HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002 Ordinance No. 029• ORDINANCE NO . ,24) SERIES OF 2002 <><r BY AUTHORITY COUNCIL BILL NO . 26 INTRODUCED B 'f COUNCIL MEMBER NABHOLZ AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING AN AMENDMENT TO THE 1979 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (MASTER PLAN) FOR THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO BY CREATING A NEW SECTION ENTITLED "SMALL AREA PLANS " AND A NEW SUB-SECTION ENTITLED "BATE S STATION PLAN'' UNDER THE NEW SECTION. WHEREAS, the 1979 Comprehensive Plan lists long term goals in the Forward to the Plan; and WHEREAS, consistent with tho se goals , there have be en amendments to the 1979 Plan such as the Urban Growth Boundary Amendment of 1999 and the Regional Plan Element Amendment of 2000; and WHEREAS, those amendments added a new Regional Section to the existing Comprehensive Plan Sections of Down tow n, Commercial Corridors, Industrial , Housing and Pa.rks and Recreation ; and WHEREAS, in 1997 the Commercial Corridors Section was a mended to add a Subsection relating to the Broadway Corridor called the South Broadway Action Plan; and WHEREAS , in 1999 the Transportation Section was amend ed to add an eleventh course of action which ac knowl edged the im pa ct of improvements to the Santa Fe Drive Corridor and the Development of the Light Rail System on the land uses in this corridor; and WHEREAS, the 1979 Comprehensive Plan's Transportation Section now provides for eleven courses of action, of which Numbers nine (9) and eleven (11) provide for mixed use development in connection with public transportation centers; and WHEREAS, this Ordinance will create a new section entitled "Small Area Plans" to be inserted after the Industrial Section of the 1979 Comprehensive Pl an and will create the first of three (3) proposed sub sections ; and WHEREAS, the first of these new subsections will ha entitled "Bates Station Plan"; and WHEREAS, the small a rea plan will address the ex pected development and changes in land us e in the area of the proposed Bates Avenue Light Rail Station; and WHEREAS, by antici pating and providing for guidelines for this expected development, the existing land uses as well as proposed uses will be protected; NOW , THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD , COLORADO , AS FOLLOWS : -1- 11 b ii ~-Th e City Council of the City of Englewood Co lorado hereby approves and adopts the following as an amendment to the 1979 Comprehensive Plan (Master Plan), The 1979 Comprehensive Plan s hall be amended to add a new section entitled "Sm a ll Area Plans" after the section entitled "Industrial" and by adding a new s ub section entitled "Bates Station Plan" as defin ed and a ttac hed hereto as Exhlbit A. Introduced, read in full , amend ed and passed as ame nded on first reading on the 6'' day of May , 2002 . Published as an amended Bill for an Ordinance on the 10th day of May , 2002 . Read by title and passe d on fin al reading on the 2on1 day of May , 2002 . Published by title as Ordinance No. 4-, Series of 2002 , on the i4th day of May, 2002 . ~~ Beve ~. Mayor I , Loucri s hia A. Ellis, City Clerk of the City of Engl ewood, Colorado, hereby certify thnt the above and for egoing is a true co py of the Ordinance p d on final reading a nd publis hed by title as Ordinance No.~ Series of 2002 -2- • • • Compreh ensive Pla n Amendment Bates Stati on Plan Overv iew When adocted. ihe 9a te s Stat io n Plan becomes c1n :?iement I'); :ngle\Vt"od's Co mprehensive ?Ian . Con ~1 ste nt ·.vith the Co mprehensive ?Ian . th e Bares Station Pl an idennrles "Goals and O b1ec tive s" guidi ng development. EJch oi :n~lewood's three :ran sit sta non s, Englewood. Oxio rd Jnd E ates is expec:ed to serve a dis ti nc t role for the co mmunay. The ro le fo r Bates Station ·.viii be focused on residen tial and emplo yment land uses . The 3ates Station Plan iocuses development on the land adjacent to the station . Th,s ··trans it village • area co ncentrates a mi x oi land uses and development intens itv. Th e trans it •,illa~e c1 rea is the most active, co mp ac : and pedes trian in ch arJcter . The land ber.v e!n the trans it villa~e area Jr,.:f the exi stin g res1de nua l nei ~hoorhood is the tra nsiuon Jrea . nus tran sition area •.viii be res iden tial in cha rac:er Jt lower :ntensay than in the tran sit v,lla!Je . The trans itio n area is Jl so imend ed to be compact and '.Valk able. Enc::,u ra~in~ reo avelopmen t oi two ii~n1ficJnt land ho ldin!J s in :h e tra nsu ·.11l ag;e u ea. Gen eral Iro n Works Jnd 'Nlns lo w C:an e. 1s ~."