HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990 Ordinance No. 0479 <•>
CIRDilWlCE NO.!f.2
l·IHEREAS, the City of Englewood has q:,posed the applications .,f the
City of Thornton and the City of Westminster for changes of oertai•1 w.iter
rights known as "Standley Lake Hater Rights" that """-lld injure the City of
Englewood; and
1·1HEREAS, the parti es de s ire to enter into an Agreerent that "'111
eliminate any inj ury to Englewood;
Section l. Englewood will withdri,w its statarent ot q:,posi1:ion to
the e.pplications.
Section 2. llature and ~ce of the Water. All water deli'iered will
be 1</hat is ca:rnonly c a lled "consU11ptive use" water; that. is water which may
be used and successively re-used by the first user unt il it is corpletely
Section 3. Place of Delivery . The place of delivery will :,e aie or
rrore of the follc,,1ing selecte d by Englewood: (a) Englewood 's Union Avenue
Diversion facility; (bl Chatfield !'-eservoir; (c) The City Ditch C Jtlet
Manifold frCJ11 Chatfield Re s ervoir; (d) the Denver High Line Cana l Diversion
Norks; and (e) any loca tion between (a) and (d) reasonabl y select!!d by
Englewood; and
Section 4 . Period for Delivery of Fi.Y."d Water: Ccrrmenceme nt.
Delivery of fixed water shall be rrad? ?:Jetween :-lay 31 and the foll ~
Sept e!'ber 30 . The first pericd during 1,'hich celivery of fixed wa :er and
contingent wa t er i s r equired stall begin J une 1, 19 92.
sec~i on 5. RR te of !leli\·;,r.•. The rate of relivery s hall b , set by
Thc,rnt<>n, and shall not exceed 10 c. f. s . , un l e ss Engleciood consen :s to a
greater · rate not to exceed 20 c. f . s .
Section 6. Place c,f 1-:e11Surerent . \·later to be delive red sha l 1 be
"'=asured at t he f>O int of reliver y .
Sectior, 7. Fixed Anount to be Delivered (Fixed W~ter). 75 acre feet
:,er anrnmis'fiiiIT be delivered during each period of c!e!livery. ('!he "Fixed
\·later11 }.
-l -
section 8. Contingent J\lrcunt to be Delivered. A contingent im:iunt,
up to 375 acre feet, shall be delivered based on the factor of .0665
rultiplied 'rrj the M0U11t 'rrj which croke Deliveries exceeds 19,000 acre
feet. The City will get water 2 out of 3 years based on current
section 9. Englewood may only assign or sell the Fixed or
Contingent Water to the Centennial Water and Sar,itation District, or its
successors, in whole or in part, but not to any other entity.
Section 10. 'n'lorntoo and Westminster agree that Englewood is not
responsible for the devel ~t or application of the fomlla for
cootri.bution between Westminster and Thornton.
section 11. 'n'lorntoo and Diglewood will contenp:,raneoosly sign the
]\<Jreerrent so as to give Diglewood a property interest in Thornton's water
rights which may be used for delivery of the Fixed Water and contingent
section 12. Assignrent. The respective obligations of l·lestminster
and Thornton under this Settlemant Agreement shall not be assigned without
the written consent of Englewood.
S2Ction 13. 'l'ne parties agree to withdraw rran each others pending
Sectio.'l 14. The Mayor and the City Clerk are authorized to sign said c
agreema nt on behalf of the City, including Exhibit A "Profit A Prendre."
Attached is a copy of the Agree:nent.
Introduced, read in full, and passed on first reading ai the 15th day
of o:tober, 1990.
Published as a Dill for an Ordinance oo the 18th day of o:tober, 1990.
Read 'rrj title and passed on final reading oo the 19th day of Novent>er,
Published 'rrj title IIS Ordinance !lo. 1.1..., Series of 1990, on t he 22nd
e.ay of tlovember, 1990.
~:s,dl ~.1
Patricia H. ere.,, City Clerk
-2 -
I, Patricia H. en,,,, City Clerk of the City of Englewood, Colorado,
hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true ccp'j of the Ordinance
passed a, final reading and published by title as Ordinance ~• ft_, Series
of 1990. /-:J £ Jd'~#~
Patricia H, Crow
-3 -
1. Introduction, Parti•• and Purpo•••
Th• parti•• to this Agraement are the City o! Englewood
("Englewocd"), th• City ct Thornton ("Thornton") and the City ot
Weatoin•t•r ("Wnt."llinater"), All are :nunicipal corporation ■
organized under the conetitution and lawa of the stet• of Colorado.
Weatmin1ter and Thornton have tiled applications tor the change o!
certain water rights in the Water court ~or Water Division One,
State of Colorado, The application• include changes o! what ara
:c,n:nonly kno•,m aa the "Str,ndley Lake Water Right•", which rights
are t:or ■ part:icularly deacr i bed in tl'le application• which l:ear
docket number ■ 86CW397, 88CW267, 89CW129 and 89CW132 (th• r "applications "). Englewood ha ■ opposed -che granting o! the
'--applications on the tarns and conditions proposed by Westmin1ter
and Thornton. Th• partiu have agreed to resolve their differences
pursuant'to the agreement herein ••t forth,
.,2. tnsl1w22d to Withdraw ,
Englawood will withdraw ite atatenent ot opposition to
tha application ■, or if the Ccurt will not penoit withdrawal,
Englewood will not contaat entry o! decrHs in whatever !orn.s are
sought by Weatminster and Thornton, However, Englewood shall not
be obligated to take a ny such action until this agreeme nt s hall
have been ratitied by t he City councils o! all three parties.
3 . oatinition ot "il cru conditigo•"
3, 1 Wut:ninste r and/or Thorn'ton will cnuu the deli vary
of certain unt:eated water -co Englewood, as providad below, if th•
"Deen• Condition" ia met, Thi "O•cr11 Condition" ia defin•d H (l
follows 1
J . 2 Tl:e 11 cuar creek Standley Lake Rights" :r.nns the
-.ater rights d•crud to th• crok• Canal and Standley Lak• ReHrvoir
in that c•rtain d•cr ■• co111:110nly ic.nown aa th• "Dunklee Decree" dat•d
May 13, liJ6, in Civil Action No. 60052, Div, ll, District court,
City and county ot Denver, nu•ly1
R11ervoir Priority No. 74 and 74-a
on Clear CrHk, ~o. 6 and 6a on
Ral1ton Creek, and No, 2 and 2-a on
Leyden creek; and
Ditch Priority No. 75 on Claar
cruJc, !lo. 24 on ~alston cruk and
No, 5 on L•ydan c=aek;
J, J "All sources D•cned to Standl•Y Lake " ::inr.s the
Cl•ar cr••k Star.dl•y Lake Rights plus surface runott collected by
standl•y Lak• plus the w~tmr rights decreed to standlay Lak• fro~
coal cr••k ar.d Woman Creek , decr••d in cases numbered 3994 , 6572
and lJJO in th• O!strict court !or Boulder County and ca ■o r.i:~b•r
34 G51 in th• Di&tri=t Court in and !or th• City and Coi:nty ot
D•nvar, and r.o other.
; J.4 A decree ·•hich mHts th• "C•cree Condition" is one
entered in th• ap,l!cati?ns which allow• "a•,arag• delivarie ■" ot
mo re than 17,lOO acre !aet to Standley Lake per annu~ !rom Claar
CrHk 5tandl&y ::.alrn Rights ( in their entiret,, ,xtra,iola tad from
the amount per ■hare allowed to Westminster and Thornton).
Tl:• pracec: ing sentence assllll!as that deer••• 1o1ill be
•nt9rad in th• Westminster application• which will be identical in
~pplicabla sw:>atcnce to tho•• entar•d in th• Thornton appl i cation .
