HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003 Ordinance No. 065•
WHEREAS. 1hc unconlrollcd placement and maintenance ofnewsracks in the public
right-of-way prcscnts ., lunger to the safety and welfare of persons using such right-of-way .
including . but not lim it.:J to . pede st rians , persons entering and k av ing buildings , and pers ons
pcrforming essc n1ial U!,llty, traffi c control. and emergency services; and
\VHEREAS , 111.:wsracks loc,11\!d so as to cause an inconvenience or danger to persons
using the public righH1f--way and un sightl y newsracks located therein constitute a public
nuisance: and
WHEREAS. the City Council recognizes that the use of public right-of-way is
historically associated wi th the sale and distribution of newspapers and other publications and
access to these areas should be regulated and protected ; and
WHEREAS. in order 10 pro vi de the widest distribution of publica tio ns while at the same
time protecting and enhancing the public right-of-way, the creation and installation of newspaper
corrals is in the public interest and welfare .
Section I. City Cou ncil of the Cit y of Englewood , Co lorado, hereby amends Title 11.
Chapte r 7. of the Englc wou d Munic ipal Cude 2000. by adding the following definition s 10 11-7-
:? in alphabetical order :
.1.1.:LJ. DEf l"IJTI QNS The fol lowj ng word s ;ind obrnm, whc njlscd jn Ibis
Wmsr.,fillall ha ve Ult! foJlowjp g mcunlll gs,unlcss the £2nLW otbcpvjss;
£k:ady,,irulk:ue'-to the contru o·,
Bl ock· Oas 11 l side of a strcst lJt!twee n ,,,·a f"'} consecuti"!i
inh:·rsest ing street s..
Bus.-$?ff Th> area_im mediat elv adi ac em to anv marksd bus
~u._S uch area shall be a tt.n{oot·wids: stn o narnll el to the
roadway measured from Jhit.Wb or where there is no curb th>
>dµcufthe n.1vemc:nr 1 and sha ll run from the bus ston si i:n foav
fs·1.·1 in 1he direc ti on onoosi te 10 ths: flow of traffic
~cral · An ~r~a on the risbt:of-wav enclosed on three sides bv
~,I,ns for tbs numose ofsontrollins 1hs ol?csmem w
~xn lisi~ Sexual ~cts · PsPictioos ofssxua1 imsrcourss oral
~o n_~lntmo nonl _ mtsrc2urss ornl or anal sonulntioo bestialitv
s9.dis m W!15_Pcb1sm or sxsrctolY functions in soonsclion with
ssx ual acuv1rv maswrbarion or lewd exhibition of Hsnitals
w~ether aov of the nbovs conduct is dsnicted or described gs
hems ?C£fonnc4 nloos or between memhea of tbs same or
oonosns sex or_ hetw~ humans end noimaln or a1bsr acts of
ss:;n_ml arousal mvolvms 2hvsicnl conduct wilh a nsrson ·s
sem1als nubis hair oeriusum anus or anal reKi20
LiGbtrnil st~2· The sidewalk an;a and ADY raised boarding
~l otfo"? ad,essnt to anx lishtraH stoe as defined bx tbs curb
lms a_ hos Parallel to tbs curb !ins and fiftseo feet from the
5urb lme or t~e total dGPth ofths boardios nlatfonn whichever
1s sre~ter wh,sb arsP sxtsods from five cs> feet bcfotE the
bourdm_s Platform to five CS) fest after the boardios Platform
mcasunos alons tbs curb Hoe
Muou&er The Cilv Maonser or dniRDtt
Newsrack·_ ADY slf•§Go:iss Pr coin onemtsd box s2otaiosr
storn~s umt Pf ot_hs _disPEow installed wd or maintained for
~ dmnbutmo or so ls ofoewsRAPSPi or other
Pcmiittce · ~DY RE!'§PD [SSPPDSible for nlasiD¥ and mgjptpjpjpg
Mewsrack m the aubt·of~waY
\C(:iOD' ADY PSDPD ?T PSDPDS or sntitv including but pqt
lm~ned to n comorauon Hmitsd liabilitv comnaov nnonershio,
umncomorntsd association or ioim veorure
~1 Mntedal ·. AnY materia_l sus@sstins or convcvins a
\ ~~uu.l 1mase an~ mcludcs but ,s not limited to a obotograob
n,uuu ng or drnwms
~~The enti~ width between the baundarv lines of
PN?SGY O\YOSd bv the c,tv and dedicated by the Cj(y for
vducular or PSdestdno traffic