(pt!Cted :o have J positive ~rfe-:: prompring area pro p erty owners :o inves t in thei r properti es consisten t wnh tht! Sates Statio n Plan . Vis ion The 3ates St ati on trJns1t •J 1llage 1s ~nv1s 1o ned JS an integ ra l ;Jart oi the nei ghborhood. This wa.l k Jbie tran siMupportive, mix ed -us e nei l!hborhood will :le c~arJ.ce ri :ed by a ri c!i varieN of owne r-oc:.:u oied housing; Jnd ~mplovmenr uses. The ne,~hborhood ~n jovs ~~c2Uent conn ec:ions :o locJ/ Jnd reg iona l rec:ea uo n Jnd open space Jm eniues Jiang tht! S,.:,ut h ?la tt e .1nd locJI pl azJ s Jn d ~:vie ipaces ieaturin~ hisioric. interµre tiv e Jnd cu lturJI reierences. Th e ~~1stinq nei~hoorhood ·.viii have improved ac cess to emplovment Jnd t!ducJtion opcortuniries Jnd ~n1ov tht! comemence -o i sta ti on•ierv ing; re tail and serv ice s. The new transit -.rl la ~e Jnd trJ ns1t1on JreJ will weave i eJm/es slv into rhe ~xistin~ neigh borhood fab ric Jno 3roadwav ·s GJtewJv 0ISim::. B,ues SrJtlon will c-e.ue J istmc:ive presenc2 Jnd histo ric Jil y co nn-ec:ed im ,1 ~2 Js ':n\jlewood' i north~rn 5JtewJv from :h t! 5outi":west ~i~h t ~J.1 1 C.Jmc ~r. Goals and Obje c:ive s Coal : I . C:eJte Jnd ~nh Jn C;! ~uJlitv 1nrill de•.t!lo pment Jnd r~o:e velc pmenr Jt 3at es Station. a. Supoo rt h1~ner den suv de1,,e!op me ~t JdjJ c:~nr :o the 3ares St ation ~o ns1s tent '.Vith the v1 s1 on Jnd that ~ncourJ~es s:c o:-,;m1c in1,,estment b. ldentiiv opponuni th!S fo r nei gh bo rhood iJc:lines. open :;paces . pa rks Jn d Jmenities fo r incorpo ra no n into red evel o pment JreJ. c. Re c~~nize ihe 8.ites St at ion 'i rolt!, .md CenerJI Iron \Nork '; h1s:crv and uniqueness in re-de1,,e lopmen t ;:,a tte rns. d. Oe 1,,elop J h1e rarc:w oi publk Hreets Jround Juto and pedest rian ch arac:er. e. EncaurJg e ;mJller . ri ner-~rJ ined develo pm en t :,locks :erle cti ng :he ex,sung neighbo rhood p.iuerns. 1\.lainta i n Jnd ~mbrJce vi ews from 'W est C-orne!I and 1Nest Sat es Av enues to the mouncams. g. CreJte J public ;:,IJce Jt 6J tes SIJ tlOn that ;,rovides for ci\1C t n,g a,gemen t. historicJI co nte"(t Jn d mcuntJin 1,1ewm~. h. Sui:port -:ommunirv fadit1t?s Jn d jre~n :i pac ~s Jt the 3d les StJ t1o n Jn d public plazas tha t relJte to JreJ h1 storv, rail co nte"(t, CI\V ;'mtory and potential historic T1 ain Depot locJtio n. Supp o rt pmJ te dt!,t!I.Jpmt?nt t>pportunlllt?S :o ~reJte vi sua l landmarks Jt o r neJr tht! 8,1 1es S1Jt1 on . A Goal : J. Integrate :;2ns 1tivelv the new trJns1t •1 illilSe wr rh the ;urrounding res idential neigh b o rhood consistent wi th che •11s1on . Goal : a. De vel op the tran sit v1lla ~e Jdja ce nt to the 9,ue s Stati on as the prfmarv focus of a mixed- use . trans1r-su cportive neighb orhood. b. Create ,ens,11 ve 1ran si 11ons be~veen lhe :rans lt vi llage ldjacen1 to Bates Sta rion , lo 1he 1rans irio n Jrea. and to lhe a,isnng residen ti al ne ighborhood and Broadwa y Ga te way Dis tri ct c. Careiullv in1e~ra1e the rail co rrido r and Li ght ~ail Maintenance Faci lity wilh adjacent de vel opment , J ne ighborhood . 