However, it i• po ■sibl• that such will not b• th• ca,e. lf the
deer••• tcr the two c i ties vary in applicable substance, then th•
f:,llo·~ing :ulu shall apply. The ::acrea Condition shall be appl!ed
sapa:auly fer each city, by extrapolating allowable 1=ar-1hare
delivarie1 for that city to the total out ■tanding share ■ in th•
Standley Lake Divbion or the Farmers R-■ervoir and Irrigation
company, which is 237~.478, and comp~ring th• re,ult to 11,100. If
the Deere• Condition is :uet tor one city but not th• other, than
:ha Fixed Watar and the ccntingent Watar dalivary o!:lligat .!.ons shall
ba reduced by 261 (and Tl'.ornton shall not owe Fixed Water or
Contingent Water to Englewoo.l, but shall continue to :,aka
daliveries therao! on bahalf o~ Westminster) it the Deer••
condition is not i:et by Thornton•• deer-■, and by 74' (ana
Wast::,inster shall net o.·e water) if the OeorH Condition ii not met
l:y Westmir.atar' decree. If than are va:iances l:et.·aen th• cities
in par-share annual "Crcl<e :JeU.varies" !:)e;:ause of variances in the
.dacrees, a sinilar proraticn ■hall be made.
3. 5 Such deliveries shall l:a J!lllaaured at the Crcke Canal
::lischarga 11.•a•unment flu:na at the dowr.•':ream and et tho Croke
csnal just above Standley Lske, and, it necunry, at a di9charg•
.taasu:emant flu::ia just above the point e:-:;,0ints at which the
Ch·Jrch Ditch er the 7ar::1rs' High !.ir.e canal discharges into
Standley 7,ai<e. ( ''Th• Croke oeliveriu") .
There ahall be included in the "c::-ol<a i:Jeliverie•" !or th•
purpoae o! deternininq whether the c,cree Cor.dition is 1r.at, any
diversicr.a on Clear CrHk Standley !.aka Rights ;ihich ·•■re
historically made or might have bHn 1:11d1 at th• hHdg·ate of the fl
c:-oke canal or Cb11rch Ditch b11t which ir.at ■ad will be r.:ada at
altunate point• ot diver ■ion, In partic11lar, b11t not n a
limitati~n, there shall be incl11d1d in "Croke Deliverie•" under
paragraph ~.8,3 water diverted 11nd&r the Clear creek Standley Lake
Rights at location ■ other than the headgate ot the crok• canal or
the Church Ditch, including, b11t not limited to, s\lch water which
is by-pas11d at th• Croke canal haadgate and stored in alternate
point• of storage pur111ant to the decree 1nt1red in ca11s nu~b•red
88CWl68 and 88CWl69, Water Divi1ion one. If auch water 1 ■
subse({\l •m:ly tran ■~erred back to Standley Lake by exchange, and has
alread1 a" ,n counted towards "Croke Deliverie.■", it shall not ai;ain
ba c~unted at the time of exchange, and shall be treated as not
beir.g water diverted on the Clear creek Standley Lake Rights. C
3,6 "Average D1l1v1rie1" mean• the ann'.lal average
pemitted by the c!ac::-ae. H the dec:-u don not establish an
annual average limit on ■uch daliv•riea or for "All sources Decreed
to Standley Lake" then the Decree condition 1hall be deer:1ed to ba
3. 7 .\ll surface intlowa and seepage into the Croke Canal
shall i:e deemed to be diversions on the Claar cne:< Standley Lake
Rights, It w ater ■ other t han diver s ions o:, t l:e Cl ear CrHk
Standley Lake Right ■ paaa through a diacharge meaa11ri ng tlu~•, the
following rule• shall apply, A tan p•rc•nt c10,) ditch loss shall
be . applied to such othar watara nauured at tho hudgata on Clear
creek, and aubtracted tro:n auch 1:1uaur•1111r.t to datemina tha voluna
of such waters at the di ■charg• mea1uring flum ■, Th ■ remaining
volu::1 at th• discharge measuring UUl:le ■hall b ■ ceei:ied to be
waters civert1d on t.~• Clear creek Standley Lake Rights.
3.s If the d1cr11 doe1 not 1icpre11ly establish a li~it
on p1r,,1itt1d amount of delivari•• on th1 Clear cr11k Standley Lak1
Rights, but do•• aatabli1h a limit or permitted amount of
d1liv1ri11 on All Sources Decreed to Standley Lake, than deliv1ri11
on tha Clear Cr11k Standley Lak1 Right ■ will be d1am1d to be as,
percent of daliverie ■ on All sources oacreed to Standley Leka, !t
th1ra is no express limit or i;:arnittad amount of deliveries on
ai ther the Clee.r Creak Star.dley !:.aka Rights or on .\ll Sourcu
Decreed to Standlay Lake, than the Decree condition shall ba du::,ad
to have bean ~at .
3,9 Any dispute concerning whathar th• Decree Condition --------·-·--
has bean ~et (b~t no other) ■hall ba raaolvad by arbitr~ticn by a
board of arbitrators, aach of whom shall have ·had sul::stantial
· axparienca in water law or water engi:,aaring and nor.a of whom shall
..... ---,
have bun t~<:l , b:f any party in the ten years preceding the
corn::,anceeant cf arbitration hearings, r.or prior t o the arbitration
dacisio~. rt ~ny party makes a written demand !or such arbitration
a,id dali'Jtr.1 same to the others, than within 30 daya attar date of
laa1: ~alivery of auch dacand, E~g~eweod shall deaigna t e an
arbitrator in writing delivarad to the other partiu, and
Westminster and Thornton ahall jointly dalignate :,na arbitrator and
deliver "rittan notice th•~•of to Englewood. (If !hornten and
W1 ■t~inst1r cannot aqrae upon an arbitrator, within such period,
the one d11iqnat1d by Englewood ■hall act alone), Thi two
arbitrators so ch~••n shall, within 30 daye after the designation
o! the la ■t of tham, cho011 a third and deliver written notica
thareot to th• thr•• partia ■, The thr•• arbitrators ■hall reach a
daciaion by a majority vo·~•. after a:'I inv-■tigation and hearbq at
which th• parti-■ may appear 11nd qi\•• t ■atimony and ar,;ument, Any
daci ■ion of th• arbitrators ■hall be final and binding upon th•
parties and shall ba enforceable pur ■uant to th• ~nitorm ,'
Arbitration Act as adopted by the State of Colorado, The parti••
\' on each aid■ of any dispute shsll uch pay 1/2 of the total of the
fees ct ~h• arbit rators.
•· :tract?: tho Ptcrat condition
4,1 illiJ..t, If tha Decree Condition is net , Thornton
and Wast.'1li nstar will cause the delivery of untreated water to C
Englewcod as follows, (Thornton will physically nake all
daliveriH '.lnleu otr.arwiu agreed, aa provided llelcw), H the
Daer•• condition is not rat, th• parties shall remain hound by all
obligations set forth herain other than tnc ■1 of delivering
un treated water, except that ~otwithstanding any other provision
hereo!, E~glewood r.ay object and participate fully i n subaaquont
c:he.ngu of ·,oner right ■ applic:ationm iiwolving th ■ Clear creek
Standley Lake \l ater ;li g ht ■ w!1i c:h seek to t r ·,: •fer greater
quantiti ■■ ot 11atar, pro rata !or share ow:,, ~nip, than is
r ■preo ■ntad by th ■ Oacr•• Condit!on.
4, • lil,•ura and sourc;• or t h• wat,r. All .·aur dlllivered
••ill ba •,1 hat i ■ ~o:z:::,only called "con ■Wllptiv ■ u ■•" wl!ter r that i•,
". water. whic:h may be und and ■uc:c:enively re•u ■~d by th• Ur ■t •1nr
~~_i_l _ _it is_ c:or.ipletaly consum~ __ by evaporation or tran ■piration.
