HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000 Ordinance No. 012• ORDINANCE NO. }L SERIES OF 2000 BY AUTHORITY COUNC'iL BILL NO. 14 INTRC' OU CED BY COUNCIL MEMflER BRADSHAW .\N ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AN IN'l'ERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN ARAPAHOE COUNTY AND THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXCHANGING GEOGRAPHIC DATA. WHEREAS, the City of Englewood developed a computerized Ge ographic Information System (GIS) in 1989 using the inc ·stry standard Arcl nfo software; and WHEREAS, the GIS provide• maps and as,:ociated data about city parcels, including addreSf, land use . dwelling units, tax parcel numbers, enterprise zone, owner name, il.afunt,addreos.~appraised value, etc.; and -. \ WHEREAS, over the last two years Arapahoe County completed a county-wide GIS base using Arclnfo GIS software so that their dat!I is compatible with Englewood, Littleton and Aurora; and WHEREAS, this expands the availability of data thet Englewood may want to share; and WHEREAS , some of the information that Englewood maintains is updated through data sharing arrangements with Arapahoe County; llnd WHEREAS, although Englewood hea been sherinf some data for several years, Arapahoe County has initiated an effort to formaliz.e data sharing arrangements with Englewood and the other cities in Arapahoe County; a"ld WHEREAS , the pasP.age of this Ordinance authoriws an intergovernmental agreement requiring that the City enter agreements and track copies of the data lent to consultants, which include typical copyright notices and disclaimers limiting liability; and WHEREAS, this Intergovernmental Agreement ie an acknowledgment that Englewood and Arapahoe County jurisdictions overlap, that they both serve some of the same residents and that Arapahoe County is willing to share data with Englewood since Englewood is willing to make the arrangements reciprocal, thus avoiding costly duplication of record keeping; NOW . THEREFORE, BE IT 0 ",WAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENGLEW OO D. COLORADO AS FOLLOWS: Swilm.l, The "License and F;xchange Agreement For Guographic Data", attached hereto as "Attachment A," is hereby accepted a nd approved by the Englewood City Council . -1- ~-The Mayor ii authorized to aign the "License and Exchanp Agreement for Geographic Data" for and on behalf of the City of Englewood, Colorado. Introduced, read in full, and paued on first reading on the 6th day of March, 2000. Publiabed as a Bill for an Ordinance on the 10th day of March, 2000. Read by title and passed on final reading on the 20th day of March, 2000. Publiehed by title as C.rdinance No. /ft., Seriee of 2000, on the 24th day of March , 2000. ~ /~, . . d Yf/.J LoubiaA.Ellis.ccterk I, Loucrishia A Ellis, City Clerk of the City of Englewood, Colorado, hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true copy of the Ordinance p d on final reading and published by title as Ordinance No. /;i::-, Series of 2000. -2- I.ICDD AIID DCIWICZ AGRID!?f1 11"1\ C:ZOORAPIIIC DA!!!! '1'11II AGRSDmff made and entered into this __ day ot 21)00 , by and between the County ct Arapahoe, Colorado (County), and the CHy ot Englewood, Colorado (City). For and in con.tideration oZ the mutual cov!:nant.s, promises, terms and conditions and other good and valuable consideration, the parties hereto agree hereby as tallows : l. ~~ For purposes of this Agreement, unless thi, language or context clearly indicates that a different meaning i.s int~nded , the words, terms or phrases stated below St'-411 be defined as !allows: "DATA" means those graphic or tabular data in digital elect:onic or digital optical format .specified in Exhibit "A," attac~ed hereto and incorporat ed herei:, by this reference. It excludes any cc"lpute: program or source codes, whic~ intellectual properties are not cove:ed by this agree!?'