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ORDfNANCE 0. _ilz.
DEAS, the City bu been erperiencing an incre in parking violationa
throuchout the City; and
WHEREAS , the City withes establish an overall policy regarding unpaid parking
violations and to enhance complia.oce with the payment of parking tickets t hroug-hout the City of Englewood; and
WHEREAS, an ordinance .ia hereby establiahed clarifying wh n the De partment of
Safety Suvicea will be authorized to tow ve biclea that have accumulated more than
three =paid parking tickets; and
WHEREAS, an ordinance ia he~by eatabliahed to clanfy when a vehicle, which h u
been towed and impounded for Wlpaid parking tickets, may be releaaed to the
registered or tit! d owner or laid vehicle;
""""""' ...... Th City Council of the City o{ EnglP.wood , Color ado hereby amendB Title
11, Cha ter 1, Sect.on 1, SubaectJon 8 (2), of the Eng-lewood Municipal Code ~,.. 0, by
the addition or n Subeect:ion 2, end the renumbenna of Subsectiona ,ugh 29,
which hall read u follows :
11-1-1: Adoption of Code.
A. Pu,-uant to section«, article Vo{the Englewood Howe Rule Charter, and
title 31, articl 16, parta l and 2, C .R .S. 1973, u amendt!d, there ia hereby
dopted b refuence article.a I and II, incluaive of the 1996 Edition of the
"Model Traffic Code for Colorado Municipalibe ■, • pl'OIDulgated and publiahed
aa ,uch by the Colorado D partment of Transportation, 420 l E . Arkansas
Avenu , Denver, Colorado 80222. Th aubj~ct mat er of the Model Traffic
'ode relate, primarily to mmprehell.live traffic-oontrol rerulationa for the
City. The PIUJ)Ole ofthu Chapter and the 'lOde adopted hcrem is to proV1de a
y tem of traffic rerulabon conei.st.ent with Stat11 law and gcnerell
conforuun to llimilar regul11Liona throughout th S te and ation. A copy or
the Model Tr~ flic Code adqc <'d he.rem ui now filed in the office of the City
CJ rk of tt. City and may hf pected during regular bu.me s h.ourt .
-I -
B. The 1995 Edition of I.he Modol Traffic Code ia ado pted u if ■et out at length,
e1tcept for the following parta nd ectJ.0119 or article I which are declared lo
be inapplicable to this Municipality and are therefore npre ly eleted or
a.mended :
!. Penalty aaments--The City doea not U8e penalty ee mentl for
traffic violatioll8 and therefore all references lo penalty asaeeamenta
and procedures dealing with penalty e e ments in any article or
section are eKpreuly deleted.
~-Part 1 Section 103. ie emended_
to read H follows:
Code fox Colo rado Municipalities aa adopt,ed ehall apply to aH -~
highways and on private property made available for public use
where the Cjtv has roptr:acted to p19yide traffic and parking
enfon;ement. suclt contract ahall be a waiver of ony objection the
owner may asaert ronoerni.ng enfo roe ment of this Section by peace
officera of any political eu)>-djvjaion of thia State and auch officers are
hereby authorized and empowered to 110 enforce Uris Code. provisions
of law to the oontr:ary notwithstanding.
~-t Part !, section l06 ia amended to read aa follows :
Restricted ee Of Streets
(1) The Wl8 of certain streete and roadway■ by motor-driven
eyelet, trucka or other commercial vehicles. bicycles, motorized
bicycles and bol'$1!-drawn vehicles or other nonmolorized
u-affic aball be restricted or prohibited when authorized by
the Traffic Engine z nd when official aigna giving notice
I.hereof are erected.
{2) For the purpose or road construction and maintenance ony
ttreet or portion thereof may, by ction of thia !Wlicipality or
by greement with other concerned road agenciee . be
temporarily cloaed to through traffic or to all vehicular traffic
during the work project, and the traffic affected ■hall be
guided along appropriate detours or alternative routes by
offidal traffic control device .
(3) When ■igna are so erected giving notice of reatrictioDS or
p bib1t1ons upon the use 0£ streets, no person shall disobey
the direetioll8 or inlltructiom atated on ■uch signs.
