HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006 Ordinance No. 032• • • ORDINANCE NO . .32-- SERIES OF 2006 BY AUTHORITY COUNCIL BILL NO . 34 INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER WOODWARD AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AN INTERGOV:.:.P.NMENTAL AGREEMENT ENTITLED "EMERGENCY ACCESS AGREEMENT CITY OF ENGLEWOOD WATER PIPELINE REPAIR JULY 28 , 2006 ", RELATED TO THE REPAIR OF A BROKEN WATER PIPELINE BETWEEN THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD , COLORADO AND THE DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES , COLORADO WATER CONSERVATION BOARD . WHEREAS , an Englewood 16" water main pipeline has broken at the location of the shoreli ne of the South Platte Ri ver just north of the West Dartmo uth Avenue bridge on the cast bank ; and WHEREAS , in order to repair th e broken water main a work area of approximately ., 30 ' by 30 ' area as well as tho t .. J< that extends down from South Platte River Dri ,·e which is owned by the Department of Natural Resources , Colorado Water Con servation Board; and WHEREAS , the passage of thi • Ordinance will authorize an intergovernmental agreement for emergency access to repair the water main : NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY C.)UN CIL OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO , AS FOLLOWS : ~I. The intergovernmental agTccment entitled "Emergency Access Agreement City of Englewood Water Pipeline Repair July 28 , 2006", between the City of Englewood , Colorado and the Department of Natural Resources, Colorado Water Conservation Board , attached as "Exhibil A", is hereby accepted ,nd approved by the Englewood City Council. ~-The City Manager is authorized to execute and the City Clerk to atte st and seal the Intergo vernmental AgTccment for and on behalf of th e City of Englewood , Colorado . Introduced, read in full , and passed on fi rst reading on the 7th day of Augu st, 2006 . Published as a Bill for an Ordinance on lhe I Ith day of August , 2006 . Read by title and passed on final reading on the 21st day of August , 2006 . -1- 9 b ii Published by title u Ordinance No£ <;cries of 2006, on the 25th day of August, 2006. I, Loucrishia A. Ellis, City Clerk of the City of Englewood, C certify that the above and foregoing is a true coqr Aof the Ordi reading and published by title as Ordinance No.~Series 2 -2- • • • • • • EMERGENCY ACCESS AGREEMENT CITY OF ENGLEWOOD WATER PIPELINE REPAIR Jul y 28, 2006 THIS ACCESS AGREEMENT is made and en1crcd into thi1 28'~ day of July, 2006 by and be1ween the STATE OF COLORADO, acting by and through the Department ofNaturil Resources, Colorado Water Conservation Board whose address is 13 I 3 Sherman Strcct, Denver, CO 80203, (hereinaftlCI', the ''Gnntor'1, an d tht City of Eng:lewood . (hcrein1f1er, the "Grantee"). WHEREAS, the Gran tor is an agency of the State of Colorado created and controlled by Tit le 37 , Article 60, C.R.S., w"ic.h funct ions for the welfare and benefit of the State of Colorado 11nd ill in h1bit11n ts ; an d WHEREAS, the United States Army Corps of Engineers ("Corpt.") has conitructcd improvements lo the now of water in the channel of the South Platte River in Aropahoe County, State of Colorado, with said impro vem ents known as the Chatfield Downstrcnm Channel Improvement Projcci ("hnprovcmcnt Project"); and WHEREAS , the p .mary purpose of the hl•j>rovcmcnt Project is to provide drainage, fl ood oon trol and water flow regulation ; and WHEREAS, the Corps and the Grantor entered in to two agreements which gave the Grantor the responsibility of acquiring land, access , and rights-of-w. y for the Improvement Projl et and the duty of main taining and operating th e Improvement Project; and WHEREAS, the Grantar hu acquired ccna.in fee title interests, rights-of-way and acecsss within the Improvemen t rroject right-of-way for the purposes of constructing and maintaining the Improvement Project; and WHEREAS, the Grantee wishes to access and the Granter is willing 10 grant a temporary emergency non-ex cl usive access for the repai r of a broken water pipeline ; an d Wl'J1'1ESSETH: That, for and in consideration of the general public interest and benefit that will acaue from Grantee's repair of the broken water pipeline, and the keeping and the pcrionnance of the covcnantl and agreements hereinafter expressed, Granlor grants to Grantee nonexclusive emergency access upon the following property (hereinafter, the "Property") located in the Coun