.ent. DATA does not include the information contained in publ!.c records that have been con'7erted to d!.gital for.nat, but only thei:-digital foni. "Donor" means the pa:-ty that c reated :he OA:'A and is allowing the ot:\er par-:1 co u~e it. "Parties" means the City of Englewood and the C:)unty of Arapahoe . "Rec!.;;ient" means the party to whom the Donor has given t~e DATA. "Hard copy" means a reproduction of the CATA in a visual format, includi:--.g without limitation photograph!.c, xe:-ographic, blueprint, mylar, diazo, printed, linedrawn, or any other representation that can be read by the eye. "So!t copy" means a reproduc-:ion o! the DATA in a digital electronic or digital optical foniat, whethe!" on tape, disc, by wire t:ans!er, or in scme ot ~er copy or t:-an.sfe: medium wh!.ch prese!"7es t!'leir diqit a .!. c!u:acter . "Third pa:-:y" means any legal person othe: :ha:, the City of Englewood or the County of Arapahoe . 2. ~ The purposes of this Agree!nent include defining the rights and obligations of the parties with respect to sharing of DATA between the part!.es, protecting the rights of the Donor in the DATA, controlling the reproduction of the DATA by t!'le Recipient, the availability to third parties f=om the Recipient of copies of such shared DATA, and the cont:ol over further copying of such CATA through a cross-licensing system. The DATA were and are being de velop!!d with a significant e:-cpend!.t1.!re of public fund.s, ar.c! the parties ha·,e a1 ~ interest in preservi:,g the!..: opportunitie, to recoup some o: thei: costs of aeveloping and ma!.nta!.ning t~ese DATA. 3 . Term. A. The te:-:n of this Agreement shall be for te n years t=c:: t!'le date ot execu tion, bu t either pa=ty may car.eel this Agree:nent upon six :nonths written not ice to the other pa::-"=:t• B. Regardless of the date of execu tion hereunde:-, this Agreemen-: shall be in effect with respect to any par:icular DATA from the date o! receipt of the DATA by the Rec.ipient f:om the Donor until the return or C:IOATAlfORMS\Anpco GIS ~ • m,iJCd.doc certified do,truction ot the DATA by the Recipient, unleu earlier terminated by law or according to the term.s herein. C. The term• ot this Agreement •hall apply to Recipient•• receipt ot the DATA or any portion t!lereof, whether prior to, concurrent with or subsequent to the date of execution . Portions ot the DATA received ,after execution of this Agreement shall be covered thi:i same as if originally included he:oin . 4 . Termination . A. Upon ter:a.inat ion of thi~ Agreement, Recipient shall , within five days, ret!.lrn all soft cop ie s of the CATA, wi ':h any addit ' >ns and modi!!.ca tions, to Donor and $hall ce:tify, in wri t i ng, that all other .soft copies t he :-eof have been dest=oyed. 9 . Rec ipient's obligatior.s respecting confidentiality of the DATA shall sur·1i"1e terminat ion of th!.s .\greemer.t. 5. La ve:s . Rec i pient w!.ll keep Donor's OAT.; in one or mere disc:ete andse";irnte laye :s readily identifiable as Dcr.e:' s DATA and p=otec:ed !:-om una•Jt:1or.:.:ed ac=ess, tampe=.:.ng, or copying in soft copy fcr.nat , a nd will not store it, othe:-than te!Uporarily fer pur?oses of manipulat ion or print ing, merged wi th ot!"ler e lec:=onic data . Rec ipient will use its best efforts to keeo and ma!.ntai n t:1e DATA in a secure manner so as to preclude unacthori:ed uSe, dissemi:)ation or d isclosu:e. • 6 . Ownershio. The DATA i s the pro~e rty of Done:-, and Donor rese:ves • all rights of owne:ship, title and ccnt:rol t o t!