3. Promote and develop the use 0/ transit and altemative transportation modes . Goal : a. Pro\l ide excellent pedestrian and bicycle trail ..:onnections ber.veen the Bates Station , CityCanter Englewood . the Broadway corri dor. :he ;urround ing residential neighb orho od. and the regio nal rail sy stem . b. De vel op Sales S1a11on to be hi~hly Jccess ible 10 pedestri ans and bic1c!is ts JS neighb or hood serving ;ration. c. Promote continuitv oi p ublic space by crea11ng hi gh quali tv stre ets . pedestria n envi ronmen ts Jnd public p laces. ~-Establish an appro pri ate m,:c ai land uses Jnd ~nsure qua lirv devel opment. Goal : a. Provi de J broad ran ge cf hou sing unu ty pes Jnd pric2s . b. Provide regional ~mpl o· .. ment opportunities J S well as li ve /wo rk op~ortun iti es io r !ocJ/ res idents throu~t, tht! incl us ion oi offic e space . c. Pro vide o ppo rtun ities for itatio n-;erving co mmerc ial ~s tab lishments . d. Establi sh .i ii ne ~r.Jin .;,i uses Jn d matenals :or hum an iC J le develc pmenr. 5. Establish develop me nt Jnd des1~n i.:nt eria tha t promote creJtive. ;es ;:io ns ive develo pment co nsistent -.vi th Trans it Onented De ~e!o pment ;,ri nc:pl es Jnd the Plan Vi sion . Goal : a. ~ddress :Jl i~ht co nd ino ns rdenuTl e d in "forth :n~le.,voc d :ndus mal R~de velo pment .lireJ Cond itio ns Su r-.ev Jnd ;n the Engl e•.vood Indu strial Rede velopment Pla n. b. Crea te J quJ litv imJg e Jnd urban form ;pec:rtc to the redevelopment area and sensiti ve to the surrounding nt!ighbo rhoods . c. Enc ou rJ ge Jppro priJ te iCJ II'! m J rchi tec:ure . :lu1lding cv pe s and iorm5. d. Promote ,:ii\aers itv in Jrch upc :u re bv ~nc ou raging vanaa on in ;rv !e. color 1n d materi al s. ye t still ~nsuring urban co mpatib1litv . 6. Ensure tha t transpo rtatio n fac 1li tit s ;er.e the neighbo fho ,;d J S ·.veil as the trans it-ori ented development. a. Pnma ry Jutom ob,le JC Cess to the tr:i nsi t-ori ented devel o pme nt ;i te >hould occu r fro m Yale and Dartmouth 1;ia J Calapago/Eiati co nnector u ree t. b. Bates A1;e nue should Jer.ie JS a ;rr o ng pedesman co nnec:1o n to Broadway from the Bares S1arion. c. Estab lish de\elopm~nr patterns that discoura~e automob il e co nnec:i ons between the sta tto n Jn d txisting re~identiJI neighborhoo..;s. • • • • • COUNCIL COMMUNICATION Date: Agenda Item Subject: May 6, 2002 11 a iii Bales Station Pl an Comprehensive Plan Amendment Initiated By: Staff Source: Community Development Department Mark Graham, Senio r Planner COUNCIL GOAL AN D PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION • Increase housing diversity and home ownership. • Rede ve lopment of General Iron Works site. • Counci l adopted MelroVision 2020, lhe regional land us e plan , which supports Urban Ce nter de velopment patterns -tha t ca n best he serve d by investme nts in puolic transportation. • Coun:il discussed the Bales Station Plan al St udy Sessior March 4, 20C2. • Council created the North Englewood Industrial Redevelo pment Area in January 2001. RECOMMENDED ACTION Staff rec ommends lhal City Council app rove the ordi nance adding the Bales Station Pl an l o lhe Englew ood Comprehensive Plan . BACKGROUND The Bates Station Plan wi ll amend the Englewood Comprehensive Plan . lhe Plan is drafted lo proviae pu blic goals and objectives 10 guide development al Bales Slalion. Slaff has bee n working with the Pl anning and Zoning Commission (P&Z) since early 2001 o n l he Bales Station Pla n. P&Z pass ed the Bales Station Plan (Exhib it A) in a public hearing o n December 4, 2001 w;1h a motion lo make specific modifica1ioros . The Plan with proposed modifica tions proceeded lo Council Study Session on March 4 where Counci l requested additiona l modificatio ns lo the Plan. The Pl an has been revised to address both Planning and Zoning Commission and City Co un cil issues. The fina l draft plan is attached as Exhi bit B. Council also requ es ted that there be an additional opportunity for commu nity com ment on goa ls and policies before Cou nci l considered ado ptir.g the Bales Station Plan as an amendment 10 the eng lewood Comprehensive Pl an. Englewood hosted over one hundred ci tiz ens at the April 17, 2002 me eti ng to gather comm ents and 10 answer questions about the proposed public policies an d de ve lopment plans for General Iron Works. The staff summary of th e meeting is also attache d. NEXT STEPS The Bates Plan will be implemented with future zoni ng, development agreements, ca'Jital impr \lvement';, Voluntary (en vi ronmental) Cleanup Pl ans , ,tnd review processes . There will be m, ny additi on al opportunities fo r neighborhood meetings and citizen involvement as each •,evelopment sle p of the Plan is implemented . FINANCIAL IMPACT There will be both costs and benefits associated with lmplemeodng the Bates Plan . Costs and benefits will be better understood as the conceptual plans are refined. LIST Of ATTACHMENTS Bill for Ordinance Bates Station Plan : Exhibit A, Exhibit B April 17. 