HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002 Ordinance No. 019.. ORD INANCE NO . jJ_ SERIES OF 2002 BY AUTHORITY COUNC IL BILL NO. 15 INTRODUCED BY COUNC IL MEMBER NABHOLZ AN ORDINANCE APPROVlNG A NONEXCLUSIVE , REVOCABLE CABLE TV FRANCHI SE AG REEMENT BETWEEN MOUNTAJN STATES VlDEO, INC . [A SUBSIDIARY OF AT&T BROADBAND] AND THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD , CU LORADO . WHEREAS , the City Co uncil of the City of Englewood passed Ordinance No. 4, Series of 1980 which authorized a Ca bl e Te levision Pe rmit with Mountain States Video ('!'C l) for operatio:i of a ca ble television system in the City of Englewood : a nd WHEREAS , City Co uncil passed Ordina nce No . 38, Series of 1992 whic h authori1.ed an Intergovernme nta l Agreement with the Greate r Metro Cab le ConsorLom to deve lop a model fran chi se; and WHE REAS , City Council pa ssed Ordinance No . 68 , Se ries of 1994 which adopted Customer Sorvice Standards for Ca bl e Operators; a nd WHEREAS , City Co un cil passed Ordinance No. 2G, Seri es of 1995 which authorized un ~x tension of the cur rent Cable Te levision System Permit on a mo nth -to-month ba s is; and WHEREAS, City Cou ncil pa ssed a Resolution in 1999 which approved the transfer of co ntrol of the City's Cable Television Syste m Franr.hise holder from TC! to AT&T Corporatio n; and WHEREAS, negotiations with TC ! and sub sequently with AT&T have taken pl ace on and off for several yeartJ; and WHEREAS, the pr oposed fr r-chise agreement is based, in part on the Greater ~1ctro Telecomm unication Co nso r t..-..i's (GMTC) Model Franchise Agreement and in part up on other recent agreeme nts A', ... &T he s negotiated with local municipalities; a n d WHEREAS , th e City of Englewood has determined tnat passage of this proposed Ordinance adopting this franchise would se rve the public interest, providing residents the ab ility to obtain cable tele vi sion se rvice and ensu.re that said cab le service is ot' s uffi cie nt quality: NOW , THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAJNED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF E NG LEWOOD , CO LORADO , AS FO LLOWS : -1 - ~-Mou ntain States Video , In c. I• s ubs idiary of AT&T Broadband] nnd The Ci ty Of En glewood. Co lora do -Cable Franchise Agreement conce rning the ca bl e t.e levisio n system in the City of En glewood , attached hereto •s "Exhibit A" is hereby nrce pted and approved by the Englewood City Council. Sl:i:liim.Z . The Mayor a nd the City Clerk ore here by authorized to sign and attest sa id Cable Franchi se Agreement on Lehalf of the City of Engl ewood . Introduced , read in full, a nd passed on first reading on the 15th day of April , 2002. Published as a Bill for a n Ordinance on th e 19th day of April, 2002 . Read by title and paeee d on final reading on the 6th day of Ma y, 2002 . P ubli shed by title•• Ordin ance No. !!l . Serice nf 2002 , on the 10th day of Moy, 2002 . I, Loucriehia A. Ellis. City Clerk of the City of Englewood , Colorado, hereby ce rtify that th e above and for egoing is a true COPf ,,9 f the Ordinance p sed on final rea ding a nd published by title as Ordinance No . LL Series of 002 -2- . ' • • AT&T BROADBAND MOUNTAIN STATES VIDEO, LLC AND THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO CABLE FRAl'ICHISE AGREEMENT TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTIO N I. DEFINITION:, AND EXHIBITS .................................................................................. 1 (Al DEFINITIONS .............................................................................................................. I (Bl EXHIBITS ................................................................................................................... 6 SECTION 2. GRANT OF FRANCHISE ............................................................................................. 6 2.1 Grant. ............................................................................................................................. 6 2.2 Use ofRights-of-Way ................................................................................................... 8 2.3 Effective Date and Tenn of Franchise ......................................................................... 8 2.4 Franchise Nonexclusive ................................................................................................ 9 2.5 Police Powers ................................................................................................................ 9 2.6 Grant of Other Franchises ............................................................................................. 9 2. 7 Familiarity with Franchise ............................................................................................ 9 2.8 Effect of Acceptance ................................................................................................... I 0 SECTION 3. FRANCHISE FEE PAYMENT AND FINANCIAL CONTROLS ............................ 10 3.1 Franchi se Fee .............................................................................................................. 10 3.2 Payments ..................................................................................................................... 10 3.3 Acceptance of Payment and Recom!)Utation. ............................................................. 11 3.4 Quaner,y Franchise Fee Reports ................................................................................ 11 3.5 Annual Franchise Fee Reports .................................................................................... 11 3.6 Audits ........................................................................................................................ 11 3. 7 Late Payments ............................................................................................................ 11 3.8 Underpayments .......................................................................................................... 12 3.9 Alternati ve Compensatio,, .......................................................................................... 12 3.10 Ma.ximum Legal Compensation ................................................................................. 12 3.11 Additional Commitments Not Franchise Fee Paymcnts ............................................ 12 3.12 Tax Liability ................................................................................................................ 12 3.13 Financial Records ....................................................................................................... 13 3.14 °ayment on Termination ............................................................................................ 13 SECTION 4. ADMINISTRATION AND REGULATION .............................................................. 13 4.1 Authority ..................................................................................................................... 13 4.2 Rates and Chargcs ....................................................................................................... 13 4.3 Rate Discrimination ................................................................................................... 13 4.4 Filing of Rates and Chargcs ........................................................................................ 14 4.5 Cross Subsidization .................................................................................................... 14 4.6 Reserved Authority ..................................................................................................... 14 4.7 Time Limits Strictly Construed ................................................................................. 14 ENGLEW001'1AT&T • X H l • I T A 4.8 Regulations Promulgated by Council.. ....................................................................... 15 4.9 Franchise Amendment Procedure .............................................................................. 15 4.10 Performance Evaluations ............................................................................................ 15 4.11 Late Fees ..................................................................................................................... 16 4.12 Force Majeure ............................................................................................................. 16 SECTION 5. FINANCIAL AND INSURANCE REQUJREMENTS .............................................. 17 5.1 lndemnification ........................................................................................................... 17 5.2 Insurance ..................................................................................................................... 18 5.3 Deductibles / Certificate of Insurance ........................................................................ 18 5.4 Lener of Credit ........................................................................................................... 19 5.5 Construction Bond ...................................................................................................... 20 SECTION 6. CUSTOME R SERVICE .............................................................................................. 20 6.1 Customer Service Standards ....................................................................................... 20 6.2 Subscriber Privacy ...................................................................................................... 21 6.3 Subscriber Contracts ................................................................................................... 21 6.4 Advance Notice to City .............................................................................................. 21 SECTION 7. REPORTS AND RECORDS ....................................................................................... l 7.1 Open Records .............................................................................................................. 21 7.2 Confidentiality ............................................................................................................ 22 7.3 Records Required ........................................................................................................ 22 7.4 Annual Reports ........................................................................................................... 23 7.5 Copies ofFederal and State Reports .......................................................................... 23 7.6 Complaint File and Report s ........................................................................................ 23 7.7 Failure to Report ......................................................................................................... 24 7.8 False Statements ......................................................................................................... 24 SECTION 8. PROGRAMMING ....................................................................................................... 24 8.1 Broad Programmin g Categories ................................................................................. 24 8.2 Deletion or Reduction of Broad Programming Categories ........................................ 25 8.3 Ascertainment of Programming and Customer Satisfaction ..................................... 25 8.4 Obscenity .................................................................................................................... 25 8.5 Parental Control Device .............................................................................................. 25 8.6 Continuity of Service Mandatory ............................................................................... 26 8. 7 Services for th~ Disabled ............................................................................................ 26 SECTION 9. 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 ACCESS ...................................................................................................................... 26 Initial Capital Contribution ......................................................................................... 26 Replacement Capi tal Contribution ............................................................................. 26 Management and Control of Access <:hannels .......................................................... 27 Initial Access Channel ................................................................................................ 27 Additional Access Channels ....................................................................................... 27 Underutilized Acc ess Channels .................................................................................. 28 ENGLEWOOD /AT&T I . • • • 9.7 Access Channel s on Basic Servi ce ............................................................................. 29 9.8 Access Channel Assignrnents ..................................................................................... 29 9.9 Re location of Access Channe ls .................................................................................. 29 9.10 Access lnterconn ection ............................................................................................... 29 9.11 Technical Qua lity ........................................................................................................ 30 9.12 Return Lines ................................................................................................................ 30 9.13 Change in Technology ................................................................................................ 30 9.14 lnfonnation about Access Programming to Subscribe rs ........................................... 30 SECTION JO . INST ITUT IONAL NETWORK ............................................................................... 30 IO. I Private Network .......................................................................................................... 30 I 0.2 Quali fied I-Net Users .................................................................................................. 31 10.3 I-Net Use ..................................................................................................................... 31 10.4 I-Net Componen ts ...................................................................................................... 32 10.5 Detennin ation of I-Net Casis ..................................................................................... 33 I 0.6 Init ia l I-Net Construction ........................................................................................... 34 I 0. 7 Fut ure I-Net Constructioa or Upgrades ...................................................................... 36 10.8 Warranties/Acceptance ............................................................................................... 36 10.9 Payment.. ..................................................................................................................... 36 10.10 I-Net Service and Perfonnance Standards ................................................................. 37 SECTION 11 . GENERAL RIGHT-OF-WAY USE AND CONSTRU CTION ............................... 39 11.1 Right to Construct.. ..................................................................................................... 39 11 .2 Right-o f-Way Meeti ngs .............................................................................................. 39 11.3 Joint Trench ing/Bori ng Meetings ............................................................................... 39 11.4 General Standard ........................................................................................................ 39 11.5 Penni t Requi red for Construction .............................................................................. 40 11 .6 Eme rgency Pennits .................................................................................................... .40 11.7 Compliance with Applicable Codes .......................................................................... .40 11.8 GIS Mapping ............................................................................................................. 40 11 .9 Mi ni mal Interference .................................................................................................. 41 I I .IO Prevent Injury/Safety .................................................................................................. 41 11.11 Hazardous Substances ................................................................................................ 41 11.12 Locates ........................................................................................................................ 41 11 .13 Notice to Private Property Owners ............................................................................. 42 11.14 Underground Co nstruc tion and Use of Poles ............................................................ .42 11 .15 Undergrounding of Multiple Dwelling Unit Drops .................................................. .43 11.16 Buria l Standards .......................................................................................................... 43 11 .17 Electrical Bondi ng ...................................................................................................... 44 11 .18 Prewiring ..................................................................................................................... 44 11 .19 Repair and Restoration of Property ............................................................................ 44 • 11 .20 Use of Conduits by the City ....................................................................................... 44 11.2 1 Common Users .......................................................................................................... .45 11.22 Acquisition of Facilities ............................................................................................ .46 11 .23 Discon ti nui ng Use/ Abandonment of Cable System Facilities .................................. .46 iii ENGLEWOOD/AT&T 11 .2 4 Movem ent of Cable System Fac iliti es for Cit y Purposes .......................................... 47 11 .2 5 Movement of Cable System Faci liti es for Other Franchise Holders ......................... 47 11 .26 Temporary Changes for Other Permitees .................................................................. .47 11.27 Reservation of City Use of Righ !-of-Way .................................................................. 48 Ii .28 Tree Trimrnin g ........................................................................................................... .48 11 .2 9 Inspection of Construction and Facilities .................................................................. .48 11.30 Stop Work .................................................................................................................. 48 11 .3 1 Work of Co ntractors and Sub co ntractors ................................................................... 49 SECTION 12. CABLE SYSTEM CONFIGURATION , TECHNICAL STANDARDS AND TESTING ............................................................................................................................................. 49 12.1 Sub sc rib er Network ................................................................................................... 49 12.2 St ate of th e Art ............................................................................................................ 50 12.3 Standb y Power ............................................................................................................ 50 12.4 Emergency Al ert Capability ....................................................................................... 51 12 .5 Technical Performance ............................................................................................... 51 12 .6 Cable Sys tem Performance Testing .......................................................................... 51 12 .7 Addition al Tests .......................................................................................................... 52 SECTION 13. SERVI CE AVAILABILITY , INTERCO NNE CTION AND SERVICE TO SCHOOLS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS ........................................................................................... 53 13.1 Univers al Servi c~ ........................................................................................................ 53 13.2 Service Availability .................................................................................................... 53 13 .3 Interconnection with Other Cabl e Sys tems ................................................................ 54 13.4 Connection of Publi c Facilities .................................................................................. 55 13.5 Cable Internet Service to School s and Libraries ........................................................ 55 SECTION I' 14.1 14.2 14.3 14 .4 14.5 14.6 14.7 14.8 14.9 14.10 "RAN CHISE VIOLATIONS .................................................................................... 55 ocedure for Remedying Franchise Violations ........................................................ 55 evocation .................................................................................................................. 56 Procedures in the Event of Termination or Revocation ............................................. 57 Purchase of Cab le System .......................................................................................... 58 Receivership and Foreclosure ..................................................................................... 59 No Mon etary Recourse Against the City ................................................................... 59 Alternative Remedies ................................................................................................. 60 As sess ment of Monetary Damages ............................................................................ 60 Effective of Abandonment ......................................................................................... 60 What Co nstitutes Abandonment ................................................................................ 60 SEC TIO N 15. FRAN CHISE RENEW AL AND TRANSFER ......................................................... 61 15.l Ren ewal ....................................................................................................................... 61 15 .2 Tran sfe r of Ownership or Control .............................................................................. 61 SE CTIO N 16. SEVERABILITY .................. . .. ................................................................. 63 iv ENG LEWOOD /AT&T • • SECTION 17 . MlSCELLANEOUSPROVISIONS .......................................................................... 63 17. l Preferential or Di scriminatory Practices Prohibited .................................................. 63 17 .2 Noti ces ........................................................................................................................ 63 17 .3 Descri pti ve Headings .................................................................................................. 64 17.4 Publication Costs to be Borne by Grantee ................................................................. 64 17.5 Binding Effec t ............................................................................................................. 64 17 .6 No Joint Venture ......................................................................................................... 64 17.7 Wai ver ......................................................................................................................... 64 17.8 Reasonab leness of Consent or Approval .................................................................... 64 17.9 Entire Agreement.. ...................................................................................................... 64 17 .10 Jurisdiction .................................................................................................................. 65 EXHIBIT A: Memb ers of the Greater Metro Tel ecommunication s Con sortium EXHIBIT B: Customer Service Standards ENGLEWOO D/AT&T AT&T BROADBAND MOUNTAIN STATES VIDEO, LLC AND THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO CABLE FRANCHISE AGREEMENT SECTION I. DEFINITIONS AND EXHIBITS (A) DEFINlTIONS For the purposes of this Franchise, the following tenns, phrases, word s and their derivations shall have the meaning given herein . When not inconsistent with the context, words used in the present tense include the future , words in the plural include the singular, and words in the singular include the plural. Words not defined shall be given their common and ordinary meaning. TI1e word "shall" is always mandatory and not merely directory. I.I "Access" means the availability for noncommercial use by various agencies, institutions , . organizations , groups and individuals in the community, including the City and its designees, of the Cable System to acquire, create , rece ive, and distribute video Cable Services and other services and signals as pennitted under applicable law including , but not limited to : a. "Public Access" means Access where community-based , noncommercial organizations, groups or individual members of the general public , on a nondiscriminatory basis, are the primary users . b. ..Educational Access " means Access where schools are the primacy users having editorial control over programming and services . For purposes of this definition, "school" means any State-accredited educational institution, public or private, including, for example, primary and secondary schools , colleges and universities . c. "Goveroroeor A.ccess" means Access where governmental institutions or their designees are the primary users having editorial control over prcgramming and services . 1.2 "Access Cbaaael" means any Channel , or portion thereof, designated for Access pUIJloSes or otherwise made available to facilitate or transmit Access programming or services. 1.3 "Acti.valed" means the status of any capacity or part of the Cable System in which any Cable Service requiring the use of that capacity or part is available without further installation of system equipment, whether hardware or software . 1.4 "Affi!iale," when used in connection with Grantee, means any Person who owns or control s, is owned or controlled by, or is under common ownership or control with , Grantee. 1.5 "Bad..Ilebl'' means amounts lawfully billed to a Subscriber and owed by the Subscriber for • • Cable Service and accrued as revenues on the books of Grantee , but not collected after reasonable • efforts have been made by Grantee to collect the charges . ENGLEWOOD IH&T 1.6 "Basic Service" means any Cable Service Tier which includes, at a minimum, the retransmission of loca l television Broadcast Signa ls and local Access programming. I. 7 "Broadcast Signal" mean s a televi sion or radio signa l transmitt ed ove r the air to a wide geogra phi c audience , and received by a Ca bl e System by antenna, microwave , satellite dishes or any other means . 1.8 "Cah.lc.A.cJ." means the Title VI of the Communications Act of 1934, as an1ended. 1.9 "Cab le Jotcmet Service" means an y Cable Servic e offered by Grantee whereby Persons receive access to the Internet through the Cable Sys tem . I.I O "Cab le Operator" means any Person or groups of Persons , including Grantee, who pro vid e(s) Ca ble Service over a Cable System and directly or through one or more affi li ates owns a significant interest in such Cable System or who othetwise contro l(s) or is (are) responsible for, tltrou gh any arrangemen t, the management and operation of such a Cab le Sys tem . 1.11 "Ca ble Service" means the one -way transmission lo Subscribers of video programming or other pro gramming se rvice , and Sub sc riber interaction , if an y, which is required for the se lection or use of such video programmin g or other prograniming service. To the extent consistent with applicab le law, Cab!~ Service shall include Cab le Internet Service and othe r interact;ve services such as , but not limi ted to , game Channe ls, information services and enhanced services made available to Sub scribers by the Grantee . 1.1 2 "Cable S){Stem" means any faci li ty including Grantee's , co nsistin g of a se t of closed transmi ssio ns paths and associated signa l generation , recep tion, and control equipment that is designed to provid e Cable Service which in cludes video programming and which is prnvided to multipl e Subscribers within a community, but such term doe s not inc lude (A) a facility that serves only to retransmit the television signals of one or more television broad cast stations; (B) a facility th at se rves Subscrib ers wi thou t usi ng any Right-of-Way; (C) a fac ili ty of a common canier which is subjec t, in whol e or in part , to the pro visions of Title lJ of th e federal Commu nicati ons Act (47 U.S.C. 20 1 et seq .), except tl1at such facility sha ll be co nsidered a Cable System (other than for purposes of Section 62 l(c) (47 U.S.C . 54 l(c)) to the extent such facility is used in the transmission of video programming directiy to Subsci ibers , unless th e extent of such use is so lely to provide interactive on-demand services ; (D) an open video system that co mpli es with federa l statutes; or (E) any facili ti es of any elec tric utility used so lel y for operatin g its electric utility sys tems. 1.13 "Channel" means a portion of the elec tron :agnetic frequen cy spec trum whic h is used in th e Cable System and w;1ich is capable of delivering a tel evis ion channel (as television channel is defined by th e FCC by regulation). 1.14 "CiJ.y " is the City of Englewood , Co lorado, a body politic and co rp orate under the law s of the State of Co lorado. • 1.15 "C ity Crnmcil" means th e Eng lewood Ci ty Co uncil, or its successo r, the gove rning bod y of the City of Englewood , Colorado . ENGLE IV('QD/AT&T 1.16 "Commercial S11bsccibers " means an y S 'Jbscribers other than Resid ential Subscribers . 1.17 "Demarcatioo Poiur " means the patch pan el, termin ati on block or other termination device provided by the Grantee , located within each I-Ne t site, which represents the interface betwee n the I-Net and the Qualified I-Net User's local network or end user electronic s. In all cases the Demarcation Point will be clearly marked as such by Grantee, and will provide an identifiable interface for the end user electronics. 1.18 "Designated Access Provider" means the entity or entities designated now or in the future by the City to manage or co-manage Access Channels and facilities . The City may be a Designated Access Provider . 1.19 "Dmvnsrream" means carrying a tran smi ssio n from th e Headend to remote points on the Cable System or to Interconnection points on the Cable System. 1.20 "Illi:clling ... l.lni.t" means any building, or portion thereof, that has independent living facilities, including provisi ons for cooking, sanitation and sleeping, and that is designed for residential occupancy. Build ings with more than one set of facilities for cooking shall be considered Multiple Dwellin g Units unless the additional facilities are clearly accessory. • 1.2 1 "Fxpaoded Basic Service" means the Tier of optional video programmin g services, which is the level of Cable Servic e received by most Subscribers above Basic Service, and does not include Premium Services . • 1.22 "ECC" means the Federal Communications Co mmission . 