HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000 Ordinance No. 031ORDINANCE NO . .3.L SERIES OF 2000 • l'H !fl , ·I HIT ,:r, , C1\)'ll:i.,]l>"~ BY AUTHORITY ' 1..IJ1, COUNCIL BILIJ J::10 .' 32 INTRODUCED BY 'COUNCIL MEMBER WOLOSYN AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT ENTITLED "COLORADO BROWNFIELDS REVOLVING LOAN FUND MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT' ESTABLISHING THE COLORADO BROWNFIELD 'S CLEANUP REVOLVING LOAN FUND BETWEEN THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, THE CITY AND COUNTY OF DESVER, COMMERCE CITY, nIE CITY OF LAKEWOOD AND THE CITY OF LOVEI..AND , COLORADO . WHEREAS, the paaaage of this Ordinance establishes the Colorado Brownfield& Cleanup Revolving Loan Fund; and WHEREAS , the Colorado Department of Health and Environment received a $1.85 million grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to establish a revolving loan fund to facilitate cleanup of contaminated sites; and WHEREAS, the Colorado BrownfieMs Cleanup Revolving Loan Fund provides $425 ,000 of low interest financing to assist with environmental cleanup activities in Englewood ; and I WHER.&\S , Englewood is represented in a five-city coalition of front range communities, which is established to administer the loan program ; and WHEREAS, this coalition is comprised of participants from Commerce City, Lakewood , Loveland and the City and County of Denver; and WHEREAS , the Colorado Brownfield• Cleanup Revolving Loan FU!ld presents an opportunity for the Englewood business community by providing financing for environmental cleanup activities; and l WHEREAS , the new grant complements the City's existing Brownfield Pilot Program, which funds qualified assessment activities; and WHEREAS , the City of Englewood is not requil1,d to provide financial resources to enter into the propos ed intergovernmental agreement: and WHEREAS , the Environmental Protection Agency provides all funr' ,g neceBBary to capitalize the proposed revolving loan fund and provide each of the m ~er cities with a $25 ,000 adminietrative budget; and WHEREAS, establishing the Colorado Brownfields Cleanup Revolving Loan Fund strengthens Englewood's ability to redevelop environmentally impacted sites requiring clean up : -1- NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL C•F THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD , COLORADO, AS FOLLOWS : ~-The "Colorado Brownfioldl Revolvin1 Loan Fund M1morand11111 of Apeome!lt" attacbed hereto u •Exhibit A," io hereby aoceptedL d apprqved ,bfrthe Enpwoocl City Council. ~-The Mayor ia authorized to extc11te and the City Clerk to atteot and seal the "Colorado Brownlielda Revolving Loan Fuod Memorandum of Agreement" for and on behalf of the City of EOllewood , Colorado. lnt.rod""8d, read in full, and p-d on fint reading on the 17th day of April, 2000. Publilhed u a Bill for an Orclinam:e on the 2llt day of April, 2000. Read by tiUe and paued on final reading on the lat day of May, 2000 . Publilbed by tiUe •• Ordinance No . jL Seri11 of 2l · on the 5th day of May, 2000 . ATTEST : t>Atd?"d a& Brenda J. C:.:o.puty City Clerk I, Brenda J . CuUe, Deputy City Clerk of the City of EOllewood, Colorado, hereby certify tbet the above and foregoing is a true copy of the Ordinance puaed on final reading and publilhed by tiUe aa Ordinance No.3.L Serie• of 2000. luva11.½~, Brenda . Caatlo -2- • 1C "J COLORADO BROWNFIELDS REVOLVING LOAN FUNQ-;a .,,n, MEMOP.ANDUM OF AGREEMENT ,rq "l~• 1 e o! s:., Introduction uC Purpose The purpose of the Colorado Br0'M1fields Revolving Loan Fund {CBRLF) as represented by its Board of Directors {the Board) is to facil itate the reuse and/or redevelopment of contaminated sites by making low cost funding available for financing environmental cleanups . The funding source for this endeavor is a Brownfields Cleanup Revolving Loan Fund {CBRLF) grant from the Env ironmental Protection Agency . BrQwnfields are defined as abandoned, idled, or l!llder-utilized industrial and commercial facilities where expansion or redevelopment is complicated by real or perceived environmental contamination . A major barrier to redeveloping Brcwnfields sites in the Colorado Front Range area is the fact that contaminated sites face not only the environmental challenge of cleanup, but they also have marginal economic potential . Even in the growing Colorado real estate market, properties are being avoided because ofliability and cleanup cost concerns . The Cities of Commerce City, Englewood, Lakewood, Loveland , and Denver, the Colorado Housing and Finance Authority (CHF A) and the Colmado Department of Public Health and Environm~nt (CDPHE) have agn-ed to cooperate and to create the Colorado Brownfidds Revolving Loan Fun,·. The initial focus of this fund will be to finance environmental cleanups along the Colorado Fr ,:;,,t R,'Jlge within the five ci:ies . For that pu!J)Ose, a coordinated application for funding was initiated to combine funding m the :\1etropolitan area . The participating citi,s have a "Right of First Use " for the funds identified in the attached budget (see Exhibit 3) for their uSt< in their political jurisdictions . Upon completion of the work plan in the EPA Grant and upon closeout of the Cooperative Agreement ( see Exhibit 2), the coalition intends to cont inue o~eration of the loan fund . It will at that time seek to expand this program to other areas within the State . New members may be added in the future by submitting a request for membership and signing an updated agreement that obligate s the new member! to a three year membership under the terms and conditions contained in this original Memorand•Jm of Agreement. In general, CHF A and the other participants, will be responsible for outreach and marlceting the CBRLF . CHFA will pro,ide financial expertise for reviewing appli cations to the Fund, the Colorado Dep•;tment of Public Health and the Environment (CDPHE ) will be the source of technical knowledge needed to insure successful environmental clean ups; and local municipalities will review the applications fo r co nsistency with local planning and development plans. This arrangement is shown r;.-aphically ·:1n Exhibit 1. The CBRLF'fl, enviii&led to be i'.sourct of(ca,oltillcr ~lhllp"ot~4blislY and/or privately held property. '3H t L, 1' l'"J · , J Due to staMory limitaticns , CHFA will seive as the fiscal agent for the State, operating and servicing loan agreements . Repayment at funds including any interest and principal wm ~a tll the CBRLF through CHFA. 1 Duntion This document becomes effective upon signature by the seven (7) entities below. 0 lt will automatically terminate on June 30, 2003. It can be extended beyond the initial tl1rfe (3) year period by mutual agreement af the signing parties, and can be termlnamd It any time with 30 days written notice. The partidpati ng cities agree to appoint a person to the Board of Directer through June 30 , 2003 , In April 2002 , tt,e Board shall review this MOA and make char.gas as necessary, and the panicipating cities can determine their des ire on to exter.d their participaticin . This agr .. ement may be amended as ne-eded by a unanimous decision of the Beard of Direc:ors . 1 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Organization The CSRLF will be administered through a Board of Directors as its organizational enti ly, with members chosen from eac.'1 of the participating cities, CHFA and COPHE. The Board will meet to discuss issue and ma ke decisions regarding the use af the Fund . This Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) prescribes operati:1g gu idelines for the Board of Directcrs . Roles and Responsibilities The Board of Direc:c rs may provide ass istance with financial and environmental issues impacting the sale , use, reuse , and/or redevelopment af both publicly and privately held property with in the area where the Fund is 'ldministered . The municipal Board members are responsible for: (1) ensuring that projects funded under this program are consistent with their respective City development plans/goals and (2 ) providing loan fund policy direction lo CHFA and CDP HE . The Board of Directors has the ultima:e respons ibility for approving or denying applications for funding lo the CBRLF . The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. acting as the "Lead Agency" under EPA grant BL98811e-01-0, dated September 29, 1999, must assure that the Board ac,,ons are in accordance with the terms of the Cooperative Agreement (Exhibit 2). The Board must not spend funds except for their intended use as deiinec'. in the Cooperative Aqreement and the EPA BrO'Mlfields Cleanup Revolving Loan Fund Administrative Manual(OSWEf{, EPA 500-8-98 .001 , May 1998 ) located via internet at www:epa.gov/Bro'M1fields . • • • .~J ,s k 10 "10~ bi o;'1'1U t, r P.:,nt:) Brownfletds Board MemberS 1 , ~ --,v j 1 M!!!Jm. The Board of Dir ectors ,pl ,~ comp~sed of or,~ m,ember each from: City and County of Denver, Lakewood, Loveland , Commerct C{l)', ,tr,glewood, CHFA and CDP HE . Each member must be authorized in writing to "partk · pale on the Bcwd aid must have the authority to make linaoc:iaJ de!:iaions regarding lhe UH of thes·a grant funds for his or her organization . .c!JiiL The Board shall select a Chair who shall preside over,all Board meetings . The Chair shall, in consultation with other members of the Board , prepare agendas and facilitate Board meetings . The Chair may designate a member of the Board to assume the duties of Chair in their absence . Addit icnaf Quties . Board members shall perform suc.'1 other duties and functions as may be required from time to time by the Board . Vacan ci es . Should the office of Chair become vaca nt, the Board shall select a succe ~~::~ at the next reg ulcr meet ing or at a spec ial meeti r.g called for this purpose . ConfliC:s of Interests . Ne member of the Board may vcte on projects ·....tiere that Board member hes a direct perscnal financ ial interest in any contract or Brownfields Project, existing or proposed, tha t may be broug ht befcre the Board . For purposes of this section , "financial interest" shall mean a substantial interest held by a me mber, or member's immediate family , such as : an ownership interest in a bus iness ; employment or ,. active employment 'or 'Mlich nesctiations have begun; an ownership interes t in real or persona, property : a loan or other debt or interest in business or real prcperty : or a directorshii:, or officer sh ip in a business . To the degrae a member of the Board hes a preexistir.g actual or appearance of a conflict of interest, he or she shall immediately disclose the same in 'Miting to the Board, and such disclosure shall be entered upon the Minutes of the Board . Chances in Membershio . Membership in this prcgram is expected to ct,ange over time . Current members may leave wh ile other entities may seek to join. Current members may choose to leave after achieving the ir community 's Brownfields goals . Other entities may seek to join the coa1i li on in order to be nefit from the economy of scale offered by th e e:<isting CBRLF infrastructure . The fo ll cwing sections outline how membership changes will be accommodated . 1. Exiting Members : Members seeking to leo1ve the CBRLF must submit their resignat ion request in 'Miting to the Chair and must give 30 days Meetings notice. The unused portion of any aclmh~istrative funds allocat99 to the Member will revert to the Fund to be used as ~ flproP,riate ~ e Board. ~oan monies will also remai11 within the Fuiia and wii~ n Ol 1 adminlsterecf In accordance Wftli this MOA and the Cooperative ~ '·,¼reim'ent by COPHE . ,_ 2: New Members: New Members will be al!O'Mld to join the CBRLF after submitting their request in writing to the Chair and receiving tt:J!t approval of the Board of Directors . New members will be required to sigp and abide by thi:1 MOA Federal funds added to the CBRLF will be m&n!IIJ&:d in accorclence with the Coopemtive Agreemen~ this MOA, and the ,, CBRLF Administrative Manual. Any non-federal funds added to tlie CBRLF will be accounted for ;Jnd managed se~arately . (Note : potential new members are strongly encouraged to discuss CBL.R r membership with existing Board member.; prior lo submitting their CL':F,'LF grant proposal lo EPA.) 3. Membership Eligibility . In order lo be considered for CBRLF membership . pctential members must have contn1::uted to the CBLRF either: a) received an EPA CBRLF grant. orb) received a public/private source of fundir:g equivalent to a CBLRF grant (minimum of $50,000 .00). Frequency . The Cha ir of the Board may, ....t1er: the Chair deems necessary, call a meeting of the Board for the purpose of transacting business the Chair designates for sucl1 meeting . Such meet ing shall also be called by the Chair u~on the request of two members of the Board fer the purpose of transae!ing busir.ess these members designate in the call for sucl1 meeting . No meet ing srall t:e held unless all Board members are given written notice a minimum of seven (7) days in advance. Order of B,JSiness . At meetings of the Board , the order of business shall follow a written agenda provided to the members by the Chair. Quorum . For the initial seven member Board , a qucrum shall consist of five members , at least three of which are City Members. If the number of members changes , the quorum will be redefined by the Board . A Board member must be present either in person or by telephone to be counted in the quorum . In the event of a Board member absence , that Beard member may send a substitute to participate and vote . Additionally , voting by written proxy will be allo·:t.