HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001 Ordinance No. 065.. • • • • ORDINANCE NO.~ SERIES OF 2001 BY AUTHORITY COUNCIL BILL NO. 70 INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER GARRETT AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 2, OF THE ENGLEWOOD MUNICIPAL CODE 2000 BY THE ADDITION OF .''I NEW CHAPTER 12, ESTABLISHING A TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO . WHEREAS, traffic enforcement and the e ffect of traffic to the neighborhoods and businesses are important to the very e ssence of the City of Englewood's community; and WHEREAS, the City Council recognizes the importance of citizen involvement in eetabliahing the visions . policies end procedures of the city; and WHEREAS, citizen involvement will provide valuable guidance to the C ity Council end the Public Works Department on how to focus the City's energies and efforts on transportation analysis , mitigation strategies and transportation improvement; NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD , COLORAD0 . AS FOLLOWS: ~-The City Co uncil of the City of Englewood h ereby approves amendinii Title 2, of the Englew00d Municipal Code 2000, by adding a new Chapter 12. eatebliehing the Transportation Advisory Committee, which shall reed ae foUows : 2-12: TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY CQMMJTIEE; 2-12-1; PURPOSE· Toe Traosuortation Advisory Committee is established as an advisorv committee focused on transportation iaaue, in the Citv of Englewood The Tranpp ortation Advi sorv Committee shall at an times seek to promote c]oae cooperation between the Citv Council other City boards and commissions Citv departmen ts individuals buainesaea institutions and agencies concerned with trnns·oortation relat ed activities to the end that all such groups within the Citv needs to be con eideced and coo rdinated in order t.o secure th e greatest public welfare In oil delib erations the Co mm ittee shall trY to recognize the relat ionship between tran sporta tion and economics eneav safety land use neighborhood inteJtjt v environm en tal quality and emergency response times · and ahall consider transportation access to hea lth earn emp loyme nt ed uc.ation hou sing busines s and com merce and recre ational facilities -1. 2-12-2; COMPOSITION AND MEMBERSHIP· The Committee wiU be romprised of five (5) members appoint ed by City Council and three (3) ex-officio staff membero appointed by th e City Manager. 2-12-3 · TERMS OF MEMBERS· Member5 wm be oppoioted to oyerJappiog terms of tw o <2 ) ye ars . The City Co uncil shall make nppgjptments to fill vacancies for unexpired term s 2:-12-4· COMPENSATION: ~~ The member~ of th e Committee s hall serve without compensation. ~ ReabOnable expepse; directly re la ted to pecformU,g the duties of the Committee shall be allowed . 2-12-6· POWERS AND DUTIES; The Transportation Advi sory Committee shall have the following powers and duties : ~ Act ae a condui t of communication between the City and the community and gather and asse ss the information necessaa to make sound a.nd consistent reoomme:ndati ons to the Citv for tranqortation studies mitigation sttategies and transportation improvements ~-ReYiew morutor and euggest recommenda.ttons for City transportation matt.en inclu ding but not limit..ed t,o· streets and bi1hwaye bus and @il service provision for the needs of tbe mobilitv impaired bicvcle and pedestrian traffic· transportation uetem management and nsaidential Permit parking within t~ ~ Mnke recommendations regarding the allocation o[funda for capital e,rnenditurea related to roadway and tranaportation improvementa ~ Review monitor and recommend changes to municipal ordinance:e intended to prevent or abate situations that are deemed detrimental to the health safety and welfare of the communitv as provided primarilv in Title 11 of the Muni cipal Code. The Committee shall make recommendations to the City Council for the addition deletion and revision of ordinarn ~ Review 0 monitor and recommend changes to the Citv Transportation Element of the Comorebensive Plan the Citv Transportation Action Plan ancl.IM Traffic Calming Polide!E; and Procedures Manual. Review and suggest recommendation& for placement and enforcement of warning regulatory and guide signs on Citv streets -2- • • • • Perform such other duties ae may be referred to the Traneportation AdviaoP' Com mittee by the Citv Co uncil BU; APPOINTMENT OF OFFICERS AND ADOPTION OF RULES; ~ The Committee shall organize adopt ad-miajstrative rules and procg duree and elect from its members ™h offi.gers as it shall deem neceasnrv to accomeliah its purposes . Office rs of the Co mmitte e ahall be elected for a one year CU term No offi cer shall serve in th e same capecitv for more than two (2) consecutive terms - ~-The Chairperson mnv aopoint such st.anding or special