2002 Community Meeting Summary • EXHIBIT A (Original ) • Bates Station Framework Plan Overview Each of Englewood 's three transit stations, Englewood, Oxford and Bates should fulfi ll a distinct role for the community. Bates Station focuses on residential and employment land uses . The Bates Station Framework Plan provides "Goals and Objectives" to guide development. The Bates Station Framework Plan becomes an element of Engle wood's Comprehensive Plan . The Bates Station Framework Plan makes a distinction between the land adjacent to the station and light rail lines and land more distant from th e station and light rail lines . The land adjacent to the sta tion, the transit •illage, co ncentrates a mix of land uses and increased development intensity. This transit village area w ill be the most active, compact and pedestrian in character. The land between the transit village area and the existing residential neighborhood is the transition area . This transition area will be residential in character at lower intensity than in the transit village as well as compact and walk able. Encouraging redevelopment of two significant land holdings in the transit village area, General Iron Works and Winslow Crane, is ex pected to have the positive effect promptin g area property owners to invest in their properties consistent with the Bates Station Framework Plan . • Vision • The Bates Station is envisioned as an integral part of the ne ighborhood. This wa lk ab le transit-supportive, mixed-use neighborhood is characterized by a rich variety of owner- occupie d housing and employment use s. The neighborhood enjoys excellent connections to local and regional recreation and open space amenities along the South Platte and loca l pla zas and civic spaces featuring historic, interpretive and cu ltural references . The neighborhood has improved access 10 employment and education opportunities and enjoys the conve nience of station-serving retail and services . The new transit village and transition area will weave seam le ss ly into the existing neighborhood fabric and Broadway's Gateway District. Bates Station will create a distinctive presence and an historically connected image as Englewood's northern gateway from the Southwest Light Rail Corridor. Goals and Objectives Goal: 1. Create and enhance quality infill development and redevelopmen t at Bates Station . a. Support higher density development adjacent to the Bates Station consistent with the vision and that encourages economic investment. b. Identify opportunities for neigh borhood facilities , open spaces, parks and amenities for incorporation into redevelopment ar ea. c. Recognize the Bates Station 's role, and General Iron Work's history and uniqueness in re-development patterns . d. Develop a hierarchy of public stree ts around auto and pedestrian character. e. Encourage smaller, finer-grained development blocks reflecting the existing neighborhood patterns. 2 f. Maintain and c:mbrace views from West Cornell and West B-.t,·s .\venues to the mountains . g. Create a publi c place at Bates Station that provides for civic en 11 :,gement, • historic:ii context and mountain viewing. Goal: h. Support community facilities and green spaces at the Bates StMlon anc public plazas that relate to area history, rail con tex t, GIW history and pol ·ntial historic Train Depot location. i. Support private development opportunities to create vis ual landmarks at or ne ar the Bates Station . 