~J . Decision Making . There are numerous kinds of decisions that members of the 801\l'd of Directors may be asked to mak~. As guiding princii:-les, it is the intent of the Board to m!'!ke decisions affecting more than one member, by member cons ensus when ever possible . • 1(1 ~ event that C0nS611liUS can not be reeched, a simple m!iOritY vote ,,,;11 decide the ia9ult, I ,4 .,, -~ J1 Manner gf Voting . Voting by the Board may be by acclamation or by ballot, 11 the Chair may designate . Record gf Ojcision . Th~ outcome and reasoni ng1 behihd Board decisions resulting in the approval or denial o~ any project fundinQ, or other expenditure ~II be recorded in 'Miting and mainta in ed 1n apherence with Cooperative Agreement ltid keeping guidelines . Minutes of any other Board meeting or action are not iilqtii1'9<1; such documentation may be recorded at the discretion of the Chair. Meeting Locatjoo . The meeting location will be at the Colorado Housing and Finance Authority's facil ity at 1981 Blake Street, Denver, Colorado , 80202 . Term of Office . Board Members will serve indefinite terms at the pleasure of their respective City management. Public Meetings . Th1:1 Board may , from time to time , ho 1d public meetings . Colorado Depc1 1·:m ent of Publlc Health and the Environment CDPHE is the Cooperative Agreement Rec ipier :t, load Agency , and Site Manager. CDPHE has entered into tht. ~ooperat ive agree ment with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA ;. CDP HE agrees to make available to each member city adminis trat ive funds as identified in Exh ibit 3 for use by the city in implement ing this loan fund program . CDPHE will process cleanup applications in accordance with Colorado's Voluntary Cleanup and Redevelopment Act. Ft,es for VCP application review and approval are to be paid by the applicant in accordance wi th the requirements ci that program . CDPHE is responsible for assuring that all cleanups are conduc!ed in a manner that is not incons iste nt with CERCLA and the National Contiri:;iency Plan (NCP) for non-time crit ical removals . CDPHE will rev iew the Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis and write the Act ion Memorandum as requ;·'!d by the NCP. CDPHE will ident ify a Brownfi elds Site Manag er for each site receiving a loan from CHFA and conducting a cleanup under the VCP . The Site Manager will be 5 !In; ti, , , I r . '. • ~ an environmental profess1onal employld by the State:~'l'i,e Sile ~ Iii responsible for overseeing cleanups at specific sites including field vfaitll / ,, ... ..1·' I I/ n w1 , T ,. ro 9rtJ c.91orado HOL!Slng ~nd Finance Authority 1 CHFA is ~under ~ntract with the State of Colorado to act as Its fiscal agent for managing and servicing the loan agreements . As the fiscal ,oent to the State, CHFA will : Will be responsible for advertising a_nd marketing the revolving loan fund under the supervision of the participating municipaliiies and the RLF Board of Directors Will conduct the financ ial portion of the lean reviews and provide loan underv.riting and servicing as reqt;ired by this program Will be responsible fer providing the pa rti cipating municipalities and the Board of Direc:ors with an assessment on the financial strength of each project, prior to final approval of the project by the RLF Beard of Directors Will Pfpyide ~osing docurt.Ants ar:d disburse loan funds as approp riate to successful loan applican ts J ) Will be responsible for manag ing !lie funds in the trust accounts , and reveni;es it subsequently receives as loan repayments , in accordance with the cooperative agreement, applicable laws and r9£ulat iens , the policies , instructions and directions of the RLF Board of Directors and prudent lending practices Will keep all records for eac.'1 loan made for a period of not less than ten (10) years . Will prepare and provide the financial portion of the EPA requ ired quarterly reports to CDPHE at least one 'M!ek prior to the reporting due Member Cities Member Cit ies agree to participate for a full three year perio d from the date of signature on this MOA. Member cities have two types of funds designated for their use , loan and administrative , as identified in Exh ibit 3. Cities aoree to use all funds received or direct the use of fund~ in accordance with the terms and conditions contained in the Cooperative Agreement from the U.S. Environmental Protecticn Agency . E • nsoJ gnr lo• 5=l;, '9ilnwo18 01 s1ofoO : ~ Tl IHX3 ,, " \ ·,fjpglW!f b City and County of Denver -Commerce City Ron Bernstein, Director Timothy Gagen, City Manager City of Englewood City of 1.akl'MlOO Themas J . Bums, Mayor Michael J. Rock, City Manager City of Loveland Colorado Hous ing and Finance ,'\:Jthorlty Roger Bates , Interim City Manager David W. Herlinger,..Exicutive Oirec:tcr Colorado Department gf_Public Health and Environment Jane Norton, Executi ve Director 7 EXHIBIT 1: Colorado Brownfields Revolving Loan Fund P~~ili Ffow Chart Volunt,'Y Clean-up · ·. • ~,ogram .. -. R~lves Appl:allon . ; •'••-.:-. :::. -:· Colorado Brown ft e!d s Revolving Loan Fund ·~ - Board of Directors 7 Codnoc- 1.aaar al Rl!lden Oedr.~.w,tf'I -~ Lt r:tr :f N.t:t~cr CcnduC"'~ initi al lean acc lica ticn sc:~n ing Colorado Brownfie!ds Revolving Loan Fu nd Board of Directors Final loan app roval :f-~-~?.~ :~.-~::··:~- . i:C~lorado Housing a~a ~~! ~1:. Fin ance Authority .\-;~: -~·-~:.. Issue Lear · -~1: .. :-.- $$$$ ~ Rtdevelopm1nt • • EPA ASSISTANCE AGREEMENT ..,..BUSS.U.6-0-1-0- ''> RECIPl?::'<"T COPY U.S . ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY E?A ASSISTANCE AGREEMENT/ AMENDMENT PART I • ASSISTANCE NOTIFICATION INFORMATION 1, ,USIS7,\NC! 10 HO. suee, :•--01--0 5. AQA!!Ml."IT i1P£ L PA'/MlNT MlT>tCD .,___ □-□-[8) .... ,-~ ._....,_ ,,_.~.,...~-17.n'P!0fl,\CTICN --FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT ?'iCG?.sM NE"-M P'iOJE•:T L AECIPIENT t. ?AY!.! : COLO OEi'i. OF ?USUC HE.~TH & ENVIRCN CO LO CE.=T CF ?1~:L!C HE.~LTH ANO ENVIRON C HAZ.•;;cous MATEi,IALS & WASTE MANAGEMENT ..;JCO CHE,';AY c;;EE:< DRIVE SOUTrl 1 4.300 CH EF=.F.Y C;:lE::( DRIVE SOUTH OE~N E~. CO CC2~€· 1 s=;o ~ DENVER, CO 8C24fi• 15:l0 ~t,E"'1N=•c=-.----------,,lc'"'o:-:•:-::G-;;A::Es;-:s:::,0:-:•:-:•-:-•-;;0,::::s::;A::,cr=--,l--:,=-o.-=a=-E~:,:P:,1:-:E~"';:-:rr"'P"'~=--------------I T ~6,!.!~9 AU S7Ai:. C::MMCN'N~ALT.~. 7E~F. GVV:- o 11 . PRo.:ec-:-MANAGE.~ ,\HO TEl!..DHONE NO. R OANIEt. SCr-!E?FE;:!S c PRC JECT MANAGE.'l 1~031 SS2.J3S8 12.C::NSUL':'.\NT 1.,,.,,-r:----a, _ _,,, J N/A E ll. ISSUING CFF IC!:. 1C:TY, sr;.i'El ,,. =~A ?RC .. !.·:7 . s-;-;. -:: :F~ICE.M .I.NC TE:...:.?!-:CNE ~o. P US ENV IRCNMENTAL PROTECTICN AGENCY CS';;:,'-NCE;:i . 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PE:!IC\, :rcwntielC Pilcts Coccer.tive A reeme'11s 091:,:;;99 · C9/3C i G2 09/:19/99 · 09/30/02 1,ZJ::-':_ 0'"'.c:-:,.:-:,.:-:u':c,.-=,ry;::','po"'P:,:U:,:1.Ac:;Tt"'o'°H===-'-:-:12::Lc::T::O:;TA;;L-:9,:cU:;C,:-GIT::,:-:p::e=-~,"'c-;;o-::c=os==r:-'-='---,1c:,.~.-=7"'0r"'A'7L'-:?:::R-::CJ'::E-:-:,:.-:-?!:!ICC cos, (WWTc~~0 ""' NIA S1,7CO.OOO :S~.iCO.:iOO FOFIMErl .\WARD so so Ooc:.imenl fY J.pp,op. c.nuo1 ---L3F009 99 T 1;.;:~ .\C7TCN .tMENOEO iOT.l_L __ s:.,cc .:ro ---+---------·I -----a TAIUA,OIJI~ CJ.TIOOll'I - I , TOTAL CIAICT CH.lAOH 1. ~.321 10. INCIAICT COS~: ~1'? "' 11.<S! SE: .~PP 25.~79 12. TOT).L >.?DROVE:) .lSSIST.\HCE J MCUNT ,. 2. l . ,. 5 . .. 1 . .. .. 10. "· UBL! 9 • PROGiUM WMEHT CUSSlflC>.TION - 12,. 70':'>.L ISh..-e: FIKIDlent 13. TOT,\L >.P?~CV!D ASSISTANC! >.:41CUNT T.l!L! C. PROGl'..,l,M CUM!.'fi CUSSl'1c.lT10N -1, ACMINIS7F..,\7lON EXP!MSE 2. PAE~MIN.&RY !XP!NS! 3. L..lND STRU~Rl!:S. AIC:iHT•a;Jf'--,W""A;;,;Y"------ 4, ARCHITE.~RAL E.'r!GINE!:1.INO !ASIC .=e:s S. Olrf!~ AAC :-t lTEC'nJRAL !NGINE!?!ING :S !.!S I , ?RC.:ECT INSP!~ON F-!S 7. UNO OE'IE!.OPMEHT I. RE!.OC-'TION PAYME!-fTS TO INCMCU.\L:l .\NO l!IUSIN!SS 20. Tor.a l m,.ove, ASSIIT»tC! AMOUNT Sl,700,C00 s,,;co .cco JltAln' Ill• AWAIIO COMGITICNI TERMS ANO CONDmONS SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. The first round of loans need to be cispersed to each community as lis:ad in the 3pplicaticn, Q.e., lakewcod, Englewood, Loveland, City and County of Denver). 2. The Intergovernmental Agreement, Bylaws and Guideline~ need to be reviewed by the EPA Projec: Officer prier to finalizing. 3. Rec:pient needs to inc lude with the quar:erly repor. an a:tached updated Brownfie lds Management Summery Report Recipient :s also encouraged to re;::cr. ac:ivit:es undertaken during the r~porting pericd that ..-e net fund~d by E?A , inducing leveraged activities, ff they cc:::.:rred as part ci the PITct's broader Browrnie lc:s redeve!ce ment and reuse et:crts. Tnese activities shcu!d be dear1y Identified separately from 2t1y ac:iv,lies direc:i,,· swppcr.ed by E?A fur.cs. HCTEL AND MOTEL FiRE SAfSY ACT 1950 4. The rec:pient agrees :e ensure that all space far conferer:ces, meetings, conventicns , or training funds in whole er in part with Federal funcs complies with the Hotel and Motel Fire Safety AC: of 1950. RECYCLE PAPER 5. Purs ~ant :o EPA Order 1000.35, dated January 24, 1950, the rPc:pient agrees tc use recyc!e paper :Or all reports which are preparadas part-of this agreemr·nt and delivered to :l·.~ Agenc/. Tnis rec;uirement cces net apply to Star.ca. d Fcrms. Tn::se terms are printed on rerycled paper as availatle through th e General Service Acminiwation . M6EiW6E NEGOTIATED GOAL· STATE ENVIRONME NTAL AGENCIES 6. In ac:ordance with Ei"A's Prcgram for Utifizaticn of Small, Minority and Women's Bus iress Enterprise in prcc :.:remer.t under assistance prcgr2111s, the recipient agees to : a) Ac:ept the aq:licable Ff 1998 '1air share " goal negctiated wit'i: ¾MBE Perscnal Services 5.P Equipment :.2 Supplies 5.2 Constructj on 5.6 % NBE 3.2 3.3 3.3 3.3 b) Ensure to the fl.~l est ax:ent possible that a~ast applic~ ":2ir share' objectives of Federal fur:ds for prime contracts or subcontracts for supplies, construct':n, equ ipment or services are made available to organizadona, owned or COlllfoltd by PART 11 • 0 APPFIOV!0 !UCGET ~N&MI: 8C1'L•t·-•-••-1"'",u, ......... . " AUIIT.\NC! 10um,u:J.nON: -· --•,11,41~ ,-..201, r•eu •. 01Jec:T cl.lii"CATtaoRY ------,-Tanl:~•llHWAIC!• -IU PIJll100 COS r -1 !. i'll'IONNIL co.ees I -2. ,R1Nae aeNems ~,..,...,1-1 ~ 3.74 5 _J -l. TIIAVeL a I -4. !OUIP'tll!NT -a 7 S. SUP~L,!5 , ..... ....,ft; :>9::i,17 I I , CONTiUC':'UAL 1.5-19.CCO l 7. CONSn.UC710N -"· . a I - L OT!;f,q . .. 1.C4C I . TOTAL OIR!CT CHARGES -. surr~.521 t0. INOIA!-:T COSTS: RAi! "\ SAS! SEE 1~pc 25 .•79 11, T'OUL (Share: Fltcfp11m __Qf,Q...._ F'teieral ~ ~) ,', S1;700.CCO " 12. iOT AL ,VPROVE:J ASSISi.lNCE AMCUN1' S1,iCC.CCC UBL! a· PRCGAAM W~EHT CUSSlflC~TION -1. -· 2. l. -.. I s. I . . I 7. - I. -,. .-. I 10. ' 11 . 12. TC'i).L /Share: rltcla1tnt " ~.cetal "'-I t :l. TOT ..\L .lPP~CVE!J ASSISi ,\NC~ .\MCUN'i - UBL! C • PAOGl\,lM EL!!tf!.'fi CU.SSlfllCA TION ~ ·-1 . .lOMINIS7i=l.-\i'lON EXP!NS! . 1. PRE !JMINAAY ~P!NSE 3. UNO STI\UCTIJRES, FIIGHT...Cf,W,\Y .. 4. ARCHJT!CTl.JRAL !l~GINE!RING 9AIJC ~E!S S. Oi"rf !~ ARC :-i fT£Ci\JRAL !NGINE~~ING .CE!:S •• ?RCJ ECT INSPEC-:10N rus 7. UNO OE'l!?.OP\i!NT I. RE!.C CUt ON E(PfNSE t . AE!.OC\TION PAYMENTS TO INCMCU.:.LS ~NO !JUSINESS 10. OEMOLJT1tJN ANO RE.\IO VAL 11. CO NS7RUC':10N AND PRC.:ec-:-;MpqovE~EMi' 12. ECUIPMENT 13, MISC!!..!..ANEOUS 1.&. TOT.lL ,~1-.1:1 1S. ES ":"'I MAil:0 INCOME,.____. tt. NET ?AOJl:CT AM~UHT tLIN ,,_ 1!1 I 17. t.!SS: l NE!.IGIBL! E<c:.us:ONS ,...._, ~ 00: CONTINGENc:e.s -· t t . iOT.lL (Shert: Aadptffl1 __ "'° ~1td1tr11 __ "'-) I -20. TOTALA;,AOVEO ASSISi.lNCE AMO UNT I. C '" --· -~---, .... ~ -.--._J .:::.- ,, ,Aiff Ill• AW-CONOITJONI TERMS ANO CONOmONS SPECIAL TERMS ANO CONOmONS 1. The first round of loans need to be c!ispersec! to each community as listad i, the application, o.e., L.al<ewcod, Englewood, L-oveland, Gity and.. •- County of Denver). 2. The lr.tergovernmental Agr2ement, Bylaws and Guicfelines need to be reviewed by the EPA Prcjec: Officer prior to finalizing. 3. Rec:i:;ient needs to include with the quar:erly report an attached updated Browr.fields Management Summery Reper..