1.23 "Eiber.Dptic" means a transmission medium of optical fiber cable, along with all associated electronics and equipmen~ capable of carrying Cable Service or Institutional N~twork service by means of electric lightwave impulses. 1.24 ".Eraru:hise" means the docwnent in which this definition appears, i.e., the contractual agreement , executed between tl1e City and Grantee, containir,g the specific provisions of the authorization granted , including references, specifications, requirements and other related matters . 1.25 "Eraocbise Area" mean s the area within the jurisdi,·tional boundaries of the City, including any areas annexed by the City during the term of this Franchise. 1.26 "Eraocbise Fee" means that fee payable to the City described in subsection 3.1 (A). 1.27 "GAAl" means generally accepted accounting principles . 1.28 "Gran!t:e" means AT&T Broadband Mountain States Video , LLC, or its lawful successor, transferee or assignee. l.29 "Greater Metta Telecommunications Consortium " or ··GMI_C" means a Colorado agency, • fom1ed by intergovernmental agreement between franchising authorities in the greater Denver ENGLEWOOD/AT&T • metropolitan area t,i comnmni cate with regard to fra nchi si ng matters co llecti ve ly and cooperatively. The offic ial list of Me mb ers of th e GMTC is con tained in Exhibit A, which Exhibit the City may update fro m tim e to tim e at its sole discretion as add it io nal franchising authoriti es join , or separate from, the GMTC . 1.30 "Gross Revrrnies" mean s an y and all reve nue received by the Grantee, or by any other entity that is a Cab le Operato r of th e Ca bl e Syst em includ in g Gran te e's Affiliates , fro m the ope ration of th e Grant ee's Cab le Syste m to prov ide Cab le Serv ic es . Gross Reven ues includ e, by way of illu stration and not limitati on, monthl y fees charged Subscribers fo r Bas ic Service ; any expanded Tiers of Cail le Service; opt ional Premium Servic es; in stallati on, disconnection, reconnection and change-in-service fees ; Leased Access Channel fees ; remote co ntrol rental fees; all Ca ble Service lease payme nt s from th e Ca bl e System ; late fee s and ad ministrat ive fees; fees , payments or other consideration rece ived by the Gr:in tee from programmers for carriage of programming on the Cable System and acco unted for as re ve nue under GAAP ; revenues from rentals or sales of converters or ot her Cab le Sys tem eq uipment ; adverti sin g re ve nu es ; the fai r mark et value of consideration received by the Grantee fN use of the Cable System to pro vide Ca bl e Service and qccounted for as revenue under GAAP; revenues from program guid es; re ve nu e from data transmissions to the exte nt these transmissions are co nside red Cab le Services under federal law ; ad ditional outlet fees; revenu e from Cab le Internet Serv ic e to th e ex tent this serv ice is co nsidered a Ca bl e Service und er federal law ; Franc hi se Fees; reve nue from interactive services to the extent the y are considered Cab le Serv ices n~der federal law; revenu e fro m th e sa le or carriage of other Ca bl e Serv ices; and reve nue from hom e shoppin g, bank -at-home Channel s and other re venue -sharing arrangements . Gross Revenues shall includ e re venue rec eived by any entity other than th e Grantee where necessary to prevent evas ion or avoi dan ce of th e obli ga tion under thi s Fran chi se to pay th e Franchise Fees . Gross Revenues shall not includ e (i) to th e ex tent consistent with GAAP, Bad Debt; pr~"ided , however, that all or part of any suc h Bad Debt th at is writt en off but subsequ entl y co'.h,c ted sha ll be included in Gross Revenues in the period co llected ; (ii ) the Capita l Co ntributions specified in subsec tion s 9.1 and 9.2; or (iii) any taxes on services fu rni shed by the Grantee which are impo sed directly on any Subscriber or us er by the State, City or other gove rnm ent al unit and which are co ll ec ted by th e Grantee on behalf of said gove rnment al unit. The Franchise Fee is not suc h a tax . 11,e parties intend for the definition of Gross Re venues to be as inclusive as possible co nsi stent with ex ist in g ap pli ca ble law . If there is a change in federnl law subsequent to the Effective Date of thi s Franchise , such chan ge shall not impact this Gross Re venues definition unl ess the change specifically pree mpt s th e affec ted portion o f the defimtion above . 1.3 1 "l:ll:.ldl:nd" means any faci lity for signa l reception and di ssemin ati on on a Ca bl e Sys tem , in cludin g cab les, ant enn as , wires, satellit e di shes , monitors, switchers, mod ul ators, processors for Broadcast Signals, eq uipm ent for the Interco nnec tion of th e Cab le <;ystem with adjacent Ca bl e Systems and Interco nn ectio n of any networks whi ch are part of 1ha Cab le Sys tem , and all other rel ated equipment and facilities. • 1.32 "Hub" means an intermediary exchan ge point in the signa l distribut io n portion of the Cable Sys tem. located between the Headend and th e Nodes . ENG LEWOOD /AT&T 1.33 "!astiwriaa ·1l Network" or ".l:N.er." means that part of the Cab le Sys tem facilities or capacity designed principally fo r use by Qualified I-Net Users (as that term is defined in subsection 10.2); provided , however, nothing in th is definition prevents the Institution al Network from being used to send communications to or receive communications fro m SubscJibers or the general public , by remote terminals or otherwise including, by way of example and not limi tation, through connections between the Institutional Network and the Subscriber Ne tworl·. 1.34 "!atea:oaarct" or "Jntea:anaectian " means the linking of the Cable System or I-Net with anothe r cab le system , communications system or I-Net, including technical, engineering, physical, financial and other necessary co mponents to accomplish , complete and adequately maintain such linking, in a manner that p~rmits the transmission and receiving of electronic or optical signa ls between Jhe Cab le System and other cable system, communications system or I-Net; or the necessary components to acco mplish. comple te and adequately maintain pathways that permit th e tran smi ssio n and receiving of electronic or optical signa ls between locations connected to portions ')f the Cab le System ou tside the Franchise Area and those portions of the Cable System inside the Franchise Area. 1.35 "I eased Access Cbauael " means any Channel or portion of a Channel commercially available for video programming by Persons other than Grantee, for a fee or charge . 1.36 "Manager" means the Ci ty Manager of the Ci ty. 1.3 7 ''Node" mean s an exc hange point in the signal distribution system portion of the Cable System , where op tic al signals are converted to RF signa ls. 1.38 ·'.eei:san" mean s any mdi-·idual , sole propri etorship , partnership, association, or corporation , or any other form of entity or organization. 1.39 "eremium Seryire" means programming choices (such as movie Channels, pay-per-view programs , or video on demand) offe red to Subscribers on a per-Channel, per-program or per-event basis . I .40 "BesideDJial Subscriber" means any Person who receives Cable Service delivered to Dwelling 'J nits or Multiple Dwelling Units, excluding such Mu ltiple Dwelling Units billed on a bulk-billing basis. 1.41 "Rigb~" means each of the following which have been dedicated to the public or are hereafter dedicated to the pub lic and maintained under public autho rity or by others and located with in the Cit y: streets , roadways, highways , ave nues, lanes, all eys, bridges, sidewalks, easements, righ ts-of-way and simi lar public property and areas. 1.42 "Sia!e" means the Slate of Co lorado . 1.43 "Subscci.bec" means any Per.;oJJ who or which elects to sub ,c-i be to, for any purpose, Cab le Service provided by Grantee by means of or in connectio n with the Cable ~ystem and v,.iose • premises are ph ysica lly wired and lawfu ll y Activated to receive Cable Serv ic e from Grantee's Cable ENGLEWOOD/AT&T System . 1.44 "Subsccibcc Network" means that portion of the Cable System used primari ly by Grantee in e transmis ~i on of Cable Services to Residential Subscrib rs . 1.45 "Ielercroro1micaticos" means the transmission, between or among points specified by the user, of infonnation of th e user's choosing, wiJhout change in the fonn or content of the information as sent and received (as provided in 47 U.S.C. Sectio·1 153(43)). 1.46 "Telecommnnications Sendce " means ~e offering of Telecommunications for a fee directly to the public, or to such classes of use r.; ;15 to be effectively available directly to the public, regardless of the facilities used (as provided in 47 U.S .C. Section 153(46)). 1.47 ''Iicr" means a group of Channels for which a single periodic subscription fee is charged . 1.48 •~" means that the Cable System is capable of providing both Upstream and Downstream trnnsmissions . 1.49 "l.lpgmdc" means improvements to the Cable System , as specifically d•••il <. ,n subsection 11. l of this Franchise. 1.50 "l.lpstrcam" means canying a transmission to the Headend from remote points on the Cable System or from Interconnection points on the Cable System . (B) EXHIBITS The following documents, which are occasionally referred to in this Franchise , are formally incorporated and made a part of this Franchise by this reference: I) Exl,ibit A, entitled Members of the Greater Metro Telecommunications Consortium . 2) E.~hibit B, entitled Ct.stomer Service Standards. SECTION 2. GRANT OF FRANCmSE 2.1 Grant (A) The City hereby grants to Grantee a nonexclusive authorization to make reasonable and lawful use of the Rights-of-Way within the City to construct, operate, maintain , reconstruct, rebuild and Upgrade a Cable System for the purpose of providing Cable Service subject to the tenns and conditions set forth in this Franchise and in any prior utility or use agreements entered into with regard to any in<iividual property. This f :anchise shall constitute both a right and an obligation to provide thr Cable Serdces reqmred by, and to fulfill the obligations set forth in, the provisions of this Franchis,·. ENGLEWOOD/AT&T (B) Nothing in this Franchise shall be deemed to waive the lawfill requirements of any • gen~rally applicable City ordinance existin g as of the EITectiv e Date , as defined in subsection 2.3 (A). (C) Each and every term , provision or co ndition herein is su bject to the provisions of Stale law , federal law , the Charter of the City, and the ordinances and regulations enacted pL•IS uan t thereto. The Charter and Municipal Code of th e City, as the same may be amended from time to time, are hereb y expressly incorporated into thi s Franchise as if fully set out herein by this reference. Notwithstanding the fo regoing, the City may not unilatera lly alter the material rights and obligations of Grantee under this Franchi se . (D) This Franchise shall not be interpreted 10 prevent the Ci ty from imposing additional lawful conditions, including additional compen sa tion conditi ons for use of the Ri ghts-of-Way, should Grantee pro vide service other than Cable Service . (E) Grantee promises and guarantees , as a co ndit ion of exercising th e privileges granted by this Franchise , that any Affiliate of the Grantee directly involved in the offering of Cab le Service in the Franchise Area, or directly involved in the management or operation of the Cable System in the Franchise Area, will also comp ly with the term s and conditions of this Franchise. (F) No rights shall pass to Grantee by implication . Without limiting the foregoing, by way of example and not limitation, this Franchise shall not include or l ac substitute for: (I) Any other permit or authorization required for the privilege of transacting and carrying on a business within the City that may be required by the ordinances and laws of the City; (2) Any permit , agreement, or authorization required by the City for R.ight-of- Way users in connection with operations on or in Rights-of-Way or public property including, by way of example and not limitation , street cut permits ; or (3) Any permits or agreements for occupying any othe r property of the City or private entities to wh ic h access is not spec ifi cally granted by this Franchise including, without limitation, permits and agreements for placing devices on poles, in conduits or in or on other structures. (G) This Frnnchise is inte,1ded to convey limited rights and interests only as to those Rights-of-Way in which the City has an actual interest. ll is not a warranty of title or interest in any Right-of-Way; it does not provide the Grantee with :my interest in any particular location within the Right-of-Way; and it doe s not confer rights other than as expressly provided in the gran t hereof. (H) This Franchise does not authorize Grantee to provide Te lecommunications Service, or to co nstruct , opernte or maintain Telecommunications facilities. This Franchise is not a bar to imposition of any lawful conditions on Grantee with respect to Telecommunications, whether simi lar, different or the same as the condition s spec ified herei n. This Franchise does not relieve Grantee of any obligation it may have to obtain from the City an authorization to provide ENGLEWOOD/AT&T • • • • Teleco mmunications Services, or to construct, operate or maint ain Te lecom mun ications facilities , or relie ve Grantee of its obligation to comp ly with any suc h authorizations that may be lawfully require u. 2.2 Use ofRJghts-of-Way (A) Subject to the City's supervision and con trol , Grantee may erect , install , construct, repair, replace, recons truct, and retain in , on, over , und er, upon , across , and along the Rights-of- Way within th e City such wires , cab les, cond uctors , ducts , cond uit s, vaults , manholes , amp lifi ers , pedestals, attac hments and other property and equipmen t as are necessary and appurte nant to th e operation of a Cab le System within the City. Grantee, through this Franchise , is granted extensive and valuab le righ,s to opera te its Cable System for profit using tl1e City's Rights-of-Way in compliance wi th all n:,rHca ble City construction codes and proc edures. As trustee for the public , the City is entitled to fair compensation to be paid fo r these valuable rights throughout the term of th e Franchise . (B) Grantee must follow City-esta bli shed requirements for placement of Cable System facilities in Rights-o f-Way, including the specific location of facilities in the Rights-of-Way, and must in any eve nt install Cab le System facilities in a manner that minimizes interference with the use of the Rights-of-Way by others , including others th at may be installing communications facilities. Within limits reasonably re lated to the City's role in prot~cting public health, sa fety and welfare , the City may require th at Cab le System faci liti es be ins talled at a particular time , at a specific place or in a particular manner as a ~ondi tion of access to a particular Ri 0 t-of-Way; may deny access if Grantee is not wi llin g to comply with City's requirem ents ; an .i ay remove, or require removal of, any facility that is not installed in compliance with the requirements established by the City, or which is in stalled without prior City approva l of the time , place or manner of installation , and charge Grantee fo r all the costs associated with remo va l; and may require Grantee to cooperate with others to minimi ze adverse impacts on the Rights-of-Way through joint trenching and other arrangements . 2.3 Effective Date and Term of Franchis e (A) This Franchise and the rights, privileges and authority granted hereunder shall talce effect on -----~ 2002 (the "Effective Date"), and shall terminate on _____ _, 2012 , unless temtinated sooner as hereinafter pro vided . ff the Cab le System is Upgraded pursuant to subsection 12.1 within three (3) yearn of the Effective Date, 3!ld if Grantee provides the City with its own Downstream Government Access Channel pursuant to Section 9.4 within two (2) years of th e Effec tive date the tem1 of thi s Franchise shall be exte nded by five (5) years , until W i 7. ff the Cable System is Upgraded pursuant to subsec ti on 12.1 within four (4) years of the l:I ective Date , and if Grantee provides th e City with its own Downstream Government Ace e,, Channel pursua:Jt to Section 9.4 within three (3) years of the Effective Date the term of this Franc hise sha ll be extend ed Ly two (2) years , until ----~ 20 I 4. (B) The grar,; of th is Franchise shall have no effect on the Grantee's duty under the prior franchise agreement or any ordinance in effect prior to the Eifective Date of this Franchise to indemnify or insure the Cit y against acts and omissions occ urrin g durin g the period that the prior ENGLEWOO D/AT&T franchise agreement was in effect. 2.4 Franchise Nonexclusive This Franchise shall be nonexclusive , and subject to all prior rights, interests, easements or licenses gran ted by the City to any Person to use any property, Right -of-Way, right , interest or li cense for any purpose whatsoever, including the right of the City to use same for any purpose it deems fit, includi ng the same or similar purposes allowed Gran tee hereunder . The City may at any time grant authorization to use the Ri ghts -of-Way for any purp ose not incompanble wi th Grantee's au thority under this Franchise and for such additional franchises for Cab le Systems as th e City deems appropriate . 2.5 Poli ce Powers (A) Gran tee's rights hereunder are subject to the police power, of the City to adopt and enforce ordinances necessary to the safety, health , and welfare of the public, and Grantee agrees to comp ly with all law s and ordinances of general applicability enac ted, or hereafter enacted, by the City or any other legal ly constituted governmental unit having lawfu l j uri sdiction over the subject matter hereof. The City shall have the right to adopt , from time to tim e. such ordinances as may be deemed necessary in the exercise of its police power; provided that such ordinances shall be reasonab le and not destructive of the rights !,'11lllted in this Franchise. (B) The City reserves the right to exe rcise its police power,, notwithstanding anything in • this Franchise to the contrary, and any conflict betwee n the provi sions of this Franchise and any ot her present or future lawfu l exercise of th e City's police power, shall be resolved in favor of the latter. 2.6 Grant of Other Franchises In the eve nt the City enter, into a franc hi se, permit , license , authorizatio n or other agreement of any kind with any other Pen;on or entity other than the Grantee to enter into the City '~ Rights-of-Way for the purpose of constructing or operating a Cable Sys tem or providing Cab le Service to any pan of the Franchise Arca, in which th e Grantee is actually providing Cab le Service under the terms and conditions of this Franchise or is req uired to extend Cable Service to under the provisions of this Franchise. the material provisions thereof shall be reasonably comparab le to those contained herein , in order that one operator not be granted an unfair compet iti ve advantage over annther, and to provide all parties equa l protection under the law. 2.7 Familiarity with Franchise The Gran tee acknow ledges and warrnnts by accep tance of the rights, privileges and agreement s granted herein, that it has carefull y read and fully compre hends the terms and conditions of this Franchise and is wi llin g to and does accept all lawful and reasonable risks of the meaning of the provisions, tem1s and conditions herein . The Grantee further acknow ledges and states that it has fully studied and co nsidered the ·:cquirements relating to ihe Upgrade of the Cable • System, and all other req ui rements and provisi•Jns of this Frnnchise, and finds that the same are ENGLEWOOD /AT&T • commercially practicable al thi s lime . • • 2.8 Effect or Acceptance By accep tin g the Franchise , th e Grantee: (I) acknow ledges and accepts the City's lega l right 10 iss ue and enforce tl1e Franchise ; (2) accepts and agrees to comply with eac h and every provision of !hi s Franch ise subjec t to applicable law ; and (3) agrees 1ha1 th e Franchi se was granted pursuant to processes and proc ed ures consistent wi th ap pli cab le law , and th at it will not raise any cl aim to the co ntra ry . SECTION 3. FRANCHISE FEE PAYMENT AND FINANCIAL CONTROLS 3.1 Franchise Fee (A) As compensation for th e benefit s and privileges granted und er thi s Franchise and in consideration of permi ss ion 10 use the City's Rights-of-Way, Grantee shall pay as a Franc hi se Fee to lh e City, throughout th e duration of this Franchise, an amount equal to fi ve percent (5%) of Grantee's Gross Re ven ues. Acc rual of such Franchise Fee shall com mence as of lh e Effective Date of this Franchise. (B) Th e City rec ognizes th at, in the futur e, Grantee may allocat e revenue between Cable Servi ces (which are subj ect 10 the Franchise Fee) and non-Ca bl e Services (which are not subject to the Franchise Fee but may be subject to otlier fees and/or taxes), when these two types of service are bundled to gether in a discounted package offered to Subscriber1;. Du e to the ambiguiti es that currently exis t both in lhe bu siness and regulatory environm ent on thi s is sue, the City and the Gran tee hereby reserve all rights , claims , defenses and remedi es regarding th e City's authority to impo se anrl/or enforce requ ireme nt s related to 1he reve nue allo catio n meth odolo gy 10 be used when Ca ble Services and non-Cab le Se rvic es are offe red 10 Subscribers in a discount ed package, for the purpose of calculating Franchise Fee paym ents . Further, in the eve nt tliat the City beli eves th at Grantee has unlawfull y, unfairly, or in violation of this Franchise allocated re ve nue between Ca ble Services and non-C able Services for the purpo se of calcul ating Franchise Fee payments , the City and the Grantee sh all meet upon advanc e notice fro m the City to discuss the allocation method olrJ gy. If the Ci :y and the Grantee cannol agree on the matter within a reasonabl e period of time, the City an d Grantr:e shall submit the matt er 10 a mutuall y-agreeab le third party for medi ati on. The cost of the mediati~~ shall be shared equall y between th e City and 1he Grant ee. If 1he mediatio n is unsucc essfu l or if the City and the Grante•! are unable 10 mu tu all y agree on a mediat or, !h en either the City or lhe Grantee can bring the matter lo a co urt of competent jurisdiction, or pursu e any other remedies available to them in thi s Franchise or by law . 3.2 Payments Grantee's Franchise Fee payments to the City shall be computed quarterly for the preceding calendar quarter ending March 31, Jun e 30 , September 30, and December 3 1. Each quarterl y payme nt shall be due and paya bl e no lat er than th irty (30) days after said dates. 10 ENG LEWOOD/AT&T 3.3 Acce ptance or Pa yment and Recomputation No acce pt ance or any payment shall be cons tru ed as an acco rd by the Cit y that th e amount paid is . in fac t, th e correct amount , no r shall an y acce ptance of payments be co nstru ed as a releas e of an y cla im the City may have for funher or additional sums payab le or for th e performance of any other obliga tion of Grant ee. 3.4 Quart erl y Franchise Fee Reports Each payment shall be accom pani ed by a written repon to th e Ci ty, verified by an authorized represent ative of Grantee, co ntaining an acc urate state;ne nt in summari zed form, as well as in de tai l. of Grantee's Gross Revenues and the computation of th e payme nt amou nt. Such repo ns shall detail all Gross Reve nue s of the Cab le System and shall be drafted in accordan ce with GAAP. 3.5 Ann ual Franchise Fee Reports Grantee sha ll , within sixty (60) days afte r the end of eac h year, furnish to the Ci ty a statement stating the tota l amount of Gross Revenues fo r th e year and all payments , deductions and com put ations for the period . Such stateme nt shall be aud ited by a cenified publi c acco mtant, who may also be the chief financia l officer or contro ll er of Grant ee, prior to submi ss ion to the City. 3.6 Audits On an an nua l basis , upon thiny (30) da ys prior written notice. the City, includin g th e City 's Auditor or hi s/her authori zed re presentative , shall have tl1 e right to conduct an ind ependent audit of Grante e's records reaso nabl y related to the administrati on or enforceme nt of this Franchise, in accordance wi th GAAP. Pursuant to sub sectio n 3.1 (B), as pan of th e Franchise Fe e audit the City shall specifica ll y have the ri gh t to revie ·.v records related to the alloca tion of revenue to Cabl e Services in the even t Grantee offers Ca ble Servi ces bundled with non-Cable Services . If the audit show s that Franchise Fe e payments "ave been underpai d by five perc ent (5%) or more (o r such other contrac t underpayment thres hold as set fo nh in a ge nera ll y appli cab le and enforce l ble regulaiion or policy of the City related to audits), Grantee shall pay the total cost of the audi t, ,·,ch cost not to exceed five th ousand dollars ($5 ,000) fo r each year of the audit period . TI1e City's righ t to audit and the Grantee's ob li gation to ~,••'r. reco rds related to this subsectio •ha ll expi re three (3) years after eac h Franchise Fee payment has been mad e to th e City . 3, 7 Lat e Pa yments In the eve nt any payment due quanerl y is not rece ived within th irty (30) days from tl1e end of the ca lendar quaner, Grantee sha ll pay int ere st on the amount due (at the prime rate as li sted in the Wall Street Journal on the date the payment was due), co mp~unded dai ly, calculated from th e date the paym ent was ori gi nall y due until tl1 e dat e the City rec eive ~ th e payment. 3,8 Underpaym ents ENG LEWOOD/AT&T • • • • If a net Franchise Fee underpayment is discovered as the result of an audit, Grantee shall pay interest at the rate of the eight percent (8%) per annum , compounded quanerly, calculated from the date each portion of the underpayment was originally due until the date Grantee remi•~ the underpayment to th e City. 3.9 Alternative Compensation In the event the obligation of Grantee lo compensate the City through Franchise Fee payments is lawfully suspended or eliminated, in whole or pan , then Grantee shall pay to the City compensation equivalent to the compensation paid to the City by other similarly situated users of the City's Rights-of-Way for Grantee's use of the City's Rights-of-Way, provided that in no event shall such payments exceed the equivalent of five percent (5 %) of Grantee's Gross Revenues (subject to the other provisions contained in this Franchise). 3.10 Maximum Legal Compensation The parties acknowledge that , at present, applicable federal law limits the City to collection of a maximum permissible Franchise Fee of five percent (5%) of Gross Revenues. In the event that at any time during the duration of this Franchise , the City is authorized to collect an amount in excess of five percent (5%) of Gross Revenues, then this Franchise may be amended unilaterally by the City to provide that such excess amount shall be added to the Franchise Fee payments to be paid by Grantee to the City hereunder, provided that Grantee has received at least ninety (90) days prior written notice from tl1e City of such amendment. 3.11 Additional Commitments Not Franchise Fee Payments No term or condition in this Franchise, including the funding required by Section 9, shall in any way modify or affect Grantee's obligation to pay Franchise Fees. Although the total sum of Franchise Fee payments and additional commitments set forth elsewhere in this Franchise may total more than five percent (5 %) of Grantee's Gross Revenues in any twelve (12) month period , Grantee agrees that the additional commitments herein are not Franchise Fees as defined under any federal law , nor are they to be offset or credited against any Franchise Fee payments due to the City, nor do they represent an increase in Franchise Fees to be passed through to Subscribers pursuant to any federal law. 3.12 Tax Liability The Franchise Fees shall be in addition to any and all taxes or other levies or assessments which are now or hereafter required to be paid by businesses in general by any law of the City, the State or the United States including, without limitation, sales, use and other taxes, business license fees or other payments. Payment of the Franchise Fees under this Franchise shall not exempt Grantee from the payment of any other license fee, permit fee, tax or charge on the business, occupation , propeny or income of Grantee that may be lawfully imposed by the City. Any other license fees. taxes or charges shall be of general applicability in nature and shall not be levied against Grantee solely because of its status as a Cable Operator. or against Subscribers, sole!, 12 ENGLEWOOD/AT&T because of thei r status as such . 3.13 Financial Records Grantee agrees 10 meet with a representative of the City up on request lo review Grantee's methodology of record-keeping, financial reporting , the computing of Franchise Fee obligations and other procedures , the understanding of which the City deems necessary for reviewing reports and records. 3.14 Payment on Termination lfthis Franchise terminates for any reason, tht Grantee shall file with the City within ninety (90) calendar days of the dat e of the termination, a financial statement, certified by an independent certified public , ccountant , showing the Gross Revenues received by the Grantee since the end of the previous fiscal year . The City reserves the tight lo satisfy any r~maining financial obligations of the Grantee to the City by utilizing the funds ava ilable in the letter of credit or other security provided by the Grantee . SECTION 4. ADMINISTRATION AND REGULAT:ON 4.1 Authority (A) The City shall be vested with the power and tight lo reasonably regulate the exe rcise • of the privileges perm itted by this Franchise in the public interest, or to delegate that power and tight, or any part thereof, to the extent permitted under State and local law, to any agent including, but not limited to, the GMTC, in its sole discretion. (B) Nothing in thi s Franchise shall limit nor expand the City's tight of eminent domain under State law . 4.2 Rates and Charges All of Grantee's rates and charges related 10 or regarding Cable Services shall be subject to regulation by t!,e City to the full extent authorized by applicable federal , Stat and local laws. 4.3 Rate Discrimination All of Grantee 's rates and charges shall be published (in the form of a publicly-available rate card) and be non-discriminatory as to all Persons and organizations of similar classes, under similar circumstances and conditions. Grantee shall apply its rates in accordance with governing law , with identical rates and charges for all Subscribers receiving identical Cable Services , without regard to race, color, ethruc or national origin, religion , age, sex, sexual orientation , marital, military or economic status , or physical or mental disability or geographic location within the City. Grantee • shall offer the same Cable Services to all Residential Subsctibern at identical rates and to Multiple Dwelling Unit Subscribers as authorized by FCC rules. Grantee shall permit Subscribers to make ENGLEWOOD/AT&T • • • any lawful in-residence connections the Subscribe r chooses withou t additional charge nor penalizing the Subscriber therefor . However, if an y in-home connection req ui res service from Grantee due to signa l qcality, signal leakage or other factors, caused by improper installation of such in-home wiring or fau lty materials of such in-home wiring, th e Subscriber may be charged reasonable service charges by Grantee. Nothi ng here in sha ll be co nstru ed to prohibit: (A) The temporary reduction or waiving of rates or charges in conjunction with valid promotiona l cam paign s; or (8) The offering of reaso nabl e discounts to sen ior ci tize ns or economical!y disadvantaged citizens; or (C) The offering of rate discounts fo r Cab le Service; or (D) TI1e Gran tee from establishing different and nondi sc riminatory rates and charges and classes of service for Commercial Subscribers, as allowable by federal law and regulations. 