HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991 Ordinance No. 016ORDINA."lCE NO. J /.. SERIES OF 199~ BY I\IJTHOR.ITY COONCIL BILL NO . 15 INl'RCJXlCEl) BY CUJNCIL MEMBER IW3!:l'IICJ-fl' AN ORDINANCE Al1l'OORIZING A CXNJ'RACT BE"lWEEN THE STATE OF COLOAAOO AND THE CITY OF l:NGLl:NXlO IMPLEME!fl'ING AND ANALYZING A RJ:X:YCLING PRCGRAM AND DEOJ\RING AN EMERGrnC'i. WHERFA5, the City of Englewood and the City of Littleton applied for a SMART Grant oo June 28, 1990, in order to ~lement a recycling program in the cities ; and WHEREAS, the State of Colorado awarded the s-11\RT Grant in Septenv:ier of 1990; and 1-a-!EREAS, due to the fact that trash is a nationwide problem and a City ..,ide problem; and l'l!ERF.AS, it is necessary to oamence ~lementat: ... on of this program so that it will occur before spring cleanup; and WHEREAS, by approving this Contract the City will receive $90,000 frcrn the State for the SMART Grant Recycling Program; and lfflERFAS, to insure the effectiveness of the recycling program trash collection activities nust begin as soon as p:,ssible; and i.lEREAS, postponing the program delays the City's analysis of how to handle its solid waste and increases the need for land fill capacity; and WHEREAS, by beginning the program as soon as possible Englewood will be able to achieve a significant goal to oamence oo or before June, Englewood's declared recycling m::x,th; and WHEREAS, by beginning the recycling program as soon as possible Englewood will start to receive the benefits of recycling sooner rather than later; r,a;, 'l'IIEREFCm:, BE IT CIIDAINED BY THE CITY CXXJNCIL CF 'rnE CITY OF ENGLJ:lo!XD, COLOAAOO, AS FCLIDiS: Section l. nie a Contract be~ the State of Co l o rado and the City of Engl;;;.;;;a lJTl)lementing a Recycling Program is hereby approved by the City Council. Said Contract provides generally as follo,,s: l. !he Pros;am -the City of Englewood pranises to provide ,the professional services necessary to ca,plete the program which include all tasks, obj ectives, reporting requirE'ITEnts and speci ficati or1s as required: City o f En gleo.ood's Ccmni.trrent: -l - 1. nie City sha ll inplenent a recycling project piloting approximately 3,000 households . 5airl ho useholds are anticipated t o purchase 8 trash dispos al bags per month in order to service their ha uling needs. 2 . 11. recycling container will be supplied to each o f the participating households in the pilot area. By instituting a voluire charge for tra sh and offering free curbside recycling pick up, i t is expected that 501, of the households will participate voluntarily. 3 . The cost-per-bag program will replace the existing flat-fee disposal rate paid by the haneo,,mer to the trash hauler A curbside recycling carponent will be developed in a ddition to the inplerrentation of the per-bag disposal fee. 4. 11.n anti-scavengir,g c,f separated recyclables ordinance will be reviewed. 5. The City of Englewood shall undertake the follcwing steps: a) The City shall hire local program coordinator who will be responsible for overseeing the program and the ooopletion of all mile J tones, rreet with haulers and identify bag distributor locat icns, and issue a Request for Prq,osal for bucket and bag pi .oduction . (!t>nth 1) b) The City shall p':,,pare educaticnal materials, and award ccntract ( s) for bucket and bag rroduction. (!t>nth 2) c) The City shall hold a series of infonnational meetings in ~ pilot recycling area where recycling infonnation dissemination will rely heavily on informaticnal rreeting format rather than printed materials . (Month 3 ) d) The City inplenents program by making b.Jckets and bags available. Pilot curbside recycling program begins. (f<blth 4-9) e) Pilot curbside reoycling program ends. (!t>nth 10) f) The City shall hola a series of meetings analyzing the i,,:,rkings of the program and what it call nean for the entire city . The City will prarote •precycling," recycling, and buyi ng recycled . 'nle City shall <Xl1l'&" the Littleton and Englewood program . (!t>nths 11-13) C. City o f Littleton 's Program: 1. The City of Englewood shall subcontract with the City of Littleton . D. Program variables between the 2 recycling projects will be evaluated and C<JTt>ll[ed to determine the effectiveness of each in the viability and reduction of solid waste. 2. Reports. A, A quarterly report shall be sul:mitted to the State on the 20th of the rronth following the end of each quarter. The report shall . indicate the status o f work to be pecfomed p.,rsuant to this contract and shall indicate c l early whether work is proceeding according to schedule, ahead of schedule or behind schedule, the City shall imrediately begin inplerrentation of a program to bring work up to schedule if behind schedule. B. The Q.Jarterly report shall contain a financial report S\.1111\ari zing expenditures . C. Audi t Requirments : 1. The City aclcno,'1edges the funds granted under this Q:intract are Federal funds, and will notify its auditors that these funds are subject to audit procedures outlined in CMB Circular A-128. 2. Within 6 ll'Onths after the end of the City• s fiscal year , a copy of the City• s financial audit shall be filed with the Office of ~ergy Conservation. 3. Contract Price: The State agrees to pay the City of Diglewood a total arinmt not to exceed Ninety Thousand Dollars. No flmds awarded under the terms of the contract are to be used for adni.nistrative expenses; nor shall these funds be used to ~lant existing funding fraa any source whatsoever. 4. Payrrents to the City of Englewood shall consist of: A. The City shall sul:mit a report en a form provided by the State detailing expenditure of funds provided under this Contract, '!he State shall pay by warrant on a rei.ntnlr9Elrent basis on line item billings. B. '!he Office of E):)ergy Conservation (State) shall withhold payrrent of the final 5l of the total l\greement ano.mt until the City has sul:mitted and the Office of Energy Conservation has accepted all requi .red financial, progress, evaluation, and perfonnance reports. 5 . The City shall follc,., State fiscal rules for all transactions per_.,rned unde r this Contract . 6. The State may withhold any payment if the City has failed to ca,ply with terms and conditions provided in this Contract. 7. The State sha ll have the right to inspect , examine, and audit the City's records, books , accounts and other relevant docunents, at any tirre -3 - and for any reason £ran the effective date of this Contract until 5 years after the date final paynent for this Project is received by the City . 8. The State shall have the right to enter the City's premises or other places where ""rk under the Contract is being perfomed in order to rronitor or evaluate the ""rk perforned. All monitoring and evaluations will be perfonned in such a manner that they will not unduly interfere with ~k under this Contract. 9. No subcontracts will be made by the City with any other party for furnishing any ""rk or services under this Contract without the cor,nent , guidance, and approval of the State other than individual erployer--81l'loyee contracts and those contained in the City's prq,osal, which by issuance of this Contract receive the State's assent . The City shall request in writing permission to subcontract. 