HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001 Ordinance No. 070•
W"'dEREAS, the C ity Council of the City of Englewood approved a n
Intergovernmental C on tract re.lating to the LEAF program by the pa888ge of
Ordinance No. 49. Se ries of 1996; and
WHEREAS , the Englewood Department of Safety Services has submitted an
application to the Colorado Departme:~t of Highways, Office of Transportation
S afety. for fundin~ to conduct a progr11m under the Law Enforcement Aeeistance
Fund (LEAF) for ue in the detection and apprehension of DUI drivers within the
City o!Enr,lewood~ and
W!fl!:REAS. pureuant to 43-4--404, C .R.S., the State is authorized to allocate
LEAF funds by contract to local cities and counties to benefit the health and safety
of persons in Colorado by the implementation of Local programs deve.loped by these
local authorities for drunken driving preventi on and law e nforcement improvements;
WHEREAS. the total budget amount authorized by the contract for the actual
costs of the project work is $33,000 with the State's contribution equal to 100% of
the 533,000; and
WHEREAS . the Englewood Department of Safety Servicea has available the
technical ability to properly perform the project as described in the a pplication and
to addre88 the LEAF objectives of the State Legislature;
~il.l-The intergovernmental contract between the State of Colorado, for the
use and benefit of tbc Colorado Department of Transportation, Office of
Tr11ru1portation Safe ty , and the C ity of ::i:nclewood, for the Englewood Department of
Safety Services, (Police Department), a copy of which marked Exhibit A, is attached
hereto and incorporated herein by reference known as L-29-02 , is hereby approved
by Englewood City Council .
-1 -
10 b iv
~-The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to sicn and atteat
aaid Contract on behalf of the City of Englewood and the En1lewood Department of Safety Servicee,
Introduced , read in full, and paased on first reading on the 5 .. day of November, 200 1.
Publlabed aa a Bill for an Ordinance on the 9'" day of November, 2001 .
Rnd by title ,ind passed on final reading on the 19th day of November, 2001.
Publiabdd by ti~ as Ordinance No. & Series of 2001, on the 23 ' day of November. 2001.
I, Loucn.hla A Elli ■, City Clark of the City of Englewood, Colorado, hereby certify
that the above a nd f'orw10tn1 •• a tl'Ue CO~f !)f the Ordiruu.~ passed on final reading
•"" >,bU.M<i b> ,.,_ M OnlJo•o~ N• CJQ S.~ t,?i
Loucriabia A. Elli.a
TH IS CONTRACT, Made this ___ day of _____ _. 200_, by and between the State of
Colorado, for the use and benefit of the Colorado Department of Transportation, Office of Transportation
Safety, 4201 East Arkansas Avenue, Denver, Colorado 80222 (hereinafter referred to as "the state; and
the City of Englewood, for the Englewood Pc:ice Department, 3615 S . Elatl Street. Englewood, CO.
80110 (hereinafter referred to as "the Contractor").
WHEREAS, authority exist!! In the Law and Funds have been budgeted, appropriated and otheTWise
made available and a sufficient unencumbered balance thereof remains available for payment in Fund
Number 403, Appropriation Code 304. ORGN 9849, Contract Encumbrance Number 9586, FEIN#
846000583-F and GBL #29;
wt tp,:(. •.: ~ired approval, clearance and coordination has been accomplished from and with
appropri,,t,~ t .r.;»rii;ies ; and
WHEkEAS , the Legislature has created the Law Enforcement Assistance Fund (LEAF) for the
prevention of drunken driving (43-4-401 through 43-4-404, CRS, replacement edition); and
• WHEREAS, LEAF has been established to provide funds to aid in the prevention of drunken driving
and the enforcement of laws pertaining to driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to 343-4-404, C.R.S., the State is authorized to allocate LEAF funds by contract
to local authorities (cities and counties) to benefit the health and safety of persons in Colorado by the
implementation of local programs developed by the local authorities for drunken d ·ving prevention and
law enforcement improvements; and
WHEREA.S, the Contractor has submitted a LEAF project funding Application, which has been
approved by the State; and
WHEREAS , the Contractor has established a qualified program , consistent with current State
Highway Safety rules at 2CCR 602-1 , to coordinate f!fforta to prevent drunken driving and to enforce laws
pertaining to driving under the Influence of alcohol and drugs withi :, its jurisdiction; nd
WHEREAS, the Contractor ha.a available !tie technical ability to property perform the project as
described in the Approved Application and to address the LEAF objectives of the Legislature; and
WHEREAS, this Contract is executed by the State under authority of 29-1-2,3, -43-1-106, 43-4-402
and 403, and 24-42-103 CRS, and by the Contractor under sections 29-1-203 and 30-11-101, 31-15-101 flRS or home rule ch a rter , as applicable. and the attached resolution .
