greement. Section 2. 'nle City Council of the City of Englewood hereby authoriiei'tFie"Mayor to sign and the City Clerk to attest the Contract for and on behalf of the City of Englewood. Introduced, read in full, and passed on first readii,g QI the 6th day of August, 1990 . Published as a Bill for an Ordinance cn the 9th day o f August , 1990. Read by title and passed on final reading QI the 20th day of August, 1990. Published by title as ordinance No. dd, Series of 1990, on the 23rd day of August, 1990 . - mt, ~yor Pro Tem ~~,kl~~ atriciaH. Crow, C1tyeer I , Patricia H. Crow , City Clerk of the Citv of En<:le.,:xxJ, Colorado, hereby certi fy that the above and foregoing is a true copy of the Ordinance passed on final reading and pablished by tit le as Ordinance No . q_/_, Series of 1990. ~ ~&#~ Patricia H. Crow -3 - CRlINl\OCE 00. SERIES CF 199r- BY l\11llDUTY A BILL FQl <XXJOCn. BILL 00. 39 mmaxx:EIJ ~ a::uar.. -wv AN CRlIIWO: TO l\PPKlVE A JOINl' STUD'! l\GREEMml' mmiEffi THE Cffi CF LAl<FJ«lCO, THE CITY CF ~, THE TaiN CF IUUUSCN, THE ~ Mlffla'ClLITAN DISTRICT, THE INDIAN HILLS w.TER DISTRICT, THE GENESEE W7ITER AND SANITATICRi DISTRICT, AND t,OJN1' CARBCtl ME'JllOP(LITAN DISTRICT. WHEREAS, the City of Lakewood, the City of Qiglewood, the Town of Morrison, the Evergreen Metrq>olitan District, the Indian Hills Water District, the Genesee Water and Sanitation District, and 1-blnt cartxJn Metrq>olitan District wish to jointly examine storage space in Bear creek Reservoir; and WHEREAS, it is desirable to oonduct an operation study to detennine how reservoir levels will fluctuate under various eydrologic conditions and water developient /use scenarios; and WHEREAS, the parties agree to share the oost of hiring a omsultant to conduct an operation study of the reservoir; and WHEREAS, the parties agree to establish a stu~· carmittee. NCM, ~, BE IT CIIDAINED BY THE CITY CXXJOCn. CF 'ffiE CITY CF ~, CXJLCIU\00, AS FClLLCMS: Section 1. 'nle City of Qiglewood hereby approves a Joint Study Agreement between the City of Lakewood, the City of Qiglewood, the Town of M:>rrison, the Evergreen Metrcpolitan District, the Indian Hills Water District, the Genesee Water and Sanitation District, and M:>unt Csrba! Metrcpolitan District which generally provides as follows: 1. That the parties agree to pay a proportionate share of the fees for a oonsultant to oonduct an operat!.on study to detennine how reservoir levels will fluctuate under various hydrologic oonditions and water developient/use scenarios. 'nle maxinrum aggregate arrount to be paid by the parties to the Consultant shall be $30,000.00. 'nle percentages paid by each par+.y are set forth in the Agreement. Qiglewood' s share shall be 18'4 but rot to exceed $5,400.00 . 2. The parties agree that Lakewood shall award and aaninister paynents to the Consultant in accordance with the "Consultant Agreerrent" which is attached to the Joint Study ligreellent. 'nle Joint Study Agreerrent also sets forth a list of ~ified oonsultants fran which Lakewood will accept bids . 'nle bid will be awarded to the lc,,,est responsible bidder. All funds shall be paid to Lakewood by each party prior to Lake.ood awarding the contract to the Consultant. 3. The Agreerent Lakewood will enter int o with the Consultant en behalf of the Parties is attached to the Joint study Agreem!nt. The scope of servi ces to be performed by the Consultant is attached t o the Consultant l\greerlW!nt as Exhibit A. 4. Each party is to state that it has a,tained prq,er authority fran its City Council or Board of Directors to enter into the Agreenent. 5. All plans, specifications, estimates, and any other docments or prod!Jcts develq,ed by the Consultant shall becane the individual property of each of the parties and it may be used for any purpose deered suitable by each party without requiring approval fran any other party. 6. The tenn of this Agreerent shall camenc:e upon final execution by all parties and shall terminate after receiving Consultant• s final study of Bear Creek Reservoir. 7. The Joint Study Agreenent sets forth itB1'6 which are subject to approval by a majority of the parties and the Colorado Water Conservation Board. a . Award of the consultant contract. b. Tetmination of the consultant contract. c . Any substantive arrenanent of the consultant ocntract. d . Withh · .' ding of payrrent under the ocnsultant contract for faillllc to perform. e. Acceptance of the final report and authorization of final payrrent. 8. Any airenanents or m:idif ications to the Joint Study 1,greelelt shall be in writing and executed by the parties hereto to be valid and binding . 9. If any clause or provision contained in the Joint Study Agreenent shall be judged to be invalid or unenforceable by a ooort of <Xltp!t ent j urisdiction or by operation of any applicable law, soch invalid or unenforceable clause or provisions shall not affect the validity of the l\greement as a whole and other clauses or provisions shall be given full force and e f f ect . C .,__,, CJ JOINT lrllt>Y AOIUir:KEl!r THIS ~GREEMENT en<:ered !.nto t:hi ■ ___ day of ______ , 19_, .by and between t:h• CITY OF L>.XEWOO:), a municipal corporation of the Stat:• of C0lo:1do (hare !.n aft lr cal le~ "Lakewood") 1 -:ha CITY OF ENGL?'WOOD, I munici;,11 co:-;:,orat:ion of tha St:at:a of Colorado ( hara!.na!t:ar called "Englawoo "), t:h1 TOft"N or MOUISO?i, a m:.:r.icipal cor;,ora:.ion of tha Stat:a of Colo:-1::!:, (haraina!t:ar ca.lla:1 *Y.:rrilon"); the E\"EitCRI:tN ¥.ETnO?OL~':'1'1i D?STJUCT, a &;>e:ial c!i ■tri:t cf t:ha s:1.:e o ! Colorado (her1ina!t:ar called "E,·1r;:~1n"), th• !h"'I>!AN F.!L!..S WA':I:R !:>1 S':'iUC':', a •?•C!.&l c!!.a":.:ict of -:ha State of Colc~:!o (l·,1:1!.r.a!;.1: :all•~ "Inc!!.&:t Hil!a"); the GE!:I:S!:!: ;.:A':I:R 1'Nt> S1'.NJTATI0I(· o:STit:CT, a ape:!.al ::!!.1-:-~.-i=t: of '.ha Sta-;e o! Colo:a·!· (hara !.naftar called .. G•n••••") 1 an~ X~UJC c ;._':1,3:IN Y.I':RC?C:.!':~.N ~:sTRIC?, I s;ie:ial d!.1::ic: o! -:!it s-:.a:t o! ce::.:::ira~::, (here!..:-.a.!:.tr :a.lle~ "~::nm ":. ca:~on"), all o! \.:h:m ah all he:aina!":.e: ~• rt!e::ed -:.o i:i. t:'la 1g;:1;a-:.a ~• "'?a rt ie ■" . W t T N ~ 5 ~ !: T B: 21-1-201, ll...