HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001 Ordinance No. 020•
WHEREAS, t he City Council of the City of Englewood passed Ordmance o. 39,
Series of 1994 that was ext.ended by Amendment o. 2 dated June 16. 2000, relating
to participation in the Urban County Entitlement Program for CDB G and ROME
Funds for 2001 through 2003; and
WHEREAS, the Englewood City Co.mcil passed Resolution No . 95 , Series of 2000
supporting Housing and Commurucy Development that authorized submitting an
applicaticn for 2001 CDBG funding ; and
WHEREAS, the pas ge of Council Bill • o . 18, Series of 2001, will authorize the
execution of an Intergovernmental Subgrantee Agreements for the 2001 Arapahoe
County Community Dev elopment Block Grant Program between the City of Englewood
and the Arapahoe Coun for the Englewood Housing Authority's Family Self
Sufficiency and Homeless Prevention Programs;
~-The lntergovemmental Subgrantee Agreements for the 2001 Arapa hoe
County Community Development Block Grant Program between the City of Englewood
and the Englewood Housing Authority. are attached hereto as Exhibit A .
~-The Intergovernmental Subgrlliltee Agreements for the 2001 Arapahoe
County Community D velopment Block Grant Program between the City of Englewood
and the Englewood Housing Authority are hereby accepted aod approved by the
Englewood Cicy Council and the MP-or ia authonzed to < ute :ind the City Clerk to
attest and seal the Agreements for and on behalf of the Ch) .:,f Englewood .
~-The City Manager shall be autb.orized to furtb •• enend the
Iotergovernmental Subgrantee Agreements far the 2001 Arap_'lhoe County Community
Development Block Grant Program between the City of En lewood and the Englewood
Housmg Authority, as needed.
Introduced, read in full, and passed 011 fint reading on the 16th day of April, 2001 .
10 b iii
Published as a Bill for an Ordinance on the 20th day of Ap ril, 2001.
Read by title and passed on final reading on the 7th day of May, 2001.
Published by title as Ordinance oal). Series of 2001, on the 11th day of May,
l, Loucru · A. Ellia, City Clerk of I.be City of Engl ewood, Colorado , hereby certify
that the above and foregoing ill a true copy of the Ordinance pas on final readin"
and publi.she by title aa Ordinance oc2{) Series of 2 l.
PROJECT NlRvffi ER: 01 E, PS U4
This Agreement is made by and between the City of Englewood, for the Coun ty of Arapahoe Community
Devel opm ent Block Grant Program in the Community De velop ment Depnronen t (hereinafte r refertcd to as
the City) :ind the City of Englewood Housing Authority (herein after refe~d to as the SubGramee ) for the
conduct of :i C mmunity De velopment Block Grant (CDBG ) Project for Progr:un Year 2001.
l. Pl."RPOSE
The primJry objective of Title I of the Housing and Commun11y De •."clopmcnt Act of 1974, as amended.
311d of the Community De velopment Block Grant (CDBG ) Progr:m under this Tille is the developme nt of
vi:lble urban commu nities. by prov iding decent housing . a ,uit:lble li\'ing environmcni and e~pnndi .. ;;;
economi c opportun iti es, principally for low and moderate income persons .
The proJec t by the City of \:nglewood Housing Authority known as the F:un.ily Self Sufficiency Project
• (Project ) has been c:uegonzed as a Pub lic Se rvices project and the SubGr:intee will mllin r:i in
document:u ion with the na tio nal objeclive ofLinuted Clienrele cti vioes.
The Su bGr.imee ma y proceed 10 incu r costs for the Project as of June l , 2001 unle ss mnde contingent
under ecrion II-F . En viro nme nw.l Re views. below , and/or subject to che SubGrantcc rece ivi ng an offic ·a1
"Notice to Proceed .. fro m the County through the Ci ty of Eng lewood .
The following provisions outlin e the scope of the wo r 10 be compl eted:
The SubGrnuee ill utilize: CDBG fund ing 10 prov ide suppomve services (such ns tuition. books :ind
o-anspormtion assis tanc e) to En glewood Housing Authority tenant famili es enrolled in the F:imily S~lf
Su ffici enc y progr:im. wh ich pro vides the families with case ~ nagemenl. suppomve services. and oth er
s1mil:ir nssist:l!lce in order to increase the ir ~If sufficiency and decre:i.se their dependence on public
nssisl3Jlce programs .