10. The City represents that it has, or will secure at its o.,n expense, unless otherwise stated in this Contract or its attacments, all personnel, as l!l!l>loyees of the City, necessary to perform the ~k and services required to be perforned by the City under this Contract . 11. The City shall perform its duties hereunder as an independent caitractor and not as an erployee. 12 . If the City fails to CCJ'l'lY with any contractual provision, the State may, after notice to the City, suspend the Contract and withhold further payments or prohibit the City frau incurring additional ct>ligations of caitrK:tual funds, pending corrective action by the City or a decision to t,mainate in accordance the terms of the Contract. '!he State may determine to allow such necessary and proper o:,sts which the City could not reasaiably avoid during the period of suspension provided such costs were necessary and reasonable for the oonduct of the project. 13. Contract Termination . A. Termination for cause. If, throogh MY cause, the City shall fail to fulfill in a tinely and proper manner his ct>ligations under this Contract, or if the City shall violate any of the oovenants, agreements or stipulations of this Contract, the State shall thereupon have the right to teminate this Contract for cause by giving written notice to the City of such tennination and specifying the effective date thereof, at least 5 days before the effective date of such termination. In that event , all finished or unfinished <b::ments, data, studies, surveys, drawings, maps, rrodels, photographs and reports or other material prepared by the City under this Contract shall at the q,tion of the State, becare its prq,e.rty and the Ci ty shall be entitled •.o receive j ust and equitable oa,pensation for any sati sfactory "'°'-~ carpleted on such dxuments and other materials. Notwiths tanding the above, the City shall not .,e relieved of liability to the State for any dairages sustained by the St ate by v irtue o f any breach o f the Contract by the City , and the St ate may -4 - , \ J withhold any payments to the Contractor for the purpose of setoff until such tiJTe as the exact arrount of damages due the State fran the City is det• ·tmined. B. Termination for Convenience . The State may terminate this Contract at any tine the State determines that the purposes of the distribution of State funds under the Contract would no longer be served by the CCJTpletion of the Contract . 'Mle State shall effect such termination by giving written notice of termination to the City and specifying notice of termination to the Contractor and specifying the effective date thereof, at least 20 days before the effective date of such termination. In that event, all finished/unfinished docunents and other materials shall, at the option of the State, becare its property. If the Contract is terminated by the State as provided in the Contract, the City will be paid an anount which ):,ears the sane ratio to the total carpensation as the services actually perfomed bear to the total service of the City covered by this Contract, less payments of ca,p!nsation previously made. 14. '1odification and !\Jrendlrent . A. Modification by Operation of Law. 'lllis Contract is subject to such modifications as may be required by changes in federal or State law or regulations . Any such required modification shall be incorporated into and be part of this Contract as if fully set forth in the Contract. B. Programnatic or Budgetary Modificatioos. The City shal~ follow the revisioo procedures as set forth in the Contract. C. If either the State or the City desires to modify the terms of this Contract other than as set forth in the Contract, written notice of the proposed modification shall be given to the other party. No modifi catioo shall take effect wiless agreed to in writing by both parti es in an arrenarent to this Contract properly executed and approved in accordance with 11pplicable law. 15. The City and any subcontractors will credit the Coloraoo Office of Energy Conservation as a funding source oo all news releases, brochures, technical papers, and other prCX!Otional or informational mateI'ial. 16. '!his Contract, as written, with attachrents and references, is intended as the CCJTplete integration of al· understanding between the parties at this tine and no prior or oontEl11)0raneous addition, deletion or arrenarent hereto s hall have any force or effect whatsoever, unless eroodied in a written cont.act 5nenarent incorporating such changes, executed and approved pursuant to applicable law. 17 . The City shall sul:rni t annually an inventory of equiµrent acquired with State contract funds which is in the possess ion of the City <',r any subcontractors. When the Contract expires , the City shall report en State owned equiµrent as part of closeout. Thereafter , the State will issue -5 - disposition instructions to the City in accordance with applicable laws and regulat ions. 18. The City s hall provide property damage insurance ooverage to the limit possible on valuation of equipnent purchased by State funds, including the State a,,ned l!<iUii:mmt, until such tin-e as disposition of this equi prent is made. 19. To the extent that this Contract may be executed and performance of the cbligati ons of the parties may be acoa,plished within the intent of the Contract, the terms of this Contract are severable, and should any t enn or provision hereof be declared invalid or becaie inoperative for any reason , such invalidity or failure shall not affect the validity of any other tenn or provision hereof. The waiver of any breach o f a term hereof s hall not be oonstrued as waiver of any other term. 20. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, the partie s understand and agree that all tenns and conditions of this Contract and the exhibits and attacrrrents which may require continued performance or CCJ!l?liance beyond the termination date of the Contract shall survive such termination date and shall be enforceable by the State as provided herein in the event of such failure to perform or CCJ!l?lY by the City or its subcontractors . 21. This Contract shall beoane effective upon proper execution, and the project oontained herein shall ccmnence as soon as practicable after execution. The Contract shall terminate the 30th d~;i c,f April, 1992. If the City desires an extension of this Contract , "'lttimBion requests nust. be A sul:rnitted in writing to the State 45 days prior '-.J:J Contract end date. W Section 2. An emergency is hereby declared requiring imrediate passage of this ordinance. The reasm £or the anergency is as follcws: The City of Englewood and the City of LitUeton applied for a sw.Rl' Grant on June 28, 1990, in order to inplerrent a recycling program in the cities. The State ;:,f Colorado awarded the SM1\Rl' Grant in Septarber of 1990, by approving this Contract the City will receive $90,000 frau the State for the SM1\Rl' Grant Recycling Program. DJe to the fact that trash is a nationwide prcblern and a City wide prcblern i t is necessary to ccmnence imrediate inplerrentation of this program to insure the effectiveness of the recycling program. Trash oollection activities nust begin as soon as possible and postponing the program delays the Ci t y 's analysis of ha. to handle its solid waste and inc r easc,s the need for l and f i ll c apac ity . By beginnir,, the program as soon as possibl e Englewood wi ll be able to achieve a significant g(>c l to ccmrence on or before June Englewood's dee : ared r ecycling nonth an d Englewood wi ll start to recei ve the benefits of 1·:,cyc ling sooner r ather than l a ter. -6 - l I Introduced, read in full, and passed on first reading as an erergency bill for an ordinance a, the 4th day of March, 1991. Published in full as an erergency ordinance a, the 7th day of March, 1991. . Read by title and passed on final reading as an erergency ordinance a, the 5th day of March, 19 91. I, Patricia H. ero,,, City Clerk of the City of Engl....:xxi, Coloraoo, hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and call)lete cq,y of the Ordinance passed on final reading as an ~r-~ance. '?; /'{-#&.