-..l,!_g:., 1973, 11 11m1ndad, 1ncoura;11 901,•ernmen:al er.titiea to COO?e:ate with one another, ind \o.ii!::R.?:AS, the Pert!.•• wi ■h to jolntly examine ator1;1. 1;1c1 in 111r Crttk ileaervoir ; and WHERIJ.S, it i• daairabla for the Parti11 to conduct an o;,eration ■ ■tuc!y to determine how re ■ervcir level ■ will fluctuate under v1ri.ou1 hydrolQ9ic. cor..Utiona and \o.'&tar dav1lo;itr,1r.t/u1e 1cer.1rio11 and WHERI,.,S, th• Partie ■ 1gr11 to ahara the co ■t ot hirin; a Con ■ultant to conduct an operation atudy of the R11ervoir, WHEREAS, the Partia ■ agree to a ■tabl i ■h a Study COnni.ttta con1i1ti.n; of th ■ CWCB and on■ repr ■a ■ntativ ■ of tach of the ■ntitin participatin; in th ■ ,;,udy. 798811 ("'\ ~ I r NOW, '!"HERIFOJU:, !or consideration of the mut1;.al covenant ■ 1xpr1111d h1:1in and o:h•;-qood and val\.&~l• con1id1ration, the Parti11 19r11 11 follo..,·11 l. The P1::i1 ■ 1;:11 to ;iay a propcrti onat1 1har1 of the !111 for a cor.■ul:ant to con:Suct an o;:,e:ation ■ 1tudy to d1t1rmin1 how r111rvr:!.r l1v1!1 ... :111 nuc:ua:1 under vari oY ■ hydrolo;ic co ndition ■ and water d1v1lop1r.t/:J11 ■c1na:i01. ":'!\1 c-.aximum 1;;:191t1 &mou nt to be paid !:,y th1 P1:ti11 :o :he C:>n ■t::tar.: a!ia!l J:;a $30,000. ':ha Pa.:-ti11 ".-il l ;iay the !cllo\o·!.n; ;,e:e1:it1;11 of th• Co:-:.■ul:ant ' 1 -:otal !11 : ~ ::1:!.1:1 ~ill ■ G ■:-:.1111 !"J't:;:••~ X:i::i1:,n X:,:.i:-.: Ca:~:,:,, :.akao,·:::,~ !:'I;:, .. ·:,~.! CWC3 ~ s, 1e, ie, S\. . l !\ 1s, 1s, C\ Not ·o 1x;11d cor S1500 ss,oo $HOO S1500 ss~oo $5~00 ;54 00 (Ill r.;aa) Neta : :'~• ?1.::ie1 a;r•• that the Coloradc \,;a'ter c.:i~••rYat!.cn Seard "''ill a11i1-: !.n t~• 1:!..i1!.::!1t:ati0n and :oor:!i.:iatio:, of :)-.!.1 1tudy but \."ill n:I': cont:ib-.:'tt to the 1:udy co1t1. 2 . ':he ra:t!.•• a;r•• t-.hat Lakewoo::1 ■hall award an::1 a:!minilt•r p1ym1nt1 tc, the Co~■"Jlta :'l t !.:, aceordanet with the "Con ■ultant A;:eer.,ent• 11 hereinafter defined. TJ-,1 !o l!owin; en;in11r!.n; firm ■ ha\·• ■;>1ci11i%1d knowledge r•~•rdin; Bear Cr11k ~•••r,..oir a:id will !orm · ·t~.• liat of q,.:alif !.td con1.:lt1:-ita f:o:n which ~akawoo~ will accapt bi~11 7911W HcLau;hl !.n W1t1r En;in11r1, Ltd. {Ralph Toren) w. w. ~hHlar (Caorg• roaha) ' liahop, Brogdan Anociatu, Inc. (Hal Biahop) Lt,onard Rice A11oci1t11 (t.•• Rica) llatchlay Auociatu (Tad Campball) Tipton , ltalmbach (Duana Halton) J.W. •~,:ter■on and A110ci1t11 (John Patter ■on) .1/. ,,,,,-. I L__ The bid will be awarded to the lowe ■t re1pon1ible bidder. Th■ Con ■ultant ■ ■hall indicat ■ in their bida ':.he co ■t for ■uch ■tudy ;iven two dH'!■rent completion da:e1, l} 1ix DO:"lth ■ and 2} n!.ne month■• All fund ■ ■hali be paid to Lakewood by 11ch party prior to t.akewoo:i awa:din; the ~ontract to th• con ■\.ll tant. J. The a;r■em ■nt Lakew:,od ,,.,111 enter into ,,.,1th the Con1ult1n: c:1 :ia~alf of the Pa:ti•• i ■ atta:tittd h1:1to a, I:xhil:it l (h ■:1i:11ft ■r cal!ed "Ccn■ultan: 1t;r11::i1nt"), T!i ■ 1co;,,1 of 1 ■:vic11 to ba per!orm ■d by the C::,~1\.:.ltan: !.1 at:ached to tha consultant 1'9:11r.ien: aa Exh !.t>!.t A. Sa.id txh!.:l!.:1 ' .~=-• !.ncor?Qratad herein a ■ if !ul!)' ■•t !or:h. 4. ta:!, ?a:t)' 1tat.e1 :;"';at i: haa o~:ai n ■:i th ■ ;iro;,er authcr!ty !:en it.1 C!.ty C:>-.::'l:::.l c: 5:::ia:d. o! Oi:1:-:0:1 to en-;e: :.nt:, tr.!.1 A;:-al=r:■:,,t . produ:ta i!1·11lep1d tiy th ■ C:i ::■~lta!"it ■hall :le ::!'n ■ tr.a !.n::!.iv i :!:.:al ~==?•=-=~· of 11:h o! :!'la ?1::.-t!.11 a.n:! it rr,ay ?;)e 1.:s ■d !or a:,y pl.l!'?C ■e d11rr,a:! l\.:i~a.?:>la ::y ■a:h ;arty ,,.-i :!"l :i:.:-: req\!i::-!.n9 &?p::-0..-11 !:om a~y cthe: party. 6. Th ■ :e:.n of thi ■ h;r ■erner.t ahall corn.-nence u;:,on fir.al ex ■cuti:in by all Partiea and shall tern.ir.ate &!'ter receiving Con ■ultant' 1 final study cf Saa: Creak ~•••rvoir . 7 . '!'he !ol:!.owing it ■rr.1 are aubjec~. to approv&l kly a rr.ajor i t.y o: the Part i e ■ an:S thtt Colorado \ht•r Con1ervat.ion Board (i.e ., S of 6). a. Award of th• r.on1ul tant c ont ract . b . Te:inir.ation of th• co11 1ultant contract. c . Any 1ub1tantiv• amendment of the con ■ultant contr,ct. d . Withholding of p1ym1r 1t under the con ■ultant contract for failure to perform, •· Acceptance ot • .. ne f.inal report and authori,ation of final payment. 798811 0 a. Arly amendment-• or moditicaticn ■ c.o thi1 Agr••m•nt ■hall b• in writing an:S •x•cvt•d by t?1e Parti•• h ■r•to to be valid and binding. t. If any clau ■-or proviaion horein contoinod •hall l>o adjud;od to l>o invalid or un•nforceable by a court of com;i,etent juri ■di:tion or by operation of any applicable law, ■uch invalid or un•nforceable clau ■• or prov!.■ion ,ahall not af!oct tho ,•alidity o! t~.i• A9:Hmont u a wholo and all othor cloJH or provi ■ion ■ 11".all bl given !'.Jl l fc:e1 and 1!!1ct. 10. Th!.■ A;r ■■mant ■hall b1 90va:n1d by and con1tnJ1d i n acccr:!anc ■, 'with th ■ law ■ o! th ■ Stat ■ of Colo:-ado. V1nu1 ■hall be in J1f!■r1on co,;r~)', colorad:i. o: c~!!.9&:io:11 h1r1und1r i.,;i:h:it.:t :h ■ p:!or \.o'!"i':t ■n c0:l11nt c! a ::-,aj::rity c! t he ot.!"la: ?1r:i11 an~ -th ■ CWC! (i.■,, 5 o! 8). 12. Th ■ ?art!■■ agr11 and a:kno\.o'l ■:5;■ that th i ■ A;:1em1r,': rr.■y t,1 1n!ore1d in law or !.n •~ity, by da::11 o! ■r>■eifie par!o!"Tl'l&ne ■ or dam1911, er 1u:h other l ■;al o: ■quit.able rel!.af •~ may be available pl.;r ■•.;a::t ~o !aw in t?11 Stat ■ of cclorado. ':'ha ;,r ■\'&ilin; ?a:ty (Parti.11) 1hall b1 ■r,titlad to coat1, expert !111, and r1&1onabl1 attorn&)'I' !111 . 13. Thi ■ A9r1ern1nt co:lt&in ■ all cf th ■ provi1ion1, obli;atior.a, under1t1~din;1, and r1pr1a1ntatior.1 of the Partiea related to the aubjact matter of the contract. W'HEJU:FOR?, the Partie1 h1r1to have eau~ad thi ■ in ■trum■nt ,o be executed by properly l\.lthorized 1i9n1tur11 11 of thl date and year abo, e written. 7HIW I Cl:rY OP LU:ZWOOD ly1 ____________ _ A'!'TESTI APP~OVED AS TO FORM, Sy, ____________ _ By: _____________ _ City C~erk City A::orney CITY or EIIGU-00D Bra ____________ _ , . AP?ROV::D AS TO FOP.'