A. Payment
It is expressly agreed and understood thnt the total amount 10 be pnid b!' the City under this contrac t
shall nor exceed Sl0,000 .00 . Dr:lwdowns for che paym ent of eligib le expenses shall be made
again st the line item budgets spec ifi ed in E:<hibil A and in :iccordnnce with performnnce criteria
escablishcd in Section ll-C. The panies expressly recognize that the_· :,Grantee is to be paid with
CDBG funds rec ived from the federal government, and that the obligation of the City to make
payment tO SubGruntee is contingem upon rcc;cipt of such funds. In the event thut swd funds. ur
any part thc~f. arc, or become. unavailable, then the City may immc.Y.ue ly terminate or amend
this agreement To the e:ttent C.R. • .9-1-llO is app li cable. any financial obliganon of the City
to the SubGrantee beyond the cWICnl o ts ~o co nun 1t upon ad.equate funds be ing
appropn.Ucd. budgeted d olh c:rwisc available .
8. Tlmtline
All Pro'Cl:t x tiviti es will be complete d by May 31, 2002 unless this Agreement is modified by
mun,:il ,greement of the Ci • and SubGrantec with :ipproval from Arapahoe County .
C. Performance rit ria
In accordance with the funding :ipplic:mon ubmitted by the SubGi.llltee for the Project. the criteria
listed belo :ll"C lO be me during the e:tec ution of the Project .
l. Quan tifi ab le Goals :
The SubGramee will pro vide suppo m · e se ·ic es to 25 fomi li cs enrolled in the
En gle ood Housmg .\ulhority's Fanuly Se!· Suffic ie ncy progr:im.
2. Community Im pnct
By providi ng servi cs. the ver.ige p:inicipant family will d.:cre:ise its TA~ and food
swmp assistance by 50% during e grant pcnod.
The SubGr:intee will m:lim:un wnnen records document ing the Project 's community
imp:ict for a period of five ye:irs following completio n of the Project. This inform:ition
is to be m:ide :iv:lilable (upon tcquest ) to the City f Englewood. Ar:ipahoe County or
the t;,S. Deparunent of Housing :ind l,;rban [)evclopment for mon itori ng purposes .
3. Project Milestones :
June 30 .• 00 l : Ou:u1erl v mi lesco es
Pro ide supportive services to 2 families
Cumulative milestones
Provide servic es to 2 families
September 30. 200 I: Ou:mc rlv milestones
Pro vi de services to 6 families
Cumu tjve milestones
D •
December 31, 2001 :
March 31, 2002:
Mav 31. 2002:
Provide services to 8 families
Ouancrlv milestones
Provide services ro 7 families
Cumulative milestones
Pro vide services 10 15 families
Ou:irte rl V milestones
Provide serv ices 10 6 families
Cumu l:uive miles rn nes
Provide services 10 21 fami li es
Ou;uterlv miles1 ones
Provide services 10 4 families
Cu mulative mile;;cones
Pro vide serv ic es to 25 families
Subm it fi nal dr:iwdown :ind comp :etion re port to Count y
l. Each SubGr:uuee Drawdown Reque st ill include progress reports for the period for
which payment is being requested .
2. Projec t repons will be duo! within 30 d:iys follow ing the end of each calendar ye:u-
qU311er larch 31. June 30, September 30, December 31 ) until the Project is completed .
3. The official annual audi t and/or Financial StatemenlS for the SubGr:mree in which both
revenues :ind e.~pend 111.1res for the CDBG ProjectS described rein are detailed .ue due
annually .
E. Labor Standards (Davis-Bacon)
It is determined t.lut:
Project activities do not require compliance with federal laoor st.andtlrds .
F. Environmen tal Review
Environmental review will be completed by Ar.lpcihoe C0•!:'lty H:i.ff in ()rder 10 determine whethe r
funher action is neces.;11!)', The StJbGr:inlee will not commit or e;{pend any Project funds prior to
the compl etion of the required environmentAI review process and receipt of any nccess.iry Rc le:ise
of Funds from the .S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
G. Uniform Reloc:ition ct (URA)
Pro cct activiues do not require compliance with the Uniform Relocation Act.