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NOW THEREFORE, it is hereby agreed •• follows:
1. The Contractor's Approved LEAF Application , the LEAF Contract Management Manual dated.
February 1, 2000 and LEAF Appllcatlon Guiclelin•. the State Highway Safety Rules at 2CCR
602-1 , and Attachments A , B and C are incorporated herein by this refel'8flce as terms and
conditions of th is contract. The Contractor acknowledges that it has received copies of the LEAF
Contract Management Manual, the Application Guidellnes, and the State Highway Safety Rules.
The Contractor shall comply with all terms and conditlo s of thi~ Contract In the event of a conflict
between the terms of this Contract and the tenM of the incorporated materials, the fa&lowing
priority shall be used to resolve such conflict:
A . State Highway Safety Rules; then
B. LEAF Contract Management Manual and Guidelines; then
C . This Contract; then
D . Attachments A. B, C , in that order; then
E. Approved Application.
2 . The Contractor shall carry out the program and shaU perform the activities which ara specifically
described in the Approved Application and are generally described in Attachment A (collectively, "the
3 . The Contractor shall submit quarterly reports to the State detailing the performance of this
Contract according to the reporting criteria described in Attachment B.
4 . Project Funding Provisions. The total budget ,s · ,ount authorized by this Contract for the actual •
costs of the project work is S33,000 , as described in Attachment C. The State shall participate i n the
payment as provided herein.
State's maximum (from LEAF)
The State shall use LEAF funds exclusively to pay for the actual costs incurred by the
Contractor for the project work up to the State's maximum. If the Contractor incurs project costs
which exceed the Attachment C budget amount without first obtaining an approval in that amount by
written o..,ntract amendment, the Contractor shall be solely responsible for the payment of such
excess costs.
The State budget amount will be provided solely from LEAF funds as outlined in the letter of
approval for 2002 LEAF funds mailed to the Englewood Police Department attached hereto as
Attachment D. Any obligation of the State under this Contract is contingent upon LEAF funds being
available for this Contract. The State will pay the Contractor for actual coats incurred on a quarterly
basis, subject to prior review and approval by the State of work performance and pursuant to
payment procedures contained in the L EAF Contract Manual. The Contractor shall maintain an
itemiZed accounting of au billings and other records to support all costs charged to the Contract and
shall present same to the State upon request • 5 . The effective date of th is contract shall be the date the Controller of the State of Colorado
approves this contract. or such later date specified herein. The Contract shall begin January 1, 2002 ,
and shall terminate on December 31 , 2002.
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6, The Contractor agreos that any subcontracts entered intio hy the Contrac:tar under this Contract
muat meet all appUcable State and Federal requirements and must be ap proved by the Office of
· Transportation Safety prior to execution by the Contractor .
