HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000 Ordinance No. 043ORDINANCE NO . JjJ_ SERIES OF 2000 BY AUTHORITY COUNCIL BILL NO. 50 INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER BRADSHAW AN ADMINISTRATIVE ORDINANCE REPEAIJNG TITLE 6, CHAPTER 2!1, "SECONDHAND STORFl:t AND AMENDING TITLE 5, CHAPTER 15, SECTION 1, TO INCLUDE "SECONDHAND DEALERS"; RENUMBERING Tl'!'LE 5, CHAPTER 29, SECTION 3, "SALE AND DISPLAY OF WEAPONS" AND AMENDING TITLE 4, CHAPTER 4, SECTION 2, ENTITLED "DEFINITIONS" AND TITLE 4, CHAPTER 4, SECTION 4, SUBSECTION 3(8), ENTITLED "EXEMPT TAXPAYERS: GARAGE SALES", AMENDING TITLE 5, CHAPTER 15, TO INCLUDE SECONDHAND DEALERS AND AMENDING TITLE 7, CHAPTER 6C WITH THE ADDITION OF A NEW SECTION 5 ENTITLED "SALF AND DISPLAY OF WEAPONS"; AND AMENDING TITLE 7, CHAP'l'ER 6(F), SECTION 6 WITH THE ADDITION OF A NEW SUBSECTION C, OF THE ENGLEWOOD MUNICIPAL CODE 1985. WHEREAS, the Englewood City Council baa meet at a number of etudy oellliona and paaaed ordinance• to clean up, 1implify and add to Title 5 of the Englewood Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the passage of thia Ordinance repeals Title 5, Chapter Z9, which , addreaaea iaauea surrounding garage aalea, secondhand dealers and the aale of display of weapons; and WHEREAS, the City currently doea not license garage sales, secon~4nd dealers and weapons dealers, 10 the proviaiona are being moved to more appropriate Tit!N and Chapters in the Englewood Municipal Code; NOW, THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, AS FOLLOWS: . ~l-The City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado hereby repeals Title 5, Chapter 29, of the Englewood Municipal Code 1985 ir. ;ts entirety. ~-The City Council of the City of Englewood. Colorado hereby amenda Title 5, Chapter 15, of the Englewood Municipal Code 1985, to read ae followe: CHAPTER 15 PAWNBROKERS AND SECONDHAND DEALERS 5-15-1: DEFINITIONS: AS USED IN THIS SEC'rlON, THE FOLLOWING TERMS SHALL HAVE THE MEANINGS INDICATED : CONTRACT FOR PURCHASE : A a,ntrect entered into between a pawnbrolu,r and a CU1tomer pursuant to which money ia -1- FIXED PRICE: FIXEDTlME: LOCAL LAW ENFORCEME!-rl' AGENCY: OPTION: PAWNBROKER: PERSON: POLICE DIVISION: PURCHASE TRANSACTION: advanced /o the customer by the pawnbroker on the delivery ,,r tangible peraonal prol"'rty by the cualomo,· to the pawnbroker on the condition that the ,mto01er, for a med price and ivitbin a fixed per od of time, not to exceed ninety {!/0) days, h!la th,, option to cancel the contract and recover fro~, the pawnbroker the tangible personal p~'"Operty. The amount agreet! 11pon to cancel a contract for pun:hase during the optic~ ••.-io<!. Said fixed price shall not exceed: (1) One-tenth (1/10) of the original price £or each month, plus the original pun:haae price, on amounts or fifty dollars ($50.00) or over; or (2) One-fifth (1/5) of the original purchase price £or each month, plus the original purchase price, on amounts under fifty dollars ($50.00). That period or time, not to exceed ninety (90) days, as set forth in a contract £or purchase, within which the customer may exercise an option to Cllllcel the contract £or purchase. Any marshal's office, police agency, o£ eherift's office with jurisdiction in the locality in which the customer enters into a contract £or purchase o.r a purchase transaction. The fixed time and the fixed price agreed upon by the customer and the pawnbroker in which a contract for purcha"" may be, but does not have to b,,, reecinded by the customer. A pe10on regularly engaged in the business of malting contracts fur purchase <>r purchaae traneuctiona in the course of busineu. Thia Sectic,n shall not apply to secondhand dealers unlean specifically adopted by another oection. Any individual, firm , partnership, association, cori>oration , company, organization , group or entity of any kind . The Police Division of the Department of Safety Service■ for the City of Englewood . The purchaee by a pawnbroker in the course or business or tangible personal property £or reoale, other than newly manufactured taqible peraonal property which has not previously teen -2- .. • SECONDHAND DEALER : TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY: oold at retail, wLP:, 1111Cb ))!1'."haae doe1 not conetitute a conl.:tact for purchaoe . locluda, anv t~qonal REPRldY ppt Mid •• new end nermallx havin1 bNP Mte4 bv qpo ~1gpediariu Seamdbemt PERRPPY deea net include itsme that wsm eeJd v RPW and £Plumed bx thp SMISRWIF fer PlrhlPP pr mfund Alao 18COodb1nd property dpp not ipclude reconditioned property purclwpd from a ~- A pennn engapd in the bwrinw of buying and selling or reselling RE9ndband 1994!