!: !y , ____________ _ 3y: _____________ _ 0 Ci :y Attorney 1'01,')I or HORJl!SON ly1 ____________ _ AT':EST1 APPROVED AS TO FOR!! 1 By 1 _____________ _ By 1 _____________ _ City Clerk City Attorney IVEROII!~ ICEl'IIOPOLlTAII DISTRICT ATT!ST1 Iyo _____________ _ 8y1 791111 ~ lNDlAII Ill.LI Ill.TU DllfflC't l\TTEST1 ly 1 ly1 OEIIZIII WA~ A11D IJUII:rlllON A':'TEST1 DUfflC't ly1 Bys " MOUNT CMSON KETIIOPOLIVJI DllfflC't 1.=:'EST : .•. !y1 3 )'1 FINAL DRAFT 4/25/90° Exhibit l CONSULTANT J\CRJ:EKl:N ': ':811 AGR.EV'.I:I\T entered into th!.■ ___ day of ____ , 1910, by and between the CITY or w-•-r-,woo:,, a municipal corporation of the ltata of Colorado, 4~5 South Alli ■on Parkway , Lakewood, Colorado 10226 (heraina!tar eallod "City"), and ___________ _ with ofticH lo:a:od at -----------,---------(he:-1!.r.1.!ttr called '"Con1ult&nt "J. •ITNESSETH h .. ri!:?.?AS, the City of Lakewood ha ■ an'!arad !.n:o a J=!.:.t Stu~y A;:ta::-.1 ::: "''ith t~• Indian ?iil.'11 Pia:.ar :>11:r!ct, the Cana1i1 ■ W/''"e:· a:.d San!.:1'!!.:i:'\ C!.1'!:!ct, the Ev ■:-;:aan Hat:o;,ol!.tan O!.a:r!.c:, -=~• :c~·n of Mcr:!10:1, ~01.::.: car~or. M1t:0p:1!it1n D!.■tr!c: an:S :ha ci:y o! tn;l11,10;d <~•=•i:a!'!ar ca!:1~ "?1:t!.11·), :aqarc!i.n; t he 511.:-C:11k R111rv:,i: Opa:-a:!.c:i s::.i:!y; an:! WH!:P.E:AS, ;,ur ■uant to 11!.d .:o!.nt Study A;:eemen:. L'TLO:'\; the Partie ■, t.!ie c ~ ty ha ■ a;read to •••rd an:S adm i ni ■ter a contract !o: the Bear creek R•••rvoir Operation Stu~y; and W!i!:REJ.S, ,the ?artia ■ will aach pay their prop:.r:!.onate ■hare of t!ie Con11.:ltant • ■ f••• to Lakewood; and h"liE:lttJ.S, the Part!•• and the Colorado Water COn ■ervation Beard \o.'ill be' r1pr•■•nted on a Study Convnitt•• which will be re1pon1ible !er techr.i cal and tllln19erial deci1ion1 as de1cr i bed in Exhibit AJ a.nd hitEREAS, the Con ■ultant i ■ one of ■even en9ineerin9 firm ■ with apecial knowl4td9e re91rdin9 Bear Creek, and IIHEIU:J\S, th• Con111ltant WH tho lowelt, bHt quollfied blddor on tho project I and C ' 1,'. w,a:~, th• bid of the Con1ultant ha ■ been accepted !.n accordanc1 with th• a ■ction ent~tled •study Mana9omont • in the Scope of Study and tho con1ultant w11h11 to cont:act with th• C!.ty1 NOW, TMEJU:FO~, for con1id1:at!on of th• m1tual cov ■nan:1 1xp:1111d h1:1in and oth ■r good an:S valuable con1id1ration, the City and the Con1ultant a;:11 a ■ !ollow11 1. SS921 pf St""vic:t ■· Th• Con1ultant 1;r111 to conduct an o;,erat i ~n• ■tudy to d1t1rmin1 how r111rvoir level ■ at liar Cr11k P.111rvoir will !luctu"a~ under v 1riou ■ hydrolo;i c con:Hticr.1 and water d1v1lo;xn1nt/1.:11 1c1nar!01 . ':hi con,i.:l :ant ■hall provide th• full ran;• o! 11rvic11 outlint.J in th• attached !:xhi~it A, Sear c:11k R111rvoir o;,arat!.on Study, whi=h i ■ r.iadt a ;:iart h ■r•=! by r1!1:1nc1. ~ 2. Ti:nt 9 1 COmPltt l on• The co:11ultant'1 -..,o:k i ■ to ~• co::ip!a:1~ \._. by __________ 1990, ' v J. Com21011; • on and !4 11 ino ,or Strv' c:11 . c~m~n•ation ■hall b ■ <,;,, th• bui ■ of tho bid ~rico. Tho Cor.1uloan< ..-111 bill tho City monthly !o< 1/6 oe l/9 of the total bid ;,ric ■ b111d on a 6 month or 9 month time ot cc..,;,!atio:i 11 atat ■d in ■action 2. ':h ■ City ■ha.11 pay the Con ■ultant within ,fl day ■ a!ter receipt of each bill. The la ■t 1/6 or 1/9 ;,aymant, however, ■hall br r:ad1 only upon accaptanc■ of the final report. by a majority of th■ part!.11 an:S t.hl Cclorado "ater Con11rvation Board (i.e ., 5 of 8). Should work beyond that described in the Scope of Study be req\:tlt.ld due to ur.1nticip1t11:S davelopant• encountered durinq execution of the ■tudy, it will be paid for 11 extra 1ervic11 at a coat 1;r1ed u~n by the City and the Con1ul0t1nt. Such approval · for extra worlc ahall be 9iv1n only L., writin9 and in 1ccord1nc1 with provi1ion1 of th• Joint Study Agre1rn1nt among the partloo. Nothin9 in thl.a contract ohall preclude th• conoultant frc.. contractl.n9 indopendontly with any of the Partl.1 ■ for aorvicoo relAtod to thl.o Scope of Study. 101011 4. CtilAra l .. ,.,u, A. All ;,lan,, 1pecUication1, ••ti.mate ■, and &r.}1 other do:um1nt1 ci product• developed t-y th• t:on1ultant un::i•r thi 1 A;:11r.i.1nt 1h1ll b1co:::1 the individual p:o;,arty of ea;h of the ?arti••, a. :-he con,u i.tant !.■ an independent contra:tor, and nothin; h1:1!.:, contained ■hall cor.•:it1.:t1 or d11i;r.at1 the Con ■ultar,t or ar.y o! the Con ■u!tant'■ 1mploy111 or 1q1nt1 11 1:r.pl0y111 or a91nt1 o'! the C!.':y or :i:t.1: Part!.11. The contractural relatior.11-.i;, cr11.t1d h1r1:.:nd1r h1tw11n th ■ City • •?\.~ the Con ■ultant 1h1ll not 1'!!1:t or :11tri:t the con1ultar.•:•1 1n;a;1:r,1r.t ,,.-!,':?'l other \.:atar u11r1 o:, 911r C:-11k or co~1-:!.t:.:t1 a conflict o! !.nt1:11t !.:, o'! thi ■ A;:1em1n:. the !'ollowin9 i n ■ura nce c:ive:a;e ■: 1. At.:to::-to~il1 Lia:li!ity (incl\:din; o,,,.n ■d, no:-:.-own1d, and h!.rl~) in an amount not ler ■ tha.n Fi\'I ih.1.ndr1d :'ho.:■and a:id Ho/::..oo :>=llar ■ (SS00,000 .00) coml:>:.n•d 1ir.;l• lki <. 2. Wc..rkar' 1 corn;,er.aation in com;,U.anc■ 1,:ith th• Worker• 1 Compen ■at~o ., Ltw of the Stata o! Colorado. 3. Corr.pr1h1nrive . General liability (incl:.1din9 pa:■or.al inj\:ry) in an amount not 1111 tl';an Five Hundr•~ Tho\:aand and No/!00 Oollar.1 (SS00,000 .00)1 coml:>in•d 1in9!1 limit ~e r bod ily injory and/or proporty dazr,a9•. The abov1-ref1r1nc1d covera;11 1h&ll be obtained !ro:n ir.■\:r1t:ice cotr.panie ■ "acceptable to th• City, t.nd certificat e ■ of in ■\:ranc• evidencin; 1uch cover•;•• 1hall be furni1h1d to th• JU ■k Manager ot the City not later than ten (10) day ■ •ub11qu1nt to th• li9nin9 of thi ■ A9r1-nt, or thi ■ A;raeunt ■hall be daeud null and void. Prior to cancellation, or ut ■rial chan9e in, any requi1it• .policy, thirty (30) day• written notice ahaU be 9iven to th• City through it ■ Rillt Han•9or. /i \ C D. No \o:aiver of 1ny o! the p:ovi1ion1 of thia A;reemen: ■hall be deemed to con ■t!tut• a waiver cf any other ;,rovi ■J.on h1:1in, no: ■hall ■uch waiver con1titut1 a continuini \o:lh·er unle11 othet""''i ■• ex;,re11ly ;,:ovidtd, nor ■hall th• waiver of any d■!ault hereunder be deemed a waiver of any 1ub11r., ant default h1r1und1r , E. ':hi ;>9r!or1tanc1 of th• work r..ay be t1:,r,inat1d 1t any tir..t in who!