-/ Patr cia H. ero,, -7 - 36 \SQO EFA Depar tm en t or Agency Number Cont rac t Routmg Number CONTRACT TH IS CONTRACT, made this 28 th day or January, 199 1, by aod betw een the Stat e of Co lorado for the w e and benefit of the Office of Energy Conse rva tio n, a branc..b of th e Go \'ern or's Offi ce, hereinaricr rcre rred lu as the Stale, aod the Ciry of Englewood, her einafter rcrcrred to as Coouactor. WHEREAS, authority exists in Lbe Law and Funds have bceo budgeted, appropriated aod otherwise made available io Fu.ad Number 180, Organizat io n Account EA.EX, Ccntract Eo cumbrancc Number 9CXX) , 0MB Catalogue Number 8l041; an d WHEREAS , required apprn\'al , clearanu: and coorrliDation bas bceo ac:aimpfuhed from and with appropriate agencies; and WHEREAS , the citizens and pubLic officials of the Sta le of Colorad o have expressed support for programs lo add ress the gro"ing problem of soLid waste dispo sal and the shrinking capacity of landfill sites in an economical, environmentally sound and energy efficient fashion; an d WHEREAS, Oo,-ernor Roy Romer in ExccutiVt. Order DO 027 90 ordered Lbal Lbe Office of Energy Conservation alloca te Enon funds for rural and urbta community recycling grants; and WHEREAS, on May 21, 1990, th e Office of Ene rgy Conservation issued a Requ est for Qualifications for Recycling Demonstratio n Programs iD urban an d rural a,eas which exhibit a truly iD1cgra 1ed regional approach 10 recycling a.ad management of community soLi d wast e problems; and WHEREAS, the Contractor 's proposal is one of fo urtee n aaou t.he State of Colorado selected to implement the recycling demonstration program . NOW THEREFORE, it is hereby •~re cd that , I. The Program In cons iderati on of lhe State 's pr om ises hereinafter made, Contracto r pr omises to provide tbe professional services nece ssary to complete the pr ogr am o utlined in this paragr~pb 1, including all tasks, objeclivcs, reponing rcquirerr.cnts and speci ri cations as req uir ed herein : A. Co ntr ac 1or shall work toward solutions to the problems created by 1he abundance of tr ash and 1b e limi 1ed number of landfills that \!,ill be available pending the impl emenlation of EPA Subtit le D regulat ions in 1991. This venture is a collective effort which \!,ill integrate the effo rts of citize ns, go vern men t and the private sector. A final report v.i1l be submitted by ea ch city which analyz.cs the errectivcncss of the indhidual program, and compares it.s appeal and effi ciency \\i th th e pilot program of 1he oth er city. The analysis \l,iU ide ntify whi ch pr ogram generates the most public pa rticipatio n as \\CU as provide suggestions for success in the future . 8. City of Englewood's Commit;nent: Contractor shall implement a recycling project pi loting approximately 3,000 househ olds . These households arc expected 10 purchase eig ht (8) tras h disp os al bags per month in ord er to have their trash picked up . P,gc I or 9 Pages A recycli ng con t:i.i ner 1.1.i ll be supplied 10 eac h of the p:i.rtici p:i.ting house holds in th e pilol ar ea. By instituting a ,•olu me charge fo r tras h l\n d offering fr ee cu rb sid e re cycl ing pick up, it is exp ec te d 1ha t 50 pcrce n1 of th e hous ch ol <U 1.1.i ll pani ci p3te vo lunt aril y. iii Th e co!>l•pe r-b:i.g pr ogram 1.1.i ll repl ace the exis ting fl at -fee disposal rat e paid hv th e ho mco1.1.11 er 10 th e tras h hauler . A cwbsid e re cycling compon ent will be dc\'e loped in addi tion 10 th e imple ment ation of 1he pe r-bag dis pos :il fee . iv To help iruure a consisten t recycl ab le recovery ra lc fo r tras h haule rs , an Ant i-sca \'e og;n g or se para ted rc cycl:ib les ordinance 'Aili be r .:,iewc d. In order to accom plish the progr am, th e City of Englewood sh all und ertake 1hc foll o"ing steps: a) c ,Jot ractor shall hire local program coord inator who will be resp on sible for "'vcrsecUlg th e progr am and the complelion of all mileslones listed in this paragraph I. Contractor shall meet with haulers and id entify bag distributor locations . Contractor shall issue a Request for Proposal for bucket and bag producti on. (Mon th !) b) Contraelor shall prepare Educa tion al Materials. Co ntra ctor shall award cont ract(s) for bucket and bag production . (Montb 2) c) .Contractor shall hold a series or iaformationaJ meetings in the pilot recycling area where recycling informa t~1n dissemination will rely heavily oo informa ti ona.l mee1 i0g format ralhc: than printed materials. (Month 3) d) Contractor implemenl.5 program by U1aldng bucket.s aod bags available . Pilot curbside recycling program bcgin.s. (Months 4-9) e) Pilol curbside recycling program ends. (Montb 10) () Contractor shaU hold a series or meetings analyzing tbe workings ol.' the program and what it can mea.n for the entire city. Contracto r y..,jll promole ·precycling; recycling, and buying recycled . Contractor shall compare tbe Litt leton and En glewood pr ogr am. (M onths 11-13) g) An al!"is or pilot due . (Montb 11) h) Final wr ap up . Paper on pilo t pr,ject du e. (Mon tb 12) C. Ci ty of Littl eton·$ !'rogram : Contrat-, , '.\ha ll su bcon 1ract 1,1,i1h th e City or Liu lcto n. ii City oi Lmlc to n shall encourage haulers to pr ovide ince nt iv es to ho useholds whi ch use the curbside recycl ing program :ind de crea se thir tota l ·other trash· pickup. In orde r 10 acc ompl ish 1he progTJm, Con tr ac lor sha ll un dertake the follo\\ing sleps : a) ContrJctor shall hir e J local progra m coo rdina tor who ...,;11 be rcsp ons1b lc fo r O\erseeing the program and the completion or all milesto nes list ed in this sub- pa ragraph C. Coordinato r 1.1.ill design and im plemen t a community educat io n progr am in the areas of recycling. co mpos ting. and conservation, and 1,1,ill mon itor and eva.