4.4 Filing of Rates and Charges (A) Throughout the tenn of thi s Franc'.1ise, Grant ee shall maintain on file wi th the City a complete sc hed ul e of ap plic ab le rates and charges for Cab le Services provided under this Franchise. Nothing in this subsec ti on sha ll be co nstrued to require Grantee to fi le rates and charges und er temporary reductions or waive rs of rates and charges in conjunction wi th promotional campaigns . As used in this subsection , no rate or charge shall be cons id ered temporary if Subscribers have the abili ty over a period grea ter than four (4) consecutive month s (or such ot her ·,1eriod as may be approved by the City) to purchas e Cab le Servic es at suc h rate or charge. (B) Upon req ue st of th e City, Grant ee shall provide a co1,1p lete sched u:e of current rates and charges for ,·.ny and all Leased Access Channels . or portion s of such Ch..nnels, provided by Grantee . The sc hed ul e shall incl ude a description of the pric e, tenn s, and cond iti ons estab li shed by Grantee fo r Leased Acce ss Channe ls. 4.5 Cross Subsidization Grantee shall comp ly wit h all applicab le laws regard in g rates far Cab le Services and all ap pl icab le laws cove rin g iss ues of cross subsidizatio n. 4.6 Reserved Authori ty The Ci ty reserves all reg ul atory authority arising from th e Cab le Act and any oth er relevant pro visions o, federa l, State, or loca l law . 4. 7 Time Limits Strictly Construed Whenever th is Franchise sets forth a time fo r any act to be perfonned by Gran tee , suc h time shall be deemed to be of the essence, and any fo;IL're of Grantee to perfonn wit hin the all otted time may be co nside red a materi al breach of this Franc hise , and sufficien t grounds fo r th e City to invoke 14 ENGLEWOOD/AT&T any re levan t remedy . 4.8 Regulations Promulgated by City Council (A) ln addition to th e powers held by the City under the Co lorado Co nstitution an d th e City Charte r, the City Co unci l is hereby auth ori zed to promulgate by ordi nance, in th e exercise of its lawfu l powers , suc h add itional regu lations as it shall find necessary to effec tuate fully the consiructio n and operatio n of a Ca ble System pu rs rnn t to this Franchise; provided th at such add iti ona l reg ul ati ons sh zll be co nsisten t wi th th e tenn.s ar,-, conditions of this Franchise and shall not ex pand the obligations of the Grant ee , nor li mit ,~e Grant ee 's benefits, as provided in this Franch •·;e. (B) Th e Gran tee may propose additi ona l 1 • .ations by app li catio n to ihe City Co uncil , but th e City Cou ncil shall n~t adopt any sui '·· pro y, .• ~.I unless it ex press ly determi nes that such proposal is consistent with the terms and cond .1.iu11s vi ;his Franchis e. 4.9 Franchise Amendment Procedure Either party may at an y time seek an amendment of this Franchise by so notifying th e otl,er party in writing . With in thirty (30) days of receipt of notice , the Cir ,• nr-t'l G,:,-,•.ec shall meet to disc uss the proposed amendment{s). ;I the parties reach a mut ual a,n ·ment ;r,, n the suggested amend mcnt (s), such an,endment (s) sh•II be submitted to the City Cuuw.it rot ilJ approva l. If so appro ved by the City Co uncil and th e Grantee , then such amcndme nt (s) shall be deemed part of this Franchis e. If rnutual agree men t is not reaci:ed , there shall be no amendment. 4.10 Performance Eva luations (A) The City may hold perfo rm ance eva lu atio n sessions witllin thi rty (30) days of the biennial anni versary da tes of th e Effective Date of th is Franchise. All such eva luati on sess ions shall be co nducted by the City (B) Special eva lu ation sess ions may be held at any tim e by the City during th e term of this Franchise . (C) All regular eva lu ation sess ions shall be ope n to the public and announced at least two (2) weeks in advance in a news paper of genera l circ ul atio n in the City. Gr:-ntee shall also include with or on the Subscriber billin g statements for the billing period imm ediatel y preceding the comme ncement of the session, written notification of the date , time, and pl ace of the regular performance eva lu ation sess ion , and any sp ecial eva lu ati on session as required by the City, provided Grantee receives ap prop ri ate advance notic e. (D) Topics whi ch may be discussed at any eva luat ion sess ion may include, but ar ; not limited to, Cab le Service rate structures ; Franchise Fee payments; liquidated damages; free or discounted C:.,ble Services ; app licatio n of new technologies ; Cab le System performance; Cable Services I, Jvided ; programmi ng offe red ; Subscriber comp laints ; privacy; amendments to this Franchise; jud icial and FCC ruli ngs; line ex tensio n polic ies; and the City or Grantee's rules; 15 ENGLEWOOD /AT&T provided that nothing in this subsection shall be construed as requiring the renegotiation of this Fr.inchise. (E) During evaluations under this subsection , Grantee shall fu lly cooperate with the City and shall provide such information and ~~cuments as th e City may reasonably require to perform the evaluation . 4.11 Lale Fees (A) For purposes of this subsection, any assessme ~t, ,:hJ"ge, cost, fee or sum, however characterized, that the Grantee imposes upon a Subs.:riber su:cly for la1e payment of a bill is a late fee and shall be applied in accordance with Exhibit El: Cust•Jrner Service Standards, as the same may be amended from time 10 time by the City Council acti nr, by crdii.ance, or as the same may be superseded by legislation or final court order. (8 ) Nothing in this subsection shall be deemed to create, limit or otherwise affect the abiiity of the Gr::.,tee, if any, to impose other ..ssessments, charges, fees or sums other than those permitted by this subsection , for the Grantee's other services or activities it performs in compli~nce with applicable law , including FCC law, rule o~ regu lation. (C) The Grantee's late fee and disconnection policies and practices sh?ll be nondiscriminatory an cl such policies and practices, and any fees imposed pursuant to this s11 b,ection , shall apply equally in all parts of the City without regard to the neighborhood or income k vc l ofthu Subscriber. 4.12 Force Majeure In the event Grantee is prevented or delayed in the performance of any of its ~bligations under this F:anchise by reason beyond the control of Grantee, Grant,,e shall have a reasonable time, under the circumstances, to perform the affected obligation under u1is Franchise or to procure a substitute for such obligation which is satisfactory to the City. Those conditions which are not within the control of Grantee include , but are not limited to , natural disasters , civil distlll'bances , power outages, telephone network outages, and severe or unusual weather conditions which have a direct and substantial impact on the Grantee's ability to provide Cable Services in the Ctty and which was not caused and could not have been avoided by tl.e Grantee which used its brst efforts in its operations to avoid such results. If Grantee believes that a reason be yo~d its control has prevented or delayed its compliance with the terms of this Franchise, Grantee shall provide documentatio n as reasonably required by the City to substantiate the Grantee 's claim. If Grantee has not ye, cured the deficiency, Grantee shall also provide the City with its proposed plan for remediation, including the timing for such cure. This subsection shall not apply to the provisions of this Franchise concerning the extension of the term as provided in subsections 2.3 (A) and 12.1 (A), or to the monetary damages related to the Upgrade of the Franchise set forth in subsection 14.8 (A). SECTIONS. FINANCIAL AND INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS 16 ENGLEWOOD /AT&T 5.1 Indemnification (A) Geocrnl Joderooificarioo . Grantee shall indemnify, defend and hold the City, its officers , officials , bontds, commissions , agents and employees, hannless from any action or c !aim for injury, dantage, loss, liability, cost or expense , including court and appeal costs and anomeys' fees or expenses , arising from any casualty or accident to Person or property, including, without limitation . copyright infringement, defntnation , and all other damages in any way arising out of, or by reason of, any construction, excavation , operation , maintenance, reconstruction , or any other act done under this Franchise, by or for Grantee, its age nts , or its employees , or by reason of any neglect or omission of Grantee. Grantee shall consult and cooperat e with the City while conducting its defense of the City. (B) lodewoi6cn1ioo fnr Relocatioo C,rantee shall indemnify the City for any damages, claims, additional costs or expenses as~essed ag.,inst, or payable by, the City arising out of, or resulting from, directly or indirectly, Grantee's failure to remove, adjust or relocate any of its facilities in the Rights-of-Way in a timely manner in accordance with any relocation required by the City. (C) Addiliooal Circnmstaoces Grantee shall also indemnify, defend and hold the City hannl ess for any claim for injury, damage , lo ss , liability, cost or expense, including court and appeal costs and attorneys' fees or expenses in any way arising out of: (I) The lawful actions of the City in granting this Franchise to the extent such ac tions ate co nsistent with this Franchise and applicable law : (2) Dntnages arising out of an y failure by Grantee to sec ure co nsents from the owners , authorized distributors, or licensee s/licen ~ors of progrntns to be delivered by the Cable Sys tem, whether or not any act or omission complained of is authorized, allowed or prohibited by this Franchise . (D) Procednres and Defense If a claim or action arises, the City or any other indemnified party shall promptly tender the defense of the claim to Grante e, which defense shall be at Grantee's expense. The City may participate in the defense of a claim and, in any event, Grantee may not agree to any senlement of claims affec ting the City without the City's approval. (E) Nao-waiver The fact that Grantee carries out any activities under this Franchise through independent contractors shall not constitute an avoidance of or defense to Grantee's duty of defense and indemnification under this subsection. (F) Expenses. If sepntate representation to fully protect the interests of both parties is necessary, such as a conflict of interest between the City and the counsel selected by Grantee to represent the City, Grantee shall pay all expenses incurred by the City in defending itself with regard to any action. suit or proceeding indemnified by Grantee. The City's expenses shall include nil out-of-pocket expenses, such as consultants' fees, and shall also include the reasonable value of an y services rendered by the City Attorney or hi s/her assistants or any employees of the City or its 17 ENGLEWOOD /AT&T ,• . • • • • • agents but shall not include outside attomeys ' fees for services that are unnecessarily duplicative of services provided the City by Grantee . 5.2 Insurance (A) Grantee shall maintain in full forc e and elTect at it s own cost and expense each of tl1e following policies of insurance: (I) Commercial General Liability insurance with lim its of no less than one million dollars (Sl ,000 ,000.00) per occurrence and one million do ll ars ($1 ,000 ,'.>ilO.OO) general aggregate . Coverage shall be at least as broad as that provi ded by ISO CG 00 0 1 1/96 or its equi valent and includ e severability of interests. Such insurance shall n.>,ne, the City, its officers, officials and employees as additional insureds per ISO CG 2026 or its equivalent. Th ere shall be a waiver of subrogation and rights of recovery against ti 1e City .. its officers , officials and emp loyees . Coverage shall app ly as to claims between insureds on the policy, if applicable. (2) Commercial Automobile Liability insurance with minimum comb ined sing': limits of one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) each occurrence and one million dollars ($1,000 ,000.00) aggregate with respect to each of Grantee 's owned, hired and non-owned vehicles assigned to or used in the operation of the Cable System in the City. TI1e policy shall contain a severability of interests provision . (B) Each policy shall provide that the insurance shall not be canceled or materially changed so as 10 be out of cr,mpliance with these requirements witbut thirty (30) days' written notice first pro vided to the City, via certified mail, and ten (IO) days' notice li:;r mm payment of premium . If th e insurance is canceled or materi ally altered so as to be out of comp l1~1t<c with the requirements of this subsection within the term of thi s Franchise, Grant e shall provide a replacement policy. Grantee agrees to maintain continuous uninterrupted insurnnce coverage, in at least the amounts required, for the duration of this Franchise and, in the case of the Commercia l General Liability, for at least one (I) year after expiration ol this Franchise . 5.3 Deductibles/ Certificate of Insurance Any deductible of the policies shall not in any way limit Grantee's liability to the City. (A) Endorsements . (I) All policies shall contain , or shall be endorsed so that: (a) The City, its officers , officials, boards , commissions, employees and agents are to be covered as , and have the rights of, additional insureds with respect to liability arising out of activities performed by, or or. behalf of, Grantee under this Franchise or app licable law , or in the construction, operation or repair, or ownership of the Cable System ; 18 ENGLEWOOD /AT&T (b) Grantee's in surance coverage shall be primary insurance with respect • to the City, its officers, officials , boards , commissions , emp lo yees and agents. Any insurance or self-insurance maintained by the City, its officers , officials , boards , commissions, employees and ~gent s shall be in exc.ess r,f the Grantee's insurance and shal! not contribu te to it ; and (c) Grontee s insurance shall apply separately to each insured against whom a daim is ma<le or lawsuit is brought , except with resprct to the limits of the insurer's lia~ility. (B) Acceptability of ICIS)l[CCS The insurance obtained by Grantee shall be placed with insurers with a Best't rating ofno less than "A Vlll." (C) YrciGcalioa of Coverage The Grantee shall furnish the City with certificates of insurance and endorsements or a copy of the p.'~e of the policy reflecting blanket additional insured status. The certifkates and endorsemen ts for each insurance policy are to be signed by a Person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf. The certificates and endorsements for each insurance policy are to be on standard forms or such forms as are consistent with standard industry practices . (D) Scl~.'l!n 1u:, In the alternative lo providing a certificate of insurance to the City certifying insurance co ver .. ,e a , required above , Grantee may r rovide self-insurance in the same • amount and level of protection for Grantee and City, its office.rs , agents and employees as otherwise required under this Section . The adequacy of self-insuranc e shall be subject to the periodic review and approval of the City. 5.4 Letter of Credit (A) No later than the Effective Date of thi s Franchise , Grantee shall establish and provide to th e City, on behalf of the City and all other members of the GMTC s t forth on Exhibit A, as security for the faithfu l performance by Grantee of all of the provisions of thi s Franchise, a letter of credit from a financial institution satisfactory 10 the Cit)' in the amouni of one hundred thousand dollars ($ I 00,000). (B) The letter of credi t shall be maintained at one hundred thousand dollars ($100 ,000) throughout the term of this Franchise, provided that once every three (3) years , the City shall have the righ t to increase this amount to reflect increases in the Denver 1etropolitan Area Consumer Price Index during the prior three (3) year period . (C) The letter of credit may be drawn upon by the City for purposes including, l,ut not limited to . the following : (I) Franchi se; (2) Fai lure of Grantee to pay the City sums due under the terms of this Rei 11 1 Jrsement of costs bome by the City to correct Franchise violations not 19 ENGLEWOOD/AT&T • • • corrected by Grantee; (3) Monetary remedies or damages assessed agai nst Grantee due to default or breach of Franchise requirements; and (4) Failure lo comply wilh 1he Customer Service S!'!ndards of lhe City, as lhe same may be amended from time to lime by the City Counc '.i acting by ordinance . The City snail give Grantee written notice of any withdrawal under this subsectiou upon such withdrawal. Wilhin seven (7) days following receipt ;,f .;nd no tice, Grantee shall restore •ti~ letter of credit to .i.e amount required under this F:anchise. (E) Grantee shall have th e right to appeal to the Ci ty Council for reimbursement in the event Grantee believes !hat the letter of credit was drawn upon im ,,, ~perly. Grantee shall also have the righ1 of judicial appeal if Grantee believes the letter of crel1l nas not been properly <1"1"'11 upon in accorda nce with this Franchise. Any funds the Ci ty erron eous •\' or w:-o ug fully wit!. :-.ws from the letter of credit shall be returned to Grantee with interest, from lhe date of withdrawal at a rate equal 10 the prime rate of interest as quoted in lh e Wall Street Journal. (F) If more than fift y percent (50' ;1_ based on the nu r~",:•· r,f Subscribers, oflhe GMTC members listed on Exhibit A withdraw from ·I -: (,MTC or are nol eligible lo draw on lhc letter of credit held in lh~ nam e of all GMTC membe ra, Grantee shall have lhe right to renegotiate lhe terms of the letter of credit or reduce it by an amount equal to lhe pro-rota number of Subscribers whose grantors have withdrawn from the GMTC or are not eligible to draw on the shared letter of credit , provided howeve r that lhe amount of lhe letter of credit shall in no event be reduced below twenty five thou sand dollars (S25,000 .00). (G) If the City withdraws from the GMTC , Grantee shall obtain a letter vf credit solely on behalf of lhe City, in lhe amount of twenty five lhousand dollars ($25,000.00), within £ixty (60) days of receiving written notice from lhe City. In this event, lhe City will also be removed from lhe GMTC letter of credit. 5.5 Construction Bond During the Upgrade as descri bed in subsection 12.1, Grantee shall provide a construction bond to ensure the performance of its responsibilities under thi s Franchise related to Upgrade cons truction activity, including r toration of lhe Rights-of-Way and other property, in acco rdance with the lawful provisions of th e City Code as it ex ists now or as may be amended in lhe future . SECTION 6. CUSTOMER SERVICE 6.1 Customer Service Standards Grantee shall co mply with Customer Service Standards of lhe City, as lhe same may be amended from time to time by the City Council acting by ordinance. The City's cU1Tent Customer Service Standards. are anached hereto as Exhibit B. Grantee reserves the right to challenge any 20 ENGLEWOOD/AT&T customer service ordinance which it believes is inconsistent with its contractual rights under this • Franchise. 6.2 Subscriber Privacy Grantee shall fully ~omply with an y pro vi sions regarding the privacy rights of Subscribers contained in federal, State, or local law . 6.3 Subscriber Contracts Grantee shall not enter into a contract with any Subscriber which is in an y way inconsistent with the terms of thi s Franchise, or any Exhibi t hereto , or th e requirement s of any applicable Customer Service Standard . Upon request, Grantee will provide to the City a sample of th e Subscriber contract or service agreement then in use. 6.4 Advance Notice to City The Grantee she!! use reasonable effons to furnish information provided 10 Subscribers or the med ia in the normal course of business to the Ci ty in advance. SECTION 7. REPOR1S AND RECORDS 7.1 Open Records Grantee sha!I manage all of its operati ons in accordance with a pol icy of keeping its documents and records open and accessible to the City. Th e City, including the City's Auditor or his/her authorized represent ative, shall have access to , and the right to inspect, any books and records of Grantee, its parent corporations and Affiliates which are reasonably related to the administration or enforcement of the terms of this Frru ;•t,;se . Grantee shall not deny the City access to an y of Grantee's records on the basis that Grant ee's records are under the control of any parent corporation, Affiliate or a third party. The City may, in writing, request copies of any such records or books and Grantee shall provide such copies within thiny (30) days of the transmitta l of such request. One (I) copy of all repon s and records t':(,l•i ~~d under this or any other subsection shall be furnished lo the City, at the so le expense of Grantee. [f the requested book s and records are too voluminous, or for security reasons cannot be copied or removed , then Grantee may request , in writing within ten (10) days, that the City inspect them at Grantee's local offices . If any books or records of Grantee are not kept in a local office and not made available in copies to the City upon written request as set fonh above, and if the Ci ty determines that an ex amination of such records is necessary or appropriate for the performanc e of any of the City's duti es , administration or enforcement of this Franch ise, then all reasonab le travel and related expenses incurred in making such examination shall be paid by Grantee. 7.2 Confidentiality 21 ENG LEWOOD/AT&T • • • • • T~e City agrees to treat as confidential an y books or reco rd s that constitute proprietary or co nfid enti al information under federal or State law, to the ex tent Grantee makes the City aware of such co nfid enti ality. Gran tee shall be res ponsibl e fo r clear ly and conspicuo usly stamping the word "Co nfid ential " on eac h page th at conta in s co nfid ent ia l or propri etary information . and shall provide a brief writte n ex planati on as to why such information is co nfid ent ia l under Stat e or federal law. If the City belie ves it mu st re lease any such co nfidential books an d record s in th e course of enforcing this Franchise , or for any oth er reaso n, it shall advise Gran tee in advan ce so ti,,, ri rao tec may take appropriate steps to protec t it s interests . If th e Cit y receives a dei.,~nJ from any ~ rson for disclosure of any information des ignated by Grantee as confidenti~I. the c ,ry shall , so far as consistent with appli ca ble law , adv ise 0 f:i.'ll ee and provide r;,.,,.,,,c ·-,;til 3 cc py of any wri tten request by the party demanding access to such infonnatk,,, , ·,,((£ • a ,,•sona ble time. Until otherwis e ordered by a coun or agency of com peten t jurisdiction , t\,. C ·• agree~ th at, to the ex tent perm itted by State and federal law, it shall deny access to any of Grantee's bc,oks and reco rds marked co nfid ential as set fonh abov e to any Perso n. Grantee shall reimbu,se the City for al l reasonab le costs and ~.ttom eys fees in curred in an y lega l proceedings pursu ed under this Section. 7.3 Reco rds Required (A) Gran tee shall at all tim es maintai n, and shall furni sh to th e City upon requ est: (I) A co mpl ete se t of maps showin g the ex ac t locati on of all Cab le System equipm ent and faciI:ties in the Ri gh t-of-Way, but exc ludin g detail on proprietary electronics co nta ined th ere in and Sub scri ber drops. As-built map s including propri etary electronic s shall be avai lab le at Gran tee's offic es for inspection by th e City 's authorized represen tati ve(s) o: agent(s) and made availa bl e to such during the course of technic al inspections as reasonab ly co ndu cted by th e City . The se maps shall be certified as accurate by an appropriate represen tati ve of the Grantee; (2) A copy of all FCC fi lin gs on beha lf of Gran tee , its parent co rporations or Affili ates whi ch relate to th e operation of the Cab le System in th e City; (3) Current Su bsc ri ber Records and informatio n; (4) A log of Ca ble Services added or dropped , Channel changes, number of Subscribers added or terminated , all construct io n activity, and total hom es passed for the previous twelv e ( 12) months; and (5) A list of Cab le Services, rates and Channe l line-ups . (B) Subject to subsection 7.2, all in fo rmation furni shed to tile City is public information, and shall be treated as such , exce pt for inform ation i, .. -. lving th e privacy ri ghts of individual Sub scrib ers . 7.4 Annual Reports 2.' E GLEWOOD/AT&T Within sixt y (60) days f\e r the end of the ca lendar ye: r. Gral\tee shall submit to the City a written repor:, in a form acceptable to the City, which shall incl ude, hut not nec essarily be limited 10, the foll ?wing info 'lTl allo n for th e Ci ty: (A) A Gross Revenue statement, as required by sub s~c 1;on 3.5 of this Franchise ; (B) A summary of the previou ~ year's activities in the development of the Cable System , including, but not lim ited 10, Cable Servi ces begun or disconr inucd during the reponing year, and the number of Subscribers for each class of Cable Servi ce(,.,,., Basic, Expanded Basic Service , and Premium); and (C) The numb er of homes passed, beginnin g and en ding plant miles , any services added or dropped , and any technological chan ges occurring in the Cat:e System; and (D) A sta tement of planned construction, if an y, fe,r me next year. 7.5 Co pies of Federal and State Reports • Gran tee shall submit lo the City copies of all ple adin gs, applications, notifications, communications and docum ents of any kind , submitted by Grantee or its parent corporation(s), to any federal. State or local couns, regulatory agencies and other government bodies if such documents directly relate 10 the operations of Grantee's Cab le System within the City. Grantee • shall submit such documents to the City no later than thiny (30) days after filing , mailing, publication , or completion . Grantee shall not claim confidential , privileged or proprietary rights 10 such documents unless under federal , State, or local law such documents have been determined to be confidential by a coun of competent jurisdiction, or a fed eral or State agency. With respect to all documen ts provid ed to ar y federal , State , or local regulatory age ncy as a routine matter in the due course of operating Grantee's Cab le Sys tem within the City, Grantee shall make such documents available to the City upon request. 7.6 Complaint File and ;leports Grantee sha ll keep an accurate and comprehe1o,i-,e file of any and all complaints regarding the Cable Sys tem , in a manner consis tent with the privacy rights of Subscrib ers, and Grantee's acti ons in response to those comp laints. These fiks shall remain open to th e City during normal business hours . Grantee sha ll provide the Cit y a quanerly executive summary which sha ll inc lude the following information : (A) A summary of serv ice calls , i,lentifying the number and aature of the requests and their disposition ; (B) A log of all service interrupti ons; (C) (D) A summary of customer complaints referred by the City to Grantee; and Such other inform ation as reasonably requested by the City, provided mat Grantee is 23 ENGLEWOOD/AT&T • • • given thirty (30) days prio r wrinen notice of such reque~1 before the begi nning of the applicable quarter. 7.7 Failure to Report Th e fai lure or ne glec t of Grantee to file an y of the repons or filing s required under this Franchise or such other repons as the City may reasonably request (not including clerical errors or errors made in good faith), may, at th e City's option, be deemed a material breach of this Franchise . 7.8 False Statements An y false or misleading statement or representation in any repon required by this Franchise (nor includin g clerical error s or errors made in good faith) ,:,ay be deemed a material breach of this Franchise and may subject Grantee to all rem edie s, lega l or equitable, which are available to the City under this Fran chise or otherwise . SECTION 8. PROGRAMMING 8.1 Bro ad Programming Categories Grantee sha ll provide or enable the provision of at least the following initial broad categories of programmin g to the extent such categories are reasonably avai l.ble: (A) Educa ti onal programming; (B) Co lorado new s, weather & information; (C) Spo n s; (D) General entenainment (includin g mo vies); (E) Children/family-oriented; (F) Ans. culture and performing arts ; (G) Foreign language; (H) Science/documentary; (I) Nation al news, weather and informa[ion; and (J) Publi c, Educational and Government Ac cess, t.i the extent required by this Franchise . 8.2 Deletion or Reduction of Bro:.:d Programming Categories 14 E GLEWOOD/AT&T (A) Grantee shall not delete or so limit as to effectively delete any broad ca tegory of programming within its control without the prior written consent of the City. (B ) In the event of a modifi cation proceed in g und er feoeral law , th e mi x and quality of Cable Services provided by Grantee on the Effective Date of this Franchise shall be deemed the mix and qual ity of Cable Services required under this Franchise throughout its term . 8.3 Ascertai nment or Programming and Customer Satisfaction Upon reques t of the City, the Grantee shall, at the sole expense of Grantee, undertake a bienni al survey of community views of cable operations in the City, including bu! not limited to programming, response to community needs , satisfaction and dissatisfaction with Cable Services offered by Grantee, and customer service . Grantee shall consult and cooperate with the City in developin g and implementing an ascertainment methodology. The final form and con tent of the survey sha ll be as mutually agreed upon by the Grantee and th e City . Grantee shall provide th e results of such survey to the City within two (2) months after compl eting the survey. Upon reque st, Grantee shall also provide a copy of results iom an y other survey of Subscribers in the City conducted independently by the Grantee within the previous year. Any survey resu lts conducted within the City which are intended for ex tern al publication shall also be provided to the City. Nothing herein shal l be construed to limit the right of the City to conduct its own surveys at its own expense . 