A. ~ed eral Com pli ance
The , ,.0r:llltee shall comply with all :ipplicablc federal laws, reg•;l:itions and requirements , and all
pro,,•• ,s of the grant agreements received fro m the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
CR do. :nent (HUD ) by the Count . These include but arc no! limited to compliance with the
p~vis:. ns of the Housing and Community De velopment Ace of 1974 and all rules. regulations.
gu idch . es and ircul:us promulgated by the various feder:il departments, agencies. adrrunisuations
ond c:ommiss ions relating to the CDBG Program. A listing of some of the :ipplicable laws and
rcgu anons are as follows:
I. 24 CFR P:irt 5i0;
2. 2-l CFR Parts S-l :ind 85 :
3. Title V1 of the Ci vil Rights Act of 19~.
4. Title vm of the Civil f..ights Act of 1968: •
5. Sections 104 b) and 109 of the Housing and Community De velopment Act of 1974:
6. f:lir housing regulations established in the Fair Hous ing Act. Public Llw 90-284. and
E:t~::utive Order I 1063;
7. Sec tion 504 of the Rehabilitation Ace of 1973;
8. Asbestos guidelines ~stablished m CPD Notice 90~:
9. The Energy Polic:· and Conserva ion Act (Public u, 94-163) and 24 CFR P:irt 39:
0. Equal emplo . ment opponunity Jnd minority business enterpnse regul;iuons es1.ablished
in 24 CFR p:irt 5 0.904:
I. Section 3 of the Housing and Crban Development .-\cl of l.968:
12. Non-discnmin:iuon in employment. established by faccutive Order l 12~:
l:l . Le d Bused paint regul:itions established in 24 CFR P:iru 35 :ind 570 .608:
14 . Audit requirements est:iblished in 0MB Circ ular A-133 ; and
15 . Cost principles established m O~IB Circulars A-87 311d .-\-12'.2.
Additi onally, in acc'.:lrd:ince with :?4 CFR Pan 570, no employee. officilll , agent or onsultan t of the
SubGr:intee shall e~erc ise any function or respo nsibi lity in which :i connict of mteres,. real or
apparent. would :irise . The SubGr:intec canno t engage in a federnll y funded contr.lCl ..,.;th any ent ity
registered m the Lists of P:uues facluded From Federal Procurem ent or Nonprocurement
Programs .
• B. on-Appropriations Clause
The SubGr:in~ agrees that ii will include in every con<racl it en<en, which relies upon CDBG
morues for func.ing. a non-:ippropriation clause thru. will pro1CC1 i1Self and the City and Arapahoe
county from any liability or responsibility or any suit which might result from the discontinuance of
COBO funding io r MY re:ison . Eecausc this SubGrantee Agreement involv es funds from a federal
gran1, 10 the e.'ttem there is :i conflic1 the funding provisions of this SubGrnncee AgrcernenL the
f~raJ gram anc the federaJ St:ltl.ltes control rather lhan the provisions of Section 24-9 l-103 .6.
C.R.S . wilh reprd to any public work projects .
C. Expenditure Restrictions
AJI CDBG Funes thllt arc o.pproved by Ht.:D for e:"(pendirure under the Coun ty's gr.int agreement ,
includi1 g those :hat are idc nufied for the SubGrantee 's Proj~ts lllld activitie s. shall be allocated 10
the specific proj~ts :in d act iviti es descnbed :ind listed in the ~nnt 3grecments . The allocated funds
shall be used :inc e:"(pended onl 1 for the projects nd :ictiv1 ues for which the funds are identifi ed.
D. Agreement Chang
o proiec ts or ::ctivities, no r the :unoun< alloc3ted therefor , rr · . be changed wi1hout o.pprovo.l by
the City o.nd .-\.~ahoe Count y and accepto.nce of the re vised Fin ! St:uement and/or Conso li dated
Plan by HCD . if required. Changes must be requested in wnring and may not begin unu l :i
modificat io n :o :his Agreement is full y executed.