\u Jte cu rbside recydio ,°' programs offered by priva te lrash haulers in Li11leton. C"oo rd inalo r 5.hall un de~go a train ing period so 1ha1 he /she D. 2. Reports b) c) d) e) I) wi ll learn to analyze curr en t levels or parlicipalion in curb side rec ycl ing ; analyze trends in recyclin g partidpa tio n; se lec t geographic area fo r pilot progro m; se t goals for pil ot pr ogram; and prepare su r\'ey or existing ac d potential re cycling servi ce users through private companies offering recyc.l ing sc niccs . (Mon th s I and 2) Cont racto r shall expand recycling education cfforu.. Tbis sha U include per iodic ne1NSpaper artidcs, expanded educat ion in Lilli e.too Public Schools, mes.sages o n the City's cable tclc,isioo channel , pr o,ide informBtioo on co mpos t clr1ri nghou sc, an d dc\'clop sli de show prc sco tation and pamphlet handout to educa te the public on the need for red ucing solid wastes in their land £i \l . (Mon ths 3 and 4) Presen l publi c prescnlations wi th slide show aod pamphlets 10 sm;cc clu bs, homeowners associations, a.c d other civic groups . (M onths Sand 6) Begio program in schools. (Mool hs 7 an d 8) F10al reporl oo curbside rccycliog prepa.rcd as a basis fo r compa riog app roaches 1alc eo by th e two partici patiog cities . (Mooths 9 an d 10) Pr ogram Map up. Pre pare reco mmendati ons for on goi ng program. (Mo nth 12) Program variabl es betwe en the two pilot projects will be eval uated and compared to determine the effect iven ess or eath in 1he viability and redu cti on or solid v.'Ut e. Varia bl es to be considered include: The differen tial betwee n th e revenu e rece ived fro m bag sales and th e costs charged by the trash haul ers ii Ave rage ho usehold trash v.-.ight prior lo an d duriog the dcmonslr atioo phase iocl uding co mple te tr ash analysis iii Percentage or soli d waste strea m made up or recyclable ma te rials with identifica tio n or th e vari ous recycl able components iv Average number or bags purchased by resi dents v Financial implica tions to resi de nt s ,; Financial implications to trash hau lers base d on the follo1,1,'1 ng: Colle-ctio n costs Recycling revenues Tr ansportation savings Ti ppi ng fees Change in composi1ion or waste stream Anal ysis or En glewood versus Lillleton recycling program A. A Quarterly Report shall be sub r-::1 ed to 1he S1a1e on !he ~-entieth day of the month following the en d of each quarter. Conlra or's Quarterly Reports shall be due oo the twentieth day each April, Jul y, October and Janu ary juring Lhc lire or this ConLract . The report shall indica1e the s1a1us or work to be performed pursuan t 10 1his contract and shaU indica1e clearl y whethe r work is pr oceeding acco rding to sc.hcdulc , ahead or schedule or beh ind schedule. If lhe wnr k Page 3 of 9 Pages • is behind sc hedul e, Contractor sha ll imm cdia1 cly begi n imp lcmcnta1ion or a progrn m to bring work up to schedule . B. The Q uar1erly rep ort sha ll conlai n a financial repor t su mm ari zing c,:pen di 1ures on a form 10 be pro,ided by the St11te. Expendi ture s !ih11 II be shown fo r each lin e item on a month -b)·•monlh b:uis. C. Audit Req uirements 3. Conlrad Price Contractor acknowledges 1hnt funds gr anted un de r th is Contrac t arc Fede ral funds and ,\;u not ify its auditors that thc!ie funds are !iUbiec l to audi t pr ocedures outli ned in 0MB Ci rcular A·1'28, Contractor shall include the project co,•ered by th is Con tract in .. n annual audit report as required by tbc Col ora do Local Go,'Crnme nt Au dit La w, C.R.S. 1973, 29160 1, ~ and the Single Aud it Acl or 1984, Public Law 98-502, 0MB Circular A-128or 0MB Circular A-133, whiche ve r i.s applicable : organizati ons recehing rederaJ funds in the aggregate nf mo re than SlCX),000 mus t have a compliance audit ; SSO,CXX) -$100,000, a program a\i tih: 525,000 • $50,CXX), an audi t; unde r $25,000, finan cial moni toring by th e Office or EL•t!1 S• r:onscrvation. \Vithin six mooth.s after the cad or Contractor's fiscal year, a copy or Contractor's financ:ial audil shall be med with tbe Office of Energy Conservali on. Further possible funding under this Contract or through !his agency is co ntingent upon receipt or Contractor's audit report. lo considention Car work and services performed, the State agrees to pay Contractor a total amount not to exceed Ninety Thousand Dollars (S90,000 .00). No funds awarded under the terms of this Contract arc 10 be used for administrative expcnses j nor shall th ese funds be used 10 supplant existing runding from any source whats OC \.'Cr, 4. Payments to Contractor shall consist or 1he fo llowing: A. In conjunction "il h a report submined by Contractor on • form pro,ided by the S1 a1e detailing cxpeodi 1= of fun ds prO\ided un der th is Contract, lh e Stale shall pay by warrant on a reimburseme nt basis on line item billings per the attached budget, incorporated anrl made a part hereof, and referenced for identification as Exhibit A, no more than once a monlh. B. Tbe Offi ce or Energy Conserva ti on shall withh old payment or the final five perc ent (5%) or th e total Agreement amount until Contracto r has subm itt ed and the Orfi ce of Energy Conservation ha.s accepted all required financial, progress, e\-alu ation, and performance reports enume ra ted in this Agree ment or any or it.s Exhibits or Allachments . 5. Contracto r shall follow S1a1c flscaJ rul es for all traasactions pe rformed unde r th is Contract. 6. The Stale may "'it hhold any payme nt ir the Contractor has foiled to com pl y "ilh terms 11,nd condit ion s pro,idcd in this Contrac1 or its anachmcnts . 7. The Stat e, lhrougb the Director or the Orlicc of Energy Conservat ion, 1hc Stat e Auditor, or 11.ny of their duly authorized rcpr esentati,-cs, including an independen t Ce rtifi ed Pu blic Ac countant or the Sta 1c's choosing. or 1he rederal govern ment or any of it.s properly delegated or authorized representatives, shall have the right to inspect, examine, aod audi t the Conlractor's (and any subcont ractor's} records. books , accounts and olher relc \-ant docu ments . Such discretionary audit may be requesled al any 1ime and for Jny reason from 1he cffec 1ive da1 c or this Contrac t until fi \'C (5) years arter the dat e final payment for 1his Pr oj ect is received by the Cont raclo r, pr o,ided that 1h c audi1 is performed during norma l bus iness t-ours . Page 4 ()f 9 P:i.gcs 8. To ensure compliance with the Contract , 1he Staie , or its authorized rep re sentati\'e{s}, "'ill, al an y lime during normal busi neu hours, ha ve 1h e ri ghl to ente r in to 1be Co n1rac1or 's prem ises or othe r pla ce s where wo rk under 1he Contract 11 being perfo rmed in orde r to monilo r or othernise eval ua1e the work performed or being performed , When monitorin g or e\'alua tioo is done by the State on the premises or th e Contractor or subcontractor, the Contract or or su bcontrac tor "'ill pro \ide all reasonable fa cilities and asslltan ce for the sa rety and con\'enience of tbe State rep resen talh-c s la perfor mance or their duties.. All monitoring and e\·aluations ...,;11 be performed in su ch II manner th at they \I.i ll not uod uJy inlerrerc with work under this Contract . 9. No subcontracts \\-ill be made by Co ntra ctor \\i lh any other p11rty for furnllblog any work or se niccs unde r th.is Contr11ct without the consent, gu id ance, an d ap pro\'al of the Slat e other than indhidual empl oyer •· employee contracts and those contained in Co ntr ac lor's Pr opos al, which by issuance of tlili Cootrac 1 receive the State's as.se nt. Contrae1or shall re quest lll 9.Titin g pe rmissio n to subcon tra d. The lll tent of this pr o\ision is to allow the State to re \1ew any subcontract lhat bas a signifi ca nt impact on the projee1. 