■, or !rom t!.m ■ to t!.rn ■ in ;,art, :y th• C!.ty u;,:in 1;r11m1nt_ o! a r::1j0:!.,ty of th• Part!.■• and the Colorado Water cor.11rv1tion Boa.rd (i ,1. 5 of 8) !or 'it~ conv1r.i 1n:1. Any ■uch ttr:nin&t!.on ■hall bt af!tcttd by d1liv1ry to ~~• C:in1ult1nt o! a wr!.ttr,,n. notice (•Notice of '!'ern:!.nation"} by c1rtifi1d r.:ai1 to ttit C0n1'.l!tant'1 c!t .t c ■ ■;:,eci!y !.n ; th• extent -:o which ;,1r!o:r..anc1 of th~ w:irk !.1 t•~ir.&t1d and -:.he C:1-:1 -..;:,on i..:hich t1rr..ir,1tion b1com11 1f!1c-:!.v1.. ':~!.■ A;:11r.11r.t r.,1.y alao !:>• t1::n!.:-:&t1d !:>y the Cor.1-..ltant !.n :he event cf a r.:1:1:!.al I~ d1!1ult ~y the C!.::y, p:ov!.d1d :h• C0:11i.:lt1nt }'.11 f!.:■t. i ~C\•!.dad th ■ C!.tj' ...-:.:!'1 '-written n:>'t!.ce e! t!'l, c!t!a-..!t · a:,,d th ■ City ■hal! have !ailed t:, C\::e :he 1p1cifi1d default \o:ithin seven (i) dar ■ o~ :-acei;,t o! the ttotic ■• i.f -:!ii ■ A;r11:nent i ■ t1rrr.inat1d, th• Con ■ultant ■hall bt entitled to :atain ~&)~,■n-:.1 received to ~he da~• of the te:mir.&tion pl\:■ • prc:ata ■hare of ~h• nex-: payment t,1.1ed on the date of t ■r:d nation. u r. Venue of any 1uit or cau ■I of action under thia A9:e1ment 1!,all lie in J1f!1r ■on County, Colorado. T}'oie A9r11m1nt i ■ 9ov1rn1d by the la...-1 of th• State of Cclo:ado. a. Record ■ of Con1ultant•1 Standard Tim■ Char911 pertaininQ to the project 1t-.all be kept on a ~•nerally rlCOQni&ad accc,untin9 baei ■ ant! 1hall be available to the City or it ■ authorized r1pr11ent1tiv1 1,t "!utually COfl\"lr,ient time ■• It i ■ a9r1ed · that the City'■ authorized r1pr111nt1tiv1 and th• authorized repr111ntativ1 of any other entity which i ■ a party to th■ Joint Study A9r11m1nt dated _______ , ■hall have &CCIII to any book ■, document ■, paper ■, and record ■ of th• Con ■ultant which are directly pertinent to thl ■ 1peclfi1d A9r1ement for the purpo■• of makin9 audit 1xulnation ■, 4 excerpt1, and tranac:-ipt1. It ia a;reed that any 1uch exuiination by 1uch repre1entative ■hall be permitted at the colorad~ office of U·,1 C0n1ultant , upon :ecai;,t of a cortif l ed lotter frOID any ?arty to the Joint Study A,:tti:.tot . H. Thi• A9:1ecient it for th• expe~ 11rvic11 of the Conaultant an:! may not 01 a1 ■i9n1:! in whole or ~•rt "!ithout the written cor.11nt of a maj:::!.ty of the ?artJ.11 and th• cwc.s ( 1. •., 5 cf 6). I. It !.■ unde:atood and 19:11::! that the employmer.t cf :ha Con1ultant by th ■ City !or the -;,urp:,■11 of ■aid project ■hall ?:>1 1xcll.:1i\·~: but the conaultant 11",all ha,•• the ri9ht to ar.-,;>l oy ■uc!'I a11iatanc1 •• rr.&)' ~• req,Ji:1::! !or the ;,e:-!o:manc1 of th!.■ A;:11:nan:. Sa!.d c:,r.aultant ahall ba r11pon1!.0!1 !or t!.• co:r,penaat!.on, in ■u:an:1, I:):! all c!arical datail i ::,·::·:1'!! in t!'la •~rlo).n ■nt of auch 111i1ta:)C ■. · J , ':'ha Conaultar.t ■hall ac~ !.n cor.!:,:-manc• wi:h a!l ap;,l!.:1~~• ■tat ■, !e:1aral, cot:nty 4nd C!.ty la..,., and 0:d!.r.1nc11. K, Th• Cor.■ultant a;r••• ~o furn!.ah all :1;,c:-t1 and/er t!:-1.:!.n;1 with the 11al of a p:o!aaaional en9!.n11r affixed hereto where auch 111! !.a allo..,·ed Oy law at the di t'ICt ion of the City. t.. Th• City 19:111 to tender payment to the Conaultant i:, accordance with the term ■ of thi ■ A9r11m1nt. M, Should any ttctlcn cf thlt A,roomont be found to bt invalid, it. ii a9r11d that all other aection ■ ■hall remain in full force an.\ af!tct a ■ thou9h 11v1rab!e frOr1 the part invalid. N'. Th• COn ■ultant ahall not di ■cri.minat,, 19ain ■t any uploy••· or applicant for employment b1caua1 of race, color, creed, ■ex, reli.9ion, or national orl9ln, C D 1:U:CUTID thia _____ _ day of ______ , 1990. ATTESTr lya _____________ _ ATTES':': By, _____ , ________ _ Xaren Gold::la .n, City c!erk APPRO\'tD AS TO FCRM: Byr _____________ _ City Attorney 1010W CONSut.::ANT1 ly a. _______________ _ CITY or ~WOOD • hPPROVED AS TO CONTEN':'1 Richard J . Plutino t'irector of Public Work■ 6 '126/90 SCO?E OF STUDY BEbR CREtK RESERVOIR QfE?.ATIQNS SjUDY !n.roouc t io;, !n ?-~ay, 1979, the Indian Hills Wa:e: Di st:ict , :he Ge~•see ~at t : anO San i tation Di st:!c t, the Ev •:9:een Metropo l itan Di s t rict, and the To wn o! Mcrriso~ :eq~es t ed sto:a9e s~1ce in tht ?t:ffi anent pool i n Bear Creek lese:vo!: !:o~ th e D•~a::~tn:,· of Natu:al Resources . The :e s e:voi: is a Cor;s of !n9i~ee:1 1 !l ood c~~t:ol facili t y lo:ated on 3ea: C:!e k near Latew~o~ and Mo::isc~. The then ~xe:uti ~e Di:~cto: o! :h e De;a::~tn: ;ave te ~tative &?pro v al :o :~ese :equests, wh ich to:a l ed 305 a .~., on :he c o~~i t io n :ha : t~e St ate wou l d no t ,:ant !inal a~p:cval ~n:i! a :o~?!ete o?era t i~; ~l a ~ ~as r~~rni :t ed ~y e a ch !~:i:y ·!o: :ev ie~ ~y :he De?~=:~e ~: •~~ un t ~! •~?:ova l ~es se:~:ed f:ora t he Co:ps o: ~~g i neers. Ad ~i ticnal s~o:age s pa:~ ~a s ~e e ~ ::;~es ~ed ~y ~:~=s~t. !ve:;:ien, Mt . Carbon and :he Ci:y ~! ~i t ewood !J : t he st orage c! m~niciial ·and aug~en~a:i on ~ater s~ppli es . Mo:rison has a~v i sed all parties t hat :t ~i l l :!l i ~qu i s~ 10, a.~. of S?ace. Th i s S?a:e has been reass:9ne~ to Ge r.esee .s pe: t :.e i r ~r i t te n re~ues:s . The requests !c: stc:age s pace s ~bseque n: to these r~guests t otalled 20 2 5 a .f. In February, 1988, the City c~ :::ngl~''?od re~ues:e~ ~t,a t they be included with the other six enti t ies a, a recipient o! stora9e space in Bear Creek Reservoir. The six entities did not object to Englewood 's ?articipation in this study or use of s t orage capacity in Baar C:eek ?.eservoir provided that : a . Their sto r age in t he pe:ma~e ~t ?OOl is not ad v ersely a~!ected, b . En9lewood's reguest for 600 a .f . of storage sp ace will b·e accommodated on l y in the flood control pool, c . Increasing the amo unt of storage in the flood control 'pool by 600 a .f . will not prevent Corps of En9ineer1 approval of a pl dn of au9mentation, and d. The cost of the study and the evaporation 1015 on tht permanent pool would be shared by En9lewood . 