-Recipient is also encouraged to rei:;ort ac:ivi t:es ur.der.aken during the reporting pericd that are nc:t funded by E?A, induding leveraged activities, ff they ccc:Jrred as part oi the Pilers broader Browrnields redevelcpment and reuse et:cr-.s . rnese ac:ivities should be clearly ider.tified separately lrom any ac:ivities direc:ly supported by EPI . funds . HOTEL ANO MOTEL FiRE SAF:iY ACT 1950 4. The rec:pient agrees to ensure that a!! s;::ace for conferer.ces, meetings, conventicns,- or training funds in whole er in pelt with Federal funds complies with the Hotel and Motel Fire Saiety Ar:::. of 1990. AECYCL: PAPER 5. Pu,suant to EPA Order 1000.35, dated January 24, 1950, the roe ipient agrees to use recycle paper fer all reports which are preparad B part of-this - agreement ar.d delivered :o :he Agenc'f . Tnis reGuirement cces not appiy to Standard Forms. rnese terms are printed on reryc!ed paper as available through the General Service Administration . M6EiWBE NEGOTIATED GOAL· STATE ENVIRONMENTAL AGENCIES 6. In accordance with EPA's Prcgram for UbTozaticn of Small, Minority and Women"s Bus iness Enterprise in prcc:Jremer.t under assistance prcgrams, the recipient agrees to : a) Accept the applicable FY 1998 "fair share " goal negotia,ed with : %MBE Perscnal Services 5.8 Equii:;ment 5.2 Supplies 5.2 Con5truction 5.6 %WBE 3.2 3.3 3.3 3.3 b) Ensure to the fullest ex:ent possible that atleast appli~at:le "lair share' objectives of Federal funds for prime contraC'.s cir subcontrac:s for s,ipplies, construction ;--- equipment or services are made available to organizadons owned or controUed by --I l'fJIT °" -AWAIIO C0N01TtCM I • AUlSTAHCI 1D1Jf1me.1 TION: ..,, 1 H'-0 so~.ally disacvantage individuals, women and historically black colleges and universities . c) lndude in its bid documents the "fair share' objectives and require all of its prir,-a contractors to include their bid dccuments for subcontracts the negotiated fair share percentages. d) Follow the six affirmative steps stated in 40 CFR 30 .44{b), 40 CFR 31.36(e), 40 CFR 35.3145{d), or 40 CFR 35 .6580, as appropriate . e) For ass istance awards for continuing environmental program and assistance awards with in stitutions cf higher ecucaticn, hospital and otl1er non-profit crganizaticns , sut:mit EPA Form 5700-52A , "MBEJWBE Utilizaticn Under Federal Grants , Coopera tiv e Agreement and lnteragenc1 Agreeme nts" r the EPA Award Official by Oc:ober 30 of each year . Other prc,;ram repor.s mu:-~ r.e submittec:. to the award official within 30 days of the end of the Fecera1 fiscal c;uar ;er {January 30 , April 30, July 30, and Oc:ci:er 30). O In the ever.trace and/gender neutral effcrt ,.rove to t:e inacec;uate to ac hi eve a fair share oi:jec:ive :Cr MeEiWBEs, the recipient..gees tc. nctify E?A in acvance of any race and/or gender conscious ac:icn ~ plan to tal<e to more closely achieve the fair share objective . SE: #1TTACHMENT 6 FOR BROWNFIELOS REVOLVING LOAN FUND TERMS AND COi •DITIONS . ...... .,, U!CLAL COHCmCHS t___,. PABT 1y NOTE: Th• A;rHm•n1 must~ c.implcted In dupllca1• and ll'I• Orfgtnal rawrnad 10 l h• Cr•ms .:.om inlstndon O~on ror Heaclquart•rs 1Watd1 and 10 U'I• 1pproprla1• cums .a.omlnlstrattcn Cfflc• lcr Sla1• and local aw1tc1 wm:1n J c:.al•ndar weeQ an., ,ecaipt or 'Ntthtn WJY mlftllon ot ttm• u may be> ;r ■mad by EPA. Aacelpt of J wrtn1n rcfuNI or tallur• to r.n.r,n tt'I• properly 11eeutad doc:.,m.nt 'lri'U,in :t'te pr~ ttm•, may rnuft In d'I• wi'Uldraw•I of U'I• off., by !ti• Agency. Any change to th• Agrttcn.nt by the raclplent 1ubs.-quem to U'I• document IM4ni; 15\lnad by the E?A Award C'ffld at, ·#hlc."'1 th• Awud Offldat 4.-ltrmln" ta m11e1lally arter :he A.grffffle,n. WII void th• A9tHmem. CF!=!~ .lNO ACC!PT,1,NC! The Unrtad Slit" of .lmfflca, 1c:tln; by and through lhe U.S. E."TVltonmenul Prot~lan Aganc-/ tE.::IA), !,e,eby otters -'stance,1m•nc,m1m 10th• COLO D]i:~fq~~~a:f.qui~i'Cr-& CNVIF'.CN tor ~00 .00,,_ of all approved eo.1S lnc:-.arrl'd 1,1p to and net ac:Ndlng I 1 700.000 for the suppon at approved :ud;et j)eriod effort dNCtlbed ASSISTANCE .a.MOUNT 1n appllut!on ~nducln; 1/1 appllc.adon mocltftcaUon•) cttM In lt.m 22 of thl• .\gtNmem _.....:0.::8i..a1.:..71.::S::.9.::3'-'R::Cc.:.W:.:.N:.:.F-"iE,_,LO=S-'R"'E'"'/.::C.::L..cVl-'-N~G'iB;;,~;.~.,_.._'"T~,.,,~~,..i!N.,flD.,fL!"". ~C~O.::L::l"-l''-''A"0"-0::..::Ca=CJ:___~. lnctu•,. hmfn by roie,encL ISSUINC CFFIC! :a,-"---C"'-AWUIO APPROVAL OFFlCE ORGANlZ.ATlON / ACOR!SS OACJ.NI.Ll,';"ICN ,' .\CORESS G;:'ANTS, AUOli & PROCUREMENT G;:,'NTS , Al.JOii & PROCUREMENT U.S. E?A, RE·310N VIII , S7MS-G US E?A, F.E(';I ON VIII , BiMS-G 9S9 1 BTri 57?.EET SSS 1 a.:-; S.REET, SUITE 500 OENVEi'I, C0/!0202-2466 cewc::: co 80202 2•66 1------.,;.....;;;..;...r •11""1H ... l!'-UN_ITE_O_<_r>_TI!_s_o_,-,.-,e-R-1c-,-a-Y_.H_E_u __ s-,""•v-,-Ro-N-,-,eh ,.,.~ ;iR~~CTION ACE~CY SIGHA-rp_P.F.A"!'ARO 91r;r:;,r,L _ _,,,..--I TYP!O NAME >NO T1TL: WAYNE ,\Ni'.-iCFE~.OIF.ECTGR j ~~ i 1-----tl~l,._/-'-o___. /Y // /~ G;:.A NTS. AUOli & ?RCCL REMEN7 'RCG;:'AM OFi'ICE . Thi• agrJm~ni/11 ,u~ 1ppllubl• U.S. E:wi,onmtntal ProlKUon Ag•ncy 11a1111ory provtslon• and 1ul11anc• regul11lon1 . In acc.,rtln; in},: awut' or amendment and any ;,~ymtn11 :nad•, pursuant thereto, (1 ) !he undlf&igned reiirnents that h• I• duly 1uthcrl:tel to act ,:,n behalf or tt,c r•cl pltn1 org1n1:.Jtlon, and (2) U"lt rec!p1en1 •~,.._ ja) thll th• l\'fard I• subj~ 10th• appllcnlt provlalon.s ot ~ CfR Ct1 1p1.,-I, SuocnaClttf' Sand of the provtsion1 ot !hill agrittmtnt CF·1rts I thru IV), tnd {b) that tce•ptanct of any payments con,·.ttutu an agtHmtnl by fflt ptyN that O'lt 1moun1s, If 111y found~ EPA 10 hive been ove,peld will :,e retundN or credntd 1ft f'Ull lo !PA. AT OR CIPtENT ORC~HIZ..\TION JANE :. NORTON 1::)q.~ , .. .. :.r.-:- 1/,v, ~, Model BCRLF Te~s an<;! Cond.iti'ons , , :': l ., V)'. "• 1 °!li ·• ,i:, 1 'J, L GENERAL FEDEJW. ~QtJ!REMENTS A. Ftder:il Policy oad Guidoace ., .... ri "In imp lerneot ln g the demonst,ition pilo~ the cooperative ogreemeot recipient shall consider E!'A ,uidance ror the BCR.LF program as wrinen in the 9CRLF Administrative Manual, dated May 1998, including any updates made to the Administrative Manual and ,11 other Fede:al brownlields policy and guidance. Applicoble SUIUles and regulations take precedence over any desc:iptiom contained in the manual. AppliC3ble StaOJtes and "•"lations include, but ""' not limited to, CERCLo\, 42 USCA §§ 9600 I to 96iS; 40 c.=.R. Put j I (Uniform Admini=tive Requirements for Gr>nts and Cooperative A!l= .. ments to Sute Lsd Loc.11 Governments); 40 C.F .R. Pan j l, Subpar: 0 (Cooperative Agreements for Supe:fund Response Ac:ion); and JO C.F.R. Pan 300 (ll:e NC?)." B. Crm-Cuttiag Federal Requirements Cro.r.r.c-. .llting rtquirtmtnt.r art thost which. in addition to CER.CL~ and assoc fattd and adm inisrr:rivt au1hori1ies, art applic::bit to tht BCRLF by operation of s1atu1u, atc-.1riYt ordus, orJi regulctions 01her rhan CE.'lCU and OJJociaud admillisrra1ive ou1hori1ies. Envlronmtntal F,d,,ai ,,rvironmen1ol requirrm,nrs wiil b, idrn1iji,d and applied on a sitt-by-sitt basis as pan of tM BC.W' ruponse .stltcrion proce.s.r. Tntrtfort, mvironmtnral .srarutt.r, utC"'.Jlivt orden, and r,go,/a1ions hav! !!2! been inc!ud,d in th, list of opp/icabi, cross-c-.tting rrquirrm,n.., (srr 1hr BCR!.F Adminisrrotivr Manual Swion JX.iJ .. ,jppljcqbl, Crou -Cu11m) ai:tpt as they re/as, la sp,cijic social or ,conomic issurs. Ser thr BCRJ.F ,4dminisrra1ivr .'.fanual Section V .B.1.(c) Rtoyir~m,nt/ of qthtr 1,rvirgnmtnral !aw1 Ii,(. d&f&J /01 a di.sc:.LSsion on tht application of tmironmtntal laws to BCRL" re:ponst ac:ion.r. Social an,. Eco nomic "The coope:at ive agreemeot re<::pient is r,sponsib le for complying with oil appliC3ble c;oss~uning requircmc:,u. Er A has deve loped l list of c;oss-cuning rcquircmenu that may ,pply 10 the BCRLF (se<·the BCRLF Adminisrrat :v e ~onual Sedon :X.3.2 .. Socio/ and £cq nomic Cr91s<utflrt for a list of cross-cutt ing rcquire~cnts). Addirionally, othe:- cross-cuning requirements 3re referenced in Su.ndard Form 4:4B, entitled .. /Usunnc:s Non-Cons:ruc:ian Programs." Tne c:osS-<uning list and Standard Fann 424B may no~ however identify •II c::oss-cunin1 requinmcois, and the cooperative •greernmt recipient is not relieved ·trom rttpefnsibiliiy for CGm pjyiiii._ ..l.iih a c:rilsi-a\nintrequircment becouse it is not included on the cross-cutting list or St.ind:ud Fenn 424B . The £.'"A will provide additional auid:ince on the applicability of spc<ific cross-cuning requirements if requested 10 do so by the c00pffltivt agrcelncnt rci:ipian." "Cooperstive agrtement recipients also 4re ,csporuible for msuring ·that borrowers, including borrowers receiving non-BCJU.F loans 1uaran1eed ... ;th BCRLF coop<n1ive agreement funds,. comply with ,II applic•ble cross-cuning requiremmts . A term. cond ition or other leg ,lly binding provision relating ,, cross-c-Jtting requircmenLl s),all be included in all loan vr financial ass isunc: agreements entered into with funds provided unde, a BClU.F coopcrstive agrcemenL The c:-oss-<uning list and Swid:ird Fonn 424B identify C"Oss-~uning req,,ir,menis that m•y be applicable 10 borrowers. The =ss- euning list and Standill'd Fonn 4:48 may not, however, identify all c,oss-c-Jtling requirements, and :he coopmtive agrcc:n enl rec ipient is no! rolieved from responsibility for ensuring that borrowc:-s comply wilh a C'CSS•cunin g require:nent beQuse !t is nee included on the Jss~:Jr.ing list or Stand31'd rom .i:.;B." .. CrcSl -ct:tting requirements lpp ly to loans :hat ire funded un~c:-this coope:-:itive agree:nmt in com binaticn with non-Fedoi sources of funds, and to loan.s awarded as a result of3CRLF loan guarantees. 10 th e mcnt of the Federsl ,ar.ic ipation in the loan. Cross-c-Jners appl y not onl y 10 the initia l :oans made with Fedml funds but 1Jso to subsequent loans :nade with prognrn inccme de :i ved from Feder:il part ic:pation in the fund . Within 90 da ys of the date oi ,ward (i.e, the cooper:11ive agreomeot start date), the cooper:uiv e agreement recipient shall advise the U.S. EPA Project Office: of the approach for ensuring comp li :ince with cross-ccning . ~~u ireme~u appiic:ible to this cooperative agree:ncL" Cooperative agrttmtnt rrc!pitnu may tC.U ont oj W approaches li.rttd brlow ro ,ruurt that ao.rs-c•.Jtting rtquirtmtnu ::rt m11: a. /ncl:Jc't a rtrm or condition :°n tht !ocn agrtemtrt which will r1r;-:iir1 th, borrower ro ma intain nc:rtis whic.': segregate c ptnditurts from Ftdtral and no"•Ftderal sovrcu. Tnt c ·o.ss-,.--llting rtqu iremtntJ apply 10 rht Ftdtra/ cptndi1ures . b. Usr en ··,quwl,nt:;1" approc,;:.\ which rtJlects th, amount a/Ftdualf unding included in rht cooprrmivt agrttment rrc :'p iou 'J..loan pool. rM cooperative agr u ment rtc (oitnt has tht di.rcttion 10 choose which loans art 1ubj«t to rht cros.s-c:i1t in g rtquirtmtnts as long as riit .. ro s.s-c-Jrttrr art applied in proportion ro rht am ount of Ftdtr:U funds in tht cooptrcrivt agreemtnl recipient ': loan pool. An appropriau ttr.'Tf ar:c' cor.Cil ion shall bt incl'Udtd in all loans SJJbjtct to cra.rs-i::.,u:IJg rtquirtmt nts. c. Appl_v the cr oss-c-Jtlfn g r t quirt:ntnlJ 10 al! Joens funded :mdtr rhis cooper,ri'lt agrttmtnl. An a_:propr fart ttrm ar.d condirion .sire!/ bt inc!udtd in all loan! suCj tet to cros.s •C-Jtling rtquirt n:enu. 'Tnccoope:-,li ve 1greemen1 rec :?ienl sh all cr,mply with the Davis Bacon Act of! 9j I. Purs uant 10 CE;(CL~ tO•(gXl), th e Do vis 9acon Ac: appl ies 10 cons:n,c :ion, repair, or • all"'liion1 ~k funded 1 -:hole or in pan wilh BCRl..= low, or 1111n111nd with BCJU.F rw,c1s .'·t, tdl :u,ij c6nditibn ensurin1 'ihat bbrrowm cmply .,;111 !JI• Davis Bacon Act shall be incfuded in all 10111 apme,ni mad• tilhrBCW f!inds provided uader !his cooperotive agrmnenL • Jr. -C. S1210 Agreemenu In ,:,ccordanet with 40 C.F.R. 33!.6Z05(c), BCIU.F coopmuivr agr,rmtnr rrcipitnU mun obtaiir and forward to th, U.S. EP.I ,.,.;n,n agrrrmrnt from tht m:tr that tlrt coop,ra iiv, agr,emmt rrc:~1i1nt may as.sum, th« !,ad rtsponsibiliry for rt move/ ac:f"J :.''? at a panir:-J/t:r sit6. 17w star, may agn, ro i:oop,ralivt agrttmtnt rtcipitnr ltad rt:novals on a sitt~by.sitt or pra,rtatmatic .basis. TitiJ rtgyirtmfnl ,, in cddi(iqn co anddi.Jlinc; :S-9!'3: the !nttrtmrnmcn/q{r~ :f1!:..F & pqrt '9 r•quirrd rq initiqtf 1tr, C.?0Rf'a1 iv1 g,rn;.'7ff"' (nt, .\lodtl BCRLF Tums and Condi'Iion.r, Stction I.D. /n11rgov1mmrrrtq/ RcvirwJ. If ~it an agrrrmmt cannot bt obu:intd prior ro cooptrc:tr'Jt agrnmenI .sigr.au.v,, thtn tht following .:1arcgrcph must bt includ,d in tht caoptraJfvt ~tmml. ·•Prior to incurring 3ny cons unde:-:his cocpe:-;mve 1g;:::nent a.ssociated with 3 given ,ite, ihc r.<::picot ,hall obuin, and ,hall ior":ird :at.