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SERIES OF 2006 /2007
WHEREAS , the City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado wishes to streamline
the abatement process by reducing times that are impossible and impracticable concerning
graffiti; and
. WHEREAS , the Englewood City Council finds that graffiti has a detrimental affec t not
only to the owner of the property but to the community; and
WHEREAS, the abatement of graffiti will help the health, safety and welfare of the
citizens of Englewood;
~l. The City Council of the City of Englewood hereby approves amending Title
15, Chapter 3, of the Englewood Municipal Code 2000, to read as follows :
l!l-3-1: The City Manager's Power to Abate a Nuisance in Case of an Emergency.
The City Manager is hereby authorized to immediately abate or ,,njoin any nui sance
existing in the Cily without following the procedures of this Chapter in the case of an
emergency," ·,,,ther or not such nuisance is specifically rcc~gnimi by this Title.
15-3-2: Administrative Abatement Procedure In Non-Emergency Situations.
If, after inspecting the property on which a nuisance is r:ported, the enforcement
persoMel who are charged or designated by the City Manager with investigating
nuisances declare the existence of a nuisance, the follo\ling procedures shall be
followed .
A. Photographs and/or videotapes and.le, written reports and findings shall be
generated .
B. The responsible party or parties shall be detem .ined .
11 b I
C. 1J!ilhift lh1 linl •• 111 Pl dlye eflh• di11e -, efa Roi-a ■ tihe Code
Enforcement Officer(•) shall have the discretion to infonnally abate the nuisance
by speaking with the responsible party, In the event that the infonnal
proceedinp fail to abate the nuisance within the seven (7) days or Jhw 13) days
io the GIIC pf mffiti the Code Enforcement Officer may, at his/her discretion,
issue a summons and complaint to the responsible party or shall issue a notice
punuant to E.M.C. 15-3-2(D).
D. If the nuisance bas not been abated by the infonnal process or a summons and
complaint has not been issued at the conclusion of the seven (7) days~
days jg the GAK pf mffiti set forth in E.M .C. 1 S-3-2(C), a written notice in
essentially the form set forth in E.M .C. 15-3-3 of this Chapter shall be served
upon the responsible paity by personal service or by leaving a copy of the notice
at the usual place of residence or business of such owner, responsible party
shown by the records contained in the County Clerk and Recorder's Office or in
the co •mty tax Assessors Office, or by mailing a copy of the wrinen notice to
such ,'CSponsible party at such place or address by United States Mail, certified
return receipt. If service of such written notice is w1able to be perfected by any
methods described above, the enforcement personnel shall cause a copy of the
notice to be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the City, once a
week for two consecutive weeks, or by posting the notice on the property.
E. The notice shall state clearly and concisely the findings of the enforcement
personnel with respect to the existence of the nuisance, and the section of the
City ordirlBOce{s) that have been violated.
F. The notice shall also state that unless the responsible party shall cause the
abatement of the nuisance pursuant to the notice and this Code, the City may
abate the nuisance at the expense of the responsible party or may issue a criminal
summons and complaint or bo:h.
15-3-3: Nodcc Form ,
The following notice shall be used by all departments empowered with the abatement of
any and all nuisances of this Title .
Notice is hereby given that there exists upon this property the follo,ving condition(s) or
violation(s) which give rise to a nuisai,ce punuant to the following section(s) of the
Englewood Municipal Code :
You have fourteen (14) days or three 13) daYf jg the cye ofmffitj in which to abate the
above described nuisanr,e(s). In the event that you do not abate the ouisance(s) within the
fourteen (14) days orthree 13) days jg the c13e of mffigj the t::ity of Englewood may, at
its option, abate the nuisance at your expense, or in the alternati ve issue a summons and
complaint or both, directing that you appear in the Municipal Coun for the City of
Englewood, to answer to the charges as set fonh above .
In the event that you do not believe that there exists upon this propeny the nuisancc(s) as
set fonh upon this notice, you have the right to appeal this notice and to request an
administnllive hearing by making a written demand to the City for a heanng within seven
(7) days of the posting or receipt of this notice or three (3) davs in tbs case of Graffiti ·
Such written demand shall be made to the Clerk of the Englewood Municipal Coun, on
the form provided by said Clerk .