· All personal property other than chooaes in action , securities, or printed evidence■ of indebtedness, which property ia deposited with or otherwise actually delivered into the poaseseion of a pawnbroker in tbe course of busineSB in connP .:tion with a contract for purchase or purchase transaction . 5-16-2 : LICENSING REQUIRED: It shall be unlawful for any person to offer or provide the oervu:es of a pawnbroker without first obtainin1 a license. A 11800pdhand dealer is nqt required to be liqMed but ia required to follow any and all requirement.a inthie ChPtet G-15-3: APPLICATION FOR LICENSE: Pawnbroker licenses shall be issued in accordance with Chapter 1, of this Title. G-lM: SPlWIAL CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS OF THE LICENSE: In addition to tl,e requirementl in Chapter 1 of this Title, the following special conditions or restrictions apply: A. Every litenaee shall display a valid license in a conspicuous place within the pawnbrol:era establishment ao it may be readily seen by persona entering the premises. B. LICENSE NOT TRANSFERABLE: Any license issued pursuant to this Chapter shall not be transferable . Any such license may not be transferred to either another person or a location other than that listed in the license application. Any change in the partners of a partnership or in officers, directors, or holders of ten percent (10%} or more of the stock of a er· porate licensee holding a pawnbroker license shall result in termination of the li.-ense of the partnership or corporation unleaa a written amendment to the original application is submitted within thirty (30) days of the change and approved by the Licensing Offioer. -3- C. BOND REQUIRED: Al. part of the licensing procea■, the applicant shall furnish a good and sufficient bond in a sum lo be determined by the City and aet by reaolution. S11ch bond shall be conditioned upon the faithful obaervance of the requirementa of this Chapter and conditioned upon the aafekeepinf or rel\lrn of all articlae in pledce by ouch pawnbroker. D. INSURANCE REQtnRED: A1I part of the liceneing process , the applicant ahall provide fire and property damage inaurance for all property the pawnbroker holde by .!Ontract, in Ille minimum amount of one-half (1/2) of such property'• contro<ied value in caae of damage er destruction. The applicant muat provide the licr,nainc officer proof of such insurance coverage before a pawnbroker license ia iast1ed . Proof ohhie insurance ooverage must be provided each time a request for a renewal is filed with the licenaing officer. E. BACKGROUND INVJ?STIGATION: Applicante will be subject to a police background investigatio11 ae part of the application proccse. F . CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP OR MANAGEMENT: I. A pawnbroker may employ a manager to operate the bueineaa, provided the pawnbroker retains complete control of all aspecte of the buaineu, including but not limited to, the pawnbroker'• right to poueaaion of the premises, his/her reeponaibility for all debte, and the pawnbroker muat bear all risk of lose or opportunity for profit from the busineea. 2 . In the event ofa cha~ge ofowner, officer, director, or holder of more than ten percent (10%) of 1'he shares of stock of a corporate license holder, partner of a partnership, or manager; disclosure in writing by amendment of the original application for the iaauance of a pawnbrobr's license thereof shall be made to the Licenaing Officer within thirty (30) daye of the change. 3.. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Section. neither a new license nor an amendment to an existi ng lice nse shall be required upon any change. directly or beneficially, in the ownerehip of any licenud pawnshop, which ia owned directly or beneficially by a pereon that aa an issuer of a claas of sl~;urities registered pursuant to Section 12 , of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the "Act") or is an iaauer of securitiee which ia required to file reports with the Securities and Exchan1e Commission pursuant to Section 15 (d) of the Act, provided that such person fil es with the Commissioner such information , document.a and reporta as a re required by the provisions of the Act to be filed by such iaauer with the Securities and Exchange Commission . Such iuuer shall file with the