8.4 Obsce nity Grant ee shall not transmit, or permit to be transmined over any Channel subject to its editoria l control, any programming which is 0bscene under, or vio lates any provi sio n of, applicable law relati ng to obsceni ty, and is not protected by the Constitution of th e United States . Grantee shall be deemed to have transmitted or permitted a transmission of obscene progranuning only if a court of competent jurisdiction has found that any of Grantee's ,,tficers or employres or agents have permitted programmin e which is obscene under, or violative of, any provision of applicable law relating to obscenity, and is otherwise not protect ed by the Co nstitution of the United States, to be transmitted ove r an y Channel subj ect to Grantee's editorial control. Grantee shall com ply with all relevant provisions of federal law relating to obsc enity. 8.5 Parental C1Jntrol Device Upon req uest by any Subscriber, Grantee shall make available a parental control or lockout device , traps or filters to enable a Subscriber to co ntrol access to both the audio and video portions of any or all Channels. Grantee shall inform its Su~ ·cribers of the availability of the lockout device at the time of their ini tial subscription anc periodic y thereafter. Any device offered shal l be at a rate, if any, in compliance with applicable law. 8.6 Col!tinuity of Service Mandatory 25 ENGLEWOO D/AT&T • • • (A) lt shall be the ri ght of all Subscribers to continue to ,. ·eive Cable Service from Grantee insofar as their financial and other obligations to Grantee are honored. The Grantee shall act so as to ensure that all Subsc rib ~rs receive continuou s, unin •.e rrupt ed Cable Servic e regard less of th e circum stances . For the purpo ses of this subsection, "unint1:rrupt ed" does not include short-term outagl,s of the Cable Sys tem for maintenanc e or testing . (B) ln the event of a change of grantee, or in the eve nt a new Cable Operator acquires the Cabl e System in accordance with this Franchise, Grantee sh all cooperate with the City, new franchisee or Cable Operat or in maintaining continuity of Cable Service t.:i all Subscribers . During any transition period . Grantee shall be entitled to the revenues for any period during which it operates the Cable System , and shall be entitled to reasonable costs for its services when it no longer operates th e Cable System. (C) In the event Grantee fails to operate the Cable System for four (4) consecutive days without prior approval of the Manager, or without just cause, the City may, at its option, operate the Cable System itself or designate another Cabl e Operator until such time as Grantee restores service under conditions acceptable to the City or a , -rmanent Cable Operator is selec ted. If the City is required to fulfill this obligation for Grantet·, ·;rantce shall reiml>urse the City for all reasonable costs or damages that are the result of Grantee'r ·:li lure to perform. 8.7 Services for the Disabled Grantee shall compl y with the Americans With Disabilities Act and any amendments thereto . SECTION 9. ACCESS 9.1 Initial Capital Contribution No later than sixty (60) days after the written request from the City, Grantee shall provide a one time capital contribution of one hundred twenty five thousand dollars ($125,000 .00) which the City sh all use to purchase equi:,ment to produce Access programming. Grantee shall have no further programming production or studio obligations 10 the City. Grantee shall be entitled to fully recover this initial grant from Res idential Sub scribers pursuant to federal I. w, during the first three (3) years after payment of the $125 ,000.00 grant. In addition to the $125 ,000.00 grant, Grantee shall make a separate capital equipment gran t of S l 0,000 .00 , which $10,000.00 grant shall not be recoverable from subscribers . 9.2 Replacement Capital Contribution Beginning three (3) years after payment of the $125 ,000.00 grant, or when the $125 ,000.00 contribution specified in subsection 9.1 is fully recovered from Subscribers , Grantee shall collect and provide to the City S.50 per month per Residential Subscriber for Access and/or I-Net capital (the "Repla ~~'llent Capit.il Contribution"). Grantee shall not be responsible for collectin g or paying the Repine !ment Capital Contribution with respect to gratis accounts . 26 ENG LEWOO D/AT&T Each payme nt shall be due and payabl e :10 later than thiny (30) days followi ng the end of the quaner from when the Replace ment Capi tal Con tribut ion takes effect. The City sha ll have discretio n to alloc ate the Repl aceme nt Capi tal Co ntribution in accordance with app licabl e law . The City ma y adj ust the amount of the Repl ace ment Capital Co ntri butio n on an annual basis (up to th,1 maximum amou nt spec ifi ed in thi s subsec tion ), prc;v ided th at Grantee is given nin ety (90) days advanc~ writt e.n notice. 9.3 Management aud Control of Access Channels The City shall have so le and exclusiv e ,os ponsibilit y fo r identifying the Designated Access Prov id ers and allocating th e Access resources u.sder thi s Section . The Ci ty may authorize De signated Access Providers to contro l and manage th e use of any and all Access fac il ities prov ided by Grdlltee under thi s Franchise , in cludin g, without limitation , the operation of Access Ch annels. To the ex ten t of such desir,nation by the City, the Designated Access Provider sh all have so le and ex clu sive res ponsibility fo, vperating and managin g such Access facilities . The City or its de signee may fo rmulate rules for the operation of th e Access Channel s, consi stent with thi s Franchi se . Grantee shall coo perate with the City and Designat ed Access Providers in Ute use of the Cable System an d Access facilities for th e pro vis ion of Access. NoLlti ng herein shall prohibit the Ci ty from authori zi ng itse lf to be a Des ign ated Acce ss Provider. Nothi ng here in shall prohibit th e City from assigni ng severa l Designated Access Prov iders to share a sin gle Access Chann el. All assigned Access Channel s can be used to transmit signals in any format which is technica ll y co mpatibl e wi th th e Cab le Sys tem, incl udin g, by way of examp le and not limitation, vi deo . au di o on ly, seco ndary audi o an d/or text mess ages . Such uses must be in furtherance of Access purposes . 9.4 Initial Access Channel As of the Effective Date, Grantee shall provide one activated (I) Downstream Government Access Channel on the Ca ble Sys tem . As of th e Effec tiv e Date th e Government Acces s Channel will conti nue to be a shared channe l with the Cities of Sheridan and Cherry Hills Vill age. Grantee shall mak e th e Government Access ,hannel available for th e City's sole and excl usi ve use as set fonh in Sectio n 2.3, and in no eve nt later th an four (4) years afte r the Effec ti ve Date . 9.5 Additional Access Channels Tite City may req uire Grantee to Ac tivate, at Grantee 's expense, up to five (5) add itional Do wnstream Access Chann els, fo r a maximum of six (6) Access Channel s, under th e procedures sp :cified below. • • If a Desi gnated Ac cess Pmvi der believes that additional Access Channel ca paci ty is needed, the Designated Access Provider may file a request with the Manager. In hi s/her de li beratio ns , the Manager wi ll co nsid er supply and demand , and , ia panicular. the ability and resources of the • Desi gn at ed Access Pro, ider to pr:;du ce addi ti onal Access programming, th e interest of l~e 17 ENG LEWOO D/AT&T • • • community in the additi onal Access progra'llm ing as measured through a surve y methodology that is mutuall y-acce ptable between the City and the Grantee, consideration of the p,.:;£:"!'rnming that w,,uld be dis laced, how much pro grn,nming is produced on the existing Access Channeis in the Denver metro area, how much progr=ming on the existing Access Channels is repeated, h.:w mu ch programming on the exis tin g Access Channels is character-ge nerated , whether it is feasible fo, the Des ign ated Acc ess Providers to cluster Access programming into blocks of time such that the Ch ann el space can be compa tib ly shared between multipl e Designat ~d Access Providers , and if severa l Designated Access Providers sho uld combi ne the ir program ming onto a si ngl e Access Channel. Should th e Manager find that the evide nc,! ex ists to support th e Activation of an additional Access Channel , then the Manage r sha ll provide his/her decision in writin:i and Grantee shall provid e th e Activ ~ted Channel wi thin ninet y (90) days of receiving the requ est. Grantee may appeal the decision of the Manager to the City Council. 9.6 Underutilized Access Channels Grantee and the City agree that it is th ei r mutual goa l to fully and efficie ntly use the Channel ca pacity of the Cable System, whic h may ;nclude allowin g the Grantee to us e und orutili zed time on Acces s Channels . If Gran tee beli eves that any Access Channel has underutili zed time, Grantee ma y tile a request with the Manager 10 use that time . In response to the request , the Manager will consider a combination of factors , including but not limited to , the community 's needs and interests , and the source, quantity, type and schedule of the programming canied on th e Access Channel. The Manager will also consider, tal<in g into account the mission of the Access programming, whether it is feasible for the Designated Access Providers to cluster Access pro gramming into blocks of time such that the Chann el space can be compatibly shared between the Designated Access Pro vider and the Grantee and/o r if several Designated Access Provide rs can co mbin e their programmin g onto a si ngl e Access Channel. The Manager shall render his/her deci sion regarding the matter within six ty (60) days of ~!ceiving th e req uest. Should the Manager find that th e Access Channel or portion of th~ Access Channel may be used by the Grantee, th en Grantee may begin using such tim e ninety (90) days after receipt of the decision. The Grantee's req uest shall not be unreasonably denied . Any permission granted pursuant to this su bsec ti on for use of 11n Access Channel or a portion thereof shall be cons id ered temporary . At such time as a Designa ted Access Pro vider beli eves th at it has the rP.sources and ability to utili ze th e Access Chann el tim e curr entl y used by the Grantee pursuant to th is sub section, a Designated Access Provider may request that the Manager return such Channel or portion of the Channe l for Access purposes. In res pons e to the re4ues t. th e Manager will consider a combination of factors. includin g but not limited to, the community's needs and interests, and the sou rc e, quantity, type and sc hed ule of the programmin g proposed to be canied on the Access Channel as we ll the applicant's abi lity and resources to acq uire or produce the proposed Access programming. The Manager wi ll also con sider, taking into account th e mission of the Access programming, whether it is feasible for th e Designated Access Providers to cluster Access programmin g into blocks of time such that tl1 e Chann el spac e can be compatibl y shared between th e Designated Access P•,:wid er and the Grantee and/or if Jevera l Designa ted Access Pro vide rs can co mbine their programm •ng onto a sin gle Access Channel. The Manager sha ll render his/her deci sion regarding ENG LEWOO D/AT&T the matter within sixty (60) days of receiving the request. Should Lie. Manager find that the • evidence exists to suppon tl1e return of the Access Chan nel or ponion of the Access Channel to the Designated Access Provider. then Grantee shall su rrender the requested tim e on the Access Channel wi thin ninety (90) days of receivin g the decision . The Designated Access Provider's request shall not be unreasonably denied. 9. 7 Access Channels On Basic Service All Access Chann els provided to Sub sc ribers under this Franchise shall be included by Grantee , without limitation , as a pan ofBasic Service . 9.8 Access Channel Assignments Grantee will use reasonable efforts to mm1m1 ze the movement of Access Channel assignments. Grantee shall also use reasonable effons to institute common Channel ass ignments among the GMTC members for compatibl e Access programming, for example, assigning all Educational Access Channels programm ed by higher education organizations to the same Channel numbc~. 9.9 Relocation of Access Cha nnels 1.,rnntee shall provide the City wi th a min im um of ninety (90) days notice, and us e its best effons to provide one hundred twenty ( 120) days notice , prior to the time any P.ccess Charuid designation is changed, unless the change is required by federal law, in which case Grantee shall give the City the maximum notice possible. In addition, Grantee shall pay to the City an amount equal to the City's co sts in remarketing the loc ation of the Access Channels and managing the relocation administrative ly and technologically, up to a maximum of fifty cen ts ($.50) per Subscriber. Grantee shall only be allowed to recover such amounts paid to City as "external costs" (as that term is used in 47 C.F.R. Secti on 76 .922) if the movement of Channels is required by fed era l. State or local law . Grantee, at Grantee's expense, will place the City's notic es of the Channe l change on or with its regular monthl y billings, upon the City's request. Any new Channel designations fo r the Access Channe ls provided pursuant to this Franchise shall be in full co mpliance with FCC signal quality and proo f-of-performance standards . 9.10 Access Interconnections Grantee ackn owledges that is the City 's goal to further the community 's needs and interests by providing for the Interconnection of Access Channels between the City and surrounding communitie~. Therefore, Grantee shall continue the Access Channe l Interconnection which is in place as of the Effective Date which faci lit ates the sharing of Ac cess programming between and among pani cipati ng GM TC members . In addi•;on, the Ci ty shall have the right to use any Acces s Channel for Access programming provided to it through an Interco nnect. 9.11 Technical Quality 29 ENGLEWOOD /AT&T • The Grantee shall maintain all Access Channels, Interconnects and return lines at the same or better level of technical quality and reliability required by this Franchise and all other applicab le laws, mies and regulation s for other Channe ls, services and Interconnects . The Grantee shall provide routin e mai ntenanre and shall repair and rep lace all transmissio n equi pment as necessary to .:arry a quality sib>na l from the Access facilities pro vi ded und er this Franchise to Subscribers. 9.12 Return Linr.s (A) Within nine (9) months of the Effective Date, Grantee shall complete construction of a return line from Civic Center (loca ted at I 000 Eng lewood Parkway) to the Headend, in order to enabl e the distribution of Access progrJmming to Residential Subscribers on the Access Channe ls. Grantee shall co ntinuo usly mainmin this return line throughout the remaining life of the Franchise , unless th is location is no longer used in the future by the Ci ty 10 originate Access programming. (B) Grantee shall construct and maint ai n n~·..-Fiber Optic ret urn ,:n es to the Headend from production facilities of new or relocated Designated Access Providers delivering Access programmin g to Residential Subscribers as requested in writing by the City. All Base Con,truction Costs shall be paid by the City or the Designated Access Pmvider, in accordance with sub sectio n I 0.5 of this Franchise . • 9.13 Change In Technology • In the even t Grantee makes any change in th e Cable System and relat ed equip ment and fa cilities or in Grantee 's si~al deli very technology, which directly or indirectly affects the signa l quali ty or transmission o f Access services or programming, Grantee shall at its own expe11~e take necessary techni ca l steps or provide necessary technical assistance, including th e acquisition of all necessary equipment a:.d full traini ng of Access personnel , to ensure that the capabilities of Access services are not dimbi shed or adversely affected by such change. Fo r example, this provision shall appl y if th e Cablr: System is converted from an analo g to a digital fonnat , such that the Access Ch anne ls must also be co nverted to digital in order to be received by Subscribers. 9.14 Information about Access Programming to Subscribers Upon request by the City, Grantee shall include infonnation about Access programming in the installation packe t provided to Subscribers . The ~-,,y shall suppl ;• th e mat eria ls, for insertion in the packet, in J fonnat consistent wit h Gran!ee's requirements. SECTION 10. 11"5TITUTIONAL NETWORK I 0.: Private Netwo rk Th e I-Ne t is a private co mmunications network gove rned by thi; Franchise and the Cabl•! Act. The I-Net may be used by the City and an y Qualified I-Ne t User to provide any technically r.nd legally com pat ible, non-commercial service . The City agrees to require all Qualified I-Net Us~-rs lo 30 ENG LEV1QOD/AT&T ,•·. stipulate and agree to thi s limirn 1 1 1 ion . "bTec hndica ll y compa1ibhle" in~ 1 I 1 ud es, b_u1 is 11 no1 limited to, bthle • understanding that the I-Ne! w1 not e use m an y wa y I at w, mt en uona y or unreasona y interfere with !he signa l quality and !h e nonnal operation of Grante e's Subscriber Network. "Legally compatible" includes , bu! is not limited to , !he understanding Iha! !he I-Ne! may no! be used for Telec ommun ications Services unl ess by separate agreement betwee n the Grantee and Qualified I- Net Users , and that the Qualified I-Net Users wilt not resell access 10 the I-Ne!; provided , however, that th e Qualified I-Net Users shall have the right to provide for the internal switching, routing and/or cross connection to Telecommunications carriers of its choice, for its nonn al voice and data communications operations, unless expressly prohibited by State or federal law . In addition , the Grantee and the City shall at all times provide such management of the I-Net as appli ca ble to ensure th e necessary protection of proprietary I-Net signals. 10.2 Qualified I-Net Users The I-Net will be for the use of the City and any Qualified I-Net Users. Qualified I-Net Use~ are any of the following which are passed by the Cable System and located in the Franchise Are.•. (i) the City and its agencies , other governments and their agencies , public libraries , and all St at, -ac credited public sc hools, and (ii) other entiti es that Grantee and the City agree in the future rm ;· ,1sc th e I-Ne t. 10.3 I-Net Use (A) Caorio11ed J lse of tbe I-Net Th e City is hereb y granted the irre vo cable right of • continu~d use of the I-Ne! described in this Franchise, during the tern1 of this Franchise. u: at any poi nt , Grantee ceases io operate or maintain the I-Net, due to abandonment, revocation or for any other re aso n. the City may operate and maintai n th e I-Net and shall have an absolute right to obtain access to and util ize an y Grantee fa ciliti es or equipment required 10 do so. (B) Appropriate uses of the I-Net include , by way of ex ample and not limitati on: ( 1) High-speed tran smi ssion of GIS and other data lo and from City departments and to and from otl1er Qualified I-N e! Users; (2) Tran smitting live and stored instructi onal materials (whether in the fonn of data_ video or othetwise) for dislan cr learning an d sta ff training purpos es to and from Qu alifi ed I-Net Use rs ; (3) Provirling videoconferencing among muni cipal and educational locations an d 10 OL'ier locations for municipal and educational purposes; (4) Linking public libraries and providin g tcnninal s at library locations th at all ow members of the public Iv access libraryda1ab ases and oth er remote databases ; (5) Providing fo r remote originati I of Ac cess programmin g; (6) Facilitating connection s for tel ephone systems , sec urity syst ems and other 3 1 ENG LEWOOD/AT&T • • • critical public entity communications applications, so long as such systems are not providing Telecommuni cations Service s. 10 .4 I-Net Components Within ninety (90) da ys of receiving a requ e5 t f om Gra111ee, the City will del iver to Grantee a document which specifies sites the City desires to be served by an I-Net and the performanc e specifications needed at each site, such as capabilitie5 for bi-directional video , voice, and low-and high-sp eed data communications . The following I-Net components are available and w;ll be selected by the City in cooperation with the Gr111tee in order to ensure th e most efficient and cost- effective I-Net options , The parties intend that the initial construction of the I-Net will be perfonned cr>ncurre 11tly with the Upgrade of Grantee's Sub scriber Network to the greatest extent possible. (A) lorrcmcnt:Jl Backbone An "Incremental I-Net Backbone'' means those Fiber Optics which are inteb'Tilted into the Fiber Optic portion of the Grantee's Subscriber Network, from the Headend to each Node in the City, as constructed dunng the Upgrade outlined in subsection 12.1 of this Franchise , and will be owned and maintained by the Grantee. The number of Fiber Optic lines constructed from th~ Headend to each individual Hub , and from each Hub to each individual Node, shall be depend ent upon the I-Net locations and uses determined by the City. Based on the I-Net specification s determined by the City in cooperation with the Grantee, the Fiber Optics constructed may be dedicated for I-Net uses , or the I-Net signals may be multiplexed over shared Subscriber Network and I-Net Fiber Optics and related electronics in order that the shared Fiber Optics and related electronics may be used by the Grantee for other purposes in addition to the I-Net. Should the City require any separate backbone electronics to be installed by the Grantee at the Hub or Node locations of the Grantee 's Subscriber Network, the Grantee shall own and maintain such electronics , and Grantee shall install sam e during the construction of the incremental Fiber Optic construction period . Alternativel y, if the City wants to own these separate backbone electronics, th e City and the Grantee shall enter into a separate agreement for the Grantee to maintain such components. If the City wants such equipment rerumed to it at any time, it shall given written notice to the Grantee , and Grantee shall return such equipment to the City . (B) Separate Backbone A "Separ~te I-Net Backbone" means those Fiber Optics and related electronics which are in separate sheaths and not integrated int o the Fiber Optic portion of the Grantee 's Subscrib er Network. Although the separate Fiber Optics and related electronic component s will be constructed during the Upgrade outlined in subsection 12.1 of thi s Franchise to the greatest ex tent possible, an y se parate I-Net bac kbone will be owned, operated and maintained by the City. unless a separate business arrangement is made with Grantee . (C) Naduo.1.NeLSi.t.e . Distribution from the Nodes to designated Qualified I-Net User sites will be as directed by the City. The Qualified I-Net User will provide the route and the access from the property line of the I-Net site into the fac ility. Efforts will be made by Grantee and the City to ensure that the I-Net distribution system and drops share common path s with the Grantee's Subscriber ~etwork where it is possible to do so , in order to minim ize costs to the Qualified I-Net Users . This portion of th ~ I-Net will be owned and maintained by the Grant ee. unle ss otherwise specified by the City . 32 ENGLEWOOD/AT&T (D) 1-Ner Site to I-Net Site In some lo cations , Grantee may be directed by the City to constmct Fiber Optics between two I-N et sites. These I-Net components will be owned , operated and maintained by the City, unless otherwis e requested by the City. (E) lnteccoonection ta Existing City l11frastn1ct:ure . At some locations , Grantee may be directed to Interconnect the I-Net to the City 's existing Fiber Optic infrastructure . The I-Net components constructed by the Grantee may be owned, operated and maintained by either the City or the Grantee , as specified by the City. (F) Interconnection Between I-Net and the Subscriber Network . Grantee will provide an Interconnection between the I-Net and the Sub sc riber Network at the Headend . (G) Network Fqniprnw. Working in cooperation, the City and the Grantee shall determine the network equipment th at is necessary for the operation of the I-Net from the Headend lo the Demarcation Point at each I-Net sire (exc luding end user electronics), and Grantee shall install this equipment at appropriate points on the I-Net. Gran • shall not install or be responsible for any I-Net end user equipment past the Demarcation Point •less through a separate agreement with the City ; provided , however, that Grantee shall provi .;hnica l ex peni s as necessary to ensure that the end use r equipment is compatible wi th the 1- 10.S Determination of I-Net Costs The City or Qualified I-Net Use r shall pay the following in return for Grantee 's construction of the I-Net. (A) Base Coostmction Cost The uBase Construction Cost" is the direct incremental costs of labor and materials that Grantee incurs in the construction , installation, and initial testing of the I-Net Fil-:r Optics, hardware and equipment , as spe cified below . Costs of necessary materials , equ ipment and hardware to construct the I-Net from the Node to each Demarc ation Point , or from Demarcation Point to Demarcation Point, and any Separate I-Net Backbone constructed . Grantee will use the same procurement process for obtaining Separate I-Net Fiber Optic s and related electronic components as it uses to acquire similar materials for its Sub scri ber Network , to provide the materials to the City and Qualified I-Net Users in the most cost-effecti ve manner; and (2) The allocat ed ponion of an y additional Fiber Optics and electronics installed on an Incremental I-Net Backbone ; and (3) Payments made by Grantee to contractors spec ifically for I-Net construction; and • • (4) Wages and salaries of Gran tee's emplo yees performing construction of the I-• Net, for such pan of their ti me as is employed specifically on the I-Net; and 33 ENGLEW OOD/AT&T • • • (5) Other costs incurred on the relevant ponion of the I-Net in the performance of th e work if and to the exte~• approv ed in advance in writin g by th e Ci ty . TI1e City shall not be charged fo r any indirect cost s, excep t that ten percent (10%) will added to th e tota l of the costs specified in subsec tions 10.5 (A) (1)-(5) to cover th e compensatio n of Grantee's employees and co ntractors who are inv olved in th e design of tl1e I-Ne t an d oth er I-Net work whose time cannot be directl y measured agai nst th e project , as we ll as to cove r those mi sce llaneou s expenses items which are not directly quantifiable Th is te n pe rcent (10%) figure shall be part of the "B ase Co nstruction Cost." (B) Ne nvmk Expen ses . For ponio ns of th e I-Net whic h are constructed inrrementally, and th erefore are owned and maintained by the Grantee, '"I-Net Ne twork Expe:ises" shall be ass um ed to be $500 per mile per year . For purposes of th is subsectio n I 0.5, I-N et Network Expe nses include th ose expenses incu rred by Grantee in maintaining the con tinu ity of the I-Net connecti vity ove· the incremental Fii,er Opti c backbone fro m the Headend, through the Hubs and Nodes to the D< marcati on ?oints. I-N et Netwo rk Expenses inclu de the in cremen tal repair to damaged l-Ne t Fi ber Optics , the cleaning of th e increme nt al I-Net Fiber Optic connec tors , testing of the inc remental Fib er Optics se parate ly from the Subscribe r Network l'!ber Op tics, and th e replac ement of, at th e Grantee 's sole cost , any fa ult y or damaged co mmon backbone electro ni cs whi ch are required to maintain th e co ntinui ty ofl-Ne t co nnec tivity to the Demarcatio n Points . In the event either party beli eves that th ese I-Net Ne two rk Ex pen ses are substantially at varian ce with ac tu al expe nses, either party may initiate the amendment procedures descri bed in sub sectio n 4.9 of thi s Franchise. (C) Total Casis For pu rpose s of thi s Section, "Total Costs" means those described in thi s subsec tio n I 0.5 (C). In add iti on to Base Constructio n Costs , Grantee shall be entitl ed to eight percent (8 %) an nu al interest on th e Base Cons tru ctio n Co st (as identified in su bsection 10.5 (A) above), calc ul ated from th e Acti vation Date (as defined in subsection I 0.6 (D) below) of eac h I-Net site or I-et co mp one nt througl• the end of the Franchise Term . Gran tee shall also be entit led ton fiftee n percent (15%) return on investm ent for eti ch I-Net co mponent constru cted that it will own and mai nt ai n (w here the investment is th e Base Constructio n Cos t plus I-Net Ne twork Ex penses, as defined above ) In the alt ernative, Gran tee shall be enti tl ed to a twenty percent (2 0%) return on inves tm en t for e3c h I-Ne t compo nent constru cted that wi ll be owned , operated and maintained by the City (w here the investment is only th e Base Cons tru cti on Cost). The City or any Qualifi ed I-Ne t User has the opt io n to prepay any portion nf the Tota l Cost in order to reduce the interest pa,m ents. 10.6 Initial I-Net Construction (A) Grantee shall , in co nsult ation with the Ci ty, inco rporate th e I-Ne t requirements provid ed by the City pursuant to su bsection 10.4 into it s Upgrade design . As each phase of the desi&'ll is co mp leted. Grantee shall provide the City with pre liminary Total Cos t estim ates pursu ant to sub sectio n 10.5. and maps showing the proposed design and ro utin g, fo r eac h City identified l- et sit e or I-Net compone nt . For purpo ses of this estimate , Grant ee will ca lcu late interest based on month ly payments . The City shall have th irty (30) days from rec ei ving th e prelim in ary Total Cos t 34 ENGLEWOOD/AT&T ,•', estimates and maps to give final approval thereof to Grantee (exc luding permits and approvals • required under applicable codes and ordinances), or th e Ci ty may require Grantee to make such changes as may be required to ensure ~ial the design is consistent with the Ci ty's requirements. If the City does not act within the thirty (30) day period , Grantee may pro ceed with the Upgrade of the Subscriber Network for that phase and shall not construct the I-Net design submitted. The City may later direct the Grantee to co nstruct that portion of th e I-Net in acco rdance with subsection I 0 . 7. If the City orders changes to the design . the Ci ty sha ll have ten ( I 0) da ys from receiving th e modified Total Cos t es timates and design to approve the same . lf the City does not act within the ten ( I 0) day period , Grant ee may proc eed wi th the Upgrade of th e Subscriber Network for that phase and shall not construct the I-Net design submitted. The City may later direct the Grantee to constru ct that portion of the I-Net in acco rdance with subsection I 0. 