HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002 Ordinance No. 016•
WHEREAS . the City Council approved the execution of an Intergovernmental
Agreement betw ee n the City of Englewood and Arapahoe County by passe.ge of
Ordinance No . 39 , Series of 1994 covering the City's participation in the Ara pahoe
Co unty C.D.B.G. Entitlement Program as extended by Amendment No. 2 , for funding
years 2001 through 2003 ; and
WHEREAS . Ordinance No . 19, Series 2001 and Ordinance No . 43 , Series 2001
authorized the execution ofinl~rgovernmental subgrantet agre~ments for the year
2001 Arapahoe County Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG)
between the Arapahoe Board of County Commissioners and the City of Englewood;
WHEREAS. the Englewood City Council passed Resolution No. 79 , Series of 2001,
s upporting Housing and Community De velopment that authorized submitting an
applico tion for 2002 COBO funding ; and
WHEREAS. the project by the City of Englewood known a s the "Housing
Rehnbilita tion Proje ct" ha s been cotevorized as a rehabilitation activity; and
WHEREAS . the project by the City of Englewood known as the "House of Hop e
Staffing" has been categorized as a public service activity;
WHEREAS. the City of Englewood ma y proceed to incur costs for these projects as
of June 1, 2002. unless such acceptance is made contingent under Section 11 -F ., Labor
Standards, or Section 11-G ., Environmental Revi,1ws, as contained in the Subgrantee
Agreements, and subject to the City of Englewa,.xl receiving an official "Notice to
Proceed" from Arapahoe County ;
Ss:i:l.ilm..l.-The Subgrantee Agreement for the 2002 Arapahoe County Community
Development Block Grant -Housing Rehabilitation Project is attached hereto as
Exhibit A. is hereby accepted and approved by the Englewood City Council and the
Mayor is authorize d to execute and the City Clerk to attest and s~al the Agreement for
and on behalf of the City of Englewood .
Sl:l:tiwl.-2 , The Subgrantee Agreement for the 2002 Ara pahoe County Community
Deve lopment Block Gra nt -House of Hope Proje ct is attached he reto as Exhibit B, is
her eby accepted and ap prove d by the Englewood City Council a nd the Mayor is
authorized to execute and the City Clerk to attest, and seal the Agreement for and on
behalf of the City of Engl•wood.
~-The Ci ty Manager s hall be authorized to further extend the Subgrantee
Agreements for the 2002 Arapahoe County Community Development Block Grant
Program as needed .
Introduce d , read in full , a nd passed on first reading on the 16th day of April, 2002.
P ubli shed as a Bill for a n Ordinance on the 19th day of April. 2002.
Re ad by title and passed on final reading on the 6'' day of May, 2002 .
Publi shed by title as Ordinance No.&.,, Seri es of 2002, on the 10th day of May,
2002 .
1, Loucrishi• A. Ellis, City Clerk of the City of Englewood, Colorado, hereby certify
that the above and foregoing is a true copy of the Ordinanc as ed on final reading
and published by title as Ordinance No. ,&, Series o ·20
This Agreement is made by and between the Board of CoWlty Commissioner, of the Co1U1ty of Arapahoe,
State of Colorado , for the Community Development Block Grant Program in the Community Services
Department (hereinafter referred to as the County) and the City of Englewood (hereinafter referred to as the
SubGrantcc) for the conduct of a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Project.
The primary objective of Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended,
and of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program Wider this Title is the development of
viable urban communities, by providing decent housing, a suitlble living environment and expanding
economic oppomm.ities, principally for low and moderate income persons .
The project by the SubGrantcc known as the Housing Rehabilitation Project (Project) bas been categorized
as a Single Family Housing Rehabilitation project and the SubGrantee will maintain documentation with
the national objective of Low/Moderate Income Housing activities .
The SubGran1ec may proceed 10 incur costs for the Project upon receipt of an official ''Notice to Proceed"
from the County.
The following provisions outline the scope of the work to be completed :
The SubGrantcc will utilize CDBG funding to provide low interest loans and/or grants to income eligible
homeowners for health and safety related home repair and improvements.
It is expressly agreed and understood that the tollll amount to be paid by the County under this
contract shall not exceed $75,000.00. Drawdowns for the payment of eligible expenses shall be
made against the line item budgets specified in Exhibit A and in accordance with performance
criteria established in Section 11-C. The parties expressly recognize that the SubGrantcc is to be
paid with CDBG funds received from the federal governmen~ and that the obligation of the County
to make payment to SubGrantcc is contingent upon receipt of such funds In the event that said
funds , or any pan there.1f, are, or become, unavailable, then the County may immediately terminate
or amend this agreement. To the extent C.R.S . § 29-1-110 is applicable, any financial obligation of
the Cowity to the SubGrantee beyond the current fiscal year is also contingent upon adequate funds
being appropriated, budgeted and otherwise a, .iilable .
B. Tlmellne
All Project activities will be completed by May 31, 2003 wiless this Agreement is modified by
mu,ual a~ent of the Cowity and SubGrantee.
C. Performance Criteria
In accordance with the funding applicatir,n submitted by the SubGrantee for the Project, the criteria
listed below are to be met during the ~xecution of the Project.
I. Quantifiable Goals :
The SubGrantee will provide six home improvement loans or grants to income eligible
Englewood homeowners . All improvements funded under this grant are to be
performed in compliance with any applicable locai or industry codes and standards .
2. Community Impact:
By completing the project, the SubGrantee will reduce the number substandard homes
in the City of Englewood by 0.01%.
