HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990 Ordinance No. 064OODINANCE l'I:>.~
9 (c)
FCR ~llTlll\L/ l\JJIU-11'.TIC AID FCR FIRE Prora:TICN FCR oonl Eln'ITIES.
~rr!EREAS, Englewood is a rrunicipal oorporation organized and wsting
pursuant to Article xx of the Coloraoo Constitution, its Olarter, its
Ordinances; its territorial jurisdiction generally is the legal boundaries
cf the City of Engle1-'X>Cl, Colorado; and
WIIEREI\S, Littleton is a rrunicipal oorporation provitling fire service
wi thin the legal boondaries of the City of Littleton and the legal
bo.mdaries of the Littleton Fire Protection District (referred to as the
"territory or service area of Littleton") pursuant to an· intergovermental
agreerrent with said District for flre services; and
mEREAS, each of the part ills hereto maintain emergency equipnent; and
NHERF.AS, erergencies may arise in one or the other of the
jurise.ictions of the parties resulting in greater demands than the
personnel and equiµrent of that party can handle, or energencies of such
i.,tensity may occur that they C11Mot be handled solely by the equii:rient of
the party in whose jurisdictfon the E!ll!!rgency occurs; and
Whereas, it is in the interest of each of the parties that they may
have service of a.~d fron the oth..r party to aid and assist them for the
purpose of fighting fires or resp?nding to other emergencies;
E!lGLJ:l,IOOD, CO!J:J?NX), -~ FO!UJ!IS :
Section l. '!'1at an agreerrent entitled "Mutual Aid/Autonatic Aid
A<:'I'ee<nent between the City of Englewood and the City of Littleton is hereby
a.,proved by the City Council. Said AgrE!E!1'cnt provides generally as
'A. Englewood shall in t."ie event there are fires or othr,r emergencies
in the territory or service area of Littleton which are beyond the oontrol
of Littleton, whether because of the use of its equipnent at other places
or because of :-~.e intensit, of the emergency, or otherwise, subject. to the
l imitations hereinafter set forth, aid and assist Littleton by causing and
permitt ing its fire depart,rent and its equiprent to be used in responding
to acerc,encies in the territory ancl service area of Littleton. The need
for such aid and assistMCe shall be determined by Littleton.
tlotwithstandin~ anything herein to the oontrary, Englewood shall be excused
fron nakin~ its equir,re:it and services available to Littleton in the event
-l -
of the need for such cquirrn-..nt and/or their prior use at any other place,
1;hich decision of availability shall be mac'e by Englewood, and which .,..,..
decision shall be conclusive. ( l
n. Littleton shall, in the event there are fires or other a,ergencies
in the territory or service arl!II of Englewood whic.>i are beyond the control
of Engle.o:xl, whether because of the use of i ts equii;rrent at other places
or because of the intensity of the emergency, or otherwise, subject to the
limitations hereinafter set forth, aid and assist Engle\OXld by causing Md
pennitting its fire departrrent and equipnent to be used in responding to
emergencies in the territory and service area of Englewood. The need for
such aid and assistance shall be determined by Englewood. Notwithstanding
anything herein to the oontrary, Littleton shall be excused fran making its
equii;rrent and services available to Englewood in the event of the need of
such equiprrent and/or P"rsonnel within the territory and service area of
Littleton, or their prior use at any other place, which decision of
availability shall be ....ade by Littleton, and which decision shall be
C. Th-a services t o be rendered by one party to the other are of equal
va lue, and there shall be no charges made by either part~• for the services
rendered to the other party, except in the event of equipnent damage by
reason of the action of the errployees of the other party . If the arployee
is ,t,termined to be at fault or negligent, the party errploying that
enp '.oyee shall be liable for t.>ie loss.
D. Each party shall maintain its equii;rrent and organize i ts
ernergency response procedures with both personnel and equipnent to the
degree necessary to cope with the ordinary and routine emergencies arising
within its boundaries Md for which the party is organized. Neither party
shall be e,q,ected to respond to emergency calls when the emergency arises
clue to a failure to organize available perso.1..'lel or maintain equipnent in
prcper working order and in sufficient quantity to rreet the respective
danands of the persons and property within each of the party ' s respective
territory and service areas.