8498?:-4 C subject to these conditions Enqlewood'I reque1t for 600 a.f . of storage space will be evaluated in the three alternative reservoir sto:19e scenarios . At the February l0, 1989, meeting the state requested a storage 1ccocnt and sug 9ested that allowing such an account might help reduct or mitigate some impacts of eor.11rv1tion stora;t. In order to acconmodate the re~uest and evaluate tht impacts, a Scenario "D" has been atded that allows the statt a 2,000 acre foot account. :he adtition of thi1 account to the stuGy will bt handled ao that: Cl) it will not adversely ~mpact any participants ability to sto:e in the permanent pool and (2) it will not prevent the Co:ps o! Eng:nee:s from approv~ng ato:age by any participant in 3ear C:eek Lake. Th:s aGdition b:ings t he total re,uests fo: stora91 to a total of 4,62& acre feet , To adtress conce:ns wi:h respect to the i~pac: cf !lu;tua:ing :ese:voi: levels on p:esent a~d tu:u:e re:rsa:ional facil i ti6s and ~ses wi:hin :he rese rvo i r a:ea, the i~volvt ~ pa::its ~ave a;:eed to co~!~ct ~n O?era:io~s s:uty to ~e:1:c i ne how =~s!:voi: levels ~~11 !l~=t~ate ~n6e: va:ious by~:olo t i: con~~:~o~s &~O wa:e: 6e?e l c?m~n:/~s~ s:e~a:ios .· :~e stu~y scena:~cs a ~~ a SCC?e o~ s:u~y we:e a;:ee~ ~pon at a r.iee:i!:g of t!",e er.:i t=.:s on Ji.;-:il 27, ~;e7. :tevisio:.s were r.1aOSr ?\::s,.;an: :o a le:tte: ~a:ed h~~1.:st 31, :987. f:om the six entit i es, ~iscuss i ons at a meeting on Fe~:u !:y 1 0, 1929, and as a resu :t of !inal cornmeri:s :eceiveo !rom ::le e:nti-:.i es be:· ... ·ee:i :.p:il 2, an~ April :9, H90. This SCO ?~ of study Gets fc·:th the a nalyses ,11:ich will !:>e reg'.lired cf t he engineerbq consult i n9 firm reta i neO ~o ?erform the O?&rati~ns s:u~y. Each major e l sment of tbe stuty is set forth below. Pepr,anent PooU!.U. The Corps of Engi~ee:s has advised that the elevation of the cutlet ,tructure 1s at sssa.oo and the reservoir vol~me below this elevation constitutes the permanent pool . The pertinent permanent pool ~•ta from the most recent area-capacity tables is as follows: outlet Elevation (f tl ssse.oo' Permanent Pcol Volume Ca , f, l 1927 -2- Permanint Pool Area <acres} 107 Hydroloqic Svstem Tht hydrologic period to be modeled 11: Calendar year, 19,9 -1957, unless another period is ucommtndtd by the consul tan: and apprO\'td l>y tht study commi tttt, B•••rvoir storage scenarios rour 1lttrnative resa:voi: storage scenarios shall be evlllllttd: A. 40S a.~. of storage space ~,de available for Indian Hills, Genesee, Ev&r,reen, Morriso~. Mt. car bon and Lakewood in the 1927 a.!. pe ~rnan e ~t poo l , as contemplated in :he earlier re~uest ~y the e~:lties [En;lewood vill no: ~ave a storage Si&Ce allo:a:ion in the permanent pool). 3, ,os a.t . o! stora;e S?a:! raa~~ ava i :abl9 in the pe:ffiane n: pool as ~n A, and an a6d i tional 2220 a.f . c! s pace ma~e availa ~le !c: G~nesee, Ev!:;:een, M~. Ca:~on. Lake~:>o~. a~d ~nglew~od in ~~a: i s no~ :he !lood :o:it:o l p~ol . C. 262S a.t. o! s:or,;e spa:! ma~9 avai!abl! !c: all enti:!es, inclu~i:ig :::i;le·woo~. sol~l y in v:!at is ·r,:>w t~e flood con:rol ?Ool . D. 462S a .!. cf storage space made avail1~l e fo: all entit i es, incl udi ng t t.e state, sc,le!y in ·,,:ha: is now the flood control pool . A simple accounting procedure shall be used to account tor the storable inflows, releases to the :iver. and evaporation losses. The diagrams below illustratl the reservoir content ~eena:ios. C C: ~1;;:;~Eil!IQ A Flood I Control I I Pool I I ----------1------------------1 I Stora9e I ?en.an•n~ I Accounts ('OS) I Pool I S!;;;;N~.l!i Q ll Flood I I Cont r ~l I I !'-ool 1------------------1 I St cra 9 e I I ,..ccoi.::l:s ( 2220 l I ----------1------------------1 ?e::r,a:,e:-J:. I St o :a9s I ?ool I A:co1:nt s ( ,os l I I sc:::i-~,?.:o C :'lood Cor.~:ol I ?ool I I 1------------------1 I Stora9e I I Acc ounts (2625)1 ·----------1---------·--------1 Perma nent Pool Flood Control Pool I I I I SC;N.'.R!O D I I I 1------------------1 I Stora9e I I Accounts (2625)1 1------------------1 I State I I Accounts (200011 Permanent-1--------~ --------1 Pool -4- Volume Elevation Area ,1;a :11tl .lilJ.ll .l.J.lllll 1927 SSSB .00 107 Volume Ele\'at i on A:ea r 1~•1 tl!t l il.llil .l.J.i.a1l 410 SS73. 97 17S" 1>27 SS SB.00 107 .\.'o lurr.a :Elsva:io n 1-.:u (a c re .. e e t) c•u~) .L!..i.a!.l 4552 5576 .19 190 1927 555B .OO 107 Volume Elevat i on Area (acre "'eetl illlll .t!ilU.l,'•:: . 6552 SSBS .25 25B 3927 5572.68 167 1927 555B.OO 107 Storas, Accoun!s Sto:age acc oun:s , w~ich will be located e ithe r in the per~anent pool or i n the !lood cont r ol pool, or ~0 th , depentin9 on the reservoir st ora ;e scenario employed : will be made available in the follow i ng amounts: ?t:manent ?ool flood ~ lli!.l ~ s:ena:io h&B Scu:ario B S:ena:io C Scenario D Sa te ln~ian Hill s Wate: v~st:ict Genesee vi6:er & S?a::e availa~le 2S a.!. s,a:e avail6b!e 0 S?&:e 2000 available 25 I • f . 25 I . f. San it a:ion Dist:ic: 100 a .!. 100 a. t. 200 a .!. 2bo.:a.f. ~ve:;-:een ?-~e-::o . Dist:i:t !o~n Q! M~::iscn ?•::. :a::io~ :.-ar.~-...•oo~ !n;le.:oo~ :, a.!. :0 •. ~. 370 0 ,;oo ::,0 c:ic 2L2J a .!. soo so a.!. !SO a .!. 500 a.'!. ,;o o a .'!. 2':25 a .!. soo a ._!. a. f. so a . a .!. tS O a. a. f . 600 a. a.!. 60 0 a. !, • f . ':I:? s a . !~ ::e~&::o A. :~s:; c:; s~c ro;e ac:c~n:s :e;:es:n::~; :~~ C o:i;i~;l 1979 :9;u~s:s !,: 30; o.!. e~ s~c=~ ;:~s ;o a.f. ea:h !o: ~:. Ca :bon a~O Late~:c6. Th ese s:x ac:o~~:s a:e ;.:~:~:~ :~e ~e:~a ~en : p~ol. T~e s:a:e ;.:o~l! sto:e unte r i :s =~~h:s i n ~:io :i :y :o t~e Exte~: :~5: Sia::e is availa~!e (~scan:)~~~ release ~ater '!:o~ ::s !:co~~: ~henevs : a~y ~~~i :y ~ss a~l ~ :o sto:: u~:er it s :ig~:&. :n Scena:io 3. tbose same six stor•9e acco~c:s remain ~ithin t ha perraanent pool and an additional five s:orage a:cou nts a:e lo:ated ,i:hin :he flood control pool, which ri~es on :op of the permanen: ?OOl. It is suggested ttat A9en cies operate off the top o: !::~ the flood co~t rol acco~nt fi:st p:ior to opera:ing in :~e permanent poo l . The s:ate w~uld o~erate 45 in Scena:io A. The stu~y c on sulta n: co~ld also recomcen d that the sta;e have an ac :u al stora ;e acc ocnt cf a certa i n size if such ap;ea:ed to be a mo re tesirable alter~at i ve in terms c: ~in~mizing !luctuatio~s . This a:cou~t ·would be i n the flood control pool . In Scenario C, there are no storage accounts in the per1uneJ\t pool . Rathe:, there are seven storage ace-,unts (one for each entity) !or 262S a.f ., all located i n the flood control pool. The state would operat e aa i n Scenario Band have some type of account. Scenario Dis the same as Scenario C, except t ha t the state would now have an actual acco unt f or 200 0 acre feet and would _not attempt t o oper~t• solely to minimize vacant storage space. -5- r'I T1olo se.:s o: :\lr.s 01y be desired !o: all four scenuios. The first set of runs shall~ any consideration o! "bookovers" between stora9e accounts. 