HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990 Ordinance No. 0599 (e)
l·l!DFAS, Englewood is a nunicipal corporation organized and existina
pursuant to Article XX of the Colorado Constitution, its 01arter, its •
ordinances; its territorial jurisdiction generally is the leqal bounclaries
of the City of Englewood, Cc •lorado, and
1'8ERFJ\S, Sheridan is a nunicipal corport.tion organized and existing
pursuant to the statutes of the State of Coloracb; its territorial
jurisdiction generally is t'ae legal bo.Jnd,.r.ies of the City of Sheridan,
Colorado, and
1'8ERF.AS, each of the patties hereto maintain a fire departnent
consisting of persoMel ar.d erre,,gency eqw.,m,nt; and
WHERF.AS, energencies may arise in one or the other of the
jurisdictions of the parties, resulting in greater demands than the
persoMel and equifl7""t of the party can handle; or energencies of such
intensity may occur that they caMot be handled solely by the available
petsoMel and equi;:r.ent of tl'\e party in whose jurisdiction the erergency
cccurs; and
1·,'HEREAS, it is to the interest of each of the parties that they may
have service of and fran the other party to aid and assist than in the
purpose of fighting fires or responding to other erergencies;
I~, assistance fran ct.her fire protection agencies provides a
higher level of protection for the City of Englt!'.ood;
m-;r.uoJO, coLORAOO, AS FOLLCl-15:
Secti,m l. That an agreerent entitled "Mutual Aid/Autanatic Aid
Agreement (Fire) 1990 " betwe<>..n the City of Engle.cod and the City of
Sheridan is hereby approved by the City Council. Said Agreement providt,s
senerally as follcr.,s:
l. For and in consiceration of the pranises of Sheridan, hereinafter
set forth, Engl~ agrees with Sreridan, that in the event there are
erergenc ies i,, the territory served by Sheridan which ar;, beyond the
control of the Fire Departn'ent of Sheridan, whether because of use of their
equip,ent at ot.oer places or because of the intensity of the mergency, or
ot.oerwise, Engl~ agrees, subject to the li.mi tation hereinafter set
-l -
forth, to aid and assist Sheridan by causing and permitting its Fire
Division an d its equipmant to be used in responding to errergencies in the
territorial area of Sheridan, and the need for such aid and assistance
shall be determined by the Fire Departirent of Sheridan; subject, ho,ever,
to the following lir.\itations :
Englewood shall be excused fran making i ts equiprent and services
available to sheridan 1n the event of the need of the errergency equipnent
and the manpower with·:n the territorial area of Englewood, or their prior
use at any place, ·..t-.J.ch decision of availability shall be made by the Fire
Division of EngliMX,d, and which decision shall be cx,nclusive.
2. For and in cx,nsideration of the pranises of frlglewood,
hereinafter set forth, Sheridan agrees with Englewood that in the event
there are fires or other errergencies in the territory served by Englewood
..tu.ch are beyond the cx,ntrol of the Fire Divlsion of frlglewood, whether
because of use of their equipment at other places or because of the
intensity of the errergency, or otherwise, Sheridan agrees, subject to the
lWtation hereinafter set forth, to aid and assist frlglewood by causing
and permitting Sheridan equir,rent to be used in responding to errergencies
in the territorial area o f Englewood, and the need for such aid and
assistance shall be determined by the Fire Division of Englewood, subject,
h0<,"eVer , to t.,e following limitation:
Sheridan shall re excused fran making its equiprent or service
available to Englewood in the event of the need of the anergancy equiprent
or need of the manpoo.-er within the territorial area of Sheridan or their
prior use at any place, which decision of availability shall be made by the
Fire Departirent of Sheridan and which decision shall be cx,nclusive.
3. The services rendered by one party to t.>ie ot.,er are of equal vdue
to the services rendered by the other party, and there shall be no charges
.. made by t.>ie one party for t.,e services ren&!red to the other party, except
that in the event of equiµrent damage by reason of the action of the
a,ployees of t he other party, the liability and loss shall be determined on
t.,e basis of the fault or neg ligence of any a,ployee. If the a,ployee io
determined to be at fault or negligent, the party a,ploying that a,ployee
shall be liable for the loss •
4. Each party shall be e:<pected to maintain its equiprent and
organize its errergency response rrethod with both manpower and equiprent to
the degree necessary to cope wit.>, the ordinary and routine anergencies
arising within its boundaries and for which the party is organized.