~• EPA r.ojcc: af!ice:, wrinen agre-ement from the S~te th.it the :-ec:pie:n miy assume the l~d mponsibility fer re:novaJ 3ctivities :Jt th~t site ." O. Jnt,rgovernmcn12J Review (Undrr Fedcr:il Gr2nu Regul2rion5) £? A Hl'!uiqua;ttr: Gn:nu Ofjic, a,oprov,d this O,D,oroac}1. ir.r in1t"r,!JVtrnmrntal rrvirw should bt compltttd cu .:,err of tht applica ti on ;ac.'<agt btfort tht award is signtd :.m/,s: um.::val circ-.mi.ctanetJ prrvtnt tlrt complttion of th, procw. If ir is net, pl,ast inc/wit tht following candi1ian in tht :ooptrativt agrnmtnt: "Proposers are responsible for contac:ing :heir Sute lnte,govcmmenul Review Office (single point of con1Jct) to initi ate applic:ibic :-ev icw processes .is soon as possible after receiving notifie2tion oi intent to oward (!ee •0 C.F .R. Pan 29). If no Sule lntergovcr.unenul Review Oflic.: exists for a given ~,.:nc, or if the sate hu not selected the BCRI.: prognm for review, propose:s ,re mpcnsible far distributing information about !heir prosp«tive applicat;on ta coc a relevant ~viewing agency . BCRL.F applit2ti0as are ,ubjc:::: to §204 ofihe De:nansntien Cities :md ).leC"Opolitan Dmlopmeot Act of 1966 (,ee 40 C.F.R. §:9 .S(c ))." "The surt of work ,hall be de layed until the intcc 3ove,nme:,tal re view process :5 completed. The praceu is deem~ :~mplete if ,he revi ewing agency has had a !O day re view period, or j]mvides comr.1r:1ts prior to the CX?iration of th is period. If comrucnts requir ing i response by EPA arc prov ided , lhe :, the ;,rocess is dee med complete when the ccrnmcnts 3re resolved. E?A reserves the right to re,c ind an ow ,rd and cc-obligate fund ing ba,ed on eammenu r~,iv e~ dur :n g ::l e inte~govcmmcnta l re view ." • 1 ~ a ibf'C ~3, "L l ) , ,. •~~ r. ·· £ ,,v ·• m, GENIRAL COOPEAAl'tyE,.~G'REt~~~,. ,~ ~, " r.:&J>M·INISTRA:nvE ·R!:QUIREi'tl,::NTS ,,nul ...._ II 1, =~· {)) A. Subst~ntfal EPA Involvement '!:J •; :JI l It is u.prct,d that E?A 's dtgrt< of i,n,o/v,m,nt will 'ICIT)I bas1d on tiw lev,I of up,ri,nc, and uptrtist of tht cooptrQ/M ogrttmtnt rtcipitnt to impltmmt c/"1ffllll and fund l7GIOft~t ,rquirtlfltnts. Tht followilrg languor• may nHd to b, modifi,d ta accOUIU for r11ional and pilot diffmn,u: "The U.S. E?A 2n1 icipates being subruntially involved in cvemeing and monitoring the BCRLF prognm. Subsuntial involvement by the U.S . EPA geneally covers sui;ji activities as : moniroring; revi~ ;uid approval of procedures for site and lot11 i:ecfpient selecti on ; review or ,pproval of project phases ; approval of;ubsuntive tenn~'included in conr:rac-..s ; 111d overseing ope:ationz.J man•:-s . Subst.1111ial involvement by_ th; U.S. E?A includes rev iewing financial and environmental starus repons, approving ,:itc•specific Commun ity Re!ations Plans and qualityassurinc: project plans/sampling plans and ensuring th al ,n environmenuJ cl eanup act :ons iniriatcl under the BClU.F program .,. conduc:ed in 2e:ordance with CBCI.A and consiS1ent with the NCl' ." "The U.S. E?A is responsible for moniroring BClU.F pilors' fu lfillm ent of all repor-.ing. recordk eep ing, 111d other program require .n enrs." ,r. B. Approved Deviotion Request Approv1d drviation requesu art attcch,d. (set lht 3CJILF .4dminisrrQ/ivt .\lanucl .4ppindi;;; H. dpprgwd Qciariqn Rrgut,rtJ. C. huur:ince Cover:ige for the Cleooup "The cooperative agreement recipient may ,un:hue insurance, including environmental insurmce, if the expezue is incidental 10 coru it incurs as a leod •!OllC)I wociated with a spec:lic loan ,gre:ment or site cleanup . Pun:hase of environmenral insurance by a cooperative agree:nent recipient is subject to the IS l'ffl'eDt ,dminisntive cost limit." "'Tiie cocper::itive 3gre::nent rec :pi ent ma y lllow bo17'0wen to purchase insurance, inc!uding environme.,ral insurance, if the o,,ense is incidental to, and assoc iated with BCRLF coru it incurs for site -specific cleanup activities (e.g. worxen compensation). Jncidenral insurance purchased by a borrower is not counted ,gain!t the bcrrowers 's ten pc:-c::lt limit on :idministra.tivc costs ." "With U.S. EPA approval , BCRLF funds may be used by a borrower for the sole ,urpose of purch as ing environmental insur:ince if the purchase of such insunncc is necessary to c:irry our other removal >ttivities . Remo val act ivir ies associarcl with BCRLF funded • 1 insunnce must be c>mtd out in accordance with the :crms 111d conditions of the • ,,dopmtiv c •~en~ CEllCI.A, 111d the NCP." -. ►. U.S. µ>A Rigion1 mvsr r,c,iw £?.~ h1odqvarttrs appra,J in ordtr ro aurhori:t rlw .,;, oi ,: , ~Cil:fF fa,,i1J for :Jw sol, pMr;,oJI of pwchasing urvironm,mol {nn,r::nct. D. Coopcnlive Agreement Recipient Roles ond Responsibilities "The CO<l pmtiv e agree:neot re<:ipient is the "!cod •10.,c)"' a:s de~ned in the :-IC?. The Jeod age::cy is responsible for ensuring that BCRLF ,:sponse ,c:ions are conducted in conformance with CE.,CLA. the :-IC?, and the :e:;z:s 111d conditions ofthi, cooperative •!fe::nco t As the leod age::cy, the coope:,tive agrm::ent :e<:pient is also responsible for desig:uting • qualified gove:nment e:nployee as, "brownti eids site manager" to cco/'C ina te, dir~t. lt1d ove:see 3CRL.f response K:io ns at ;i ~ar.ic:.1l ar site . Tne brownfie lds site :nu.,ge, i.s 111 on-scene coordinatcr (OSC) llld is responsible for cmying ,:,ut the OSC duties desc:ibed in :he NCP . T.1e cccpe:Jtive ag;e:i.lent rtcipicnt may ac:;i.d;c: or othe:--.vise ~ng:ig:i: the scnices of ct.~c:-e:-:ti ties that ~ave experience with ove:s~ir.g lnd =~1.r::•ing .Ju t e:ivircnrne:iul :espor.se Jc!ions :o usir.)t in its ~pacity as Ind a1e::cy; hcwevcr, :.he :ale of .. lcd age::cy" C." .. ":Ct be !!signed or de!eg:ited to any entiry othc-than Ule coopotive agree::nent :-e::ipie:1t " "Tne coopC3tive 3grce:ncr:1 rcc :p,ient shall ac: a.s or enlist :he se:"t·ices of a .. fund mlnage: ... Fund rna:u.gccnt rcspon5fciJities inc!cde those :elated to financ:aJ manate:nent of the ccoFcati,·e Jgreement :ec:pie::t's lo3.."1 ?rogr:un. Tor. cco~tive agre:_'l!enl rec iF ient :r.•y acquit< or other.Nise eog•s• the mvices of oy,er entities that have e:(pcrience with :Und managc~ent a::-:ivities :o usis; :he cooper;itive Jgreement ~ipie:,t with :Ul!iiling iu fund m:111age::1ent respcnsibii::ies; ~oweve:-, the ;coper3tivc asr=nent rec!pie::n rcnains ac:ountable to E.?.~ fer the trope: ex;:iendirure of ccoper:uive agr:::ne:u funds." "Tne coope::::v e ag:-ee::tent r«ipient shall ensur: :hat BClli oor.ower, ,omply with all iedc-:l and suce reqciremenu .u well :is :he in:er.t Ji the 3C:U..F program. Tne cooperative ,gre:meot rec ipient shall ensure tha1 :.,e leod ag::u:y, the brownfjelds site manager, and the fund manage: ccnsult with e:i.c:'l othe: rricr :c ;iny final loan decisions and u loan ureemena = developed to ensure ~'lat all 3CRLF eovironrnental re: -.:,nsc requiremenu-will be me: md uiat BCRLF ~nds .ir: use: .:,nJy fer authorized ictiYh ~-" -i-nc coopciltive Jgree:ncnt re:ipient shall ente: into le;ally 3Ut!icrizcd written commirme:-:u (see Sc-;:icn Il.G. Written Cornmenu) to ,:l:!..'.'!in :h e se~ic:5 of ether q~alii':ed 3gencies. cr!:iniutions, or indh1 id uals . N1JrN:t.~ .. '.lnCing Jn y such •.lfline:1 ccr.imicme:it. the Coc1=ent ive Agreement r:cipier.~ re~ains legllly resp<:insible for c~1ing out ill the te:-rns 3nd condit ions .>i the cccpe~a:i ,·e .. g:-e::nc ,t JJ1C cc mplyisag wi~, CEi\CU md the :-IC?." E. Wrineo Commitments for Fullillm<nt of Cooperothe Agreemeot Terms All)I l1flftloctlon itrvalving 1h, trr/niftr o/r:oop,ro,t,,, ar,1111t111 fo,,14 (wilh 1/N aaplUlft of IOON) 10 acq,,irr goods and mvicu IIIWI comp/)' wi1h <0 C.F.J/. fJJ.6JJO 1/rra't,,~ fJJ .66/0. Coop,nutw a,rr1m1111 rrdpitnu MIi)' wt contrac:s or, whtn opp,opria11. /1111~,a/ a,rttlllfllU III dtjintd II)' <0 C.F.R. §JJ.60/J (oJ 10 oh1a/a ntcusar,, zao<k :md s,,:yias. S,r also • 40 C.F.J. J.S , 6JJ0 (a)(//). l'/11111 nall al,o thal ICRLF rnipilnu cannol IIJ!J,U, ~:,w,rirnu• ID nonprojll ar,ani:ations. Hownrr, coaptra1m Of'""'"" rrcipi1nu may m/11' bua Mrllibranda of Undcrsumdurr or 01h,r •l""""nu which do ,nol tra,uf,r funds 10 an,-appropria1t tnl/1)'. "The n.att of work shall be deloyed until E?A approves the subsw11ive te:-ms of~ apments (including non-financial Mmonnda of'l/nderswiqin&) between the cooperative ,groo:nent recipient and entiry selected u fwid manaser and any entiry which provides services that the recipient will roly on u tlle lead agency.• III. FINA.'<CUL ADMThlSTR.\TlON REQUIRE:vIL'ffS A. Eligible Fund Uses "BCRLF funds shall be used for ~on-time c:iti~I :::,ioval ac:ivities only (as defined in CERCV. §101(::3) and desc:foed in 40 C.F .Jl §:00.41:)." "BCRLF funcu .may be used for si tes tllat .,.., • Publicly-owned, eitller dire.:ly by • municipality or indim:'Jy through a quasi- public entiry suc.i as a community dcvelopme:n corpor.ation; and • Privately-owned and "litll cleor means of re:ouping BCRLF CX?cndirures (e., .. through an agreement with the OWT!C' or de·,e!epe:-or thtaugh • lion or OUIC' sccuricy (nt=su) -tllis includes sites uncc:going purchase by an entity who me::s the definition of, prospective purc~aser." B. la~ligible Fund Uses "BCftl.F fund• sh ■ll ll2! be used for any of the following advities: • Pre.clc:inup c 1vironment.:1l response act iviti es , such as :iite assessment, identificlti0 ·1 , and chanc:teriz.:nicn. • Cle,nup of, narurally oc.c:uring substance, procuc:s that are part of tlle s:ruc:rure of and result in exposure within residen1;a1 buildings or business or community strucrures (e .g .• interior !=!-based paint contamination or ubes:os which results in indoor exposuro), or public or private drinking 'Nater supplies that have • dete:-iorat~ through ordinv:, use -exc::=t lS .:!e:e:-mined on t site-by-site basis llld ,pproved by E?A He,dquanm, consisteot with CB.CL~ j l 04(aXj) and (4). • ,Mooilcrili& and dai. collec:ion ntceswy to •pply ror, or comply with, 111viroly1,eniol ptlfflits und1rOlherllil1 wt Ftdcnl i.ws, unlas such a pcrmi1 is nqulted u a cqin ponenl oftht clean'.,, action. • ... ~ '. i11 '.••,; .. 'i , -. ~ °"1kJl'men\ ,e1ivhics lllat are nm removal actiom_(1.1, COMrUction of a new licili!)',or m1rlce1in1 of propeny\" ' AWi/ii funds shall not be used to suppon job ninin1- Aw11d funds shall not support "lobbyia1" aff'orts of the caopentive asrecment recipient (e .1 .. before Ille U.S. Congms, State lcgislaN,.,.;, the U.S. EPA, or ollle: Federal 1gencics), as dosc::ioed in EPA guidance.• • BCJU.f funds may n£l be used 31 any sites : ■ Listed, or prcposed for listing. on L~e :-lational Priorities Lin; ■ At which 1 rem ovol ac:i or. :r. ust be taken within six months (i.e., time critico.l .-moval ,c:ion); ■ Where, :ederal or state •gene:, is ,lanning or COllduC'.ing • response or enforce:nc:m 2c!irin; or ■ Conwnin>1ed ay petroleum prcduC".s acept to address a _,on•pctrolC'Jm baz,ordous substance (e .a .. co-mingled waste). C. Nou-Cluuup Re!ot•d Rcstrictious qrrq,,u:td tu do so by u.-, ,ooptrctm •grttmmt rdpitnt EPA :iiiU prwitk r:.u,-spec'.fic guidma an 11/Mtha-borrou:m m,:y ~st BC.--! .F ft,r.:is to m...t cm: sharing or rnatdting ruplirt:nmtsft,r.,..,,tJ-.rr Faur:/ grant (,j() C.F !I.. Pllrl 31 .lt(!,)J. Tnou of BCRLF,'1mds to mttt c:,s t sitiuing rtq'•iremcits oj state or local , ?Tan ts is a :nat:.r efst,;.u or local law. "!be cooperative agreement r..::pient shall ad~cre 10 the following non-<ie31lup n:lated rostridaos ,n the use o(BCRLF pilot fund,: ■ A coopcmive agreement n:cipier.t shall not use award funds to meet a cost sbar.na ar m3tc~in& requirement for another~ grant unless there is sp..:ific NNtcry 1uthority for the arnngemeot CERCLA docs n£l provide such authoriry . D. Borrower Eligibiliry • "Absent prior E.P .;\ approv:il, the coQperative 1gr:emc:n recipient may not lend to another agency ar component of the r..:ipient of the Agreement." "Tne c00pcra1ive agreement recipient shall ensur: that I par,y which is de1erm ined 10 be • 1cnerator ar :ransporter of conwninatian at • brownfic!ds site(s) is ine li gib le for a BCRLF pilot loan for that sune site ." .,.oe·c0<1pe:aive aarnmc,u reei~l•~t may initial!\, fmd that an owner/opentor of a brownfieldl sttc(I) ii .an •li&ibjc ~orrower for a BC!U.'.." pilot loan for that J&lllc site only if: the leod •s•nc:y cori detmnine that ;m owner/operator wou!~ fall under• surutory uemptioo lro111 ,J i~ili1Y,; or that the E:A could use its enforcement disc::tion 10 n01 pursue the 'pllt'f in qua,ion under COCLA. u desc::ioed by EPA guidance. The initial findings made by Ille le:id 11ency, however, by no me:ins limit the enforc:ment disc:etiJn or authority of the Feder>I or Swe gove:nmenL The lesd agency shall maintain docume.,ution de:nonruoting the eligiaility of the ownerioper>tor.• • "A borrower :nus; submit information regarding iu environmea11l ;;ompliance history . Tne cooper,live ogreemen1 recipient will svongly co, side :his hist01;1 in i.s lllclysis of ~"e b~rrower as • cl-.lllup and business :isk." "Elch bor:-owc:-mus , eerjfy that they arc act atr.mt1y1 ncr ~ave they bee:i, subjec: to lllY peaa l ies resulting from environme nul non-compliance at the site .