7ht second set o! :uns, which is opt i onal. would consider .:he "bookovtr• concept if 1uch a?peared ~o be a viable concept. The consultant shall 1ubmit cc1t1 for per!ormin9 the st~dy both wi.:h and wi:hout cons!~eration o! "~ookovers 11 • A 11 bookove:" allo~s an entity with a full accouct to "bockover" water i.: ~ay have available to a less .:han !ull account of anotter entity :o avo!d the spill o~ such ~1ter. !he a::ounting proce~u:es. cal:ula:icns an~ ~orkshe•~s p:esented ~erein ~e:e ~evelo;ed ~efo:e the concept o~ 11 bockove:s•• ~as s~;qes:e~ !c: inc!usion ~n t~e O?era:icns st~ty . 1~:lud i ng :~is conce?t may requ~:e s i9ni ~icact cta~;es to all th! tab l es a~d the calcul~t~o~s. ~he co~s~l:an: will t~e:e~ore ~e :e;~i:ed :~ scbrr.it t~e app:op :ia:e set c: ?:O?ose! accoun:!n g :a~les to th e stufy co ~:i ::~e !o: :ev~e~ ~e!c:e ?r~c~~~i~; ~~:~ :~st a~aly;is. ?::iv:t~~; ~:i fe! =~~s ~it~ 11 j ockcve :s"' ~~ll ~z : legal!y co:~:: ac ec:i:y :o ma~e ::s s:o:a;e a·:::i ~~t avai~aj!e :n t~e !u:~:e t,: s~c~ '1 ~0:ik:v s:s 1', a~~ a:y i ssue s a~:i~: :~e ~e:~:! -6 rnar.::1; '1 !;):,:r.cvs:s 11 s~.a ~l ~= :e!'e::s,d t:i :he St·J :y C::r.rr.::::e des:::~e~ ~e:::n . :o s:c?!~!y :~e o~e:a:ic~s s:~!y. :~e ass~~?::cn will ~e ~ade :~a: tte ~e•~3~s~: ~col av~ :t e s::i:3 ce ac:o~~:s :he;ein are !ull a: t~e be ~inni nq o! :he !::s: ~a:ez y:a: {O:tob e: l) and :hat sto:a ;e o! in!lo•s. releases to :he :ive:. and e va~o:a t i on l osses will be made on tta: ba sis. Storab!e inflo~s in £x:ess of .releases f:~m tte acccucts and _eva?o:at i on lesses wi!l ~e c:e6ite4 to the sto:age accoun:s of :he entities u;, to t :ie :7,ax irr,u m allc1.able ·accoi:~: c on,en:s. lle:uses .:o :?:e river a nd evapo:ation lesses will ~e ma~e from tte sto:a~e accounts. Eva?o :atic~ !:sses will be co ~?Ute~ ~ased o~ :te · percentage o! t~e total :eservoi : co n:~~t s al locat ed to ea:h en:ity. It ~ill ~e ~u:ther a ~su me4 in tte cpe:a tion st~dy that storage s~ace a?cve the ~e;rr.acer.t nool has ~o ~ate; in i; at Start Up. Evaporati~n Loss Rates The Division l Water Court approved the tollowin9 av1ra91 net evaporation rates in Case #82CW425, application of tht City ct Morrison tor water ri9hts in Bear creek Reservoir , which '-...,/ 1vera9e evaporati~n rater will be used for all hydrolo9ic cycles: -6- Jan1:1:y . 2 in ,Ol7 ft February . 6 in . 050 ft Muell l. s in .125 ft April 2.2 i:i .183 !t May 3,0 in .250 ft Jun• s .s in ,458 !t July 6.0 i:i .so o ft 11uq1:1t s.o in .417 ft S1pt11 • .>et 3,0 in .250 ft Octo::>u 2.0 in .167 !t Novembu • 6 i:i .oso ft D1cembe: .A.in ~ 30 ~:i:bes 2 .S felt Tba ab~v1-lirted eva?ora:ion :ates ~ill ~e used unless:~• eonsulta:it recorame:i~s a di!farent set o! :ates .~ic~ 1:1 l??rov1d by tilt StlllY eom~ittee. !:vaoo;a:5 on :icss Y,at:eu;, !Va?o:1::0~ lesses 3:e :~ ~e ~a~e u; i~ t~e ca=~•= ~as::i~e1 ~elo~. ~his ~e:~c~ c! alloca::on ~as a;:eef to~== these stu!y ?U:?cses o~:y a~d is ~o: ~~!n: :o ?:e:!u~! cons~de:a:i~~ c! o:he: ~•:~ots :te =~~s~l:ac: ~:;t: ~is~:~ ~:o?ose :o :he s:u~y :,~::::ee !o: co~s:te:a::cn.; 7 he en:it:as req~~sting s:or3ge acco~=ts in 5ea: ::eek Late will~• reQui:e~ to p!ovife replace~et: ~,:a: !o: ;o ?t!cent of :~e eva?o:ation losses oc:~:::n; en :~e pe:~ar.ent pool. The s:a:e of Colcrado ~ill p:ovi~e re?l ace~er.t ~at~: for tte rema i nir.g $0 per:ent o~ the eva?ora:ion losses the:e f:om . T!lt evaporation loss make1:p req\!i:e·ments for t.he perr.aner.t ;,ool, ?>ased o:i (a) 4~5 a .:. and .( b) tile c~::ent reques~s of 2625 a.f . 1:e as follo~s : , 97 2 r-1cuests• cu:;ent P,1cJi=e1ts ,'\ I' :::vap. E\"I?, c~a;;t ._: 11mount Loss c~.ar ce bl!!2.ll.ll icOSI State S0.00\ S0.00\ Indian Hills 25 a. f. 3 ,09\ 25 I• f • ,48\ Ganesee 100 a. f. 12,35\ 200· a.f. 3. Bl\ Evergreen 130 a. f. 16,0S\ 500 I, f. 9,52\ Morrison so a.f. 6.17\ so I. f. .9 5\ Mt, Carbon so a. f. 6. l 7\ 6 SO a.!. 12. 38\ Lakewood 50 I, f. 6.17\ 600 I, f, ll,43\ Enqlewood §Q!! .. ,. U,iU 405 a. f. ~ 2625 I, t, 100\ as m0Hfied Evft:;reen may wish to claim cp to 750 a.:. and would be responsible :0: any additional st~ly costs associated there,:ith. 2. Storage Account Evaporative Less Replacement: In ad~ition to replacing evaporative losses !rem :he permanent pool, ~ach entity will be assessed evapo:a:ive lcSses en ~a:er actua11v s;o~•d in its reservci: stor1;1 acco tnt . Rep?acem!nt o! evaporaiive losses f:om an tr.tit l es sto:age acco~nt will be the sole and di:£ct responsibility o! :~at er.tity .. StcCv na:a tc b~ ?:ovi~~~ T~e !olJ o~i~g basi: data wi ll~! F:ovi6ed tc the co~s~ltant ~ fot t ~9 O?e:atic ns s:~~y. ~-,a-:a~a:i:v Tah;es. :~e Co:ps c! ~n;i ~ee:s ~a s p:ovi~ed thi! mos: :ece~t a:ca-:a;,!ci:y r.-':>les, Cate~ :u:.t , !;56. ':h e !??CO?t ia:e :ab!es t~: t~e stu ~y a:e a::a:hed. §:0•5~~; ic~,o~ !~~ ?e 1;as~s. !3:h e~ti:y sha l l ;:o~i~e the ~~--~-:.c .,~ :~e fcll;~i~; i~!::~sticn !c: :~e tyt :clo;i: seg~e ~ce :o ~f eval~a:~t: a ) ~ lis: vf all •ate: :i;h:s t~at ~i!l ~e useC !o: s:c rag e. a~;menta:ic~ an~ eva;cra t:on ~ake~?- b) :~e amocn: cf ~~:E:, on a ~on:~:y ~asis, :~at t~e &~:ve ~ate: :ight s ~il! vield ~o: st~:ace in 3ear Creek ?.ese:voi:. [A mor.:~ly time s:•p ;ill be used tnless :t-:e consultant recomme:i~s !:io::-:E::::-t:.1uc inc:err.ent to :he Stu~y Co:nmitteeJ c) ~~e amount ot ~a:e: tha: will ~eed to be reltased !rem ea:h e~tity•s st~::-a;e accc\!n: to the :iver en a mcnth!y ~asis :o a ·:;rr,e r,t oi.::..:o!