\e DATA under common law, federal copyright law or other law relating to confide:1:!.al and/or trade secret infor:nation. The parties ag::ee that the development of the DATA required tne skilled effrr:s of professionals in its des:.gr. and comp ilation a nd the end produc: is t!"le resul: of the origi:i.al work of Donor, its employees and agents. Pursuant to ColoraC.o la·..i, the DATA is a trade secret o! Dor.er and may on!y be used as authori ::ec:!. he::e.:.n. 7. Obliaat.:.on of Cor.!ider-,tialitv. Rec i r'ient acknowledges and ag:ees that Donor reser-res a ll r.:gnts of ownership, title and control of th! DATA . Recipient agrees that it wil l treat the CA.TA as confident i al and trade secret information. Except as aut hori zed in this AgreeMent, Recipient shal l not under any circumstances disclose or disseminate t:l.e DATA or any portion thereof to ll any other (incluc:Hng governmental, educational ur non-prof.:t ) pers on, f ir.n or entity or or;ani:ation, or 2 ) any employee of Recipient who does not need access t:l.eret o in conn ection wi th Recip!.e:1t 's exercise of its rights under thi s Agreement. 8. Assistance. At t:ie :-eqcest of the Dcnor, Recipient shal l use good faith and reascnable e!!o r:s t;, ass i st t he Donor in identify i ng any use, copying, or disclosu:e of t:l.e DA7.J. .Jy any current or !or:ner Recipien-: personne l or anyone else who may have come into possession of the DATA whi le t he sat!e was in Re-::ipient' J p os session in any mar.ner t:1.a: is cont=ary to the provis ions of this Agr eeme nt so lcr.g as the Don or shall have provided Reci pient with informat ion reasor.ably justi!'yinc; the c:nclusion of the Donor that suc:I contrarJ use may have occ~:red . C:IOATAIFOIIMS\Anp:o OIS Apmnent u rev~ • 9 . Injunctive Ralid. Re cipient aclcnowledgu and aqrHI that disclosure or use of the DATA in breach of this Agreement could cause irreparable harm and significant injury to Donor, whic.'I may be di!ficul.t to measur1 with certainty or to compensate through d&aaqes. Accordingly, Recipient agrees that Donor may seek and obc·a1n against Recipient and an y other 1,,1erson or entity, injunctive relief tor the breach or threatened breach ot any of the terms and cond.ition1 of this Agreement , in addition to any other equitable or legal r~medies which may be avai lable to Donor. 10. ~ The Dono r hereby grants to Rec!pient a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to the DATA to be u:sed st=ictly and only in ac:ordance with th'! provisions stated in this Ag=eement. A. Recipient shall only use the CATA t or pu=poses in connection with its own projects and developments and not or. beha.!.! of any o t he!' person , co:-poration er entity of any nature whatsoever. B. Recipient shall keep a record of the loca:!.cr-. of each so!: copy. C. Recipie1tt may not use , copy, modify, ass!.~r:. or t!'ansfer t h e O~.TA or ar.y copy, modification or merged portion thereof, i:,. whole or in par-:, in sof-: ,.;~py format except as provided for in this Ag!'ee:ne:it. Onless dr.ne in con!or:n.:.ty with the fo llowing subparagraph, if Reci?ie:i.: t=ansfers possession of a ny soft copy, modification, or merged portior: of t!'te OAT.a\ to a third part y, the rights granted under .:he ter.ns of this Agreer.if!:'!.t are automatically te::ni:,ated as to Rec ipient . 0. Recipient may make soft copies for t:le use of its contractors and consultant.! only if the contractor or consultant signs ar:. agreement, in a form ac=eptable to Donor, wit!'!. Recipient for the benefit of Co:-:.or which tully protects Donor I s rights i.:.nder this agreement and l:.!11.!. ts t~e contractor's or consultant's use of the DATA as if the contractor o= cons'..l.!.tant were merely an e x:~ns ion of Recipient. Copies of all such p:r otec:ive agr~ements shall be filed by Recipient with Doner before t!".e ef:'ect.ive Ca:e o! s uch protecti'le agreement. E. Recipient shal l no t, in wh o le or in pa:-:, assign, sublease, ex"ter.d, absorb or otherwise t:-ans.:e:-t:'lis License A(;':-~e:nent, or a ny righ: gra:-:.ted under this Agreement . F. Recipient shall not use or rel y in a:,y manne:-on the DATA in connec:ion with the provision ct emergency ·ervices, i:,,c!.uding but not limited to police, tire, and ambulance services. G. This license gives Rec i pient t~e riqht t.:> g ... e or sell hard c c ::,i es of the Doner' s DATA to third parties. whet he r pu:-suant to a request u..