·"· It is understood and agreed that a:i Englewood Fire Di.vision engine
unit will respond fran any apprq-,riate li'lqlewood station into Littleton as
p art of the initial response t.>irou gh autoo,atic dispatching by dispatch
personnel into the bela., defined area:
DEFINED AREA -LITl'IEl'Ctl : an area limited to, but generally
extending fran South Clarkson Street en the East ( 800 block
East) , Bcr,1 Mar Drive on the West ( 5600 block West) , the North
City limits of Littleton, and a!'Proximately Pawers Avenue ai the
South (5500 block South); areas to include Littleton High School
and the portion of Ba., Mar between Dow f.lar Drive and Sheridan
In the event that all Englewood fire w,its are previously cannitted to
other incinents, Englewood will imnediately notify Littleton's dispatch
center of the inability to respond, and will make every effort to send a
ca:pany to Littleton as soon IIS possible .
B. It is. understood and agreed that a Littleton Fire Department
engine wiit will respond fran any apprq,riate station into Englewood as
part_ of the initial response through autanatic dispatching by dispatch
personnel into the belc.,/ defined area:
DEFINED AREA -mGLEln:D: an area limited to, but generally
including all areas between South Clarkson Street en the East
( 800 block East) , South I.a-lell Boulevard on the \'lest ( 3600 block
west), tlest Tllfts/West Union a, the North (4500 block North),
and the Sauth City limits of Englewood. (Said area being
specifically depicted in Exhibit #1 attached hereto and
incorporated herein by this reference.)
In the event that · all Littleton fire wiits are previously connitted to
other incidents, Littleton will i.rmediately notify Englewood's dispatch
center of the inability to respond, and will make every effort to send a
catpany to Englewood as soon as possible.
A. It is und<>-rstood and agreed that the Englewood Fire Division will
respond an !\dvanced Life SUpport anbula.,ce/rescue wiit fran Station #23
(Acooa) into a defined area within Littleton through autanatic dispatching
by Littleton dispat ch J?".XSOn.,el.
DEFINED l\l'c::/1 -LI'l'I'LEIW : an area limited to, but generally
including , South Broad.,ay on the East ( 0000 block East) , South
Hickory Street en t.lie \'lest (900 block l'lest), Littleton City
boundary en the North, and West Pc.,/l!rs Avenue en the South ( 5600
block Sauth) •
Autanatic aid response into Littleton will consist of a two-person
Advanced Life Support arrbulance/rescue unit, wiless t."lis unit is previously
cmmi.tted to another incident and cannot respond. In this instance,
Englewood will imrediately notify Littleton's dispatch center of the
inability to respond so that Littleton mal' call in alternative w,its.
It is understood and agreed that Littleton will continue to respond
their normal engine ca,pMy and private transport ambulance, if needed, to
rescue calls in the defined autanatic aid response area.
It is also understood and agreed that Englewood's ani:,ulance/rescue
unit will ;,rovide transportation in accordance with t."le guidelines
established by the Littleton Fire Deparbrent, and that if mx:h
transport,.tion is ;->rovide<l, P.ngle,,IOOd will bill the patient(s ) according to
the Englewood Fire Division's transportation fee schedule.
-3 -
B. It is understood and agreed that the Littleton Fire Departrrent
will respond an Advarn,ed Life SUpport Mbul.MCe/rescue unit fran Littleton
Stntion Ill into a defined area within Englewood throogh autanatic
dispatching by Englewood dispatch personnel.
DP.FINED AAFJ\ -DGB,tXD: an area limited ~u, but generally
including the area known as Centennial Acres, lohlch ia bounded by
the South Platte River on the East, Lo.lell Boulevard on the Heat
(3600 blc:r.k West), the City limits of Englewood on the North, and
West Belleview Avenue on the South (5100 block South). (Said
area being specifically depicted on Exhibit ll attached hereto
and incorporated herein by this reference.)
l\utanatic aid response into Englewood will consist of a mini.nun
t.1:>-person Advanced Life SUpport arrbulance/rescue unit, unless this unit is
previOllsly carrnitted to another incident. In this instance, Littleton
dispatchers will inm!diately notify the Englewood dispatch center of the
inability to respond, so that Dlglewood may call in alternative units.