Road,~·nv ·. Ib?t PPOiPo ofa street 1bat is imPmved design ed
iLPIJ.linnn Jv uud for rshicular trn"CI •
• ~ Sc01ise oforossss wil l be comnlete unoo mailing a
~uv of anv notice or order to the Pennittse bv csnific:d moil
return n:csim csoucsted and ssodios the notic e or ordsr Y.iil
fa.cs imils transmission to a facsimile number if one is provid ed
b':J he PeDDittee
ti Sidewa lk· Anv surface orovid sd for the use of pedestrians
Q. .S1rcet· Ml the ars? dsdicatd to Public use for nublic street
~r~ ?Pd shall include bur not tx; limited to roadwnvs
tres-lawns nod sidewalks
l!. Trcc -l mvn-The ?TSP hstweso tbs sidewalk end the curb ofan v
stree t, oud where thees is 02 sidewalk the ARA betwes 1 he
edge of the roadwax and the RmRErtv line adiasem tbsn;to
Trcc·Jawo shall also include anv area within a roadwnv that is
not open to vehicular travel
Section 2. City Council of lh e City of Englewood, Colorado, hereby amends Tille
11 , Chapter 7, of the Englewood Municipal Code 2000, by adding a new Section 26 to read as
follow s:
~ Disoositio o of New sracks New s@cks nlacsd io tbs riKht·of-wav sbPH
be in nscordaocs with the foll2wios 2rocedurer
A.. No newsrnck shall he nlaced io eo ama that would cause a
xiolation of tbs BPRlisable af1itv criteria M sct forth in this
£WI.\, or where rhe available space for newsracks has been
IL \Vh~re news rack coo:als are Provided or csauired as nan ofa
~orchcns ive streetscanins dssiso for a Particular block or
:m~c.tcorri½or tbs number ofcon;al snasss available shall
diC1ate bow maov newsrnsks shall be allowed on anv one block
Ih~rs:.shi1l1 be onlv one nswsrnck PSr nublicntioo Per con;nl on
c,;_;tch side41f the street
~ Ncw~rncks shall not be chained bolted or otherwi se attached to
f!ll:' 1rw or anv fixwre located in the risbt·ofrwnx Alt bahs and
o.mtrusions sbaH be removed from the risht·of-wav when the
acw:mtck is mo ved or removed
L1 Q.U,,m,wl!rs of nswsrasks shnll be rcsPonsibls for the
mtiimen:mce and uPkssP of their ncwsrasks Anv nswsrn ck
found not m be in cornPliancs shall be subisst to rernovnl under
I 11 • i. )O) Enslcwood MuoisiPal Cods '000
Section 3. Cit y Co uncil or the City of Englewood, Colorado. hereby umends Titk
I I. Chapter 7, of the Engle woo d ~lun icipa l Co de 2000 , by adding a new Section 27 to read as
follows :
Pc:rmiuim:, ofm;ws r;1..;kshal t shnll be unlawful for oov oersoo 10 erect. ol acc ,
ma int ain or oncrn1~&n.a.aublic street or sidewalk or in anv other oublic way or
olece ;mv m:ws cock wi1hout first obtaining a nsrmit from the Ci\v Manager or
desivn>e sPccifvin~otion ofs Ltch os wsrack One neDDit mav be issued to
inslud s; i!D Y numtwIJ1Ln l·w§rnsks and shall be sivoed bx tbs nnPlis?nt A IWJllil
shall ht. considered ;mru1wed if the Citv takes no action within um t I Pl working
dnvs Notification bv unified m?il cstum cscsiPt rceusstsd !bet the
aoPlicmioo is bsi nc DtofS"'SE<l shall be considered "action" for Pum2ses of this
AH newsrac ks shnll cnnta.in n st icker or other method of information orovidi og
!h e oo mc ?ddce;;:;, ;md tslenbon e number of the owner of the newsrnck
Section 4. City Counci l of the Cit y of Englewood, Colorado, hereby amends Title
11 , Chapter 7, Englewo od Municipal Code ~000. by adding a new Section 28 to read as follows:
l.1.:2:ll; Priod 1v of Plm:erne nt of Newsracks Ths Gitv shall uss tbs following
criteri a in detsDDinins when oewnrasks wm be neanitts;I @t anv
/:;,,, A ocwsmc k that is in PIASA wiil have orioritv to its locntioo if
the locution mecw rhe criteria establish@ in this Title lfa
nswsrnc k which is io Place at the time this Chanter is cwtrd ,