7. The City shall act at all times man expeditious manner so as not to dela y th e Upgrade to the Subscri ber Network. (BJ The City may direct Grant ee to construct or not co nstruct any specific. portions or segments of the I-N et , or change its eq uipm ent requirements, up to the point where Grantee begins construction of th e Node area where such I-Net portion is located , and the parties agree that these chan ges wi ll not delay the completion of the project or prevent Gran tee from comp leting r'1 e )-Net initial constructio n as part of Grantee's Upgrade of its Sub sc riber Network. If the City wishes to add or delet e sites or change its equrpment requirements after construction has commenced , Grantee will make the cl r nges and co mpl ete th em as part of the construction of the Subscriber Network if th e City agrees to (i) pay an y additional co sts caused by the change order, in addit ion to increment al costs; and (ii) provid e appropriate extensions of tim e under subsection I 0 .6 (D) below in order to permit Grantee to make the change in ai. ord erl y fashion. After rec riving a request for a • change order, Grantee promptl y will provide the City es timate of the Total Costs includin g th e requested changes, and any time extensions th at ,,ould be re quired if the cha,ge were made. lfthe City then directs Grantee to proceed with the change, Gran tee will make the chan ge . (C) If Grante e proce eds with th ~ ordering of materials and Upgrade of its Subscriber Network in a particular phase witho ut acco mmodating the City's I-Net requirements , then , to the extent that th e City is n0t at fault , Grantee shall subsequentl y, upon a sc hedule determined by the City in consultation with Grantee , des ign and co nstruc t such improvements as are necessary to accommoda te th e Ci ty's I-N et requirement s at a cost to the City no greate r than what wou ld have be en the incremental cost of acco mmodating tho se requirement s as a part of the Subs criber Network Upgrade . Under no circumstances will the City be co nsid ered at fault if it meets the deadl in es estab li shed in this subsection . (D) Ac.l.i.l!.JJ.ia . The initial constru cti on of the I-Ne t shall be substantially completed concurrent wi th Grant ee's co mpl etion of the Sub sc rib er Ne twork Upgrade. More parti cularly, as construction of th e Upgraded Subsc riber Network is compl eted in a geographic area served by a Node, I-N et wo rk within that geographic area will also be compl eted and the I-Net Activated within six (6) months thereafter. For purposes of this subsection , I-Net Acti vation shall mean that all the neces sm, eq uipment to Activate the I-Ne t si te or component has been installed and tested in acco rdan ce with sub sec tion I 0.6 (E) below by Grantee , exc ludin µ the installat io n and Activation of any end use r equipment requi red to utilize the I-Net. (E) Initial I-Ne t Fiber Optic Irstiog l Craification All I-N et Fib er Optics installed 35 ENGLEWOOOIAT&T • • • either on an incremental build or se parate build wi ll have OTDR testi ng performed, aud OTDR printouts will be included in the final documentation package to certify that an [. :-let location is deemed Activated. Spec ifically, the I-Net Fiber Optics will be te sted for end -to-end attenuation at both 13 10nm and 1550nm, using an optical power source and optical power meter. Tests will be performed after the connectors have been installed and will be from the jumper side of the termina,io n panel bulkhead connector, at the Fiber Optic ori ginatio n point and through and to the jumper side of the bulkhead connec tors at each I-Ne t location's Demarcation Point Fiber Optic termination panel. Maximum loss will not exceed manufacturers' passive cab le system attenuation, adjusted for cab le length, splice loss and connector loss. Minimum optical receiv e power will not fall below what is necessary for any particular I-Net service based on the manufacturers' minimum input specifications for the end user eq uipment. The max imum connector pair loss is assumed to be .5dB . (F) Nothing in this Franchise shall be read to preve nt the parti es from agreeing to difforent proce dures for I-Net construction as long as those procedures permit the I-Net to be constructed efficie ntl y and cost-effectivel y. Consis\ent with this go al , it is the intent of the parti es to cooperate to minimize any delay in the Subscriber Netwo rk Upgrade while providing sufficient time to permit tl1e City to review and approve design plans and cos t es timates . 10.7 Future I-Net Construction or Upgrades Grantee and the City shall cooperate in investigating and considering optl-.'ns for upgrades IP the I-Net. The City may direct Grantee to upgrade the I-Net or co,;struct additionol I-Net plant at any time , or to add , remove or replace I-Ne t equipment at any time throughout the initial term of this Franchise and any extension thereof. After receiving a request for additic-·.,al I-Net work, Grantee promptly will provide the City an estimate of the Total Costs associated with the additional work . If the City then directs Grantee to perform the work . Grantee will perform it. After the completion of the initi al I-Net construction , any such work shall be performed and completed within six (6) months after the City directs tliat the work be performed , unl ess the parlies agree to a different completion date . 10.8 Warranties/Acceptance The acce ptance of any component of the I-Ne t. or reimbursement therefo re, shall not waive any defect in the work or con stitute acceptance of work or equipment not in compliance with the applicable design and specifi cation requirements. G ntee sha ll provide in its contracts for warranties of the wo rk and equipment satisfactory to the City and will provide for the enforcem~nt of such warra.1ties and for the correction of work or equipment not provided in accordance 1v1th applicable desi!,'11 and specification requirem ent s or which is otherwis e defective. 10.9 Paym ent (A) Eomulf.lmmiJ:c. Follow :ng the Activation of each I-Net sit e or com p nent of the 1- Net , Grantee shall prepare and submit (i) a payment schedule for the Total Costs. including detail on the Base Construction Costs, I-Net Netwo rk Expenses and financing charges pursuant to subsection 10.5 and as may be rea.;onably required by the City; and (ii) a certificate th at the work, 36 ENGL' WOOD /AT&T materials and eq uipm ent for whi ch pa yment is requested has been incorporated in the I-Net and Activated in accordance with sub sec tion I 0.6 (D). City shall have the option of paying on either a monthly or on annua l bnsis . (B) l?.a)anew . Payment for each compone nt of the I-Net shall be made by the City or by Qualified I-Ne; U,~rs . ::~ dctcnnincd by the it y, unle ss prepaid in acco rdance with subsection 10.5. At it s discretion , the City may use th e npital Co ntribution s spec ifi ed in subsections 9.1 and 9.2 for payment of the 1-et cos ts. 10.10 I-Net Service and Performance Standards Grantee sha ll on ly be responsible for nceting the se service and perfonnmce standards on the portion of th e I-Net whi ch it ow ns and maintain s. (A) Signal Qual uy The following standard s presume that the I-N et wiH be constructed solely of Fiber Optics le> the Demarcation Point at each Qua lified I-Net User sit e, and that the I-Net wi ll operate in an analog fotmat up to 550 MH z, and in a digital format from 550-750 MHz. If the I-Net incorporates any coaxial cable or the bandwidth is used in a different mann er than described above, the partie .; will negotiate in good faith to modify these ,tandards as appropri ate to the circum stances. Yhe I-Net shall achieve performance stand ards li sted below under worst-case cond iti ons for c,mmunicatioils occurring betwe en one Demarcation Point and any other Demarcation Poin1. (I) No ise . The I-Net wi ll not add more than 4d8 carrier-to-noise to transmissions, as measured from one Demarcation Point to another . Signal-to-noise or other interference measureme nts will be subs titut ed fo r thi s standard where appropriate. (2) Data Comm unic ations -For any data co m11m11ica1i ons link on th e I-Net , the bit error ra tio (BER) shall be equal to or belier than I x IO to th e minus 9. (J) Availability -For each Qua lifi ed 1-, et Us er on the I-Net , I-Net avai lab ili ty sha ll be equa l to or belier than 99.965 % (no nll'rc than 184 mi nutes of I-Net downtime per Qua lifi ed I-Ne t User) as meas ured on an an nu al b;\Sis . (4) The I-Net shall be defined as "unav,;':•,11> c" or as an "I-Net Outage" under the standards in this subsection for any given Quali fi ed I-Ne t User when such Qualified I- Ne t Lisc r: (a) Cannot , because of an I-Net Problem , measured by SNMP software or other apprup riate software and associated hardware , or through a failure ~f a Grantee-provided Interconnect , transmit video , voice and/or data communications to, from , and/or on the I-N et; • (b) Experiences, due to an 1-.~et Problem, video , voice, and data • transmissions that arc below the standards sc i fort h in this sub sec tion ; or 31 ENGL EWOOD /AT&T • • (c) Exi,eriences, due to an I-Ne t Problem, a data communications packet loss of greater than ten percent ( I 0%). (5) F01 pur1,oses of this subsection, 311 I-Net Problem is defined as those that result from the failure of ooy Grantee-provided I-Net component . (6) For purposes of this subsection , I-Net Problems shall not include: (a) Infrequent scheduled preventative maintenanc e as long as Qualified I-Net Users are notified in advance ; or (b) Those caused by force majeure , as set forth in subsecti on 4.12 of this Franchise . (B) Senrice Response (I) Maintenance -Grantee shall be r~sponsible for the ongoing maintenance and performance of the I-Net from the Demarcation Point within a facility through the I-Net, including the Headend. R<'uline and preventative maintenance shall be performed on the I- Net to ensure th at it meets all performance criteria detailed herein. Qualified I-Net Users shall have at least ten (10) business days advance notice of routine and preventative maint~nance activities th at may affect operation of their I-Net circuits . (2) Demand Maintenanc e/Service and Repair -Respcnse to I-Net Problems shall occur at all hours (24 X 365). Appropriate Grantee technical support shall respond and actively begin working on I-Net Problems within one (!) hour of either : (a) Grantee identi fyi ng such I-Net Problem , or (b) Grantee receiving a ca ll fru .n a Qualified I-Net User reporting an I- Net Problem . Grantee shall work continuously um;I the problem is resolved . If it is determined th at the I-Net Problem is caused by the Qu aliGcd I-Net User's equipm ent or software, then the Qu alified I-Net User shall correct the p"Obiem such that other Qualified !-Net Users are no longer affected. If the Qualified I-Net 'User does not correct \be problem , then Grantee may di sconnect the affected site from the I-Net until such time as the eqt•ipment or software is repaired . (3) Staff Support -Grantee shall provide an appropriate complem ent of administrative , Headend and field personnel at a'' tim e-a to meet the performance cnteria detailed herein . (4) Servi~e Call Processing and Tracking -Grantee will establish .:,echanisms and pro ced ures for all Qualified I-Net Users to quickl y and easily report I-Net Problems . 38 ENGLEWOOD/AT&T All trouble or service ca ll s will be documented, proce ssed and comp leted in an expedie nt • manner. The Grantee wi ll provide in-house and/or contrac tor staff; spare and backup Headend and dis tri butio n equ ipm ent; test and maintenance eq uipm ent ; and additio nal sup pon as nl!cessary to ensure that th e I-Ne t perfonn s reliab ly in accordance wi th all standards detailed herein . (C) Pe cfo anao ce Tes ting Proof of per fo rrn<11ce testing wi ll be cond ucted on the I-Net two tim es per year, no less frequently than every six months . A minimum of one (I) lest point loca ti on per twenty (20) I-Net si tes will be esta bli shed for th e. I-Net whic h arc representati l'e of worst-case performance of the I-Net. A represe ntative sampling of Acti vated Upstream and Downstream bandwidth shall be tested at each tes t point location . Testi ng shall be performed to ensure compliance with th e I-Net performance specifications included in subsection I 0.1 0 (A)(!) and (2). Tests sha ll be perfoi"'!led usin g stan dard test method ologies as inc,o rporated in th e most recent versio n of the NCTA ' Recomme nd ed Practices for Me as uremen: on a Cab le Tele visio n System , or another test methodology as mutuall y agreed to by th e City and Gran tee . All tests will be doc um ent ed and, upon request, filed with th e City. At the City's req uest, all tes ting processes will be conduc ted under the observation of a rep resent ative from the City. SECTION 11. GENERAL RIGHT-OF-WAY USE AND CONSTRUCTION I I. I ,,11 to Co nstruct Subject lo applicab le laws, reg ul at ion s, mi es, reso lu tions and ord inanc e.s of the City and the • provisions of this Franchise, Grantee may perform all constmction in th e Right s-of-Way fo r any facili ty needed for th e maintena.,ce , Upgrade or exte nsion of Gran tee's Cable System. I 1.2 Righi-of-Wa y Meetings Grantee will reg ul arl y atte nd and panicipate in meetings of th e City, of whi ch the Grant ee is made aware, re gard ing Right-of-Way iss ues th at ma y impact th e Cab le System . I 1.3 Joint Trenching/Boring Meetings Grant ee wi ll regu larly attend and panicipate in planning meet in gs of the City, of which the Grant ee is made aware. to an1icipate joint trenching and bori ng. Whenever it is possible and reasonabl y practicable to joint trench or snai e llores or cuts, Grantee shall wo rk with other providers , li censees , pem1i1ees . and franchisees so as to reduce so far as possible the number of Right-of-Way cu ts wi th in th e City. 11 A Gener al Standard All work authorized and required he reunde r shall be done in a safe, thorough and workman lik e manner. All installations of eq uipm en t sha ll be permai1ent in nature, durable and insta ll ed in ac cordance wi th good engi neeri ng practices . • I J.S Permits Required for Construction 39 ENGLEWOOD /AT&T • Prior to doing any work in the Right-of Way or other public property, Grantee shall appl y for , and obtain. appropriate pennits fr om the City. As pan of the pennitting process , the City may impose such conditions and re!,'Ulations as are nec essary for the purpose of protecting any structures ir. such Rights-of-Way, proper restoration of such Righ ts-o f-Wa y and structures , the protection of the public, and the continuity of pedestrian or vehicular traffic . Such conditions may also includ e the provi sion of a construction schedule and map s showing the location of the facilities to be installed in the Right-of-Way. Grantee shall pay all applicable fees for the requisite City permits received by Grantee . 11.6 Emergency Permits In the event that emergency repairs are necessary, Grantee shall immediately notify the City of the need for such repairs . Grantee ,nay initiate such emergency repairs, and shall apply for appropriate pennits witllin fony-eight ( 48) hours after discovery of the emergency. I I. 7 Compliance with Applicable Codes (A) City Coasrrncrioa Codes . Grantee shall co mply with all applicable City construction codes, including, without limitation. the Unifonn Building Code and other building codes , the Unifonn Fire Code , the Unifonn Mechanical Code, the Electronic Industries Association Standard for Physical Location and Protection of Below-Ground Fiber Optic Cable Plant, and zo ning codes and regulations . (B) Tower Speci6catioas . Antenna supponing stru crures (towers) shall be designed for the proper loading as specified by the Electronics Industries Association (EIA), as those specifications may be amended from time to tim e. Antenna supponing structures (towers) shall be painted , li ghted , erected and maintained in accordance witl1 all applicable rules and regulations of the Federal Aviation Administration and all other applicable federal, State, and local codes or regulations . (C) Safel:).....Cad. Grantee shall comply with all federal, State and City safety requirements rules , regulations, laws and practices , and employ all necessary devices as required by applicable l•w during construction , operation and repair of its Cable System. By way of illustration and not limitation , Grantee shall comply with th e Nation al Electric Code , National Electri ca l Safety Code and Occupational Safety and Health Adminisn·ation (OSHA) Standards . 11.6 GIS Mapping Grantee shall comply wi th any generall y applicable ordinances, rules and regulations of the City regarding geogra phic infonnation mapping systems for users of the Rights -of-Way. • I 1.9 Minimal Interference 40 ENG LEWOOD /AT&T Work in 1he Righi-of-Way, on olher public property, near public property, or on or near privale property shall be done in a manner .hal ca uses th e leas t interference with the righ ts and reasonable convenience of property own~rs and residents. Grantee's Cable System shall be constructed and maintained in suc h manner as nol 10 interfere with sewers, water pipes , or any other property of the City, or with any other pipes , wires, conduits, ped es tals , structures, or other facilities th at may have been laid in the Rights-of-Way by, or under, the City's authority. The Grantee's Cable Sys 1em shall be located, creeled and maintained so as not lo endar,ger or interfere with the lives of Person s, or to interfere with new improvements th e City may ,j eem prop er to make or to unnecess aril y hinde r or obstruct th e free use of the Rights-of-Way or other publi c property, and sha ll not interfere wi th the trav,I and use of public pl aces by th e public during the construction, repair, opera lion or rem tval thereof, a·'.d shall no1 obstru cl or impede lraffic . In the event of such interference, the City may require the rem ova l or reloc ation of Grantee's lin es, cables , equipment and other appurtenances from 1he property in qu es tio n at Grantee 's expense. I 1.10 Prevent Injury/Safety Grantee shall provide and use any equipment and fadlit ;es necessary to control and carry Grantee's sign als so as to prevent injury to th e City's property or property belonging lo any Person . Grantee , at ils own ex pen se, shall repair, renew , change and improve its faci lities to keep them in good rep , ;r. and safe and presentable condition . All excavations made by Grantee in the Rights-of- Way sh3il be properly safeguarded for lh e prevention of accidenls by lh e placement of adequate barriers , fenr.es or boarding, the bounds of which , durin g periods of du sk and darkne ss, shall be clearly desigrmted by warning lights . • I I. 11 Hazardous Substances (A) Grantee shall comply with any and all applicable laws , ~tatutes , regulations and orders concerning hazardous subs1ances relatin g to Grantee's Cable Syste m in the Rights-of-Way. (B) Upon reasonable notice to Grantee, the City may inspect Grantee's facilities in the Rights-of-Way tr. determine if any release of hazardous substanc es has occurred, or may occur, from or related .o Grantee's Cable Sys tem . In removing or mod ifying Grantee's facilities as provided in thi s Franchi se, Grantee shall also remo ve all residue of hazardous substances related thereto . (CJ Grantee agrees to indemni fy the <:ity against an y claims, costs , and expenses, of any kind , whether direct or indirect , incurred by th e City arising ou t of a rel ease of hazardous substances caused by Grantee's Cable System . I 1.12 Locates Prior 10 doing any work in the Right -of-Way, Grantee shall give appropriale notices to the City and to the notification association ostablished in C.R.S. Section 9-1.5 -105 , as such may be amended from time to time. Within forty-eight ( 48) hours after any City burea u or frnnchisee. licensee or permitee • notifies Grantee of a propo sed Right-of-Way excavation, Grantee shall , at Grantee's expense: 41 ENGLEWOOD/AT&T • (A) Mark on the surface all of its locat ed und ergro und facilities within the area of tl1 e proposed excavation ; (B) Noti1 , the exc avator oi an y unl ocate tl und ergco und faciliti es in the area of the propo sed excavation: or (C) Notify the excavator that Grantee does not have any underground facilities in the vicinity of the propo sed ~xcava 1ion . I 1.13 Notice to Private Property Owners Grantee shall give notice to private prop erty owners of work on or adjacent to private property in accordance with Exhibit B: Customer Service Standards , as the same may be amended from time 10 tim e by the Ci ty Council acting by Ordinance. I 1.14 t;ndcrground Construction and Use of Poles (A) When required by general ordinances, resolutions , re gulations or rules of the City or ap plicable State or federal law , Grantee's Cable System shall be placd underground at Grantee's expense unless funding is generally available for suc h relocation tc' all users of the Rights-of-Way. Placing facilities underground does not preclude th e use of ground-r.1ounted appurtenances. (B) 'Nh ere elcclric , telephone, and other ab ove-ground utilities are installed underground at th e time of Cable System construction , or when all such wiring is subsequently placed underground . all Cable Sys tem lines sha ll also be placed underground with other wireline service at no expense to the Ci!y or Subscribers unless funding is generally available for such relocati on to all users of the Rights-of-Way. Related Cahle System equipment, such as pedestals, must be placed in accordance with the City 's app licable co de requirements and rules . h1 areas wh ere either eleclric or telephone utility wiring is aerial , the Grantee may insL1II aerial cable, excep t when a property owner or resident requests und erground insta:Jation and agrees to bear the additional cost in excess of aerial installation. (C) The Grantee shall utili ze existing poles and conduit wherever possible . (D) In the eve nt Grantee cannot obtai .1 the necessary poles and related facilities pursuant to a pol e anachment agree ment , anct only in such event, then it shall be lawful for Grantee to make all needed excavations in the Rights-of-Way for the purpos e of placing, erecting, layi ng, maintaining, repairing, and removing poles , supports for wires and conductors , and any other facility needed for the maintenance or extension of Grantee's able System. All poles of Grantee shall be located as designated by the proper City authorities. (E) This Franchise does not grant, give or convey to th e Gran tee the right or privilege to install its facilities in any manner on specific utility poles or equipment of the City or any other Person . Co pies of agree ments for the use of poles , conduits or other utility facilities musi be pro vided upon request by the City. 41 ENGLEWOOD/t.T&T (F) The Grantee and the City recognize that si tua1ions may occur in the future where the City may desi re to pl ace its own cable or conduit for Fiber Optic ca ble in trenches or bores opened by the Grantee. The Grantee agrees to coo pera te with tl1e City in any construction by the Grantee that involves trenching or boring, provided that the City has first notified th e Grantee in some manner that it is interested in sharing the trenche s or bores in the area where the Grantee's construction is occurring. The Grantee shall allow the City to lay its cable, conduit and Fiber Optic cable in the Grantee's trenches and bores , provided the City shares in the cost of the trenching an d boring on the same terms and conditions as th e Grantee at th at tim e shares the total cost of trenches and bores. The City shall be responsible fo r mai ntainin g its respective cable, conduit and Fiber Optic cable buried in the Grantee's trenches and bores und er thi s paragraph . I I.IS Undergrounding of Multiple Dwelling Unit Drops In cases of single site Multiple Dw ellin g Unit s, Grantee shall minimize the numb ~'!' of individual aerial drop cables by installing multiple drop ca bles underground between the pole and Multiple Dw elling Unit where determined to be technologically feasible in agreement with the owners and/or owner's association of the Multiple Dwellin g Units . I 1.16 Burial Standards (A) lli:p1bs. Unless otherwise required by law , Grantee shall comply with the following burial depth standards . In no event shall Grantee be required to bu ry its cable deeper than electric or gas facilities in the ~ame ponion of the Right-of-Way : Underground cable drops fro m the curb shal , be buri ed at a minimum depth of twelve ( 12) inches , unless a s;,ri nkler sys tem or other co nstru ction concerns preclude it , in which case, underground cable drops shall be buried at a dep th of at le ast six (6) inches . Feed er lines shall be buried at a minimum depth of eighteen ( 18) in ches . Trunk lines shall be buri ed at a minimum depth of thirty-six (3 6) inches . Fib er Optic cable shall be buried at a minimum dep th of thirty-six (36) inches . (B) Ii.mcliness.. Cable drops installed by Grantee to residences shall be buried according to th ese standards within one calendar week of initial installation, or at a time mutually- agreed upon between the Grantee and the Subscriber. When free zing surface conditions prevent Grantee fror., ac hieving such timetable, Grantee shall appri se the Subscriber of the circumsta,,ces and the revised sc hedule for burial , and shall provide tl1e Subscriber with Grantee's telephone number and instructions as to how and when to ca ll Grantee to reouest burial of the line if the revised schedule is not met. 11.17 Elect ,ical Bonding 43 ENGLEWOOD /AT&T • • • Grantee shall ensure that all cab le drops are properly bonded to the electrica l power ground at th e home , consistent wi th app li cable code requirements. All non-con fo rming or non-performing cable drops shall be repl aced by Grantee as necessary. 11.18 Prewiring Any ordinance or resollllion of the City which requires prewiring of subdivisions or other de velopme nt s for electrica l and telephone serv ice shall be construed to inc lud e wiring for Cab le Systems. 11.19 Rep air and Res toration of Property (A) TI1e Grantee shall protect public and pri va te property from damage. If damage occurs , the Grantee sh 111 promptly notify th e property owner within twenty-four (24) hours in writing . (B) Whenever Grantee disturbs or damages any Right -of-Way, other public prope rty or any priv ate property, Grantee sha ll promptl y restore the Right-of-Way or property to at least its prior condition . normal wear and tear excepted . at its own expense . (C) Biglus -a(-W ·iµwd...Dtbec P11bli c Pmperty Grantee shall warrant any restoration work perfom1ed by or for Grantee in ~.e Right-of-Way or on other public property for one (I) year . lfrestoration is not sa tisfactorily performed by the Grantee within a reasonable time , the City may, after pri or noti ce to the Grantee, or without notice where the disturbance or damage may create a risk to public hea lth or safety, cause the repairs to he made and recover the cost of those repairs from the Grantee . Within thirty (30) days of receipt of an itemi zed list of those costs , inclu ding the cos ts of labor. material s and equipment, the Grantee shall pay the City. (D) Private Pmperty Upon completi on of the work which caused any disturbance or daniage. Grantee st all promptly commence restoration of private property, and will use best efforts to comp lete the rei !oration withi n seventy-two (72) hours , considering the nature of the work that must be performed. Grantee sha ll also perform such restoration in accordance with Exhibit B: Customer Service Standards, as the same may be amended from time to time by the City Cou ncil acting by ordinance. I 1.20 i.lse of Con duits by th e City T\•c C[ty may insta ll or affix and maintain wires and equipment owned by the City for City purposes :11 ~r upon any and all of Grantee's ducts. conduits or equipment in the Rights-of-Way anti oth er publi c places, without charge to the City, to the ex tent space therein or thereon is reaso nab ly avai lable. and pursuan t to all applicab le ordi nan ces and codes. For the purposes of this subsection , "City purposes" includes, but is not limited to , the use of the strJctu res and installations for City fire , police, traffic , water, telephone, and/or signal systems . but not for Cab le Service in compe tition with Grantee. Grantee sha ll not deduct th e value of such use of its facilities from its Franchise Fee payments or fro m oth er fees payable to the City. 44 ENGLEWOOD/AT&T 11.21 Common Users (A) For the purpose s of this subsection : (I) "Allachment" means any wire , optical fib er or other ca ble , and any related device , apparatus or auxiliary equipment, for the pcrpose of voice , video or data tran smis sion . (2) "Conduit" or "Conduit Fac ility" means an y structure , or section thereof, containing one or more Ducts , conduits. manholes, handhole or other such facilities in Gmntee's Cable Sys tem . (3) "Duct" means a single encl osed raceway for ca bles , Fib er Optics or other wires. (4) "Licensee " means any Perso n licen sed or otherwise perrrJtted by the City lo use the Rights -o f-Wa y. (5) "Surplus Ducts or Conduits" are Car.du,: Facilities other than those occupied by Grantee or any prior Licensee , or unoccupied Duct !, held by Grantee as emergency use spares. or other unoccupied Ducts that Grantee reaso nabl y expects to use within two (2) years from the date of a reque st for use . (8) Grantee acknowledge s that the Rights-of-Way have a finite capacity for containing Conduits . Therefore , Grantee agrees that whene ver the City determines it is impracticable to permit construction of an underground Conduit system by any other Perso n which may at the time have authority to construct or maintain Conduits or Ducts in the Rights-of-Way, but excluding Persons providing Cable Services in competition with Grantee, the City may require Grantee to afford to such Person the right to use Grantee's Surplus Ducts or Conduits in common with Grantee, pursuant to the terms and condition s of an agreement for use of Surplus Ducts or Conduits entered into by Grantee and the Licensee . Nothing herein shall requ ire Grante e to enter into an agreement with such Person if, in Grantee 's reasonable determination , such an agreement could compromise the integrity of the Cable System . (C) A Licensee occupying part of a Duct shall be deemed to occupy the entire Duct. (D) Grantee shall give a Licensee a minimum of one hundred twenty ( 120) days notice of it s need to occup y a licensed Conduit and shall propose that the Licensee take the first feasible action as follows : (I) Pay revi se d Conduit rent designed to recover the cost of retrofitting the Conduit with multiplexing, Fiber Opti cs or other space-saving technol ogy sufficient to meet Grantee's space needs ; (2) Pay revised Conduit rent based on the cost of new Conduit constructed to meet Grantee's space needs ; 45 ENGLEWOOD /AT&T • • • • (3 ) Vacate th e needed Du cts or Co nduit ; or (4) Co nstruc t and maintain sufficie nt new Co nduit 10 mee t Grantee's space nee ds. (E) Whe n two or more Licensees occ upy a sec tio n of Co nduit Fac ility, th e last Licensee to occ upy the Co nduit Facility shall be th e firs! 10 vacate or construe! new Co nduit. When Conduit renl is revised beca us e of retro fittin g, space-saving lechnology or co nstru cti on of new Co nduit , all Licensees shall bear the inc~eased cost (F) All Attachments shall meet loca l. Stale, :m d federal clearance and other safety req uirements, be adequately gro und ed and anchored, and meet the provisions of contracts executed between Grantee and the Li ce nsee . Grantee may, at its option, correct any attachment defic iencies and charge th e Lic ensee fo r its costs. Each Licensee shall pay Gra111 e~ for any fine s, fees, damages or other cos ts the Li censee's attac hments cause Grantee lo incur. (G) ln order to enforc e the provi sio ns of this subsection with res pec t to Grantee, th e City must demon strate that it has requ ired that all s,.:1ilarly situ ated users of the Ri ghts-of-Way to comply with the pro visi ons of thi s subsection . 