It is understood and agreed that Englewood will oontinue to respond
its normal engine oc:rrpany. If needed, Englewood will also respond its next
available Mbulance/rescue unit, or if one is not available , a private
ant>ulance, to provide transportation services.
It is also understood and agreed that Littleton will net be expected
to provide transportation services.
This ilgreer.ent shall supersede any prior agreerrents between the
parties hereto.
A. This Agreement shall remain in full force for a maximum period of
one year fran the date of execution. llcMever, either party hereto may
terminate this Contract withOllt cause upon thirty (30) days prior written
notice to the other party.
B. The respective directors listed bel<M may establish procedures and
protocols for the carrying oot of this l\greenent, hc7wever, no such
procedure or rrotcc:ol s.>iall be contrary to the terms or intent of this
Introduced, read in full , and passed on first reading on the 3rd day
of Deccm,er, 1990.
-4 -
Published 118 a Bill for llll Ordinance on the 6th day of llec:9!ber, 1990.
Read by title and passed oo final reading on the 17th day of Dec8ar,
Published by title as Ordinance No. ff, Series of 19~0, on the 20th
day of llec:eTtler, 1990.
Patricia H. Crow, City Clerk
I, Patricia H. Ci:w, City Clerk of the City of Englewood, Colorado,
hereby certify that the above and foregoing is ,, true 'wt of the Ordi."1Allce
passed on final reading lllld published by title ns OrdL,ance No. €,f'; Series
of 1990.
-5 -
A\1l'CMATIC .a.ID .a.ND mru.a.r. lUD l\GREEMml'
'\'HIS .a.GRmmff, made by and between the CI'l'l! CF ~. Colorado,
herel.Jlafter called " Englewood," and the CI'l'l! CF LITl'LETCN, Colorado,
hereinafter called "Littleton.
WHEREAS, Englewood is a nunicipal corporation and its territorial
jurisdiction generally is the legal boundaries of the City of Englewood,
Coloraoo; and
WHEREAS, Littleton is a rrunicipal corporation providing fire service
within the legal boundaries of the City of Littleton and the legal boundaries
of the Littleton Fire Protection District (collectively referred to as the
"territory or service area of Littleton") pursuant to an intergovernnental
agreerent with said District for firi~ services; and
l<IHERE.>.S, each of the parties hereto maintain errergency equii:ment; and
WHEREAS, errergencies may ari se in one or the other of the jurisdictions
of the parties resulting in greater dernancm than the per!l'" .• 1el and equii:ment
of that party can handle, or errergencies of such intensity may occur that they
cannot be handled solely by the equii:ment of the party in whose jurisdiction
the errergency occurs; and
WHEREAS, it is in the interest of each of the parties that they may have
service -,f and fran t. ,e other party to aid and assist them for the purpose of
fight fires or responding to other errergencies;
I . ~ .a.ID :
.a.. Engl"""°°'1 shall in the event there are fires or other errergencies in
the territory or service ar,,,. of Littleton which are beyond the control of
Littleton, whether because of the use of its equiµrent at other places or
because of the intensity of the errergency, or otherwise, subject to the
limi tations hereinafter set forth, aid and assist Littleton by caus ing and
permitting its fire departJTent and its equii:ment to be used in rc,;ponding to
emergencies in the territory and service area of Littleton. The need for such
aid and assistance shall be determined by Littleton. Notwithstanding anything
herein to the contrary, Engl"""°°'1 shall be excused from making its equii:ment
and services available to Littleton in the event of the need for such
equip,ent and/or their prior use at any other place, which decision of
availabi.li ty shall be made by Englewc,od, and which decision shall be
B. Littleton shall , in the event there are fires or other emergencies in
the territory or service area of Englewood which are beyond the control of
Engl"""°°'1, whether because of the use of its equiµrent at other places or
bec ause of the intensity of the errergency, or otherwise, subject to the
limitations hereinafter set forth, aid and assi.st Engl"""°°'1 by causing and
permitting its fire departnent and equiprent to be used in responding to
emergencies in the territory and service area of Englewood, The need for auch
aid and assistance shall be determined by Englewood. Notwithstanding anything
herein to the contrary, Littleton shall be excused fran rraking its equipnent
and services available to Englewood in . the event of the need of such equip,-ent
~d/or personnel within the territory and service area of Littleton, or their
prior use at any other place, "'1.ich decision of availability shall be made by
Littleton, and which decision shall be conclusive.