~bject to tht loan." "Someone :hat has been suspended , deb3r.ed, or olhe:w ise declared ine!igibl, c:umct be a bcrrowcr." E. Use of Progr:im Income "For BCRLF pUJ70ses, !'fOgnr.l income sruill be defined as the gros: income received by the cooper.uive igr~:nent rc-:ipierit., dircc:ly generated by the :cope:-ativc apment award or wned during the period of the award (the time be!wee:1 the effective date of the award ond the ending date of the cooper>tive igreement, u de:ined in ,IQ C.F Jl §31.15). In accordance with JO C.F.R. §31.15(&)(2), lhe rec ipiet1 1 is 1ud1orizcd to add prognm income to the filnds ,warded by the EPA ond use the p:cgr.un income under the te:,ns ond conditions of :his ,gre::ne::t, including eligible adminimttive c:,sts and BCRLF environmcnt:1.1 mponsc requirements ... .. ProJTW income sh~! include principal repaymen~. inte:e!t ~m1ed on otltt"..3J'lding loan princ ipal, interest e,r.,ed on occounu holding BCRL~ prognm inc:,me not needed for immediate lending, •II loan fe:s and loan-related char3es received from borrower,, and other income gen~:-ated from BCRil oper,tions . In account:ng for jll'Ognlll income, any proc:cds from the sale, collec:ion, or liquidation of a defaulted loan, up to the amount of the unpaid princ ipal , and ony proceeds in e.,cas of the unpaid principal shall be treated as prognm income inrl shill be placed in :he BCRLF for lenc:ing pur;,oses or to cover adm iniStntive cc :i..s ." · "'The coopmti ve 1gretment recipient sha :1 mlintain ,1 fund for future borrowing needs with in the :ligib le lead ing area (as designated by the coopmt ive •greement recipi~t). To determine th,: lpprcpriate :unount of progr:w income to use for 1dministrativc -.pe:ucs, fund m;,,i ag•cs shall consider the cosu ne<essary to operaie a BCRLF progrun, the availability of other monewy resoun:es , the port:°olio risk leve l and projected capital e:os ions :TOm loan losses Jnd in na t:on, the community's (or area 's) financial comm itment 10 the BCRLF, and the >nt icipated de:nand ior BCRLF loan.•." • "In accordance with JQ C.F.R. §:iO .:~(h), ,rc11om income =med al\er the md of the award period sh•II be UJed in accordanc, with (rhrpo31-<:oopua1iw <lf".HI""" dostavt proK'am i~comt ttrm and canJ/tion} below . Punuant to JQ C.F .ll, §:l fl2(cXjJ, rwcipicnts mwt main11in records rclatina ta such pn,anm income .. • ."The coo~"ttive agreement roeipient that tiecu to ose pn,ifW income to cover all or pan of, BCRLF's ,dmin iJ!l'3tive coru shill maintain adequate accoun1ing r«ords and source documeo11t ion to subNntiate tlte an:ount and percont of program income ended for eliaible BCRLI' 1dminisC":1tive cons, ind comply witlt 1ppjiC>bl1 0MB cost princ iples when chru-ging cons against progrim income. For any COSlS deter:nined by the EPA to have be:n an ine iigible u,e oi prog:-,r.; 'nccme, the :-ec ipi mt shall r<imoune the BCR.LF or the EPA. E?A will no1ify the r:::;:i ent of the :i me period allowed fo, re imbursement" ""Toe coope:-:uive Jgr:eme:u ret it1i e:it .shall ·isc :to :nor: :han ! S pe:-cent of !he :ctal initial award to cover a ccop c:-;itiv c .igreeme~t :e:i;,ic:n 's (luC: .1gel1cy ind ~nd :nanaaer) admininnt ive u,d :egl l .:or.s (e.g ., ins-Jr.inc:, lo:in ;,recess in g, professional s~ices, aud it, 11311 iees, and n,te ;:rogram fees), u aeao•i•ted bes~= the U.S. E?A and the cooper:uivc Jg:ee~e :'lt rec!piei:t during :he .:ccpc:itivc :i~:::ner.! 1pp lic~tion and award process." "AIJowal:le administ."ltive c:oru ma y :nc!uC e !oan proc:e!l ing, professional services, administer.ng the BCRL=, audi~ legal feos, :u,d s11te prcg:-,m :eos. In addition, allowable administrative c:ons shall incluCe :he cor~ inc:ir.:d bv the cooc et&ti,e agre,:mcnt recipient in ensuring that the bol70wec compli es with Fe<!cral ;..quiremenu re la red to the agreemen~ such ,s public ;,ar.:c:p11icn, worker heolta ,nd safety, and inte::ige:1cy coord in at ion." "The cooperit ivc lp-e:ment rec ipient st-..zil :uc no more :..i;a.n tC':l pc:-:::it of the bor:owr,;r 's prinC:p:il re;:ayments to the funC, ;inc! may use up to 100 percent bf:he b~rr~wer's inte:est payme:its and .any prcg:"lr.1 fe:s for :ligi'c1ie :1dmin is;rative costs. This is alicwable for eoc~ loan made and re;:•it: :o the fund." "The coopmtive ,g;ec:nent :-ecipient sh•II ,now borrowe:·s to use no more tltan ten pereent of borrowed funds for adm inis:ntiv e COS".5 , The cooper>tive ag;e:ment recipient (fund m:u,1ger) shall neaot :aie with the bc~owe, a limit of up to ten pereent of the total loan to cover both 1dmicistra1ive and cle:csu, ,esponse ,laMing costs." G. Method of Payment Fund p<I)'mtnt ant/ c!os tou t tt rm in .\..fodti 3CR.!..F Ttrms ar:d Condi tions . Stc:ion YII, . Disb urst mtn r Pavmtnr and C/os,ou t. /f tht .i utomcttd C/,c,•:r.g Ho us, (.4ChJ Vtndor Paym,nt Sysllm is uszd, pit~, inc!UCt 1i:efo lfowing modt:' co ndi:ion in .ht cooptr:ttv t agrttmtnt: "To compl y with th, De:,1 Collection lrr.;:rovement Ac: cf 1996, the ccoper>tive :9 e:ment recipient shall comple te 3/ld ce :u r.i the "Pay,:ient lnfc r.:w icn Form ACH Vcndc,r P•ymcn1 Syncm" (\J.S. "llllllll'l' f~ 3111) _;;OJ lhe 1!111ed assllWlc• agreemcnL" ~ ,Ut.n.,. ~ " " "I l:icv.•, '~ ~1 "Tnc ccopcr:uive •grmnenl rec ipiml shall make pasiuvc ~om regarding iu fund • managr.ncnl oopabili1ies and provide necessary ccniJlcatioas rJ,nr to any ,..eipl o( coo pc-n~iv e agreement fundJ. In panicular, the coopcnMe a~clil•recipi1111 sbll c111ify ital iu ac:ountin& ~cm ~ ~•q7 :: '.:l identify, safeguard, and account for all BC!U.f funds, inc!udi!!I BCRLF P'!'i?'W income. The ccqpmtive igmmen1 recipient also shall cenify 1h11 BC!U.F loan dac:.,meou necessary for lending are in place and 1h11 lbese dOC'Jmcnu have been mitwed by lhe recipicnt's leaa: .-1 for compliance with applic,ble sutc u,d loul iaw and ccmpliance wilb •II other 1mns and conditions oflhe award." Accowit ing rysttm cmification is normally compltttd through an indtptnd,111 ar::ountanL H. Future Funding "Neither E?A, nor any other federal •se:icy has aa ;bligaiion 10 provide my additional funding in coM«::ion with lbiJ •ward. Ally renewal of Ibis award IO increosc ~ding iJ 11 :be sole dis=jon of the E?A. • I. Intcrest-Be2nng Accounts With rupict 10 inttrw ,arntd on advanus, COOJJ!l'OINt agrttmcnt n~ipimrs art n,bjtct to tht provisions of 40 C.FJI. §J/.2/(1,)(]){l) and §35.6280(0)(2), IV. BCRLF :E').'YIRONl'IIL'ITAL RESPONSE REQlJIREMEi"iTS A. Applic2ble Authority • All environmental mpcnse activities canied out wing BCRLF funds shall be conducted in 1ccordanco with CE.,CU and consistent with !he Natioaal Oil and Haurcous Subsw,ces Pollution Contincency Pwi (NCP). [40 C.F.R. JOO.I 1ts1q.]. Thecoope:ative agreement recipien1 shall ensure that borrower, ofBCRl.F fundJ ;endue! all activities in ac:ordanc: with CERCLA md consistent with the NCP, and in accordance with all tenns aod conditions of !his cooperative agreemenL" B. Authori2•d BCRLF Response Actions "BCRLF fonds shall only b< used to carry out non-time critic>I removal ac:ivities authorized by CERCL-'. aad the NCP (for tho purposes of this document the term .. BCRlF response" is equivalent to "n:>n•time critical removal ac-Jon."). rne cooperative agreement re::pient shall also con,ider guidance described in the most current version of lhe BCRLF Administ:ative Manual." 10 "!!CW l\n,dr. may oaly be used to conduct raponH actioas u brownJloldl !tita, and tllo coope11ir,c a&rlClllent recipient shaR consider whedltr ctanup of• puticlllaa· sile will signiflcoatly conaibu!! !O low community revitallz.ttioa. •· "The c;o;.perauve &!lf'C'Dcql ~ipieni's fmdinp and decisions wilb rapect'III wbclbcr a BCRLF response action is aiithorized II a particular sir, aad wllal rupC11111 aclioD is appropriate shall be documented in writia&, u des:n'bcd ia the most sumnt version of the BCJU.F Administritive Manual. "Toe cooper.itive agrecnent rteipient shall ensure that loan del:isions mdi,,r a11ftD!entS do not preclude the ,bilicy of !he cooperative agreement rteipient to chaaac a BCJU.F response, or my ponion of response, based oo commeotS from the public or on any new information acquired.• C. S•mpling ,nd Anolysis "The cooperative agreo:nent m:ipient shall c:eve!cp sampling md malysit plaDJ that provide a prc,c:,s ior obt1ining dat1 of suilicient qualicy md qumtity to satisfy dat1 om!s. ii eovironmemal samples ,.,. :o be collcc:ed. Ally dat1 (inc !i:ding dat1 ae:ie:11ted by aoyone ollm :hao the .:OOJ>=tive agr .. :nent rr.:pient) used :u the basis for my fir.dings or det:isior.s by :he cDOper:itive ap:me:it r<e:pie:u shall conior:n to 40 C.F .R. §j00.4 IS(bX4X:iJ." In aca,rcuma :uith -lO CF.It P•~ 35, Subpart O,fidd 1JJOTk rM!f nat iltgin :mrJ EPA has apprrn;td th, ax,pc-af.-.:t agrumm: mipimt's q,,aii~; wurana ;;raj«: plan ar.d simrpling plan. D. Community RelotioDJ •nd Public Involvement in BCRLF Response Actions "All BCRLe ,c:iviti es shall be conducted consistent with the communiry relations and public invo lvemeot :equirementS in the :-ICP .• E. Administr:lrive Record "The CO<lp<T3tive ,greeo,ent rte ipiem sh,11 esublish ao administrative rteord, consiste:n with the :-equiremeotS ill the NCP, which c,ntains the inionnation foming the basis for the 1e!e::tion of my BCRLF response ac:ion. F. Jmplcment~rion nf BCRiF Response Actions '"The cocpentiv e ,greem:ot recipient sh,11 ens ure the ,dequ,cy oi <>ch BClUJ' ,esponse as it is ir.1i:lemented. Elch loan agreement shall cont1in tenns and conditions which allow the cooperative agreement red pic:'lt to change response 1c:ivities as necessary." I I ,. ' irthe selected raponse Xlian will not fully ~'!dress ihmu poHd b"11 m~ at a sill, or, bgm,wer iJ UMble or unwillin1 1p compll'.e'llte acw response, the Ccaperativ, Agreement recipient shall eMur< thlt the ,ite iJ .ecur: u,d pos~ no immed~tr tbt=t to human hulih or the Cll'lironmcaL The Cp,i0<.1tive A,iro•.~'"! :-ecipient shall notify tbe appropriate Ntc qcncy and Ille U.S. EPA 10 e:,sur< an orderly trWition 10 oth., appropriate resi;onsc xtivitia. • G. Completion ofBCRLF Re5pon.,e "Tne coopmtivc agreement rec ipient shall c:sure that the comple'jon of a BCRLF ruponse iJ doc:une:ted in• repon .u Jemibed in the most current vmion of the BCRJ.F Adminisrratr1t ,',fam,QI." H. Sl~te Yolunury Cl••nup Procr.ims '"Tne cooce:-3tive 1c:ree:me:1t recicie:u shall ~:uur: :.'::?t lnV 9CRL.e rcsoom:e acti ons conduc:ed ur.de a Sutt Voluntary C!t:inup ;,rep,:, :in: ~or.:ed out ;n ~=rd:1nce cvith the subsuntive u,d ?rccedunJ requirements oiCE:l.C'_-\ and :he NC?, and ill terms and conditions of this cooperi1.rive 3grer.nznt." V. REVOL YING LOA. 'i Fll'tl) REQUIREMENTS Cooptrctivt agr,.mtnr rte:pitneJ may nor male, 1= u111il :hey iu:v, submirr,d 10 tM U;S. EPA. and E?A hes approvtd, rh,ir P,:RLF pilot work plan whicit specijiu tht r,cipi,nt'sjinanc:al plc:n, thtir procu/11ru for ttlte1iirg sit,s//oan rec!pitnts tJ-.:: mttt 1}:, requirem,nts af CE.KL~ and tht NCP. and tht!r ap_aroacit/or har.dling th, dcy-1o-dc:1 aprratian oftht BC!lL."'. Coopcmive agrumtnl rec::oimts may int:'.u admini:trativt costs Otfort J:Jbmitting a BCil.L::' Pilat financial p/1111. A. Prudent Lending Pr.icticeo "The coopentive ,~menl rec ipienl shall aot il:c-Jt costs und er thu coope:ative agreement related to loans until a BCRLF pilot wen< pl:u, ~as been submitted 10 the U.S. EPA and E?A has approved iL Tne coope:Jtive •!r•=ent recipient shall cn,ure that the ovenll objee-.ives of the fund 11e met lhtough its or the fund manager•~selection and sm,cruring of individual loans and lending ;r.ic::ces. These activitie5 ,hall include, but not be limited 10 the following : • Esublishing appropr iate project se !edcn ::iteia consistent with Fedenl al!d s..atc rcquiremc:ns, the intent of th e BC:lL..= pro!J"lffl, and the coo~tive agreemc.,t entered into wi th EPA . Es:.,b iis.,i ng threshold eli gibi lir! rt1juiie::1cnts whereby only potential bom,wen 110 eligible to receive BCRLF financing. 