The SubGrantee will maintain written records documenting the Project's community
impact for a period of five years following completion of the Project. This information
is to be made available (upon request) to Arapahoe Cowity or the U.S. Department of
Housing and Urban Development for monitoring purposes .
3. Project Milestones:
Jwie 30, 2002:
September 30 , 2002 :
December 31, 2002 :
March 31, 2003 :
May 31, 2003 :
Reportln& Requlremeou
No requirements established
Provide I rehabilitation loan
Provide 3 rehabilitation loans
Provide 2 rehabilitation loans
Complete all renovations funded by Project
Submit final drawdown ar.t completion repon to Cowity
I. Each SubGrantee Drawdown Request will include progress reports for the period for
which payment is being requested.
2. Project reports will be due within 30 days following the end of each calendar year
quaner (March 31, June 30, September 30, December 31) until the Project is completed .
3. The official annual audit and/or Financial Statements for the SubGrantee in which both
revenuel' and expenditures for the CDBG Projects described herein are detailed are due
E. Labor Standards (Davis-Bacon)
It is detennined that:
Project activities do not require compliance with federal labor standards .
F. Environmental Review
Notwithstanding any provision of this Agreement , the panics hereto agree and acknowledge that
this Agreement does not constitute a commitment of funds or site approval, and that such
commitment of funds or approval may occur only upon satisfactory completion of environmental
review and receipt by Arapahoe County of a release of funds from the U.S. Department of Housing
and Urban Development under 24 CFR Part 58 . The panics funher agree that the provision of any
funds to the project is conditioned on Arapahoe County's determination to proceed with, modify, or
cancel the project based on the results of a subsequent environmental review .
G. Uniform Relocation Act (URA)
Project activities do not require compliance with the Uniform Relocation Act.
H. Lead Based Paint
The SubGrantee will comply will compl y with County policies and all state and federal regulations
and guidelines related to minimizing lead hazards in residential properties, including 24 CFR Pan
35 and Colorado Regulation Number 19 .
A. Federal Compliance
The SubGrantee shall comply with all applicable federal laws, regulations and requirements, and all
provisions of the grant agreements received from the U.S. Depanment of Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) by the County. These include but are not limited to compliance with the
provisions of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 and all rules, regulations,
gu idelines and circulars promulgated by the various federal dep:u ::nents . agencies, administrations
and commissions relating to the CDBG Program . A listing of some of the applicable laws and •
regulations are as follows :
I. 24 CFR Part 570;
2. 24 CFR Parts 84 and 85 ;
3. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 :
4. Title VIIl of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 ;
S. Sections 104(b) and 109 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 ;
6. Fair housing regulations established in the Fair Housing Act. Public Law 90-284, and
Executive Order I 1063 ;
7. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of l 9i 3;
8. Asbestos guidelines established in CPD Notice 90-14 ;
9. The Energy Policy and Conservation Act (Public Law 94-163) and 24 CFR Part 39;
I 0. Equal employment opportunity and minority business enterprise regulations established
in 24 CFR part 570.904;
11. Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968 ;
12. Non -discrimination in employment. established by Executive Order 11246 ;
13 . Lead Based paint regulations established in 24 CFR Pans 35 and 570.608 ;
14. Audit requirements established in 0MB Circular A-133; and
IS . Cost principles established in 0MB Circulars A-8 7 and A-121 .
Additionally, in accordance with 24 C:"R Pan 570, no emplo yee, official. agent or consultant of the •
SubGrantee shall exercise any function or responsibility in which a conflict of interest , real or
apparent, would arise . The SubGrantee cannot er,c,age in a federall y funded contract with any entity
registered in the Lists of Parties Excluded F'.-om Federal Procurement or Nonprocurernent
Programs .
B. Non-Appropriations Clause
The SubGrantee agrees that it will include in every contract it enters , which relies upon CDBG
monies for funding, a non-appropriation clause that will protect itself and the County from any
liability or responsibility or any suit which might result from the discontinuance of CDBG fiutding
for any reason . Because this SubGrantee Agreement involves funds from a federal grant, to the
extent there is a conflict the funding pro vi sions of this SubGrantee Agree· ·:nt, the federal grant and
the federal statutes control rather 1.~an the provisions of Section 24-91-103 .6, C.R.S . with regard to
any public work projects .
C. Expenditure Restrictions
All CDBG funds that are approved by HUD for expenditure under the County's grar.t agreerr.ent,
in~1uding those that are identified for the SubGrantee's Projects and activities, shall be allocated to
the ,pecific projects and activities described and listed in the grant agreements . The allocated funds
shall be used and expended only for Jie projects and activities for which the funds are identified.
D. A1reement Cbmo11es
No projects or activities, nor the amount allocated therefor, may be changed without approval by
the County and acceptance of the revised Final Statement and/or Consolidated Plan by HUD, if
required . Changes must be requested in writing :ind may not begin until a modification to this
A~ment is fully executed .
E. Direct Project Supervision and Administration
The SubGrantec shall be responsible for the direct supervision and administration of its respective
projects or activities. This task shall be accomplished through the use of the SubGrantee's staff,
agency and employees . The SubGrantee shall be responsible for any injury to persons or damage to
property resulting from the negligent acts or errors and omissions of its staff. agents and employees .
Because the SubGrantec is responsible for the direct si:pcrvision and administration of its projects
or ac:ivities, the County '.1all not be liable or responsible for cost overruns by the SubGrantee on
any projects or activi!:t;:;. The County shall have no duty or obligation to provide any additional
funding to the SubG:antee if its projects or activities cannot be completed with the fundi allocated
by the County to the SubGrantee . Any cost overruns shall be the sole responsibility of the
I. The SubGrantee agrees that all fands allocated 10 it for approveu projects or activities
shall be used solely for the pwposes approved by the County. Said funds shall 001 be
used for any non-approved pwpos-;s.