• 7 . a) Tennination Due to Loss of Funding. The parties hereto expressly recognize that the
Contractor is to be paid, reimbursed, or otherwise compensated solely with certain funds provided to
the State for the purpose of contracting for the services provided for herein. Therefore, the Con-
tractor expressly understands and agrees that all its rights, demands and claims to compensation
arising under this Contract are contingent upon receipt at such funds by the State. In the event that
such funds or any part thereof are not received by the State , the State may immediately terminate
this Contract.
b) Termination for Cause. If. through any cause. the Contractor shall fail to fulfill in a timely and
proper manner the obligations under this Contract. or shall violate any of the covenants, agreements
or stipulations of this Contract. the State shall thi!reupon have the right to terminate this Contract for
cause by giving written notice to the Contractor such termination and specifying the effective date
thereof, at least thirty (30) days before the effective date of such term ination . In that event, all
finished or unfinished documents. data, studies , surveys, drawings. maps, models, photographs, and
reports of other material prepared by the C ntractor under this Contract shall, at \l'le option of the
State, become its property. and the Contractor shall be entitled to receive just and equitable
compensation for any satisfactory wor1c: completed on such documents and other materials.
Notwithstanding the above, the Contractor shall not be rel ieved of liability to the State for any
damages sustained by the State party by virtue of a breach of the Contract by the Contractor, and
_,e State may withhold any payments to the Contractor for the purpose of setoff until such lime as
W&ie exact amount of damages due the State from the Contractor is detennined.
c) Termination for Convenience. The State may terminate this Contract at any time that it
determines that the purpose of the distribution of monies under the Contract would no longer be
served by completion of the Project. The State shall effect such termination by giving written notice
of termination to the Contractor and specifying the effective date thereof, at least twenty (20) days
before the effective date of such termination .
8 . The Contractor shall adopt a resolution substantially in the form presented by the State, which
approves this Contract and authorizes a signatory to execute this Contract. A copy of such resolution
shall be attached to and made a part of this Contract.
9 . The contractor shall perfonn its duties hereunder as an independent ,; ntractor and not as an
employee. Neither the contractor nor any agent or employee of the contractcr shall be, or shail be
deemed to be, an agent or emplcyee of the state, and they shall have no authorization, express or
implied, to bind the state to any agreements , settlements, liab ility , or understanding except as
expressly set forth herein . The contractor shall be responsible to the state for the ultimate results of
performance required hereunder but shall not be subject to the d irection and control of the state as to
the means and methods of accomplishing the results . The specifications in this contract of particular
performance standards the state deems essential to proper performance and contract value shall in
o event be deemed to alter th is relationship. Contractor shall pay when due all required
mployment taxes and income tax withholding. including all federal and state i ncome tax on any
moneys paid pursuant to this grant contract.
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The ca, ,11ac.1ur llhal PfO¥tde Md kllep In tbn:e wortcer's CClfflpensaUon (tind llhow proof ot 8Uch · '
Insurance) Md unempk.p11am COl,W....,,, NUi'llnCe •fn the amounts l1lqufred by lllw, and shall be
solely ~ fer the ac:111 of the contractor, Ill empfoyw and agents, The contractu.-
ac:knowtedges that c:cnbactu, and Ila employees.,. not entitled to the beneffls of worker's
C0fflpensatkJn Insurance or u11e1np1opnent lt1autance unlesa the oonlraclD,-or a third Pllrt)I provides
8Uch COYerage and that the atate doN not pay t:,, or olherwfse provtde 8Uch CCMN'llge.
10. The Special Provtaions are lltbk:hed h.-eto and hereby made a part h8:i!Of as tenna and conditions of this contract
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, I~ WITNESS WHEREOF, the partlee heNto have caused the foregoing contract to be executed by
their duly authorized offlcera the day and year flrlt above written .
• City of En9lewood
Contrador: -----:-----
Position : llayor/Commlsaioner
Contractor: ~~l~
Poaition: ChlefJSherHI
City of Englewood
ATTEST .ity of Englewood
By: ________ _
Colorado Department of Transportation
By : ____________ _
Executhle Director
Colorado Department of Transportation
By :---------=---------
Directer of Staff Services
Colorado Department of Transportation
Chief Clerk
Colorado Department of Transportation
Attorney General
By (WAIVED ON 4-17-98)
Assistant Attorney General
Civil Litigation Section
1. Thie c:onnd shall not be dffmed valid until ij shaU have beMI approved by the Conltollar of the S-of Colorado or such aulatMI
.. he may designate. This provillon 11 applicable to any conlr1ld Involving the payment of~ by the Slit■. •
2. Flnancl■I oilllgationa of the Stale of Colorado payable afte, the current llscal ye■, ate contingent upon fundtl for lhllt IIUl1l0M being
llpp<'Oprfll1ed. bud eted . and oL.,erwiae med• a11a ilabl1.