10. Contractor represents that it bas, or ~i ll secu re at it.sown expense. unless otherwise stated in this Contract or its attachments., aU personn el, as empl oyees of the ContraC1or1 necessary to perform the work and sef\ices required 10 be performed by the Contrador under this Contract . 11. The Contradc tr shall perform its dut ies hereunde r as an in depend ent wntractor and not as an employee . Neither the Coc tractor cor any agent or employee or the Coctractor shall be or shall he deemed to be an agent or employee or the ,talc an d shall have co authorizatioc, express or implied, to bicd the State to any agrcc mccts, sett le ments., liability or understand ing except a..s expressly se t forth herein. Contractor shall pay whcu due all reauircd cmolovmem rug and income tax withholding including an (cdcral and state income tax on anv moncn paid PYDUBDI to Ibis Contract The Contrador sh&ll provid e an d keep in force worker's compcnsat.ion (and show proor or such insurance) and uoemployment com pensation insurance in the amounts required by law, and shall be solely respotUible for the act.s of Contracaor, it.s employees and agents. Ibe Contractor ack nowledges that Con1r1e1or and its cmpJoyccs arc not cntitJcd to uocmp loYDJ cPI insur1ncc bcncOts unlw the Contractor or a third parry proYidcs such covcr11e and that the State does not car for or otherwise crovidc such CO"::CtHC 12. tr Con tra caor fails to comply \\1 th any contractual provision, the State may1 after not ice to Contractor, suspen d the Contract and withhold further payments or prohibit the Contr art or from incurrin g additional obligations of contradua.l fun ds, peodiog ccrrectivc action by the Contrador or a decision to termi.nate in accordance with Paragraph 13 B below. The State may dc1crmicc to allow such cccessary and pro per cost1 which the Coctractor could cot reason ably avoid duricg the period or suspec,i 'll provided such com were necessary and reasocablc for the cocd uct or the projca. 13. Cor,:. ·:1..1 fcrmination. Th is Ccntra d may be 1enn i.nated as follows: A. Terminati on for Cau~. If, through any ca use, the Contractor shall fail to fulfill in a timely a1.~ proper manne r his o,.j igatio ns under this Contract, or if the Co ntra ctor shall violate any of the ccvcnan1s, agreements, or sti pula tions of this Contract. the Sta te sh all thereupon have 1he right to terminate th is Contract fo r cause by ghing written notice to the Contra ctor of such termina tion an d specil)ing the c.ITecti vc date thereof, at lea.st fi"e (5) dilys before the cffecti\•c dale or su ch terminati on. in 1bat e\'Cnt , all fin is hed or unfin ished docu ments, data, studies, surveys., dn~ing. maps, models, photographs, and reports or other mah~rial prepued by the Contractor un de r this Contract shati at the option of the State, become !ts pr ope rty, and 1he Contract or shall be c.ntitlc.d 10 re ct.i\'e jus t and equ it abl e com pe nsati on for any sa1 is fac1ory work com ple ted on such '.oc um en1 s an d olh er materi als. No1\.\iths1 a.nd in g the abo,·e, Contrae1o r shall not be rcli e\·ed or lia bil ity to the State for any damage !! sustained by the State' by \'\f lue or any breach of th e Contr act by the Con tra c10r, and the State may"'ithhold ;im paymen u 10 th e Contrac 1or fo r the purpo se or set off un1 il suc h time as •he exact am oun t of d.,ma~es du e !he State fro m the Cont ra clo r ~~ t!e tcrm int:j. 8 . Terminati on fo r CC'lmcr.1eii ·e The State may lerm in ate this Contrac t at any 1,me the S1a te determines that 1h: rur;i-:~ ;;f :he distrib:llion of State funds under the Contract would no Page 5 or 9 Pages longe r be served by 1hc comple 1ion of 1he Contract . Th e State sha.11 errec1 such 1ermina1ion by giving wrille n not ic e of 1erm ina 1ion 10 the Contrac 1or an d specifying notic e of 1crmina1ion 10 the Contract or and ,pecif)ing the effec tive dot e there of, at lea>I twenty (20) day, before the cffcct i\'C date of such te rminati on. In that evenf , all finished/unfinished doc umen 1s an d 01h er materfol s as described in A abo \'e sha ll , at the option of the State, bec ome its property. If the Con lr ac t is terminated by the S1a1e a.s provided herein , Contra ctor y.;IJ be p:ii d an amount which bears the sa me ratio to the iota.I compe nsation as the senices ac 1ually perfo rm ed bear 10 the total senice of the Con tra cto r cover ed by this Cont ract, less parments of compensa1ion previous ly made . 14. Modil"ication and Ame ndment A. Modificati on by Operation of Law. This Con tnlel i.s .subj ect lo su ch mod ific aiions as may be requ ired by changes in fede ral or Stale law or regul ations . Any such req uired modifica tion shall be incorporated i.nto an d be pa rt of this Contra ct a.s if folly set for th herei n; pro,;ded, howeve r, th at 1he Contract or may immediately termina te this agreemen t purs uant to the lerm s or Par agraph 13 8 above if a modification i.n law or r.-.gu lati ou precludes Cont ra clor from realil.ing the beoeGL! it expe e1 ed fr om this Con tr act 8 . Programmatic or Budgetary Modifications. Contractor sh all foUow th e re,ision procedures set forth below: Contrador must submit a written req uest to the S1a 1e and obtain prior written approval from the State under tbe following circurr.stanccs (written notice or such changes when mutually agreed upoo ,ball be fon,vded to tb, State Controller): a) when cumul ative budget Ill)' tine item changes ex ,.eed ten percent (10%) or the total Contrad amount or Teo Thousand Dollars (SlO,CXX>.00), whichever is less., except that Contract tota1 may not increase unless otherwise agree d to by Contra ctor and State in a proper ly exec uted contrnct ame ndment, or when additional or less sta te funding is needed; b) wbeo tbe scope, objective, or completion date of tbe Project changes, as determined by the tate; c) under suc.b cir cums lanccs, lh eState's approval is not binding until mcmorialiied in a contra ct amen dment, as required by State's Fiscal Rules. C. If either th e Sta te or the Contracto r desires to modify the terms of ib is Contract ot her than as St"' forth abo ve, 1,1,ritteo notice or the propos ed modificati on shall be given to th e othe r party. · aod ificati on s.hall 1akc effect unles.s agreed to in writing by both part ies in an amendmen t i,., 1his Contract property execu ted an d approved in acco rd ance 'Mth app lica ble law. 15. The Con tractor and any subconuacton "iU credit the Color ado Orlice of Ener gy Conse:n-a1ion as a fu nding sourc e on aU news releases.. br ochures.. 1ec.h.rucal pape rs, an d other pr omot io nal or infor matio nal materi al. 16. This Con tra ct.. as \\Tilten, \\lllb allachmen ts and rcrercnccs, is intended a.s the compl c.1 e inte gr ati on of all under stan ding bet'\l.'Cen the pa r1ie.s n this ti.me and no prior or conte mporr.neous additi on , deleti on or am en dment he ret o shall have any fo rce or effccl \l,,hatsoever, unless embodied in a Y..Tittcn con 1r ac t amendment incorporating such changes, execuled and appro,cd pursua nt to applica ble law. 17. Contra c1or shall submit annually an irwen tory of equipment acquired wi th State cootract funds which is in 1h e pas.sessio n of the Conlra ctor er a_n\; subcontractors. Wh en the Contract expi re s, the Contracto r shall repor t on Sta te 0"'11ed eq uipme nt as part of clos eou t Thcrea f1er, the State "'ill is.sue dispos iticm mstr ucti ons 10 the Con1rac 1or in :1cco rdan ce \\i th arplic.11:-le !a"''S and regula ti ons Page 6 of 9 Pages 18 . Contracto r shall pro,idc pr oper!)' dJmJ~e insurance co\·e rage to 1he li mit possible on ,aluaiion of eq uipmen t pu rcha se d by Slate funds, including 1h c Stale owned equipmen t, unt,1 suc h time as di sposition of this equ ipmen l is made . 