The provuion.e of aubsection (1) shall not be construed to
prohibit the dnven of any exclud d vehicles from traveling
over 11uch reatric:ud or orob.lbited 1tre ta, other tha.n
controlled-accell8 roadways , for the purpo&e of deliverin or
pic.la.ng up materiala or merchandise or reaching their
destinstiona which occur on these particular street., provided
auch excluded vehicle■ enter 1uch atreetl at the interteetion
nearest the deatination of the vehicle and proceed thereon no
farther than the nearut interaectio.n thereafter.
~-Tbe City Council of the City of Englewood. Colorado hereby ame.n~ Tit!
11 , Chapter I.A. Section 2, of the Englewood MunicipaJ Code 2000, by the addition of a
new Subaectioo J, which ahall read ea follows :
11-lA-2: hnpo u ndment o f Mot or Vehicle ..
A vehicle, under any of the circum11tance9 set forth below, is conaidered to be an
obstruction to traffic: or 11 11ublic nuisance. Any police officer Ol' Code enforcement
officer, at the dire 'O!I c f t e r:ity, ill hereby authorized to remove or cauae to be
removed, auch obstruction or nuisance ti-:, any public or pnvate way or pl.ace
wheoewr such vehicle:
A. Ia le u.natt.ended upon any brid e, viaduct, aubway, tUJ1Del. or
where uc:h vehicle conlltitutes an ob truction to traffic;
Is left unattended upon a public way , and iB ao disabled as to
oonstituu, an cbatructioo to traffic, and the penon in charge of that
vehicle ia w pacit.ated by reuon of intoxication or phyajcaJ injury to
the extent as to be unable to provide for its custody or appropriate
la left. unattended and illegally parked upon a street or alley,
illegally parkad ao aa to ainatitut.e a haiard or obstructio11 to the
normal movement of traffic;
D . Ia left u.nattended on any public atreet with the en gine running, or
with the keys in the ignition 1witch or lock.;
E . Is parked in violatio11 of any traffic ordinance, and is an actual or
potential obatructi.on or hazard to any lawful function or limits the
normal access to a uae of any public or priva property;
F. 11 left without an operator, the operator wno ltaa been taken into
cuet.ody by the Ctty and the velucle, or motor velucle, would, the.re by ,
be left unattended upo.n a atreet or lughway or restricted parkin
area, or 0th.er public nght-of--y.
G . la being operated upon clie street or other public way of the City, ia
apparently fe due to the mechanical condition or ia in 1uc:h a
condition th.at it could not be le aily operated upon the City stree or
other public w y;
H. la being operated upon the street.a or other public way by a peJ'IIOn
without a current and valid operator's or chauffeur's License, or in
violation oftbe reatrictiooa iml)Olled upon their license, or whil the
person's operator's or chauffeur's license has been suspended, denied,
revoked, or caru:eled by the at.ate of iasuaoce and there is oo licensed
driver present aod capable to operate the vehicle;
I. [■ found to be parked unattend&d on IU\Y public way in violation of
the regiatratioo requi.remeota of the Slate of Colorado, or has no
visible registration number plate atta.ched .
~-Ia found to huve all of the foUowmE
l-three or more outstanding and unpaid parking ticket.a iHued
within one calendar vear and
or involved in any other iudicial or quasi-iudjcia l proceeding
the vehicle is currently parked in or on public property or on
private property intended for public uae in such a manner that . . . . .
~-The City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado ben,by amends Title
11 . Chapter 1A, Section 5, of the En1lewood Municipal Code 2000. by the addition of a
new Subaec:tioo C, wluch shall read u follows :
11 -lA-S: Dlspo1itlon of Impounded Vehic les When Ownership Hu Been
E 1tbU.hed.
Whenever a vehicle has been unpounded in accordance with proviaiooa of thia Article ,
and ownerahip has n eeta hed to the ta!action of the City or Heanng
Officer, or le&itimate cllllDI bu bee.n made. the owner or claimant will be notified of
the locatioo of the velucle and the owner's or claimant's ha',ility for all feea pending
p.inat the v luclc , nnd the owner'& ri ht to requ &t, within tt'n (10) days a.f\cr
1'110!1pt of tlul noua:, an adlD.llllBtrac, hearing to d termine the legality of the tow .
A. No vehicle will be rel aaed from storage or impound until all feea
accrued for towing and atora(l'e are paid.