-prio :ity ~epleticns at !ull :rJil:!o\!t. [Scree or all of th~s data rnay tave bee~ develcped alrea~y. either as part o! an 0,e:ating plan or as ~•rt o! a cotrt decreed plan of au;mentation .J Accountiao procedur..!. An accounting proce~ure to simulate reservoir elevations, atored inflows, evaporation losses, and storage release, to the river shall be utilized as set forth herein to operate the 1y1tem. The tables described below and in Appendix A shall be '---' prepared to ~id in data computation and in carrying out the oparations .study . _However, •• notea in the section on •study -8- P:oducts" the consul:ant .·ill be :equ!:ed to c:i;i::a:e ~ro;rams I'""\ and systems compatible with IBY.-?ChT software :ather ttan ~sing ~ \ manual calculations as shewn on the sample tables and calculations. The a::ac~ed tables and calculations were prepa:ed before the "boctcve:" cancept was consi~e:ed in the cperations stu~y . The cc~aulL•nL will therefore need to prepare another set of tabl es that include the "bookove:• concept or revise the at:ached tables acco:dingly should the 1tu~y committee decide at the time of crntractin9 to pu:sue this option. While the water budget in Table 4 is su!!!:ie::t to model the fluctca:ion o! the ~otal :eservoi: contents, a more de:ailed o?eratio::s a nalysis c! each enti:!es' stc:a;e account will bo necessary :o ir.su:e tha: each er.:ity has su!!icien: Etora;e rig~ts to satis!y bo :h its aur,rnen:ation reQui:e~en:s and its eva?c:&tion obligation on tne ?errna~ent pool. Table 1 -s:o:able ln !lo~; ~•=~ e~:ity ~ill prov:!e a ta~ula:ion c! :he s:o:a~:e ~~~lo~s to t he =~se:vc:r, ot a m~n:~ly basis. !o: the ~yt:olo;i: S!~uen:e 5~aly;e6 unte: :~e ~a:er ::;~:s i: ~:11 a!loca:e to 3&a: C:f~k R~se:v:i:. :~is i~!c:~5tion is a::&:~~~ as A??e~t~x ~ :o :~~s S:o?~ o! 5:~ey. ~ach enti:y ~ill ?:ovi~e a :a~~!a:i~n o! the =~le~£!S !:o~ :he :ese:,·oir, c.•n a rr10:r:.~ly basis, !ha: \o.~:.11 ~e n~•'!!ed :.o :ov!: i :s o~t -o!-?:io:ity ~ive:iio~s. T~is ~n!~:~a:io~ ~s a!so pa:t o~ A??enCix 3. Table 3 -Eva?c:ation Lo sses Wc:kshee:. These worksheets prov:.te !o: a systematic calcula:.ion o! the monthly evap~:a:io~ lesses !rom t~e total :eservoi: contents as well as the a·H•::aation of these losses to the pe~ma~ent pool and the stora;e accoun:s ·. ~ab:e 3A is tor Sc~nario A and Ta~l e ~3 is fo: S:e~a:ios S, C and D. Table, -F.ese:voir Operating ?lan Table 4 is an ac:o~n:in9 of begir.ning of the month (30!~) contents, iotal i=tlows, releases to the riv~r. evaporition losses, account spills and the end of month (EOM) contents. It also provides the end of montt, (.!:OM) reservoir eleva t ions . Table 5 -Accounting Sheets Table 5 is an individual accounting Rheet for each entlty (Table 5-State , etc.) that account ■ for inflows, release, to the river, evaporation losses, account spills and the BOM contents a~d EOM contents of each acr.ount . -9- C I ·l (".. Table 6 -Stora,e Accour.ts Sumir.a:y Table 6 summarizes the total coa:eats cf the sto:a9e accounts. Table 7 -Permane~t ?ool Summary Table 7 monito:s :he condition o! the pe:ttanent pool to ass,re t~at it is p:operly maintained. ~te objactive o! the ope:ating pla~ is ~o maintain :he ~e:~&ne~t pool a t er abov e 1522 a.!. in Sce nari o A and 3 o: at 1927 a .!. in Sce~,a:io C aad !), Re l eases :o the :iver and evapo:ation cbl i;atio~s ~y :he e~ti:i es ~ill ~e ffia~e ~po! eithe: :iv~! i~flows a~d/c: :eleases t:om thei: s:o:a ;e. A~y defici:s a:c~~ula:ed by an e~t~:y in :ove:i~; its sha:e of evapo:ati Qn losses to :he p~:manent ?O~l will ~e =~ve:ed by :~e fi:st ava~:a~le in!lc~ a:c:~ing :o t~a: ~n:i:y. :he ~!xi=~~ co ~:e =: :! ~a:h ~:o:a;e a:c~~=: is :te i~s:e :i;~es:ed ~y ;a:h ecti:y . :~~ ~axi~~~ cc=:en: o! t~e s:a:e a::ou~: ~:11 ~e deve::?E~ ~!Si~ en a~.a~alys~s o! :~e stu!y :es~l:s , =~ :~e !i:s: s~: cf =~ns . ~hi~ a~ e~:i:y•s s:o:5;e ac:o~=: is ful~. a dti:ic~al i~!lc~s :a~ ~o: ~e s:o:~t a ~d ~:!l ~e :eleased :o :he :ive:. S~o~:d a secon5 set of =~~s ~~ ~&t!, •watE: o:h;:~ise fo :cej !:om an entitv's ac:~c~t cou~~ ~e ••~~o~e! cver 11 i~:o a~y a:co~nt ~ith ~vai:a~le S?ice . 7~e S:a:e is t~e c~~er c! j~nio: sto:age :i;~ts a~1 s u ch righ:s a:e ~es:r::ied in the de::ees !o: Case Ncs, s,:::vn1s, 84CK167 , an6 s,cw11e . In ad~ition to these s:o:age ri;tts, :he State 1 s con t r ibution of wa:er ~ill include t ~a: ?Ioduced :rem its Sim o:-:~on Ditch ,.,;ater right . v:r:en th e ju:1io: s:ora'ie -:ater ri9hts or Sim onton Ditch righ t s are in p:iority, they shall first be used to rna~eU? ~he State 1 s eva?oration losses on :he perma~en: ?0Ol , a~~ then as sti?ula:ed to in the above cases. Municipal e~:ities will ~e respor.si~le !or t heir remaining ?re rata s hare o! ?er~aneni ?OOl evapo:&tio~ losses u~to the specified ~O ?Erce~t rega:~less cf ~hetter such entities a:t stori ~; in their ac coun :s or not. Ea:h enti:y will remain sole ly :es?~~sible !o r eva?o:aticn :oss~s assessed on its o~n stora;e account.. Exare~l ! O~erations Study To illust .a,~ the operations stu~y pr ocedures described herein, t ~e Colorado Water Conservation Bo~rd staff has taken the er-timated s tora ble inflows and releases to the river from a first draft of a Be~r Creek Reservoir Operations Study prepared by WWE in 1979 and has conducted an operations study for W.Y. 1954. This study is attached as Appendix A and will serve as a guide as to how the consultant is to conduct the current study, -10- !n :his exar..ple stud;•, :he estimated stora~le in -. ,.,, and r-, teleases :o the :iv~: a:e based on incomplete Ga:a. :he , exam,le study should, the:efore , ~e viewed as a sarr.p!e calcu!ation, not as a valid study . lt does, however, point out the need for each entity to care!ully eval~ate how much wa:er it need& to store to m~e: its augme~t ation reQui:ements and evapo:a:ion loss obli,ations. Eva1uatio11 o; I~~acts ,~e next s:ep in the s:uty. 1Jhich Lakewood will be solely , :espc;-is i ~ie !o:: . ..:~11 be ari e v aluation ot' tbe impacts, if ar:~, that :he reserve ~: !l uct~atio~s ~ay have on Lake~oo~'s existlng and !~t~:e pa:~ !5:ili:ies . Lake~ood ~ill be res?o=sible fo: seein; :ha: t h is ev a!~6:ion o~ i~?acts is cat:ief out on a time s:het~!9 whi ch ~:is not ~~?air the :i~ely co~?!e:!~n c! :~is . cpe::a:icns stu~y. La kewood ~ill a?p:ise and consul: ~ith the stu~r :cc~ittee ~n :ha ?