2. The SubGrantee agrees that the funds allocat ed for any appro ,-d projects or activities
shall be sufficient 10 complete said projects or acti vities without any additional CDBG
funding .
F. Indemnity
To the extent allowed by law , the SubGrantee shall indemnify and hold harmless the County and its
elected and appointed officials , officers. employees and agents from and against any and all losses,
damages, liebilities, claims , suits , actions or costs , ir .,uding attorneys foes , made, asserted or
incurred as a result of any damage or alleged damage to person or property occasioned by the acts
or omissions of SubGrantee, its officers , employees , agents, contractors or subcontractors, arising
out of or in any way connected with the Projecr or the performance of this contract.
G. Bondin& and Insurance
If the SubGrantee's projects involve construction activities, any Contractor it uses for said activities
shall be required to provide and maintain, until final acceptance by the SubGrantee of all work by
such Contractor, the kinds and minimum amounts of insurance as follows :
I. Comprehensive General Liability: In the amount of not less than $500,000 combined
single limit. Coverage 10 include :
a. Premises Operations
b. Products/Completed Oper:itions
c. Broad Fonn Contractual Liabil itv
d. Independent Contractors •
e. Broad Fonn Property Damage
f. Employees as Additional Insured
g. Personal Injury
h. Arapahoe County and the SubGrantee as Additional Named Insured
i. Waiver of Subrogation
2. Comprehensive Automobile Liability: In the amount of not less than S500,000
combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage. Coverage to include :
a. Arapahoe County and the SubGrantee as additional Named Insured
b. Waiver of Subrogation
3. Employers Liability and W,rkers Compensation: The Contractor shall secure :md
maintain employer's liability and Worker's Compensation Insurance that\\ ill protect
it against any and all claims resulting from injuries to and death ofworke-:s engaged
in work under any contract funded pursuant to this agreement. Coverage to include
Waiver of Subrogation.
4. All referenced insurance policies and/or cenificates of insurance shall be subject to
!he following stipulations :
a. Underwriters shall have no rights of recovery subrogation against Arapahoe
County or the SubGrantee; it being the intent of the parties that the insurance
policies so effected shall protect the panics and be primary coverage for any
a.1d all losses covered by the descri,ed insurance.
b. The clause entitled "Other Insurance Provisions" contained in any policy
including Arapahoe County as an additional named insured shall not apply
to Arapaho~ County or the SubGrantee.
c. The insurance companies issuing the policy or policies shall have no
recourse against Arap?hoe County or the SubGrantee for payment of any
premiums due or for any assessments under any fonn of any policy.
d. Any and all deductibles contained in any insurance policy shall be assumed
by and at the sole risk of the Contractor.
S. Certificate of Insurance : The Contractor shall nc t co mmence work under any
contract funded pursuant to this Agreement until he has submitted to the
SubGrantee, received approval thereof, cenificates of insurance showing that he has
,~:nplied with the foregoing insurance req uirements . The SubGrontee shall also
·· •. mit a copy of the Contractor's cenificates of insurance to the County .
6. . .i,twithstanding rhc provisions contained in this p:ir:ignph (H) set fonh
hcreinabove. tl:e County reserves the right to modify ,r waive said provisions for
rrojects or activities for which these provisions would prove prohibiti'ie . The
SubGrontee understands , however, that the decision to waive or modify those
provisions is fully within the discretion of the Cl.lunty.
In acco rrtance with 24 CFR pans 84 and 85 , the following bonding requirements shall appl y ,o all
projects eKceeding the simplified acquisitio~ weshold :
1. A bid guarantee from each bidder equivalent to 5% of the bid price :
2. A perfo!Tllance bond on the pan of the contractor for 100% of the contrac t ~rice; and
3. A payment bond on the pan of the contractor for 1000/o of the contract price.
H. Records
The SubGrontee shall maintain a complete set of books and recvrds documenting its use ofCDBG
funds and its supervision and :idministration of the Project. Records are to include documentation
verifying Project eligibility and national objective compliance. as well as financ ial and other
administrative aspects involved in perfomting the Project. The SubGrontee shall provide full
access to these books and records to the County, the Secretary of HUD or his designee , the Office
of Inspector General, and the General .... ccounting Office so that compliance with Federal laws and
regulations may be confinned. The SubGrontee funher agrees to provide to the County upon
request. a copy of any audit repons peruining to the SubGrantee's financial operations during the
te!TII oi this Agreement. All records pen:iining to the Project are to be maintained for a minimum
of five y= following close-out of the Project.
I. Reporting
The SubGrontee shall file all repons and other iiuo!Tllation necessary to comply with applicable
Federal laws and regulations as required by the County and HliD. This shall include providing to
the Cow:ty the iiuotT11ation necessary to complete annual Perfo!Tllance Repon.: in a timely i ·shion.