11 • • Dnelopin1 a fonnal pn,lOCOI :or pottnlial borTOwm 10 d1111on11r11& 1li1ibilily, based on Ille pn,eedura dcscn"btd ill the initial BCRLF applic:ation p!OP.!Sal and coopera•jvc •sr~ment applic:ation. Such a protocol shall include l!llst:rlp\ioi\ of proje,::.s illat will be ftlnded, bow,_ IIIOaiea will bt used, and quallllcariou of die burrower to m~e legitimate use oftllt ftlnds. Additionally, cdcipentM1 agretaict11 ~ipicnts ~II uk ~,:n far III Gl'luati,on,o(bow a project, if selec1ed, would be consutent with BCID propam objectiva.. Reqo;iring that borrowers submit information desc:ioin& the borrower's cr:vironmcntal compliance his:ory . Tho cooperative ipmen! ~ipient shall ,.ro11gly consider :his history ill an analysis of the borrower .. a cicanup and bust.ms risk. Establishing proc:dures for handling :he day-10-day management and processing oflvana and repayrnents. • Es:abiishing s:andardi:e:f procedum :or the disbursement of iunds to borrowc:-s ." B. Inc!usioo of Special T <rms ond Conditions in BCJU.F Loon Documents "The c:oopentive agre::neot recipient shall e:isure that the borrower :ne:ts the cle:iuup and other prog::un require:nents of Ille BCJU.F pilots by inc!uding the :ollowing speo:,J tems aad conditions in BCRLF loan asr=,,eots : • Borrowrn shall use funds ooly for cligiole ac-Jvities. • Borrowrn shall document all funds use. • Borrowrn shall maintain dc<umcnution for a minimum of 10 ye:in after the completion of Ille cleanup ac-.'vity supported by the loan olr for the length of the loan, whichever is lvnge:-. Eiorn,wrn sholl obtain wrinen approval from !ho I~ a gene-; prior to disposing of :-ooords. Bo,,;,wers shall use no more than 10 perc::11 of the loan for allowable non- clcmup ac!ivities. • Borrowers shall c:rtify !hat they are not currently, nor have they been, subject to any penalties reStJlting fr~m environmenu l nonacompli3ltce 3t 1he sjte subie-:t to ~- • Bom:wers shall conduc: BCRLF response Jdvities in ,c:ordanco with Ibo coope:-Jtive agre::nent and CERCL~ and sonsis:c.it with the NCP." Borrowers sh,11 :nodify respcnse ,ctivit ies as required by the le,d Agency (see, Ille ~tod, I BCRL.r Terms and Conditions, Se:ti on IV., Band G ). C. Default -"" 71w section "Dt/ault " appli•: ro both'°"" ,rnd laaii p,ran110 pror,'tlnu. "In lhe event o( 1 loan defaul~ lh• ooopcratiye agrbnem recipient sllall make reuonable • etforu to enfor<e the tmns of tho loan agrttment including p,1Xoeding agaimt the useu pled&ed as collate:al to cover losses 10 lhe loan . lflhe cleonup is not complete II lhe time of def3ul~ !he ,oopcntive •grnment recipient is responsible fer. (I) documenting lhe ne.,us be!WHll lite mount paid to lhe bank or other financial instiNlion 111~ lite clunup 1h11 took place prior to lhe default; illld (2) securing the site (e.g., auurin& public safety) and informing :he EPA Projeet Officer and the Si.-.te ." D. Coalllct oflntcresl '"The coopent ive 1g."t:ment ret:pi ent shall cs-.ablish and enfort:: con fli ct of interest prov isions go ve:::ing the roles ond responsibilities of lbe Jesd asency, fund manage:, brownfie ids sit e :n~:iger llJd 00..ower. Tnese provis ions must address the siruations desc ri bed ,t ~o C.F.'1.. 3 J.j 6(b X3 ) and 3S .6!:0(b).• E. Loia G u2r:iatees If rht coop,ra1r,, ogrwr.tnt rttipilnl citoosts to ''" rht BC.111.F faru!s to support a /oc:rr gua,anz« approach. ;,ltc::o include tht/ollowingcondition: "The coope,:itive agl'eement rec :piem shall : (I) doc=ent the relationship betwe,n the apendirur. oiCE.,CL.\ 104 (d) funds and response actions; (2) maintain illl escrow account e.,pn:ssly for the purpose if 3WU2111e:ing Joans, by following the payment requirement described under the Esc:-ow Requirements ter:n 30d condition; and (3 ) ensure that :esponse ac:icns gulr3Dt«d by BCRl.F funds are cr.ied out in ,c:ordance with CERCL.\. and consistent wilb the )'!Cl'.• Escrow Rtquiu=na .. P:iyment of funds to a coope~tivc agreement r~:pient shall not be made until a gu.nntml loan has been iuued by • pattic:pating fi nanc:al institution. Loans guaranteed with BCRLf funds shall be made availa bl e as needed for specified clt.111up activities on a •,cru•I e:tp<TIS<" or "schedule" bas is to the borrower. (Se:, Model Terms and Conditions, Secti on Vil . A. Methods oiDisbumment\. rne coopmtive agreement recipient's escrow arnngement shall be Sl?Ucntred :o ensure that lbe CERCL\ 104 (d) funds a,e properly "d isbuned" by the rec ipient for the purposes of the assistance ,greement as required by JO C.F.R. §3 1.20 (b) (i ) ond §j I .1 1 (c}. If the funds u: not properly disbuned, '.he CERCL.\ ! 104 (d ) funds that the rec ipie,i plac:s in ,n escrow ac:cunt will be sd:jcc: :c the interest :ecovery provis ions of ~O C.F .R. !31.11(1)." "To ensure th.c funds transimod to the coopcntive >p-ecment ;cc :pi cnt u. disbuncments of m istod funds, the escrow account sh•II be S11'1JC:Ured 10 ensure thac (I) tlte recipient e>MOI reuin the funds ; (Z) the recipient must not h.ve ,ccess 10 the esc:ow funds on dem•nd; (3) the lltnds remain in es."'J'Cw unleu there is • default of• 1uaranteed loin; (4) the or1111i:z.,1ion holding the escrow, Le, th~ esc:ow-aaency, shall be• bank or similar financial institution that is indcpcnd<J• of the.rec:pien~ ,nd ($) thore 111US1 be 111 agroemc.,i wiL~ fin:u,c ial instinniOTU panicipatin1 in ·the guarani~ loan ;:rosnm which dccumen'1 th>t the financial institution hu made• iuarant,;.,i loan to c!eon up a brownli-:lds 1ite in exchange for ac::ss to funds held in esc:-ow in the ••e:rt o[ a default by ,:ic borrower." F,d,ral Obligation to th< Loan Guarar.tu Program "Any oblig:itions :hat Ule cooper;1tive .1greeme:'lt recipie:1t incurs for lo an gu:innte:s in e:tc:ss of the amount .1w.irded under the cooce:3tive ureeme::t are the cccoe:-:itive a~ment ret:ipient 's rc:ponsibiliry. Tnis li;r,iution o~ the exte~t of the F~der.il Government's fin:uicfaL.:ommicme:it to the cc oper:itive igre::::ie::t rec:;ie!'.lt'J !~an gu.rantee progron: shail be commu nic,t«! to 111 pan:c:p•ting hanks :u:d oor.owe:,. • R,paymml of Guarantted Loans Tiris ,er.7t Jnd :ondirion ~ deJ igned ro cover 1irua1io,u in which rh, r,cfpitnr 's locn gucranttt propam c,::.:1.1 lo optrall. Tnt agency iw :ht discretion to wind :JP t f:t ?rogr::m in a mannc- sirn ilcr ro tr.at far loan program.: (e.g. ntgotiatt a/incl dispos ition of fimds). Pl test nott tlral if ,r.e ,•tcfpitnl choostJ to guaranttt another loan, tht c:,mmilmtnu 11r•U :1t in piaci wi1hin JO day:; of rh, tim, th< ,scrow amaunt fo r 1hr initial loan ii rrltami. orher"lis,, fimds m:ut •• r,n,rned ro rhe U.S. £.'.4. A po,si~lt sctnario for tht clost out of guarc:nmd locr.s would .~rovid, rhat 01 the tnti of 5 years, rht £.:,A ar.a· 1ht cooptrc1tvt agrttmtnl rtcfpitnt will n,goticu , t close out agntmtnL An_v EPA f.11".dJ wh ich have nor betn paid ro th, cooperc:ivt agrttmt.~t rtc(aitnt to enable;, ro guaran1u locns will 0t dtobligaud ur.dtr this scenario. Tite coo.atraii"lt agretmcit rtC:pitnt ar.d ,;,, E.P.-l ·Nill nttd an agrttmtnl on tht disposition of}.n:ds S-.Jbstq:.1tntly rtltastd from e:::-aw :ipon rtpa:;mrr,1 oflht rJaan1ttd loan:. Tit, di.spos ilion may bt recovuy by EPA oj rJu paid ,ooptrarivt agreemt.'lt f::nC.S wirh fnllrtst, E.P.i ~prove! oj a pl:: by the rtcipi,n; to guan:mltt additional locru. or~ ~mtna'mtm to iht cooptrc:tve cgreemtnt 10 rtd!rtct the funds for other tligiblt bro~litld.: ac:iviri~ (arry additional ,/igibit bro-..m;ieiaJ ac::Viti~ mMSt bt conc!uc:td in accor:ionc• wi1h CERCLi and tht ,VCP). "Upon repayme:it of J 8'J3J"J.nt~ed loan and re!e:isc of the esc:ow amount by t.he participating fin:inc ial inst:rution, the ccope:-ative 1g:recme:u rec ipie:"I[ shall return the cooper.1t ive ag.rceme:11 funds plac.:d in e.sc:cw to the U.S. En..,·iroru::e:1uJ ?rotcttion Ageoc y. Al1e::1atively, the cooperative agreement rec :pient mly, with E?A approval, (I) gu:inntee Jdd itio nal loans under the terms md conditions oi :he 1~::;;ic:it (2) or, amend the 1erms :ind conditicns of the agreement to provide ior a.r.cd1e:-disFos ition oi funds that wiil red irect the funds fo r other brownficlds related 1c:ivities ... I ! Vl. AUDITS ., "The ~i•e aar~ment r;:-cipient shall ersun tlw pe6~ic pip~--~.,, conduclld by III o~ide auditor in acconlancc wi1h Gtnnl Acc<luiitin1 Oflici{GAO) accow,lin& SUDcurds or genm/ly ac:lplld aovemmcat 3udiliaa J'llldards. Punhamore, Iii• coopcralive agmment recipi"11t shall comply willl all applicable ~uinmems of die Single Audit Act of 1914, as amended anci implemented by OMB,Cfr,:~Jar A-133, Audits of Sta,..,, Local Gowrnm,nu, and Hon-P,,,fa O,,ani:otlons. In additi011, the caopcnlive agreement rec ipient shal~ as • condition of malcing a loan, require borrawa Ill maintair. project actounu in accordance wilh &enerally accepted mounting principla. • VIl. DISBURSEMENT, PA YML'ff, AND CLOSEOlIT For th, f1"'posu oftM:t 1,r,ns and conditionJ, tht/ol/owing dtftnit ions apply: "paymtnl" is IN U.S. E?.~ ·s rra,uftr of[wub to 1/ot cooptrt:tivt OJTttmtnt rteipitnz: the COOptrt#ivt a,rttmtN rtr:ipitnt inc-..ll's an .. obliga1ion'" whtn it cm,n inlo a loan q,-11mt1tt with rlw borr:,wcr,· "di:burstmtnt" is tht rraruf,r of f.mdJ from tht coop,r01;, ogrttmtnt rteipitm to IN borro..,,,.. "Clos• ou," rrfm 10 the proc= that 1/ot U.S. E?.~fo ilows to enn,rt th<:t oil odminist1ativ1 actions end work m;11irrd :,ndu th, coop,ra,iv, ogrtt.,rtnt luzvt brtn comp/11,d, and to dt• obligatr/11nds thct 1/ot rtcipitm !KU bun ,maJ,/, 10 :ut. A. Methods of Disbunemeat "The cooper,tive agreeme:it recipio:it may c.'ioose to di.!~ursc funds to the borrower by mems cf 'actual expense' or 1 scheduJe'." . "An 'actual c."tpense' disbursement approach rec;uires the ccoper:1tive agrecmcai recipient to submit doc-m,enutioo oithc bor:-owe:'s e>pend irum (e .g., invoica) to EPA to request ;ayment. • "A 'schedule' di.!burscme:it is one in which .U. or an agre<d upon portion, oftbc obligated fun~, ue disbursed to lhe b.:rrower on the buis of an agreed upon JChcdule (e.g., progress paymo:its) or upon exr.Jtion oflhe loan . The coopentivc qrmnen1 rec ipio:it shall subm it documentation of faoursement schedules to EPA." "If the disbursemo:it schedule of the loan 3F-ment calls for disburscmo:it of the entire i1mount of the loan upon e.1ec-Jtion, the cooperative agreement recipient shall demonsll'lte to U.S. El'A's l'rQject Office, lhot this method of duburscment is necessary for purposes of cleaning up the site covered by the loan. Furlller, the coop erative agrec,nent tcc ipient shall include an appropriate provision in the loan agrecmeot which ensures that the bar.ewer us es loan !'unds promptly for costs incurred in coMec:icn with the deanup and that interest accumul>ted on schedule disbursements is lpplied to the cleanup." 16 • B, P•ymcal Schedule ti Ji "The coopcntive ,grecment recipient may request payment from El'~ pu ~~;~o iO CJ.R. 35.6:so after it incurs on obliaation or has an •dminis,rati,,e ••pl!!K• ~A will make payments to the coopen1tive •sre<-'llmt recipient on a ichtdule ww minimizes tho time ,lapsing between tnJUior oi iiinds from El' A and aisbunemom by the recipicnt. The recipient m•y request payments whm ii roc:ivcs a disbursement request from a borrower bas , 'on the borrower 's incurred cons under the •acrual e:<j>erue" method or tbe schtdule for disbursemeot under :he •schedule" disbumment m<'.hod. iJ!e cooper21i,,e •ve•ment rocipient shall disburse 1c::nied program income :o meet ill oi' put ofthiJ obligation or odministrative c:tperues prior to requesting payment :i-om El'A. • C. Schedule for Closooul "T.1e:i:.,. two fundimental criteria for close>ut : (I ) fin •I ,av::,cnt of :'unds 5-om EPA to the co ope:-:itive agmme:11 m:ipien~ ill!d (2) ccmple:icn cf 01ii ,!,or.ups funded ':,y the amount of the ,ward." ..,-o close out the cooperative 3.grec :r:e:11 JIJ payme:its :c :he c~pc!'l ti"e 1gr:emc::it rec !picnt :nun be compl ete . The !"irst criterion of cocpe!'ltive 1gre::n=t c!cseout is met wbm the cooper:itive lP'ee:ncnt ~ipic::u :-c-=eivcs all pa~c::ts 5-om E?A." --rbc second c!oseout criterion is i:nc: when all cleltll!DS fu:ided )v the :nitial amcWJt of the award arc complete (all cl=ups must be comple:~ within I:! moat.is from the cato that on-site c!WJup .1ctivicy is initiiu:d, unless EP . .\ de:e:-::1ine5, ccnristcnt with CERCL.A §104(cX 1) and the NCl' at 40 CJ.R. §300A l5(bX5 ), thmbe rcspcase may continue.)" "The coopcr.11ivc agre<ment rooipient shall have three yurs from the coope::itive agr::rnent swt catc 10 obligote all :he funds awarccd (i .e, the SClU.F ?r'.ncipal). Final :::~~-e~t ,_,d disbmement oi 1ward :U::c!s 1h:tll be :0r.1?i~e wit.liiD tiyc yem from the ag:-!:men: stlrt date. Any accrued pra gnr.i income {i.e., fres, ~1ymc::1ts of interest, repayments of pri nc ipal, and other income) must be disbun<d before requesting final payment from El'A (per 40 C.F ~"-§J 1.2 1(!":'.. The sc.