Neither ?arty sha ll expect t he ot.oer to respond to erergency calls where
t.'1e erergency arises due to a failure to organize available manpower or
maintain equipment in prcper working order and in sufficient quantity to
rreet t.>ie respective demanc's of the persons and prcperty within each of the
!)arties' respective jurisdictions.
-2 -
II. Atrra~TIC AID:
1. It is understood and agreed that the Engl""""°" Fire Division will
respond frc:rn any appropriate Englewood station bto th<, City of Sheridan as
cart of the initial response through autanatic dispatching by dispatch
persomel into the below defined areas:
DEFINED AREAS -SHERJDAN: the entire City of Sheridan.
Autcrr.atic aid response into Sheridan will consist of a mini.nun 3
person cc:rnpany, unless all Engle-.ood fire units are previously ca:mitted to
other incidents. In t.'1is instance, Engle-.ood wi ll imrediately notify
Sheridan's dispatch center of the inability to respond, and will make every
effort to send a cc:rnpany to Sheridan as soon as possible.
2. It is understood and agreed that a Sheridan Fire Departzrent i;:u,per
unit or p""1?fil' and rescue unit wi ll respond £rem Sheridan into Engle-.oods'
response area as part of the initial response through autanatic dispatching
by dispatch personnel.
DEFDl1:Il AREA -ENGllWOJD: an area limited to, but generally
includincr all areas bet:".een Sout.'l Jason Street (South to where it
intersects West Quincy Avenue) and South Santa Fe Drive on the East ; West
Evans Ave nue on the North; l..a,/ell Boulevard on the West; a."\d West Bellevie--,
Avenue on the South.
Autanatic aid response bto Englewood will consist of a mini.nun 3
person initial response, unless that fire cc:rnpany is pr eviously carmitted
to another incident . In this i:istance, Sheridan will imrediately notify
Engle-.-coc's ' dispatc:i center of the inability to respond, and will r.iake
every e f fort to se.,d a ccq,any to Engle-.ood as soon as possible.
1. The Sheridan Fire Depart,rent is, and shall continue to be, a
cari>ination depart,rent consisting of both paid and volunteer rrerri:lers.
2. The service of mdividuals holding nemberships with the Sheridan
Fire Depart,rent shall be available to both Engle-.ood and Sheridan in times
of errergency, or as otherwise directed by the Chief of the Fire Depari"ment
of Sheridan.
3. Volunteer firefighters will receive fran the Sheridan Fire
Departr,ent technical training m fire suppression and rredical areas in
accordance wit.'1 current Sheridan requirerrents, including specific training
requirerrents of the State of Colorado for certification.
4. Past nembers of the Englewood Volunteer Fire Departzrent who nc;w
serve as volunteers on the Sheridan Fire Departzrent will transfer their
pension benefits to Sheridan ooly as perl'litted by the laws of the State ,,f
Colorado. Such transferred pension benefits shall be aani.nistered in
-3 -
accordance with the ordinances of Sheridan, the laws of the State of .-..,_
Colorado, and any pclici0 s now in affect or i"ereafter lldq)ted. 1 l
1. Either party heretn may terminate this Contract without cause upon
thirty (30) days prio r written rotice to the other.
-2. This Agreement shall be acmi.nistered p.,.rsuant to su::h written ·
agre<!!rents as t he Fire Chiefs of eacr. party deem apprq,riate.
Introduced, read in full, and passed on first reading al the 19th day
of !loveTt>er, 1990.