Licensing Officer information on managers, officere and directors of such issuer of any licensed or intermediate subsidiary aa ia otherwise required of managers , officers and directors of corporate pawnbroke rs. 4. The applicant or license holder shall pay a fee for amendment of the application, which fee shall be determined by the City and eel by resolution . The new manager shall be photographed, fingerprinted and investig ated aa required in this Code . -4 - • 0. REQUIRED ACTS: 1. A pawnbroker or PIP?ndhand dealer ■hall keep a numerical regiater in which shall be n,corded the followin1 mformatwn: the name, addreli, and date of birth of the cuatomer; the cuatomer'a driver's licenae number or other identification number from any other form of identification which i.o allowed f'or sale of valuable articlea purauant to Colorado Revised Statute■i PE (91 the ple of ae59pdhand property pureuant to Colorade ltevipd Statuse · the date, time and place of the contract for purchase or purcliase transaction; and an accurate and detailed account and des<:ription of each item of tangible peraonal property, including, but not limited to, any trademark, identification number, aerial number, model number, brand name, or other identifying marb on such property. the pawnbroker ahall also obtain a written declaration of the cuotomer's ownarahip which sball atete that each piece of tangible personal property i.o totally owned by the customer, or shall haft attached to ouch declaration a power of sale from the partial owner to the customer, bow Ions the cuatomer has owned each piece of property, whether the CUl1mlitr or someone else found the property, and, if the property was found, the detaili, of the finding. 2. If the contract for purchase or other purchase transaction involve■ more than one item, each item shall be recorded OD the pawnbroker's or aecondhand ~ register and on the customer's declaration of ownership. 3 . The customer shall sip hie or her name in such register and on the declaration of ownership and n,ceive a copy of the contract of purchase or a receipt for the purchase transaction. 4. The customer shall affix a right index 6nKOrprint to the declaration of ownership. 5. Such register ehall be made available to any local law enforcement apnc-J for inspection at any reaaonable time . 6. The pawnbroker or pecondband dealer shall keep each register for at least three (3) years after the date of the last traneaction entered in the register. 7. A pawnbroker shall hold all contracted gooda within bia/ber jurisdiction for a period of ten (10) days following the maturity date of the contract for purcbaae, during which time such gooda ■ball be held separate and apart from any other tangible personal property, and shall not be changed in form or altered in any way, 8.. A pawnbroker s hall bold all property purchased by him/her through a purchase transaction for thirty (30) days following the date of purchase, during which time such property shall be held separate and apart from any other tangible peroonal property, and ,ball not be changed in form or altered in any way. 9 . Every pawnbroker oball provide the local law enf'orcament a1ency, on a weekly bP.'18, with two (2) oopie■ of the records, on a form to be providsd or approved by the local law enforcament aKOncy, of all tangible personal property accepted -S- durint the preceding week and one copy of the cualDmer'a ~eclr,,~n1?! , ownerehip form. The form shall contain the aame information ~uiml to be reconled in the pawnbroker's regilter pureuant ID this §ection. The local law enforcement agency •hall desilll"te the date of the we<:k on which the recorda and declarations shall be submitted. 1 10 . Every pawnbroker shall clear, through the City, prior ID release, all firearm ■, other than those wh.: ·h are newly manufactured and which have not been previou■ly sold at retail . 11. Every pawnbroker ■hall pay ID the city a fee for every transaction form . this fee shall be determined by the City ond set by resolution. 12 . Every pawnbroker shall, at hia/her expense, keep recorda or provide reporte in such manner and by such methods as may be determined from time ID time by the Licensing Offioer. H. PROHIBITED ACTS: 1. No pawnbroker, employee, or agent of the pa wnbroker or 11£9P4hond dealer shall enter inlD a contract for purchase or purchase tranaaction with any person under the age of eighteen (18) years or with any person under the influence of alcoholic beverage or drugs. 