The daliver ■d water mu1t have bHn praviou ■ly decr ■ed tor :uunicipal
11 ■■. Englewood shall have th,!_Eghts_~ill_i;_~~lon_!~3 __ _1~~e -----------ot the delivared water. Thornton ■hall be entitled to neke -· ·-------~·-·-----
dal !very to Englewood f rom any source whatsoever fror.i which
con ■umptive u ■■ water can be made available to Engla.•ood at th ■
place■ ot delivery ■pecitied and limited below,
~~.3 Plac• or Delivery, The place ot delivery will be
one or nore ot the tollowing select■d by Englewood1 (e)
Englewood'■ cnion Avenue Diversion facility; (b) Chatfield
RH ■rvoir; (c) The City Ditch Outlet Manitold tron Chatfield
Reservoir; (d) the Denver High Line Canal Diversion Works; and C•l
any location between (a) and (d) rea ■onably selected by Englewood;
(fl or such point or points on tha soath Platt ■ River reasonably
selected by Englewood which are at or below the historic
agricultural pe,ints ot diversion ot the water which i• to be
supplied, except a ■ tollows, with respect to deli•1eriea du ■ prior
to calendar year 1998, delivaria ■ :nay be made at Engla·.:ood' s
:-!cBroor:i Ditch headgate on Bear Creak, by exchange from lo;.,er
pobta, to the extant that other sources of water available to
Ihornton such as Thorr.ton's rights !rem tor'l:ler Water District 23,
Wellington Lake, Duck Lake, and water due trom r.en~annial water and
Sar.itation District are inadecpat ■ to naka the raquisit•
delivariu. Englewood will be required to take delivery by
exchange to th• McBroo~ headgata only it delivery by exchange to
point ■ (a), (b), and (o) oaMOI: be 1111de by exchange becaUH ot (\
inadequate exchange capacity. It th• water rights from which
dali·1uy i• to ha ~ad• are decreed for r:iunicipal UH and
consumptive uu, but not tor :!iver■ion at a place nleoted by
Englewood, and a change ot point ot diversion ia necessary,
Englewood will obtain the ct:ar.ge ot point ot diversion it th•
original agricultural point ot diver ■ion wa ■ above Chatfield
Reservoir or on lum Cr11kr otherwise, the change will be obtained
by whicheveyot !h~rnton and "estmin ■tar ~•livers the water.
~/4.4 Per'od tor c,11verv of fixo4 water; c0~~enc1rn1nt.
Delivery ~t fixed water shall ce made between May Jl and the
:ollowing Septe~har JO, The tirst period during which delivery ot
tixad water ar:a contingent water is required ahall begin June 1,
1992 . "Fixed water" and "con':ingent water" are defined below.
/4.s Rate ot paliyary. Tha rate ot c!elivuy shall ba set
by 'fhorntor:, and shall :lot el!cnd io c.~.s., unless l::nglewood
·consent• to a graatar rate not -::o exceed 20 c, t. •· Such consent
~hall not ta unreasonably with.~eld i~ sno"!)eck and rainfall
conditior.s 5ro such a ■ reuor.ably to ir.diciite that failure to
deliver at a rate up to 20 c.!,s, might reasonably r.iun that
Tho rnton'• socirces available !rom fort1•r water District 23,
••llington Lake and Duck Lake, and Canter.nib! •ater Dist=ict would
no~~• eu!!iciant to make the requisite deliveries. ~!tar 19~7,
!or purpo••• o! d•termin ing wh•ther Englewood shell consent to a
!low rata exceedi~g 10 c.!.s,, Thornton•• sourc•• available frcn
Wat•r Distric~ 2l ahall include all it ■ right ■ whic~ historically
diverted therein,
Thornton and !nglawood ~ay mutually agree upon a greater rate
o! delivery, for exacple in order to take advantage ot delivery
cpportunitiH from the South Platte River through the Denver
Highline c:i.ne!'. «:6 PlACI o: ~,1,u;1m1nt. water to be delivered •hall
be measured at th• point of delivery,
~ fi¥14 >,mount to b• Pflivun4 ([ix•4 watu) • 7S
at'.rt feet par ar.nlllll shall be dalivei:.:,d during each pe.,rfod _ ot
delivery , (The. "Fixed \<iate.r").
~ contico,nt Amount to ca 0111v,r1d,
4,a .1 A contingent amount, up to 375 acre !eat,
shall be -:lalivend as described l::e l.ow , (The "Contingent
Water"). Tha porticn ot t.'la contingent anount t.::, be delivered
'----shall be determined a~ follows,
4,9,2 !ha term "water year" 1'\eans Nove 1:1 ber l
through the following October Jl ,
4, 9 , 3 ';;f during any water year t~.• , .. ater
cialivered to Standley Uk• by diversions on Clear Creek
Standley Lake Water Rights ( "C1·oke Deliver e •") exceeds 19,000
acre feet, (subject to tha modifi cation of paragraph 12), then
the amount of Contingent \<iater dua lf.":r~glewoc,d shall be
calc::lated i n the fe l lowing 1unnar: ~·shall t,a multiplied
by the amount by which Croke Deliveria ■ .1.~ceeda 19,000 acre
Th• obligation to deliver contingent wa.tu {tl•e
"Contingent Water Obligat!on") shall begin to a ccru• at that
point during any water yHr when Croka Ddivaris ■ total 19 1 0 •10 ()
acre t11t , and shall incraa ■• (per the !o~,:,ula above) until
ti:• soonar ot (a) the lut Croke oeliveriu during th•
particular watlr year, or (b) t )\a point at which d1liveries to
Englewood tot l 375 acre t ■-t.
That part ot the contingent water
Oblig ■ti ; ·ahich accrue ■ prior to Auguat l r\uring any
water yaa . u~t be daliverad during the p1r!~d b 1tw1 ■n
May 31 and Se ptember JO ot the wat1r year during which
th• obligation accruu. 'Ihat part ot th ■ co;itingent
water Obligation which accrues on or attar ~ugust 1
during any year may, at i·J,. o:,,.!on ot Thornton, be paid
during the delivery per i c c! 1 0 ,: ':ha following water yur.
rhornton may prepay tha contingent water Obligation !or
any water year during the delivery period !or that y ■ar,
For example, it 'Ihornton estimate, crok ■ Deliveries will
total 19,000 acre feet around June 20, it t1ay prapay
bag inning June l. It such prepayment results in an
ovar})aymant, than Thornton ( and lie ■t111in1t1r) may not
recoup any part. ot tha overpay,:,ant . ( Prepay-mint ir.ay l:e
made at any t t r.e during the May 31 to Septu.ber 30
delivery period),
4 ,8.4 Deliv1ri1 ■ shall be meaaured aa provided
in paragraph• J.5 and 3.7 above.
4.8.5 I! diverted water wae available tor
diversion under both the Clear Creek Standl1y Lake Rights and
under more junior pr.ioriti~• ot We ■tmineter and/or Thornton
(or no priority, as in the case ot "no call" condition ■), then
th• diversio r ■ (and ~eliverias) •hall be allocat d tir■t to
tha clear Creek Standley Lake Riqht1, to the extant ot the
full perminil:;la dacrHd !lov rate o! the Cl 81 CrHk Standley
Lake Rights, (The !oregoinq sentence ■hall t ~ ~p~licable only
to accounting under thi ■ agreemant, and th•r; only ntil "Croke
oaliveriu" have raach•d 22,674 acre !Ht) •
4. 8, 6 11:ornton and WHtmin ■t.r -,ta 11 cause all
flumes nec•■■ary !or measuring !low on the Claar Creek
standl•y Lake Right ■ to b• installed and properly maintained
and a continuoua tlow mater or met•r• to ba install•d,
~aintain ■d and read, summari•• o! volunes measured !or ■ach
r' ca l•ndar month shall be provided to E:ng :.ewood ,-,1thin 15 day•
a,!':ar tl:a and o! each "alendar 1:1onth, and :::r.glawood sha!.l hav ..