Published as a Bill for !lll Ordinance al the 22nd day of Novari:,er,
Read by title and passed on final reading on the 3rd day of December,
Published by title as Ordina~ce No.@, Series of 1990, on the 6th
day of Decent>er, 1990 •
~~JI~ atricia H. Crow, City Clerk
I, P~tricia H. Crow, City Clerk of the City of Englewood , Colorado,
hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true ropy of the Ordinance
passed on final reading and published by title as Ordinance No. '2$,, Series
of 1990. ~
Patricia H. Crow
-4 -
lfJl'Ul\L MD/ NiraWn.C AlI' ~ ( FIRE)
THIS==• made by and between the CITY OF ENGI.FW'.XlO, COLC!WXJ, a
.1111\J.cipal co,:poration, hereinafter called "Englewood," and the CITY OF
';tlERID!1N, COLORJ\DO, hereinafter called "Sheridan."
WHEREAS, Englewood is a llllllicipal corporation organized and ex.i.sting
pursuant to Article XX of the Colorado Constitution, its O'larter, its
Ordinances; its territorial jurisdiction generally is the legal boundaries
of the City of Englewood, Cclorado, and
l'll!EREAS, Sheridan is a mmicipal corporation organized and existing
pursuant to the statutes of the State of Colorado; its territorial
jurisdiction generally is the legal boundaries of the City of Sheridan,
Colorado, ,.md
1,'HEREAS, each of the parties J-.ereto maintain a fire department
consisting of personnel and emergency equi,r.ent; and
~IHEREAS, emergencies may arise in one or the other of the
jurisdictions of the parties, resulting in greater dernands than the
personnel and equiF("ent of the party can handle; or errergercies of such
intensity may occur that t.'iey cannot be handled solely by the available
personnel and equiprent of the party in whose judsdiction the erergency
occurs; and
l'IHERFJ,S, it is to t.'ie interest ot eac~ of the parties that t.'1ey m;y
have service of and frcn the other party to aid and assist t.'1en in the
purpose of fighting fires or responding to other e:-ergencies;
tlGI THEREFORE, IT IS MUTUALLY= by and between the parties as
1. For and in consiceration of the pranises of Sheridan, here:nafter
set fo· th, Englewood agrees with She:dcan, that in tJ;e event there ;,re
errerge, cies in the territory served by Sheridan which are beyond tJ-.e
control of the Fire Depar-..n-ent of Sheridan, whether because of _ ,,, of their
equiprent at other places or because of the intensity of the emez gency, or
otherwise, Englewood agrees, subject to the limitation hereinafter set
forth, to aid and assist Sheridan by causing and penni.tting its Fire
Division and its equiprrent to be used in responding to arergencies in the
territorial area of Sheridan, and the need for such aid and as~istance
shall be detetmined by the Fire Departrrent of Sheridan; subject, however,
to the following limitations:
-1 -
Enalewood shall be eXCUsed £ran making its equipnent and services
available to· sheriden in the event o! the need of the errergency equipnent
and the man~ wi ·:.h in the territorial area of Englewood, or their prior
use at any place, which decision of availability shall be made by the Fire
Division of Englewood, and .hich decision shall be conclusive.
2. For and in consideration of the pr emises of Englewood,
hereinafter set forth , Sheridan agrees with l'nglewood that in the event
there are fires or other errergencies in the territory served by Englewood
which are beyond t he control of the Fire Division of Englewood , s>hether
because of use o: t.>ieir equii;rrent at other places or because of the
intensity of the errergency, or otherwise, Sheridan agrees, sub:ect to the
limitation hereinafter set forth, to aid and assist Englewood by causing
and perm1 tting Sheridan equipnent to be used in responding to errergencies
in the territorial area of Englewood, and the need for such aid and
assistance shall be determined by the Fire Division of Englewood, subject,
hc:rwever, to the following limitation :
She·,:.dan shall be excused fran making its equipnent or service
available to Englewood in the event of the need of the errergency equipnent
or need of the man~ within the territorial area of Sheridan or their
prior use at any place, .hich decision of availability shall be made by the
Fire Departrrent of Sheridan and which c'ecision shall be conclusive.
J . The services rendered by one party to the other are of equal value
to t.'le services rendered by the other party, and there shall be no charges
made by the one party for the services rendered to the other ,iarty, except c
t.>iat in the event of equipr,ent damage by reason of the action c-t the
ertt=>loy-.es of the ether party, the liabili t y and loss shall te determined on
the b<•sis of the fault or negligence of any E<Tployee. If t he arployee is
determined to be at fault or negligent, the party e,;ploying that e;ployee
shall be liable for the loss .