J. Timeliness
The SubGrantee has submitted to the County, along with its proposal. a description of the work to
be performed. a budget, and a timetable delineating the length of time needed for ea.:h P.ojcct
phase, if applicable , through the completion of the projects . Toe SubGrontee shall comply with
timetable for completion of the projects . The SubGrantee understands that failure to comply with
the timetable may lead to a cancellation of the Project and a loss of all unexpended funds , unless the
County detennines that there are extenuatin g circumstances beyond the SubGrantee's control and
that the projects will be completed within a reasonable length of time . The timetable's
implementation shall begin when ti:-~ County pro"irles written notification to the SubGrantee to
K. Reimbursement for Expenses
The SubGrantee agrees that before the County can distribute any CDBG funds to it, •.he SubGrantee
must submit to the County's Housittg and Community Development Services Division
documentation in the form required by that Division which properly and fully identifies the amount
which the SubGrantee is r~questittg at that time. The County shall have ten (10) working days to
review the request Upon approval of the request, the County will distribute the requested funds to
the SubGrantee as soon as possible.
L. Program Income
Program income received by the SubGrantee from loans made under this Agreement is to be
retained by the SubGrantee for the purpose of providing funher housittg rehabilitation loans or
grants. After the cumulative amount of fundittg provided under this Agreement has been recycled itt
its entirety one time, the SubGrantee may retaitt all furure revenue . Should the SubGrmtee' s
Housittg Rehabilitation program close before the SubGrantee has recycled the entire amount of
fundittg provided under this Agreement, the SubGrantee will continue remitting program income to
the County until the cumulative amount of fundittg has been returned or recycled.
1\-L Asset Management
Any single parcel of real property under the SubGrantee's control that was acquired or improved itt
whole or in pan with CDBG funds itt excess ofS25,000 will either:
I. Be used for an eligible CDBG activity, as detennined by the County, for a minimum
offive (5) years following completion of the SubGrantee's projects ;
2. Be disposed of in a manner that results in the County's being reimbursed in the
amount of the current fair market value of the property less any ponion of the value
attributable to expenditures of non-CD BG funds for acquisition of, or improvements
to , the property .
N. St:1te and County Law Compliance
All responsibilities of the SubGrantee enumerated herein ,hall be subject to applicable State
statutes and County ordittances, resolutions, rules, and regular,o:15.
O. Environmental Review
The SubGrantee agrees that no CDBG funds will be legally obligated to any Project activity before
the County bas completed federal NEPA environmental review procedures, as required by 24 CFR
Pan 58 .
P . Subcontracts
If subcontracts are used on the Project, the SubGrantee agrees that the provisions of this Agreement
shall apply to any subcontract.
Q. Suspension or Termination
This Agreement may be suspended or terminated by the County if the SubGrantee materially fails
to comply with any ·;cnn of this Agre,.:menL This Agreement may also be terminated for
convenience by mur.lf.! agreement of the County and the SubGrantee.
R. In the event that the Unit of General Local Government should withdraw from the County's
"Urban County" designation, this Agreement shall terminate as of the terminaticn date of the
County's CDBG grant Agreement with HUD .
S. The SubGrantee certifies that to the best of its knowledge and belief:
I. No Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid, by or on behalf of it,
to any person for influencing or anempting to influence an officer or employee of
any agency, a Member of Congress. an officer or employee of Congress, or an
employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any Federal
contract, the making of any Federal grant, the making of any Federal loan, the
entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extensi ,m, continuation,
renewal, amendment, or modification of any Federal contrac1, grant, loan, or
cooperative agreement; and,
2. If any funds other than Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to
any person for influencing or anempting to influence an officer or employee of any
agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee
of a Member of Congress in connection with this Federal contraet, grant, loan, or
cooperative agreement, it will complete and submit Standard Fonn-LLL,
"Disclosure Fonn to Repon Lobbying,• in accordance with its instructions.
T. Dlsallowance
If it is determined by HUD or other federal agency that the expenditure, in whole or in part, for the
SubGr.mtee's Project or activity was improper, inappropriate or ineligible for reimbursement, then
the SubGrantee shall reimburse the County to the full extent of the disallowance.
A. Administrative Control
The Parties recognize and understand that the County will be lhe governmental entity required to
execute all grant agreements received from HUD pursuant 10 the Counl)l's requests for CDBG •
funds . Accordingly, the SubGrantee agrees that as to its projects or activities performed or
conducted under any CDBG agreement, the County shall have the necessary administrative control
required to meet HUD requirements .
B. Performance and Compliance Monitoring
The County's administrative obligations to the SubGrantee pursuant to paragraph A above shall be
limited to the performance of the administrative tasks necessary to make CDBG funds available to
the SubGrantee and to provide a Monitoring Specialist whose job it will be to monitor the various
projects funded with CDBG monies to monitor compliance with applicable Federal laws an('
regulations .
C. Rtportine to HUD
The County will be responsible for seeing that all necessary reports and information required of the
County are tiled with HUD and other applicable Federal agencies in a timely fashion.
This agreement, including any docwnents attached as exhibits which are hereb y incorporated herein
by reference, represents the entire and integrated agreement berween the County and SubGrantee
and supercedes all prior negotiations, representations or agreements. eitl:er wrinen or oral. Any
amendments to this agreement must be in writing and signed by Joth the County and SubGrantee.
If any portion of this agreement is found by a court ,,f competent jurisdiction to be void and/or
unenforceable. it is the intent of the parties that the remaining portions of this agreement shall be of
full force and effect.
.In Witness Wbmo~ the Panics have caused this Agmment to be duly executed this ____ _
• of __________ _,2002.