11.22 Acquisition of Facilities Upo n Gran tee's ac qui si tion of facilities in any City Ri ght-of-W ay, or up on th e additio n lo the City of any area in which Gran tee owns or operates any facility , Gran tee shall , at the City's requ es t, submit to th e City a statem ent describing all facilitie s involved , whether authorized by franchise , permit, lic ense or oth er prior right , and specifying the locali on of all such facilities to the extent Grantee has po ssess ion of such infomiati on. Such facilities shall immedi ate ly be subject to the terms of thi s Franch ise. 11.23 Discontinuing Use/Abandonment of Coble System Fad.li lies Whenever Gran ee intends to discontinu e usin g any facili ty within th e Rights-of-Way, GrJ11lee shall submit for th e City's approval a co mplete description of th e facility and the d, e on which Grantee intends to discontinue usi ng th e fac ility. Grantee may remove th e facility or re ,,est tliat the City permit it tu ~~rt1ain in place . No twith st andin g Grant ee's req uest th at any such fact ty remai n in pl ace, th e Ci ty may require Grantee to remove the faci lity from the Right-of-Way or mod ify the facility to prot ec t th e public health , welfare , safety, and co nve ni en ce , or otherwise serve the publi c interest. The City may require Grantee to perform a co mbination of mod ification and remov al of the facilit y. Grantee shall complete such removal or modific ation in accordance with a sc hedul e se t by the City . Until such tim e as Grantee removes or modifies th e facility as directed by the City, or until the ri ght s to and responsibility fo r the facility are accept ed by another Person having auth ori ty to construct and maintain such facility , Grantee sh.a ll be responsible for all necessary repai rs and relocations of th e facility, as well as m .. intenanc e c f the Right-of-W ay, in the <a e mar, er and degree as if the faci lit y we re in ac tive use. and Grantee shall retain all liability for ,uch facihty . If Grantee abandon s its facilities , th e City may cho ose :o use such fac iliti es for any 46 E GLEWOOD IAT&T purpose whatsoe ver including, but not limited tu , Acce ss purpo ses. 11.24 Movement or Cable System Facilities For City Purposes The City sh all have the right 10 require Grantee to relocate , remove, replace , modify or disconnect Grantee's faci liti es and equipment located in the Rights-of-Way or on any other property or the City in the event of an emergency or when reasonable public convenience requires such change (for examp le, without limitation , by reason of traffic conditions , public safety, Right-of- Way vacation . Right-of-Way construction, change or estab li shme nt of Right-of-Way grade , installation of sewe rs , drains, gas or water pipes , or an y other types of structures or improvements by the Ci ty for public purposes). Such work shall be performed at the Grantee's expense . Except during an emergenc y, the City shall provide reasonable notice to Grantee , not to be less than five (5) business days , and allow Grantee with the opportunity to perform such action . In the event of any capital improvement project exceeding $500 ,000 in expenditures by the City which requires the removal , replacement , modification or disconnection of Grantee's faci liti es or equipment, the City shall provide at le ast sixty (60) days' written notice to Grantee . Following notice by the City, Grantee shall relocate, remove , replace , modify or disconnect any of its faci liti es or equipment within any Right-or-Way, or on any other property of the City . If the City requires Grantee to relocate its facilities located within the Rights-of-Way, the City shall make a reasonable effort to provide Grantee with an alternate location within the Rights-of-Way. lf fonds are generally made avail able to users of the Rights-of-Way for such relo cation, Grantee shall be entitled to its pro rata share or such fonds . lf the Grantee fails to comp lete thi n work within the time prescribed and to the City's satisfaction , the City may cause suc h wo rk to be done and bill th e cost of the work to the Grantee, including all cost s and expenses incurred by the City due to Grantee 's delay. In such event, the City shall not be liab le for any damage lo any portion of Gran tee's Cable System . Within thirty (30) days of receipt or an itemi zed list of those costs , th e Grantee shall pay the City. 11.25 Movement or Cable System Facilities for Other Franchise Holders If any removal , replacement , modification or disconn ecti on of the Cable System is required to accommodate the construc ti on, operation or repair of the facilitief or equipment of another City franchise holder, Gmn tee shall , after at leazt thirty (30) days' adva.~ce •ritten notice , take action to effect the necessary chan ges requested by the responsible entity. Grantee may require that the costs associated with the removal or relocation be paid by the benefited party. 11.26 Temporary Changes £or Other Permitees At the request or any Person holding a valid pe it and upon reasonable advance notice, Grantee shall temporarily raise , lower or remove its wires as necessary to permit the moving of a building, vehicle, equipmen t or other item . The expense of such temporary changes must be paid by the permit holder, and Grantee may require a reasonable deposit of the estimated payment in advance . • • 11.27 Reservation or City Use or Right-or-Way • 47 ENG LEWOOD/AT&T Nothi11g in this Fr . .nchise shall prevent the City or publ ic utilities owned, maintained or operated by public entit ies other than the Cit y fro m constructing sewers; grading, paving, repairing or altering any Right --0f-Way; layi ng down , repairing or removing water mains; or constructing or establishing any other public work or improvem ent. All such work shall be done, insofar as practicable. so as not to obstruct, injure or prevent the use and operation of Grantee's Cable System . 11.28 Tree Trimming Grantee may prune or cause to be pruned. using prop er prunin g practice s, any tree in the City's Rights-of-Way which interferes with Grantee's Cable System . Grantee shall comply ·1ith any general ordinance or regulations of the City re garding tree trimming . Except in emergencies, Grantee may not prune trees at a point below thirty (30) feet above sidewalk grade until one (I) week written notice has been given to the owner or occ upant of the premises abutting the Right-of- Way in or over which the tree is growing. The owner or occupant of the abutting premises may prune such tree at his or her own ex pense during this one (I) week period . lfthe owner or occupant fai ls to do so , Grantee may prune such tree at its own expense. For purposes of this subsection, emergencies exist when it is necessary to prune to prot ect the pub lic or Grantee's facilities from imminent danger onl y. 11.29 Inspection of Construction and Facilities The City may inspe r.t any vfGrantee's facilities , equipment or construction at any time upon at least twenty-four (24) hours notic e, or, in case of eme rge ncy, upon demand without prior notice . Th e City shall have the right ,o charge ge nerall y applicab le inspection fees therefor. If an unsafe condition is found to exist , the City, in addition to taking any other action pennitted under applicable law , ma y order Grantee, in writing, to make the necessary repairs and alterations specified therein fonhwith to co rrect the un safe condition by a time the Cit y establishes . The City has the right to correct , inspect , administer and repair the unsafe co ndition if Grantee fails to do so, and tc charge Grantee therefor. I 1.30 Stop Work (A) On notice from the City that any work is being perfo nned contrary to the provisions of this Franchise, or in an un safe or dan ge rous manner as det em1ined by the City, or in violation of the terms of any applicable pennit, laws, regulations , ordinances, or standards , the work may immediatel y be stop ped by th e City. (B) The stop work order shall: (I) '3e in writing; (2) Be given to the Person doing the work , or posted on the work site; (3) Be se nt to Grantee by overnight delivery at the address given herein; (4) Indicate the nature of the alleoed violation or un safe condition; and ENGLEWOOD/AT&T (5) Establish conditions und er which wo rk may be resum ed. 11.3 I Work of Contractors and Subcontractors Grantee's co ntractors and subcontractors shall be licen sed and bonded in accordance with the City's ordinances , regulations and requirements . Work by co ntractors and subcontractors is subject to the san1e restrictions . limitation s and co ndition s as if the work were performed by Grantee. Grantee shall be respon sible for all work perfom1ed by its contractors and subcontractors and others perfom1ing work on its hehalf as if the work were performed by it , and shall ensure that all such work is perfonned in compliance with thi s Franchise and other applicable law , and shall be jointl y and severally liable for all damages and correc tin g all damage ca used by them . It is Grantee's responsibility to ensure that co ntract ors. subcontractors or other Person s performing work on Grantee's behalf are familiar with the req uireme n!s of this Franchise and other applicable laws governing the work performed by them . SECTION 12 . CABLE SYSTEM CONFIGURATION, TECHNICAL STANDARDS AND TESTINC. 12.1 Subscriber Network (A) Grantee sha ll Activate the Cab le System bandwidth to at least 750 MHz and provide • Activated Two-Way capability throughout the Franchise Area, within five (5) years from the • EfTectiv Date of this Franchise . If the Cable System is Upgraded pursuant to this subsection within three (3) years of the Effecti ve Date , the term of this Franchise shall be extende by fiv e ( ) years. If the Cab le System is Upgraded pursuant to this subsection within four (4) years of the EfTecrive Date, the term of this Franchise shall be ex tended by two (2) years. The Grantee intends to deploy Fiber Optics to Nodes which serve no more than fifteen hundred (1500) S11bsc ribers per Node , with amplifier cascades no longer than eight (8) amplifiers , as part of the Upgrade. Grantee may substitute another transmission material and/or modify its Upgrade design provided that the same technical henefits in reliability and picture quality are attained. The Cable System shall be ca pable of supponin 5 '"eo, audio , data transmission a'.1 d Cable Internet Service. Upon completion of the Upgrade, the Cable System shall deli ve r no less than 0ne hundred ten (110) Channels of analog and/o r digital vide o programming services to Subscribers, provided that the Gra:llee reserves the right to use the bandwidth in the future f-r other uses ba:;ed on market factors . At such tim e as the Grantee h3!> completed th e Upgrad e required above, Grantee shall send written notice to the City. The City shall have one (I) year from receipt of such notice to review the sweep analysi s records kept by the Grante e which verify the completion of the Cable System bandw idth expansion, and to complete such techni ca l inspections as may be re i.so nably necessary to verify that the other components of the Upgrade are co mplete . The Manager may require the Grantee to provide additional facts and informadon, in hi s/her reasonably exercised discretion, necessary 10 verify the completion of th e Upgrade . Upon its completion of this review and inspection, the Ci ty shall no tify the Grantee in writing of the Ci ty 's position concer.ung, the complotion of1he Upgrade . (B) Equipment must be installed so that all clos ed captioning programming :eceived by • the Cab le System shall include the closed caption signa l so lon g as the closed ca ption signal is ENGL EWOOD/AT&T • • • provid ed consistent with FCC star .,ards. Equipment mu st be installecl so that all local signals received in stereo or with secor.cl ,.ry audio ~;ic ks (broadcast and Access)~,.• retransmitted in those same fonnats. In the case of AM/FM radio transmi ss ion , the above specifications, where applicable, shall appl y. (C) All Upgrade construction sha ll be su bject to the City's pennitting process. (D) Grantee and City shall meet , at th e City's request , to discuss th e pro gress of th e Upgrade design plan and construction . (E) Grantee will take prompt corrective action if it finds that any facilities or equipment on the Ca ble System arc not op erating as expected , or if it finds that facilities and eq uipment do not comply with the requirements of this Franchise or applicable law . (F) Grantee's construction decision s shall be based so lely upon legitimate engineering decision s and sha ll not take into consideration the income level of any particular community within the Fr.mchisc Area . 12.2 State of the Art Grantee shall , every three (3) years foll owing the Effective Date of this Franchise , provide detail ed infom1ation to the City about Cable Seivices offered in "similarly situated" Cable Systems as the Cable System in the City. For purposes of this subsection, "similarly situated" Cable Systems shall mea n the sixteen ( 16) largest Cable Systems , based upon the number of Subscribers within a single franchising area. owned and operated by Grantee or its Affiliates in the United States. If such Cable Services are not also being offered on Grantee's Cable System in the City, Grantee shall provide infonnation on why such Cable Seivice s are not being offered in the City and the cost to supply such Cable Seivices. If the identified Cable Seivices are being offered to Subscribers by Grantee or its Affiliate . in eight (8) or more of the si mil arly -s ituated Cable Systems , the City may require that Grantee make ava ilable such Cable Seivices on the Cable System in the City. Should the City detennine that Grantee shall commence provision of such Cable Seivices , the City and Grantee shall negotiate a schedule for deployment that takes into consideration the impact on Subscriber rates, the ability of Grantee to recover the cost of such increased capacity or Cable Seivices over the remaining life of the Franchise from the incremental revenue derived from such additional Cable Services and the financial condition of Grantee . In addition , the Ciry shall not be re.trictcd from holding any hearing at any time to review whether or not the Cable System and the Cable Seivices offered by the Grantee are meeting demonstrated community needs. The parties recogni ze that , as of the Effective Date , the City is not pennitted to require the provision of specific video programming pursuant to thi s subsection . 12.3 Standby Power Grantee shall provide standby power generating capacity at the Cable System Headend capable of providing at least twelve ( 12) hours of emergency operation. Upon completion of the Upgrade, Grantee shall maintain standby power system supplies. rated for at least two (2) hours duration , throu ghout the trunk and distribution networks , and rated for at leas t four (4) hours 50 ENG LEWOOD/AT&T duration at all Nodes and at all Hubs . In addition, throughout the term of thi s Franchise, Grantee • sha ll have a plan i,, place, alon g with all resources necess,.ry for implementing ;;uch plan, for dea lin g with ou .ages of more than two (2) ho urs . This outa ge plan and evidence of requisite impl ementati on resources shall be presen ted to th e City no lat er than thirty (JO) days following rece ipt of a request. 12.4 Emergen.:y Alen Capability (A) Grantee shall provide an opera.ting Emergency Alert System ("EAS") throughout th e term of this Fran chi se in compliance with FCC standards . TI1e City may use the EAS , under proc edures established between th e Ci ty and the Grant ee whic h are consistent with Grantee's State and federal EAS req uirement s, to transmit an emergenc y alert signa l, including the ability to override the audio and video on all Channels throughout th e City from the City 's Emergency Operations Center or other location as may be designat r;d by the Ci!y. Grantee shall test the EAS as req uired by the FCC . Upon req ues t, the City shall be permined to part icipate in and/or witness the EAS tes ting up to twice a year on a schedule fonned in cons ultation with Grantee. If the test ind icates that the EAS is not perfo rming prop erl y, Grantee shall make any necessary adjustment to th e EAS, and th e EA S shall be retes ted. (BJ The Ci ty shall permit only app rop riatel y trained and authori zed Persons to op erate th e EAS equipm ent provi ded pur.,uant to this sub section 12.5 Technical Performance TI1e technical performance of the Cable Sys tem shall meet or exceed all applicable federal (including, but not li'llited to , the FCC), State and local technical standards, as they may be an1ended from time to time, regardless of the transmission technology utili zed . TI,e City shall have the full authority permined by applicable law to enforce compliance with these technical standards . 12.6 Cable System Performance Testing (AJ Grant ee shall , at Grantee's expense , perform lhe following tests on its Cau le System : (I ) All tes ts required by the FCC; (2) All other tests reasonabl y necessary to de term ine compliance with techni ca l standards adopted by the FCC at an y time during the term of this Franchise ; and (JJ All other tests as 01herwl se specified in th is Franchise . (BJ At a min imum. Grantee's tests shall incl ude : ( I J Cumul ative leakage index tes ting of any new co nstruction ; • (2) Semi-annual compliance an d proof of performance tests in conformance • wi th genera ll y accepted industry guidelines; 51 ENGLE WOOD /AT&T • • • (3) Tests in response to Sub scriber complaint s; (4) Periodic monitoring tests , at intervals not to exceed six (6) months , of Subscriber (field) test points , the Headend . and th e condition of standby power suppl ie s; and (5) Cumulative leakage index tests , at least annu~ll y, design ed to ensure that one hundred perce nt (100%) of Gran tee's Cab le Sys tem has been ground or air tested for sign al leaka ge in accordance with FCC standards . (C) Grantee shall maintain written records of all results of its Cab le System tests , :,erfom1ed by or for Grantee . Copies of suc h test results wi ll be provided to the City upon reque st.. (D) If the FCC no longer requires proof of perfomiance tests for Grantee's Cable System during the term of this Franchise , Grantee agrees that it sha ll continue to conduct proof of performance tests on the Cab le System in accordance with th e standards that were in place on the Effective Date, or any genera ll y ap plicable standards later adopted, at least once a year, and provide wriuen res, Its of such tests to the City upon reque st. (E) The FCC semi -annual testing is conducted in January/February and July/August of each year. lf the City co nt acts Grantee prior to the next test period (i.e .. before December 15 and June 15 respectively of eac h year), Grantee shall provide City with no less than seven (7) days prior wriuen notice of the actual date(s) for FCC compliance tes ting . If City notifies Grantee by the December I 5th and June 15th dates that it wishes to have a representative present during the next test\s), Grantee shall cooperate in scheduling its testing so that the representa ti ve can be present. No twithstandin g the above, all t<:chnical performance tests ma y be witnessed by representatives of the City . (F) Grantee shall be required to promptly take such corrective measures as are necessary to co rrect any performance defici encies fully and to prevent their recurrence as far as possible. Grantee's fail ure to correct deficiencies identified through this testing process shall be a material violation of this Franchise. Sites shall be re-tested following correc tion . 12.7 Additiona l Tests Where there exists other evidence which in the judgment of the City casts doubt upon the reli ab ility or technical quality of Cable Service , the City shall have the right and authority to require Grantee to test, analyze and report on the performance of the Cab le System . Grantee shall fully cooperate with the City in performing such testing and sha ll prepare the results and a report, if requested, within thirty (30) days after testing. Such report sha ll inclu de the following information: (A) the nature of the complaint or problem which preci pitated the sµecia l tests; the Cab le System component te sted ; 52 ENGLEWOOD/AT&T (C) the equipm ent used and procedures emplo yed in tes ting ; (D) the method , if any, in which such complaint or problem was resol ved; and (E) any other information pertinent to said tests and analysis which may be required. SECTION 13. SERVICE AVAILAB[LITY, INTERCONNECTION AND SERVICE TO SCHOOLS AND PUBLIC BUILDrNGS 13.1 Universal Service Grantee shall not arbitrarily refuse to provide Cable Service to any Person within its F1anchise Area . Subject to subsection 13 .2, all Dwelling Unit s, Multiple Dwelling Units and commercial establishments in the Franchise Area shall have tlte same availability of Cable Services from Grant ee's Cable System under non-discriminatory rates and reasonable terms and conditions . The City acknowledges that the Grantee cannot control the dissemination of particular Cable Ser,ices beyond the point of demarcation at a Multiple Dwelling Unit. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Grantee may introduce new or expanded Cable Services on a geographically phased basis , where such services require an Upgrade of the Cable System . Grantee may also charge for line extensions and non-standard installations pursuant to sub section 13.2. 13.2 Service Availability (A) !n....General. Except as otherwise provided herein , Grantee shall provide Cable Service within seven (7) days of a request by any Person within the City. For purposes of this subsection, a request shall be deemed made on the date of signing a service agreement, receipt of funds by Grantee , receipt of a written request by Grantee or receipt by Grantee of a verified verbal request . Grantee shall provide such service : (I) With no line extension charge except as specifically authorized elsewhere in this Franc hise . (2) At a non-discriminatory installation charge for a standard installation , consisting of a one hundred twenty-li ve (125) fo ot drop connecting to an inside wall for Residential Subscribers, with additional charges for non -s tandard installations computed according to a non-discriminatory methodology for such installations , adopted by Grantee !!lld provided in writing to the City; (3) At non-discriminatory monthly rates for Residential Subscribers . (B) Seo•ice to Multiple Dwelling J lnits . The Grant ee shall offer the individual units of a Multiple Dwelling Unit all Cable Services offered to other Dwelling Units in the City and shall individually wire units upon request of the property owner or renter who has been given written authorization by the owner; provided , however, that an y such offering is conditioned upon the ,,•. • • Grantee having legal access to said unit. The City acknowledges that the Grantee cannot control the • di ss emination of particular Cable Services beyond the point of demarcation at a Multiple Dwelling 5) ENG LEWOOD /AT&T • Unit. • • (C) Customer Charges fnr Extensions of Service No customer shall be refused service arbitrarily. However, for unu sual circumstances , suc h as a customer's request to locate the cabl e dm r unde rground , th e exis tence of more than one hundred twenty-fiv e (125) fee t of distance from distribution ca ble to connec tion of service 10 custo mers , or a density of les s than thirty-five (3 5) res id ences per 5280 cable-bearing strand feet of trunk or distribution cable, service may be made avai labl e on the basis of a ca pital co ntributi on in aid of construction, incl11<li ng cost of material , labor and easements . For the purpose of determin ing the amount of capital conL;bution in aid of construction 10 be borne by the Grantee and customers in th e area in which service may be expanded , the Grantee will contribute an amount equal to the construction and other costs per mile, multipl ied by a fraction whose numerator equal s th e actual number of residen ces per 5280 cable - beari ng stran d feet of its trunk or distribu tion ca bl e and whose denominator equals thirty-five (35). Cust omers who request service hereunder will bear the remainder of the construction and other costs on a pro rata basis. The Grantee ma y require th at the payment of the capital contribution in aid of co nstru cti on borne by such potential customers be paid in advanc~. 13.3 Interconnection With Other Cable Systems (A) The Cable System shall be Int erco nnected wi th other contiguous , GMTC area cable systems that are owned and operated by Grantee or an Affiliate, pro vided that such systems are se rved by the same Headend that serves tl1e Franchise Area . (B) Gran tee shall , in acco rdanc e with thi s subs ecti on , Interconn ec t the Access Channels of the Cable System with an y other contiguous ca bl e system not owned or operated by Grantee or an Affiliate of Grantee upon the directive of the City. Int erconn ec tion of Channels may be done by direct cable connection , microwave link, satellite or other appropriate methods . The Ci ty shall not direct Interconnec tion excep t under circumstances where it can be accomplished without undue burden or exc ess ive co sts to the Sub sc ribers . Grantee shall not be required to Interconnect with the other cable system unless the operator of that sys tem is willing to do so and pays for its own cost of constructing and rnaintaining the Interconnect up to the demarcati on point. (C ) Gnt.~•.ee shall only be required to lnterconn'!C l Access Channel s with an overbuilder in the Cty in the even t that the City determines in it s so le discretion th at it wo uld be economically burden,;ome 10 its Subscribers 10 con struct and maintain return lines directly from the origination poi nt (s) of the Access Channel(s) vers us Int erco nn ectin g with Grantee. In the event Grantee receives a directive from the City to Interconnect with an overbuilder, Grantee shall immedi ately initiate negotiations with the other affected cable system or sys tems and shall report to the City the results of such negotiations no late r than sixty (60) days after such ini•iation. The overbuilder shall be resp onsibl e for Grantee 's co sts in constructin g and maintainin g th e Interconnect. If the parties cannot reach agreemen t on the terms of the Interconnect . includin g compensation and timing, the disput e shall be submined 10 the City for determination and reso luti on. Additionally, Grantee shall only be required to Interconnect with an overbuilder if the overbuilder is provid ing similar support for Access as required of Grantee pursuant to this Franchise . (D) Grantee shall ex plore with an y public interconnection authority, regional interconn ec tio n authori ty or City, Cou nty, Stat e or federal regu latory agency which may hereafter 54 ENGLE WOOD/AT&T be es tab li shed for th e purpose of regul atin g, financing or otherwise providing for the • Interconnection of ca ble sys tems beyo nd the boundaries of the City, the possibility of further lnterconn ccls . 13 .4 Connection of Public Facilities Grantee shall , at no cost to the City, continue to provide one outlet of Basic Service and Ex panded Basic Service to all City owned and occupied buildings , sc hool s and pub lic libraries where such service is pro vided as of th e Effective Date of this Franchise . For purpo ses of this subsec ti on, "school" means all State-acc redit ed K -12 publi c and private schoo ls. In addition , Grant ee shall provide , at no cos t to the City or other entity, one outl et of Basic and Expanded Bas ic Serv ice to additional owned or leased and occup ied City buildings , schools and libraries upon requ es t if th e dro p line from the feeder ca ble lo such building does not exceed one hundred fifty feel (150') or if the City or other entity agrees to pay the incremental cost of such drop line in excess of one hundred fi fty fee t ( 15 0'), includin g the cos t of such excess labor and materials . Such obligation to pro vide free Cable Servic e shall not extend to areas of City buildings where the Grantee would nonnally enter into a co mmercial contract to provide such Cabl e Service (e.g., golf courses , airport restaurants and concours es, and recreation ce nter work out facilities). Outlets of Basic and Expanded Bas ic Servic e provided in accordan ce with thi s subs ectio n may be used to distribute Cable Services throughout such buildings , provid ed such distribution can be accomplished without causing Ca ble System di sruption and genera l tec hni ca l standards are maintained. Such outlets may onl y be used fo r lawful purpose s. 13.5 Cable Internet Service to Schools and Libraries Grantee has es tablished a volw1tary initiati ve to provide Cable Internet Service to ~II S!ate- accredited K-1 2 public and pri vate schools and publi c librarie s which are passed by the i,pgraded Cable Sys tem at no cost to the Ci ty or institutions. Grantee intends to provide each of these schools and librari es wi th one outlet of unlimited Internet access , includin g the nec essary cable modem . The City encourages and supp ort s Grantee 's effo rt s in this area . SECTION 14 . FRANCHISE VIOLATIONS 14.1 Procedure for Remedying Franchise Violations (A) If th e City believes that Grantee has failed to perfonn any obligation under this Franchise or has failed 10 perform in a timel y manner, the City shall notify Grantee in writing, stating with reasonable specificity the nature of the alleged default. Grantee shall hav e thirty (30) days from the rec ei pt of such not ice 10 : (I) resp ond to the City, co nt es ting th e Ci ty's asse rti on that a default has occ urred , and req uesting a mee tin g in accordance wi th subsectio n (B), below ; or • (2) cure th e defa ult ; or (3) notify the City th at Grant ee cannot cure th e default within the thirty (30) • days, beca use of U1e nature of th e default . In the event th e de fa ult canno t be cured -..