B. If the vehicle is not claimed within fifteen (15) days after notice bas
been given to remove the vehicle, the provisions of Englewood
Municipal Code Section l 1·1A·4 of this Article shall apply and the
vehicle may be diapoeed of in accordance with the proviaiona of ·c
Engl wood Municipal Code Section 11-lA•◄, Dispoaition of Unclaimed
Impounded Vehicles.
Q-No vehicle shall be released until the owner esta blishea that all
un paid parking fines and costs have been paid to the City. or such
othe r arrangements have been made and approved by Municipal
Cqurt order Such proof shall be established by a release iaoued by
the City and eigned by the Parking Referee or hls/her designee ,
~-The proviaiona of this new E.M .C. Subsection l L-LA-2(.J), 11.hall apply
only to those puking tickets 188ued after the cbte of enactment of thi ■ Ordinance.
Section Ii. Safety Cjeusea The City Council hereby finds, determines, and
declar • that this Ordinance is ro mulgated under the genera.I police power of the
City of Englewood, that it ia promulgat.ed for the health, aafety. and welfare of th
public, and that this Ordinance ia necessary for the preee"ation of health and ,afety
and for the protection of public convenience and wel!are . The Citv Council furthe r
det.ermine that the Ordinance bean a rational relation to the proper legislative
object sought to be obtained.
~ 5eYt:Ubility If any clause, sentence , paragraph, or p rt of
Ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstances ahall for any
rea n be adjudged by a court o f compet.ent juriadiction invalid, auch judgment shall
net a.B'ect, impair or invalidate tbe remainder of thia Ordinance or it application to
other pereona or ci:n:umstances.
Section 7 Inconaietent OrdinHncee All other Ordinances or portiona thereof
inconsistent or conflicting w1 h this Ordinance or any portion hereof are hereby
repealed lo the extent of eucb inconsistency or conflict.
Sect.jon 8, Effi:ct of repeal pr modificabon. The repeal or modifir.ation of any
provision of the Code of the City or Englewood by thia Ordinance ■hall not release,
extinguish, alter, modify, or change m whole or in part any penalty, forfeiture, or
liability, either civil or crim.inal, which shall have been incum!d under eucb provision,
and each provision shall be treat.ed and held as still remallllllg 11\ force for the
purposes auataining BllY and all proper actiona, euit.B , p11>Ceedinga, and
proeecutions fo~ the enforcement of the p~nalty. forfeiture , or liability, aa well for
the purpoee of 1uatainin11 any judgment, decree, or order wluch can or may be
rendered , entered . or made in such act.Ions , auita, proceeding ■, or proaecutiona.
Section !l &n.iilix. The Penalty Provision of E M .C . Section J -4-1 ,ball apply to
each and e,·ery violation oftbie Orci;_nance .
Intro.Ju re d in full , and p aaed on first reading on the 2nd day of April, 2001.
Published aa a Bill for an Ordi _...c:e on the 6th day of April , 2001 .
Read by title and p d on final reading on the 16th day of April. 2001.
Published by title at1 ()rdinance No . Jk Series of 2001 , on the 20th day of April,
[, Loucrisbia Elha, City Cl e:r.k of the City of Englewood. Colorado , hereby certify
that the above and foregoing iB a true oop'l, of the · nee p on final reading
and publi h~.! by btle at Q:rdinance o. Up, Suies of 001.
Dal ndall m Subject
April 2, 2001 lmpoundmen t of Motor Vehicles
ource lnitiateci B
Safe Chris Olson, Director of Sa ety Services
Appr,wal of EMC 11 • l A·:l relating to 1mpo unclm nt 'J o tor eh1d es .
Amend EMC 11 • l A-2 to allow Fo r the imroundm nt and to ing of vehicles which have three outstanding,
unpaid parking tickets, and are abo ut to r cerv ourth, 1thin one ca lendar year, whether on public
property, or private property in tended or publk u . t th I t tick t I su d has been paid within 45 days,
or the ticket Is under appeal or in olved i n an other judicial or quasH udlclal proceeding, this action will
not apply .
This amendment is recommend d in order to ddres p r in nr or.: m nt iss u s in the Civic Center area
and In other hlgh-intensi parking arus in the Cl .
All costs will be borne by the owner of the o ff ndlng v h1C1
1mpounclment costs .
Proposed Bill for an rdlnanc,'