reasonable access t o all ~•asuring device ■ and records. ~o
in!orma':ion need be sent tor a month during which no
daliveries occur. In the avant or a breakdown , deliv•rias on
the Clear Creek Standlay La~• Righta may be e ■t im ated a ■ 85
parcer.t of deliv•ries on All SourcH 1;ecrud to Standl•Y !,3)ce,
as provid•d in paragnph J, a, band r.n gauge height and th•
area-capacity chort and recorded r Ah a ■as !rem Standley Laka
ond ot~ar infonoa~icn necesaary to calculate inflow on a mas ■
balance approach,
4, 9 P.:0vision1 tor peliyuy or 'ix•d and coot10;1nt
Hll.lr ,
If th• Deen• condition is mat and rixad
liater i ■ tl:ereattar 01;ad to Engll1;ood, Westr.1ir.■ter ■hall assign and
transter, by duly executed stock powers sutticient to cause th•
trans~er ot record o ... narship to l'hornton on tl:a book ■ of the
conpanies heraattar specitied, the following ■hara ■ ot ■tock:
2, 7l4 sharH ct stock in the Lower Claar CrHk Ditch
4.58 sharaa ct stock in the Wallington Ra ■arvoir Company
3.91 share ■ ot ■tock in the Burlington Ditch Cor1pany.
rn consideratior. of this assignment and transfer, Thornton shall
thereupon ass'J?Oe a:,d o.graa to ;,e rfo:,n, forever, all dalivaries ot
,h:ad Water required to be nada to Enqllwood on account ot the
D~craa condition l:eing :::et. Englewood consents to this auu::,,ption
u1d agrear1ant to perto= undertaken by Thornton, and Englewood
shall loo:< only to ':'hornton for par!onance of all obligations
un der this Settlnant Ag?'ea,,..ent pertaining to deliveries to it of
fixed Water.
4.9,2 linless and until Westminster ~nvokes tlla
prerogatives or paragraph 7.~ below, Thornton further assur1es and
agreea to pertoo ~ll physical delivarie ■ ot contingent Water
recpired to ra · ·• :o Engle·aood under thia Settle:nent Agreer.ant
!ro::i ■01•· , .s ct supply controlled 'ty Thornton, In consideration
:or this assumption ar.d agree~ent to parfor.i,, Westmi nster shall,
pcr•uant to psra;raph 8 ct this Settl&~Bnt A;r••~•nt, ~a=k-over , at
s-::sndlay !.aka Rasarvoir , to 'Ihornton the quanti tin o~ ·.ater
~•pruantir:g 1;aatminstar' s share o! contingent Water paid by
Thornton to Englewood. Water markad•ovar to Thornton ■h ■ll b ■ of
lik• kind in parnisaibl• uses to that which Thornton delivars to
Enqlewcod. ?rovided that Wut::1in1tar ha ■ parfo?'11l&d it ■ obligation ■
~o ::1uk-over water to Thornton, Engl ewood ahall look only to
Thornton tor pertorcance of the obligation to deliver Con t inqent
Water /
1,,5. 0,11v1rv to ~n1a1, Non-stgraga and H0o-Y••
Enqlewood ~ay;.gn or deliver th• Fi xe d or co nt tnq ¥nt
water to the cantannial Water and Sanitation Di ~.t:!c.t, or ita
succassors, in whOla or in part. During any period wh b:i na i ther
Englewood no:-Centennial hu U.a capacity to store or immediately
use water which is due, deliveries shall be torqiven at the rate ot
10 c.t .,. Thornton ■hall be reasonably cooperative in attemptinq
'---to ~•k• deliver!•• during periods when they can ba used or ■torad,
but the ultimate dacision as to delivery da ~0 • ~~all remain with
6 , ~otic• or P•livary
Thornton shall qive Englewood written notice at least 20
days in advance of co::u:ienclll!lent ot delivarie ■• ,,
'· Obliaaticn, of w,,t~ioate~ and ~hornton to E ✓s 1 ewood tor
~tinq1nt water.
7.1 Unlaee end until Westminster exorc i ses i ts
prerogatives to 1:1ake separate delivery ot Contingent Water to
l::r:qlewood a ■ provided in paragrsph 7. 2 below, &■ bah•un
We ■t.~ina,er and Thornton, the principles ■et !orth i n paragraph a
s hall apply in datarnini~g ~h e quantity ot ~ater which Westminster
shall be obligated to m1rk-ov1r to T!:iornton at Standley Lake (\
?.esarvoir in cons:.daration of T!\ornton' s payir.ent t o £:,qlawood -,!
th• c:mtingant Water in consideratio n J ! l'hornton' • payr.1ant 1:0
£:,glewood ot waatminster I s portion of the Contingent Watt:-as
determined in paragraph 8,
7,2 At it ■ election, and sul>jact only to tha -.ritten
approval of Englewood, which approval shall not unreaaonably be
withheld, Weatminster may furnish ita ahara o f contingent Water to
;:ngle-.;ood rro1:1 3ourcea ·•·hich r.iay !)a available to it and which
utis!y ':ha requinments for Contir.gent Water which otherwise apply
t:, Thorn ten. If Wastl!linst ~l· s o 3lects, it shall give written
no~ice t.o Thornton one yea \: i 4' a•·. al"\ca ot data at which it .1111
substituta !ta own supplia• in satisfaction of its share of
Ccnti.ngant Water. :;pon such p:-ovision of Contingent '•atar to
~n;lewood, •••tminster shall no longer have any obligation to nark-
ever water to Thornton at Stand!ay Lake Reservoir, and Thornton
-sh!ll no lon;ar have any cbligation to Englewood for delivery of
Westni:,ster's shar• ot the obligation tor contingent water. Upon
auch pro•tbbn or contingent Water to Enghwood by W,aatininater, tl:e
respective o?>l igo.tions or Weatm:.nstar and Thorr.ton for Conti:,gant
:,ate:-shall, in tha event both •Utminster and Thornton r:aet th ■
C•crea Condition, be allocated tharea!tar 741 to Wa1tin~nst ,r o.nd
261 to Thornton. ?rovided, l\owaver, that any supplernento.ry
agrooa n:ent with ether :'IUCO /Sto.ndlay Lo.ks shareholdoara by s·hich
those sharehold&ra may contr i bute to tta po.yr..ent ct the Contingent
Water shall, subject to the writt~n 3pproval of Englewood (which
approval shall not unr•a ■onably ba withheld) alter this •llocat1on
to t:i• degru such shar ■nolder ■ have agreed to auuce
raspon1:bility for a portion ot Contingant ~at•r obligations. A•
a co ndition of its approval undar thi ■ subparagraph, Englawood ~ay
raq,~ira appropriate evidanca of i,nt:llin ■ter' 11 compliance with tha
tar=■ of paragraph 3 haraot.
!f W a ■tmin•t•r make ■ uparate delivery of contingant Water
~nder thi ■ sul)paragraph, We ■tminster, to th ■ ■xtant of it•
obligation ■ shall be aul:stitutad for Thornton wherever this
sattlai,.ent Agrucent otl',arwise pl&caa right ■ and duties tharafor i:I
':'hornton, .'h ■ rata of :!elivery shall ba apportioned 26' to
rhornton and 1,, to ~est~inst ■r, unl••• West~inster and Thorntcn
sha ll otherwi•• agr~e.