2. Integrate sensi tively the new transit village ..vi th the surrounding residential neighborhood consistent w ith the visio n. Goal: a. Develop the transit vill age adjacent to the Bates Station as the primary focus o f a mixed-use, transit-supportive neighbo rhood . b. Create sensitive transitions between the transit village adjacent to Bates Station, to the transition area, and to the ex isting residential neighborhood and Broadway Gateway District. c. Carefully integrate the rail corridor and Light Rail Mai ntenan ce Facility wi th adja c ent ,ievelopment and neighborhood. 3. Promote and develop the us e of transit and alternative transportation modes. Goal: a. Provide excellent pedestrian and bicycle trail connections between the Bates Station, CityCenter En glewood, the Broadway cor ridor, the surrounding residential neighborhood, and the re giona l trail system. b. Develop Bates Station to be highly ac ce ssible to pedestrians and bicyclists as nei ghborhood serving sta tion . c. Promote continuity of public space by c rea tin g high qua lity streets, pedest ri an envi ronments and public places . 4. Establish an appro priate mix of land uses and ensure quality development. Goal : a. Provide a broad range of housing unit types and prices. b . Provide regional employment opportunities as well as live/work opportunities for local residents through the inclusion of office space . c. Provide opportunities fo r statio n-serving com mercial establishments . d. Establish a fine grain of uses and materials for human scale development. 5. Establish development and design criteria that promote creati ve, responsive development consistent with Transit Oriented Development principles and the :-•: Vision . a. Address blight conditions identified in , orth Englewood Industrial Rede velo pment A rea Conditions Survey and in the Englewood Industrial Red evelop ment Plan . H:\GRO UP\&OAROS\URA \GI\ ProJtct ,\1.an.ig~nl\8.1tes S~uon Framework Pl.an w PZ rl!M11ons 1 :?0601 Exh 1b11 A.doc • • • • • Goal : 6. b . Create a qualiiy image and urban form specific to the redevelopment area and sensitive to the surrounding neighborhoods . c. Encourage appropriate scale in architecture, building types and forms. d . Promote dil·ersity in architecture by encouraging variation in style, color and materials, yet still ensuring urban compatibility. Ensure that transportation facilities serve the neighborhood as well as the transit- oriented development a. Primary automobile access to the tr ns I-oriented development site should occur from Yale and Dartmouth via a Galapago/Elati connectcr street. b. Bates Avenue should serve as a strong pedestrian connection to Broadway from the Bates Station . c. Establish development patterns that discourage automobile connections between the station and existing residential neighborhoods . 3 H:\CROUP\80ARDS\URA\CIW\Proiect M.an11ament\B.atfl Station fntMWOtic Pl&n w PZ revislorts 120601 Exhibit Adoc Comprehensive Plan Amendment Bates Station Plan Overview EXHIBIT B (Final with modifications ) When adopted, the Bat es Stati on Plan becomes an element of Englewood 's Comprehensive Plan . Consistent with the Comprehensive Plan , the Bates Station Plan identifies "Goals and Objectives" guiding de velopment. Each of Englewood's three transit stations, Englewood, Oxford and Bates is expected to serve a distinc t role for the community , The role fo r Bate s Station w ill be focused on resid ential and emp loymen t land uses . Th e Bates Station Plan fr,cus es deve lopment o n the land adjacent to the station. Thi s "transit village" area co nce ntrate s a mi>. of land uses and development intensity . The transit village area is th e most acti ve. com pact and p,!destrian in character . The land between the transit village area and the existi ng resid ential neighborho•Jd is the transition area . This transition area will be residentia l in cha racter at lower intensity tha n in •h e trans it village. The transition area is also