mus1,hc moved it shall hnxe ils current ncioritv At the nearest
Lt Set:ond nrioritx shall be sixco to oewsrncks sootninios
nuhli£mioos nublished dnilv or fivs C5l or more davs Per week
mul shined ncwsracks thn1 comnin muhinle nubUcatioos
Ci I4inloriw:i1v shall be @ixso 10 oewsracks comaioio@
pubfo;;ui~ nub tisbsd one CI l to four C4l dnvs pee week
Q. fmWh..nri uritv shall be siveo to newsracks containiue
m1Nkm ions r t1 blisbed h;ss frcauemlx than once a week
fu lf ;i w1blica 1ion bas one newsrock located at aux one locationJI
mn v !Jilly be nennined a 5scond nsw srnck after all other
mtbJ lf:u ions ha"s bee n PSUDitted For Pumoses of thi s
subm1tm.mmh E "loS?tioo " rnsan:; all nswsracks losnssd on th e
wii1.· ,s,i'-k of.Jhe ~tree, in tbs same block
E. \\~IL't!.' ;1 nc;w srnck corm! is beins nlassd 1bs PriociIY for th e use
u.C+i uc:Ju:vm1I ~hall be a:; set fonh in this subsection,
• Sec1j on 5. City Coun cil of1he City of Englewood , Colorado , hereby amend s Title
11 , C":hapl<r 7, En glow Jo d Municipal Code 1000, by adding a new Section 29 10 read as follow s:
11-7-'9· Proh ibitisms vn the .C lm:eme nt of Newsrasks All oewsras ks Pl Ac ed in
whols or i Qm'□ on anv nooimJ.Ji?.Ll.b.£.lh!ht·of-wAv or which nmisst onto or over anv
Wl..QLlllc,,ri l!.L11-of.wauha llb,,;,,n11~·-£clio accordance with 1bc foll2wins Pro vision s·
lt shall b~ un lawfu l for anv nswsrnck or m;wsrask cowl J9 be Placed
in stall ed or ussll or nmin mined in the following manner
L Wi1biJ.11wo ('l fee t of the curb foes or 2avsmem edss ofaov
~-Wj1]mu_ha;;,,(1l fest ofaox madssd PSdstriao crosswalk·
Joa \Vi thin fiv e (51 feet ofaov fim hvdmnt On; call box oolise call
b.Ilx or anv mhcr emerseocv fneilitv ·
~ On nn v nonion ofn PSidestrian access rnmo for disabled
~ Within Ovs CS> feet ofanx of the followioe · oarlsios meter
oost s mime control cabin@ biEYGle Pldsins PSh tbs
SPICPPES to oublis gpnsjg abshm RHblis lSIFPhPPS SPEIPIYCF§
kiosk! 1hc smmosc IP sidewalk stCe hllliDSM ISSW ouhlis
works ofno euv PPrtioo ofa drixcwav or bJes ·
~ Slu..ilJJ:t..n oaion ofa tOiF mte manhole cover meter nod/or
Yil lY S ho iS S'OYCr YFPl SOYS[ for uodersrouod utilities or on ADY
~Pih; 0 r oths:r decorative sidewalk without sessial a22roYPI of
LID' Cit'LM anaMer or desisnee
1 ~it llill--U cleS iJ!QilJSd bus or lishtrail StOP
a.. Qut::,id,:,,oc;1 Ui ncs:nt J9 a news CPIT?I where con;p)s are nrovided ·
2' ~med areas or ;mv locntioo where there is no concret e
~ In wlwk m in n:t rt rests YAPP in or over aov nublic sidewalk or
m1rkwav wh,o su ch installation use or maintenance endaove rs
Lh~4;_ill;1,· W:nl.r~ous or oropsqy
~ Cit y Co uncil fo r the Cit y ofEngl•wood, Colorado , hereby amends Title 11 ,
Chap ter 7, Englewood ~lunicip al Code 2000. by adding a new Sec tion 30, 10 read as follows :
~ Prohibiti on on disnJ11v >1 f senuio materials Publications offecsd for sal e
or distribution fro m ~e w~mck~ locmed on or nroiectins over nvblic nroPsrtv shall not be
disolav e<l or exhibll\:d in a nw 11111.·uh ;u q oosc s to Public vie w from the strQiLor
sidcwnlk anv pftlw fol lo"·in ~i
:\nY .;Ha tsnwoP• qr \Yord:-J,gccibin1?.£X Plisit sexual acts sexual organs or
cxcomwnt whees sur h "'Ji ui;mcms or words have as the ir oumose or effect
1,cwal arousa l or i:H.lillli!!.iP.u;
An v nictorio l mam;ti al dsni£Jinc a nersoo·s senit ?ls oubic hair oedn su m, anus
w: amd m:i.oui,,Q,[
3 Aux oie1orial mat£ti ;~ dt;uit1in g cx olicit sex uol ?S \li
~ City Council fo r the City of Englewood, Colorado, hereby amends Title 11,
Chapter 7, Englewood Municipal Code 2000 , by adding a new Section 31 to read as follow s:
J.l:Z:ll : Rsmovql ofnewsrucks Anv newsrnck found in xiolntion of this ·;ection