Sub-Cnmmittees from the membership of the Commit'tPi! aa the Committee Ahall determine neceseag or useful in carryins out its purposes end powers The purpose term and members of each Sub-Committee shall be determined by the Cha.irpeuon ~-Sunset PxPYi•iAD -The Transportation Advisory Committee and the provisions of Title 2, Chapter 12, shall termin ate ir. cw<, (2) years unless the Committee a ,nd the provisions of Title 2, Chapter 12, arr, r e newe d by Council Ordinance. Section 3. Safety Clauses The City Council, hereby finds, determines, and declares t hat this Ordinance i.s promulgated under the general police power of the City of Englewood. that it is promulgated for the health, safety, and welfare 0£ the public, and that th.is Ordinance is necessary for the preservation of health and safety and for the protection of public convenience and welfare. The City Council further determ.ines thst the Ordinance be a.ra a rational relation to the proper legislative obje~-t sought to be obtained, Section 4 . Seyerabjlity If any clause , •entence, paragraph, or part of th.is Ordina nce or the application thereof to any person or circumstances shall for any reason be adjudged by a court of competent jurisdiction invalid, such judgment shall not affect impair or invalidate the rem.ainder of this Ordinance or its application to other penons or circumstances. Section 5 lnronaistent Ordinances All other Ordinances or portions thereof inconsistent or oonJlicting with thia Ordinance or any portion hereof are hereby repealed to the exte.nt of such inconsistency or conflict. -3- Section 6. Effect of DIPIIII gr mgdjfjcati0 n The repeal ni· modification of any proviaion of the Code of the City of Englewood by !hie Ordiruu:><,.., ,hall not release, extinguish, alter, modify, or change in whole or in part any pen.ii.Icy, forfeiture , or liability, either civil or criminal, which ehall have been incurred under auch provision, and each provision shall be treated and held as still remaining in force for the purposes of suataining any and all proper actions, auita, proceeding•, and prosecutio1111 for the enforcement of the penalty , forfeiture , or liability, as well as fur the purpose of sustaining any judgment, decree, or order which can or may be rendered, entered. or made in such actions, s•rits, proceedings, o.r prosecutions. Introduced, read in full. and passed on first reading on the 15th day of October, 20D1. Published as a Bill for an Ordinance on the 19th day of October, 2001. Read by title and passed on final reading on th.e 5th day of November, 2001. Published by title as Ordinance No.~Seriea of 2001. on the 9th day of November, 2001. Loucrishia A. Ellie, City Clerk I , Loucrishia A. Ellie, City Clerk of the City of Englewood, Colorado, hereby certify that the above and foregoing i.e a true copy gt.the Ordinance sed on final reading and publiahed by title as Ordinance No. f,;:f;,_, Series f 20 . -4 - • • • • • • COUNCIL COMMUNICATION Date: Agenda Item: Subject: Ordinance to create October 15, 2001 10 a V Transportation A dvisory Commi ttee INITIATED BY: STAFF SOU RCE: Public Wo rks Ke n Ross , Director of Public Works COUNCIL GOAL AND PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION The re has been no p revious Council action on th is request. RE C OMMENDED ACTION St.aff recommends that City Council approve an ordinance to create a Trans p ortation Advisory Committee. BACKGROUND, ANALYSIS, AND ALTERNATIVES IDENTIFIED In 2001, the City of Eng lewood emba rked in a comprehensive transportation p la nning e ifort. Efforts were made to involve ci ti zens and businesses in the discussio n of ideas and concerns that they had about transportat ion issues. Abo in 2001 a citizen survey was conducted. and transportation and traffi c issues and comments were very notable in the surve results. In addition during 2001 City Council received two petitions fro m concerned citizens regarding parking issues an d traffic issues on Broadway . Because the le v el of interest and conce. egardin g transportation and traffic iss ues in the City of Englewood. it would seem to be prudent to try provide a mech an ism whereby an advisory co mmittee composed of citizens co• •'d give input and d ire c:tion to C ity Council and staff. There are currently three cities in C olorado ·"la! have esta bl ished Transportation Advisory Committees for this purpose. While city staff tries to be obJ .. ctive and make decisions ba.sed upon ra ti onal reason and good engineering judgment, sometimes ou• citizens get frustrated beca use they d on 't feel they have been heard. The Transpo rtation Advisory Comm ittee will provide citizens this opportunity. Fl ANCIAL IMPACT It is estimated that $3,200 will be needed to p ro ide the necessarv ;upport fo r the Transportation Advisory Com m ittee. LIST OF ATTACHMENTS P oposed O rdinance