ty of Arapahoe, State of Colorado, to wit The shoreline of the South Platte River just north of the W. Da:-tmouth Ave. bridge on the cast bank. Th e work area will be approximatel y a 30'x 30' area as well as the bank that extends down from So. Platte River Drive. The access location is within Englewood, (.olorado . TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, subjcct to the covenants and agreements hereinafter expressed, for the purpose of using the Property to repair a water pipeline for a period of twenty-five (25) days, to commence u~n o.ccution of this Access AgrecmcnL GRANTOR AND GRANTEE MlJTUALLY EXPRESSLY COVENANT AN:> AGREE: 1. This access agrcc:mcnt is non -exclusive and the grant of 1cccs.1 is · ... bjcct to and subordinate to any and all prcvil1usly granted ri ghts-of-way, licenses and conveyances, recorded nt '11rccordcd. It is Grantee's aolc rcsponsibilitt to determine the existence of any rights, uses or installations ccn!h-ctiili, with Gr1ntc:c's use of the Property hcrr.undc::r. Grantee agrees to not interfere with any use in the access are;.• i,y ,uy other J>')rty under a previous grant, whether granted by Gr1ntor or previous owner. Grantee undc:ntands 1i.1d agrees that Granter makes no representations concerning ownership of nor warrants title lo any of the Property . To tht extent that lhii grant of ac:ccss may encroach on lands not owned or controlled by Granter, Grantee assumes 1\1 responsibility for any such cncroachmenL 2. During the 1cnn of the Access Agreement, the Grantor shall have the right to t'isposc of the Property or to use the same for other purposes subJ i:1 10 the rights and privileges herein granted ,.., the Gr111tc:c. Gnmtor reserves the :ight to grtnl additional access agm:mcnts to th ird parties, provided that said agreements do not materially intcrf~ with the aCCCSI granted herein. 3. The tams and conditions of the access gnntod herein shall be in compliance with and subordinate to the tenns of the September 7, 1977 and J,~uary 29, 1980 Agreements between the United States Anny Corps of Engineers and the Colorado Water Conscrvat.Jn Board ("Agreements"), which arc incorpontcd herein by reference. i A s. T11c sianatorics aver tho! to their knowledge. no State cniplo)'cc has any personal or bcncfic1,ll interest whataoevcr i~ lhc Property , unlcu and until approved by the officials and officers nf the State of Colomdo as required by §24-82-202 C.R.S., u 1 If this ICCCSI is gl'nlcd pumant to §24•82-201 C.R.S., ;1 amended, this Acceu Apemcnt shall not be deemed vali s=• 1mcoded,or,uchwi1tan11u1hcym1ydcsign11e.., and approval by the Englewood City . 6. 7. 8. 9. Council. · The provisions hcn,of ahall inure to the benefit of and bind the succcaon; and wians of the respective parties hcrclo and all covenants shall appl) to and run with the land unlC51 otherwise specifically noted . The signatories aver tha1 they arc familiar with § I 8-8-301, C.R.S. ct seq ., (Bribery an d Corrupt lnf1ucnccs) and § 18- 8-40 I, C.R .S. ct. seq., (Abuac of Public Office), and that no violation of such provisiM s is present Any notice required or pcnniltcd by this Access Agreement may be deli vered in person or sent by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, to the party 11 the address as hercinancr provided, and if sent by mail it shall be cffe.cti vc when posted in the U.S . Mail Depository with sufficient postage attached thereto: Grantor: Joe Busic Colorado Water Conservation Board Flood Protection Section 1313 Sherman St=t, Rm nI Denver, CO 80203 Cc: State Build ings and Real Estate Program1 Attn : Real Estate Spc:ci111ist 1313 Shcnns!l Street. Suite 319 Denv,r, CO 80203 Grantee: BillMcConnic!c City of Englewood Englewrood,CO (3 03) 762-2652 Gr.ntor reserves all rights to any and all metallic and non-metallic minc:nls , ores and metals of any kind and character, including bu! nol limited to coal, asphallum, oil and gu in or under said access. 10. If any part of this Access Agreement is found , decrcod or held to be ·10id or unenforceable, the remainder of the provisions of this Access Agreement shall not be affected thereby and shall ranain in full force and effect. 11 . This Access Agreement shall be goYCnled by the laws of the Stale of ColOl'ldo. 12 . The parties hereto understand and l!f'CC thal liability for claims for injuries to pcr10ns or property arising out of the negligence of either party, its departr.lcnts. institutions, agcncib, enterprises, boards, officials, and employees is controlled and limited by the provisions of the Colorado Governmental Immunity Act, §24-10-101 , ct seq. C.R.S. 1md §24-30-150 I, ct seq. C.R.S. Any pro·,i.