·1e!e= the Public Records laws of the s i:,"'!te of Co!oraCc o:: otherwise, bu: s l.!bJ ect to the requirements of this A.c;::-eeme:i.t ccnce=:-i.i:i.g !.:iclusion of c:::py:-ight and disclaimer notices en al l such hard cop!.es. C:IDATAIFORMS\Anpa> GIS Apmna,I as miscd:doc 11. Coovright notice. notice on all copie1 of th• DATA notice : Recipient shall attach the tollowing in such a ma.Mer and location to ;ive COPnUGHT 1996 BY AL\PAROE COCNff, COLOIWlO . ALL RIClll'll REIIIP.VII). 110 PART 01' ffII DAV. ICU IE COPIEII, UPICDUCZD, OR !RAIISMITTSD IN Allf'l l'ORM OR 1Y Allf'l IIIAIIS IIBITBR c:RAPIIIC, ILSCffONIC, OR IIIICIWIICAL, IIICLCDINQ PIIOTOCOPrJllC , RECORDING, OR BY All Ill1'0RKATION ITOQGI A11D D'nllVl\L SYSTEM, WITHOUT WIUTTEII PUMISS:ON l'Rat THE AL\PAROE COONTY, COLORADO. 12. Disclaimer Notice. Recipient shall at:ac!'l the following notice of disclaimer on al:!. copies of the DATA in such a manner and locac!.on to give notice: ARAPAHOE COUNTY, COLORADO IS FOR!IISHING TllJ: DA1!A ON All "AS IS" BASIS, IIITHOOT ANY SUPPORT WIIMSOEVER, lAND IIITHOOT RZPRESENT.UION OR IOJIRANTY , INCLUDING BOT NOT IN ANY >.ooftlER LIMITED TO, l'In!ESS, MERCHAll'IABILITY, OR THE ACCURACY A11D CCMl'UTE}o"'ESS OF THE DATA. 13 . Fees . Recipient may se ll hard copies of t ,.e Donor's OA:'A, whether or notiiie'rged with other data at Recipiem:, at whatever price i t c!"looses. Since Recipient may not sell so~t copies of t!"le Donor's DATA, t his Agreement makes no provision tor a tee for soft copy . 14 , Disclaimt1r. A. All other te!'ms ot this License Agreement to the contrary net withstanding, Donor di s claims any ar:.C: all liability of any nature whatsoever arising out ot the terms and conditions, ope:ation ot this License Agraer.1.ent, .lnd/or the use of, or reliance on by Recipient o! the DATA. Recipient ack.11 0wledc;es and speci fical ly agret!s to the te!'jls of ti":.is provision. Fur::te:, Recipient agrees not to attempt to or seek to, direct.!.y or indirectly, clai:n or pursue legal re lie! for any clai!'n5 of any nature whatsoever against Ocnor pu=suant to t!tis Li.cense Agreement; or to ass i st any other parties in claiming or pursuing legal rel i ef tor a.11y clai::is of any nature whatsoever against Donor pursuant o= relating to this Agreement. B. TH!: DOIIOR IS FORNtSHING THE DA1!A ON All "AS IS" BASIS, IIITHOOT ANY SUPPORT WHATSOEVER, AND WITHOUT REPRESENTATION OR 1IARIWffY, INCLUDING BOT NOT IN A11Y !WINER LIMITED TO, FITNESS , HERCHA111!ABILITY, OR THE ACCURACY AIID COHPU:TENESS OF THE DATA . C. The DATA is neither a legal.!.y recorded map nor a survf"y and is not intenc'.ed to be used as such . T~.e DATA is a unique ccmpi.!.ation ot reco:-ds, in!o::nation and data from va=ious ci::;, county, state, ar.d fec!e?"al of:'ices and other sources and should be used tor re!erer.ce only. No representation is made that features presented accurately re!l ec: t:ue location . Coner or any other e,:,tity from which data was obtained assumes no liability for any errors or omiss i ons herein. I t discrepancies a:e found, Re::ipient .!grees to con tac: Donor. C :IDATA\fORMS\Ar,pcoOISA.....,..u ■,..ilod.dac • Because the DATA no inherently complex, constantly chanqi nq, and may not be completely troo o f. orr~ra, ~•cipiont i• hereby adviHd to verity its work. In no event shall Donor be ll1.bl1 for any direct, indirect, 1p1cial, incidental, or consequentil.1 dam.ages arising out of th• use o f or in&Dility to use tho DATA even it advi .. d of tho po11ibility of auch damaqos, Specifically, Donor is not rHponsiblo tor any coats including, but not limited to, those incurred as result of lost revenues, 101.s of use of data, th• costs of recovering such programs or dAta, the co ■t of 1ny 1ubstitute program, c.ai:u by third parti11, or tor similar co1t1. o. Donor's sole liability and Recipient's exclusive remedy for any ,ubstantlal defect which impai rs the use of the CATA f~r the purpose stated herein shall be the righ: to terminate this Agreement. 