is su biest to removal bv emnlovec!\ of the Citx ofEnslcwood under the following
~ A thinv nm dax notice ofxiolntioo sbnll he seD'.ed consistent with
muoicionl seo:icc ofnc ·;e:;s uooo tbs owner ofths owrack Said
notice sb :111 set forth the xi2lati2ns and wuin; the 2woET to s2rrect the
nroblem bx briol!iDB the newsnsk im2 s2mnlianss or bx mm2xal of tbs uwma.
IL lo 1be evem that tlw ow ner has not corrssted tbs Problem 2r r;moyed 2r
moved tbs: newsrnck. 1he Citx ma v at tbs expense of tbs owner remove
1be newsrn ck and nl acc the nswsrack aod its conrems in sto@se
" In the evcm that a ncwsrack obstructs the risht-of-wnx 2r nox sidewa lk
stre i:t or other m1blic wax the Gitv shall notifv tbs owner of the
,wwsrack n;m1!.!,stimulmt the 2wner remove or move the nswsrnck In
Jhc i;vsm 1bauhe owiwr does not remove or move tbs nswsrnck and
unon lhiov (JO) da\'s dansi ns from tbs initial notice tbs Citv max
remove sajd.v~\fi'ffi1tk., If not clPimed wi thin thirtv (30) davs it is
~ncm: ()uh, Ci1Y.
Sect ion 8. Cit y Co uncil for the Cit y of Eng le woo d, Co lorado , hereb y amends Title 11,
Chapter 3, Englewood Municipal Cmk ~0 00. by amending Soction 3. Subsect ion B, to read as
fo ll ows:
11-3-3: Obstrnctions and 1-1 :m nful Su bs tances .
A. Mate ri als . .:xccpt as 01hcrwise pro vide d in this Code . It shall be
unlawful fo r Jny p.:rsl.l n 10 obstruct a street. sidewalk or gutter wi th any
debris . lumb L'r. s,111 d. grave l, din. abandoned or wrecked automobiles or •
01ha mat i.·ri.d of :-ubs tancc, without first obtaining wriucn pcnnis sion
fr om thc C11:. Su1.:h pc rm i1 ma y be grant L·<l only where the obstructi on
i:-nc t·c,;s:1 r;-1l1r th i...· l.'.'01 1:-1ruc1ion. ahcro1tion or repair of the adjoining
pro pert y. and :-11d1 pcnnincd obstruction shall be limited to as short :1
time as is rc:1so n:1bl y pn ss iblc . Each day 1hat such an unlawful
ubstruc1i n11 1s pcn nincJ to exist shall constitute a separate and distin ct
o ffcnsl'.
~·krchan dis"·· It shall be unlawful for any pcrson to erect any booth or
stand for thl.' displa y of any merchandise for advenising on any
sidewalk o f t he: streets of the City or to place or allow to be placed any
sign s or Ji splay boards or any other obstructions on any of the:
sidcw:1lk s or sm:ct s c·fthe City; provided, however, that nothing in this
subsection shall prevent 1he receiving or delivering of goods, wares or
merchandi se. providi:li that no obstructions of sidewalks or streets for
1his purpose shall be of longer duralion lhan is absolulely necessary for
such recei ving or Jelivcry; ~ sales pursuant to a public sidewalk
sale as 1h:11 term is defined in E.M .C. Title 16 or a ncrmined oewsrack
12W,C,i:,d,,itL<:!!lll nliu nc s wilh this Ii!lc
Seclion 9, Safely Clauses. The Cil y Council hereby finds , de1ennines, and declares 1ha1
Ibis Ordinance is promulga1cd under 1hc general police power oflhe City of Englewood, ;~al ii is
promulgated for lhe heahh , safely, and welfare of1he public, and thal Ibis Ordinance is
necessary for 1he preservalion of hcallh and safely and for 1he proleolion of public convenie .1ce
and welfare. The City Council fun her dclennincs that lhe Ordinance bears a rational rc!at.', >n 10
lhe proper legislative objecl sough! 10 be ob1aincd ,
~ Scvernbili1y. If an y clause , scnlence, paragraph, or pan oflhis Ordinance or
lhe applicalion !hereof 10 an y person or circums1 :mces shall for any reason be adjudged by a
coun of competent jurisdiction inv.ilid. such judgment shall not affect , impair or invalidate the
remainder of this Ordinance or it appli cati on to other persons or circumstances.