4. Each party shall be expected to maintain its equipnent and
organize its errergency response irethod wiCl both manpc:rwer and equipnent to
the degree necessary to cope with th<= ordinary and routine errergencies
arising within its boundaries and for which the party is organized.
Neither party shall expect the other to respond to errergency calls where
the errergency ari ses due to a failure to organize available manpower or
Maintain equipirent in proper working or der and in sufficient quantity to
r.eet the respective demands of the persons ,.od property within each of the
parties' respective jurisdictions.
II. AL'l1'.l-!ATIC AID:
l. It is understood and agreed that the Englewood Fire Division will
respond fran any apprq,riate Englewood station into the City of Sheridan as
part of the initial response through autanatic dispatching by dispatch
personnel into the below defined areas :
DEFINID ARFAS -SHERIDAN: the entire City of Sherida~-
-2 -
AutanaHc aid response into Sheridan will consist of a minimJm 3
person ~-t, unless all Eng l ewood fire units are previously ccmnitted to
other incidents. In this instanc!!, E:-,.;lewood will imrediately notify
Sheridan's dispatch center of the inability to r espond, and will make every
effort to send a ccr.q:,any to Sheridan as soon as possible.
2. It is understood and agree d that a Sheridan Fire Department punper
unit or pu,rper and rescue unit will respond fran Sheridan into ~le.,:,ods'
1~sponse area as part of the initial response through autanatic dispatching
by dispatch personnel.
DEFINED AA.El\ -ENGI.El-mD: an area limited to, but generally
including all areas between South Jason Street (south to where it
intersects West Quincy Avenue) and South Santa Fe Drive en the East; West
Evans Ave ,me on the t,orth; I.cMell Boulevard on the West; and West Belleview
Avenue on the South .
Autcxnatic aid response into Englewood will consist of a minimJm 3
person ini.tial response, unless that fire catpany is previously ccmnitted
to another incident. In this instance, Sheridan will inrrediately notify
Engle1>1X>ds' dispatch center of the inability to respond, and will make
every effo1t to send a catpany to Englewood as soon as possible.
III. VOLUNTEER P!o;R.l\1-15:
1. The Sheridan Fire Department is, and shall continue to be, a
crnt,ination departrrent consisting of both paid and volunteer rreicl:Jers.
2 . The service of individuals holding r.ernbersl".ips wi th the Sheridan
Fire Departirent shall be available to both Englewood and Sheridan in tin-es
of emergency, or as ot.'1erwise directed by the Chief of the Fire Departmant
of Sheridan.
3 . Volunteer firefighters will recei ve fran the Sheridan Fire
Departmant technical training in fire suppression and rredical areas in
a=rdance with current Sheridan requirements, including specific trai.-,ing
requirer.e.'lts of the State of r.olorado for certification.
4. Past rrerrbers of the Englewood Volunteer Fire Departmant who ncM
serve as volunteers on t.'le Sheridan Fire Departrrent will transfer their
pension benefits to Sheridan only as pennitted by the laws of the State of
Colorado . such transferred pension benefits shall be aaninistered in
a=recnce with the ordinances of Sherida.'l, t.'1e laws of the State of
COlorado, and a'1y policies ncM in affect or ret"eafter adopted .
1. Either party hereto may terminate this Contract without c a use upon
thirty (30) days prior written ootice to the other.
2. This l\greerrent s.'1all be ad.u.nistered pursuar.. to such written
agree'1ellts as the Fire Oliefs of each party deem appropriate.
-3 -
IN WI'lNESS WHERmE ', the oarties have hereto executed this l\gree!lent
this __ day of ____ 19_.
a ltllllicipal corporation
By ~Su-san--v~an-~oy~k-e-,-Ma~yo-r __ _
Patri-c~Ia_,,H,...-erow,,....-, -c~i-ty""""'C~l-er~k~
By A1=1-an""""'r=-.--=s,...tan1-,-ey-, ""o""lr_ec....,.t_o_r_
Depar1:lmnt of Safety Services
City Attorney
-4 -
a ltllllicipal corporation
By:-,~~~~~----Dale Patton, Mayor
Dee Heath, City Clerk
City Attorney
November 19, 1990
11 (a)
Safety Services Department
SUBJECT Mutual Aid/
Automatic Aid Agreement
STAFF SOURCE Chris Olson , Fir e Division Executive Offi cer
Adopt an ordinance approving a Mutual Aid / Au tomatic Aid Agre ement with the City
of Sheridan.