SubGrantee : City ofEnglewoa,\
Signanue -BeYerly J . BradshllW, Mayar
Loucrishi.a A. Ellis, City Cleric
Board of County Commissioners
Arapahoe County, Colorado
Justin A. Hamel on bebalf of the Board of County Commissioners
Pur.'111111 to Resolution 020198
Pnj .. -(1pml'ybrlN-)
Rehab adminilnaon
Rehab loons (UICludil!J lad
bucd paint nitipziart)
-TIUIC-ol CDIG Foods
SS0,000 SS.000
sao.ooo $70.000
SIJ0,000 m.ooo
This Agreement is made by and between the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Arapahoe,
State of Colorado, for the Community Developmenl Block Grant Program in the Community Services
Department (hereinafter referred to as the County) and the City of Englewood (hereinafter referred to as the
SubGrantee) for the conduct ofo Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Project.
The primary objective of Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended,
and of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program under this Title is the development of
viable urban communities , by providing decent housing, a suitable living environment and expanding
economic opportunities. principally for low and moderate income persons .
The project by the SubGrantee known as the House of Hope Staffing Project (Project) has been categorized
as a Public Services project and the SubGrantee will maintain docwnentllrion with the national objective of
Limited Clientele activities.
The SubGrantee may proceed to incur costs for the Project upon receipt of an official "Notice to Proceed"
from the County.
The follo,vin ., provisions outline the scope of the work to be completed:
The SubGrantee will utilize CDBG funding to provide continued st.ifling for the House of Hope, which
provides long term shelter and supportive services for homeless families .
A. Payment
It is expressly agreed and understood that the total atnount to be paid by the County under this
contract shall not exceed $50,000.00. Drawdowns for the payment of eligible expenses shall be
made against the line item budgets specified in Exhibit A and in accordance with perfonnance
criteria est.iblished in Section II-C . The parties expressly recognize that the SubGrantee is to be
paid with CDBG funds received from the federal government, and that the obligation of the County
to make payment to SubGrantee is contingent upon receipt of such funds. In the event that said
funds, or any part thereof, are, or become, unavail.ible, then the County may immediately terminate
or amend this agreement. To the extent C.R.S .§29-1-110 i~ applicable, any financial obligation of
the County to the SubGrantee beyond the current fiscal year is also conti:tgent upon adequate funds •
being appropriated, budgeted and otherwise available .
B. Tlmellne
All Project activities will be completed by May 31, 2003 unless this Agreement is modified by
mutual agreement of the County and SubGrantee.
C. Performance Crlter'
In accordance with the funding application submitted by the SubGrantee for the Project, the criteria
listed below are to be ir.et during the execution of the Project.
I. Quantifiable Goals :
The SubGrantee will utilize CDBG funds for the continued employment of one full timo
case manager and one family advocate at the House of Hope (3301 South Grant Street,
Englewood). Both positions will be employed by Family Tree, which provides staffing
and services for the facility. By maintaining the two positions, the SubGrantee will
provide services for a minimum of 10 homeless families per month for the duration of
the grant period.
The SubGrantee may not charge fees for services provided under this grant.
2. Community Impact:
During the course of the project, at least 75% of the families residing at the House of
Hope will meet the housing, employment, education, and other goals of their family
The SubGrantee will maintain written records documenting the Project's community
impact for a period of live years following completion of the Project This information
is to be made available (upon request) to Arapahoe County or the U.S. Department of
Housing and Urban Development for monitoring purposes .
3. Project Milestones :
June 30, 2002 :
September 30, 2002 :
De,;ember 31, 2002:
March 31 , 2003 :
Provide services to 10 families
Provide services to 10 families each month
Provide services to 10 families each month
Provide services to 10 families each month
May 31 , 2003 : Provide services to IO families each month
Submit final drawdown and completion report to County
D. Reporting RequiremenU
I. Each SubGrantee Drawdown Request will include progress reports for the period for
wr ich payment is being requested .
2. Project reports will be due within 30 days following the end of each calendar y•rcr
quarter (March 31 , Jw1e 30, St-ptember 30 , December 31) until the Project is complete<i .
3. The official annual audit and/or Financial Statements for the SubGrantee in ,,·!):c~, :1
revenues and expenditures for the CDBG Projects described herein are det , ,d :JI _. du e
annuall y.
E. Labor Standards (Davis-Bacon)
It is determined that:
Project activities do not require compliance with federal labor standards .
F. Environmental Review
Notwithstanding any provision of this Agreement, the panics hereto agree and acknowledge that
this Agreement does not constitute a commianent of funds or site approval , and that sul,h
commiancnt of funds or approval may occur only upon satisfactory completion of environment ,!
review and receipt by Arapahoe County ofa release of funds from the U.S. Deparanent of Housing
and Urban Development under 24 CFR Pan 58. The parties funher agn.e that the provision of any
funds to the project is conditioned on Arapahoe County's determination Iv proceed with. modify, or
cancel the project based on the results of a sub~equent environmental review .
G. Uniform Relocation Act (URA)
Project activities do not require compliance with 1; , Uniform Relocation Act.
H. Lead Based Paint
The SubGrantee will comply wi!! .;omply with County policies and all state and federal regulations
and guidelines related to minimizing lead hazards in residential properties , including 24 CFR Part
35 and Colorado Regulation Nwnber 19.