intended to be compact and walk able. Encouraging re development of hvo significant land holdings in the transit village area , General Iron Works and Winslow Crane , is ex pe cte d to ha ve a posi ti ve effe ct prompting area proper ty owners to in vest in their properties co nsistent with the Bates Station Plan . Vision The Bates Station transit village is envis ioned as an in tegral part of the neighborhood. This wa lk able transit,supportive, mixed-use neighborh ood will be characterized by a rich variety of owner-occupied housing and employment us es. Th e neighborh ood enjoys exce ll ent con necti ons to loca l and regional • recreati on and open space amenities Jl ong the Sou th Platte and lo ca l plazas and civic spac es fea turin g • historic, interpretive and cultural references . Th e e,isti ng neighborhood w ill ha ve improve d access to emplo yment and ed uca ti on opportuniti es and enjoy the convenience of stat io n-servi ng retail and serv ic es. The new transit village and transition area will wea ve seam le ssly into the existing neighborhood fabric and Broadway's Gatewa y Dist rict. Bate s Sta tion will create a distincti ve presence Jnd his toricall y connected image as Engl ewood's no11hern ga teway fr o m the Southwest Light Rai l Corridor. Goals and Objectives Goal: t . Create and enhance quality infill de velopment and rede ve lo pment at Bates Station . 05060~ ,ev a. Support higher density development adjacent to the Bates Station consistent with the visio n and that enco ura ges economic inves tment. b. Identify opportunities fo r neighborhood facilities, open spaces , parks and amenities for incorporation int o redev elopment area . c. Recog nize the Bat es Station 's role , and General Iron Work 's history and uniqueness in re-de ve lopment patterns . d . Deve lop a hierarchy of public str ee ts around aut o and pedestrian character. ~-Encourage sma ll er, finer,grained development blocks reflecting the exis tin g neighborhood patterns . Maintain and emb ra ce views fro m \Nest Cornell and West Bates Ave nu es to the mounta ins. g. Create a public place at Bates Station that provides for civic engageme nt, historical context and mou nt ai n viewing . h. Support community facili ties and green spaces at the Bates Station and public plazas that rela te to area history, rail contexl, GIW history an d potential hi storic Train Depot location . i. Suppo rt pri vate development oppo rtun ities to create vi sua l landmarks at or near th e Bates Station . • • • • Goal: 2. Integrate sensitively the new transit village with the surrounding residential neighborhood consistent with the vision. Goal: a. Develop the transit village adjacent lo the Bates Station as the primary focus of a mixed- use, transit-supportive ne ighborhood. b. Create sensitive transitions between the transit village adjacent to Bales Station , lo the transition area , and 10 the existing residential neighborhood and Broadway Gateway Dis trict. c. Carefully integrate the rail corridor and Light Rail Maintenance Facility with adjacent development and neighborhood. 3. Promote and develop the use of transit and alternative transportation modes . Goal: a. Provide excellent pedestrian and bicycle trail connections between the Bates Station, CityCenter Englewood , the Broadway corridor, the surrounding residential neighborhood, and the regional trail system. b. Deve lop Bales Station lo be highly accessible lo pedestrians and bicyclists as neighborhood serving station. c. Promote continuity of public space by creating high quality streets , pedestrian environments and public places. 