3. If this contrac:1 involves lhe payment of more than llfly thouNnd dallaq ror the conl1Nclkln. erwdlon, repair, mainten.anc■. or
imp,ovemant of ar,y building. road . bndge. vi■duct. tunn■t. aeav ■tion or othe< public work ror this S-, the c-lhal. before
-.mg upon the perfcnnanc:11 of any such worlr. lndudtld in !his contract duly execut■ and dellv■r to the State olllcial who wil sign
!ha contrac:1. a good and auffldent bond or ot11er acceptable surety to II■ llll!l'oved by Slid offldaj In ■ paw sum not -lllan one-hair
of Iha total -.inl payable by the ,...,. of lhia contract. Such bond $hall be duly HIICilbld by I quallft■d Clll'J)ClnM anty Clll ldlllo11ed
upon the lallMul perfonn ■nc■ of the i:ontract and in addition, lhlW ;-ro,,ide -if th ■ Contract,;,r or his IIUbCIIII~ fall to duly pay
b' any la&,or, malerfall, tHm hire, sustenance, provisions, provender ,,,. other euppllel uHd or conaumecl by such eomr.ctor or hill
aubcomractor in perform1nce of the worlr. contracted to II■ done or tai11 to pay any person who supplla ,.,,lal machinery, toola, or
equipment in the proaecution of the worlr. the surety will pay the same in ., amount not IICCNding lhe sum specilled in lhe bond,
tog.U-witli inleresl at the nlle of aigtlt per cent per annum. Unleu such bond ii ,,,u,cutlld. dellvanid and flied, no claim In morof
the Cantractor fflaing under such contJacl shal ba audited, allow.d or paid. A -1lfted or cahler'1 ched< or a .,_k money order
payable to the r111,oure< of the Stat■ of Colorado may be accepled In lieu of• bond. This provision is in compliance wilh CRS 38-28-
4. To the Hlent authcrized by law. tne Contract~ ndemnify, save . Ind hold harmteu tne Stall. Its e<nployees and agents,
a,.iainlt any and all clai ms. damages. liabil ity and "~" a watds including i:osts. HINIRMS, ;ind ■ttomey fees incuned a a 1111Ult ol any
acl or omission by me Contractor, or il s employees. _,i,,, subc:onlract<lrs, or assignees l)Ulluant lo lhe temns of this conlnlct.
5. The Contnlctcr agrees to comply with the,.--spirit at the Colonldo Antldiscrfmirl ■tlon Act of 1957, as -,dad, and otl.-
applicaOle law rapeclin11 di9Crimina~on and unfair employment practices (CRS 2~34-402), and u requi-by Executive Order. Equal
Opportunity and Alllmnallve Actlon. dated August 1987. Pursuant thereto. the following provisions shall be contained In au State
con1raetor subc:ontr.lds.
During tne performance ol this con1rac1. the Contractor agrees a.a follows:
(a) The ConltaClor will not dlscrimin111 agalnsl any employee or apglicant for employment because ol race. aeed, color, national
origin. sex. marttal status . religion, ancestry, mental or physical handicap, or age. The C ,nirador win take affirmative action to
Insure that applicanls are employed, and thal employees are treated during employmenL without 11t11•rd to 1he above mentioned
characteristics. Such action shall Include, but not be limited lo Iha l'olowing: employment Ufllll'8Clln9, de<nolion or trander,
recruitment or 11tCNitment adlvertisir,g ; lay-offs or tennmalions: rat■s of pay or other fom,11 of compeneadon; a,,d M1ec:tion for
training, including apprentlcelhlp. The
Contractcr agrees to post in conspicuous places, avai lable to 11mployees and applicanls for employment. notN:es lo be pruvided
by the ~ng offlcer salting 101111 provislons ol 111111 non-discrimination dauae.
