HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000 Ordinance No. 024ORDINANCE NO.~ SERIES OF 2000 BY AUTHORITY COUNCIL BILL NO . 24 INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER WOLOSYN AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE "CONTRACT AMENDMENT#'!' TO THE INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO AND THE STATE OF COLORADO FOR THE USE ANO BENEFIT OF THE DEPARTMENT OF TKANSPORTATION (COOT) FOR THE CONSTRUCTION ANO FUNDING OF THE PROJECT TO WIDEN AND CREATE MEDIANS ON BROADWAY BETWEEN U.S. 285 AND YALE AVF.NUE IN THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD . WHEREAS , the City Council of the City of Eng 1ewood pa88ed Resolution No. 3, Series of 1996, whlcl, a.-horigd the City to apply for Federal funds under the lntermodal Sil" -i ~'\ion Efficiency Act (!STEA); and WHEREAS, in 1997 the City initiated the South Broadway Corridor Action P/an: and WHEREAS , the City Council of the City ofEnglew~ paaaed Ord.ins;..;, No. 11, Series of 1998 authorizing an Intergovernmental Contract between COOT and the City for the design of the project of widen and create medians on Broadway between U.S. 285 and Yale Avenue ; and WHEREAS , the City Council of the City Of Englewood p888ed Or.!inance NO. 66 , Series of 1999, amending the basic contract dated August 6, 1998, in o,der to add the construction budget for the project deacribed in the previously executed contrar.t; and WHEREAS, the paaaage of this Ordinance covers wording changes to Amendment #1 related to the construction of "South Broadway Widening and Medians" WHEREAS, this proposed Amendment does not change the financial commitments detailed in Amendment #1 which provides for the Federal Participating Funds to be $2 ,980 ,000 .00 , the State Participating Funds to be $3 70,000.00 , and Englewood's Participating Funds to be $375 ,000 .00 and Englewood 's Non-Participating Funds to be $4 ,767 .00 , for a Total of $3 ,729 ,767 .00; NOW, THEREFORE, BL ,T ORDAINED BY THE c;·rv CC IJ NCIL OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD , COLORADO , AS FOLLOWS : llw:li.wl...l. The City Council of the City of Englewood , Colorado , hereby authorizes the "Contract Amendment #2" to an intergovernmental agreement with the State of Colorado for the use and benefit of the Department of Transportation (COOT) for the construction and funding of the project to widen and create medians on Broadway betwe en U.S. 285 and Yale Avenue in the City of Englewood , attached as "Exhibit A". -1- 10 b xii ~. The Mayor ia authorized to tacute and the City Clerk to atteat ar, ..,al the "Contract Amendment #Z' to the interiovommental aareement with CDoT fn.r , .,d on behalf of the City of Enclowood, Colorado . Introduced , read in full, and paaaed on firat reading on the 20th day of March 2000. Publiohed aa a Bill for an Ordinance on the 24th day of March, 2000. Read by title and paaaed on final reading on Lhe 3rd day of April, 2000 . Published by title as Ordinance No~ Series of 2000 , on the 7th day of April, 2000. ·'Vi7 . cf~ ~Clerk I, Loucria!,ia A. Ellia, City Cluk oftbe City of Englewood, Colorado, hereby certify that the abo-,e and foragoing ia a true copy of the Ordinance paaaed on final reading ~, ........ ~, .... -.... .. 'l< ..... ~J'~ ~ -2- STU 2854-071 (11999) WIDENINO BROADWAY: US 285 TO YALE A VENUE City ofEn1lwood/R6 (JR!) CONTRACT AMENDMENT #2 '00 HA6 00071 .. u:, THJS AJvlENDMENT, is made this __ day of ______ _, 19_, by and between the State of Colorado for the use and benefit r., the Depamnent of Transponation hereinafter refe:red 10 as "the State" or "COOT" and the CITY OF ENGLEWOOD , STATE OF COLORADO . 3400 South Elati Stree t, Englewood, CO 801 IO , FEIN: 846000583 hereinafter referred 10 as the "Loc:il Agency ". FACTUAL RECITALS I. Authority exiSlS in the law and funds have been budgeted, appropriated and otherwise made al'ailable and a sufficient unencumbered balance thereof remains available for payment in Fun,:! Number 400, Appropriation Code 010 , Organization Number 9991, Program 2000, Function :;::;o I, Object 2312 IP , Phase C, Reporting Category 6240, Contract Encumbrance Number 11999, (Contract Encumbrance Amount: S0.00). 