HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002 Ordinance No. 045r
WHEREAS , Englewood Mercha nts arc currently prohibited from condu cting sidewa lk sal es
based on re stric tions in E.M.C. Titles 7, 11 and 16; and
WHEREAS, requ ests from merchants on how sidewalk sa le s might be allowed lend to City
Co uncil's proposal authorizing two (2) citywide public sidewalk sa le events per year; and
WHEREAS , the pas sage of thi s Ordinance will continue to prohibit publi c ~i~"'~walk sales except
when authorized by the City by o.n nunl City Council resolution; and
WHEREAS, the Englcwoo<l Planning and Zo ning Commission held a Public Hearing on April
18, :moo and after review re co mmended the forwarding to City Co uncil for approval ;
~. The Ci ty Co uncil of the City of Englewood, Colorado hereby au th orizes amendi ng
Title 7, Chapter 68, Section 6, Subsection A-1 , of the Englewood Municipal Code 2000, to rend as
follows :
A. Offe nses : An individual or corporati on commits an offense if withou t legal privilege he/she
inten1ionnlly , know ingly, or reckle ss ly :
I. Obs tructs n highway , st ree t, sidewa lk, mail, rai lway, wa terway , building entrance ,
eleva tor, ais le. stai rway, or hallway to which the p·J1Jlic or a substantial group of the
publ ic hllS access or an y other pince used for the pasiusc of person s, vehic les , or
conveyances, whethe r the obstruction arises from his/he r acts alone or from his/he r
nets and the nets of others: and with the exception of sales pursuant to a public
sidewalk sale or fonner's market as defined in E.M.C. 1 l-8 -1 ; or
2. Di so beys a reaso na ble request or order to move is sued by 11 perso n he/she knows to be
a pea ce office r. 11 fi reman, or n person with authority to control the use of the
prem is es, to pre-..ent obstruction of a street or pas sa eway or to maintain pub lic safety
by dispe rsi ng those gathered in dn nge rou ~ proximity to a fire, rint, or ot her haznrd.
B. Definition : Fo r purposes of this Section, "obstruct" means to render imp:isso.ble or to render
passage unreasonably inconvenien t or haznrdous .
10 b ii
C. Prohibited Acts : It shall be unlawfu l for any person engaged in the snlc or newspapers,
mngnz inc s or o:her goods or merchandise, to make any unnecessary sound or noi se, to
obstruct any sidewal k or ot her publi c pl ace, or di sturb or impede oth ers. Except sales
pursunnt to a public sidewalk sal e or fooner 's market as thet-~ tcm1~ ts-~ defined in
E.M.C. 16-8-1.
D. Solicitation On Or Ncnr Street Or Hi ghway:
I. The purpose or this subsectio n is to prevent dangers hJ persons and property, 10
preven t delays, and to avoid interference with the traffic flow . Roadways that have
c.:nter medians often arc designed to dea l with specific traffi c flow prob lems . Any
delay or distraction may interfere with traffic planning. Sometimes persons stand
near intersections and nea r traffic lights to contac t drivers or passengers in cars that
arc passing or th at arc stopped tempo rarily due to traffic li ght s.
2. h shall be unla wfu l for an y person to soli cit emp loyment, bu siness, contributions,
or sales or any kind , or collec t monies for th e same, from the occupa nt of any
ve hicle traveling upon any street or hi ghway when suc h so li cita ti on or co ll ectio n:
a. Causes the person performing the activity to enter onto the traveled portion or
a street or hi ghway .
b. In vo lves the person perfonning the activity to be loc ated upon any median or
is lan d area which separates traffic lanes.
The person performing the ac tivity is located such that ve hi cles cannot move
into a lega l parking area to safely conduct the transaction .
3. It shall be unl awfu l for any person to !»Olicit or attempt 10 solici t employment,
business, or contributions or any kind fro :n the occupant of any veh icle on any
highway in cluded in the State system includi ng an y entrance to or exit from such
highway ,
4. For purposes of this subsectio n, th e trave led po rtion of the street or highway shall
mean that pon ion or the road nonn ally used hy inovi ng motor vehicle tmffic .