C. '1'le services to be rendered by one party to the other are of equal
value, and ther e shall be no charges made by either party for the services
rendered to the other party, except in the event of equiprrent damage by reascn
of the action of the ""t'loyees of the other pa:ty. If the mployee is
detennined to be at fault or negligent, the party mploying that ""t'loyee
shall be liable for the loss .
D. Each party shall maintain its equiµrent and organize i ts emergency
response procedures with both personnel and equiprrent to the degree necessary
to cq,e with the ordinary and routine 81'etgencies arising within its
l:<>.mdaries and for which the pai1:y is organized. Neither pnrty shall be
expected to respond to 81'ergency calls when the emergency arises due to a
failure to organize available personnel or maintain equiprrent in proper
working order and in sufficient quantity to meet the respective ci!!IMnds of the
pers ons and prcperty within each of the party's respective territory and
service areas .
II. l\t.JTCM.>.TIC AID -ENGINE l~SE 00..'l:
l\. It is understood and agreed that an Englewood Fire Division engine
unit will respond fran any apprcpriate Englewood station into Littleton as
part of the initial response through autanatic dispatching by dispatch
personnel into the below defined area:
DEFINED l\RFA -LITn.E:I'OO: an area limited to, but generally
extending fran South Clarkson Street en the East ( 800 block East) ,
Bc:M Mar Drive on the West (5600 block West), the North City limit s
of Littleton, and approximately Pc,,,,ers Avenue oo the South (5500
block South); areas to include Littleton High Schoel and the portioo
of Bc:M Mar between Bc:M Mar Drive and Sheridan Boulevard.
In the event that all Englewood fire units are previously ccmni.tted to
other incidents, Englewood will imrediately nob ::'y Littlet-,n' s dispatch center
of the inability to respond, and will make every effort to send a ca,pany to
Littleton as soon as possible.
B. It is understood and agreed that a Littleton Fire Department engine
unit will respond fran any apprcpriate station into Englewood as part of the
initial response through automatic dispatching by dispatch personnel into the
below defined area :
DEFINED l\RFA -ENGLEl-lXO : an area limit ed to, but generally
including all areas between South Clarkscn Street oo the East ( 800
block East) , South Lowell Boulevard oo the West ( 3600 block West) ,
West Tufts/West Union oo the North (4500 block North), and the
South City limits of Englewood. (Said area being specificall y
-2 -
depicted in Exhibit ll attached her.eto and incorporated herein by
this reference. )
In the event that all Littleton fir,c, units are previously camdtted to
other incidents, Littleton will imnediate.ly notify Englewood's dispatch center
of the inability to respond, and will mak·~ every ,,ffort to send a oarpany to
Englewood as soon as poqsi.ble.
A. It is understood and agreed that the Englewood Fire Divisia1 will
respond an Advanced Life SUpport 1111bulance/rescue unit fran Statia1 123
(AccrM) into a defined area within Littleton through autanatic dispatching by
Littleton dispatch personnel.
DEFINED ARFA -LITl'LE'I'OO: an area limited to, but generally
including, South Broa~ay on the East ( 0000 block East) , South
Hickory Street a1 the West (900 block West), Littleton City boundary
on the North, and West Pc,,iers Avenue a1 the south ( 5600 block
Autanatic aid response into Littleton will consist of a two-person
Amanced Life Support 1111bulance /rescue unit, unless this unit is previously
ccmnitted to another incident and cannot respond . In this instance, Englewood
will :imrediately notify Littleton's dispatch center of the inability to
respond so that Littleton IMY call in alternative units.