~ecu ie of obligati on shall be no less than SO percent oi the 1moun1 awarced witt:n IS month!; 10 perc:nt .,,.;thin !Wt! ye:in; :md 100 pment within thr:e yc,n." During rht ptriod of tht agrrrmtnt. tht cooptratr1t cgrttm1nt rtc f.o itnt shell submit financial and puformcnct rtporu which inc/wit bw ere nor limirta' ro fin.cncicl ir.fiJr:ncrion quarttrly(Slleh as · status of ?C'.l'"enl, obligation, and dubJJT:tmtnt) ar.1 cltam.p infor,::atior. (n,ch as th t cltamJ_D ccmplttion da1ts). ,4s _,arr of d astout, tht coopt1 crive agre,mtnt r,c:pi,nt sl-.c/1 nibmit a final statw report which inc/udts bvt is not limirtd :a jincncial injor~ctfcn (J:JCh ar srar.u ofpaymrnl, obligot ion, ar.d disbunemrnt} and deanu.o injormc:ion (suc.'r os ,;,, c/u:n ap compluion dO(tS). If both tht paymtnl and cltan~p cl OJ tour i:r:urion IT! met btjOrt !ht fet ,vtcr ptriod ends, tht cooptra tivt agrt!tmtnt rtcipMnt rncy rtqutst lariy c!osto:it. 17 D. Compllonct wilb Clonout Schedule •1r a co,>pmt ive agrc:mcnt ~ipient rails to comply wilh tho closeout schedule, any coopcrwtivc :agnmcnt funiu no, obligated under 10111 ..,..,._1111 10 • borrower may be subject 10 fcdml rccovery, and the ceopemi-lt aarnn,cnt .JWud amended to reflect the reduc:d ¥110\lllt of the cooper.rive agrttmcnL • L C•piul U1illzotioa S1oad2rd Th, ax,ptrati'Jt agmmmt rtcipimt's firuznt:'.41 pian sh:iU prapou a minimum ltt1d afrh.t BCRLF's c,pitlll :0 bt in"'' at all timtJ /to bt n,golulrei :uith EA~). In ntgolulf.7tg !It, ,ppropr.4tt c,piW atiii::ation standard :,.ith CDapcati::, agm:nent rec:;,imts, EPA Rlfions rruzy mau a,nsiderations for SC.:RLFs lhat ;,rapose !a male, !oar.J !hat are larg , rtlati.t ta !It, si:t ef tJ,~ c,piW ilas• un/,ss air.a ,mng.,,,c:ts "7'C ,grwi :o "'' !ht ;"oi/ou,ing stJndar:t "Subsequent to full payment of awar~ :'Lind,, the ccopcr.tivc aiftement roc:pient shall manage its repayment and lend ing ac:ivities to m3inuin !O pe:::nt or moi: of the BCR.1.F copit3l lo :ined out or commined lt •II time,." " F. Recovery orBCRLF Assets •inc~ of te:-:ni na tion for c.:rns e ()r ccnvc::ie::c:, the .:cC?C"ltivc -=-~:!::-tent recipient shall r<IUlll 10 E?A it.s fair sh,rc of the valu e of the 3C~ :wet.s ccnsi:r:ing of=h, ~eivables, penonal :ind re:.l propc."t)', and :iote, or othe: financial ins:nune:,ts developed :h:ough use of the funus. E?A's fair sharc ·i, the amount computed by applying the perc:ntage of E!'A parti.ipation in the total copiuliZ3tioa of the BCRLl' to the c-.,:rent fair m:.rlcet value of the asset.' the:-eof. EPA also has mnedie, undo:-40 C.F.R.31.4:l when the Age:u:y de!e:ntines thai the ·,alue oi such WO'.J ha, been reduced by imprcpcr/illepl use of ccopc.":ltive agreement funding. le such insunc:s, the coopcntive agroement :-ccipient may be required to compensate El' A eve:-and above the Agency's share of the c:ir.tnl fair market value of tht wets." G. Po,t COGper.1tivc Acreement Prov:,m Income • After the end of the ,w.,d period, the coo?=tive >gtee.'llent =ipient shall use progr.un income in a manner consistent with the tc:-ms and conditions of the coo~:itive agreement ufec:in1 disposal oi program incom e, e!igfole 1dminist::itive co:r:s, and envitonment31 com pli:ince in ,c,ordanc: with CERCL.\ :ind consistent wilh the NCP, u provid ed in (Model BCRLF Terms and Conditions, Scc:ioo IIl.C. Use of?romro ~ and [ Model BCRLF Terms 1.00 Concitions, Sec:ion IV . BCRI.F Enyironmenul 5er29nse R,guir,:;nentsl of this •gre::,:ent. In accordance wilh 40 C.F.R. 31A2 (cX:l), the coopcr2tivc :igreemenr rcc:p ie:it shall mainuin ai:propriatc records to documeot compliant: with the,e requirem ents (i.e ., records relating to the 1•s e of post-award . program incom e. E? A mly requ est ac::.ss to these records or mly negotiate post closeout rcportin! requirements 1c ·•c:if:· that pcs;-aw:ird progrlffl income has b,:n used in ac:ordwc: ,..,jt,h th e terms :ind co nd :tions oithc original 1gr::m cnt." "'\llhcn the coopcr.1tivc Jgrc~:7.c:1t h3.S bee:i '.los ed .:,ut (i.e .. he coop e:-:ad ve agreement rec ipient has met lli funds us e l.lld d e:u,up requirement.s), remaining fund, not obligated • JS • tkwO~bl~Ul\llf. -~"""~ nciplllll uiusa I\IDdl rorocbcr~=-widl 4wldl ,.....,111.• ..----- ·"1. _q ,)J. -t .J • r-•.• ·1 . -. .r; • l ♦ "' ... ., A' ♦ ♦ ♦ 19 C l •l' .tu-., Ir. ai.osS.amINGFEDEIW.REQUIREMENTS l Eaiaomic aad Mi=:!laaccus Alnhorilies ♦ Debamu:nt and Swpe:uion, Exec-Jtive Order 12!49 ♦ Demonstration Cities and Meucpolitan Development Act of 1966, Pub. L 89-754, IS amended, Exec:nive Order 1237'2 ♦. Prcc-Jrcme:n Prohibitions un~er Sec-.ion j06 of the Cle:,n Air Act and Section 508 of the Cl=n Water Ac-~ including Execnive Order 1 !TI8, Administmicn of the Clean Air Ac: and the Fedenl Wuer Pollution Control Act with Respect to Fedenl Contl'lC".3, Gnnts, er Lc111S ♦ Uniform ~action and Rel Prcper:y Acquisition Policies Ac: of 1970, Pub. L. 91~6, IS ,mended n. .Social Po!k)' Alltborilies .. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ AjcDiJCii::inaticaAct of 1975, Pub . L. 94-135 Anti-Lobbying Proviricas (40 CFRPart 30) Titl~ VI oithe Civil Rights Ac: of1964, Pub. L. 88-3!21 Ccmnc: WorkEcun and Suety St.!.."lduds Ac-., as amended (40 U.S.C. 327-3:i:i)- and the Ami-!Cckbaclc Ac:-.3, as arncded (40 U.S.C. 276 c), (18 U.S.C. 874) Sedon 13 of the Fedenl Water Pclluticn Conuol Act Amcndme!lls of 1972, Pub. L 92-!00 (the Oem Wuer Aa) · · .+ The Drug•F~ Worlcplac: Act of 1988, Pub. L .100-690 (applies only to the cpiuliz.:ition grant recipi01) ♦ Equal Employmc:1t Opper.unity, Exea.:ive O:dcr 1124G ♦ . Seeton 504 of the Rchabiliution Ac. of 19i3, Pub .L93·112 (inc:)udmg Excc-Jtivc Orden 11914 and 11250) · ♦ Sec:icn 129 of the Small B11.1iness A.dministnti on RWJthorization and Amcndmcllt Act ol1988, Pub. L 100-590 ♦ Women'1 111d Minority Businw E:itczprue, Executive Orden 1-162!, 1213! 111d 12432 • ,t·,. ... , ~ 111 n ~ 4 -~ t. 'I, . C. ~ APPROVED APPUCABn.rrY OF PRQCUI\EMENT REQUIP,EMENTS OF 'l"ePH AJ.T 3 I AND 40 CFll P.~T 35, SUBPART 0, TO LOANS MADE BY :BllOWNFIELDS CLE.~'11.11' JlEVOL YING LOAl'i FUND COOPERATIVE A~ RECIPIENTS, Thi,~ mc:no ,!oes not apply to conincu made by the Clty for diRc: conuaciing. City must . use the p,oanmc:11 proass as outllnod in 40 CFR.Part 35, Subpart 0 . i112s,n 11011 -U :OI F.U lOl llG 1101 OSPS • ·• UNliEC STA,c.5 ENVIRCNME!ioAlPRCT!C'7lOH AG£NCY . WASHINGiON, 0.C: z04e0 · . ' ALG _I 31$7 St;:a.;zCT: Applicabili::, ct Prcc'.l!'c:1e:,,: R•i.~i=•=ants e~ ,o C."lt ?art ll a::c:! 40 en Par-:·J.!!,. SU::pa~ o, tc Lcar.s 1:ade by Er:~!ielc!s Clur.u;;: :Revclv::..-,c; !.ear. Fu:1d (!O.u'J C:c;e:-at.:.va A;:-ea:ent R1ci~ie.-,~s ?RCM: _st~?t•n· c. Pru~:an .AJ /l_,y- Assis~a.~-: Gena:a1 · c--~.;1;fi ~ A5sis-:a::ca ~av Pract!.c~ G=e\!~·. _r!.r.a.-,ce_ anc! Ope:aticr.s Divis_!=:: TC: .-·Gary M. Xa.~: . , ~ C!::ec:.o:-. · . . ..... : G::ants_ ~C;!,--:.ist:a4Z !ef!_ Ci·1isi:n We -ha ve -~~.,;,-:.skad ·whe~er. ~: c·==~-=~tiva a~Hl>ant recipient~ ::t:S~ !ol!cw t..'le p:-cc:t:rc&r.~ =•~.:!:c,.ents ot 40 en ·:;U": lS, Subpart O _(~O _C::R JS .6!~0 ~=1:,!:. JS.6610) vnan ::,alcizlg' lcan1. Adc!it:.cr:ally, .. we• have bun asjcad 1;!:.•~':.•r l:0r:-e11a:s l:."ldar · the sc~ ;:r=c;;ram are le,al!.y rac;:~.:.:_ed t: .!0ll0v t."l•: p::-cc=ce11t prcvisicns 0! a:.t.':...:-40 C."R _Pa:-t ll er ~o cr.. PiL..-; lS, Subpart: o ·,,nan aeq-~i:.:.::, ;cccs ar.d :s~-v!cu wi':.':... :car. !'.lnds . · _w~ have ___ .. ·. ~ncludad t!:.at: ·:. ·. · ·· .. _-·,-.· _. _ ...... , . "l) .· Louis ::iac!a .. by l!or.F :ecipie:its ca net ;:r:c=ca."lts with~. tlls :u::i::,; 0! tllil ai:plical::la :-••c;,:la~i=::~, · er.di :-. : ·· · .. · · .. :;•' ·,•·. . . . .•. 2)· ;>u:cl:ase_s . :~d!. cy ·amF.-b0:::-'cvoi:-~· aie. net si'.u:ject to -~~. pr::C".:ra:ient _provl.s~ons cl:-40. en fa:-'; ?.:: er _40 all !'art 35·,: . ~pc-'; o unless . tl:_• A,e..'lcy c!ec!du er.. ;:elicy ,rounds t ·c i::ip!)■!l - such requ!=a:ie.nµ· _as a ta..:= ~z:i~· cenC!.-~!:r: .o.! t.~• !a!..2' .-.... ccc;:er~ti ~• a,;-:e~!l~~-. .-, __ ;: .':·: --~;;f ~~-t ~ l\ _ . ·.::;;:::~~'. · ..• A."1 ° expla::~t·.:.~~-e!'_ cu:· ;:es.it.:.c~-1s · ::;ci ~c!~d. ·1; t.'ie previcusly pt'e~arad d:O~c-Jssion· pape:-, •a;-~,•r.!.!.a l C:s · 1'1.e ;,cl vii-:q Loan F1.indr ·• c:c;:eratl.•,e. Ac;':eene'r.ts'_ ..,r..ic~ 'is .at_ta,-:::ec! te tl:is 1:s::cr . ·.:n~ase · c ontact 1:e en· ·(,0:2) :H0-77:!S :er J i :. _t::-~-::e::c, _Jr .. en (l0:2)' 2&0-· ·. 6316 _i! )'."JU •• h:v~, a..~~-c.uu_:.~c~s ....... ,, · ·1t.'':ach :~~t· ·t·:· . ~: P1~. ,. : · .: ..... :..:~1.·· . • •' \ C: : .;·~ ·: '" ~ __ xat.!:~ri ~-~:·•_;;~es",i osi17"°'-_os;,_s . {. ·. ,-..;,_ carel He,c,-:igtcn,· Rag-en _ r-,, CHO . t..,..,"'""· •. · •• ,, •• L!nca -Yance:,,'CAD · ·-~•·· ~ •, '. '.:t ·~ ·, _;-~ .. Xa:-en • Kraus:, '.OCC•SWE.'l ·' · ·· ,;~ i",. , •••• ...,_ •. :. I ~• •;~L: . • :•• ; .. ~ ·_. .:..:.,. •· .• APl'!lOVED DEVIATION FllOM SELEC'IED SELECTIONS OF 40 CFU AllT JS SUBPART 0 AITACF.ED IS niE Al'l'JlOVED DEVIATION SIGNED SEYIEMBElll6. 1997, ::;. .. .. ll -r .. .-.... - 011.:11tr ~011 ~o ::3 F.U za: :soi' .r 7C SUJ:!.J!C-:: Ra'i"est. !::: Class Ceviat:.0ns f:c::i Sact.:.cns cf 40 _C."'R Part. JS, Sl±!'a:::-: o UCM: Linda ca:::ynsk!, Cirectcr ou~=eac..~/S;ecial r=oje~ st,!! ot:.:.ce cf Sclid Was~• .and !: 1e:g&ncy Respc~se TO: Ga:'/ M. Kat:, Oi:actcr c=an~s Aci::l-'"l!.s~at:.cn Oivi.s '.en e.:== T:>is is. re'i"eSt tcr deviaticns !::c: c ■:::-:ain spaci!!c • re,.ui:...,ents ct t!la re,;ulat.:.cns incl;id~d i.'l 40 C!R Part. J,, • Sw:part. o ("Cccpa:at!va· A;:•a::i~ts -and ·s~pa::!~~d State Ccnt:ac:""..s to:: supa::!,md Respc~~• Ac:<=icnsw). T!lis daviat:.cn re'i"est a be:..~; ::iada !or t!le class ct ccope:at!va ac;:-ee::ents lcncwn •• "!:c,-r.!!elds Cleanup Revclvin; Lean Fund (!C::-...U) ·o.,.cr.st.raticn P!:c-ts"·. ~~se cccpa:ative aq=ecents, fer up to SJ!:O, 000 aac:!l, are tc be ava:ded t: u; to t"Jenty-nin• eliq!=l• =•c!;ients, aa ~visioned in EPA's F"! _lSSi bud;et just:.ticat:.on lan;ua;a. In EPA'• rt 1597 •~usti!!caticn of App:cp:iaticn Est.wt ■■ fc:: -:.~a Collllllittaes on Apprcp::iations,• t..~a Agenc-/ stat.ad that it would •initiate tcUo,;-up clean·:;· ;::ants of up to $350, oi:o Heh tc C3pitali:a rev0lvir.c; loar. fu.~d ·s tc::: 25 pilct recipient; he c::pleted t.!la init!al br:,,i!ield pil0t stac;a.• c~nc;ress's . aul:sac;-Jant lu:p sWD Supe:!-.i.~d appropriation is ciekmad t0 include f••-r.d!ng for t.!lis p:cc;:u. ~ese BClU.P Dcionst:aticn Pilots · are pa:-:. of t..~e Ac;ency's Brc,,i!ields ?ccnccic RedevelcF::ie.nt Initiative, vn!ch i! designed to ar.a.1::la states, _lccal c;c·,er:-.:::ents ·, cc:,.-.ur.it!as; and ot.~er st~kL~clders in eccnc::.c redevelcp::ient to vcrk t:~etllc in a t!:ely :aMar to prevent , assess, sa!ely clean up, and •~stainably reua• ==c•u~:,lC~. Spec:!ically, this SC~ ce:cnst:ation pilot prcc;:u is int.ended to test brcvn!ields cleanup revolving lean !and models th~t di:ee! special ettorts tc,..ard tacilitatin,; ccordinated public and private et!crts at tha Fece:al, state, and local levels. l El'.\ Cll.\.'<TI OP! • T!:• class !er whicl:. t::esa deviat!:ns ar1 :,c;~•stad is "BCJU.7 De::r.st:a:ion P!lot• cccF•rative ac;=ie:enu. Ioclusion i~ t!lis c!ass is l.!..llitad t:: c::cpe:at.:.·1• ac;:-"itii:u:ts 1va:;1d to t.~csa · _ entities t.':at ~•r• pravicusly a~ardid-Nat~cnal er Rec;icnal br=•-n!.:.elds assess:ent Filcts prier tc cc:-::::=ar l99~. rur-..!lc-~ !a!.7 deccr-.st:a:!cn :=!!ct c:7cpera~!·1• a~=••~•11~ :ec!;::!.e:i-:,s must ha~,. :::et a nu::h•: cf c:!~•=!a cut!.::-:-ef! in ~• i\p:!.! 1997 "?:c~csal G'~i~■!in«s tc: S:c•~!iel:s c:e~~up Revc!vin; t~an ~~r.C", ~r.C ~us~ have teen review•~ by a Nat!c~a! pi!ot evaluaticn pa::al. T!:e Ec::uJ' ce::c::straticn pi:c-: c:::;:erati'la ac;ru:e.nta vill te awar:ad by E?A ~ec;i:::al c!!ices usi::c; !:ir.ds !:::: t.~• r{. 1997 aF;:r:priat!cr:. The BCUJ' de:c::st:at!cn pilct c:c;erat.:.ve ac;ree::er.-:s ~ill ~e a·.a:c:od u.~der I:!!• a1:-:.':c:it7 c! cr!-'C!.:. no~ (d) (:), si:aci!ically u th!~ ai.:~~c=it:, :-elates tQ re::c'tal ac::.·,i~.:.es. 'r.':a i:plcenting re~latic~s !::: ccc;:e=!:i·,e as=ee::a::-:s ~C•= :!:is Sect!cn a:i 40 C:!1!. Part JS,· Sl±?ar:: o a.nd t.':csa S?eci!i: sec-:ic::s o! 40 en Part Jl r1!1:an~•d ty su:?lrt o (por 40 c:11 §JS.socs(c), vhic.~ atatas t.~a~ • .•. r.lls ·=eq""~la~!cn =•!1:e~ces -:..':cse seC":!c~s 0~ ~ar: Jl t.~at ar• •~?lic~l• t: c:;;.c!.A-!1.!.~ded C:cparat:va ~~=••=ants"). Since· a p:cg:a: sue!: as ~,e !C:U Ce:cns::at~cn pilct prcgru was not ar.·1isic::ec at t.':e t.:..::e 40 ~:I Part 3! suti:art o vas prcmulc;at1d, dev;at!.cns !:cm ccta!.n de!initicns and . provisicr.s ~! t.~e rec;t:laticns are needed in c::ar t!:at t!l• BC!LF Ca:c~st:a~!on pile~ ~::g=aa may :eet !ts sta~ed· cbjectives. :::ese deviat!cns are s?ec!.!ically listed and descr:J:ed below. 1. A ~•via~£cn t=== ~e sita-speci!:c arpl:c3~ic~ L~C EPA- •pt=rcval-rela-:ed :equire:e_~ts c! 40 C.'7. JS.5:o5(a), as referenced L~ 40 C:li §J,.6205(&) a::d (c), vhic:?:. describe rec;Jire::tnts !er Ru:cval Rupc::se C:c;:arati·:• Ac;reuants ava:ded tc States and political si:=d:.v:.,ions (ncne ct t!l• alic;:J:le racipie.nts ill !'!seal Year 1997 are Indian tribu) . As ncted atcve, t.~.:.s prcc;:a: !s i:art ct t.~e 9rc·.,r.tialds Ecc::cm!.c Radevelci:::er.t I::.:.t!at:.n whic!: is des!.,;ned to a:i:cwar states and lcc~l scvar:-.::er.b tc wcrk wit!l other ata.'<&bolcers i::l ecc::c::u.c rede•1elc.:ent t:: address ~rci.~!!elds. F'\::--':c, cr.e ct t.':e \!,~Ce:;:ir.r.i::c;a a~ EPA' .s lecal au~':cr!ty t: a~ard t.~es• tu.~ds !c: :evcl~ing lean pu=-?csas lies i:1 t?A I s re=·a:~.!.:,q datac..'aC. ::cm t..'l• rec.:.pient's F:-:cess ct j:r.:c:!.~i.in; t.':ei:-:evcl·1inq. loan ~..r.d-supFortec rc:cval acticr.s (see atticted AFril 27, 1997 ot!!c• o! Cer.e:al counsel ce:crand:.:). In ligl:t o! t.~• al:cva, it is net reasc::all rec;uir• rec!.?ier.