E. Di r ect Projed Supervision and Administration
The Su bG r:mte: ;hall be responsib le for !he din:cc supervision and :ldmin is tr:it ion of its respective
projects or :ic:::\lties . Th.ts taSk shall be accomplished through the use of the Su bGrancee's staff.
agen cy an em p oyees . The SubGr:intee shall be responsible for an y injury to persons or damage to
propert y resulting from e negligenl a ts or error~ and omiss ions of iLS suff, ~.gents :ind employees .
Because the S ubGrantee is responsible for the direct supe rvision and adminis tra tion of its projectS
or activities. the Cicy shall not be liab le or respon sibl for cos t ovenuns by the SubGrantee on an y
projects or 3c:i,ities. The City shall have no ducy or oblig tion 10 provide an y addi uonal fun ding to
the SubGran tc: :fits projectS or activities c:inno t be om plcted with the funds allocated by the City
ro the SubGr.u:~. An y cos c overruns shal l be the sole respons ibili ty of the SubGrantce .
I. The SubGr:intee agrus tha t all funds nllocared to ir for o.pproved projects or ac11v1ties
sh .all be used solel y for the purposes pproved by the City and Arapahoe C unty . Said
fur.cs shall noc be used for any non-approved purposes .
2. Tne SubGrantee ag:rccs that the funds allocated for an y approved projects or xrivities
sh::.:l be sufficient to complete s:11d proJccts or u ities without any add itional CDBG
F. Ind mnity
To the e:ocnt nllowed by law, the SubGr:uuec shall indemnify and hole. harmless the City and •
Ar.lpahoc County and itS elect ed and appointed officials, officm, employees and agents from and
againsc :my and all losses, dam g..s, liabilities, claims, suits , :ictions .:ir costs, including 11omeys
fees, made, asserted or incurred as :i result of any d.:unagC or alleged damage to person or property
occ:isioned by th :icts or omissions of SubGr:intce, its officers , employees, agentS, contrDCtors or
subconaactors, arising out of or in :iny way co,nected with the Project or the pcrfonruincc of this
G. Bonding and Insurance
If the SubGr:intee's projcctS involve construction activir.cs, any Concraccor it uses fo r said :icuvities
shall be required to provide and maintain. until fai;,.i accepGLIICC by the SubC-r:mtee f GIi work b.
such Contr:ietor , the: kinds an.1 minimum amounts of insur:ince as follows :
l. Comprehensive Gener.tl Liab1hty : In !he amount of not less than Sl.000.000 combin ed
single limit . Cover:ige co include:
e .
Ptcrruses Opcrouons
ProductSICompleted Oper:i1 ion~
Broad Fenn Conlr.!Ct ual uUDilicy
Independent Con:r:ictors
Broad Fann Property Damage
Employees as Addiuonal [nsurcd
Personal lnJury
Ar.lpahoe County and the SubGr:intee as Additional amed lnsurcd
Waiver of Subrognuon
2. Comprehens iv e Automobile Liability: [n the W10Unt of not less than St.000 ,000
combined single limit for boeil y injury and property damage . Covcr:ige to include :
Ciry of Englewood. Arapahoe County and the SubGrontee
amcd lnsuTCd
b. Wawe r of Subrogation
3. Employers Liability and orkers Compensation : The Conlrtlctor shall secure and
maintain employer's liability and Worker's Compensntion Insurance chat will protect
it against any and all cla.ims resulung from injwies to :ind deactl of wor ers engaged
in work unc!cr :my contracc funded pursuant to this ~menL Co verage to inc lude
Waiver or Subrogation .
4. All referenced insurance polic1cs nnd/or cenificotcs of insurance shall be subJect to
the follow in2 supulauons :
Underwriters shall have no rights of recovery subrognrion agni nst the Cicy of
Eng lewood, Arapahoe Coun ty or the SubGr:mccc : it being the inten t of th e
parties th lll th e in surance policies so effec ted shall pro tect the parties nnd be
primary coverage fo r any an d ~I tosses ccvercd by the described insurance .
b. The clause entitled "Oth er Insur:mce Pro visions contained in :l.llY pol icy
includi ng the Cicy of Engl ewood and Arapahoe Councy as an addition I
named insured shall not pply to the City of Englewood, Arapahoe County
or the: SubG r:mtee .
c. The insurance companies issuing th e policy or policies shall have no
reco1irse ago.inst the City of Engle wood.. Arapahoe County or the
SubGramec for payment of :l.lly pcemiums due or fo r any asse:.sments under
any form of :my policy.
d. Any an d oil dedu rti bles cont ned in any insuran ce policy sh:ill be JSsumed
by and at the sole risk of the Contr:ietor.