2 . No pawnbroker, employee, or agent of the pawnbroker or ,econdhand de&lu shall enter inlD a contract for the purchase or purchase transaction with any person known ID that employee or agent to be a thief or to have been convicted of larceny or burglary, without firat notifying the department of safety services. Such notioe shall not be deemed as authorization by the city for the pawnbroker or secondhand duleLto enter into any contract with such person. 3. No pawnbroker shall take any tangible personal property from a customer on consignment. 4 .. With respect to a contract for purchaae, no pawnbroker, employee or agent of a pawnbroker may permit any customer to become obligated on the eame dey in any way under more than one cont::a ct for purchase agr•ement with the pawnbroker which would re1ult in the pawnbroker obtaining a greater amount of money than would be permitted if the pawnbroker and cualDmer had entered into only one contract for purchase covering the sa me tangibie personal property . 5 . No pawnbroker, employee or agent of a pawnbroker ahall violate the terms of the contract for purchaa;:-. 6. No pawnbroker, employee or agent of a pawnbroker or secondhand _dukr shall enter into a contract for purchase or purchase transaction for any tangible personal property wherein the identification number, aerial number, model number, brand name, owner'e identification number or -6- • other ide ntifyinc marka on such property have been totally or partially obecured . 7.. No pawnbroker, employee or agent of a pawnbrokar lhall enter into a contract for purchaae or a purchase tranaaction when the property, which ia tha ■ubject of the contract for purchaae or purchase tranaaction, ia other than tangible property. 8.. No pawnbroker, employee or agent of a pawnbroker ,hall aak, demand or receiv e any greater rate of interest, commisaion and compenaation than the total rate of one-tenth (1/10) of the original purchue priae for each month, plua the original purchaae price, on amounte of&Ay dollare ($50.00) or over, or one-fifth (1/5) of the original purcheae price for each month, plus the original purchase price on amounts under fifty dollara ($50.00). No other charges shall be made by the pawnbroker upon renewal of ony contract for purchase or at any other time . in the event any such charges are made, the contract shall be void. Any contract for the payment of commiaaiooa by the cuatomer for making a contract for purchase or tangible personal property shall be null and void. I. HOLD ORDERS AND SURRENDER OF PROPERTY: 1. Any law enforcement officer may order a pawnbroker to bold any lanpble personal property deposited with or in the custody of any pawnbroker~ aeco~dhand dealer for purposes of further investigation. A bold order shall be effective upon verbal notification to t he pawnbroker !I eecondhand dealer. No sale or other imposition may be made of such ' proper,y held by any pawnbroker .or aecondhand dealer while the bold order remains outstanding. a hold order ,hall aupereede all other provisions of thia chapter, and any sale or other diapoaition of the property after the pawnbroker or aeg,ndhand dealer h.Ga been notified of a hoid order shall be unlawful and a violation of thia Section. 2. If any la w enforcement officer determines that any article of personal property held by a pawnbroker lll..Bl:!llldh.lUlll..!lulu ia stolen or illegally obtained property, such officer may immediately confiscate such property and must provide the pawnbroker or secondhand dealer with a receipt and case report number . J. LIABILITY OF PAWNBROKER : A pawnbroker orsecopdband dealer who accept.a any article in a purchas e or contract of purchase transaction from a customer who is not the owner thereof obtains no title in the article either by reaaon of the e,rpiration of the contract or by tranafer of the receipt to the pawnbroker by the customer or holder thereof. l gnorance of the fact that the article waa lost or stolen shall oat be construed to effect the question of the title. If the pa wnbroker shall sell such article to a third person, the pawnbroker shall recover the article or reimburse the fair market value of the article. The lawful owner may, upon proof of hia o• ;,. r OWDerfbip of the article lost or s tolen, claim the same from the pawnoroker ~ -7- I pecopdheud dgalor or recover the aame by the appropriate le1al meau including, without limitation, forfeiture of the fair market value of ouch article out of the bond required by Section 6-15-4(C). 