(b) The Conl1aCIOr will, in all aolicilalions or adlleniMfflents for employees placed by or on llahalf of the Conlnlcfor. State that all
qualified appllcants wiB receive con1ideration 10r employment without regard to raca. cnted. color. national ongin. MX. m■rttaJ
status. lllliglon. ancesuy . mental or physk:■I handicap. or age.
(cl The Contractor win send to each labor uni0n or representative of worker3 with which he has a ccl1edive bargaining agreement or
other contract or unde~landtng, notice to be provided by the contracllng ofllcer. adll!eing the labor union or workers'
r~Hf!lative of the Conb'aCtOfs commilment under the Executive Order, Equal Opportunity and Afflmnative Action, dated August
1987, and rules. regul ■lions . and relevant Orders of the Governor.
(d) The Contractor and labor unions will furnish all in10rmation and 111~ required by Executive Orde<, Equal OJ>pottunity and
Affirmative Action of August 11187 , and by the rules. regulations and Crd ■rs of the Governor. or pursuant nter.to, and will perrntt
IICCfts m his books. records. and accounts by the conusc:ting agency and tl'le omce of tl'llt Gov"'""' or his dnlgnee for purpoas
of invesligatlon to ascert■in compliance with such rules regulations and orden. •
(el A labor organiz.adon will not exdude any individual otl'lefWise qualified l'rom full membership righla in such labor organlution, or
ppel any such individual l'rom membe...tllp In such labor orv■niution or iiaaimin ■te ■gair,11 any ol i1a membe<a In the lull
enjoyment work oppor1wlity because of race, creed. color, sex, nallonal origin, or ancfflry.
Page 8 of7 Pagea
. (0 ~ Jabot organization, 0/f the emi,IOYNS 0/f memtian ltlereof will not aid. abet. Incite . compel or coen:e the doing of_,., act defined
In t11ia conlr8d to be dlaaiminalary 0/f ClbalNCt or invent any ~ frQln c::amplylng will! the pravillion of 1111a cannc:t or any
oroer laaued tt,.,eundar. or ahmpt, either clinlclly CK lndltectly, lo commit ar,y eel defined In lhia -,trect to be ~-
In the WI of lhe Contnlc;lor"• norKOmPlianc9 wl1II 1M non-dla;. ~ .... .eon clwa af .. c:onlnel 0/f wllh any of II.ell .....
regulallona. or ordeq. lhll contrac:t may be canceled, larminated or auapended in wl,ole o, In pa,t and the ContrMtor may be
d9dared lnetl;ible for fl.lr1her Stale contracts in ac:cordllncewith pracedurN. aulfloltzed In Eucut1ve 0..-, Equaj o,pcw,i,nay
-Allhmetlve Adlon of Au;uat 1987 ■nd IN RIie■, regula1iona. 0/f on1an pr,,mut;atad in acco,d•ICI■ INNwilh. ■net ■Id! 011,er
sanctions aa may be imposed and r■medlea aa may be Invoked aa ptOYidad in Executive Orders. Equal Opponunlly ■nd
AITlnnalive Action of Au;ust 1987. or by nllee, re;ul■liona . or orders promul;ated in aa:omanca therewith, Olf aa othelwlae
provided by law.
(h) The Contractor will indude the provision• af para;replls (a) llvou;h (II) in every subcontr.c;t and subcontractor pu~M Older
exempted by rules. re;ulations. or orders issued pursuant to Executive Order. Equal Opportunity and Allinnalive Action ol Au;ual.