=~;:ess and iss~es a~so:~a:ed ~ith t~!s eva:~a::.cc . The E:~~y c ot:.:ac:o: ~ill need to :oo:~inate ~:.:h Late~~o~ a ~~ i:s :o~::i::c : Cu::.n, :his phase . :~:~ ::~;~e::~~ == :~:.s irr;i:t eva:~5t :.on :~e 5tu e y :ont:a::o: ~il l :jen p:e pa:e a ;:e lim:.ts=y 5~a: C:!~k Ee~e:voir O?e:i::;-:; ?la..n :.-c:~t o~ :he :es·.:l:s o! ~ct.h :he c;-e:a:ier.s r stu~y a:'l~ :h e ev&!\:.a :ic:1 o: i:;.;,a::s ~y Lat~e\,:oot . T:"ie en::.:i ~s I ~:.11 :he~ =~v ie~ a~d :ef!ne :ha preliffii ~a:y C?e:a::.e~s p!a~ in ~ a rtisc~a~le E!=::: :o ach ~eve the ;p?:oval o! :~e S:ate , the Ci :y :! ~c.r.:•·006 , &:-JC :!H CO:?S o! E:n;i~~ers. ;_ Stcu6y Comrr.i:tee "'ill !:le formed ·.it.h one representative from ea:h entity ?!Itici?ating in ttis s ~u6y and t he Colo:ado Wate: Co~se:vat i on 3oa:d. The Stw~y Commit:ee shall enco~ri;e the Colo:a~o Sta:e Engir.ee:'s Office c.:-id the United Sta:es A:my Cor?s o! Engine&:s to have a rep:ese~tat~ve at:end meetings of the Stu~y Cc.rn::,ittee. 7ne St.udy Co mmittee s!'.all be responsib l e for ciki ~g t ~~ !~tmal Ce:is:ons relating to this stuCy . ?:o posa!s !or t ~e rese:voir study scb~itted ~y ttose ccnsc!:an:~ co n:ai~ed on t~e !is: shall be evalcated by the Stu~y Commit:ee. The Stuty Commit:ee shall by majori:y vote select a consultant based on the lowest, best qualif i ed proposal. The Committee shall also review pro;resa on this study . 'The consultant mcst obtain• the Commit tee's ap.,roval of each critical phase before commencing the next phase. Study Products The consultant shall prepare 25 copies of a draft final / report.. Thi• report will show the monthly fluctuations in the V water surface elevation o_f Bear Creek Reswrvoir under varying -11- (""'I auurn;,tions Co: Scenarios A, !l, c. & ::> durinQ the selocted hydrolo9ic cycle. The report shall include approp:iate chart ■, tables, and graphs. In addition the study will show whether each entity has allocated su:ficient water rights for stora91 in Bear creek Reservoir to meet its augmentation reQuirernent1 and its 1va;,oration losses . The stu~y will also fully do:umtnt the a~countinQ procedure and hi9hlight all assumptions made and used in the accountin9 p:ocedure . A!te: review and commen:s au n:1da by the Stu~y Committee :r.volved, 25 :o;,ies o! a !inal report shall ~• pre;,ared. · :~e !ollo~ing cri:i:al phases for :te ccc?le:ion of the study a:e esta~lished . :he e~ti:ies and th e s:ate a:e :egui:ed :o su~mit their b&sic da:a, i~cluding wa:er ri;~:s i~!o:ffiation , ~,:er yield analyses a ~~ ~a:e: ~e ma~~s. :o the c c ~s u!:a~t . Co~sul:an: shall :eview :he ~a :a to e cscr e :~at :: is s~i:abl e f:: the p~:p~se o! ?!9?bring the O?era:i:~s s:~~y . 2. :he co~s~l:&:t ~:.11 ~~~~it c~~ ~e: cf ?=c~:s~t acc ot:.:.::::; to.:::es :o :!"le stu~y CC:71:ii:.:::e fc: :ev :.c · ... · a:-id a;,:ov~~-:! :~e s :~ty =-~=!~!es :~a •·~::ko v ~:•• c:~:e;t a se:o~e s;: ~= ;:o?CS?~ ~::ou ~::~; :5~:~s ~::: ~e c ::c~:a:~d :o th e s :::Cy C:rr.~.i ::~e :::-: a;;;:c·.-a :. . •. 7he :o~s~l:a :: ~ill calc~:a:s :te arn,ut t o! eva?o:a:!on losse s and al~oca:~ :~e :es ?o~s:~i~i:y !e: s uch !cEE~5 arn~n; the t ~::::e s and :he S:a te, ano ~i ll :i:cula:e cop:es of his calcul a::o::s. 4. 7h e ccns u ltant s~all ?:e?a :e a prelimina:y C?~:a:ion study as outlined :n th e sco?e c! st u:y . Cons~ltants prepa~ing ?:C?OSals !or the operational stu~y shall inCica:e in their ~id *h at t he co st ~ill ~e for such stu~y ~:ven :~o di!!~,en: c o~?le:ion ta:es --six rno~ths a~d nine morjt.t:.s. The Sti:~y Cor.i.rr:it-:.ee \,:ill review ·.:?'1at ccst savin~s. i ! a LJy. res\.llt !rom th e r.ine-mc:,t h con:pletior ~ate &nd deci~e ~hic h t:rne :rame !er the s:u~y ~ill be established. Mate:~al anO ca .a cc ~piled anO ge~era:ed by tte selected c onsula~t st,all r ~ oi.•ned by and available to the munici,al e ntities pay:ng :01 t he operatior.~l stu~y a ~j to the Color1do Water Co~servati~n Board. The cor.sul,ant is reQuixed to originate programs and systems compatible with IBM-?CAT sot tware. -12- DUS 11u911 ■t 6, 1990 l ■ITlllm BY HAPP ■ouaca IHUII/ACTION PROPOIBD COUIICIL CGMIIIIICAUON AOIIIIDA. lftll 11 (c) Water and Sewer Board IIIIIJIICT Stewart l'onda, Director of Utiliti•• Bear creek R•••rvoir Joint Study "9•■-nt Th ■ Water and Sewer Board recOffll'lendad Council approval of the Bear Creek R■■ervoir Joint Study Agreement at their July 10, 1990 meeting. PUVIOUI COUNCIL ACTION None 8'1:APF AIIALYIIS Th• City of Inglewood i ■ intere ■ted in obt.uining 600 acre feet of storage in Bear Creek R■■arvoir. The Colorado Water Conaervation Board i ■ working with the U.S. Corp• of En9ineer.1 and ■ix governmental entitle■ to determine the coat ■ of providing ■torage 111pace in the r ■■ervoir . The fir ■t ■tap in thi ■ proc■a ■ ia the completion of the Baar Creek Re■arvoir Joint Study Agreement and ■election of an engineering con ■ultant. BIICKOROIIND Bear Creek Re ■ervoir i a located in Lakewood at the confluence of Turkey Creek and Bear Creek. It wa■ conatructed by the u. s . Corp ■ of Engineer■ •• a flood control structure, •• waa Chatfield Re ■ervoir . There i ■ apace available in the re ■ervoir that could be u ■ed for municipa'. water ■upply ■torage . Englewood haa applied for 600 acre feat of the available atorage. Th • coat ■ for thia ■toraga ■pace will be baae d on the conatruction coat ■ of the ra ■arvoir and the coat ■ needed to mitigate recreational u ■a ■ if the axi ■ting permanent ■toraga pool ia incra aaad for municipal aupply. Lakewood ha ■ agreed to become the lead agency for contracting with an engineering firm to develop the coat ■ of ra■arvoir ■toraga apace. Once th• co ■t ■ are determined , Englewood can choo ■• if it wi ■h•• to purcha•• etoral'.1• apace i n th• r•••rvoir , The envineerinq ■tudy would b■ fund■d by tho •ix ■ntitiH r ■q11Htin9 ■tor■9• ■pac■ ln the re ■enolr on a proportional ba1i■1 Indian Rill ■ Mater Di■trlct, the Gen•••• Water and &anltation Dl ■trlct, the SvergrHn Matropolltan Dl ■trict, the Town of Nord-, tile Nount C&rbon N■tropolit ■n Di ■tdct and th■ City of ln9l■wood, ln9l■wood'• ■hu■ of th■ ■n9inNrin9 ■tudy coot ■ would b■ liait■d to SS,400, r.i r C