Certi fic:11e of lnsur:in e: The Contrac tor shall not comme nc e work und r :in y
concrac t funded pursuant to this Agreement un ul he has submitted to the
SubGrantec . rccci ed approval thereof, certificates of insu rance sho ing that he has
co mpl ied with the foregoing insurance requirem ents . The SubGrantec shall :ilso
submit :i CO !)'! of the Concraccor's cenifi c:ites of msur:ince 10 the City .
6. ocw11hsunding the pro visio ns con tlined in this p· gr:i ph (H) set forth
heretn:ibo ve. the City reserves the right to modi fy or wo.ive s:iid pro 1s1ons fo r
projects or oc riviues for which these pro vi sio ns would prove prohib1nve. The
SubGr:inte e understands , ho we\er. tha t the deci sio n to waive or modify those
provisions is fully within the disrretion of the City.
In accordance with 24 CFR pans 84 :ind 85. the followi ng bonding require ments shall apply to :ill
projects e:\ceeding the • mplified :i qu isiti on threshold :
I . A bi d gu:ir.intee from e:ic h bidder equivalent to 5% of the bid price :
2. A rfo• m:lllce bond on th e p:irt of the co nt ra tor for 100('! of the contrJct price : and
3. payment bond o·.1 the part of the ontrllctor fo r 100% of the contrJ t pri ce .
H. R rd ~
The Su bG r:u ,r c~ shall maint:ii n :i complete set of boo ·s and records documenting its use llf CDB G
funds d its s uervi sion :ind :idmin is trlltion of the Project . Records :ire to include documenution
veri fyi ng Project eligi btlity and na ti"l na l objective compli :lllCe. :is well as financi:il and other
ndmin is u:uive aspects invol ed in performing the Project. The Su bGrante e shall pro vi de fu ll
access to th ese books and records to the City. Arapahoe County, the Sccrewy of HL"D or his
des ignee. th e Office of Inspector General. nnd the General Acc.oun ting Offic e so that omplia nce
with Fede r:il laws and reguhnions m:iy be confinned. The SubGrantee further agre<'lS to provide to
the City upon rtquest , a copy of any audit repons penaining to the SubGrontee's financial •
operations during the tenn of this Agreement. All records pertnining to the Project arc to be
main~ned for :i minimum of five ~ following close-out of the Project.
L Reporting
The SubGrantce shall file all reports and other information necessary m comply with :ipplic:ible
Federal laws and regulations as required by the City, Ar:ipahoe Councy and HUD . This shall
include providing 10 the Cicy the information necessary to complete annual Pe1formance Repons in
a timely fashion .
J. Timeliness
The SubGran t has submitted 10 the Ci1y . :ilong with its proposal. a description of the work to be
performed. a budget. :ind a time :ible deline:iting the leng1h of time needed fo r each Project phase. if
applicable , through the completion of the projects . The SubGran1ee shall comply with ti met ab le fo r
completton of the projects. The SubGr:intee undeistnnds that fai lure to comply with the umet:ible
ma y lead to :i cancellation of the ProJCCt and :i loss of all une;(pended funds. unless the City and
Ar.ipahoc County determine that there = e:1:tenu:11ing circumst:inccs beyond the Su bGrantec·s
contro l and thut the projects will be com pleted within :i reasonable length of time . The timet:ib le's
implemenl:ltion shall begin when Ar:ipahoe Coun1y provides writ en notiftc:iuon to the City to
proceed .
K. Reimburse ment for Expen
The SubGr:intee agrees th at before ti-• City an distri bute any CDBG fu nds to it. the SubGr:in1ec
must submll to ti' City's Cvmmu De velopment Dcp:uunent documenucion in the t'onn
required b~ Arapah , Cour.ty which p,. ,..erly :ind fully identifies e :imounc which the SubGr:intce
is requesting :it that ti me . The Lily shall ha e ten (10) orkl,r d:iys to rc~1e w th e request. Cpon
:ipproval of the reques t. the City wilt distribute the requested · ,nds to the Su bGran tce as soon as
poss ible.