5"..ti2nl. The City Council of th e City of Engle 1vood, Co lorado hereby authorizes amending
Title 11 , Chap ter 3, Section 3, Subsection B, of the l:nglewood Municipal Code 2000, to rea d as
follows :
A. Materials . Excepl as otherwise provided in this Code, it shall be unlawful for any person to
obstruct a street, sidewalk or gutte r with any debris, lumber, sand, gravel, dirt , abandoned
or wrecked automobiles or other material or subs tance, without first obtaining written
pcm1ission from the Director. Such pcm1i1 may be granted only where the obstruction is
necessary for the construction, alteration or repair of the adjoining property, and such
pcnnittcd obstruction shall be limited to as short a time as is reasonably possible . Each day
that such an unlawful obstruction is pennittcd to exist shall constitute 11 separate and
distin ct offense.
B. Merchandise . It shall be unlawful for any person to erect any booth or stnnd for th e di splay
of any merchandise for advertising on any sidewalk of the streets of the City or to place or
allow to be placed any signs 01 display boards or any other obstructions on any of the
sidewalks or streets of tile City ; provided, however, that nothing in this subsect ion shall
prevent the receiving or delivering of goods , wares or merchandise , provided that no
obstructions of si dewalks or streets for thi s purpo se shall be of longer duration than is
absolutely nec essary for suc h rcceivinR or delivery. Exc ept sales pursuant to a.public
sidewalk snle or fanner's mnrkctas titM lh2s tenn~ i-,~defined in E.M.C. i6-0-l .
~-The City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado hereby authorizes amending
Title 16, Chapter 4, Sect io n 10, Subsec tion E, of the Englewood Municipal Code 2000, to read as
E . Prohibited Uses:
l . Adult entertainment and service estab lisl
2. M11nufacruring.
3. Outdoor storage of materi als , su pplies and equipment on private and public propcny .
4. The outdoor display, storage or sale of clothi ng or household appli11nces , furniture or
other items commonly used in a home , whether on private or pub lic property, except
sa les pursuant to a public sidewalk sa le or..mn:nc.u..mllCG!.as tJtet-lhoS term1 i-, ~
defined in E.M.C. I 6-8-1.
5. Warehousing of produc ts or items not so ld on the premises .
6. Sale at wholesale .
7. Sales or service activity shall not be allowed from w,y temporary suucture or ve hic le
unless a building perm it 11p plication has been submitted for a pennanent building or
structure to replace the temporary structure.
8. Po.wnbrok ers and automobile pnwnbrokers as defined by and which arc required to be
licensed under Title 5 of this Code.
9. Temporary employment services as defined by 1111d which are requ ir .. -d to be li censed
under Title S of this Code .
~ The City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado hereby authorizes amending
Title 16, Chaplcr 4, Section 12, Subseclion F, of the Englewood Municipal Code 2000 , to read as
fo llows:
16 -4-12 : B-2 BU SINE SS DISTRICT :
F. Pro hib i1ed Uses :
I. Manufa ctu ring.
2. Outdoor storage of materials, supplie s anJ equipm en t on pri va te and publir. prope rt y.
]. The outdoor di spla y, storage or sa le of hou se hold appliance s, furniture , or ot her
items commo nl y used in a home, whether on private or publ ic property. Excep t
st1 les purs ua nt to a public sidewa lk sa le or fanner's market :is the+ 1m tenn~ tt m¥
defi ned in E.M.C. 16-8-1.
4. Wareh ousing of produ cts or items not sold on th e premi ses.
5. Sales at wholesa le.
6. Soles or serv ice ac ti vity shall not be allowed fr om any temp orory st ructure or vehicl e
unle ss a building penn it appli ca tion has been submitted fei r 1\ pcnn anent buildin g or
stru ct ure to replac e the temporary structure.