~s to i~e::ti!y specit:c s ac;:-ee0ent app!i:at.:cns, c: !c:-trA t: be 2 • fer .!:PA tc tes L'I ccoparativ• r.vclvad L'I day-tc- day 0pe:a~.:.0ns 0! t!I ■ r1cipients ts r1lat1d to t.,■ir daal.!.nqs wit!! t.,a lean rec.:.pients. Thare!era, it vill ba L~!aas:.!:11 !or t.,■ regulate:::-/ ra..-J.!.r1:1nts tor ait1-spacitic ai:i;:licat.:.cn in!o:-::at!on and !or !:?A approvals ct sit ■-. spac~!!c Ccc:-~=e.n~s to b• mat. It is 1nvisicr.ed t.,at t.,1 applicaticr.s vill includa ·sp•c~~ic infc:::aticn reqardinq t!:1 precess the recipiant vill u ■a tc sela~ t.,e s!tas and lean rec!ritnts, ar.J EPA vill approve t.,is pr:cess. !:PA vill also approve the proc■s ■ by which t!:■ recipient will meet (or will er.s~re t!:at loan r ■cipiants :<e~} t.'l• si~e-s~ec~!!c =equi:emen~~ Cesc=i.b•d !n the re<;Jlaticns !er post!nq ct a sign at eac., sita, dasiqnat!cm ct a lead brc•.r.it!alds sit ■ w.a naqer and us-.:rance t.,at restcr.se wcrX is c;cr~!natad vit!I ct.1er relevant a;enci ■■ v!t.Sin t.~• Sta~e, c=::cr.ity ~•lat!cns Plar., haa!t.."! ar.d safety plan, ar.d ..-.:ality assu=ance prcja~ plan/sa::pli:iq pl•n. It is pl anr.ed t.~~ t..~• c;c?e=at~V• ai=•-=ant, vill incl~de a ccnditicn rec;uirinq t.1at t.,a recipient prov!da EPA v!~ a s!ta description upen sele~.:.cn c! aac.1 s!t ■• (Pl•••• saa a~tac!:ed "Medal Te:-:::s 111d ccnd!t:.ons. ") Th• <'ecpe=t!va aqru:ar.t ai:pl!cat!cn is also uw!si.cned to .inc:!,;da a gener:.c budget, and statement ~t werx. J. A dev:.at!cn trc:: ~• :ec;~ire~ents ct 4C en §l~.620S(d) rala~a~ to s~a~a cet~ sha:e ass~:ancas in t!lcsa cases vhu• t.~• EC"~ de~cr.s~=a~~cn pilct c:cpe:~ti?e as=ee:ent rec!~ie.nt is t0 b• a pcli ~!cal ~d!visicn. ~e c::!ee cf Canerd CcW'\sel has prcv:.ded cla=:.!!caticn ct a:Rc:L\ e;st share rac;uira::ants in t.ie case o! re::oval ccc;:e:at:.va ag:-aei:ents. Th• o::ic a ct C.a.'leral cou."lse l. has stated t!lat, sine■ tha cest sha::e requirement is t:igrierad or.ly it EPA is prcvid.:.ng a ruiedial action, and t!ia act!v:. tias to ba !1:r.ded und'ar t.!ie · !!ClU..7 due1U1t:ation ;:ilot cccpe:ativa ag:ee:ents are to t:e luited tc re:cval act!ons and w!ll net includa re~edial act!cns, it ,tcllC\ls t.,at a state c;at share &ssur:uice wculd net ba rcqu!red ~'l . ccnj,:nc:t!cn v!th issu~nca ct t~esa cccpar&tiva aqree~anta. It sit•• addressed wit.!l BC'U.F :~.ds ara ult:.:ate!y addressed ~y ~und-!!nanced receC!al ac~!cna; a atate ccst share .. assurance weuld have to ba obtained upcn anter!r.g into a re::edial act!cn cccperat!ve •~reeent. It t.ia site wer ■ state-er pcli tical sut:dhisl cn-cpe:ated ():.,e cr.ly cases in wh!c~ a ccst share is required related tc re~evals), that cast sha:a 1Jcu !d :nc!t.:Ce t.~e re<;"U:.:-ed re=c·,al c::sts . In lig~t ct t.,1 above, t.~a state c=st sha:e assur~nca descri~•d in §JS.6205(d) wculd not ba nacessarJ in t.,a case o! t.,a BCJU.1' dei:cnst=at!on pilot cccperat!va aqre1:1nts. ,.001 • • -ll~rJ! tt:r;:~.:, ~ .Ji.':'\ • =r ~ •;.. .,:.,;~ .J ",,,.•1 tt,, ~r'. n In ccnc!usicll, th• apprcval cf th• abcva-dHcrill•d daviati~U-~ n•cu•GY in ordU' for th• A9&nC'/ tc ma•t its .ut•d obj •~1il••,. _,;;-to:: th• BroVllti&ld ciamUil Rava ;,vinq Lean !'\IJld c .. cnst!."s1:ion · pilot Prcqr&II• All other raqui..-uients at 40 C?1l Part 39 , Subpart o -vill c=ndJrH to apply tc tll• BCILF d&11onst...-.tion pilot t...coopantiv• a9ra•m•nU, If you ha.Va qu••tion1 or vi1h to discu•• this" 1"aquut turth•r, please ccntact aa at 202•2-&-4039 or Jta-;h•ri n• cav•• ct rt staff at (202) 160-8394, cnrc'.n,:1An cc: BC!lL7 Wcrk;TOUP . . Ragicn&l 11rcvntialcfs Coordinators Ragional c;rants otticu ...,_ 4 UHl'Tc!) ST.&TES E.'IVIIICHMIEllUL PROTlC'nCN lGIHCY WlSIUl~CH, O.C. :040 r. Mt:'tfO'R.~1'/tllJM S",.iEJECT~· :a;us ., ·ti~ticn'.:'_.,.,.,Sft'~P:ir.j!,SubFartO . •'l(/.~•·./1. ...f':;7l,/.4"L~"-;'-~. FROM: C • M. Y'..ic, ,:;,,:,.=or £:' C-nnu A~:rJrjs:r.rion Division (:if it) ~~ TO : ., L:r.d• G&rc:-mslci. Dirc:-.cr o,.=!-/Sp.cal Proj«: Stal!" Cf:c: c(Solid Wute 1M E.:ne.-.e.,c-f R«;ianse This is inrc.<porue to 'JOur Au(l!SI 29, ,a~-re:; .. -.,, i',r • c!.o.ss c!cviirion from ccr= spO:C:ac requiremc:u oithc r<:Ulacons inc!udc:1 i: ;o 1.."1:,:-.r. H, Subpart O unc!::-E?A's · Browniields C:.._"llp RC'IClving Lea.., Fund (BO..i; I:;e."11cns-w-.ticn Pilots. Acrlon . I am ,p,rovins 1 deviation ~cm these porJcns oi 40 ci,US.6!05(a), fU1ccfiiontcd by m':::~.c: 11 40 c;;I. J!.6:0!(a)) whic:.i requires the ree;:ie:n 10 n:bn-.it with iu apptiat:011 site- spdc. informaii011. · ~und E?.,•s Brown.-ields ~norrjc Jler:!i:velopme::t Initi~c is designed 10 cmp~wcr sates, !cal govcr.unc:ts, cor:un1:nitic, and oL~e:-,..axe!:cldi::l in e::~ncrrjc rtdi:vdopment to work tcgd1cr in a :ime.'y maMe: to pn:-,e.'lt, w.css, sife.ly c!=up 11.d sun:iinably reisc: brownfic!ds. AJ part ofthi3 inia:ivc;E'A wtll ,ward BrcwrO::elc!s Ocnup ll.i:vot-.ing Loan Fund (BOU) De.-nons:nticn Pilcu to the swc:., c:::ic:., tcwns, i:::uncc, ter.:tcries, and Inawi :r.1:cs to tat BClU.F and fac:iiwe c:orcfuwi::: ,ui:iic ar.d privil• c!=up eEcru. For th• \59i 5scal yw (F':'9i), only coc ti cs thaL have boe:1 awudcd Nalicnal or R-.icnal brownliclds usc:sm•ot ,uou prier to Oc:obcr 199 S wtll be e!:z,ble to 1pply to EPA' s BClU.F demon•-"~cn ;:iicu . Tne .'lgc:tC"f wt11 irj1i•t• follow-up cle-11up gnnu ot"up to nso,ooo ~ch to opitalizc revolving loan func!s for 29 pilot re:ipients who ccmplc:tcd the inilial brownfield pilct r.ige 011:J11i" lON LO ::: F.U :o:\Z,G IIZI • ..v-a o r .-a ·. El'.\ ClWl'l'l OP5 . " J ... ~ ~ ; The 3CRLF demCM"lt:On pilot ccopemive agre:me.,u ,..;u be :undec unner § !ll4(ciXJ).,,-'_,. of the Comprehensive E.,wcnmenta.l Response, Compe:o~ticn, and I.iii:ilit'/ Ac: oC1980, as . ame.,ciec (CE.1.a.A). r-· Conclu,ian ' £x;loring suc:i a ?ilct l.l the 38L" wu not e::·,isicned u :he tim e 40 C:il Put 35 Subp&r. O W>.l ;romu!gatc:!. To 111ow ; ·-suu:s ta c:e:::cnr.n:e, en a ?ttOI basil, lhcir abiiiiy to me:t tl:cir iwc:d obj...:--'vc. 1 dcvfatir ~ ·i ne:::e: tern tJo.ose ;orjcns cf ~0 a:t JS.6105(1), as rcf'C'=-~c:d :n ·IO G i5.6Z0!(;) u:·; ;c), w,,;r;i rc:;uirc the :e:::Fie.,t to St:brnit ..,jib iu ~piic;r.cns sitc-spc::'.=c :nicr.:-.;c r.c. be-~ 1 'tc ic:c,cacicn will sot oc:-z u the appfic:11:cn phase cftJ,.., c::ope:':ltive lil'=e.-:t. OSV.E. S-..lta it is' net rwcr~ic fer E?A to roquire re:::pie::u ta ide.,cfy spec'.i:c si:a in ,~:·pe:,t've •gre=e.,t lFplic::~cns sine:: ere ;ur;cse cf the prognrn is to c:n,c·...e r~c., i.~d lcc:J ;.r.vc_•s:::e.,u :c ·wcrk wit h ct.~c:-sulc:!:clcim in c:::r.crric rodevc!c,:r.e.it :o ice.ti.-:, site, ~·.u •=,i :!c:.~cps unc:c:-:he 30U.." ;,ilot prosnzn_ CccFe.-.zive 1e7e=e.-:: recpie.,u will n:tr:i.'t all site-s;:e=:c :r.fcr:::1:icn :e~i:ired undc:-40 ~ 35.610!(,) to E?A one,: a sit• is :ce.,ti:d i.,d the inii:r.r.a::cn be:::mcs ,vailable. Ycu we rc:;uco:ed • tieviat:cn :-cm 40 C:R 15.€2C!(d) :c lllow .E? A ta' -,,uve :he s-.aie · c:cst slw-e =~ icr re:T.cval c::s-..s en bc!-..ilf oi 1 pclicid rtii:c:iv:iion fer tl:e :SCRU pu0I c::cpe~ agr=-iu. Tr.c Offic: ofGe:ic."31 Counse! (QC<:) 1w ,rovidcc dwc::iccn q{ CS.Cl...\. cost~ rc:,uire:::c::u :n the= ofre.-::cvil c::c,e...,tivc.3gr=er.ts. OC-C has 1dvi1c:! us that no d.-,iaricn :s :e:;circ:! :rem this provision ~=sc such usunnc::i :., only r=:uird whc:1 a fwu!.fi.,..,,c:<i r,mc:!ial ac:::cn u un,C"'.3lce:i. Tlrus. ~=~sc tl:c BCR!.F c:_:,,or,=i;on pilol C::CFcn:..'v . •il'•=c~U ue :o l:e llmit::: to ;e:,:cyal3ci£n:, l deviation c;...~..n1 r~::ic:i.aJ &C0zu ii u:-.. ~e-""-=s~ry, · · · . All othc:-:e;sir=c::u cf 40 Ci'R Par. 1$, Sul:p&r. 0 ·vill .;:,iy :o the 3CR!.: ;ilot C::CFe.-.iive :igr=e.-ns. 2 ' .. ·•·";t UNITE TATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION·A.<;JNC.'l l'IIQION VIII •• Ref: 8TMS-G Ms. Jan e E. Norton ExitCUtive Director 119 11111 STlll!T · SUITI 500 DIN\"!l'I, Ctef'e~ ~-2• .. Colorado l:lepartment of Public Health and Envirol'llnent 4300 Cherry Creek urive South Denver . CO 80246-1530 ' .. . ) Re : Brownfields Cleanup Revolving Loan Fund BL 988116-01-0 Dear Ms. Nor-.on : We are please., o inform you that we are approving your applicaticn for the Brownfields Cleanup Revolving Loan Fund Prcyram in the amount of S1,700 ,000 . This award represents 100% of the amount requested in your FY 1999 application . • Please sign and date all copies, retain the rec :pient copy for your files and return • the remaining EPA copies to the Grants , Aud~ and Procurement Prcgram Office (8TMS-G). If you have any questions regarding this amendment. please contact Beverly Goodsell at (303) 312-6507 or, if you have any questions regarding the tecl1_nical requirements, contact David Ostrander at (303) 312-6931 . Enclosures cc : Ray Eri cson , CDPHE Sinairely , /} wt.~~ Grants , A••dit & Procurement Program Office • STATE OF COLORADO •o.....~ ,-1.-..i. ....... a.-°""--"'_""'..,....,,,,,. ___ al,,,.pcp;.alCol>ldo 4!400-emtiOt.l . ~----0-,CalotadoSOl'6-1llO 11111l"'"'l'M-I 1 "-00ll 69l-1000 0.-CCl"802lMfl8 -=== OGJ169l•~ 1-?:i Novembe:-12, 1999 a;. ";j, Bevdy Goodsell Senior Grants Specialist Grants, Audit & Procurement l.:S En,i ronmenul Protection Agency, Region vm, STMS-G 999 18,. S1ree<, Suite 500 Denver, CO 80202-2466 I I-·I I . R.z : Brown:ie!ds Cle:mup Revolving Loan Fund BL 988116-01-0 De:irBeve:-ly: _, ..... ,:: ':l (.. g co v.: Enclosed ar: two exec-.ued copies of the ab9ve-refc:-enced grant signed by the Colorado Depar::ne::t of Public He:tlth ll!d Environment We have retained our c:opy. If you have any questions, ple35C c:ill me at (303) 692-2021, or contact Ray Ericson, fiscal officer, direedy at (303 ) 692-j30i. Sincere ly , r / I (a.._:._ )t ~--<i -(~>- Maria S. Z~-Sanchez. Admir.istnrive Assistant Enc losur: c: Rly ::icson. CDPHE = M :::l llJ -,. 1\f;~•·:,1 ~ ~;",:ffi,•~:'::1~,mr,1'1\~•1:!• .. """; .. :,-,•:,1r •i-;,,· I'.,, ExfliBrr·3'1 ~. ;··.•r ·1 :• ' ,, ' ' .. • LINE ITEM BUDGET (M/30/2000 Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment Cost Loan Fuon CHFA Admlnlalrallve Charges (estimated) Cltle ~ Admlnatrallve BudQeta Bud et Breakdown b Ci Coalllon . . EPA '' :I, '·City ,•· ... 'Award Denver $ 500,000 Englewood $ 500,000 Lakewood $ 350,000 Loveland $ 350,000 Total $ 1,700,000 Total ..... ·t,oan . ,· ! Amount $ 425,000 $ 425,000 $ 297,500 $ 297,500 $ 1,445 ,000 $ $ $ $ $ ·City's 20,000 20,000 14,000 14 ,000 68,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 51 ,t'OO 1,445,000 136,000 68,000 11,700,000 -· __ l~ 40,000 40,000 28,000 28,000 136,000 Footnote : The following approximate budget wil be added lo the Revolvlng Loan Fund upon lranfer of the Sand Creek Revolving Loan fund grant to this revolving loan fund . Commerce City $ 500,000 $ ◄25 ,000 $ 20,000 $ 40,000 • ( l I • CQUNCLCQMMUNfCAJ19N DATE: AGENDA ITEM SUBJECT: Colorado Brownflelds Cleanup 11 a Ill Revolving Loan Fund April 17 , 2000 INmATEDBY : STAFF SOURCE: Community Development Darren Hollingsworth, Economic Development Specialist COUNCIL GOAL AND PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION: Community Development: Initiate community revitalization and growth strategies . Previous Council Action (September, 1997): Englewood is currently under an intergovernmental agreement with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for a Brownfield~ Assessnent Pilot program. This Is an ongoing grant to pay for qualified environmental assessments. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff recommends that City Council approve the attached dill for Ordinance entering into an intergovernmental agreement to establish the Colorado Elrownflelds Cleanup Revolving Loa.n Fund. This 1,,an fund provides $425,000 of low Interest !inancing to assist with environmental cleanup activities in Englewood . BACKGROUND. ANALYSIS. AND ALTERNATIVES IDENTIFIED: The State Department of Health and Environment received a $1 .85 million grant from the US . Environmental Protection Agency to estab :lsh a revolving loan fund to facilitate cleanup of contaminated sites . Englewood is represented in a five-city coalition of front range communities, which is established to administer the loan program . This coalition Is comprised of participants from Commerce City, Lakewood, Loveland, and the City and County of Denver. The Colorado Brownfields Cleanup Revolving Loan Fund presents an opportunity for the Englewood business community by providing llnancing for environmental cl eanup activities . The new grant complements the Cl!y's existing Brownfield Pilot Program, which funds qualified assessment activitie s. FINANCIAL IMPACT: Englewood is not required to provide financial resources to enter into the proposed Intergovernmental agreement. The Environ mental Protection Agency provides all funding necessa,y to capitalize the proposed revolving loan fund and provide each of the member cities with a $25 ,000 administrative budget. Establishing the Colorado Brownfields Cleanup Revolving Loan Fund strengthens Englewood 's ab ility to redevelop environmentally impacted sites . LIST OF ATTACHMENTS: Proposed Bill for Ordinance Memorandum of Agreement