IS-3-4: Responsible Porty Abatement.
Within founeen (14) days or three m dav.i.i,J!he case of graffiti after the date of posting
or the date of maili11g of the notice and orders . , abate the nuisance, the res pons ible pany
of the affected propeny shall remove and abate such nuisance .
IS-3-S: Admlnlstr-ative Appeal Procedures.
The re sponsible pany who has been served with a notice pursuant to this Chapter may,
\\'i thin seven (7) calendar days after receipt of the notice or tbrss (3) days in the case of
IWliliJ,i, make a writ!en demand to the City for an administrative hearing on the question
of wh ether a nuisa nce in fact exists on the subject propeny .
A. The responsible pany mu st tile a written demand with the Clerk of the
Englewood Municipal Coun on a fonn provid ed for such a hearing by the Clerk .
B. An administrative hearing shall be held within seven (7) calendar davs following
receipt by the City of the written demand and at least two (2) days I v,ice of the
hearing shall be given to the person who made the written demand for the
C. The administrative hearing shall be conducted by a Hearing Officer who shall be
designated by the City Manager. The sole issue before the Hearing Officer shall
be whether the condition(s) described in the notic e constitutes a nui sance . If the
Hearing Officer finds that a nuisance exists , the Hearing Officer shall confinn
the order that the nuisance be abated. If the Hearing Officer finds that no
nuisance exists, the Hearing Officer has the •t1•.hority to vacate the notict .
D. Failure of the responsible pany to request a hearing within th< •• 'Oft (7l ealoeda,
96Y6 stated tjme period. or failure 10 appear for ,he scheduled hearing , shall be
deemed a waiver of the right 10 such hearing.
E. The Hearing Officer shall conduct the hearing in an informal manner and shall
not be bound by technical rules of evidence. Such hearing shall bo tape-recorded .
The responsible pany, if any, of the subject propeny shall be given the
opponunity to present evidence during the course of the hearing. In addition,
members of the public and the City enforcement pcrsoMel who originally
determined that a nuisance existed on the subject proi,erty , shall also be given an
opponunity to present evidence .
F. At the conclusion of the hearing, the Hearing Officer shall prepare a written
decision that day. A copy of such dec ision shall be provided to the pcnon
requesting the hearing and the enforceruent pcnoMel.
G. The decision of the Hearing Officer is final.
H. An appeal of the Hearing Officer's order, by either the responsible pany or the
City, shall be made to a coun of competent jurisdiction. If the Hearing Officer
confinns the abatement order, the date for abatement set fonh in the notice and
~rder shall apply wtless a stay is ordered by the coun, to which an appeal is
made .
15-3-6: City Abatement Options .
In the event that the nuisance is not abated within the founeen (14) days gr three {3\ days
in the case pf graffiti set forth in the notice and if no appeal of the notice has been filed
by the responsible pany with the City, the City may either abate the nuisan.ce at the
expense of the responsible pany , or in the alternative elect to issue a criminal summons
and comrlaint directing the responsible pany to appear in the Municipal Coun to answer
to the alleged violation(s) of the City ordinance which gave rise to the nuisance or both .
15-3-7: Abatement Costs .
In all cases where the City shall incur any expense for abating or removing any nuisance
found upon any propeny, lot or premises, all expenses of such abatement plus an
administrati on cost of twenty-fi ve percent (25%) may be charged against the real
propert y and its owner.
A.. Notice of costs. If the City incurs costs taking abatement action required by this
Section, a statement shall be prepared for the entire cost pl us the twenty-five
percent (25%) admini$trative costs , and shall be mailed by Cenified Mail ,
Return Receipt Requested, to the propeny owner with instructions that said costs
for abatement shall be paid in full within tJ, :ny (30) days of said mailing date .
