HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990 Ordinance No. 048ORDINANCE NO. 'f ! SERIES OF 199_0_ BY Al7l'IIORITY 9 (b) CXXJNCIL BILL NO. 50 INTRODUCED BY CXXJNCIL MD-1BER HM'IIAl~Y All ORDINANCE FIXING THE TAX lEv'i IN MILLS UPCll rAOI DClLLAA OF THE ASSESSED Vl\LUATICN OF ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY wrmm THE CITY OF =~' CCILCIU\00 ' AND ESTABLISlllNG A MILL IEvY. FOR THE ENGLEl"lOCO, COLORADO, DCHno·lN OEVELC!'MENr AlmlORIT'l. l·ll!EREAS, it is tl,:-duty of the City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado, under the Engle'<.,;,,! !-!.....,.. Rule Charter and Colorado Revised Statutes, to make the a.'l!',ual levy i ,r City puqx,ses; and WHERE.I\S, the Ci ty C<,:;.nc!l ha•, duly considered the estimated valuation of all the taxable property withb the City and the needs of the city and of each of said levies and ha s detennined that the levi es as hereinafter set forth, are proper and wise; Ila1, 'l'HEREFCilE, BE r r ORD.'\INEO BY TJ!E CITY WJNCIL OF THE CITY CF ENGl'..E:n'.>D, COLCRADO, AS FOLLCMS: section l. That there be and hereby is levied for the year 1990, due and payable as required by statutes in the year 1991, a tax of 5. 419 mills on the dollar for the Genera l F\md of the City of Engle1-IOOd, Colorado, and 2.212 mills on the dollar for the Debt Service F\md of the City of Engl.....:x>d, Col oracb. That the levy herei.,above set forth shall be levi ed upon each dollar of the assessed valuation of all taxable property within the corporate limits of th~ City of Englewood, Colorado, and the said levy shall be certified as required by law. Sectinn 2. That under the authority of the Colorado Revised Statutes and the Englewood Hare Rule Charter , there is hereby levied for the year 1990, due and pay~le as required by law in 1991, a tax of 4.322 mills ai the dollar for the use and benefit of the Engle1,ood, Colorado, Uowntcwn Develcprent Aut.'1ority. The levy here inabove set forth shall be l evied upon each dollar of assessed va l untio!"l of all t ?.>:a1'le r,roperty wi thin the Eng l a '<'CX>d, Colorado, Do.<nt 01,n Develop.7oent Di strict , e.nd t.ie said l evy shall be certifie d as required by l aw. Introduced, reac\ in full , Md passed on first reading oo the 5th day of lloveonber, 1990. Published as a Bill for an ordinance oo the 8th day of November, 1990. Read by title and passed on final readin(l oo the 19th day of tlo\len'IJer, 1990. Published by title as ordinance No . t{j__, Series of 1990, on the 22nd day of llove!lber, 1990. ~;.__$.~ Patricia H. cro.,,CtyClerk I, Patricia H. Cr°", City Clerk of the City of E)\glewood, Colorado, hereby certify that the llbove and foregoing is a true CXJf1':/ of the ordinance passed on final reading and published by title as ordinance no. ~. Series of 1990. Q ~&<Ir¥~ Patricia H. Cr<1,1 DATE November S, 1 ~90 INITIATED BY STAFF SOURCE ISSUE/ACTION PROPOSED COUNCIL COMIIIINICATION AGENDA ITEM 11 (bl SUBJECT Amen dme nt ■ to 7-6c -o and 7-6C-3A of the Englewood Municipal Code Safety Services -Police Division Division Chief Bob Moore Pa ■aage o f a me ndments as indicatod. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION council rev iewed this item during the Oc tober 15, 1990 council Meet ing. STAFP' ANALYSIS The proposed amendments, o rig i nally d rafted by personnel of the office of the c i t y attorney following discussion with Di v. Chief Moore, have been reviewed by the command staff of the Englewood Police Division. Staff concurs with t he need for the amendments and with the proposed language. BACKGROUND Current Co lorado state law and Englewood municipal ordinance do not specific ally or adequatel y addres s the def in ition, misuse , or unlawful use of air guns or BB guns . The citi:tens of Englewoo d su ffer inj ury and property damage t·esu lting from the misuse o! these weapons. Tho law'e failure to spec ifically defi ne a nd pro scribe BB gu n mi.1u s e impliee that these potentially dangerous weapons may be v iewed as "toy s," a nd their misuse looked upon as "p l ay" gone aw r y. There have been a numb er of i ncidents i n recent mo nths in which the inappropriate uee of BB guns caused i njury or property damage in Englewood; for example 1 l. 1\ juvenile who claimed to be a hootinq hi s 88 gun at the ground, wounded anott'i:.r juvenile, aero ■■ the street, in the .1bdomen. The wou nd was aeriou ■ enough to require treatment at Swedish Hospital . 2. A group of juveniles in an alley were shooting at birds and other things, one boy then shot another. The a hot penetrated the v l e t im' e abdomen and punctu1·ed a lung. Surgery was required to remove the BB and l'epair the damage. J. A 69-y ■ar-ol.d ma n, walking on his front porch , waa ■hot in the head by a juvenile 1· :oaa the atreet . The juvenile , who had been shooting at "bird:i, treea and ■igna," claimed the inj ury waa an accident, the rraeul t of a ricochet . Th• man'■ wound, ju ■t inches from his right eye, required treatment at Swedi ■h Ho spital. 4. A juvenile waa ob ■erv ■d taking de liberate aim and shooting a BB gun three timea at an automobil e window. The window shattered; dam a ge wa• $100 . S. Four te en ■, hanging from a moving car, shot a restaurant window; damage waa S309. The teens WF•ra caught, and paid for the window. Th••• example ■ clear ly illustrate the da ng ers which can aric! from DB gu n miau ■e, Furthermore, the shooting of birds, people and windows, accidentally or otherwise, cannot ba dismissed as normal or fun, and shou l d be clearly discouraged by law . Th e propo ■e d ordinanc:e revisions do not prohibit the poesesBion, or even the u ■e per .i,. ea, of BB gun ■• The revisionS define "air gun" (BB gu n), thereby al&rti.ng peopl9 • ·--·- the BB gun i ■■ues are importa nt ; and limit the area of BB gun use, thereby making it clear that the indiscriminate fir'l0ng ' of BB guns is unaccept1abl''~.r, .-· 1 • '· -~:-, •• H'c r, ... .,, I t is reco!Mlended the ordinance be approved. None.