<i:i on of this Access Agreement. w}idhcr or not incorporated herein by reference. shall be controlled. lim ited and othcrwi.c modified so as t.; fo~i! any lia bility of the Grantor and the Grantee to the above cited laws . GRANTEE <XPRESSLY COVENANTS : I. Grantor shall have, during the CO'ltinuonce of this access , the right to dispose of the Property and to use the Property for other purposes provided such use docs not materially interfere with the access granted herein. In the event Grantoc aho\l, in the future, wish to 11,•anl Dddit ionn l acccs.'15 or rights-of-WIiy which encroach upon the 1cccu granted herein , Grantee expressly agrees and covenants it will consent to share the Property, provided the proposed additional a~ or righll-of-wny do not materially interfere witJ1 the purposes for which this access is granlcrl. 2. In the cvo1 t of termi nation , Grantee, at its CJ.pcnsc, sha ll, upon written request by Grentor, remove all improvcmeuts constructed by Gr1ntee from the Pmpcrty within ninety {90) days of lamination and res tore the Property u nearly as is practicable to the condition of the land existing immedin!cly prior to Grantee's fitll ut(!. Grantor shall dctcnnine in its 10le discretion whether the rcstonuior compliC¥ with thi, p1rag111ph . In the event thlll Grantee docs not remove lhe improvements within such 90-day penod, Grantor d1all hevc the option to either I} remove the improvements and restore the Property to its prior r.ondition and b;II the Grtntec for the cost of remova l t.nd restoration, or 2) consider such itnprovcmcnts abando·1cd ,nd the improvements sha ll become the property or Grantor. Except u otherwise • • • • • 3. 4. s. 6. 7. prov ided herein , tcnnin1tion of this Acccu Aarccment 1holl be by operation of law. If this Acccu Agreement i1 10 terminated, consideration paid shall be forfeited . Grantce may not use this gnmt of accen for any purpose other than that which is specifically described herein . If the Property is used by Grantee for any purpose other than stated herein , the acceu is 1u1omatically terminated , and all of the righl, title and inlcrcst of Grantee (and Grantee's succcssort o·: auigna) in and lo the Propcrt)' become null and void, and the Property shall abaolutcly revert to and revest in Granm r as fully and completely u if this instrument had not been executed, without the ncccuity for suit or re-entry and Grantee 1hull remove improvements DI provided above. No act or omission on the part of any beneficiary of this paragraph shall be a waiver of the Of)Cn1tion or enforcement of the paragraph. II shall be lhc sole responsibility or the Grantee to obllin nll ueccssary and applicable local, state ond federa l 1pprovols and pennits for the purposes set forth herein . Grantee agrees to comply with all rules, regulations and po li cies authoritat ively promulgated pcr1oining to the use of the acrcss lands, including but not liinitcd to local, state and federal 1lood plain regulations. Noncompliance by the Grantee wilh this paragraph and/or any Stich pennit, rulcll regu lation , or policy shall be grounds for immediate tcnnination of this Access Agreement by the Granter. Gnmttc agrees to indemnify, defend and hold hannlcss the Granter against all liability, loss and expense and againll al claims and actions based upon or arising out of injury or death to persons or damage to property, caused by any acts or omissions of Grantee. its successors, assigns, agents or contractors or arising out of Grantee 's use of the Property. In~ the event that Grantee contracts for any work to be pcrfonncd on the Property, Grantee shall require its contraccon and subcont~ctors, except the Corps, to indemnify, defend and hold hannless Granter, its employees and agents, and lhe \ Corps from any and all cl aims, damages and liabilities whatsoever for injury or death to persons or damage to property arisi ng from the contractors' and/or subcontracton' actions or inactions. All contract.on; and aubcontracton shall be required to abide by and foll ow the provisions of this Access Agreement, to the extent allowed by law. Grantee warrants th <ll. throughout the tcnn of this Access Agreement, Grantee shall maintain continual commercia l general liability insurance covering its use of the access, with said insurance policy naming Granter as an additional insured. Said