HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003 Ordinance No. 052• • • BY AUTHORJTY ORD INANCE NO . ~J- SE RJ ES OF 2003 COUNC IL BILL NO . 52 INTRODUCED BY COUNC IL MEMBER GARRETT AN ORDIN ANCE AMENDING TITLE 15 , CHAPTER I, SECTION 2, DEF IN ITIO NS , PARA GRAPH C, OF THE ENGLEWOOD MUN ICIPAL CODE 2000. TO CORRECT LANGUAGE AND PUNCTUATION IN THE DEFINITION OF "NUISANCE". WHEREAS, there are certain co rrecti ons need ed in the definition of "N ui sance", Paragrah C, 10 clarify lhe meaning. NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNC IL OF THE CITY OF ENG LEWOOD , CO LORADO , THAT : ~ Ci1y Co uncil oflhe Ci1y of Englewood , Colorado, hereby amends Tille 15, Chapler I, Seclion 2, Definili ons , "Nuisance ", Paragraph C, 10 read as fo llow s: 15-1-2 : Dcfinilions. Nuisance : A condi1ion which injure s or endange rs 1he public hea llh , safely or welfare which includes, bul is not limited to , lhc foll owi ng: C . Any fence , wall , shed , deck , hou se, garage , building, structure , or any part of the aforesai d; or any tree , pole , smokestack; or any excavation , hole , pit, basement , cellar, si dewalk subspace;, or any object stored on or in said premises; or any lot , land , yard, premises or location Wftteft in its entirely, or in any pan thereof, by reas on oflhe condition in which 1he same is found or permirtcd to be or remain , shall or may endarger the heallh , safely , life , limb or properly , or ca use any hurt , harm , inconvenience , di sco mfort , damage or injury to any one or more in di viduals in lhe Ci1y , in any one of the following paniculars : I. By reason of being a menace, thre at and/or hazard to the ge nera l health and safely ot'thc communi ly . 2. By reason of being a fire hazard. 3. By reaso n of being unsafe for occupancy, or use on, in, upon. about or around lhe aforessid properly . 4. By reaso n of deteri oration or dec ay beco mes rode nt infested, or which beco mes a place frequented by trespassers and tr.1nsients seeking a tcmpmary hideout or shelter. 5. By re ason of lack of suffic ie nt or ade quate maintenance of lh e properly , and/or being vacant , any or which depreciat es the enjoyment and use of lhe properly in lhe imm ediate vicinily to such an extent !hat it is harmful to lhc communily in which such properly is situated or suc h condition exists . Section .1 Safety Clau ses. The City Counci l hereb y finds, detennine s, and declares that this Ordinance is promulgated under the gene ral po li ce power of the City of Eng lewood, that it is promulgated fo r the hea lth , safety , and we lfare of th e public , and that this Ord inance is necessary fo r the pre se 1v ation of hea lth and safety and fo r the protection of public convenience and we lfa re. The City Counci l funhcr dete nn ines that the Ordi nance bears a rationa l relation to th e proper legi slati ve object soug ht 10 be obtained . Sectio n 4. Severabili ty. If any clause , sente nc e, paragraph, or pa n of thi s Ord inan ce or the application thereof to any person or circu mstances shall fo r any reason be adjudged by a court of co mp ete nt ju ri sdiction inva li d, such judgme nt shall not affect , impair or invalidate the remainder of thi s Ordi nanc e or it applica tio n to othe r persons or circumstances . Sect ion 5. in co nsistent Ordinances . All other Ordinances or portions thereof inconsistent or conflic tin g wit h thi s Ordi nanc e or any portion here of are hereb y repealed 10 the extent of such inconsistenc y or conflict. Section 6. Effect of repeal or modificati on. The repeal or modifi cati on of any provision of the Code of the City of Englewood by thi s Ordinance shall not release, extinguish, alte r, modi fy, or cha nge in whole or in part any penal ty, forfeiture , or li ability , ei ther civi l or criminal , which shall have been incurred under such provi sio n, and each provision shall be treateu and held as st ill remaining in force for the purposes of sustai ning nny and all proper actions, suits , proceedi ngs, and prosec ution s for the enforcement of the penal ty, forfeiture , or liabili ty, as we ll as for the purpo se of sustainin g any judgment, decree , or order which can or may be rendered , entered , or mad e in such actions, suits, proceedings, or pro sec ution s. Section 7. Penalty . The Penal ty Provis ion of Secti on 1-4-1 EMC shall appl y to each and every vio latio n of this Ordinance . 2003 . Introduced , read in full , and passe d on first re ading on the 4th day of August , 2003 . Publi she d as a Bill for an Ordinance on the 8t h day of August 2003 . Read by title and passed on fin al reading on the 18" day of August, 2003 . Published by title as Ordi nan ce No . ~cries of 2003 , on the 22"' day of August. • • • • I, Loucrishia A. Ellis, City Clerk for the City or Englewood , C lorado , hereby certify the above and foregoing is a true and c~cc1 copy or lhc Ordin cc p d on final reading and published by title as Ordinance No . "-52--, Serie, of2003 . £ • • • COUNCIL COMMUNICATION Dat e: Agenda Item : Subject : An o rdin ance amending Titl e 15, Cha pter I , Sectio n 2 of th e August -1 , ::003 IO a iv En glew o od Municipal Code pertaining to nuisan ce codes. j Initiated By : I Staff Source: Code Enfor ce ment A.dvis ory Committ ee Li eutenant John Collins - COUNCIL GOAL A ,/J rK~V IOUS COUNCIL ACTION None. RECOMMENDED ACTION : Th e Code Enforc ement Ad visory CommittE.v h '~'-!•J~~·:'rb an ordinan ce amending Title 15, Chapt er I. Sec ti on 2, deiinitio ns , of the Eng lewood Mt:•.'c ipal Code 2000, to correc t language and punctuation in the definition of "nuisance", paragraph C, and amending Title 15, Chapter 13, sec ti on 1, Englewood Municipal Code 2000, by adding a new pa ragraph D . BACKGROUND, ANALYS IS , AND ALTERNATIVES IDENTIFIED : N/A FINANCIAL IMP ACT: Nvne UST OF ATTACHMENTS Proposed Bili ior an O rdin ance