2. A pawnbroker ohall be liable for the loaa of tanpble pononal property or part thereof or for damages thereto, whether caused by fire, theft, burglary or otherwise, resulting from his or her failure to exercise rea1011P ' 1.e care in repnl to it . K . HOURS OF PAWNBROKERS: It is unlawful for any pawnbroker to operate during the following houre and on the following daya: I . After tan o'clock (10:00) P .M. and before eight o'clock (8 :00) A.M., Monday through Sa turday. 2. On Sunday. ~-The City Council of the City of Englewood, Coloredo hereby renumbera Title 6, Chapter 29, Section 3, to Title 7, Chapter 6C, Section 5, "Sale and Display of Wearone", of the Englewood Municipal Code 1985, which shall read u follows : M8-8t 1:§.C:§: SALE AND DISPLAY OF WEAPONS: It shall be unlawful fo r any pawnbroker or seaindband dealsr, or any other penon e ngaged in the wholesale or retail aale , rental or exchange of any of the weapona hereinafter named to display or plaoe or exhibition in any show window facing upon any street, any pistol, revolver or other fu-earm with barrel less then twelve incbea (12j in length, or any breu or metal knuckleo, or any club loaded with lead or other weigbta , or any blackjack or billydub. A. Every pawnbroker, aeaindband dealer, or other person angaged in the sale, rental or exchange of any weapon& described in this Section aball keep a moord of each such weapon purchased, sold , rented or exchanged at retail. Said re.x,rd shall be made at the time of the tranaaction, in a book kept for that purpose, and aball indude the name of the person to whom or 6nm whom such wea pon ia purchased , sold or rented , or with whom exchonged; his age, physical description, oa:upation, resulence and if residing in a city, the street and number where he res ides ; the make , caliber and finish of the fire ,· rm , toge t her with the number or aerial letter thereof if any; the date of the purchase, sa le , rental or exdiange of such wea pon; and the name of the employee or ot he r person making such purchase, s ale, rents! or exchanp. Sa id record book shall be open upon request at all re a sonable timeo to the inspection of any duly authorized po:ice oflioer of the City. B. It shall be unlawful fur any peroon to purchase, sell, loan or furnish any gun, pistol or other lil'f,arm in whidi any explolive subs tar.a, can be used , to any person under the influenoe of alcohol, or any narcotic drug, stimulant or de pree■ant, or to ~ny i:ienon in a condition of agitation or excitability or to any minor under the ag., of eighteen (18) ysars . ~-The City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado be,eby amends and renumbero Title 5, Chapter 29, Soctioo l(C), to Title 7, Chaptar-6F, Section 6, of the Englewood Municipal Code 1985, which shall read as follows : -8- • • ~ ~: POSTERS POSTING A1'iD DESTRUCTION: C. -6dl IH!flaM are permiMIII '8 e,ee• eip arlue1tiaio1 a 1a1a1e Nie is Ike••• ri1ltt of,.., p,..,.;4,4 Ni4 ,,.,,. •••• the Wle• inr re~memo1111 . WIIII adnrtmv ,,ran HIM M deAaed iP 'i M C 1·4·2 em pgt RRPPitM4 ip 5lte public right.of•way Sima edx,l'tiains prep alee Pl d@Opgd iP E.M C 4:1·2 pre e,rmitt.od on Prixtt.A prpporty PmidmJ the li!PI mpot1AI.Jollpwiy requinmMY= 1. Do not exceed eighteen inches by eighteen inches (18" x 18j. 2. Bear the name and addn,aa of the person holding the garage sale and date(s) of sale. 3, Are not placed Oil a traffic rerwatory device Or municip~Utility structure. 4. Do not obstruct traffic •iew or liinder municipal ~perationa. A· Are not posted more than three (3\ daya prior or three Gil daya after Y, ruap aale It ehell be Prima r,gp stidene; that the eartv identified on the @ilP hM elassd ~ ~-II ehall ho llft!a ,NI r.,.,,, garage oole oig,,"' he poalc~ more !he lhree ~a) da,1 prie~ or three (3) tt.,1 aAe1 •e 1••1• ea1e . ~-The Englewood City Council of the City oC Englewood, Colorado hereby renumbers Title 5, Chepter 29, Section l(A), to Title 4, Chapter 4, Section 2 • DEFINITIONS , oC the Englewood Municipal Code 1985 , by inaerting the following definition alphabetically. M9-l/t< ~: DEFINITIONS: GARAGE SALE : Includes all sales entitled "garap aale," 11 lawn sales," "'attic sale, "'rummage sale," or similar sale of tangible personal property which is advertised to the public at large. ~-The Englewood City Council of the City o( Englewood, Colorado hereby renumbers and amends Title 5, Chapter 29 , Section l(B). to Title 4, Chapter 4, Section 4, Subsection 3(8)(4), of the Englewood Municipal Code 1985 , with the addition of a new -9- ~): ._._._,, EXEMPTIONS TO SALES TAX Llci;NSE; B. !