a. Dtt1rnivot.ion ot Eoc;b Part i ci;ont 1 1 C?n:cinc1ot w,t,r
8.l rha total Contingent ,ater obl i gation to Englewood
• shall be calculated annually as follows:
OBL • Kax of (0, Min cf (37~,(TOTD-17,2J2) x 0 ,0689)
whara OBL is the Co11t~nga 11t Watar obligation in aere-fnt1
whara TOTO is t.~• quantity i n aere-!eat cf tr.a total annual
deliveries to Standley Lake u~d•~ the Claar creak St andley Lake
Water lHi;hts (el<ebdin; t~.a deliveries aa ■ociatad with Ncrt!l qlann's
220,729 shares heretofo~• =hanqad in use),
a.2 If Wast"'inatar meets the Oacr•• condition and
'!hornten does no-:, West:roin ■t er shall tear the antira Contingent
Water Obligatl.011, which shall l:e raduead by 26', .~ Thornton rout ■
the cacree condition and Waatlllinatar do•• not, Thornton •hall baar ("\
t he entire contingent Water Obl i gaticn , which •hall ba reduced by
8. J If both WHt::,i nstar and Th ornton mHt the :lecrH
con .I tion, the contingent Water Obligation ot Wntr.iinater and
Thornton (ar,:t ot l!orthgl aM and/or FRICO in the event either
No rthglann or FRICO agr•• to contribute to th• contingent Water
Obligation) ■hall b• the amount ot each party'• 11 adj1:atad
-::ontingant Water obliqation" u calculatad under the following
8 , 3, l Eac h participant's Contingent Water
Obligation shall be the amount ot that participant'• "adj usted
contingent liater Obligation" as calculated under paragra;,h 8,J,1,
Tha "adjust•d Contingent Water obligation" of aach participant c,
shall be calculated ae follows:
TOTO2 • WO2 + TO2 + NO2 + FO2
1,hsro TCTO2 is tha "adjusted Conti ngent lister cbligation" and
is equal to OBL,
8,3,l,l It TOTOl (as calculated in paragraph
8.,, 2 below) is greater than OBL, the "adjusted Conti:lgent Water
Obligat i on" of each participant s hall ba calculated as follow•:
WO2 • WOl -.; X (TOTCl • C:!L)
TO2 • TOl -=--;=--~----,= x (TOTCl -OBL)
W! +TE+ N! + FE
NO2 • NOl -x (TOTO -OBL)
roa • F01 -FE x (TOT01 -OBL)
Wl: + TE + h'l: • PE
•~hare li02 is the adjustad Westl!linster contingent Water
where T02 i ■ 1:ha adj•J1tad Thornton Contingent ~ater
where N02 i ■ the adju1ted Northglenn Contingent wa,er
Oblig1t1on 1
where :02 is th• adjusted FRICO contingent Water Obligation,
8,3,1,2 If TOTOl (as ca l culated i n paragraph
a, J , 2, below) is lu!I tha:, or eqi:al to OB L, the "adjusted
continger,~ Watar Obligation" ol! ucl\ participant sl\all I
calculated as follows:
woa • WOl -w lC (':'OT01 -OBL)
WD + TD+ ND+ F:>
1'02 • ':'01 -"' x (TOTOl -OBL)
WD + TD+ ND -t :D
N02 • NOl -li!l X (TOTOl -03L)
WD + lD -t ND + FD
roa • ro1 -X (TOTOl • OBL)
a. 3, 2 Tl\a "unadjusted Contingent Water cbligatio:i" o!
each participant shall ca calculatad ae follows:
WOl • W? X 0,C589 + Wll x Max of (O, OSL•(l'OT:!: )( 0,0689))
TOl • TE x 0,0689 + Ill x Max o! (0, OSL-('!'OTE x 0,0689))
):Ol • NE >< 0 .0689 + l!:l x Max o! (0, OBL•(TO'l'E X 0,0689))
FOl • FE X 0.0589 + [12 x Max o! (0, 09L·('IOTE x 0, 0689))
TOT01 • WOl + T01 + NOl + FOl
where wot ii t.'l.• unadjuate::I We ■t;iinstar contingent Water
Obligation in at;
whan T01 is th• unadjusted Tho :.•on Contingent Water
Obligation in afr
where IIOl h \'Ila unadj
Obligaticn in ar,
o~ ,:o,~.hgl•nn contingent Wat er
where FOl i• t!la unadjusted FRICO Contingent Water Obliqation
in at;
where ~OTOl 1• the unadjusted Total contingent Water
obliqation in at;
8,3,l The "trigqar excaadences" ot each participant
shall be calculated 111 !ollcwe:
WE• ~ax or (O, wo -W't)
TE • Max of (0, TD -TT)
NE• Max ot (0, NO -NT)
FE• Max ot (0, FD F':')
wher e WE is the West111in1tar Trigger Exc11d1nca
w!lare '.Z ia the Thornton Trigger txcead1nc1 i:,
·~hare N'E is th• Northglenn Trigger txc11dar.c1
in acre-ta1tr
!.n acre-feet:
,,,.,ihar• ::: ii tha fR!CO ~rigger rxcaa~anc• in a.cre-teet;
whAre TO'!E is th• Total Trigger txca1denc1 in 5cr1-feat:
;;hare WD 1• the quP : . l t y i:i acr1-ta1t ot W1st:air.1ter annual
deliveries to Standley t.t • under the clear creak Standley Lal<•
waur Ri t;htll
where TD 1a t:h• quantity in aera-!Ht of Th crnton annual
delivuiH to Standley laka ,.mder the Clear creek s ·.~.ndley Lake
\/aur Right ■ I
wh•r• ND i• the quani:ity in acra•!••t ot Nort hglann annual
del1vari•• to Standley La• un~er th• Clear creek Standley take
Water Rightl (excluding the delivariu auooiatad with !iorthqlenn'•
220. 729 ■haru haretotora changed in UH) • In t ha 1v1nt that
Nori:hglann i ■ not porticipating in tha contingent pa y:,ant, then ND
where FD it the quani:ity in acr1-!aat of ,RICO shareholders
other 1:han Wa ■tminstar, Thornton and Northglann annual delivari••
to Standley Lake under th• Cl ear C~••k Standley Lake Wat ■r Right ■•
In the avant that nICO is not participatlng in tha conting ■nt
;ay:oent, than FD• o.
a. 3 .4 The "trigger amounts" o! each participant ,.hall be
calculated aa follow ■:
WT• _3i-X 17,232
2151. 749
TT• TS x 17,232
~T • NS x 17,232
2151. 749
rr • ~ X 17 ,2 32
,..,her e WT is tha Waat~inster Trigger A.,uo un.e: in acra•f••tJ
·~hare ':''!' i s tha Thornton Trigger A.~ount in acre-feat:
where NT i ■ tha Northglenn Tri;ger ~o~nt in aera-!eat:
• '•.-C""':U • .;, ·C"\:11 •
where FT is th• FRICO Trigger Amount in acre-ra1t1
·,hare ws is the :'l-.mbar of share ■ owr.ed by We ■tl:linst ■r in
:RICO/Standley Division as detel"'llined on May 1st or each yecr1
where TS ia the m.:lll)er or share ■ owned by Thornton in
FRICO/Standley Division as deteniined on May ~•tot each yearr
where NS is the number ot ■hare ■ owned by Northglenn in
FRICO/St3ndley Divi1ion a ■ determined on May lat ot each year (l•••
220.729 ■hares heretofore changed in u ■e);
·,hare rs is the nlmber ot sharn owned t:y the FRICO
shareholder ■ ~ther than westm~n•tar, Thornton and Northglenn in
,RICC /Star.d!ey ~ivisicn as determined on May 1st ot each y1ar,
8, 4 so long o.s Thornton i ■ obliged by the tern ■ ot this
Settlement Agrea::>ant to make physical deliveries to Znglewood ot
Contir.gent Water en l:>anu.r ot 1-en.minater, Westminster may
!r.d1pendant1y ot cny such actual daliveriee or absence ot
d1liveries by -:'hornton to Englewood ot contingent Watar, ::,ark-over
• ·,ater to Thornton at Sta!'ldl&y Lake Raaervoir on the tollowing tetT.\■
and conditions:
8 . 4, l couancing on June l ot any year Westminster :nay,
exercising it• own independ1nt judgment, determi!'le wr.ether or not
~ark-over w~ter shal l be prepaid to T~ornton.
a. 4. 2 Any i;:rapay;:ien t o! itarie•over w~ter by '•••t::d.nater
shall be amited in quantity .1nd rate ot tlo•J to t!:at which
T~or~ton is theoratica!ly entitled to deliver to E~glawood as a
;;:-e1ay:r.ant ot Contingent Watar.
9.4.3 A prapay:,:e nt ot mark-over water by West~inater to
r ornton which axcaads tha ■hara or Conting ■nt Water, under
application ot the tams ot this paragraph 8, which We ■t~in ■ter may
ba ~ound to o·s Tho r nton in a water. ,•ea:-, ■hall remain th• property
or Thornton.