L. Program Income
All progrun income direc tly deri ved from the ArJpahoe County Community Deve lo pment Bloc k
Grant Progr:im received bl' the SubGrantee will be retained b. the SubGr:mte e and will be
dispcr.iCd for its :i;,proved CDBG ProJeCl acti ities before addiuonal CDBG funds are reques 1e
from the County . Following co mpletion of the SubGr.mtee's Ar.ipahoe Coun1y CD BG Projects . :ill
program income directly generated from the use of CDBG funds will be rcmiued to the Co un t •.
M. Asset \fo!llll:emenl
Any single parcel of re!ll property under the SubGrantee 's conltOI that was acquired or im prove d in
whole or in part wit.It CDBG funds in e:\ccss of 525,000 will either:
l. Be used for ar. eligible CDBG activity, :is deiermined by the City and Ar.lp:ihoc
County, for a minimum "f five (5) ye:irs following completion of the SubGr:uue's
QR 2. Be disposed of in a manner that resu lts in the City's and Ar.J.pahoe Councy's being
reimbuned in the amount of the current fair mllrket value of the pro rty less any
portion of the value llllributab e to expendirures of non-CD BG funds for acquisition
of. or impro vements to, the property . Reimbursement is not required after five (5)
years follow ing completi n or the SubGrantce's projects .
State and Cou nt y Law Compliance
All iesponsibilities of the SubGruntce cnumcr:i.ted herein shall be subj1:et to applic le St:ue
swutcs and City :ind County ordinnnccs, resolutions. niles . and re gul ati on s.
O. Environmental Review
The SubGr:in te e agree s that no CDBG funds will be legally oblig.ued t any Projett xtivity be fo re
the County has completed fede :,/EPA environrnencal n:\'iew procedures. as required by '.!4 CFR
P:ut 58 .
P . Subc ontracts
If subcontr:icts arc used on the Proj ect, the SubGrantee :igrc:s that the prov isions f this ,\greeme:it
~hall app ly to any subconlr.l t.
Q. Susp<ruion or Termination
This Agreement may be suspended or tcrminnted by the City if the SubGrante: materially fails to
comply with any term or this AgreemenL Tots Agreement may also be tennina.ted for convenience
by mutual greemenc of th e City and the SubGrancee .
R. ln the event that the nit or Gener.il Loc:il Government should withdr:iw from the County's
·t,;rtan County " des ignauon , this Agreement shall terminate as of the cermin atio dare of the
Coun ty's CDBG gront Agreement with HlfD .
S. The SubGrantee certifies that to the best of its knowledge :ind behef:
l. No Fec!er.il :ippropriated funds hove been paid or will be paid, by or on behalf of iL
10 any person for influen cing or :inempting to influen ce an officer or mployee of
an y agency . o :vtembcr of Congress. an officer or employee of Con~ss. or an
employee of a ~ember of Congress in conntetion with the warding or :lllY Feder:il
conuuct. th e making of any Fcder:11 gr:inc, che milking of any FederJJ loan . the
entering into of any cooper.uivc agreement, nnd the c.,tens10.1. continunrion.
renewal, nmendmcnt, or modification of any Federal contract. pt. lonn, or
cooper:iti ve agreement; and,
2. If any funds other than Federal :1ppropriatcd funds have been paid or will be pnid to
any person for influencin g or mempting to influence an officer or employee of any
agency , a Member of Con~. an officer or employee of Congress. or an employee
of a '.'vfember of Congress in onnection wilh this Federal contract. gran1. loan. or
cooperative ngreemenc, it will complete and submit StAndard Form-W..
"Disclosure Form 10 Report Lobby,ng," in accordllnce with its instructions.
T. Disallow a.nee
If it is dctcnnined by Hl.,1) or other federal agency lhat the e,r;penrlirure, in whole or in part. for the
SubGr:in1ce ·s Projec t or activity w:is improper, inappropriate or ineligible for reimbursement, then
the SubGr:intee shall n:imbune the County to the full excem of the dis:illow:ince .
A. Administrutive Control
The P:irt1es recognize and undcrscand that the County will be the go vcmment:11 entity n:quin:d 10
execute all gr.u,t :1~men1s rece ived from HllJ pursu:1n1 to the County 's requests for CDBG
funds . Accordin gly. the SubGrante~ agrees that ns to its projects or activities performed or
conducted unde: :ln)' CDBG agreeme nt th e Cou uy shall have the neccss:iry adminisu-:ici ve control •
~uired to mee: Ht:D requirements .