15, Colorado Law to Govern . This Agreement shall be gover;'led by and const=ued in accordance with t h,• .substantive and procedural laws of the State o! Colorado. Venue tor all tr.t al cau:t proceedings related to this Agreement .shall be in Ar.1pehoe County, Colorado. 16. Indeoendent Status. It is ag:aed is intended or should be c:mstruad in any manne: the :elationship o! agents, part:'Lers, joint venture • part ies hereto or as con.s";ituting :thing herein con:ained ~=-:.ing or establishing .)t assoc.!.ates betwean the Recipient as the employee of Donor !or any purpose or in any manner wha t.soe'le=. 17 . .qht.s C!Jmulative . All remedies available t c. either par:y under the terms o! this Agreement or by law are cumulative and may be e :<ercised concurrently or ~eparatP.ly, and the exercise of any one remedy shall not be deemed an election of :iUCh remedy to the exclusion of other remedies. 18. No Continu!nc Waiver . The waiver of any de .!ault by e~ther party, or t h e fa ilurl! t·, give notice of any de!aclt, s ha~l not constitute a waive: of any subseque: t default or be dee:ned to be a fa!.lu:e to give net ice wit h respect to any su...~ec;uent default. Waiver of t!i.e breach of any ;: :ovision ,..,t this Agreeme,,t shall not be construed to be modi!:O::ation of the ter:c: of this A~reement unless ~ca.ted to be such in wr i:ing and signed by aut!i.ori=ed repre!',!:ltatives of the Donor and Recipient. 19. Notices. At th'! time of execution of this Agreement, the parties hereto shall p':'ov:.::1e each other written informati.on regarding their res;:ective authorized representative and the respective addresses fo1· pu:poses of any notice:c;. Said in!or:i.ation shal l be kept current at all t.!.mes . 20. Modificatior"..s . wai•,ers of the provisior.s of been reduced to writ ing , and and Rec!p::.en t. Any alterations, variation!, modifications, or this Ag:!ement shall only be valid when t~ey have signed by authorized represe:itatives of the Donor 2!. No Th i :d P11 ::v Beneficiarv. This agreement is for the bene!it of the pa::ies onl.y, and conveys no rights upon persons not par:ias to it. C:IDATA\FORMS\Anpco 015 A....-,i a mila!doc 22. Copvright notic•. notice on all copies of th• DATA notice: Recipi ■nt shall attach the f~llowing in such a maMer and location to 9i ve COnJUGIIT 1999 BY CifY or 11111oL11100D, COI.01W)(). Au. RIGHTS --• 110 .All! or !1111 DAD Nllr 81: COPtlll, ll&Pll0DOCSD, 0R !IWISMiffll) l1I ~.!IY l'0IK oa B'f AIIY HIAKS llBITRIR G:IIAPIIIC, ILIC!RCNIC, ,,a IIICIWIIOL, n«:I.CDING PIIOTOCOPYDIG, R.IICOIUlING, OP. B'f AN Ill1'0IQIMI011 l'fOIIAGI A1.t1 ll&TRISV71L SYSD:M, WITH( IT ' IIRI1'TZII l'UKISSION l!'RQ( TllE ARAPAIIOI CIJON'rY, cote.ADO. 23. Disclaimer Notice. Recipient shall attaC"h the followir:.; no tice of disclaimer on all copies cf the DATA in such :t 1,anne.t' ar,~ .Loca :ion to give notice: CUT OF ENCI.E"N000, COLORADO IS ll"OIUUSHING THI DAll ON AN "AE IS" BASIS, WITHOUT ANY SUPPORT Wl!MSOE'r.:R, AND WITHOUT R.IIPRISD:llTION OR IOOUWITY, INCLUDING BUT NOT IN ANY MANNER LIMITED TO, FITNESS, HIRCIL\NTAIIILITY, OR THE ACCORACY AND CQG>U:TJ:NJ:SS OF THI DATA. IN WI!NESS WHERE.OF , the parties have executed thi.s Agreement effecti ve t~e date and year first above wr itten . COUNTY OF .