19. To the e>.1cn t that 1his Con tr ac t ma y t,e e,ecutell nn d performance or the oblig:11ions of the p::ut ic s ma y be :iccomplished v.i1hi n the intent or the Contr:i c1, the 1:rms of this Cont rac t are seve ra ble , and sho uld any 1erm or pr o,isio n hereof be declared im•alid or become in opera ti,e fo r any re aso n, such in\'a lidi1y or failure shall not affect th e \'alidi1y of any oth er te rm or provision hereo f. The wai,cr of any breach or w-ti:rm here of shall not be cC'nstr ucd as wai,c r of any othe r term . 20. NOl\l.ithstanding an)1h ing herein 10 the co nuary, the parties understand and :igrec 1hat all te rm s and cond itions of th is contrac t an d th e exhibits and a11a chments hereto v.hich may requi re continued pe rform ance or comp fomc e be)oDd the terminati on dale o( the con tra ct shall sul'\ive such 1ermina 1ion date and shall be enforceable by th e State as pro,ided herein in th e e\'cn t of such fa ilure to pe rform or com pl) t.y the Contrac1or or its subco ctractors . 2L This Contract shall become effective upon pro pe r execut io n, and th e project contained herein shall commence as soo n a.s practicable afl er execu ti on. The Co ntr act shall te rminale the 30th d11 y of Ap ril , 1992. H Contract or desires a.n extensi on of this ContrBtl, extensio n re quests must be su bm itted in writing to the St at e forty .five (45) days pri or 10 Con tr act end dale. .. f 9 P2..:c:~ _,,..,.,c.o,e CO'.\IROLLER 'S APPRO \'AL SPECL\L PROVISIONS 1 Thu cont11e1 ,ha ll no1 bt dnmt d, 1\td unut 11 1h1II hl\t t>ccn arpro1td h) 1hc (onuollu of 1ht Sutt or Col ciudoor 1.1c h 1n1uan1 u ht ma) duiv,1:,. Th l1 rtD'tllOh It 1ppl1c1blt 10 &n) conUICI u,1oh1n1 !ht r,11mtnt o fmont) t>) !ht ~'J!t n~o A\'AILA.DILIT\' l F1nanc11I obl i111,on1 of 1hc S111c pa}abl c af'it· 1h r current fi1c1il In, ~-c cor:·,sn ,c n u n fun di. for 1h11 r.ir;:,c,H t-f1n11ppro;m11rd, bud rcttd and 01 hr 1v. i1c madt 1111l 1blt. BOSO RE QCIR E~IE~"f J lflhtt con uact ln,ohulhc ra)mtn1 ofm o~t 1t1n .ifl) 1hou· .n J dollars fc• .c er 111 ni:uon, crc.:tt0n, rcp11t , mai n1 c~1nct ,011rnpro1 rmcn1 ofan) buildlni, r~ bnd&t, 111du tt, 1unn r l. u ca, 11,on or 01hrr rubltc v.o,U for th1i S1.11 c, 1hr con 111etor \hall. bdorc cn1c11n11hr ptrformancc of &n) su ch v.or k Includ ed in this cmu1c1.dul)'tucutt andde li \tr 10 ind lil e ""1th \h r official"" ho\e IL"1IIU1 t 1ppun be Jo,. ro, the Stale, 1 Sood and suffimn1 bond<» other ac crptabl t surtl)' tobe applO\rd b)• uid offi ci al in a pr n1I sum n01 lru than on r-h1U o( tht 10111 amount pa) able b) the ltrml of 1h11 conu1cL Such bond sha ll be duly eu cu1 ed b)' 1 qu 1hfied co rpo r11r sure ty, concbtionrd for thrdur an d rauhful performance of the con uact, lt'ld in addition, 1h1II pro\1d r th .11 ifthrcontractor or his subconttacton fadtodul) r•>• (o, an y labor , m1t rrial 1, tram hlrt , l i.11\tna nc r . ptO\ 11ioM, prO\endor or 01h cr supp ll u usrd or conswm rd b} 1uc h ron u1C1 0101 his subconuactot In ptrformanct of th e v.ork conu 1c,ed to be done. the s .. rciy ""ill pa) the sam e ,n an amount :iot ncerdin& t he sum 1pec1li ed m th r bond, 101ethcr ""it h L.,t crut 111he rate or clJ,ht pu cent per annum . Unl eu suc h bond , v.hrn so requ lr t'd, 1u,ccu1 td. dt h\ ercd a»r' filed, no d aun in fa\'OI ofthe contr act Of ari1in 1 under this con11 1t1 sh.&ll bt 1uditrd, al lov.td or paid. A uruliedorcastuer's chrd, or I bank mon e) ord er pa) able to the Trru urcr of1h e State of Color 1dom1y be ac-cepctd In lieu of a t.,ocd. Thb ptO\·lslon bin mnpl11ncc ""1th 38 -26 -106 CRS, u am endtd. IXDE!lf~"lnCATIOS " To the utrnt authoriud b)• law, the conuactcr shall Indemnify. U\C and hold hannle.n the Stair, its emplo)rU and a1enu . a11ins1 any a nd all cl1lm1 , cuma1es , li 1billty and coun 1v. u cb includ in & cosu. upensu. and 111omey fen ,ncurnd u a ruull or an)· act or omission by lhr conu actor, or iu cmp 'o) u1, 1p:nu, l\lbeoa tnaors. Of ani&,necs pursuant to the tcmu o( this coniracL DISCRJMJJ,IATIOS A.,"() A'TIR~IATI\"E ACT IOS 5. The conuactor ape.ts to comp!)' v. ith the lenu and spirit of the Color ado Antid imimin allon Act or 19$ 7, as amtndc:d, and Olhtr applic able law rnpcetin& ~Krimiriation and unfair empk,),netit pra ct ices (2LJ4.4()2 CRS 1982 Rep l1ctmrn1 \'ol.). and as requircd b)' E1rcu1 h e Order, Eq ual Oppcnun iry and Affirma- ~,e Action. dattd April 16, 1975 . Pimu ant thtrtto, 1h, /oflo..,in1 prol'isio,u sholl bt t"0111ain1d in all Siar, t"Offtror/J or 111l>-C'01Jtroru. Oul'UI& the pe.rformanc r of this conttact. th e coriua:tor 1p-ru as fol\o,.,: (1) Tht conuactor•iU notdiscrimin al t a1 airu1 a n) cmp lo)rr or 1pplican1 for emplo)mtnt becauu of race. crccd , coloi . nat ion al ori&in, sn , marit al st atus , rc:.li pGa, ancestry , mental Of ph)"tic al handicap, or •&e , Thr con uJclor\l ill 11l.r 1ffi nn1th c 1:1ion to insu re 1h11 apphcan tJ urrmplo)td, and 1h11 cmplO)'rtS are trtattd du.rin 1 cmplO)mtat, •i thout rr5ud 10 the abo\r mcntlon cd charact cnstics Suc h ac uot11h1ll include, but no1 bt lim ited 10 the follo,.i n~ empk>ym cnt, 1tpp-adin1, dem 01k>n.ortrans(cr. rrcnihmr nl or rec ruitment 1d\rn1t1n&, l1}'~fTJ or tcrmi:11 ,s: 111u of pa)' or oth cr forms ofcompcnntion: and 1tlectk>n r01 u-ainln &, indudin& 1pp,e nti ctship. The conuactot IJttCS to post ma,nsp1cu~1 places, 11 1il ab te toemplo) ei:1 and applicants for emplo)'m ent, notic es to bt pro- ,tdcd by the conF.ract in 1 0mccr u 11in1 fonh pr0',s1ot1s of this non,c!11mmin1uon c\au1e (2 ) Thc con uactor v.,11. Li a U l01i:1uuons or ath en,s cmenu forcrnployeu plactdb} or on be haU'oh"ie conu1ctor.1u1r that all qu1lifitd applicants v.ill rrcc h·e co-idcution for rm:-ilo)mtn l v.11hou1 rtl&rd 10 11:t, creed, colo r, nauon al onim. su. mu ual sta1us. rt li Jjon, ancellry, mcntal or ph)1ic al handicap, or .,, ( 3) Thr conF.r 1cto r v. 111 send to n ch labor unKln or rcp ruen1a1.h t °'"' orkr n v. 1th ""hich ht hu coll r cth c ~ u1a1n 1n1 &'1 ctmen1 or 01 hrr contra ct or und er1 1and- 1111, notic e 10 bt pro\ldcd ',) th e contn ctir& offic er , ad,111n1 the la~r 1.:n1on or v.or l.rrs" ·cprrsrn11t1\C oftht con11 1ctc,r·s commitm ent und cr the eletuth t Order , Equa 1 Orponun~) and Affi rma th r Amon. dat ed Apnl 16, 19i5 and of the ru iu. rrrutauo/ll ind rt lt \lnt Or dcn o<1he Go,cmor. (.&) Tht contr 1c'hJt and labotun10:-:1 ,.1\I f.imuh all 1nform1uon ltld repon, req1wrdb) E,r-u111 r 0 1.:!er, Eq1.:al Oppcnu:111) and Affinn111,e Acuonof Apnl 16, 19 H . 111d b) the n.ilu. rc(Ub ur,n, ind Ord en cfL"c Go, rmor.c pur1,.11nt thrcto. and v.1\1 pr rmn access to h11 N)C'lb, rr:01d1. and 1ccou nu by 1he cont11ct in 1 11rn:y l"ld th e offic e c,( th Go, rmor or 1':1s Cu vre for pv-roics of 1n1 nus111on tC'I uccnu1 •~ T"'phltlct ""1th 1u;h NI CI , rcp.1 la11ons and orden . (5 ) A l1bo1 .,,,anuauon ,.,II n01 C\C'li..