2. Required approval. clearance, and coordination have been accomplished from and with appropriate agencies: and 3. The ,anies emere d imo a contract dated August 6, 1998 , (98 H.->.6 0 I Oi7) and Contract Amendment=!, dated Januai:· 3, 2000, for a project to widen Broadway at L'S 285 to Yale Avenue. including new signalization of the 285 Broadway Ramps . modiiic~tions 10 two ramps and assoc iated impro\'em ents . and the reconstruction of Broadway to accommodate raised medians from L'S 285 to Yale. more fully desc:ibed in Exhi bi1 A artached to ~iie Basic Contract. Routing Number 98 HA6 010,i. 4. The Basic Contrae t is still in effect and provides for :~anges to its 1errns and conditior.s by writt en supplemental contraet: and 5. Tne panics now desire 10 amend the Basic Contrac: to provide that the Loc:i.1 Agency is the responsible pany for performing the laSks associated "ith construction for the project described in the pm·i ously executed Basic Contract Rout ing 1'.umber 9S H.->.6 010ii. 6. This .-\mendment is entered into pursuan: 10 the pro,·isions oi Sections c-l-30-140 I et seq .. 43-1-106. and 43-1-110. as amended . NO\V THEREFORE, it is hereby agreed that A I. Consideration for this Amendment to the 8.Jic Contract wbir.h coaaiJII of the ,. original contract dated August 6, 1998. Routing Number 98 HA6 01077, and Con~ ~t. #1, dated January 3, 2000, consists of the work identified in this amendment, the paymenb of which shall be made pursWlllt.to Amendment #1 and the promises and agreements herein set fonh. 2. It is expressly agreed by the panics that this Amendment is supplemental 10 the Basic Contraet which is, by this reference. incorporated. and made a pan hereof, and anached as fahibit A, and all tenns, conditions, and provisions thereof. unless specificaJiy modified herein, an: 10 ~ply to this Amendment as though they were expressly rewritten, incorporated, and included herein. 3. It is agreed the Basic Contract is and shall be modified, altered. and changed in the follov.ing respects ortly: a. Section 11, Proiect Description. of the Basic Contrac: shall be deleted and shall be substituted v.ith a new Section II which shall read as follows: II. PROJECT DESCRIPTION 'The project " or "the Work" under this contract shall involve the design and construction of Project STU 2854-071, which shall consist of widening Broadway at L'S 285 to Yale Avenue. installing new signalization at the US ~85/Broadway ramps , modifying rwo ramps and completing the associated improvements . and reconsrructing Broadway to accommodate raised medi3Ils from L'S 285 to Yale Avenue, here in referred ro as "the project" or 'the Work" in Englewood , Colorado , as more specifically described in Exhibit A, attached to the Basic Contract (the Fonn #463 and/or a "Scope of Work") as it may be re vised by the panics in the design re,·iew process before the project work is acruall y started. b. Sec tion IV . Work Resoonsibilirv . of the Basic Contract shall he dei<.red and shall be substituted "ith a new Section IV. which shall read as follows : I\'. WORK RESPONSIBILITY The Local .-\gen cy sh:ill be respons ib le to perform all design :llld consrruction tasks required to complete the Work and the Loc:il Agency shall comply \\ith all applicable te:,ns and conditions of this contract in performing the Work. including those process and task responsibilities addressed in the Prc-Co t.structio n and Consrruction .