7. Temporary employment serv ices as defi ned by and whi ch are rcq ui!'ed to be lice nsed
under Ti tl e 5 of this Code .
~-The City Co un cil of the City of Eng lewood , Colo rado hereby authorizes amendi ng
Title 16, Chnpler 4, Sec li on 19, Sub scci.;ll n 7, of the Eng le wood Mu r::cipa l Code 2000, to read as
fo ll ows :
16-4-19 ,7: PROHIBITED SIGNS :
A. The fo llow ing signs are prohibited in all zo ne dis 1ricts and are declared a nui sa nce by th e
Ci ty:
I. Any grou nd sign within a tri angular area of thirty feet (30'} along two (2) si des of an
inlcrsectio n of curbs of two (2) st reets, o. railroad right~of•way and a stree t, a
driveway and a sireet, or an all ey and o. street , whic h does 1101 have a clear area of
seve n feet (7') betw een the grade level o.nd the bottom of che sig n unle ss app roved by
th e City Traffic Engineer.
2. Ba nners , except as in provided in subsec ti ons 16-4-19-S(Q) (Soulh Bro adw ay
idc n1ificnti on banners), 16-4-19(8) (Street Banners), ond
16-4-19-I0{E)(6) (Short Tenn Advertising Signs) as weil as, pennants , va lances and
winC 6igns .
3. Billboards including without limit nt ion, any billbo ards on land transferred to th e
Ci ty hy the Stale ofColorndo or any of its agencies ,
4, Portable signs .
5. Signs referring 10.outdoor display ofmr hnndisc on public ri ght-of-way_cxccpt for
sig ns for sidewa lk sales pursuant 1u n public sidewalk sa le 2r fanncr's miirkc t as t-httt-
llm.~ 1erm~ io 11!. defined in E.M ,C, 16-8-1 .
6. Search lights .
7. Signs pa inted on fences .
8, Third-party signs ,
9. Wheeled adverti sing de vic es, except for pcnmment signs on licensed veh ic les .
10. Balloons nnd ot her inflatable devices.
11. Flags exceed ing thiny-ftvc; square feet (35 ') maximum in area .
12. Any Sign thnt imitates or resembles an official traffic control dev ice or signal, or
which attempts to direct the movement of traffic, or which hides from view or
interferes with the effecti venes s of any officia l trafiic contro l device or signa l.
The fo ll ow ing signs are prohibited in all areas except in the South Broadway sign o.rea :
I. An imated sign~. except barbe r pole s.
2. Flashing or blinking ligh ts or sign s, except for scoreboards and time and
temperarw-e devices.
3. Roof signs and integral roo f signs .
4. Wall murals.
~-The Englewood City Council hereb y amends Title 16, Chap. 8,
Section I, of t~e Englew ood Municipal Code 2000 , with the addition of the following definition , in
nlphabetical order. to the l .:finiti ons as follows :
16-8-1: DEF INIT IONS :
PUBLI C SIDEWALK SALE : Com mun ity even t or celebration all owing the use of publi c
sid ewalks by En glewood mcrchnn1 s in fr onl of th ei r busines s ns authori zed by the City Manager
or dcsignc c.
FARME R'S Ml\RKEI · Ongoing scasonnl com1Jll!..!1ity activity featuring fam1 produce Colorndo
,rnricu hurc-rc la1cd pr.QQU.Cl~~d specia lt y foods on publi c or private propen y as
fill!hQ.rized by the Ci 1y Manager or c.1~
~-Safely Cla uses -Th e Ci ty Co uncil, h,..rcb y find s, detcnnines, and dec lares that 1hi s
Ordin ance is promulgarc d und er the gen rol police power of th e City of Englewood , th at it is
promul gate d for th e healt h, safety , and Y.d fn re of the pu blic , and th 11t th is Ordinance is necessary
for the p;es erva tio n of hea lth a nd safety and fo r the protec tio n of public con·:cnie nce and we lfa re .