B. Performance and Complian,:f' .~lonitoring
The County's adrninis1r:iuve obligations co Jie SubGrantee pursuint to paragraph A .:ibove shall be
limited 10 the pe:formance of the admimstr:iti ve casks necessar1 tc• make CDBG funds avnilab le to
the SubGran1ee and co provide .:i \.1:oniroring Spec ialist whose j' · will be to monitor the v.lllous
projectS fund ed wit'1 CDBG rronics to monitor complinncc with applicnble Federal laws :ind
regul:ii"ons .
C. Reportin° to Hu"D
The County will be responsible fo r see ing that J..11 necessary reports and informat ion required of the
County arc filed with HlJD :ind och er applicnble Federal agencies in :i Lim ly fashmn .
This :igrccmcnt. includin g any dcfurn~nts :11uched as cllhibits which are hereby incorpor:ited herein
by reference , rc;,rescnts the entire and integrated agreement between che City and Si.:'>Gr:intee and
supcrccdes nil prior negotiations. rep~entacions or agrcemencs, either written or oral. Any
:lmend:nen ts to this :igrcemenc must be in writing and signed by both the City and SubGrantee . If •
any portion of this qzeement is found by a court of ci>mpetent jwisdiction 10 be void and/or
unenfOl'CC3ble, it is the intent of the pmties that the remaining portions of this apmen1 shall be of
full force and effect
In Witn Whem>f, the Parties have c:w.,ed this Agreement to be duly executed this ____ day of
SubGran1ee : Cirv of Englewood Housjng uthoritv
Tille : _______________ _
City of Englewood
Tho~ I . Bum s, Mayor
Loucnsh1:i A. Ellis . Ciry Cleric
l'roj«S A<1Mlla
s~ ... ~ •
[ldaalodTocaiC-ol CDIGfuods
s.ii.000 50
SIOJ)()O S10.000
15'!.000 SI0.000
Olll<r f l!Dlb Coa,mlll.ed
Date Agenda Item
April 16, 2001 10 a iii
Intergovernmental Agree-
ment between City and EHA
Community Development Dept I STAFF SOURCE: Jane t Grimmett.
Housing Finance Soecialis t
Council passed Ordinance o. 39, Series of 1994, that vas extended by Amendment o. 2 dated
June 16, 2000 relating to participation in the Urban County Entidement Program fo r CDBG and
HO IE funds for 2001 through 2003; and, passage ot Resolutlon o. 95, Series of 2000 sup;:iorting
Housing and Community Development that authoriztd submitting an application for 001 CDBG
Approve a Bill for an Ordinance authorizing the execution of two Intergovernmental Subgrantee
Agreements for the 200 I Arapahoe County Community Development Block G;ant Prograrr,
between the Gty of Englewood and the Engle\ ovd Housing Authon
The Federal Community Development Block Grant (C DBG) Program provides grants to units of
local government and urban counties to meet housing and comm unity de efopmen t needs. The
objective of the Program is achieved through projects developed b the local government that are
designed to give priority to those activities that benefit low-and mo erate-income fam ilies. fund
are allocated by statutory formula to each entidement .. rea . Arapaho1.• County is an approved
entitlement area. The grant funds are distributed on a ormu;a basis 10 p,_ 1icipating cities within
Arapahoe County.
The City of Englewood submitted two applicati ons on behalf of th ·! Englewood Hou<ing Authority
that were approved by Arapahoe County.
For FY2001 , the following projects were appro\ed:
1. $10,000
2 Sl0.000
or the Englewood Housing uthorr 's Famrly Se lf-Su ciency Program
ior the Englewood Housing Authority's Homeless Prevention Program
The e ,sung employees rn Community De, elopme~.c are available to monitor the projeC'ts and their
salaries and bene its are part of the City's contribu• 10n . The City ,..,11 uolize a portion ol ..ne CDBG
funding (est SS,000) rom the Housing Rehabilitation Proiect to partJall offset the cos ts of those
salan s and benefits
Bill tor an Ordinance.