· Soleo 'l'n l.ieenoe Hol Be11wed . Pe1110ns holdins a garage aala ~ ~for not more than three (3) conuecutive days per calendar year ■hall not be niquired to obtain a sales tax liomse. pro,;ded !he fello"mc pro.ieie111 -+. The peraan hao not JHUbcipate ,t-itt 1:1:nnther 111a1e aa)e is~ e•.nent ealenda1 )em-, -a. ~rare aale lta~tm.ed ftt the leeati on. in t:fte emrcnt ealendo, l eor . ~-Sefety Cleusea The City Council, hereby finds, determines, and declares that thia Ordinance u, pt0mul1-ated 1mder the general police power of the City of Englewood , that it u, promulgatnd for the health, safety, and welfan, of the public, and that thu, Ordinance is nece,.ary for the preservation of health and safety and for the prot.ection of public convenience and welfare. The City Council further deurmines that the Ordinance bean a rational relation to the proper legislative object aought to be obtainetl. ~-Soverabiljty If any clause, oentence, paragraph, or part of thu, Ordinance or the application thereof t,, any person or circumatances shall for any reason be adjudged by a court of competent jurisdiction invalid , auch judgmei.t shall not affect impair or invalidate the rem,tinder of this Ordinance or ite applitation to other persona or cirr.1unstancea . ~ Jnronaietent QrdinAPCeft · All other Ordinances or portions thereof inconaiatent or conflicting ,-ith this Ordinance or any portion hem,( are hereby repealed to the extent of au.ch inconaiste11cy or eonftict . ~ Elii:s:I pf repeal pr mpdjjir-'ltiwl. The repeal or modification of any provision of the Code of the City of Englewo,,d by this Ordinance a'1.U not release, extinguish. alter, modify , or change in whole or in part any penalty, forfeiture , or li ability, either civil or criminal, which shall have been incurred under ouch provioion, and each provision shall be treated and held as still remaining in foroe for the purposes of sustaining any and all proper acti ons , suits , proceedings , and prosecutions £or the enforcem ent of the penalty, forfe iture, or l.iability, ns well as for the purpose of sustaining any judgment, decree, or osder which can or may be rendered , entered , or made in such acti ons , suits, proce e 1ngs, or prosecutions . ~-Penalty Proyjajpp. The P,malty Provisions ofE.M.C. Section 1•4-1 shall a pply to each and every violation of this Ordinance . Introduced , read in full , and passed 011 fir st reading on the 5th day of June, 2000 . • • Published aa a Bill for an Ordinance on the 9th day of June, 2000. Read by title and pa88ed on final reacting on the 26th day of June, 2000 , Published by title aa Ordinance No.1li, Series of 2000, on the 30th day of June, 2000, I, Loucriahia A. Elli.a, City Clerk of the City of Englewood, Colorado, hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true COP)';,llf the Ordinance a...d on final reading and publiahed by title u Ordinance No. n Series of 20 . -1 i- • COUNCIL COMMUNICA'OON Date Agend11t9m Subject June 5, 2000 BHI for an ordinance repealing TIiie 5, Chapter 29 and amending TIiie 4, 10aii Chapter 4, Section 2; T11le 5, Chapter 15; ar.d Title 7, Chapter 8C of the Englewood City Code Initiated By Staff Source City of Englewood , .AJmlnistrative Services Frank Gryglewicz, Director Department COUNCIL GOAL AND PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION The City Council has met at a number of study sessions and passed ordinances to clean up, simplify and add to TIUe 5 of the City of Englewood Municipal Code. RECOMMENDED ACTION Staff recommends the City Council approve the attached bill far an ordinance . BACKGROUND, ANALYSIS, AND ALTERNATIVES IDENTIFIED This bill for an ordinance repeals TIiie 5, Chapter 29 . which addresses issues surrounding garage sales , secondhand dealers , and the sale and display of weapons . The City does not license garage sales , secondhand dealers , and weapons dealers, so the provisions are being moved to more appropriate TIUes and Chapters in the Code. This bill for an ordinance does change the content regarding garage sales and display of weapons , but does require secondhand dealers to comply with some of the requ irements of pawnbrokers . This action is part of the continuing efforts by City staff to clarify , clean up , and simplify miscellaneous license provis ions included in TIiie 5. No alternatives were identified . FINANCIAL IMPACT This action has no impact on City finances . UST OF ATTACHMENTS Proposed bill for an ordinance