A. Federal Complillace
The SubGrantee shall comply with all applicable federal laws , regulations and requirements, and all
provisions of the grant agreements received from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
Developmo,;! (HUD) by the County. These include but are not limited to compliauce with the
provisions of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 and all rules, regulations,
guidelines and circulars promulgated by the various federal departments , agencies, administrations
and commissions relating to the CDBG Program . A listing of some of the applicable laws and
regulations are as follows :
I. 24 CFR Part 570 ;
2. 24 CFR Parts 84 and 85;
3. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964;
4. Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968;
5. Sections 104(b) and 109 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974;
6. Fair housing regulations established in the Fair Housing Act, Public Law 90-284, and
Executive Order 11063;
7. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 ;
8. Asbestos guidelL"les established in CPD Notice 90-14;
9. The Energy Pol t;y and Conservation Act (Public Law 94-163) and 24 CFR Pan 39;
I 0. Equal employment oppommir; and minority business enterprise regulations established
in 24 CFR pan 570.904 ;
11. Section 3 of the Housing and Urb,•:n nevelcpment Act of I 968;
12. Non-discrimination in employmenl, established by Executive Order 11246;
13 . Lead Based paint regulations established in 24 CFR Pans 35 and 570.608:
14. Audit requirements established in 0MB Circular A-133; and
IS . Cost principles established in or.rs Circulars A-87 and A-122 .
Additionally, in accord:mce ,,. 1th 24 CFR Pan 570, no employee , official , agent or consultant of the
SubGrantee shall exercise any function or responsibility in which a conflict of interest, real or
apparent, would arise. The SubGrantee cannot engage in a federally funded contraet with any entity
registered in the Lists of Panics Excluded From Federal Procurement or Nonprocurement
Programs .
B. Non-Appropriations Clause
The SubGrantee agrees that it will include in every contract it enters , which relies upon CDBG
monies for funcfu,g, a :'.on-appropriation clause that will protect itself and the ':ounty from any
liability or responsibility or any suit which might result from the discontinuance of CDBG funding
for any reason. Because this SubGrantee Agreement involves filnds from a federal grant, to the
extent there is a conflict the funding provisions of this SubGrantee Agreement, the federal grant and
the federal statutes contrOI rather than the provisions of Section 24-91-103 .6, C.R.S . with regard to
any public work projects .
c. Expenditure Pestrlctlons
• All CDBG funds that :ire approved by HUD for expenditure under the County's grant agreemen~
including those that are identified for the SubGr:111tee's Projects and activities, shall be allocated to
the specific projects and activities described and listed in the grant agreements . The allocated funds
shall be used and expended only for the projects and activities for which the funds are identified.
D. Aareement Changes
No projects or activities. nor the amount allocaled therefor, may be changed without approval by
the County and accept.ince of the revised Final Statement and/or Conso lidated Plan by HL 'D , if
required. Changes must be requested in writing and may not begin until a modification to this
Agreement is fully executed.
E. Direct Project Supervision and Admlnistradon
The SubGrantee shall be responsible for the direct supervision and administration of its respective.
projects or activities. This task shall be accomplished through the use of the SubGrantee's staff,
agency and employees. The SubGr:111tee shall be responsible for any injury to persons or damage to
:,roperty resulting from the negligent acts or errors and omissions of its staff, agents and employees .
Because the SubGrantee is responsible for the direct supervision and administration of its projects
or activities , (.e County shall not be liable or responsible for cost overruns by the SubGrantee on
any projects or activities . The County shall have no duty or obligation to provide any additional
fimding to the SubGrantee if its projects or activities cannot be completed with the funds allocated
by the County to tbe SubGrantee . Any cost overruns shall be the sole responsibility of the
SubGrantee .
I. The SubGrantee agrees that all funds allocated to it for approved projects or activities
shall be used solely for the puzposes approved by the County. Said fimds shall not be
used for any non-approved pUipOses .
2. The SubGrantee agrees t:iat the funds allocated for ~ny approved projects or activities
shall be sufficient to complete said projects or activiti,~ without any additional CDBG
funding .
F. Indemnity
To the extent allowed by law , the SubGrantee shall ind-.mnify and hold harmless the County and its
elected and appointed officials, officers, employees and agents from and against any and all losses ,
cwnages, liabilities, claims, suits, actions or costs , including anomeys fees, made, asserted or
incwml as a result of any damage or alleged damage to person or property occasioned by the acts
or omissions of SubGrantee, its officers, employees, agents, contractors or subcontractors, arising
out of or in any way coMected with the Project or the pcrfonnance of this contract.
G. Bondin& ud Insurance
If the SubGrantct·'s projects involve construction activities , any Contractor it use;; for said activities•
shall be required to prov ide and maintain , until final acceptance by the SubGrantee of all work by
such Contractor, the kinds and minimwn amounts of insurance as follows :
I. Comprehensive General Liability: In the amount of not less than SI ,000,000 comb.ined
single limit. Coverage to include :
a. Premises Operations
b. Products/Completed Operations
c. Broad Form Contractual Liability
d. Independent Contractors
e. Broad Form Propcny Damage
f. Employees as Additional Insured
f,. Personal lnj wy
h. Arapahoe County and the SubGrantee as Additional Named Insured
L Wai ver of Subrogation
2. Comprehensive Automobile Liability : In the amount of not less than SI ,000,000
combined singk limit for bodily injwy and property damage . Coverage to include :
a. Arapahoe County and the SubGrantee as additional Named Insured
b. Waiver of Subrogation
3. Employers Liability and Workers Compensation: The Contractor shall secure and
maintain employer's liability and Worker's Compensation Insurance that will protect
it against any and all claims resulting from injuries to and death of workers engaged
in work under any contract funded pwsuant to this agreement. Coverage to include
Waiver of Subrogation .
4. All referenced insurance policies and/or cenificates of insurance shall be su1'ject to
the following stipulations :
a. Underwriters shall have no rights of recovery subrogation against Arapahoe
County or the SubGrantcc; it being the intent of the panics that the insurance
policies so effected shall protect the panics and be primary coverage for any
and all losses covered by the described insurance.
b. The clause entitled "Other Insurance Provisions" contained in any policy
including Arapahoe County as an additional named insured shall not apply
to Arapahoe County or the SubGrantee .
c. The insurance companies issuing the policy or policies shall have no
recowse against Arapahoe County or the SubGrantee for payment of any
premiwns due or for any assessments under any form of any policy.