~ra~~ . -111 ,jwa! .,c,..,. e c;1a1hli ec! frt"'~ fwll mcrr.btah,r 1 .-":, ·• u,ch '1t-.:1 c·can1:at1on , or npcl an) such 1ndi\ldual r~m mcmbcr1h 1p 1n 1uchl1 r o·il!l,1a11(':i er::•:-,--·r 1f:a ~\1 at.~ C'f .'\ r-e~"-en in th r f ?I C"Lj 1mc:-:: ofv.cd o;it'(l r.::n11~. ~c1ustofracr , crer • color. ,n . na11oo al on51n, "' an;utr":, 61 A l1bo r or,a-.Jtauo1.c•thtel'!',rlc,~eBC'·-c-~· 1'-,•c 4 ,,. ">lld 1~1 1•.cue ~c-::,rlo·:t'c:1ce1hd 1'"10(1n> 1e1Cefincd1n1h11con1r1c11obtd11- ;:,~1na1011 or ot,Ur'JC1 or ~·e•t"I u,~ rcr J" t~. ~ r· 10l"I -r 1~ ! c, •:'.1~· an, r,ri::c· .\htJ 1hm.1r:fc1 . or 1nemp1 e11hcr d1i t ctl) or -;!,•e:t!) to C'I --i,1 a-~ _,, ~er.l'lr,: ·r h~ ~~-01 JO~: Rcs:led I S8 ,. b Form 6-A C-02C t7) In tht t \t nt of I.ht contn cto r'1 non-compli ancr vi 1th 1hr non -d1scnm 1n 111on c:lau ,u or 1hl, co:,111 ctor or ""Ith any or su ch ruin, r,•1ul 111c-n 1, or ord cn, 1h11 cronuac t ma y bt c&11ctll td, 1trm ln 11rd or suspr ndc d in\ hol e or 1n ran and 1hr C<'ntncior ml ) bt dcc:laad 1n cli&,ibl t for funhrr S11 1r conu acu 1n accm dan cr <An,.'1 procrdu ru, 1uthom rd in E\tcUU \t Ordt r, Equal Opponun11~ a.'\d Alfrm111,r Ae1 lono1 ,•rril 16. 1915 and th e n.ilu, 1t1ul1tton 1.01 ord cn promu 1,11td 1n 1c;orduicr thtrt " 1th , an d 1uch oth er uncll<'nl II ma) bt 1m5X"t d lltld rtmtdtu u ml) t't in,o~td u pf0\1d td in Eu cu 1!1 t Ordrr, Eq ual Orronu nll)' 1t1d Affir:n at h t Ac11on cf A.iri l 16, 1975. or by Niu, rr1ul11ions , or ord cu promu1,11td in accordancr thtrt"llh , or u ot ht f'll.1H pt0\1dt d b)' la w, II) The contr actor" 1ll 1,,clud t 1hr s,10,111on1 or pa11111ph t I) 1luou&,h tB I 1n t i ti'} 1ub-com1 tct and 1ubcon111c 1or pure hair order unlr11 rumpt t d b)'Nlu, a ,u11uon1, or ord er, 1nutd :,u n uant to E lttuth t Order . Equal Oppon un1t ) and Affi rm1111 t Ac110n of Ap ,11 16, 1915 , so 1h11 iuc h p l'fH 1110n, "'" be h1nd 1n1 upon uch subconu1e1or or H11 dor . The cont.r 1c1o r ... 111 talc such ac11on .,.uh ruptct to 1.n) 1ub-conu1cun1 or pu rchuc or dtt u 1hr ronu 1ct1n 1 ,.,.nc)' ma) dtrt ct, u I m'.1.ns or rnrorci n1 surh pro,11io n1, incl udin& u nctions for rK>n •compli 1nce , pr o11dcd, hO"C \tr, th at in tht c1 tn' the conuactor bt comu ln1 oll cd 1n, 0t 11 th rutrntd "llh, lltl 111ion .,. 1th tht u on u actor or \tndor u a 10 1;lt Cir ,uch ,fo t C11on b) 1he con111ct1n c 11c nC). 1hc contnctOf ma) rtquru the S111 c of Colo n1o 10 entu 1n10 suc h li ti tatl on to pro1 r ct the 1:ite:t11 or th e Sutt of Col orad 1. COLO RADO LAB OR PREFERES CE 61. Pro1mon 1ofB -11-101 & 102 . CRS for prr(cr cn:c of Colorado bl-or 11t 1rpl1ca blc 11 thll co ntsatl 1f pu b he .,.o•h "1thin 1hr Stat e arr undtna\:cn hcrrun• du 1t1d &r t linanc td 1n "holt or In pan by S111c fund, b Wh r n c:on,wcuon con1111c1 for I pJbhc ;,roJtcl 11 10 bt '" ard rd 10 I b1d.1 tr , a rcs idtni biddtr shall bt' allo .,.rd a prtfcrcnet asa inu a non -r u idrnt blddu rrom a 1111,1 or rorc is,, cou nt f')' rqual to th t p1t'cr rnct sh en or 1tquir cd b) the u ate or fort1i,l'I coun tl) in 11, tu ch the non •rt1 1dcn1 bidder is a ruidcnl. If ,th dt ttr· mine d b)' th t olll ctt ruponsib lt for ,..,, ard in1 1hc bid that compliance 11, 1th 1h11111 b1rcuon 06 may cause denial of fcdttal fundJ "hlch 11,ould oth t f'II. ise bt' 1,111 . abl t or ""ould 0th cN-11t bt inCC1nsi11tnt 11,11h req u11c~cn11 of ft drral \a.,., 11ti1 subu rno n shall bt' su sp cnd t d, bu t on l) 10 th e u 1tnl nt ct1u.r1 10 p,c1en1 dcn lal of V:t mone)'I or to :li.m inat e th e incon 1i11t nt)' 11,1\h ft dcral rcqu1rcmr nu occt,on 8-19-10 1 an d 102 , CRS ) GE:SERAL 1. Tht II"'' oftht Smr of Colorado and Nlt1 and rrpl,uons iuucd pur$uan1 th ere to shall bt applied in tht inttrprrtati on, nrcutlon and cnforccm rn1 or this • .l.'lU ~tt. Any p,o,isi.xi of this conu1e1 "hclhcr or nOt lnc orpor attd here in b)· rcfrrr nct "hk h pro\'ldcs for ubi111t:1)n b) &n) e,lrl-j udici al body or pcl'l on or ,. ,l.:h b otherv.·iH in connit 11,•ith said !111,•1, Nin and rr 1ul1Uon 1 shall be con11dtrrd null and ,·oid. NothinJ con11inc1' in I n)' pro ,ls lon lnco rpotal td hrrc ln by u trcncc ,. hich purporu 10 nc111c lhi s or an y olh r r special ptO\ is ion in "'holt or in pan shall bt ,·alid or t nforc ublt O' a, ai1 1blc In ltl)' act ion at la"'.,. htthcr by •·J) ofccmplalnl. dcfrnw ot olhrrwise:. An y pro,11ion rcndert d null and void by 1hr opcm:O n of this pro\is,on "'di n..i in, ahd at t tht rt maindrr of th is coru ra ct 10 the u ttnt th at lht e.:>nll'act h capa ble of ntC\lUon. I . Al 1.U timu du ri n1 tht pcrfonnanct o( this Coo uact, lht Conum or ih&ll strictly adhtrt 10 all appUc ablt fed eral and 1111r lawt , NIU and rt1ul atlons that t-.a,·t bttn or may hcruftcr bt u t ablished. 9 The 1le,n1torits hereto aver that lh t y arr fam lb ar..,ith 11-l •l0I , ti i t '!,, (Bn'btry and Conupt lnnucn cu) and 11-~-40 1. CL seq ., (Abusr u! J\,bllc Offit't ~ CRS 1911 Rc pl1.ccmrn1 Vol., and that no ,iola tio n of such prO\i.siC',11 b prtunL 10. The: sip111 oric.s 1.ur 1hat to th t ir \nowlcd,c, no rlllt tmplo'.1t t hu • pe.rs on al Of bcnc fici aJ lntcrcSt "hlUOt\·tr In the: sr r,·kt or property ~ribtdtmctn: • P,ll WITSESS \l.'HEREOF, the paJ'\lt1 hcrtto hl\t urcutt t' th ,1 Con ttact on the day fil'll abo,t ._Titl t n. Ct.attactor. STAT[ OF COLO U OO ROY ROMER , GOVERNOR ~\"'x,'""'c'-"'u,"',,,.,,-,o"',,.""c",""o~,------------ Ka t .• 1 Reiner t son Soo:tlll StNffl) Swd1u flt fllirflll IO .,-.,_-, ----DEPARTMEST O F Office of En erg y Co ns ervation {lf Cor,onuc-:i l ,\ltU'.(St ll) e, ____ --------- ' "'." •• • 'i,,·r .,, l ct, •• ,~ T,..,. ~ I,...,,,.. '"" \ TT QR.t,;EY G ESERAL ~, ___ _ .\PPRO\'ALS C'O '.":TROLLE R e, __ - ,,, '1 •· • 11'1 " ·' 9 ro 1n •,,. .. .,.,,,.,,4, 'I NSTRUCTIONS (I) lrutr\ offlcl al DtpaNnrnt d01viauon 1, r I. Adirnu1u auon, Local Affian, tie u appropr1m t2) Set ro nh compan)(iu ) or 1nd i11dual(I) namq1) and addrtn(u) (l) lnw", bnt(S11tr mt nl 1nd1raun 1 rr u on1 ro,conu 1rt, t 1 . •·Tht conuactof h1\in1 spec ial kn 01tolrd1r , c,pcnbr ind ,.,111 ina1 1sno11n1 i nd 1utin1 d11ruu al'Tt ctln& canlt: and." U" u ffllll )' "Whrrr u '1" u rrqultcd. Ir add1tl on1I ,pact 11 rtqulr rdtontino,1 r 10 1boH 1to ords ··N OW. THEREFORE," &nd llltt "con • tinurd on p1 1r 2". On Pllt ~-u a1r ··\Vhmu conunurd frt>m pa ,, I" If rrqu irrd. (4) Spedfy cl earl y 1hr C(>Ods or UI\ICU conu artrd for , lh c con11dcr11ion mO\Ln l from onr pany 10 the other , the time 1to1\tu"I 1hr ronu1t1 ii to bc cucutrd. limn 1tioru 011 w lpmcnlS, U' any, and si,«ill pro H11on1 duurd. Of requir ed Srrtr. lr 11I ai1h1 a, r 1tohrn Ul doub1 Srp1ratt u ch pf1nc1 p1I \\Cm and number con• arcuth tly u1in1 u many pairs u nr cuury. (SI If I dvr1rr 1iin1 for 1hr Euci.m r Ou tctor pl ace lhc 1toc,rd1 "FOR THE" befor e thr 1to ord "EXECUTl\1£" A1110 11 aph1c, u d111in 111ithrd fror., u 1mr«t, 11in11 11 ru shou!d, 111 mln 1mum, bt 1ffiud 10 lht on1ln1I , v.h1ch .... m bt filed b) th, 01\11 1;.