Section 11. Jnconsi :•aent On.lin :mi:es . .\JI other Ordinances or portions thereof
inconsistent or conflicting with this Ord i11;mc e or any portion hereof are hereby repealed to the
extent of such inconsistcni.:y or i:o nflict .
Section 12 . Effect of n.:(!l":il nr moditk:ni on. The repeal or modification of any
provision of the Code lll' the Cit y of f:ngh.:wuud hy this Ordir,~nce shall not release. extinguish.
alter. modify. or changl' in whole or in p~1rt an~ penalty , forfeiture , or liability, either civil or
criminal . whicl . shall ha vl! bl!cn incu m.:J under .. uch provision , :md each provision shall be
treated and held as still remaining in fo rce !'or !hi! purposes of sustaining any and all proper
actions. suits. proceedin ~s. and pro sl!cuti t.>ns for lite enforccml'nt of the penalt y. forfeiture. or
liability . as we \ JS fo r 1hc purp os i: of :,US ta inm g any judgment. decree . or order which can or
may be rendered. l'ntcri.:J, or mudc.: in sm:h ;1ct1o ns. suits, proccc.:<lings , or prosecut io ns .
Scclion 13 . Pcnahv. The Penall y l'ru\ls1o n ofSec1 ion 1-4-1 EMC shall appl y 10 each
and every violati on of thts Ordin:m ce.
Introduced . rc aJ in r'ull. .m d p~ss i.:d ,m 1irs1 reading on the 15th day of September . .200 3.
Published as a Bill for an Ord111a11ce 011 the 19th da y of September. 2003 .
Rend by tilk and pa ss ed 0 11 fi n.ii rc:iding on the 6th day ofOc1obcr , 2003.
Published by tit le as Ordinance :-lo . -1L2_. Series of 2003 . 011 the I 7~ day of
October, 2003 .
, Colorado, hereby cenify that
final reading and published by
-~ •
Newspaper Corral Ordinance
Sep te mber 15, ~003 JO a iii
Community Deve lopment Department Lauri Dannemiller, Senior Manager
• TI1e ordinance implements an action item identified in the South Broadway Action Plan. No
previous council action has been taken on this matter.
Staff requests that Council adopt an ordinance regarding the management and regulation of news-
paper corrals within the public right-of-ways .
Over the past few years, a plethora of news and marketing publications have begun to randomly
appear on major corridors within the City . TI1e orderly placement of newspaper corrals within the
public right-of-way is necessary to complement the numerous improvements and investments oc-
curring on South Broadway, as well as providing for the health and safety of pedestrians on trans-
portation corridors .
To accomplish this goal and assure that legitimate news and advertising publications are available,
this ordinance sets forth a prioritization system for such publications . That priority includes:
1" : Those racks that are currently located within corrals.
2'~: Publications published more daily or more than five (S) days per week .
3'': Publicat ions published one (1) to four (4) d,ys per week.
4'': Publications published less frequently than once per week.
S": Where space is available, publications may be permitted a second rack after all other
publications have been permitted within that corral.
The newspaper corrals will be instJlled by the City an d permits must ue obtained by the publica-
tions to place the newspaper racks within th e corrals. Any one pu l:.!ication is limited to one stand
per corral on each side of the street. Publications will be required to list contact informat ion in a
cle..rly vis ible place ou tside the box. Failure to do such may constitute a violation of the ordinance
in \\•hich case th e vio lation may be correct~d or the bo x may be remove d and held by the City.
The City has pro vi ded fo , the puchase and installation of approx ,ma tel y 1" newspaper co•rals on
major trans portati on corridors.
Bill for Ordinance