1987. so lhat such p,ovlsion1 will be bindin; upon uc:h subcontractor or vendor. The Conlnlc:lor will take such action wilh ,-pact
to any sulH:ontracting or purct,ase Older • the contradln; agency may direct. aa a muns of enfordng such provislcna. Including
senctions ror non-compiance; provklad. however. that in lhe -the Contractor becomes involved in, or i ■ lhrealned wilt!.
litigation, w th lhe subconlnlClor or vendor u a result of such direction by the con1r■dlng agency. the Contractor may NqUeet the
Slate of Colorado to enter into such lidgation to p,-0 1ec:t the Interest of the State of Colorado .
Sa. Provillions of CRS S-17-101 & 102 for preference of Colorado labor are applicable to this contrac::1 if public works wttflln lhe State
are undenaken hereunder and an, financed in whole or in part be State funds.
b. When a conatruc:11on contrecl for a public pro;ec:. i9 to be awarded lo a -. a resident bidder shllll be alowed a preference
119llinst a norwesident bidder from a State or foreign country equ91 to the pn,ferenca given or requited by the State or foreign country
in which the non-resident bidder is a resident. If it is determined by the officer responsible for -ming the bid that compliance with
lltia subsection .06 may aauH denial of federal tunds Which would othetwiae be available or would otherwise be Inconsistent with
requirements of Fedenl ._, !Ills ..,_ shall be Mlspended. but only to the exsent necesae,y to prevent denial of the moneys or
lo eliminate the inconsistency with Federal requirements (CRS 8-19-101 and 102).
-Th• laws of the Slate of Colorado and rules and regu,aUona isaued pursuant ~o stlall be ~led In the lnterprei.tion. e,cecution ,
-..,.. enforcement of this contract. Any provision of lhi• contract whether or not lnco,poratecl herein by reference which provides for
arbitration by any extra-judicial body or penon or which ia otheninse in conflict witll said 1-.. rules, and re gulations shell be
considere<l null <N>d void. Nothing contained in any provision Incorporated herein t,y refer9f1CI! which purports to negate this or any
other special pnwision in whole CK in part s/lalt be llalld or enforcaable or ava ilable in any action a.I law whether by way of complaint.
defense. or olh81Wiae . Any provision rendered null and void by the operation of this provision will not invalidate the remainder of lhia
contrad to the extent that the contr.lcl is capable of a:ecution.
8 . At all ti mes duri ng the performance of th is contract. the Contraaor shall strictly adhere lo aQ app6cable f~eral and Stam laws. rules , and
regulations thet have been or may hereafter be eslilbUshed .
9. Pursuant to CRS 2._30-202-4 (u amended), the State C<ln1roller may withhold debte <Med lo Slate agencies under the vendot' offset
intercept system for: (al unpaid child 3'JppOr1 debt or child support arn,arages : (b) unpaid balance ot tax . accrued lnterHt. or other charges
specified in Ardde 21 , TiUe 39 , CRS: C unpaid loans due to the Student Loan Civiai on of the Cepr.rtrnent of Higher Educ:ation; (d) owed
emounts required to be paid to the Unemployment Compensation Fund: and (e) other unpaid debts owing to the State or any agency
theraof. the amount of which is found to be owing as a result of final agency deterrnlt181ion or reduced to j udgment as certified by the
10. The si gnatories aver that they are familiar with CRS 18-8301. et. seq .. (Bribery and Conupt lnftuences) and CRS 18-8-'101 , •L seq.,
(Abuse of Public Office), and that no lliotation of such provisions Is present.
11 . The sig na!ori es aver tnal to their knowledge. no Slate employee has any personal or beneficial interest wha!Soever In the service ot
property <J escrlbed herei n:
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II L-29-Cl2 Re ■ponsible en En lewood Police rtment
Connet Period 1-1-02 lhrough 12-31-02 Project Coordinator DIYlelon Chief Robeft Moore Ill
LEAF Otljedlve:
L-29-02: To Increase and improve the enforcement cf the laws pertaining to alcohol and drug related
tr,lfflc offenses within the City of Englewood by perfomiing dedicated DUI enforcement and activities
described in the Approved Application and summar.ized below.