-i thin 55 ENGLE WOOD/AT&T • • • thirty (30) days , Grantee shall promptly take all reasonable steps to cure the default and notify the City in writing and in detail as to the exact steps that will be taken and the projected completion date . In such case, the City may set a meeting in accordance with subsection (B) below to detennine whether additional time beyond the thirty (30) days specified above is indeed needed , and whether Grantee's proposed completion schedule and steps are reasonable . (B) If Grantee does not cure the alleged default within the cure period stated above, or by the projected completion date under subsection (A)(3 ), or denies the default and requests a meeting in accordance with (A)(l), or the City orders a meeting in accordance with subsection (A)(3), the City shall set a meeting to investigate said issues or the existence of the alleged default. The City shall notify Grantee of the meeting in writing and such meeting shall take place no less than thirty (30) days after Grantee's receipt of notice of the meeting . At the meeting, Grantee shall be provided an opportunity to be heard and to present evidence in its defense . (C) If, after the meeting, the City detennines that a default exists, the City shall order Grantee to correct or remedy the default or breach within fifteen (15) days or within such other reasonable time frame as the City shall detennine . In the event Grantee does not cure within such time to the City's reasonable satisfaction , the City may : (I) Withdraw an amount from the letter of credit as mon etary damages ; (2) Recommend the revocation of this Franchise pursuant to the procedures in subsection 14.2; or (3) Recommend any other legal or equitable remedy available under this Franchise or any applicable law . (D) The detennination as to whether a violation of this Franchise has occurred shall be within the discretion of the City, provided that any such final detennination may be subject to appeal to a court of competent jurisdiction under applicable law . I 4.2 Revocation (A) In addition to re vocation in accordance witi, other provisions of this Franchise, the City may revoke this Franchise and rescind all rights and privileges associated with this Franchise in the following circum stances , each of which represents a material breach of this Franchise : (I) If Grantee fails to perfonn any material obligation under this Franchise or under any other agreement, ordinance or document regarding the City and Grantee ; (2) If Grantee willfully fails for more than forty-eight (48) hours to provide continuous and uninterrupted Cable Service; (3) If Grantee attempts to evade any material provision of this Franchise or to practi ce-any fraud or deceit upon the City or Subscribers ; or 56 ENGLEWOOD /AT&T (4) If Grantee becomes insolvent, or if there is an ass ignm ent for the benefit of Grantee's creditors ; (5) If Grantee make s a material mi sre prese nt atio n of f?cl in the app li cation for or negotiation of this Franchise . (B) Followin g the procedures set fonh in subsection 14.1 and prior 10 forfeiture or 1ennination of the Franchise, the City shall give wriuen notic e lo the Grantee of its intent 10 revoke the Franchise and set a date for a revocation proceeding. The noti ce shall sel forth the exact nature of the noncompliance . (C) Any proceedir,g under the paragrap h above shall be co ndu cted by the City Council and open to the publ ic. Grantee shall be afforded al least fony-five (45) days prior wriuen notice of such proc eedi ng . (I) Al such proceeding, Grantee shall be pro vided a fair opportunity for full participation , including the right to be represented t,y lega l counse l, to introduce evidence , and to question witnesses. A complete verbatim record and transcript shall be made of such proceeding and the cost sha ll be shared equally between the parties. The City Council ~hall hear any Persons intere sted in the rerncation , and shall allow Grantee, in particular, an opponunity to stale its position on the mail er. (2) Within ninety (90) days after the hearing, the City Council shall detennine whether to revoke the Franchise and declare that the Franchise is revoked and the Jetter of credit forfeited; or if the breach at issue is capable of being cured by Grantee, direct Grantee to take appropriate rem ed ial action within the time and in the manner and 1,n the term s and conditions that the City Co uncil detem1ines are reasonable under the circumstances. If the Ci ty determines th at the Franchise is to be revoked, the City shall set fonh the reasons for such a decision and shall transmit a copy of the decision t~ the Grantee. Grantee shall be bound by the City 's decision to revoke the Franchise un !c;s it qppeals the decision to a court of co mpetent jurisdiction within fifteen (15) days of the date of the decision. (3) Grantee shall be entitled to such relief as th e Co un may deem appropriate. (4) The City Council may at its so le discretion take any lawfu l action which it deem s appropriat e to enforce the City's rights under the Franchise in lieu of revo ation of the Fr.nchise. 14.3 Procedures in th e Event of Termination or Revocation (A) If this Franchise ex pires without renewal or is otherwise lawfully terminated or revoked, ·,h e City may, subject to applicable iaw : • • (I) Allow Grantee 10 maintain and operate its Cable System on a month-to-• month basis or shon-1em1 extension of this Franchise for not less than six (6) months, 57 ENGLEWOOD/AT&T • • • unless a sale of the Cable System can be closed sroner or Grantet demonstrates to the Citis satisfaction that it needs additional tirne to complete the sale ; or (2) Purchase Grantee's Cable System in accordance with the procedures set forth in subsection 14.4 , below . (B) In the event that a sale has not been completed in accordance wi th subsections (A)(I) and/or (A)(2) above, the City may order the removal of the above-ground Cable System facilities and such underground facilities from the City at Grantee's so le expense within a reasonabl e period of time as detennined by the City. In removing its plant, structures and equipment , Grantee shall refill , at is own expense , any excavation that is made by it and sha ll leave all Rights-of-Way, public places and private property in as good condition as that prevailing prior to Grantee's removal of its equipmen t without affecting the electrical or telephone cable •:,ires or attachments. The indemnification and insurance provisions and the letter of credit shall remain in full force and effect during the period of removal , and Grantee sha ll not be enti tled to , and agrees not to request, compensation of any sort therefor . (C) [f Grantee fails to comp lete any removal required by subsection 14.3 (B) to the City 's satisfaction, after written notice to Grantee, the City may cause the work to be done and Grantee shall reimburse the City for the costs incurred within thirty (30) days after receipt ot' an itemi ze d list of the costs, or the City may recover the costs through the letter of credit provided by Grantee . (D) The City may seek legal and equitab le relief to enforce the provisions of this Franchise. 14.4 Purchase of Cable System (A) [fat any tim e this Franchise is revoked , tenninated, or not renewed upon expiration in accordance with the provisions of federal law , the City shall have the option to purchase the Cable System. (B) The City may, at any time thereafter, offer in writing to purchase Grantee's Cab le System. Grantee shall have thirty (30) days from ,eceip t of a written offer from the City within which to accept or reject the offer. (C) In any case where the City elects to purchase the Cable Sys tem , the purchase shall be closed within one hundred twenty ( 120) days of the date of the City's audit of a curre nt profit and loss s!lltement of Grantee. The City shall pay for the Cab le System in cash or certified funds , and Grantee shall deliver appropriate bills of sale and oth er instruments of conveyance . (D) For the purposes of this subsectio n, the price for the Cable System shall be detennined as follows : (I ) In the case of the expiration of the Franchise without renewal , at fair market value detennined on the basis of Grant ee's Cable System va lued as a going concern, but 58 ENGLEWOOD /AT&T wi1h no value alloca1ed lo the Franchise itse lf. In order lo obtain the fair market value, this • valuation shall be reduced by the amount of 'Illy li en, encumbrance, or other obligation of Grantee whi ch the City would assume . (2) System. In the case of revocati on for cause , the equitable price of Grantee's Cable 14.5 Receivership and Foreclosure (A) At the option of 1he City, subject to applicable law, this Franchise may be revoked one hundred twenty ( 120) days after the appointment of a receiver or trustee to take over and conduct the business of Grantee whether in a receivership, reorganization, bankruptcy or other ac tion or proceeding, unless: (I) The receivership or trusteeship is vacated within one hundred twenty ( 120) days of appoin•.ment; or (2) The receivers or trustees have, within one hundred twenty (120) days after their election or appointment, full~ complied with all the terms and provisions of this Franchise, and have remedied all defaults under the Franchise. Additionally, the receivers or trustees shall have executed an agreement dul y approved by the court having jurisdiction, by which the receivers or trustees assume and agree to be bound by each and every term , • provision and limiiation of this Franchise . (B) If there is a foreclosure or other involuntary sa le of the who le or any pan of the p!ant, property and equipment of Grantee, the City may serve notice of revocation on Grantee and to the purchaser at the sale. and the rights and privileges of Grantee under this Franciise shall be revoked thirty (30) days after service of such notice, unless: (I) The City has approved th e transfer of th e Franchise , in accordan~e with the procedures set fonh in this Franchise and as provided by law; and (2) The purchaser has covenanted and agreed with the City to ass ume and be bound by all of the terms and conditions of this Franchise. 14.6 No Monetary Recourse Against the City Grantee shall nol have any monetary recourse against the City or its officers, officials, boards. commissions, agents or employees for any loss, cos ts . expenses or damages arising out of any provision or requirement of this Franchise or the enforcement thereof, in accordance with the provisions of applicable federal, State and local law . The rights of the City under this Franchise are in addition to , and shall nol be read to limit , any immunities the City may enjoy under federal, State or local law . 14.7 Alternative Remedies • S9 ENGLE WOOD/AT&T • • No provision of this Franchise shall be deemed to bar th e right ofth~ City to seek or obtain judic ial re li ef from a violation of any provi;ion of the Franchise or any rul e, reg ul atio n, requirement or din:~tive promulgated th ereunder . Neither the exis tenc e of oth er remedi es id entified in thi s Franchi se nor the exe rcis e thereof shall be .Jeemed to bar or otherwise lim it the right of the City to recover monetary damages fo r such vio lations by Grantee , or to seek and obtain j udici al enforceme nt of Gran tee's obligations by mean s of specific perfo nnance , injunctive relief or mandate, or any ot her remedy at law or in eq ui ty. 14 .8 Assessment of Monetary Damages (A) The City may assess agai nst Grant ee monetary damages up to two thousand dollars ($2,000 .00) per day fo r materia l Cab le System Upgrade delays , up to five hundred dollars ($500.00) per day for ge nera l construc tio n delays, up to two hundred fift y dollars ($250.00) per day for any ot her materi al breaches, or up to one hundred dollars ($100 .00) per day for defaults, and withdraw the assess ment fro m the letter of credi t or co ll ect the assessment as specified in this Franc hise . To assess any amo unt from th e lelle r of cred it, City shall fo llow th e procedures for wit hdraw als from the letter uf credit set forth in the leller of ·dit and in this l'ranc hise . Such dam ages shall acc ru e beginning thirty (30) days followi ng Gran• "rec eipt of the notice req uired by subsection 14.l(A), or such later date if approved by th e (",,. i ts so le discretio n. b,1 t may not be asr.essed until after th e procedures in sub sectioP 14 . l have~ en compl eted. (8) The assess ment does not constitute a waiver by City of an y other right or remedy it may ~av~ under th e Fran chi se or appli cab le law , including it s right to recove r from Grantee any ad J itiona l dama ges , lo sse •, costs and expenses th at are incurred by City by reason of th e breach of this Franchise. 14.9 Effect of Abandonment lf the Gran tee abandons its Cab le System durin g the Franchise tenn , or fa il s to operate its Cab le System in accordance with its duty to provide continuous service, the City, at its option , may operat e tl1e Cab le Syst em; designate ano ther entity to operate the Ca ble System temporarily until th e Grantee restores service und er conditions acceptable to th e City, or until the Franchise is revok er and a new franchis ee is se lected by the City; or obt ai n an injunct io n requirin g the Grantee to co ntiuue operat ions. lf th e City is required to operate or designate another entity to operate the Cable Sys tem. the Grantee sha ll reimburse the City or its designee for all reaso nab le costs , ex pen ses and dama ges incurred. 14 .10 What Constitutes Abandonment The City shall be entitl ed to exercise i,s op tio ns in su bsection 14 .9 if: (A) The Grantee fo:ls to pro vide Ca ble Service in accordance with thi s Franchise over a sub stan tia l po rti on of th e Franchise Area for fnur f4) consec uti ve days, unl ess the City authorizes a lon ger interrupt ion of service; or (B) The Grantee. for an y period . will fu ll y and wi th out cause refuses to provide Cable Serv ic e in acco rdan ce with thi s Franc hi se . 60 ENGLEWOOD/AT&T SECTION 15. FRANCHISE RENEWAL AND TRANSFER 15.1 Rcncwul (A) The City and Gmntee agree that any proceedings undenaken by the City that relate to the renewal of the Franchise shall be governed by and comply with the provisions of Section 626 of the Cable Act, unless the procedures and substantive protections set fonh therein shall be deemed to be preempted and superseded by the provisions of an y subsequent provision of federal or State law . (B) In addition to the procedures set fonh in said Section 626(a), the City agrees to notify Grantee of the completion of its assessments regarding the ident ification of future cable- related community needs and interests, as well as the past perfonnance of Grantee under the then current Franchise term. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary set fonh herein, Grantee and City agree that at any time during the tenn r,f the th en current Franchise, while affording the public adequate notice and opponunity for r.0mmenl, the City and Grantee may agree to undenake and fi nalize negotiations regarding renewal of the then current Franchise and the City may grant a renewal thereof. Grantee and City consider the tem1s set fonh in this subsection to be consistent with the express provisions of Section 626 of the Cable Act . 15.2 Transfer of Ownership or Control (A ) The Cable System and this Franchi se shall not be sold , assigned , transferred, leased or disposed of, either in whole or in pan , either by involuntary sale or by voluntary sale , merger or consolidation ; nor shall title tl1ereto, either legal or equitable , or any right, interest or propeny therein pass to or vest in any Person or entity without the prior written consent of !he City, which consent shall be by the City Council , acting by ordinance . (B) The Grantee shall promptly notify the City of any actual or proposed change in, or transfer of. or 1cquisition by any other pany of control of the Grantee. The word "control" as used herein is not limited to majority stockholders but includes actual working control in whatever manner exercised. Every change, transfer or acquisition of control of the Grantee shall make this Franchise subject to cancellation unless and until the City shall have consented in writing thereto. (C) The panics to the sale or transfer shall make a written request to the City for its approval of a sale or transfer and furnish all infonnation required by law and the City. (D) In seeking the City's consent to an y change in ownership or control, the proposed transferee shall indicate whether it: ( i) Has ever been conv ic ted ,,., held liable for acts involving deceit including • any violation , f ft Jeral, State or local law or regulations, or is currently under an indictment, ime,tiur.lion or complaint charging such acts ; (2) Har ever had a judgment in an action for fraud , deceit, or misrepresentation • entered against the proposed transferee by any coun of competent jurisdiction; 6 1 ENG LEWOOD/AT&T • • • (3) Has pending any materi ul legal claim , law suit, or administrative proceeding arising out of or invo lvin g a cable sys tem ; (4) ls financi all y so lvent , by submittin g financial data including financial stat ements that are audited by a certified public accountant who may also be an officer of th e transferee, along with any other data that the City may reasonably require; and (5) Has the financial , le gal and t·:chni ca l capa bility to enable it to maintain and operate the Cable System for th e remai 1,ing term C>f the Franchise. (E) The City shall act by ordinance on the req ues t wi thin one hundred twenty (!20) days of the request, provided it has received all requ es ted infonna tion. Subj ect to the foregoin ,~, if the City fails to render a final decision on th e req uest within on e hundred twenty (120) day :, such request shall be deemed granted unless the reque stin g party and th e City agree to an ex tension of time. (F) Within thirty (30) days of any transfer or sale, if approved or deemed granted by the City, Grantee shall file with the City a copy of the deed , agreement , lease or other writt en in~trument evidencing such sale or transfer of ownership or control , ce:tified and sworn to as correct by Grantee and the transferee , and the transferee shall file its written acceptance agreeing to be bound by all of the provisions of this Franchise , subject to applicable law . In the event of a change in control, in which the Grantee i no t replaced by another entity, the Grantee will continue to be bound by all of the provisions of , ... Franchise, subject lo applicable law , and will not be required to file an additional written acceptance . (G) In reviewing a request for sale or transfer, the City may inquire into the legal, technical and financial qu alifications of the r,ros pective controlling party or transferee, and Grantee sha ll assist the City in so inquiring. The City may condition said sale or transfer upon such terms and conditions as it deems reasonably appropriate, provided , however, any such terms and conditions so attached shall be related to the legal, technical and financial qualifications of the prospective controlling party or transferee and to the reso lution of outstanding and unresolved issues of noncompliance with the terms and condit io ns of this Franchise by Grantee. (H) No twithstandin g a,·,ything to the contrary in this subsecti on, the prior approval of the City shall not be required for aPv sa le , assignment or transfer of the Franchise or Cable System to an entity controlling, controllC'J by or under th e same common control as Grantee, provided that L'1e proposed assignee or transferee must show financial responsibility as may be determined necessary by the City and must agree in writing to co mpl y witl1 all of the provisions of the Franchise. Further, Grantee may pledge the assets of the Cable System for the purpo se of financing without the consent of the City; provided that such pledge of asse ts shall not impair or mitigate Grantee's responsibilities and capabilities to meet all of its obligations under the provisions of this Franchise . SECTION 16. SEVERABILITY lf any Section , subsection, paragraph , term or provision of this Franchise is determined to 62 E GLEWOOD/AT&T be ill eg,•I, inva lid or unconstitutional by any co urt or agen cy of com petent jurisdiction, such • determlD' ,1vn shall have no effec t on the validity of any other Section, su bsec tion , paragraph, term or provi sion of thi s Franchise, all of whic h wi ll remain in full force and effect for the tenn of the Franchise . SECTION 17. MISCELLANEOUS PROVlSIONS 17.1 Preferential or Discriminatory Practices Prohibi te d NO DISCRIMJN ATION IN EMPLOYMENT. In connec tion wi th the performance of work und er thi s Franchise, th e Grantee agrees not 10 refuse lo hire, di sc harge, promote or demote , or disc rimin ate in man ers of compensation aga in st any Person other.vise qualified , so lely because of race , co lor, reli gion, national ori gi n, gender, age, military sta tus , sex ual orientation , marital status, or physica l or mental disability; and the Grantee furth er agrees t~ insert the foregoing provision in all subcontrac ts hereunder. Throughout the term of thi s Franchis e, Grantee shall fully comply with all equal employment or non-di scri mination provisio ns and requ ire ments of federal , State and loca l la s, and in parti cular, FCC rul es and regulations relating th ereto . 17.2 Notices Throughout the term of the Franchise, each party shall maintain and file with the other a local ad dress for the serv ice of noti ces by mail . Ali noti ces shall be se nt postage prepaid to such respec tive address and such noti ces shall be effective up on the date of mailing. These addresses may be chan ged by th e City or th e Grant ee by written notic e at any tim e. At the Effective Date of thi s Franchise : Gra ntee's addre ss shall be: AT&T Broadb and Mountain States Video , LLC d/b/a AT&T Cab le Services 8000 E. niff Denve r, Co lorado 802 1 7 Attention: Di rector of Local Government Relation s With a copy 10 : AT & T Bro adband t SS Inverness Drive ,ng lewood , Colorado 80 11 2 ,\ll~ntion : Legal Department The City's adclrcss shall b<- City Manager City of Englewood 1000 Englewood Parkway ENGLEWOOD/AT&T • • • • 17.3 Englewood , Colorado 801 l 0 Descriptive Headings The headings anJ titles of the Sections and subsections of this Franchise are for reference purposes only, and shall not affect the meaning or interpretation of the text herein . 17.4 PubUcation Costs to be Borne by Grantee Grantee shall reimburse the City for all costs incurred in publishing this Franchise, if such publication is required . 17.S Binding Effect This Franchise shall be binding upon the parties hereto, their permitted successors and assigns. 17.6 No Joint Venture Nothing herein shall be deemed to create a joint venture or principal-agent relationship between the parties, and neither party is authorized to, nor shall either party act toward third Persons or the public in any manner which would indicate any such relationship with the other . 17.7 Waiver The failure of the City at any time to require p-.rformance by the Grantee of any provision hereof shall in no way affect the right of the City hereafter to enforce the same. Nor shall the waiver by the City of any breach of any provision hereof be taken or held to be a waiver of any succeeding breach of such provision, or as a waiver of the provision itse lf or any other pro visio n. 17.8 Reasonableness of Consent or Approval Whenever under this Franchise "reasonableness" is the standard for the granting or denial of the consent or approval of either party hereto , such party shall be entitled to consider public and governmental policy, moral and ethical standards as well as business and economic considerations. 17.9 Entire Agreement This Franchise and all Exhibits represent the entire understanding and agreement between the parties hereto with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersede all prior oral negotiations between the parties . 17.10 Jurisdiction Venue for any judici al dispute between the City and Grantee arising under or out of this 64 ENGLEWOOD/AT&T • • • Franchise shall be in Arapahoe County District Co un , Colorado , or in the United States District Coun in Denver . IN WTfl'@SS ~~OF, this Franchise is signed in the name of the City of Englewood, Colorado this~ay of~• 2002. ATTEST: CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO: ~df/4 CityClerk ~ 65 E GLEIVOOD/AT&T • UNCONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE OF FRANCHISE The undersigned hereby accepts Ordinance No. _jJ__, passed and adopted by the City of Euglewood pursuant to which AT&T Broadband Mountain States Video, LLC is granted a Franchise to operate a cable system in the City of Englewood in accordance with the terms of such Franchise, and does hereby unconditionally agree that it will comply with and abide by all the provision s, terms and conditions of the Franchise , subject to applicable federal , state and local law , and that as wrinen and to the best of its knowledge , all terms of the Franchise are consistent with federal , state and local law, as of the date this acceptance is signed. A•••"'.,,""''"' <hi, :t._ doyof ~• 2002 ACKNOWLEDGED: AT &T BROADBAND MOUNTAIN STA TES VIDEO , LLC 1%:t,~ ... ,~, 66 ENGLEWOOD/AT&T • EXHIBIT A: MEMBERS OF THE GREATER METRO TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONSORTIUM Adams County City of Golden Arapahoe County Greenwood Village City of Arvada City ofldaho Springs City of Aurora J cfferson County City of Brighton City of Lafayette City of Broomfield City of Lakewood City of Castle Rock City of Littleton Cherry Hills Village City of Lone Tree Commert:e City City of Northglenn • City and County ofDenver City of Parker Douglas County City of Sheridan City of Edgewater City of Thornton City of Englewood City of Westminster City of Glendale City of Wheat Ridge • A-I ENGLEWOOD /AT&T • • Introduction EXHIBIT B CUSTOMER SERVICE ST AND ARD S The City of Englewood is a member of the Greater Metro Telecommunications ConsoJ1ium (the "G MTC"). The GMTC has created the following Customer Service Standard s (the "Standards") for distribution and adoption by Members. The purpose of the Standards is to establish uniform requirements for the quality of service cable operators are expected to offer their customers in the metropolitan area . The Standards are subject to change from lime to ti,,1e . The Standards incorporate th e Customer Service Obligations published by the Federal Communications Co mmission (Section 76.309), April, 1993 and customer service standards of cable tele vision service providers operating in th e metro area . Based upon the as sessme nt of the needs of citizens in the metropolitan area , the GMTC adopted , modified and created standard s specially tail ored to members of the Greater Metro Telecommu nications Consortium. The Standa rd s require the cable opera tor to post a security fund ensuring Customer Service. The securi ty fund is to be used when the cab le company fails to re spond to a ci tizen complaint that the fra nchising authority determines is valid , and to provide a mechanism by which to impose remedies fo r noncompliance. It is the sincere hope and intention of the GMTC that the security fund will never need to be drawn upon ; however, th e GMTC believes th at so mP. enforcement measures .ll'e nec essary. I. POLICY The Cable Operator should be permitted th e option nd auto nom y to first resolve citizen cc ,mplaims wi th out delay and interference from the Franchising Authority. Wl,ere a given complaint is not addressed by th e Cab le Operator to the citizen's s,,ti ;;faction, the Franchi sin g Authority should intervene . In add iti on. where a patt ern ofunremedied romp laint s or nonc r,mpliance with the Standards is identified. the Franchising Authorit y shou ld ;,rescribe a c,.-e and esta blish a thirty (30) day deadline for implementation of th e cure . If tlte nor :c ~mpliance is not cured within thirty (30) da ys, monetary sanctions shou ld be imposed to encourage comp li ance. These Standards are intended to be of general application; however , the Ca ble Operator shall be relieved of any oblig,.tions hereunder if it is unable to perform due to a regio n-wide natural emergency or in th e event of force majeure affecting a significant portion of the franchise area . The Cable Operator is free to exceed these Standards to th e benefi t of its Customers and such • shall be considered performan ce for the purpo ses of th ese Standards . B-1 ENGLEWOOD/AT&T II. DEFINITIONS When used in these Customer Service Standards (the "St andard s"), the following words , phrases , and tenn s shall have the meanings given below . "Adoption" shall mean the process nece ssary to fonnall y enact the Standards within the Franchi sing Authority's jurisdiction under applicable ordinances and laws . "Cable Operator" shall mean any person granted a franchise to operate , or operating, a cab le television , data transfer, or telecommunications system within any area of jurisdiction of the Franchising Authorit y, or such person's employees, agent s, contrac tors , or subcontractors. "City" shall mean the City of Englewood , Colo rado . "Customer" shall mean any person who receives service of any son from the Cable Operator. "Customer Service Representative" (or "CSR") shall mean any person employed by the Cable Operator to assist. or provide service to, customers, whether by answering public telephone lines, writing service or installation orders, answering customers' questions, receiving and processing payments . or perfonning other customer service-related tasks . "Franchising Au thority" shall mean the City and/or the Greater Metro Telecommunications Consonium , andior, the Granter. "Greater Metro Telecommunications Consonium" or "GMTC" wall mean a Colorado agency fonned by intergovernmental agreement between its Members, local governmenta l subdivisions of the State of Colorado . The GMTC may be delegated the authority to enforce cable television franch ises and cable system operations for its Membe r communities, and may administer any or all functions under these Standards. Ill. CUSTOMER SERVICE A. Courtesy All employees of the Cable Operator shall be couneous , knowledgeab le and helpful and shall provide effective and satisfactory service in all contacts with customers. B. Accessib · ity I. Within si xty (60) days of the effective date of these Standards , the Cable Operator shall provide. at sites accep tab,e to the Franchising Authority , customer service centers/business omces ("service centers ") such that no custor:1<:r shall be located fun her than ten ( 10) miles away • • from a service center. Excep t as othe rw ise aprro ved by the Franr.hising Authority, all service • centers shall be open Monday through Friday fro:n 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., and from 9:00 am to I :00 p.m. Saturdays. and shall be fully staffed with r.ustQmcr service representatives offering the B-2 EN GLE WOOD/AT&T • • • following services to customers who come to the service center: bill payment, equipment exchange , processing of change of service rcq.,ests, and response to customer inquiries and requests . The Franchising Authority may ap pro ve alternatives for service centers offering lesser services at any site 10 which the public has ge nem l access . The Cab le Operator shall post a sign at each rerv ice ~e nter advising customers of it s hours of c,peration and of the addresses and telephone numbers at which to contact the Francl:i~i nr Authority and the Cab le Operator if th e service center is not open at th e times posted . The l' b!e Operator shall provide free exchanges of faulty converters at the customer's address. 2. The Cable Operator shall maintain local telepr ,; access lines that shall be available twenty- four (24) hours a day, seven (7) da ys a week fu, •= ,c e/repair requests and billing inquiries . 3. The Cable Operator shall ha ve d:spatc h.:rs and technici ans on call twenty-four (24) hours a da1, seve n (7) days a week , including legal holida ys. 4. The Cabl~ Operator shall retain sufficient customer service repre sen tativ es .nd telephone line capacity to ensure tha telephone calls lo service/rep ~ir and billin .~ inq 1i,~ 1ines are answered by a customer service representative within thirty (30) seconds or ,c'!'~. ,:rti th,-.t any transfers are made within thirty (30) seco nds . These standards shall be met no It s; .r.n,, nl:,ety (90) percent of the time measured monthly . 5. The 101~1 number of calls receiving bus y signa ls shall not exceed three (3) of the total telephone calls . This standard shall be met nin ety (90) percent or more of the time measured monthl y. C. Responsiveness I . G11;.