• 5.
d. An y and all deductibles contained in any insurance policy shall be assumed
by and at the sole risk of the Contractor .
Certificate of Insurance: The Contractor shall no! commence work under any
contract funded pursuant to this Agreement until he has submitted to the
SubGrantee. received approval thereof, certificates of insur!tnce showing that he has
complied with the foregoing insurance requ irements . The Si.bGrantee shall also
submit a copy of the Contractor's certificates of insurance "' the County.
6. Notwithstanding the provisions contained in this paragraph (H) set forth
hercinabove , the County reserves the right to modify or wai ve said provisions for
projects or activities for which these pro visions would prove prohib iti ve. The
SubGrantee understands , however, that the decision to waive or modify those
pro visions is fully within the discretion of the County.
ID accordance with 24 CFR parts 84 and 85 , the follow ing bonding requirements shall appl y to all
projects exceeding the simplified acquisition threshold :
I. A bid guarantee from each bidder equivalent t·, ~ ·; of lhe bid pri ce;
2. A performanc e bond on the pan of the co ntrar ,•;., /,: • .. '.!J"I, of the contract price ; and
3. A payment bond on the pan of the contractor for I •Jv% oithe contract pric e.
H. Records
The Sub Grantee shall maintain a complete set of books an<.i records documenting its use of CDBG
funds and its supervision and administration of the l'rojec t. Records are to include docum ~ntation
verifying Project eligibility and national objecti ve compliance, as well as financial and other
administrative aspects involved in performing the Project. The SubGrantee shall provide full
access to these books and records to the County, the Secretary of Hl.;D or his designee , the Office
of Inspector General, and the General Accounting Office so th at compliance with Federal laws and
regulations may be confirmed. The SubGrantee further agrees to provide to the County upon
request, a copy of any audit reports pertaining to the SubGrantee's financ ial operations during the
term of this Agreement . All records pertaining to the Project are to be maintained for a minimum
of five years following close-out of the Project.
I . Repor1ing
The SubGrantee shall file all reports and other irtformation necessary to compl y with applicable
Federal laws and regulations as required by the County and HUD . This shall include providing to
the County the irtformation necessary to complete annual Performance Reports in a timely fashion .
J. Timeliness
The SubGrantee has submitted to the Coumy, along with its proposal, a description of the work to
be performed, a budget, and a timetable deiineating the length of time needed for each Project
phase , if applicable , through the completion of the projects . The SubGrantee shall compl y with'
timetable for completion of the projects . The SubGrantee understands that failure to comply with
the timetable may lead to a cancella ion of the Project and a loss of all unexpended funds, unless the
County determines that there are extenuating circun1s1ances beyond the SubGrantee's control and
that the projects will be completed within a reasonable length of time . The timetable's
implementation shall begin when the County pro vides written notification 10 the SubGrantee to
proceed .
K. Reimbursement for Expenses
The SubGrantee agrees that before the County can distribute any CDBG funds to it, the SubGrantee
must submit to the County', Housing and Commwlity Development Services Division
docwnentation in the form re<jU~ by that Division which properl y and fully identifies the amount
which the SubGrantee is requesting at that time . The County shall have ten (I 0) working days to
review the request . Upon approval of the request, the County will distribute the requested funds to
the SubGrantee as soon as possible .
L. Program Income
All p1'0gram income directl y denved from the Arapahoe County Community Development Block
Granr Program received by the SubGrantee will be retained by the SubGrantee and will be
disp,.rsed for its approved CDBG Project activities before additional CDBG funds are requested
from the County. Following completion of the SubGrantee's Arapahoe County CDBG Projects , all •
program income directly generated from the use of CDBG funds will be remitted to the County.
M. Asset Management
An y single parcel of real property under the SubGrantee's control that was acquired or improved in
wnole or in part with CDBG funds ir. excess ofS25 ,000 will either:
I. Be used for an f ligi ble CDBG activity, as detcmnined by the County, for a minimwn
of five (5 ) years fo ll owing completion of the SubGrantee's projects;
2. Be disposed of in ~ manner that results in the County's being reimbursed in the
amount of the current fair market value of the property less any portion of the value
attributable to expenditures of non-CDBG funds for acqui sition of, or impro vements
to , the property.
N. State and County Law Compliance
All respons ibilities of the SubGrantee enwnerated herein shall be subject to applicable State
statutes and County ordinances, resolutions, rules , and regulations .
0 . Environmental Review
The SubGrantee agrees that no CDBG funds will be legally obligated to any Project activity befort
the County has completed federal NEPA environmental review procedures, as required by 24 CFR
Part 58 .
P. Subcontracts
If subcontracts are used on the Project, the SubGrantee agrees that the provisions of this Agreement
shall apply to any subcontract.
Q, Suspeiulon or Termination
This Agreement may be suspended or tenninated by the County if the SubGrantee materally fails
to comply with any tenn of this Agreement. This Agreement may also be tenninated for
convenience by mutual agreement of the County and the SubGrantee .
R. In the event that the Urit of General Local Government shou ld withdraw from the County's
"Urban County" designation, this Agre:ment shall terminate as of the tenninarion date of the
County's CDBG grant Agreement with HUD .