It is understood and agreed that Littleton will continue to respond their
nor!Ml engine catpany and private transport anbulance, if needed, to rescue
calls in the defined autanatic aid response area.
It is also understood and agreed that Englewood 's 1111'bulance/rescue unit
will provide transportation in accordanc e with the guidelines established by
the Littleton Fire Department, an d that if such transportation is provid..od,
Englewood will bill the patient(s) according t o the Englewood Fire Division's
transportation fee schedule.
B. It is understood and agreed that the Littleton Fire Departm!nt will
respond an Advanced Life Support am:,ulance/rescue unit fran Littleton Station
I ll into a defined area within Engles=d through autanatic dispatching by
Englewood dispatc h personnel.
DEFINED ARU -ENGLEl-0'.lD: an area limited to, but generally
including the area known as Centennial Acres , which is bounded by
the South Platte River on the East, Lc,,;ell Boulevard on the West
(3 600 block Nest), tJ-.e City limits of Englewood on the North, and
West Belleview Avenue on the south ( 5100 block Sooth) • ( Said area
being specifica lly depicted on Ex.ii.bit #1 attached hereto and
incorporated herein by this reference. )
Autanatic aid respons e into Englewood will consist of " minim.In
two-person Advanced Life SUpport 1111bulance /reseoie unit, unless this unit is
previoosly ccmnitted to anothe r incident. In this instance, Li ttleton
dispatchers will imrediately notify the Englewood dispatch center of the
inability to respond, so that En glewood may call in alternative units.
-3 -
It 1a wide.stood and agreed that Englewood will continue to respond its
normal engine ca,pany. If needed, Englewood will also respond its next
available 1111bulance/rescue wiit, or if a,e is not available, a privat9
anbul.ance, to provide transportation services.
It is ,also widerstood and agreed that Littleton wiU rot be expected to
provide transportation services.
flus Agreement shall supersede any prior agreements between the parties
A. '1"1s Agreement shall remain in full force for a maxim.ml period of aie
year fran the date of execution. Hc:Mever, either party hereto may terminate
this Cootract without cause upon thirty (30) days prior written notice tot.he
other party.
B. 'nle respective directors listed below may establish procedures a:1d
protocols for the carrying out of this Agreenent , however, no such proce:hlre
or protocol shall be oontrary to the terms or intent of this Agreement.
IN WI'mESS WIIERIDF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement this
__ day of ______ ,, 199_.
By :
Littleton City Council
Janice L. CMen, City Clerk
By: ""Milt=-e""'00y=..-1e _______ _
Fire Oepartnent Director
By :
Larry Berkowitz, City l\ttorney
-4 -
CIT'{ OF ~
By: "'susan--v"'an-"'Dy""k""e-,...,.,Ma-yo_r __ _
City o f Ehglewood
By: ""'P"'a~tr=ic-1""a-=-L-.~Crow,--,...,,CTit,..y...,,C~ler-,.k-
By : ---,,Al..,..lan-"'r-.""'s~t-an""i~ey----
'lirector of Safety services
By: "'RiTc"'k"""'oew-=i""t..,.t-, ""'c~r..,.t-y""'A"'t..,.to_rney __ _
Dec ember 3, 1990
11 (c)
Department of Safety Services
SUBJECT Mutual Aid/
Automatic Aid Agreement
with Littleton
STAFF SOURCE Chris Olson , Executive Officer , Fire DMslon
Adopt an ordinance approving a Mutual Aid / Automatic Aid Agreement wtth the City
of Littl eton .
1983 ordinance for mutnal aJd / a utomatic aJd wlth the City of Littleton .
This ordinance updates and Improves the present agreement wllh Littleton , In accord
With Council and Fire Services Dellv~ry Comrnlttee recommendations .
This ord!nance primarily extends the comrnJtment of bo 'h parties, specifically to
Include automatic aJd for rescue Into the Centenrual area, and also Into a specific
area of Littleton.
No extra financ,d! im pacts resttl.t from this ordinance .