1984 ordinance for mutual aid /automa ti c aid with the City of Sheridan .
This ordinance updates and Improves the pres ent agreement with Sheridan, In
accord with Council a nd Fir e Servi ce Del •• ay Committee recommenda tions .
This ordinance will exp and Sheridan's co mmitment Into Englewood , specifically Into
the southwest quadrant of the city .
,,.-.., No extra financial Impacts result from this ordinance.
municipal corporation, hereinafter called 'Englewood ,• and the CITY OF
SHERIDAN,COLORADO, hereinafter called 'Sheridan ',
WHEREAS, Englewood 1s a municipal corporation organized and exi sting
pursuant to Article XX of the Colorado Constitution, its Charter, its Ordinan-
ces; its territorial jurisdiction generally 1s the legal boundaries of the
City of Englewood, Colorado, and
WHEREAS, Sheridan 1s a municipal corporation organized and existing
pursuant to the statutes of the State of Colorado; its territorial jurisdic-
tion generally is the legal boundaries of the City of Sheridan, Colorado, and
WHEREAS, each of the parties hereto maintain a fire department consist -
ing of personnel and emergency equipment; and
WHEREAS, emergencies may arise in one or the other of the jurisdictions
of the parties, resulting in greater demands than the personnel and equipment c
of the party can handle; or emergencies of such !~tensity may occur that they
cannot be handled solely by the available personn •;l and equipment of the party
in whose jurisdiction the emergency occurs; and
WHEREAS, it is to the inter•st of each of the parties that they may have
service of and from the other party to aid and assist them in the purpose of
fighting fires or responding to other emergencies;
NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED by and between the parties as
follows :
I. For and in consideration of the promises of Sheridan, hereinafter
set fo1·th, Englewood agrees with Sheridan, that in the event there are emergen -
cies in the territory served by Sheridan which are beyond the control of the
Fire Department of Sheridan, whether because of use of their equipment at
other places or because of the intensity of the emergency, or otherwise, En-
glewood agrees, subject to the limitation hereinafter set forth, to aid and
assist Sheridan by causing and permitting its Fire Division and its equipment
to be used in responding to emergencies in the territorial area of Sileridan,
and the need for such aid and assistance shall be determined by the Fire De-
partment of Sheridan; subject , however, to the following limitations:
~ Englewo~d shall be excused from ,naking its equipment and services
available to Sheridan in the event of the need of the emergency equipment and
the manpower within the t erritorial area of Englewood, or their prior use at
any place, which decision of availability shall be made by the Fire Division
of Englewood, and which decision shall be conclusive.
2. For and in consideration of the promises of Englewood, hereinafter
set forth, Sheridan agrees with Englewood that in the event there are fires or
other emergencies in the territory served by Englewood which are beyond the
control of the Fire Division of Englewood, whether because of use of their
equipment at other places or becau se of the intensity of the emergency, or
otherwise, Sheridan agrees, subject to the 11mitation hereinafter set forth,
to aid and assist Englewood by causing and permitting Sheridan equipment to be
u~ed in responding to emergenc i es in the territorial area of Englewood, and
the need for such aid and assistance shall be determined by the Fire Division
of Englewood, subject, howev ~r. to the following limitation :
Sheridan shall be excused from making its equipment or service
available to Englewood in the event of the need of the emergency equipment or
need of the n1anpower within the territorial area of Sheridan or their prior
use at any place, which decision of availability shall be made by the Fire
Department of Sheridan and which decision shall be conclusive.
3. The services rendered by one party t o the other are of equal value
to t he services rendered by thr, other party, and there sha 11 be no charges
made by the one party for the ~~rvices rendered to tl1e other party, except
that In the event of equipment damage by reason of the ~ctton of the employees
of the other party, the liability and loss shall be determined on the basts of
the fault or ne~ligence of any employee. If the employee is determined to be
at fault or negligent, th ;, parti· employing that employee shall be liable for
the loss.