The City Cou ncil fu nh er detenni nes thtU the Ord inance bears 11 ro.ti on:il rel11 1i un to the proper
legishni ve object sought to be obtained .
~. ~ If o.ny clause, se ntence , paragraph, or part of th is Ord inance or the
ap plication there of to uny pers on or circums1anccs shall for any reuson be adj ud ged by a court of
com pet ent j urisdiction in valid, such j udgmen t shall not affect impair or inva lida1e the remaind,:r
of thi s Ordinance or it s app lication to other persons or circ um s1ances.
~L.2... lnc onsi stc OI Ordinnnccs All othe r Ord inances or portions th ereof inconsis tent or
con fli cting with thi s Ordinan ce or any port io n hereof arc hereby repealed to th e extent of such
inco nsis1en\:y or conflict.
~ Effect ofcs:ru:al or modiOcntioo The repea l or modification of any provi sio n of
the Code of 1he Cit y of Englewood by thi s Ordinanc e shall not release , extinguish, alt er, modify,
or change in wh ole or in part any penalty, fo rfeiture, or liability, either civ il or crim loa l, which
shall have been incurred under such provis ion , an d eac h prov isio n shall be treated and held as still
remain ing in force fo r the purposes of sustaini ng o.ny and .. II proper actions, suits, proceedings ,
and prosec uti ons for th e enfo rcement of the penally, forfeiture, or lia bili ty, as well as for 1hc
purpose of susta ining any judgment , decree, or ord er whic h can or ma y be rend ered , entered , or
maJe in such nctio ns, suits, proc eedings , or prosecuti ons.
~--13nal.t~-The r enolt) Pro visions of E.M.C . Sec1;on I I shall "Jl pl y 10
eac h and cvcty vio ll ti on of this Ord ina nce.
In trod uced, re ad in full, :i nd passed on fir st readin i on the 3rd day ofSeplembe r, 2002.
Publi shed as a Bill for an Ord ir al"l cc on the 13th day or September, 2002 .
Read by title ancl passea on final reading on the 7111 day of October, 2002 .
Publi shed by title as Ordinance No . '/{', Series of 2002, on the I I" day ofOctober, 2002 .
. -/ Ii~~ . . ti Y4'
LoucrishiaA.Ell Clerk
I, Loucrishia A. Ellis, City Cle rk of the City of Englew , Colorado, hereby certify that
the above and foregoing is %:c
copy of the Ordinance pass n ti
title as Ordinance No. Series of 2002.
Date Agenda Item Subject
Sep tember 3, 2002 11 a iii Fa rmer's Market Amendment ,u 16-8-1
Community De velopment Ja n Johnso n, Business & Redeve lopment
Coo rdinato r
Council has adopten amendrr:. ·,ts allowing public sidewa lk sales .
Community Developmer,t sta ff recomm ends that Council co nsid er amendments to existing
o rdinance Titl e 16: Comprehensi ve Zoning Ordinance of the Englewood Municipa l Code to permit
farmer 's markets on public right of way as authorized by City Policy.
nglewood view s fa rm er's markets as an ongoing sea sonal activity to attract pe ople to ·',e City and
ge nerate positive econom ic acti on .
Titl e 16, Co mpr ehensi ve Zoning Ordin ance:
De fi nes farmer 's market as:
Ongoing seas onal community activity featu rin g farm produce, Colorado
agricuitJ re-re lated products , seasona l products, and specialty foods on public
or private property as authorized by the Ci ty Ma na ger or designee.
The proposed ame ndment will allow the designation of a seas onal community activity when
authorized by the City Manager or the ir designee.
No ad verse financial impacts are identified wi th addition of the farme r's market 1nd such sales may,
in fact, increase sales tax re venues for the City, gene rate addit ional activity and additional customers
for other Englewood businesses .
Pr opo sed Bill for Ordinance