·anteed Seven •Day RtsidentiaJ JnstaJJatioo a. The Cable Operator shall complete all standard re sid ential installations requested by customers within seven (7) business days after the order is placed, unless a later date for installation is requested. "S tandard" residential installations are tho5e located up 10 one hundred twenty five (125) feet from the existing distribution system. If th e customer requests a nonstandard reside:uial installation , or the Cable Operator determines th at a nonstandard resident ia l installation is required , the Cable Operator sha!I provide the customer in advance with a total installation cost estimate and an estimated date of completion. b. All underground cable drops from the curb to the home shall be buried at a depth ofno less than twelve inches (12"), and within no more than one calendar week from th ,, initial installation, or at a time mutually agreed upon between the Cable Operator and the custvmer. 2. ~, .. 11ial Ins1 ·11latinn and Seotice Appointments a. Cus tomers requesting in stallation of cab le service or service ,o an existing installation ma y choose any of the following blocks of time for the installation appointment : 8:00 a.m. to 13-3 ENG LEWOOD /AT&T 12 :00 Noon; 12 :00 Noon lo 4:00 p.m.; < 00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.; or a four-hour block of time mutually agreed upon by the cus tomer and the Cable Operator. ·1 he Cable Operator may not cancel an appoin tm em with a customer after 5:00 p.m. on the day before the scheduled appointme nt , exc ept for appointments scheduled wit hin twelve (12) hours after the initial call . b. The Cab le Operator sha ll co nt ac t by telephone , ,·.::i i. o, in person , every customer within 2 weeks after in stall ation to assure th e cus tom er's s1,r,<fac.tio n wi th the work comp leted . All response s shall be reco rd ed , and retained by the Cab le ( pera10,, and made eas il y ava il ab le to the Fran chising Auth orit y :1pon reque 5t. c. The Cable Operator shall be deemed to have re s·,·,~c ed t'J a request for service under the provisions of this section when a technician arrives with ii: tl,e ~!\feed upon time, and, if the customer is absen t when the technician arrives , the techn iciai , leaves written notification of arrival and return time, and a copy of that notification is kept by the Ca ble Operator. In such circumstances , the Cable Operator shall co nt act th e customer within forty-eig ht (48) hours. 3. Residential Service lntem,ption s a. In the event of system outages (loss of recep ti on on all channe ls) resulting from Cab le Operator equip ment failu re affecting 5 or more customers , th e Cable Operator sha ll co rr ec t s~ch ui lure within 2 hours after the 3ra cus tom er ca ll is rec eived. b. All oth er servi ce interruptions resulting from Cab le Operator equipme nt fai lure shall be corrected by the Cab le Opera tor by the end of the next c<1endar day. c. The Cable Opera tor ~ha ll keep an acc urate and comp rehensive file of "-~Y and all complaints regarding th e cab!e system or its operation of the cab \,• system , in a manner consis tent with the pri vacy rigl ts of customers , and the Cable Ope rator's actions in response to lhose co mplaints. These file s shall remain open to the Franchising Au th ority ar,,: the public during nonnal business hours. Grant ee shall provide Gran to r an executi ve su'llmary month!/, which shall include infonnation concerni ng customer complai nts. A summary of service reques ts, identifying the numb er and nature of L~c requests and their disposition, shall also be completed by th e Cab le Operator for eac h month and submitt ed to the Franchising Au thori ty by the tenth (10th) day of th e succeeding month. A lo g of all se rvice interruptions sha1! be maintained and provided to the Franchising Authority quarterly. d. All service outages and interruptions for any cause beyond the control of the Ca ble Operator shall be corrected within thirt y-six (36) hours , after the conditions beyond its control have been corrected. 8 -4 ENGLEWOOD/AT&T • • • • • • 4. IV R cce pt ino a. The Cable Operator shal l provide clea r tele vis ion reception that meets or exceeds technica l standard s establ ished by the United Simes Federa l Com muni cations Comm iss ion (th e "FCC"). The Ca ble Operator shall render efficient service , make repairs promptly, and interrupt se rvice only for good ca use and for the shortest time possib le. Sc hed ul ed interrup tio ns sha ll be preceded by noti ce and shall occur durin g periods of minimum use of th e sys tem, preferably between midnight and six a.m. (6 :00 a.m.). b. If a customer ex periences poor video or audio rece ption attri but able to lhe Cab le Operator's equ ipment , the Cable Operato r sha ll repair th e problem no later than the day following th e customer call . If an appoin tm ent is necessary, customer may choo se lh e same blocks of time described in Sect io n lll.2.a . At lhe customer's request , th e Ca bl e Operator sha ll repair the problem al a late r tim e convenien t to th e cus tomer. 5. fu:ilil=..Rcsalw.ian The Cab le Operator's customer se rvice represent atives shall have the authori ty to pro vide credit for interrupted service or any of th e other credits li sted in Schedule A, to waive fees , to schedule service appoi ntment s and to change bill ing cycle s, where ap propriate . Any difficulties that cannot be re so lved by the cus tomer serv ic e representati ve shall be refe rr ed to the appropriate supervisor who sha ll co nt ac t th e customer within four (4) hou rs and resolve th e probl em wi thin forty eight (48) hours or wit hin such other tim e frame as is acceptab le to the customer and th e Cable Operator. 6. Billin g Credit s and Refunds a. The Cab le Operator shall use th e Annive rsa ry Bi ll ed Syste m or similar system of billin g. Th e Ca bl e Operator sha ll a!low at leas t thirty (30) days fro m the be gi nnin g date of the ap plicable service period for payment of a custom er's service bill for th at peri od. If a custo mer's service bill is not paid within that period of time the Ca bl e Operator may apply an administrative fee to the custo mer's accou nt. lftl,e custo mer's se rvice bill is not paid withi n forty-five (4 5) days of th e beginnin g dat e of the applicab le service period , the Cab le Operato r may perform a "soft" disco nn ec t of th e cu stomer's serv ice. If a cus tomer's service bi ll is not paid wi thin fifty-two (52) days of the beginning date of th e appli cable service period, th e Cable Operator may disconnect the cus tomer's serv ice , pro vided it I as prov irled two (2) week s notice to th e customer that such disconnection may result. b. The Cable Operator sha:I is sue a cred it or refund to a customer withi n 30 days after de termini ng the cus tomer's en litl ,,ment to a credit or refund . 7. Treatment of Property a. The Cab le Opern tor shall keep tr ee trim min g to a minimum; trees and shrubs or other land sca pin g th at are damaged by the Ca ble Opera tor, any emplo yee or age nt of the Ca ble B-5 E GLEWOOD /AT&T Operator during installation or construction shall be restored to their ptior condition or replaced. Trees and shrubs shall not be removed without the ptior permission of the owner or legal tenant of the prop erty on which they are located . Thi s provision shall be in addition to , and shall not supersede , any requirement in any franchise agreement. b. The Cable Operator shall , at its own cost and expense, and in a manner approved by the prope~y owner and the Franchising Authority, restore any property to goo d condition 1 1 before the work causing such disturbance was initiated. The Cable Operator sh · II repair, repl acr or compensate a property owner for any dam age resulting from the Cable Operato r's installall un, construction, service or repair activities . c. Except in the case of an emergency involving public safety or service interruption to a large number of subsctibers , the Cable Operator shall give reasonable notice to property c,wners or legal tenants ptior to enteting upon ptivate premises , and the not ice shall specify the wo•k to be perform ed; provided that in the case of construction operations such notice shall be delive red or provi~ed at least twenty-four (24) hours ptior to entry. Nothing herein shall be constmed as authotizing access or entry to ptivate prop ert y, or any other property, where such tight to access or entry is not otherwise provided by law . If damage is caused by any Cable Operator activity , the Cable Operator shall reimburse the property owner one hundred (!00) percent of the cost of the damage or replace the damaged property . For the installation of pedestals or other major • construction or ins tallation projects, property owners shall also be notified by mail at least one • week in advance. In the case of an emergency, the Cable Operator shall attempt to contact the property owner or legal tenant in person, and shall leave a door hanger notice 1n th e event personal contact is not made . d. The Cable Operator personnel shall clean all areas surrounding any v.ork site and ensure that all cable mateti als have be en dispo sed of properl y. D. Services for Customers with Disabilities I. For any cu tomer with a disability, the Cabl e Operator shall at no charge deliver and pici. •:~ converters at customers' homes . In the case of a malfunctioning converter, the technician shall pr~vide another converter, hook it up and ensure that it is wo•king properl y, and shall return the defective converter to th e Ca ble Operator. 2. The Cable Operator shall provide TDD service with trained operators who can provide every type of assistance rendered by the Cab le Operator's rustomer service representatives for any heating-i mpaired customer at no charge. 3. The Ca ble Operator shall provide free use of a remote control unit to mobility-impaired (if di sa bled. in accordance with Section lll.D.4) customers . 4. Any customer with a disability may request the special services desctibed 11bove by providing • the Ca ble Operator with a letter from the customer's physician stating the ne~d, er i>y making the B-6 ENG LEWOOD/AT&T ....... • • • request to the Cable Operator's installer or service technician , where the need for the special services can be visually confirmed. E. Customer Information I. Upon installation, and at any time th o customer may requ est, the Cab le Operator shall provide the following information. in clear, c•·r1d s~ wr illcn form: a. Products and services offered by the Cab le Operator, including its channel lineup ; b. The Cable Operator's co mpl ete ran ge of service option s and the prices for the e serv ices; c. These Standards and any other applicable customer service standards ; d. In struc tion on the i,s~ of cable TV service and on standard VCR hookups; e. The Cable Op erau><', l•ill ,.,g, collection and disconnection policies; f. Customer privac y requirement s; g. All applicable complaint procedures, including complaint forms and tbe telephone numbers and mailing addresses of the Cable Operator, the FCC , and th e Fran chising Authority to whom th e complaints should be addressed; h. Use and avai lability of A/B switches ; i. Use and avaiiability of parental control/lock out device ; j. Special services for customers with disabilities; k. Da ys . times of operation, and loc ations of the serv ic e centers. 2. Copies of all notices pro vided to the customer sha ll be filed (by fox acce ptable) concurrently with the Franchising Authority and the Consort ium . 3. The Cable Operator shall provide customers with wrillen notification of ar,y change in rates, programming, or channel positions, at least thirty (30) days before the effective da te of change. 4. All officers. age nts, and employees of the Cab le Operator or its cor.tractors or subcontractors who arc in personal contact with cable cust omers shall wear on their oute r clot11ing identification cards bearing th eir name and photograph as approved by the Franchising Authority . The Cable Operator shall acc ount for all identification cards at all times. Every vehicle of the Cable Operator shall be clearl y visually identified to the public as working for the Cable Ope rato r. All CS Rs shall identify them selves orally to ca llers immediate ly following the greeting during each 8 -7 ENGLEWOOD/AT&T tel t phone comact with the public. Every vehicle of a subcontractor or contractor shall be labeled with the name of the contractor and further identified as contracting or subcontracting for the Cabi~ Operator. 5. Each CSR. technician or employee of the Cable Operator in each cont:.ct with a customer shall state the estimated cost o f the service, repair, or installation orally prior to delivery of the service or before any work is performed, and sha ll provide the customer with .m oral statement of th ~ total charges before ter.,;nating the telephone call or before leavi11e l ie location at which the work was performed. F. Customer Privacy I. The Cable Operator shall not monitor cable television signals l~ l'~lennine the ind ivi,l'Ja! viewing patterns or practices of any customer without prior written c::.nsent from that customc ·, except as otherwise permitted by ,he applicable Franchise. 2 . The Cable Operator shall not sell or other,•:i,: make available cL1stomer lists or other personally identifiable customer information with o,11 pr:'Jr written custon ,cr consent, except as otherwise permitted l>y the Franchise. The Cab,e Operator is permitted to disclose such information if such disclosure is necessary to render, or conduct, a legitimate business activity related to a cable ser,ice or other service provided by the Cable Operator to its customers . G. Safety The Cabie Operator shall install and locate its facilities , cable system, and equipment in compli ce with all federal, state, local , and company safety standards, and in such manner as shall not unduly interfere with or endanger pen;ons or property. Whenever the Cable Operator receives notice that dn unsafe condition exists with respect to its equipment, the Cable Operator shall investigate such condition immediately, and shall take such measures as are necessary to r,movc or eliminate any unsafe condition. H. Satisfaction Guaranteed T .. e Cable Operator shall guarantee customer satisfaction for every customer who requests new installation of cable service or adds any additional programming service to the customer's cable subscription. Any such customer who requests disconnection of such service within 30 days from its date of activation shall receive a credit to his/her account in the amount of one month's subscription charge for the service that has been disconnected . B-8 ENG LEWOOD/AT&T ,.._,, • • • • • • IV . COMPLAINT PROCEDURE A Complaints 10 the Cable Qp..erJ.!.n.c I . The Ca bl e Opera tor shall es tabli sh written procedures for rec eiving , acting upon , and re solving cus tome r comp laints , an d credi tin g customer acc ounts and shall publicize such pro ced ures throu gh printed dc cuments at th e Ca bl e Op erator's so le ex pense . 2. Said wri tten procedures sh.:11 pre sc rib e a simpl e manner in whi ch any customer may su bmit a comp laint by telephone or in wri tin g to the Cable Opera 1o r that it has vio lated any provision of these Cus tomer Service Standards , any term s or conditions of the cus tomer's c1:1 :tract with th e Ca bl e Operator, or reaso nabl e busin ess practic es. 3. At the co ncl usion of the Ca bl e Op erato r's investigation of a customer co mplaint , but in no more than fift ee n (15 ) ca lendar days afte r receiving th e com pl ai nt , the Cab le Opera tor shall notify the custo mer of th e res ult s of its inv~sti ga ti on and its proposed ,1ction or credi t. 4. The Cab le Opera tor sha ll also noti fy the customer of the custom er's right to file a compla in t with th e Franchising Auth ori ty in the event the customer is dissatisfied with the Ca ble Operator's dec ision . an d shall th oro ughl y ex plain th e necessary proced ures for filin g suc h co mpl ai nt with the Franchis ing Auth ority. 5. The Cab le Operator shall im mediately report all cus tomeI comp lai nt s that it doe s not find val id to the Franchi si ng Auth ority. 6. The Cable Operator's co mpl ai nt pro cedures sha ll be !'led with and approved by the Franchising Autho rit y pri or to impl ementation . B. Security Fund I . Within thirty (30) days of the effec tive date of the se Standards or th e effect ive date of any franchi se grant ed by th e Franc hi sing Authority, whi chever occurs first , the Cable Operator shall deposit with an esc row age nt approved by the Franchisin g Authority $100,000 (one hundred thousand dollars), or, in the so le discretion of the Franchi sin g Authority, such lesser amount as th e Franc hi si ng Au th ori ty deems reasonable to pro tect sub sc rib ers wi thin its juri sdi ction. Such amount may, with the approval of th e Franchising Aut hori ty, be posted joi ntly fo r more than one memb er of the GMTC , and may be ad mini stered, and drawn up on, jointly by the GM TC or draw n upon indiv idu all y by each member. The esc rowed funds shall constitute th e "Security Fund " fo r ensu rin g co mpliance with th ese Standards fo r th e be nefit of the Franchising Authority. The esc row ed funds shall be main tai ned by th e Cab le Op erator at one hund red thou sand dollars ($100.000), or such lesser amount accep ted by the Franchising Authority, eve n if amounts are withdrawn pursuant to an y prov isio n of th ese Standard s. B-9 ENG LEWOOD/AT&T 2. At any time during the tenn of this agreement, the Franchising Authority may require the Cable Operator to increase the amount of the Security Fund , if it finds that new risk factors exist which necessitate ouch an increase. 3. The Security Fund shall serve as security for the payment of any penalti es, fe e• r.harges or credits as provided for herein and for the perfonnance by the Cable Operator ·•al l its obli g~iio,1s under these Customer Service Standards. 4 . The rights reserved to the Franchising Autho11,y w'rh re pcct to ,r,,: :::•~•"''V Fw,d are ii' addition to all other rights of the Franchising Authority, whether rese, •· .•: ',, .u,y applicahl e franchiso agreement or authorized by law, and no action, proceeding or ex ol , ,,•. of • right with respect to same shall in any way affect, or diminish, any other ri ght the Franchisinr .\uthority may otherwise have. C. Complaints to the Franchising Authority 1. Any customer who is dissatisfied with any proposed decision of the Cable Operator or who has not received a decision within the fifteen (15) day period as required shall be entitled to have the comp laint reviewed by the Franchising Authority. 2. The customer may initiate the review either by calling the Franchising Authority or by filing a written complaint together with the Cable Operator's written decision, if any, with the Franchising Authority. 3. The customer shall make such filing and notification within twenty (20) days of receipt of the Cable Operator's decision or, if no decision has been provided , within thirty (30) days after filing the original complaint with the Cab le Operator. 4 . If the Franchising Authority decides that further evidence is warranted, the Franchising Authority shall require the Cable Operator and the customer to submit, wil'lun ten (10) days of notice thereof, a written statement of the facts and argum ents in support of their respective positions . 5. The Cable Operator and the customer shall produce any additional evidence, including any reports from the Cable Operator, which the Franchising Authority may deem necessary to an understanding and detennination of the compi•int. 6. The Franchising Authority shall issue a detennination within fifteen (15) days after examining the materials submitted, setting forth its basis for the detennination . 7. The Franchising Authority may extend these time limits intercede and attempt to negotiate an infonnal resolution. B-10 r !asonab le cause and may ENGLEWOOD/AT&T r ",, , .., • • • • 8. If th e Fra nchising Aut hori ty de term in es th at th e custo mer's r. n•rlai nt. is va lid and that the Ca ble Op era tor d:d no t provi de the co mpl aining customer with the pr<•P"' so luti on and/or credit , th e Franchis ing Autho rit y n ay reverse any deci sion of the Cab le Cµera tor in the matter and/or re quire the Cab le Operator to gra nt a specific solu ti on as dete rmi ned by th e Franchising Authorit y in its sole discretion, and/or any credit provided fo r in the se Standards ; or th e franc hi si ng Authority ma y provide th e cus tome r with the amount of th e credit by means of a wit hdrawal from the Security Fund. D. Verification or Compliance The Ca bl e Operator sha ll estab li sh its co mpl iance wit h any or 1\11 o f th e stand ards required through annua l reports that demo nstra te said co mplian ce, or as re4ues ted by th e Franch ising Authorit y. E. Overall Quality or Service The Franchisi ng Amhority may evalu ate the overa ll quality of custom er service provided by th e Ca ble Op era tor to custom ers: a. In conjunction with any per fon 1 ce reviL w provid ed for in the franchise agreement; and b. At any other tim e. at it s so le discretion . based on the numb er of customer complaints received by the Cab le Operator and th e Franc hi sing Authority, and the Cable Operator's re spo nse to those com pl aints . F. Non-Compliance with Customer Service Standards Non-comp:iance with an y provision of the se Standards is a violation of these Standards . G. Pro cedure for Remedying Violations I . If the Fran ch isin g Authorit y has reaso n to belie ve th at th e Cab le Operator has fa il ed to com pl y with any of th ese Standard s, or has fai led to perform in a ti mel y manner, the Franc hisin g Authority may demand in writing that the Cab le Operato , remedy th e alleged nonco mpliance . If th e alleged noncompliance is denied or not remedied to the sa ti sfac tion of the Franchi sin g Auth ority, th e Franchising Au th ori ty ma y opt to fo ll ow th e fo ll owi ng proc edure.· 2. An informa l meeting may be held to review the all eged nonc omp lian ce . If this meeting does no t result in a reso lution sa ti sfac to ry to th e Franchising Aut hori ty, the Ca ble Operator may request or the Franchi sing Authority may require an administrati ve hearing to determine if the non co mpliance occu rred. The Cable Op erator shall be provided with ten (10) days wri tten notice of the time and th e place of the hearing, thr. all egations or nonco mplian ce and the possible • consequences of th e nonc omp lian ce if sub stanti ated . B-11 ENGLEWOOD /AT&T 3. After the administrative hearing, the Franchisi ng Authority sha ll determine whether the noncompliance has been substantiated . If the noncompliance is su bstantiated, the Franchising Authority may order the Cable Operator to correct or remedy the no ncomplianc e within thirty (30) days (except where the noncompliance constitutes a material safety hazard) and in the manner and on the terms and condit ions that th e Franchising Authority estab lishes, or , in its so le discretivn , the Franchising Authority may find a material violation of th ese Standards . 4. If the Franchising Authority de termi nes in it s so le discretion that the noncompliance has been substantiated, the Franchising Auth ority may : a. Impose assessments of one tl1ousand dollars ($1,000 .00) per day, to be withdrawn from the Security Fund in addit ion to any franchise fee until th e non-compliance is 'e medied; and/or b. Order, after further hearing, such rebate s and credi ts to affected customers as in its sole discretion it deems reasonable and appropriate for degraded or unsatisfactory serv ic es that constitut ed noncompliance wi th these Standards ; and/or c. In its so le discretion, declare a vio lation of the franc hi se agreement , and in such case, th e noncompliance shall be a violation of the franchise agreement for the purposes of the franchise agreeme nt , triggeri ng all avai lable obligation s and remedies under the franchise agree ment ; and/or • d. Withhold lic ense s and permits for work by the Cab le Operator or its subcontractors in accordance wi th app li cab le law ; and/or e. Pursue any other legal or equitable remed y avai lable under an y app licabl e franchise agreement or law. f. Any assessmen t or remedy shall not cons titute a waiver by the Franchising Authority of any other right or remedy it may have und er ?ny app licabl e franchise agreement or law including any right to recover from the Cable Operator any additional damages , losses , costs , and expe nse s, including actual atto rne y's fees that are incurred by the Franchising Authority by reason of, or arise out of noncomp liance with these Standards . V. MISCELLANEOUS A. Severability Should any sectio n, subsec ti on, paragraph . term , or provision of these Standards be determined to be ille ga l, invalid, or unc onstit ut ional by any co un or agency of competent jurisdiction with regard th ereto, such de1em1inat i0n shall have no effect on the va lidity of any oth er section , subsectio n, paragraph , term, or provision of these Standards, each of the latter of which ~hall remain in full force and effect. • B-12 ENGLEWOOD/AT&T B. Non-Waiver Failure to enforce any provision of these Standards shall not operate as a waiver of the obligations or responsibilities of the Cable Operator under said provision, or any other provision of these Standards . B-1 3 ENGL EWOOD/AT&T • l morandum TO : Mayo r Bradsh ,1w and M embers o f City Coun THR OUG H: Michael Fl aherty, Acting City Manager FROM: DATE : March 26 , 2002 SU BJE CT: AT&T Broa dband Fran chis e Agreem ent At 1he rnee l ing on Ap ril 15, 2002, City Cou nc il w ill be asked to ado pt, on first read in g, a cable tele visi on fran chise agree m ent w ith M oun tain Slates Video, a subsi di ary of AT&T Br oadband. Ken Fell man, w ho provides legal cou ns el to th e City on telecomm unica ti ons issues , w ill auend th e study session o n Apri l 1" 10 go over 1he agree ment and ans wer any qu es ti ons City Council ma y have. Margaret Lejuste, AT&T's Direc tor o f Government and Commu n ity Affai rs, will also be in alte ndance to answer questions Council may have · t;T& T Broadband. Th e pro p osed Franchi se Agree ment is auached fo r ·,•,.·,r refe rence, but this m emo w ill provide an overview o f the agree m ent and background o n th e n,~o ti ati ons. Wh•n the City's c urren t Cable Te lev isio n Syst em Permit expi red in Apri l 1995, City Counc il ;?p pr ove d an ex tensio n. and we have been ope ratin g on a month -to-month basis ever since . N ego tia ti o ns w ith TCl , and subseque ntly w ith AT&T, have tak en plac e, o n an d off, for severa l yea rs. The proposed franchise agree ment is ba sed, in parl, o n th e Grea ter Metro Tel ecom muni cation Consortium's (GMT() M o del Fran c hise Agreem en t, and in pa rt upon o th er recent agre ements AT&T has n egotia ted w ith local m uni cipa lities. Th e City's neg oti ati ng team c onsisted of Ken Fell man fr om th e law fi rm Kis sin ger & Fellm an, City Atto rn ey Dan Brotzm an, Assistant City Manage r Mic ha el Fl ah erty, and myself. The primary goal of 1h e fran chi se ag ree ment is to en sure t~at res idents have the abi lity to obtain qual ity ca bl e televisio n service in th e City of Engle wood, maki ng sure th at c us tomer servi ce is a pri o rity . The lan guage in th e agree m ent prov ides for stand ard conditio ns of cab le service operations w ithin th e p resc ribed limits of telecommunications legi slation, and incl udes app ro priate, emed ies in the even t that th ese co nditions are not m et. Th ere are some En glewood-specific se ctions addressed in the agreement, pa rti cu larly surr ounding program mi n g an d eq uipm ent effo rts . With an eye to the future, o ur goal w as to make su re ou r needs are m et and the necessary infrastru cture w ill be in pla c e in lh e eve nt that th e City decid es In ex p and its programming effo rts . Some o th e n otabl e portions of th e agreement incl ude th e fo ll owing: AT.S. T's compli ance w ith the GMTC's Cust omer Se rv ice Standards. (Secti o n 6.1) Pa, m ent oi a five pe rce nt fra nc hise fee based o n AT& T's gross re ve n ues. (Sec ti on 3.1) • AT T Broi1db,1 nd Franch ise Agreernen l March 26, 20u2 Page Two • • Maintenance or our current Government Access Channel (Channel 8) with a commitment by AT&'i to an Ei:glewo o d-exclusiv e channel no later than four yea rs after th e effectiv e date of th e propcs ed agreem en t Due to th e current ca ble plant desi gn in Englewood, AT&T ca nnot commi : to an excl usi ve ch ann el until Engle wood is upgraded . (Secti on 2.3) A S 125,000 grant (rec overabl e fro m sub scribers) fo r equipmen t to ex pand future government ac cess pro gra mming. Pr ogra mming effo rts an d timi ng will be determined through discussions with staff and Cou ncil. (Sec ti on 9.1) A SI 0,000 capital equipment grant (!!.Ql recoverabl e from subs criber,) for new equipment for o ur current Channel 8 "bulletin board'' progra mming. (Section 9.1 1 Constructi on of a return line from the Civic Center to the AT&T head-e nd within nine months of the effe ctive date of th e agreement, enabling distribution of Access programming to residential sub sc ri bers . This commitment wi ll enable the City to send progra mming (currentl y bulletin board scripts) directly to th e eq uipment at the hea d-e nd, rath er than ou r cu rren t method of delivering data via modem. (Sec ti on 9.1 2) AT&T Broadband has committed to upgrading Engl ewood's cab le plant within fiv e yea rs . As incentive for AT&T to upgrade Englewood 's cable sys tem soo ner, language is included th at will exte nd the ag ree ment by five years if th e upgrade is entirel y co mpleted with in three years; and w ill exte nd the agreement by two years if the upgrad e is compl eted within fou r yea rs. (Section 12 .1) AT&T has agreed to construct an Institutional Network (I-Net) lin king current and future City fa ci lities, public schools, and oth er agen cies as ag reed to, with a fiber-optic network at AT&T's direct incremental costs of labo r and materials. A sampling of I-Net possi bilities include: high- sp ee d transmission of GIS and oth er data; the transmissi on of live training materials ; video- confere nci n g; and fac ilitation of connections fo r telephone, security, and o ther communicarjons appli ca ti ons. (Section 10) The negoti ating team has work ed di li gently to ensure that the proposed franchise ag re ement is bene ficial to the City of Engle wood and its ca ble subscribers. We have appreciated the efforts of AT&T Br oadba nd as we've work ed toward agreement during these negotia tions. On a related matter, in earl y March th e City received a "Req ues t for Consent to Change of Control" (a nd the requisite FCC Form 394) resulting fr om the announced merge r of Comcast and AT&T Broadband. The City has 120 da ys to approve, dtny, or conditionally approve th e request The GMTC is working with member jurisdictions to assess the fi nancial , legal, and tech nica l qualifica ti ons of the proposed ne w co ntrollin g enti ty. Ba sed o n th e resul ting findings , the GMTC w ill draft a reso lution th 2t member jurisdi cti ons can use as a mo del to ta ke action on the transfer. Attachm ent (:'reposed Agree ment) an Brotzman, E ity-Ai,,,·,ney Ke n Fellman , Kissin gpr I:, Fe llm an