4. Each party shall be fxpected to maintain its equipment and organize
its emergency response method ~·1th both manpower ar,d e~uipment to the degree
necessary to cope with the ·ordinary and r outine emergencies arising within its
boundarles and for which the party is organized . Neither party shall expect
the other to respond to emergency ca 11 s where the emergency art ses due to a
failure to organize available manpower or maintain equipment in proper working
order and In sufficient quantity to meet the respective demands of the persons
and property within each of the parties' respective jurisdictions .
I. It ts understood and a-.1reed that the Englewood Fire Division wi ll
respo~d from any appropriate Enghwood station into The City of Sheridan as
part of the initial response throu)h automatic dispatching by dispatch pers,n -
nel i nto the below defined areas.
DEFINED AREA • SHERIDAN : the entire City of Sheridan .
Automatic aid response Into Sheridan will consist of a minimum 3-
person company, unless all Englewood fire units are previously co11111itted to
other incidents. In this instance, Englewood will i11111ediately notify
Sheridan's dispatch center of the i nabtl i ty to respond, and wt 11 make every
effort to send a company to Sheridan as soon as possible.
2. It ts understood and agreed that a Sheridan Fire Department pumper
unit or pumper and rescue unit will respond from Sheridan into Englewoods'
response area as part of the initial response through automatic dispatching by
dispatch personnel .
DEFINED AREA -ENGLEWOOD: an area limited to, but generally in-
cluding all areas between South Jason Street (south to where it intersects
West Quincy Ave .) and South Santa Fe drive on the east; West Evans Ave. on the
north; Lowell Boulevard on the west; and West Belleview Ave . on the south.
Automatic aid response into Englewood will consist of a minimum 3-
person initial response , unless that fire company is previously co11111itted to
another incident . In this instance, Sheridan will i11111ed1ately notify Engle-
woods' dispatch center of the inability to respond, and wil 1 make every effort
to send a company to Englewood as soon as possible.
I. The Sheridan Fire Department is, and shall continue to be, a combina-
tion department consisting of both paid and volunteer members.
2. The service of individuals holding memberships with the Sheridan Fire
Deparment shall be available to both Englewood and Sheridan in times of emer-
gency, or as otherwise direct~d by the Chief of the Fire Department of
3. Volunteer firefighters will receive from the Sheridan Fire Department
technical training in fire suppression and medical areas in accordance with
current Sheridan requirements, includ i ng specific training requirements of the
State of Colorado for certification .
4. Past members of the Englewood Volunteer Fire Department who now serve
as volunteers on the Sheridan Fire Department will transfer their pension
benefits to Sheridan only as permitted by the laws of the State of Colorado.
Such transferred pension benefits shall be administered in accordance with the
ordinances of Sheridan, the laws of the State of Colo ;•ado, and any policies
now in affect or hereafter adopted .
I. Either party hereto may terminate this contract without cause upon
thirty (30) days prior written notice to the other.
2. This agreement shall be administered pursuant to such written agree -
ments as the Fire Chiefs of each party deem approp r iate.
IN WIT~ESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereto executed this Agreement this ___ day of ______ , 19_
a municipal corporation
By su-sa-n-v""a_n,..Oy-.k_e_, ""'M.-ay_o_r __ _
Attest: ,..Pa~t~cr_o_w_, ~c~1 t.-y-c~,.-e-rk~
By A 1..-la-n-.-F ......... St"'a-n..-1 e-y-, -,D...,i""re'"'c_,.t,...or-
Department of Safety Services
cl ty Attorney
a municipal corporation
By o·-a l'"'e-..-Pa...,t..,.to:--:n,-, -,M..,a,...yo,...r:------
A t test: ,..Oe_e_H,,_e-a'"'th-,-c~lcrty--.C~l e-r ... k-
By M'"'"ar_,k-.,-Wa-., ... ,-.c-e-, .... F..,.1-re-.nch,...,l,_e.,..f--
City Attorney