policy shall provide coverage in the amounts established by the Colondo Governmental Immunity Act (Article 10, Title 24, C.R.S .), both nnw and as hereafter amended . Grantee agrees that all excavations or other temporary removal of soil as required for Grantee 's usr , ropcrty for the purposes set forth herein shall be properly replaced, and Grantee shall seed, restore and rcve.,ctate the surface lo substantially its condition existing prior to the di sturbance as reasonably possible. Grantee shall be responsible at all times for the immediate repair or replacement of, or reimbursement for any damage to the Property due to Grantee's use of the Property for the purposes set forth herein . Routes of ingress and egress for construction or for maintenance arc to be limited to the minimum necessary locations, and all work. areas created must be oblitenucd, protected against erosion, and restored to the fonncr condition of the land, as nearly as possible by Grantee. Prior to restoring the property, Grantee shall submit a reclamation plan to Grantor for review and approval tn ensure Grantor's property shall be restored as closely as possible to the original condition after construction of the project by the Grantee. Gnmtor shall dctennine, in its sole discretion, whether Grantee's restoration complies with this paragraph . In the event Grantee fails to pcrfonn the restorative or revegelative work required by this paragraph to the sole satisfaction of Grantor, and after thirty (30) days prior written nuticc specifying with particularity the failure and indicating the remedial steps needed m cure same, Granter 1thall be allowed to pcrfonn said work., and Gruntce shall pay with in thirty (30) days all direct and indirccl costs incum:d by Grantor for restorative or rcvcgctotivc work including, hut not limilcd to, regrading, filling, rcvcgctntion , ci~ion r.,;,1 il,.;;!, 1111d replacing of soil. 8. 11,e Grantee undcrston~ on d agree:, that ib: fac ilities arc subject lo dom oge nnd 10:n l loss without linbility nccruing to the Gran tor os a n$Uh of flooding, as the result of maintenance 1111d opcmtion of the 01atficld Down stream Channel lmprovcmn1t Project by the Granter, the Grantor 's dC!fignccs, or the Corp s. 9. 111c construction, storage 011d movement of vehicles, trucks and machinery shall be conducted at all times so as to minim ize any disruption lo rcacational trail s and paths while maximiz.ing puhlic safety. Al all times during constniction and maintenance activities, 11II of the recreation trails and paths sh all rcnain open, unless adequate detours including signage and fencing arc provided by the Grantee. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Access Agreement 10 be executed the day and year fi111 above written . ORANTOR: STATE OF CO\.ORAOO Bill Owens. Governor Aelin& by 1nd lhn>ush lhe Ocp1rtmcnt of Natunl Rct0urcc11 rd ~'1I2Q By: For the Executive Director • COUNCIL COMMUNICATION Date Apndaltem SubJect August 7, 2006 11 ali Emergency Agreement for 16" Water Main Replacement at Dartmouth & South Platte River. INmATEDIY I STAFF SOURCE Utilities Depar::nent Stewart H. Fonda, Director of Utilities COUNCIL GOAL AND PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION None. RECOMMENDED ACTION The Utilities Department recommends Council adopt a Bill for an Ordinance approving an Emergency Access Agreement with the Department of Natural Resources, Colorado Water Conservation Board for a City of Englewood Pipeline Repair. • BACiCGROUND, ANALYSIS, AND ALTERNATIVES IDENTIFIED • Recently a small leak was discovered in the City of Englewood 's water line that is suspended under the bridge at Dartmouth and South Platte River. Because of thE, exposed water main in this section, it Is imperati ve that the main be repaired immediately . To repair th is leak under the bridge, an agreement must be signed allowing a work area of approximately 30' x 30 ' as well as bank access that extends down from South Platte River Drive, both of wh ich are owned by the Department of Natural Resources, Colorado Water Conservation Board . Englewood will grade the bank and trim trees on the South Platte River to enable a crew to complete the repairs . Reseeding will be completed as needed . FINANCIAL IMPACT Due to the emergency nature of this unique water main break, a private contractor, CDM Coostructors, Inc., which is certified for elevated bucket repairs , will be retained on a time and mate ri al basis. UST OF ATTACHMENTS Bill for an Ordinance