8,4 ,4 It Thorntcn elec ts t o cllka prapaymants or
contingent Water to Engle1o1ood on biahalt or Wes t ci n ■tar, WHtminstar
~•Y navarthal•w• make it• own independent j udgment whather or not
to avail itsel! ot prepayment ct cark•ova :-~•<2 ter to Thornton,
8. 4, 5 It Thornton •hct ■ to ,r.a ka no prepayment ot
CcntingQnt Wa t t' to Englewood and ral i9 • on the payr.1ent schedule
other.in prcvidad for in this Settleitant Agrument, and
••■t n:inst"r als ( !l l•=ta to make no prapaymant or ~ark-over \.'&tar to
Thornton, 1<1a1t.-.inste:-shall mark-over watu· to Thornton
..____ concurrently with Thornton's delivery or contingent Water to
a. 4, 6 So lo:-:g as Thornton is obliged _by the terms or
~his 5•ttlemant Agreem&nt to make deliv eries or Contingent Water to
Englewood on ~u"~lt of Westminstar, ·!'horr.ton ■hall be solely
respc~•ible tor. all actior.a necasaary for the delivery of
Ccnting•~t water t~ Englewood so a ■ to honor th• Contingent Water
cbligations to t:ngle-.ood, an::! that Westminster shall l:s solely
r••~onsible for 311 acti or.s ne~asaary :or th• delivery ot ~ark-ov•r
water to ·rhornton 10 as to ho:,or the provisions of this i;,ani;raph
,'-8.5 Thornton an:l W•■tl.. .. u•1.•r aqr•• t~at :Enqla"ood is r,ot
responsible fort.~• develop~ent or application or the !cr:nula set
t'orth in paragraph a, 3 abova, which detaminH th• ralativa (I
obl i gations of Thornton and Wostminstar vis•!•via on• another
concar:iing those partiu' obligation to d•liver contingant Water to
Englawood. In t he av•nt 01' any dispute betwun Thornton and
W•st~ir.star conc•rning application of that formula and/er
Wastmin ■t•r'• obligation to book over watar to Thornton, Thornton
shall navarth•lH ■ c1:1ntinu• to make the requisite dalivariH to
Engle·~ood (except !or delivariu which WHtr.lin1tar has electad
separately to make pur1uant to paragraph 7,2, above),
9. 81cordab10 rntaraat
Thornton and Englewood wiU contemporaneously sign th•
~~Af'~~ agree~ent attached horato as Exhibit .A~-,--o as to give Englawood a
property int•rast in Thornton'■ water right• which ~ay be used for
deliv•ry ot the Fixed Water and Contingent Water, Cpon request ot
Thornton, Englewood shall not unreasonabl y re!usa to release !ro~
tha Agrea~ent attached as Exhibit A rights which are not ~ecesaary
: to make th• required dalivari-■ to Engllwood (partic•Jlarly i!
West~tnster separately provid•• its share 01' tha Contingent water)
or to al~ow ral,;ase o! carta.in rights and substitution of other
adequate right ■,
!O. ~·0:11 g( Stlhtmtn;■ ot CPPClitio;,,_ !I.Pd ~qr"t-oots
~et to r1i• soma, .su.· coo11nt1 to P.™
Englew~od will not !ile stat,~ants o! op~csiticn :~ a:,y
othar application• by KL~tmin ■ter or Thornton to change any ct th~
standla, Lake right ■ li ■t•d above, or i n any diligence applicstiona
or applicatior.■ to roa~• absolute concerning same. Englewood ••111
con ■■nt to th• entries of d1cr111 in all of Thornton'■ pr111ntly
filed change ca ■■• or application• en Clear creak•• requaated by
Thornton , and Thornton agrees that th■ dacreea in all such
application ■ !or change of direct tlow ditch decree ■ will contain
a provi ■ion that Thornton will not change it ■ point of municipal
11wag1 return flow trom th• pra11nt Metro sewage Treatment Plant to
a point below tha headgate of the :'Ulton Di tch without filing a
further application tor a change of tho ■■ right ■, in which
pr0caading Engl11Jood may appear and obtain protection againat
injury to -~gl1wood 1 ■ water right ■ (if any) which might re ■ult ~rem
such cha nil·•· of place of ■-wage return tlow.
Englewood will no t oppo11 the ent=y o~ a decrae ir any ------------·--
,.,--.._, application by Thornton for the change of !~rlinqton Citch company
'-and ~•llington Reservoir Co~pany shares, which contains tam ■ and
conditions no lee ■ =•strictive than tho ■• contained in th• decree
entered in ca ■• No, 87CW107, and Thornton will not seek a decree in
·any such application which isl••• r1 ■trictiv 1 than that enterad in
such case.
:!:i,glewood _ wil_l ... not -oppose~ any applicat i on tilad by
Thornton during 1990 tor a right to divert on Clear Creak with a
;,ri:rity date ot 1990: or to exchange ·•·ater ( includinc;, re-usable
••wage effluent) tro~ the contl~•nc1 o! Clear creek and tha So uth
:>latte River, and the di ■charc;• point• of rani Lakes and Wut
"ravel Lak•■ on the South ?latte River to any ;:,oint or pointa
upatraam on Clear Creak,
Englewood will r,ot object to the entry ct any deer••
~ought by We1tminster in any or it ■ pre1ently tiled application ■ (\
for chanq• ot direct tlow ditch right ■ on Clear Creek so long a•
substantial conformer.ca with the volumetric limit~ and return flow
factors decreed !.n CaH No. W-8743 wit!\ rupect to certain o-! tho••
ditch•• changed by that decree are utilized and 10 long as th•
hi ■toric div111i c 1 period utilized !or th■ l<ar ■haw Ditch change
antedatH 1957. Englewood wi l l withdraw it• atat•~•nt ot
cppoaition trom all other presently ~iled applicat~--!l! -----We1tminstar and Thornton. ---·--------
~min ■tar and Thornton will withdraw their statuenta
_3 t c:pposi~.9~io:._~::a_in from tiling ma)_.:'.'. -~l..:__~~_ll~~~--t_1.l~d _
!nqlew~d--2!.!!i;.!!'.._ court _ ai:plications.L diligence __ pro_c_eed_i _n~-•~ and
~~■-C?:•nt appl _~<:_•_t _io:,s . t~--~~-~ .. ab ■_o.;~t:_• ... an!'. _P~•~ently tiled
c~<.1 ~ti_onsl wat.r __ right.
~~ _and _Y.!•t..·dnsur ·•ill not til•_!'aternante . of
~-~~~~-~--to_ ~_ny _ applka~i~n_ t ~.:~_':_b.!__:nJ.1.~~~~~-du~J,rrg _mo, !or a
·right or right ■ to divert en the South ?latte between Charry creek
and the Highlir.e canal Diversion Works (including the latt•r), or
any tributsry thereto with ita confluence ~•tween Cherry Creek and
t he Chatfield Raaervoir wi th a priority data of 1990 ,
Thornton and We,:tmin ■ter will not tile stat:amant• ot
~ppo,_ition to any a;,;,lication tiled by Englewoc-d during 1990 tor a::i
~cha.::!•.~! water by-paased _at: _th~ ¥.~~rcom headgata ~n Bear Cr••~•
to Englewood's Union Avenue inta)(e on th• south Platt• or any point
\:pstraam ct ur.,e to and including the Higllline canal di•,••~sion
work ■•
Thornton and W11tain1ter will noLill• 1tata111nt1_of
_C?.EJ?E!.;_!;.i,911 to any application (or l!Hnd:el\t .. ~o _ a!) __ apP.11 .c_aj:ior:i f~
~a_::_9::•_ntation plan) utilizing th• water to ba dalivarad .hereunder
in th• following fa~hion: The water to ba delivered hereunder will
~• placed in the Stream (or left in~• ■traam) to replace th ■
portion o! any water divenad by Englewood which will be con ■um ■d,
For example, but not H a limitati.on, such a plan miqht operate H
tollow■: If during a particular period when diver ■iona ware mad ■
Englawc:,d wo•ild conaW11a GO ;,■rcent ot th ■ diverted water, and
Englewood wish•• to diver~ 100 acre faot, Englewood would put into
the Stream 60 acra raat of water delivered hereunder and divert the
100 a;ra !nt fr?m th• river. lt is expru~ly intended tnat
f'\ Thornton · and We ■tn:inster will not co!ltHt Englewood'• daphtion
!actor ■ involve~ with •~ch a plan,
Waatminster and Thornton will not oppo1e any diligence
application, or applications to maka absolute, ~i~ad by Enqlewood
·with respect to its ~cL&llan Reservoir deer•• entered in Casa No,
CA3635 in th• Diatrict court tor Douglaa county.