-: or Accounu and Cont.rel. and 11toocountr rp1ru, Ont of...,h1 h 1h1II be tran1nu11td lO th r co ntra ctor Hthur Is more lhan on e contractor• co p)' so 11snrd .... m bt sr,1 touch, lhu s rrqulrin & tdditiona1 111lop1phic ,111111 um BUDGET PAG E Exhibit A Year I Yea r 2 Yea r 3 Year 4 Year 5 TOTAL Exec ut io n • I I I I I I I I Mont h 12 I I I I I I I I - Personn el S 20,000 .00 S 20,000 .00 Fr in~e --- Travel ·- Eoui ome nt Suoolies S 17,000.00 $ 17,000.00 Contract ual S 48,000.00 S 48 ,000 .00 Const ru ction . Other S 5,000.00 S )00,;.00 Total S 90,000 .00 S 90,000 .00 MATCH (If Requ ired) - Personne l S 20,000 .00 S 20,000.00 FrinQe Travel Eouioment S uo □li es Contrac tual Cons truction Other S 18,000.00 S 18,000 .00 Total S 38,000.00 S 38,000.00 Page I of 2 Pages EXrE.,t>mJRES CTI' OP ENGU!WOOO Pr rsocJ\tl Proi:,-:1 Coordin11 or orr~e 5uppo r1 ... TOTAL PE RSO~~'E L Suppl.u Tras h a.tp Ruydmn Conta inc n .. 'TOTAL SUPPLIES Coal~ctw l TrasJIHaulerSubsidics ••• TOTAL COl'mlAcnJAL Other Ma te rials & Printin& lluurtb, An■l)'ld, aod Pro rnr t..U-A ••.,-oTAL ontER TOTAL ENGLEWOOD EXPENDmJRES aIY OP UTil.EI'ON --Pc.rsoc.nd • Otrac'C Support ••'TOTAL PERSONi,U Olbu M11c.rials and PMtio.1 .. 'TOTAL OTHER TOTAL t.rrll.ETON EXPENDmJRES ENGLJ;WOOD AND t.rrll.ETON OJMBINED Pt:noo.ritl Pror=-am Coord in110r om Support '• "TOTA L PERSO~~"El. Sup-,.lies Tl"IJ~ Bap: Rtt"\-:h.~J Con111nc:t ... TOTA L SUPPLIES Cor.1~::a.11 Tru~ Hau lu SuN!t!1u ··•TOTAL C01'"TR"-Cl'1JAL ~"c~ rr ~ ·, & 011 1:-."'t!i.uon Ruca:th, An&l),is and Promotion '""TOTA L OTI~ER -TOTAL PROGRA.'4 EXl'E"OmJRES [ • .,OGET DETAIL AND J USTIF1CAT IOS UTil..ETOS/E..~GLEWOOO S~tARf 11'101'1) MATO! l..W!;!!~ I 10,00JOO 1.JJ.2!12&1! S ll,000.00 ~ 1..l.QJ!!!!.QI! S 10,000.00 1..l!!J!!!W S lll,000.00 1.lli!lQ_QQ I 1&. .00 l.l!.!!ll.l!! CAS H OUTLAY l.12.W'J!l I JO.CO: 00 I 11 ,000.00 Ll2m2 S 17,000.00 ~ S '3,00000 l..l.ll'2!l2 S 2,500.00 1m!fil!II ~ s 2,500.00 I..J.l!!2m S 10.00000 I l0,00000 S 6,000.00 lJ1l!!!l..QI! S 17,00000 U§Jl!!!.Q2 S 48 ,00000 I sooooo S 5,00000 19000000 EXIIIDIT A DATE COIINC IL COMNIIIIICATION AGENDA ITEU SUBJECT SHAM ':' Gr ant Cont r act f o r Recyc l i n g Program. Ma r ch 4 , 1991 11 b I N ITI AT ED BY INTEGRA TED S OLID WA STE ADVl iORY COMMI TTE E ST AF F SOURC E R ICHARD S. WANUSH, OI REC"'Q(', .)F CO MM UNITY DEVELOPMENT ISSUE / ACTION PROPOSED . Bil l for an o r d 1•,•, .e approving the Co nt r act between the State a nd the City of En glewood i mpl e men tl ~·1 a nd analy z ing a r ecyc ling program . PR EVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION o n Ha y 21, 199 0, Mayo r Van Dy ke a nnounced to c o unci l bi-mo n t h ly meeti ngs o f the Waste Ma n agement Task Force . The SMART g r ant application to t h e Co l orado Off i c e o f Ener gy Conse rvation was disc u s sed at that time . On J u n e 4 , 19 9 0 , Mayor Van Dy ke shared with t h e Council the City o f Eng l r.twood 'a applic ation t o the Office of Energy Conservation f or the SMART Gran . On Jl,ne 18, 1990, Council unanimously decided to support he SMA RT Grant Recyc l ing Appli1;ation. On De cemb er 17 , 1990 , Cou n c il adopted an I nte r gov e r nmental Agreement between the Cit ie s o f En g l ewood a nd Littleton con ce r ning the shared personnel services of a "Recycling c oo rdinator" t o administer the SMART Gra n t. STAFF AN IU.Y S I S To re ceive the a wa r ded SMART Grant , an ordinance mu st be pa ssed to appro ve a contractual agreement bet.ween the City o f Engl ewood and the Sta e. BACKG ROUND In 1985, the ?lan ning Comm ission ieq uested that Ci y Council connider retaining a consultant to study solid was e co:..l e .. tion and disposal within he Ci y. Because o f he ci:-st of the propesed 1.. ,;,sulta n .. 's study, Counci l d r opped he iosue . In mid 19ee, the 1.ssue o f sol1.d waste managerrent agai.n resut!aced. r n Sep ember o f tha yea t·, s a:'f began research1.ng the C1ty's opt.1.ons concern1.ng s olid waste manage?T nt. TliP sta!! recommended fi.ve callee. ion scenar1.os t o Counc1.l. S a!f was di rec ed o 1raw uron exrert1.se o f ocal raf:h hau ers t o devlBe a wa s e ca llee l o n plan . In :.he fil ll cf 1989, v a r1ous Counc .!, s:aff a nd Planning Comm 1ss1.on mem bers met as the :n .. c,g r a:ed S-:-11.d W.3s ·e Ad·.-1s~ri· 1:0:r,r,1.tt ec. Th is Comnnttee's ethJectiv..., wa!'I .. ,.. ; 'ldre!;s sol 1d · ,as'"e man a _:ernent w 1. th 1 n t.he C 1. y. Upon Governor Porr.er · n announ,-cn-ent .-.: the Sta e's rec::cllng ai.,:ards prcc;r a:n , the Conmlttee's f ocus changed to dev1.s1nr_; DATE COUN CIL COIIMUIIICATION t,QgN'DA I T EM SUBJECT SMAR T Grant Contract fo r Rec y clin g Pro gra m, Harch 4, 1 99 1 1 \ b INITIATED IY INTEG RA TED SOLID W1'STE ADVISORY COMMITTEE S TAFP SOURCE R ICHARD S , WANUSH, DIRECTO R OF COMM UNITY DEVELOPM ENT ISSUE/ ACTIOII PROPOSED A Bill for a n ordinanc e approv i ng the Co n tract between the State and t h e Ci ty of Engl ewood i mp leme n t i ng and analyz.ing a r ocycling p rogr am. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION On Ma y 21, 19 9 0 , Mayor Va n Dyke a nnounced t o Councll bi-monthly meetings of the Waste Hanagemtmt T a ■k Pore e . The SKA.RT g r a nt a ppl icat ion to the Colo r ado Of f i c e o f Ene r g y Con s ervation was discu s sed at that time. On June 4, 1990, Haye r Va n Dyke s ha red with t he Counc i l the City o f Englewood's appl ication to the Office o f Ene r gy Conservat i o n for the S H.ART Gr ant. On J u ne 18 , 1990, Council unanimous ly decided to s u pport the SMA RT Grant Re cycl ing Appl ication. o n December 11, 19 90 , c ouncil adopted an I nt ergovernment a l Agreement between he Cit ies o f Englewood and Litt l eton c oncerning t he sha r ed perso nnel serv ice s o f a "Recycling Coo r di nator" to admi n ister the SMART Grant. STAFF IUJA.LYSIS To rec eive the awarded SMART Gran , an ordinanc e mu st be passed t o a ppr o ve a cont rac t ual a greement be ween the Ci t y o f En glewood and the State. BAC KGROUND In 19e ·:he Pl a nning Commlss1.on r e q uested tha t City Cou ncil conPider re a i n i ng a consultant study solid waste co lec ti on a 1;d disposa l wi thin he City. Bec au s e n f the cost he rro aed consultant's stud y, Cou n cil d r opped t he iasue . I n mid l9EB , the 1.ssu-? o f sol 1::l waste managerr,ent again resurf a c ed . In Se p tembe r o f hat year, s a !f bega n reeearching the Ci.ty'a o pt ion s conce r ning solid waste man a g ,!men . :'he s a ff r econvnended fl.ve col lee 10n ecenan os t o Councl.l . St af f was direc-t-11d t o ".!raw upon expertise o f ocal rash haulers to devise a waste col ect i on p l an . I n -:he !i'I~: of 1989, var1ous Counc1l, staff and Pla n n1ng commission members !'!\et as the :r.tegra~ed Sol1.d Was e Ad\'1.s o ry Comm1 ee . Thie Comnnttee'e obJec he was to /\".!dress solld waste management. w1thln the Ci y. Upon Gove t·nor Poirer's announcement. -~ the Statt:?'s recycl1.ng a1,,,•ards rroc;rarri, the Committee's f ocus changed to dev1.sinq an informa\.ive and educational aolid wast e/recyc ling pilot program, The rece nt hi ■tory of the outcome o f the COfflnittee'■ work i a listed under Previous Council Actio n. The SMART Grant waa awarded to t he Ci ty i n September o f 1990. By approving thia Ordi nance, the City will receive $90,000 f rom the State f or the St'.hRT Grant Recyc ling Program. The City has also budgeted , in 1991, $18,000 for thi.s Re cycling Pr ogram /llnd the Ke e p America Beaut iful Program . The City haa col'Mll ttad $10 ,000 o f in-kind office support for the administration of t he Re cycling P1.·ogram ,