The statement shall also inform the prop, .ty owner that failure to pay the costs
for abatement within thiny (30) days sh.:. ce•ult in an additional penalty and an
assessment being made against the propeny, lot or premises upon which the
nu.isance existed or from which the nuisance emanated which shall constitute a
lien to the benefit of the City pursuant to the provisions of this Title.
B. Assessmer., of Costs . If the full amount of the cost statement regarding nuisance
abatement is not paid within tbiny (30) days of the statement mailing date, the
City Martager or bis designee shall assess the entire amount of the statement plus
an additional twenty-five percent (25%) penalty against the specified real
propeny. Aller assessment by the City Martager or his designee, a copy shall be
sent to owner of record of the assessed propeny . The assessment shall contain a
legal description of the propeny , the expenses and costs incurred the date that
the abatement action occurred, and a notice that the City claima a lien for the
stipulated amount. The City Manager or bis designee llhall cenify such
assessment to the County Treuurer who shall collect such auessment in the
same manner as ad valorem taxes are collected .
C. Lien Assessment. From the date of the assessing statement, all assessments shall
constitute a perpetual lien apinst the specified real propeny and shall have
priority over all liens exceptina aeneral tax liens and prior special assessments.
No delays , mistalces, errors or irreaularities in any act or proceeding authorized
herein shall prejudice or invalidate any final assessment; but the same may be
remedied by the City Manager or his designee, as the case may require, upon
application made by the property owner or other interes1ed ptrsan. When so
remedied, the same shall take effect as of the date of the original assessment.
D. Other Remedies.
Any unpaid charge plus the costs and assessments not resulting from
action by the Englewood Municipal Court shall cons1itute a debt due the
City. The City Attorney shall, at the direction of the City Council , institule
civil suit in the name of the City to recover such charges, costs and
assessments . These remedies shall be cumulative with all other remedies ,
including prosecution in Municipal Court for each violation of this
Chapter pursuant to the provisions and penalties established by E.M.C . 1-
~-Safety Clauses. The City Council hereby finds, de1ermines, and declares
thst this Ord inance is promulgated under the general police power oflhe City of
Englewood, that it is promulga1ed for the health, safety, and welfare of the public, and
that this Ordinance is necessary for the preservation of health and safety and for the
protection of public convenience and welfare. The City Council further determines that
the Ordinance bears a rational relation to the proper legislative object sought to be
obtained .
~ Sevcrabjljty If any clause, senlence, paragraph, or part of this Ordinance
or the application thereof to any person or circumstances shall for any reason be
adjudged by a court of r,ompetent jurisdiction invalid, such judgment shall not affect ,
impair or invalidate the remainder of this Ordinance or its application to other persons or
~ lnconsjsicnt Ordjnances. All other Ordinances or portions thereof
inconsistent or conflicting with this Ordinance or any portion hereof are hereby repealed
to the extent of such inco nsistency or conflict
~ Effect of renal or modjficatjon. The repeal or modification of any
provision of the Code of the City of Englewood by this Ordinance shall not release,
extinguish, alter, modify, or change in whole or in part any penalty, forfeiture, or
liability, either civil or criminal, which shall have been incurred under such provision,
and each provision shall be treated and held as still remaining in force for the purposes
of sustaining any and all proper actions, suits, proceedings, and prosecutions for the
enforcement of the penalty, forfeiture, or liability, as well as for the purpose of
sustaining any . .llgrnent, decree, or order which can or may be rendered, entered, or
made in such actions, suits , proceedinl'S, or prosecutions .
~ l'.maln:. The Penalty Provision of Section 1-4-1 EMC shall apply to each
and every violation of this Ordinance.
Introduced, read in full, and passed on first reading on the 18th day of December, 2006 .
Published as a Bill for an Ordinance on the 22nd day ofDecember, 2006 .
Read by title and passed on final reading on the 8th day of Janunry, 2007.
Published by title as Ordinauce No . L Series of 2006/2007, on the 12th da) of
January, 2007 .
I, Loucrishia A. Ellis, City Clerk of the City of Englewood, Colorado , hereby cenify
that the above and foregoing is a true copy of the Ordinance s ed on final reading and
published by title as Ordinance No . _J_, Series of2006/2