12. Northol ■nn
Tha City of Northglenn presently own ■ 18, 68 p,1rcant
(4,3,194 /2372,478) ot the· outatanding snare• of the Standley Lake
Division ot Far.oar ■ Ruarvoir and Irrigation Comi:any, ot which
shares 22v.729 (1,a., 9.3, of FRICO/Standlay oiviaion shara•) have
already :aan t.'1 ■ sUbjact ot a change ol! use dacru. It is
anticipated that Sorthglenn fflay acquire additio~a l shar••·
SorthgleM i• not a party to thia agreement, and yet the numbar
19 1 000 acre t11t u11d in paragraph 4,8,3 11 tor Croke C1liv1ri11
..-hich will i:,clude !forth,Jlel'ln I s ■hon ct Croke Daliveriu. 'Zhe
parti•• wish to exclude Ncrthgle.~n•• •hares which hava as ct thi•
:!ate baen th• aubject of a change cf u ■e d1cr11 in d1t1rr.ininq
~·hither an obligation to dalivar Contingent Water haa accrued,
Th1nfc:£'1, in 1takinq auch determination, the number U,OOC acre
r11t a, used in paragraph 4,8,l ■hall be reduced by 9,3 percent
th1not to 17 1 232, and the number 0,0525 ■hall ba incru ■ed to
0,0689, s1:ilarly, Croke Celivarias aa ~•asurad ■hall ba reduced
by the portion thereo: attributabl1 pro rata to Northglenn'•
changed share ■•
For ■illlilar raacon• it i ■ agreed that not::i that anding the
p r ovi ■icns ct p11ra9raph lC above , wh i ch preclude Er.glewood rro:n
opposing tuture chan9es or any er the Standley Lake ri9hta listed C•
abova, Englewood may oppoae any such change by Northgle:in, unleaa
Northglar.n lgr••• to contri b~t• to the watar to~• delivered to
• Englewood pursuant to this a11n1ment, in a manner a9re1d to in
writ i ng by all thr•• ot the praser.t parties,
13. A11ignrn,nt
The rup1ctiva obligation• cf Wa ■tr.d:ister a nd Thornton
under this settlement A9re11r.1nt shall net be aaaig:,ed. 1.ithout the
written consent ot Er.9lewood, which con ■1:it shall net ca
-~nrnson&!)ly w.ltllheld.,
14, Rati:ication by city councils
Thia a11n1m1nt will no,: be lf!ec'Civ1 until it i ■ ratiU1d
by th ■ City councils ot all three partiaa, Ccuns ■l and starr
r::emll ■r• who have reached thi ■ agn•~•nt will uu 1.ll practical good
!aith et!o~• to obtain such ratification,
l!, ll.A.llll.l
In tha avant ot litii;iation over thi ■ agrHr:ient, the
partie.s con1 ■11t to venu e in tha Di ■trict Court ot Weld County,
betora a District Judge who 1• the (or a) Water Judge tor Water
Division en ■, it a haaring before auoh judge can be obtained, and
will u1e their beat ■ttort ■ to obtain ■am ■,
is. Attorn,v', r,,,
!:l th• avent ct breach o! thi ■ agreamar.t, any party t'ound
to =• in detault shall pay th• reasonable attorney's ten and
expert witness!••• ~ncurred by any other party on account of th ■
r datault, !n the avant of arbitration, such axpen ■•• incurred by
"---tha pravailir.g party with rupect to any clair:i ■hall be paid to
that party by tr.a loaing party or parties on that clai~.
:. 7 • C'XIGUtion BY Ottor~eya i?tnd ina Rltif!c;ation bv Cit.ill
!his agree.uent 1a made by the under ■~qr.•d counsel for the
respective partiu, in anticipation ot ratiUcation by their
r••~•ctive City Councils.
Dated this ___ day ot October, 1990,
By: --J-oh""n--,u"'·-. -c""a-:::""'1""■-0-n-
Special Water Couns e l
By1.,..._,.,.....,.-,,.,-,,.,...----CaY1d a. Kill
Spacial Water Ccun11l
BtuCI Bernard
Special water Couna ■l
The partlel IO thJJ 1pmca1 arc the City or ED&Iewood, a Colorado municipal corporation
(Eastn,1Xlll) alld the City of Thoraion, a Colorado mwlil:ipal c:o1110nt!oa (lboralOn). Bnalewood.
Tbom10t1 111d :he Cily of Watmi.1111.er, a 0:ilorado munic!pal c:orpontioa (We1tmilllter) c11tered
i:ito an ap,etllCIII entitled "Scttlem1:11t Apmea1' dated the __ day of October, 1990,
c:onceruina the ap;,llcatio111 of ThOl'IIIOD IDCI Wallllimtcr for the cba11p of v.ater ri&hta l11cludin1
c:rtaln ri&hta to divert 111d 110re ,...ter in Slalldley [.aka (the Se1tlcmcu1 AgrccmcnL) The
Sc11leme11t ~=1 la il=rponted berein by rdcre11011 and 1hall be made a,'li!able to a
propoaed 1r1D1[1:ree of all or any part of lhe water ri&hll delcn'bed below upoa n:que11 made to
Thol'lll011 or BIIJ!ewoocl. Pumwit 10 the Settlement Agreemen~ Tborn100 111d Eogle...1Xld ha~
made thla IFCC'DCIIL
In the CVCIII of 111y c:onllicl between thia ltin:CmCDI 111d the Settlcmc111 Agreemeo~ the
Settlement Agreement shall prevail. The dcf!nitio111 ~ ill the Settlemca1 Agreement arc
inrorporatcd ~.erein.
Pur111101 to the Settlement A&reern•o~ Thora10n la oblipted to deliver to En&lewood
(ID be lllled ID ,.-bm docna enllred) acre feel of co111umpti~ use water every
year (the F'aed Water); and up 10 _______ (to be ll11ed 111 wbta decna eatmd)
me feet of colllW!lptive IIMI water in e&eh year durin& wblcb ccnain i:oodJ1lon1 are met (the
Cootin&cnt Water); provided, however, that in the m:01 WestmiaJter electa to ma::e ,epantc
cc!ivcri:I of Conlinacnt Water IO E:nglewood, Thornto0 ·1 obUaation to dcll,·cr Con tina,:nt Water
10 Ell~ 1hall be reduced 10 a delivery ob!iptlon of up IO _______ (to be
ruJed la wbea d~ ralcftd) am: feet of consumpt ive U&e water in each year durin& which
ccnain coodltlons arc mcL
Purluant to the Sculcmeal A&rccmeo~ Thoraton la e11titled 10 delh·cr th e Fi1cd \Vaw and
t~c Coatinaeot Water required 10 te de!ivelcd to Englewood from acy ,ourcc whauoe-.-er from
which conaumptive \lie water can be made available 10 Englewood at the place1 o( delivery
specified ill tha Seltlement Ag:,:emcnL !Deluded amo01 the 10un:c1 from which Thorntoa may
dclivcl the •.-ater roqi:lred to be dclivcrid to EnaJcwood are Tboral00 '1 water ri&bta which had
their hlltoric qriculruraJ pointa or dlver1 ioo lo Park County, Colorada, more partlcularly de1cn'bcd
OD lllacbed Emibil A, wb icb have been cbanpd 10 allow aJtcroalC pol.ota of di~r1io11, JtOlliC and
mllllicijl&i we by decree of the W11er Coun £or WalCl DMaloo One in a decn:c bearin1 docket
nun,ber W-8345--76, cnlercd oa the 16th day of 1anua,y, 1979 (tu McDcv.-ell Ranch Decn:e), For
COll\"ealeocc !he water rigbll ue rel'crrcd to u 1) Ille Oulraud Ditch R11ht: 2) tile Guiraud I Ditch
RiaJlt; 3) Ille Gulraud 2 Ditcb Ri&ht; llld 4) 1be Sm&ll Ditcb Rlgbt.