S. The SubGra-:tee certifies that to the best of its lmowledge and belief:
I. No Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid, by or on behalf of it,
to any person for influencing or anempting to influence an officer or employee of
any agency, a Member of Congress, an offi,:er or employee of Congres s, or an
employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any f ederal
contract, the making of any Federal grant, the making of any Federal loan, the
entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation,
n:ncwal, amendment, or modification of any Federal contract, grant, loan, o.·
cooperative agreement; and,
2. If any funds other than Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be naid to
any person for influencing or anempting to influence an officer or employ.!'a 'lf any
agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee
of a Member of Congress in connection with this Federal contract, grant, loan, or
cooperative agreement, it will complete and submit Standard Form-LLL,
"Disclosure Form to Repon Lobbying," in accordance with its instructions.
T. Dlsallowance
If it is determined by HUD or other federal agency that the expmditure, in whole or in part, for the
SubGrantee's Project or activity was improper, inappropriate or ineligible for reimbursement, then
the SubGrantee shall rci. burse the County to the full extent of the disallowance.
A. Administr:ilive Control
The P:inies recognize and understand that the County will be the governmental entity required to
execute all grant agreements received from ffiJD pursuant to the County's requests for CDBG
funds . Accordingly, the SubGrantee agrees th ~t as to its projects or activities performed or
conducted under any CDBG agreement, the County shall have the necessary administrative control
required to meet ffiJD requirements .
R. Performance and Compliance :\-looitoriog
The Ccunty's administrative obligations to the SubGrantee pursuant to paragraph A abo ve ,hO.:! be
lirni·,,,l to th! performance of the administrative tasks necessary to make CDBG funds available to
the Su;.,Grantee and to provide a Monitoring Specialist whose job it will be to monitor the various
projec :; funded with CDBG monies to monitor compliance with applicable Federal !aw'. and
C. Reporting to HUD
The Co ll'. ~-will be respons ible for seeing that all necessary repons and information required of the
County are 61cc with HL1J and other applicable Federal agenci es in a timely fashion.
This agreement, including any documents anached as exhibits which are hereby incorporated herein
by reference. represents the entire and integrated agreement between the County and SubGrantee
and supercedes al l prior negotiations , representations or agreements, either wrinen or oral. Any
amendments to this a;ireement must be in writing and signed by both the County and SubGrantee .
If an y portion of this agreement is found by a court of competen t jurisdiction to be void and/or
unenforceable , it is the intent of the panics that the remaining portions of this agreement shall be of
full force and effect.
· In Witness Whereof, the Parties have caused this Agreement to be duly exCCl•t ed this _____ day
of ___________ ___, 2002 .
SubGrantee : City of Englewood
SignatUrC -Beverly J. Bradshaw, Mayor
Loucrishia A. Ellis, City Clerk
Board of County Commissioners
Arapahoe County, Colorado
Justin A. Hamel on behalf of t!le Board of County Commissioners
Pursuant to Resolution 020198
c .. ......,.aoc1 111n1y
~vocacc safflna apna
~TltalCoaor CDICFuHI
Sl0.000 S50.000
Sl0 ,000 Sl0,000
Otlltr Fu•dl Cocr.:alned
Date Subject :
lnt ergov ern men t,11 Agr eement be l\vee n
--------~--------,,------'---"-the Citv and Arapahce C o unty
Ap ril 15, 2002
Agenda Item
____ C~o~•'.'')l,J~-1 <!J pme.~n~t ~D~e=t.---~--~'a'--n~e~t ~G'--ri'--m~m=et"t.'--H=ou"'s"'in-"g'-F'-'i"na"'n""c'-'e'--S=e'-'c"'ia"'li"'st'--
Co un cil passed O rdinann · r•-J. 39, Series of 1994, that was extended by A m endment No. 2 dated
fun e 16, 2000 •elating 10 p:"l rcipation in th e Urban Coun ty Entitlement Pr ogram for CDBG and
HOME funds for 2Gf I IhrouJ11 2003; and, passage of Reso lution No. 79, Seri es of 2001 supporting
H ousing and C ;mmunity L'ev elopmen t that authorized submitting applica ti ons for 2002 CDBG
Approve a Bill for an Ordinance authorizing the execution of two Intergovernmental Subgrantee
Agree ments for the 20 02 Arapahoe County Community Deve lo pment Block Grant Program
betw ee n the Arapahoe Board of County Commissioners and th e City of En glewood.
The Federal Community Development Bl ock Gran t (CDBG) Program provides grants to units of
local government and urban co unties ,J meet housing and community development needs . The
objec ti ve of the Pro gram is Jc hi eved through projects developed by the local go vernment that are
designed to give priority to those activities that benefit low-and moderate-income families. Funds
are all o cat ed by statuto ry formu la to eac h enti tl ement area. Arapahoe County is an ap p roved
entitlement arP3 . Th e grant funds are distributed on a formula basis to participating cities within
Arapahoe C~unty.
Fo r FY200~. funds are approved to support the fo ll owing projects:
1. $75,000
2. SS0,000
ior the Housing Rehabilitation Project to administer, m onitor and rehabilitate 6 low-
income units scattered throughout the City;
for the H o use of H ope to prov ide co ntinued staffin g
Th e existin g empl oyees in Community Developm ent are availa le to admin ister th e proiects ar.
the ir sa lariPs an n benet its ar e part o f the City's contribution. Th e City w rll utilize a portion o f the
CD SG fundin g (est. 55.000 ) fr orn the H ousin g Rehabilitation Pro ject to partiall y offset th e cos ts of
th ose sal,1ri es and be nt::fi ts.
Si ll io r ~m O rdi11 ;111 ce.