Provide officers through out the term of this contract to perform dedicated DUI/DRE
enforcement duties and activities within the City of Englewood as stated in the
Approved Application .
Conduct at least two sobriety checkpoints or saturation patrols during 2002. This can
be in cooperation with a nearby agency, the State Patrol or solely by the Englewood
Police Department.
The Englewood Police Department will be a,ctively involved in coors DUI
enforcement public awareness campaign br participating in the joint efforts. This
includes, but not limited to , obtaining media interviews and media outreach, hosting
media ride alongs and similar activities. The Englewood Police Department will
report back the requested data to COOT by the specified times .
Make all reasonable efforts to increase the DUI alcohol and drug related arrests
within the Englewood Police Department by 20% from the 2001 level .
Project• L-29-02 -Englewood Pollce O.partment
1 ). Each quarter the Contractor shall submit a report to the Office of Transportation Safety in
accordance with the LEAF Contract Management Manual. The Quarterly Reports will state all activity
accomplishments as requin!ld by Contract Number L-29-02 during the reportlog period. The
Englewood Police Department will use the provided LEAF Grant Manager software package when
compiling data and submitting the required reports. All recipients are required to use the software so
the Colorado Department of Transportation can better manage the statewide LEAF program.
2). No payment for cost incurred >during the reporting period wil be reimbursed by the Office of
Transportation Safety if such Quartarty Reports are not current or are not compiled using the LEAF
Grant Manager software program.
3). Upon completion of all LEAF activity the Englewood Police Department will ,ubmit a Final Report
in accordance with the LEAF Contract Management Manual.
I LEAF P,ajec;t • L-29-02 -EnpJewood Pollce DepalitlMnl
Cataaorv LEAFFuncia
PersomJI Services $33,000
Operating expenses s
Capital equipment s
Travel expenses s
TOTAL $33,000
DATE Agenda Item 1bject
November 5, ~001 10 a iv law Enforcement Ass istance
..._S_a_fe___._S_e __ rv_ic __ e __ s_D ____ e...._a_rt_m_e _nt _______ ~B_o_b_M_o_o_r_· -" 1trol () erJ lions Di is ion Chief
Council has approved th e City's participation in the LEAF Grant DUI pre entlon program severa l
ti mes in y ears past most recently 1997.
Staff seeks Council support for a bill for an ordinance approving the La\ Enforcement Assistance
Fund (LE AF ) contract L-29-02, enabling the City of Englewood to enter into a contract with the
Colorado State Department of T ransportation granting the City money to be used by the
Department of Safety Servic es for DU I detection and enforcement.
The p rc,posed ordinan ce would allow the Department of Safety Services to accept LEAF grant
money for use in the detection ·,nd apprehension of DUI driven with in the City of Englewood. The
Engk "Ood police, in accordance w ith state motor vehicle laws, and with the preservation of life
and property in m ind, actively investigate DUI violati ons with the intent of remo i ng drunken
driv ers from the City's st reets. Acceptance of LEA F grant mnney enables the department lo
enhance its DU' ·11forcement efforts b allowing th e department to pa for and dedicate more
officers and equ,,.,menl to th is apprehens i on effort.
At the present time, apprehension efforts d e end on officers striv ing lo detect DUI drivers between
ether patrol-related ass ignments. LEAF gram m oney will allow the department to deploy
Eng lewood officers o n an ove rtime b sis spe ,fically to detect and apprehend DUI drivers.
The passage of this ordinance sh o long-, 1e impact o n other City departments. The
ordinance is a requirement oi the , .. ,1 process.
No loca l agency m a tch funding is~ b y th is contract: ne e rthel ess. o ur agency has pledged
ro provi de an In-kind matc h consis t ing of the a nticipat e d grant-ge nerated increase in court overtime
costs an d participati on i n at least two specific DUI sa turation patrols or DU I ch eckpoi nts. The total
es ti m ated additional cost to the city is ab out SJ,000.
Proposed Ordinance