>.RAPAHOE, COLORADO By:,_ _ __,~,-------- Authorized Signoture Title : Date: At~est : CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLOAADO By:,_ _ _,-=---=----Authorized S ignat1Jre Title: .:-aras J. 8.irns llayor Date: Attest.: Louc.coshia A. Elhs, City derk • • Exhlb!iA In an effort to support both the County's Comprehensive Plan Updata and to provide the City with DATA in order that the Cit'/ c:an create a Geographic lnfonnation System the following DATA will be exchenged . DA TA from the County to include , but not limited to : • Digital Orthophotography for the City , In the Cou1 :ty's Ille format and stateplane NAD83 coordinate system . • Parcel Layer File to include tabular data . • Road Centerl ine Data . • Data created in phase one of the County's Comprehensive Plan Update, to include but not limited to Existing Land Use and ADT traffic data . • Surface Soils Data . • Digital Elevation Model (OEM) from Digital Orthophotography creation . DATA from the District to include , but not limited to : • Englewood Parcel Data and Address informa1:o n by Parcel Number • Road centerline Data • Englewood Zoning data • Englewood Annexations • Englewood Subdivisions • Other local political boundaries • Water and Sanitation Boundary Data • Street signs/traffic lights • Right of Way and F ark information • Sanitary/storm sewer data • Utility data to include but not limited to manholes, fire hydrants , water mains, sewe r lines and gas lines . • lr,iersection Data • Existing Land Use data up ci ated from Arapahoe County's Comprehensive Plan IJ ,Jdate data . COUNCIL COMMUNV~ATION DA lE: M:,cch 6, 20u0 AGENDAllEM SUBJECT: Data Sharing lnra'- I~ '/J.J Governmental Agreement with Arllpahoe CC'.!.•ty INITTAlED BY : Conmmity Dcvelopmeru I STAFF SOURCE: Mark Graham, Sen!Cl" Planner ·- COUNCIL GOAL AND PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION: llfll(Oving Service Delivery using database tcchoology. Colllllllllicating and cooperating with Oilier government agencies . RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff rccouvnend.< that City Council approve the proposed Ordinance authorizing an lnlcr-Govemmcntal Agreement (IGA) between City of Englewood and Arapahoe County for the purpose of exchanging geographic data . BACKGROUND : The City of Englewood developed a corq,utcrized Geographio Information System (GIS) in 1989 using the industry standard Arclnfo software . The system is used, maintained and irq,roved by three departmmls: Utilities. Public Works-En~g. and Commmity Dcvclcprmu with support from the lnfonmtioo Techoology clivisioo of tbe Fi!WICe ~L The GIS irovides maps and associated data about city infrastructure, such as streers , sidewalks , sigru, pipes , valves , and manholes. Englewood also mainlains data oo parcels, including address, land use. dwelling unilS, lax parcel nwmcrs . cntetprise zone, owner name, mailing address, approised value. etc. Over the last two ycus Arllpahoe Coun1y co111Jlcted a countywide GIS base map using Arclnfo GIS software so that their data is co"l>atible with ""6]ewood, LltUeton. and Aurora. That expands tbe availability cf data that Englewood may want to shan!. s~ of lhc infCl"lllltioo that En;:lcwood maintnins is updated througb data sharing arrangements with Arapahoe County. Allbougb Englewood has been sharing some data f<X" several ycm, Arapahoe County has initiated an effort 10 formalize data sharing arrangcrmus with Englewood and the olher cities in Arapahoe County. The proposed IGA requires that we enter agreem=rus and track copies of tbe data lent to consullanlS. The agreermus include typical copyrigbt ootices and clisclai"""' limiting liability. Llsrs of the data resources that Englewood and tbe County will sbare m referenced in tbe Agrccmeru. FlNANCIAL JMPACT : The basi s for the agreement is an acknowledgement that Englewood and Arapahoe County jurisdictions overlap and that we both serve some of the same residents . Arllpahoe County is willing tu ,hare data with Englewood since Englewood is willing to make tbe arrangemenLs reciprocal . These arrange menrs ,void cosUy duplicoticns of record keeping . LIST OF A IT ACHMENTS: Inter-Governmental Agreement Ordinance F:'.EVERYONE'l-'Oh AM\AGENOA'Mlrdt ll'CC Dau Shimo GA• Anpc:o.dQc