4. Establish an appropriate mix nf land uses and ensure quality development. Goal: 5. Goal : 6. a. Pro vi de a broad range of housing unit types and prices . b. Provi de regional employmen t opportunities as well as live/work opportunities for local res idents through the inclusion of office space . c. Pro vide opportuniti es for station-serving commercial establishments. d . Establish a fine grain of use s and materials for hurr.an scale development. Establish development and design cri teria that promote creati ve, responsive development co ns isten t wit h Transit Oriented Development principles and the Plan Vision . a. Add ress blight co nditions identified in North Englewood Industrial Redevelop ment Area Conditions Surve y and in the Englewood Industrial Redevelopment Plan . b. Create a quality image and urban form specific 10 the redevelopment area and sensitive 10 the surrounding neighborhoods. c. Encourage appropriate scale in architecture, building types and forms. d . Promote diversity in architecture by encouraging variati on in style , color and materials, ye t still ensuring urban compatibility. Ensure that tra nsportation facilities serve the neighborhood as well as the transit-oriented developmen t. a. Primary automobile access lo the transit-oriented deve lopment site should occur from Yale and Dartmouth via a Galapago/Elati connector street. b. Bates Avenue should serve as a strong pedestrian connection lo Broadway from the Bates Station. c. Establish development panerns Iha! discourage automobi le connections between the station and existing residential neighborhoods . H:\GROUP\Dtvelopment Project Sec:tion \GI\V\outn!!ich\B•les S1<1 tion ?tin 041702 .doc To : Thru : From: Date : Subject: ~ M E M 0 R A N D City Council and Manager Robert Simpson , Community Development Director Marie Graham . Senior Planner ~ April 18, 2002 Recap of April 1 i, 2002 Community Meeting Regarding General Iron Works Redevelopment u Appro xi mate ly ninety ci tizens and thirty representati ve's of RTD, City of Englewood and The Fullerton Compan y attended the two-hour meeting Wednesda y, April 1 7. Most written comments related to tra ffic co ncerns within the immediate area of the proposed development. The City and Develop er presentati ons were generally well received. Approximatel y si x res idents were vocal about envi ronm ental issues related to the o ngoing RTD demolition and g;ading wo rk. Those neighbors asserted that RTD was less than forth co ming with en vironmental testing data and cavalier in the ir deali ngs with co mplaints . N9tificat ion Community De velopment no tifi ed the entire communi ty ab o ut the April I i General Iron Rede velopment Meeting with a notice in the April En glewood Citizen newsletter. In addition , Engle woo d ci tizens . both res idents and bus inesses . from Broadwa y to Santa Fe and fr om Yale to Flo yd were noti fi ed by letter oi the meeting. Letters were also mailed to property owners when the tax bill is sent to an address o ther than the prope rty ad dress . Do or hang ers rem inding residents of th e meeting were delive red to 250 ho mes near General Iron Works between April 12 and t 4. Approx imately 90 pe o ple attended. The Cha mber oi Co mmerc e not iced by fa x weekly for the past three we eks to the ir membersh ip. Meeting Format The community meeting featured a com t ,na \on "open house • and presenta ti on format Representatives of RTD , The Fullerton Compan y, and staff we re available to meet citizens and respond informall y to i;;1,estions at the begin ni ng and end of the meeting. A presentation in the middle of the meeting featured Co ,, rr unity De veill pment Director, Robert Simpson , and De veloper, La wrenc e Fullerto n. Dir ector ~•mp son discussed the rede velopment timeline , proposed Bates Station Plan and its relationship to th e regulations that implement man y of the Plan objectives. De veloper Fullerton described his ten-year-old company and a variety of residential projects that he has completed . A genera l question and answer session followed the presentations, and then citizens were aga in invi ted to vis it with representatives of RTD , the developer and the City . Topics • Se veral ne ighbors expressed concern about the tra ffic Md parking problems that they antici pate will be generated by the res idential and office de velopment and also by Bates Statio n. There were ques tio ns ab ou t ho w