-\dministration CheckliSts attached to the Basic Con tract . The Loc:il Ag ency shall perform :iii such tasks in accordance with final approved design and in accordance "ith applicable requirements and standards. including those in this contract and in applicable law . -1 . Except for the "Spec ial Pro,·isions." in the e\'ent of any conflict. inconsistency. variance. or contrad icti on between the pro\'isions of this Amendment or any of its attachments or exhibits. and any of the provisions of the Basic Contract. this Amendment shall in all respects supersede . govern and control. The "Spec ial Pro"isions " shall always be controlling over other pro \'isi ons in the contractor amendments . The factual representations in the Special Provisions • concerning the abse~ce of bribery or corrupt influences :llld personal interest oi State emp lo yees are • • presently reaffbmed. s. FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS OF THE STATE PAYABLE AFTER THE CURRENT FISCAL YEAR ARE CONTINGENT UPON FUNDS FOR THAT PURPOSE BEING APPROPRIATED, BUDGETED, AND OTHER.WISE MADE AVAILABLE . 6. THIS AMENDMENT SHALL NOT BE D.iEMED VALID UNTIL IT SHALL HA VE BEEN APPROVED BY THE CONTROLLER OF THE STATE OF COLORADO OR SUCH ASSISTANT AS HE MAY DESIGNATE . ' -IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties bemo have execwed this Amendment oa lbe day first above wriilm. STATE OF COLORADO BILL OWENS, GOVERNOR ATTEST : By ________ _ Chief Clerk Contractor: CITY OF ENGLEWOOD By ________ _ 'nXIIBSJ. Bums Title A TTOR.\iEY GBiERAL KE:-..SALAZAR By ___ _ GREG JA.\.i.J[~ON Assistant Attc'llcy General Ci, ii Litigation Section By __________ _ Executive Di.-ector, Department of Transponation ATTEST (Seal ) By ________ _ Title APPROVALS I.coucrishia A. Ellis City CJerjc STATE CO NTROLLER ARTHUR L. BARNHART By ________ _ • • • • COUNCIL COMMUNICATION Date Agenda Item Maruh 20, 2000 11 a ix INITIATED BY STAFF SOURCE .,. A Id, JAl.11,11.1'1I ◄ Subject Amendment #2 lo !GA with COOT for Cqnstructlon of Broadway Widening and Medians Department of Public Works Ken Ross, Director of Public Works Rick Kahm, Capital Projects Manager COUNCIL GOAL AND PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION This action continues implementation of the "South Broadway Action Plan". Council's goal is to utilize Intergovernmental cooperation on projects that benefit all parties . Council approved the following regarding this project : • Resolution No. 3, Series 1996, authorizing the City to apply for Federal funds under the lntennodal Surface Transportation Ettlciency Act (!STEA) on January 2, 1996. • Ordinance No. 41, Serles 1998 approving an lmergovemmental Agreement (IGA) with the Colorado Department of Transportation (COOT) regardlng funding lhe design of this project. • Approval of a contract, by motion , with URS Greiner for design of the project. • Ordinance No . 66 , Serles 1999 approving Amendment # 1 to the IGA regarding funding the construction of this project. RECOMMENDED ACTION Slaff recommends council approval of a Bill for an Ordinance entering into an agreement with the Colorado Department of Transportation. The agreement (Amendment# 2) covers wording changes to Amendment# 1 related to the construction of "South Broadway Widening and Madlans". BACKGOUND, AUAl YSIS , AND ALTERNATIVES IDENTIFIED In June , 1998, Council approved IGA with COOT to fund the design of this project. URS Greiner was selected as the design consultant and the design is complete . In November. 1999 Council approved Amendment # 1 lo the COOT agreement lo Include funding of the construction of this project. The Stale Attorney General's office subsequently reviewed Amendment # 1 and recommended certain wording changes to COOT . This Amendment # 2 corrects the wording as recommended by i:,e Attorney General's ottlce . The changes include a better definition of the responsibility for administration of the construction contract and a more detailed project description . FINANCIAL IMPACT This Amendment # 2 does not change the financial commitments detailed In Amendment # 1. Federal Flmll State Matching Funds City ol Englewood Matching Funds City Ovennatch (non-pa~lclpallng) Funds Total LIST OF ATT ACHIIENTS BIii for an Ordinance Intergovernmental agreement (Amendment # 2) 80% 9.9% 10.1% $2,118(),000 370.000 375 .000 ~ $3 ,729 ,767 •