In order 10 11lilfy ill rlaJlt to ~ Fi=i Water, Ea&lcwood ii pated Ul interest in the
Collowina dcllCribed water riaJita, 1ucb intcreat beln1 In lbe aatun, of II profit a prcadre cntitllnl
Ea&)ewood to !WI the lint ...,,..,.,.....,...---,----,,.. (IO be IIDld la whta dlCl'MI taC.rtd) a,re feet
or t01l.111111plh'e IIMI waler IYlillblo Cor dlvel'lio11 on Thomtoa ·, ~tere11 in oae or more or tho
Oulraud Ditch Rlabl. tho Oulnwl I Ditch Rl&ht, Iha Guiraud 2 Ditch RJ&ht and the SmaU Dltcb
Rl&ht dwina Ibo 1110n1bl of 1111111 111d July or *b )'Cit,
In on!ar to 11tlafy ill rlflbt to leceM Contln&ent Water, En&fewood ii annted an intat■t
In the Collowin& doec:ribed water ri&ht1, 11111:b inter■t bein& in th• na1wo or a prol!t a prendro
ntitlln1 EDpo,,ood to Lib up to the llrat ______ (IO bt fllltd la whn decn.
nc.1'111) acre Ceet or 0011111111pt1Ye u,o 'l'ltcr anillbie Cor diver1io11 oa Thomton'1 intere&t In one
or more or the Guiraud Ditch RiaJlt, the Guiraud 1 Ditch Rl&bt. and Gulraud 2 Dit.:h Rl&ht durin1
the montbl or JUDC a:id July of =b yw.
In tho c:YCDI W111lnlill&tct elecis to make separalC delivery of Contln&cnt Water lO
En&lewood Wldcr Plrlirapb 7.2 or the Selllem~nt Aifcemeal, fnilewood 1b1U no lon&er hsva any
lnt.ereat wbaltoeVei in the Ouiraud Ditch R.i&J;t, the Ouiraud I Ditcb Rl&ht. or the Oulraud 2 Ditch
Rl&Jlt in order to satisfy ill riaJit to recei\-c Continaen1 Wat.er (but aball retain the rl&hll with
rcspect to the Flml Wat.er), and En£1ewood shall, lnstwl, have 111 interest in the aa111ro of a
p!Olit I prendre ealil!l:ls EnaJcwood to take up to tho lint ______ (to bl ftlled la
wbn d-uland) aero feet or collllllllptive 11111 water IMilablo Cor divenion oa th~ Small
Dltcb Rlpt du.rill& tho mcntba or June !.lld July or CKb year in order 10 111isfy i:1 ri&ht 10 receive
Coctinaent Water.
Until 1ucb time u Thomton faila fully to perform ill obUpdona to Ell&fcwood under tho
SerUement AiJ"ccmcn~ Ea&fewood apes v.ith Thon:ttoll tbat EnJlcv.'OOd witl refrain Crom
eiercisinf its ri&htl Wldcr ill profitl a prendre.
Thomton bu the ri&bt to obwn reieuea from En&fe-,ood or •I!)' cf tbc water riJhll
ldentll!od kbcloe punuan1 to tile Settlement Aifcement.
TiilS AOltEEME.t,"T IS DATED ____ _
By, ___ _
By, ___ _
I. Qu!nud pjtch: with oriclml docreed palllt ot dM.."llioD oa the aonll blllk of the Mlildla
Fork ui Ibo South Platle RMr ~ tho aonllwa1 comer of lho nortbwea1 quaM of
Section 9, T,11 S., R. 76 W, 6 P.M., bun Nonh 26'7/I' -t, a dlltw:e of 1,276 f~I, /Ji
Part Co1111ty, Colorado, bearins Priori17 No. 6 ill fotur Water Dlllria No. 23, with a
;,riorily dale of 1uly I, 1867, IDd a.a adjll4lcallaD dale ol Allpt 10, 1889, and a ch&Dao,i
Oow ralO ID Cue So. W-8345-76 of U c.fJ. ID 1111111 and 1.8 l'.U ln July,
2 E.C. Qulaud I>!lcll 1'{4 I: with ori1iuJ docreed pollll of dlYenlan oa Ibo wt blllk el
the Middle Fork of the South PlallO Khu wbcDc:e Iba WCI! qlllll.cr camcr of Sectloa 1',
T. I! S., R. 76 W • 6 P.M., bw1 D01111 38" -r, a dlal&IM:o of 200 foci, ln Park Colll11J,
Colondo, beariD& Prlorily No. 6 ln Ccrmw Waler Dillricl No. 23, with a priority datti of
July I, 18(\7, and an adjudlcalioa d~1e of Aupl to, 1889, 111d a comb!ncd chanaed flaw
ralO with Iha E.C. Gulnud Ditch /lo. 2 ia Cue No. W-8345-76 of 1.2 c.fJ. In Ju.Hant
1.1 c.r.a. ill July.
3. E,C, 0,,jnud Djtch Ng. 2: with ori(inal decreed poia1 of dl\-e11loa oa the w1 bank of
the Middle Fork 0£ the South Platle River whence the w.al quaner comer of 5"tioa 14,
T. II s. R. 76 W., 6 1'-'d., bwl nonb 7' _, 2,130 (eel, ill Park Couoty, Colorado,
beariaa Priority No, 6 ill formll Water Olltrict No. 23, with• priority date of July I , 1867,
and a.a adjudicatloa dale of Auswt JO, 1889, 111d a combiaed cllanpl Dow rate with Ibo
E!.C. Oulnud Dltcb No. I In Cuc No. W-&345-76 of 1,2 c.la. In 111110 and I.I c:.f.1. In July,
4. ~: -.i th orialnal decreed point of dlvenloa oa the aouth bank of tho Middle Fotk
of the South Platte Rlver ln the soutbwt quarter of tho aorthwt quarter of Section 9,
T. 11 S., R. 76 W., 6 P.M., ln Park Co1111ty, Colo rad o, bearins Priority No. 7 ill former
Water Dlltt!ct No. 23, with a priority da1e of July 1,, 1867, and an adjudict ?ion data of
AuiUII 10, 1889, and a cbanpl ilow rat4 ia Cue No. W-&345-76 of 1.1 c.C... in Ju ne and
1.0 c.ll. ill July.
October 15, 1990
11 (a)
Englewood Water and Sawer Board
S't.ewart Fonda, Direc t oC" of Utilities
Wa ■tminr.c;er iThornton
Settlement Agreement
The Water and Sewer Board, at ita October 9, 1990 1naeting recommended City Council
approval of the Settlement Agreement for the Standley Lake Water Rights with the
City of Weatminater and the City of Thornton, known aa Water Court Actions #86CW397,
88CW267 , 89CW129 and 89CW 132,
Englowood has negotiated a settlement with Westminster and Thornton that will
mitig,:,te the damages to Englewood's water rights that thf:t development of the
· Standley Lake rights would cause.
Englewood filed a statement of vpposition to Westminster's water rights applicat i on
on Standley Lake on tho baaia that it wo uld negatively affect its water rights,
especially the 1948 HcLellan Reservoir right . In re ■ponse, Westminster and
Thornton, which has similar Standley Lake rights, entered into settlement
negotiations with Englewood. The proposed settlement provides Englewood an annual
firm i.upply of water to mitigate any damages Englewood may incur with the
development of the Stand e y Lake rights . The amount of the firm annual deliveries
will be at lea ■t 75 acre feet and aa much as 450 acre feet of c ... 11aumptive use water
depending on how much water is diverted by Westminster and Thornton into Standley
Lake . The aource of this water will be Thornton's supply upstream of Chatfield
The propoaed ■ettlemPnt will elimlnate the coats auociated with continu ing t he
court action. There are nc coats aesocia.:.ed with t he agreement.