much park ing would be provided for Bates Stat io n and whether an y bus ro utes wo uld se rv e the Stati on. No commuter parking for the 1000 Englewood Parkw av Engl ewoo d. Colo ra do 801 10 PHON E J0J-~62 -23-12 FA X J0J-;8]-6 895 \"'\V\'<I Cl t"s.t~,ood CO UI • • • • station is planned . The number 2i bus may serve the station after an RTD public hearing process determines the desirability of the change. • Res idents e,pressed concern for the safety of school children walking to Bishop Elementary Sc hool with all of the additional cars in the neighborhood. • Some citizens raised concerns about how RTD's ongoing demolition and grading may be dispersing dust paper, dirt and potentially harmful contaminants into tht-air surrounding area . RiD env ironmental experts were present to respond to questions but the residents continued to suggest RTD was of hiding that information and discounting their concerns. • Comments about the proposed Bates Station were mixed. Traffic generation was the issue most oiten noted; yet there were man y favo ·1ble comments for the improved ar:cess to pro sports venues , restaurants and jobs . • Some residents expressed iears about building heighis blocking views oi the mountains or reducing their priva cy. Badgrqund Community De velopment staff continues to work with the Regional Transportation District (RTD ), the Englewood Urban Renewal ,-'luthority [EURA ). and The Fullerton Company on Gene.cal Iron Works (GIW ) redevelopment. RTD selected the GIW site ior their Elati Light Rail Trair ,'l,\aintenance Facility back in June of 199 9 . Counc il met with the Colorado Transportation Department Director and RTD General Manager at that ti me to discuss o ptions with more benefits and fewer adverse impacts on Englewood. RTD modified the ir plans to ac comm odate man y oi Counc il's requests by localing theil fac ility as far to the north as environmental constraints wo uld allow, by working with Englewood to pr~vide a Light Rail Station at Bates Av enu~. and by work ing with the EURA to fac ilitate construction of a residential trans it village adjacent to the Bates Avenue Stati on. Englew~od's Urban Renewal Authority initiate d a Conditions Survey and a Rede velopment Plan in August 10 00 , ior Industrial land bet\veen Dartmouth and Yale , east oi Santa Fe and west of Delaware . Counc il accepted the EURA recommendations and created an Urban Renewal Area in the vicinity of General Iron Works. The EURA advertised the redevelopment opportunity and appointed an Ad Hoc committee to review proposals and select a developer. When The Fullerton Company was selected in April WO 1, they wert asked to engage the community in a dialog about their project. Englewood 's Comprehensive Plan is being updated to consider changes in public tran~portation and land use along the Santa Fe corridor. The Bates Station Comprehensive Plan Amendment was draited to provide public goals and objectives for land development near the Bates Station . Staff has been working with the Planning and Zoning Commission (P&Z) since early 2001 on the Bates Station Plan . P&Z passed the Bates Station Plan in a public hearing in February 2002 so it proceeded to Council Stud y Session on ,\.larch 4. Counc il requested that there be an addition opportunity for community to comment on the plan befo re Council considers adopting the Bates Plan as an element oi the Englewood Comprehens iv e Plan . Englewood hosted .i tizens at the April 1 i, 2002 meeting to gather comments Jnd to answer questiuns about the proposed public policies and de velopment plans for General Iron Works rede velopment General Specific • Dev ' ;1opment Model Englewood comprehensive Plan Bates Stalion Plan • (Soulh Broadway Action Pla n) Englewood Comprehensive Zoning Ord inance Transit Zone • (CltyCenter PUD) Sybdiyjslon • General Iron Wor1<s property Building Pennits • Policy Goals Advisory (Required by state statute as legal foundation) Regulatory Standards Mandatory (Each success ive step further implements a Plan) •