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WHEREAS, the Cities snd Counties recognize that growth and development
decisions can impact neigh · g jurisdictions snd t he region; and
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WHEREAS, Metro Vliion 2020, collaboratively created by DRCOG members,
business, environmental and neichborhood leaden, provides a regional framaw o,·k for
local decisions on growth and development within the Denver. Regional Council of
Governmenta; and •
WHEREAS, the Cities and Counties are willing to make a commitment to the
accommodation and encouragement o( planned growth and development, to the orderly
extension of urban services, to the enhancement of the quality of life, to the protection
of the environment, and to the promotion of the economic viability o( their respective
communities and the region; and
WHEREAS, the Cities and Counties support planned growth and development to
maximize efli.ci~DFY througq coordination among jurisdictions, provide for the orderly
extension and inter,ation of urban services, promote the economic vitality of the Cities
and Counties and enhance the quality of life oCita residenta; and
WHEREAS, the Cities and Counties have Comprehensive/Master Plans that provide
for the development within their respective jurisdictions; and they recognize the need
to have consistent and coordinated comprehensive plans and master plans in order to
provide for the orderly growth and development of the region; and
WHEREAS, the C' ,ties and Counties desire to voluntarily and collaboratively aet
forth the principles defined herein that illustrate their commitment to ad,lress the
nature and location of growth within their individual and overlapping jurisdictions and
the region as a whole.
Sl!:tilm..1-The City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado, hereby approvea
and adopta the Mile High Compact among the Citiee and Counties organized and
existing by virtue of the laws of the State of Colorado, a copy of which is attached
hereto and incorporated herein by reference .
10b W
~. The Mayor ia authorized to execute the Mile Hieb Compact for and on behalf of the City of Englewood, Colorado ,
Introduced, read in full, and PUied on firot readinr on the 5th day of June, 2000,
Publiahed aa a Bill for an Ordinance on the 9th day of June, 2000,
Read by title and paued on final readinc on the 26th day of June, 2000.
Publiahed by title •• Ordinance No. ff' Seriea of 2000, on the 30th day of June, 2000 ,
A~, ·t[M
r, Loucriabia A. Ellis, City Clerk of the City of Englewood, Colorado, hereby certily
that the abo,,e and foregoinl is a true copy,o/the Onlina PUied on final readinr
and publiahed by title aa Ordinance No. fl Seriea of 2 .
THIS AGRE:MENT is made and entered into this __ day of . ii.s• c:,
200_, pursuant to Articie XIV. Section 18(2)(a) of the Constitution of Cclorado and Section ·' uo•
29-1-203 of the Colorado Revised StaMes, by and among the cities of
_______ [home rule and/or statutory cities], and towns of
__________ political subdivisions of the State of Colorado, hereinaftir'
referred to as 'Cities•, and the counties of _____ Colorado, bodies politic o~ariized
under and exlstfng by virtue of the laws of the State of Colorado, hereinafter raterrad tq,~
'Counties." ·
I. WHEREAS, the Cities and Counties recognize that growth and development decisions
can impact neighboring jurisdictions and the region; and
II . WHEREAS, Metro Vision 2020, collaboratively created by DACCG members,
business, environmental and nefghborhoc:::t leaders; provides a regional framework for local
decisions on growth and development within the Denver Regional Council of G-Jvemments'
(DRCCG) region; and
Ill. WHEREAS , the Cities and Counties are •Nilling to make a commitment tc the
.c::::mmodation and encouragement of planned growth and development. to '.he orcer1y
extension of urban servicas, to the enhancement of the quality of life, to the p otectic:i of the
environment, and to the promotion ct the economic viability of their l'l!SpectivE1· communities
and tr.a region; and ·
IV . WHEREAS, the Cities and Countles support planned growth and development to
maximize efficiency through coorcination among jurisdic:ions, provic:e for the orcl!riy
extension and integration of urtan services, promote the economic vitality of the Citles and
Counties and enhance the quality of lite of its residents; and
V. W!-;:REAS, the Cities and Counties have Comprehensive/Master Plans that provide
for the development within their respective jurisdic:ions; and they recognize the need to
have consistent and coordinated comprehensive plans and master plans in order to provide
for the orderly growth and development of the region; and
VI. WHE:iEAS, the Cities and Counties desire to voluntarily arid collaboratively set forth
the orincicles defined herein that illustrate their commitment to addre~11 ""'~ nature and
location cit growth within the ir individual and overlapping jurisdictions and tha reg ion as a
whole .
D"COCI Dllft
NOW, THE:=iEi=OAE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants
ccntained herein, the unders igned Cities and Counties (hereinafter refened to as we) agrae
as fellows:
1. Metro Vision 2020. We acknowledge that Metro Vision 2020 is~• c:ompretitnliva
guide for the development of the region. Moreover, we agree that Metro Vision 2020 is a
dynamic document that reflects changes in the region.
2. Comprehensive/Master Plan. We acknowledge that c:imprehensiveAnastar plans are
critical tools in trans lating the community 's vision into more specific goals, policies and
programs to manage their long-range growth consistent with the communities' and the
region's vision . We agree to develop and approve Comprehensive/Master Plans fer each of
our respective communities and to update these plans on a regular basis, as determined by
each jurisdic ti on .
3. ComprehensivelMaster Plan Principles . We recognize that there are certain _
fundamental principles that guide the development of a comprehensiva,tnaster plan. We
agree to rely on th e following ~rinciples in developing or amending our
Comprahens iv e.-Master Plans :
• Merrp Vis jon 2020 . Local comprehensive/master plans will be consistent with Iha
regional vision provided by Metro Vision 2020 and will incorporate its core elements:
-Des ignating the extent of urban development within a specified area;
Creati ng a balanced multi-modal transportation syS:em;
Estab li shing a hierarchy of mixed-use , pedes;.ian and trans it-oriented urban centers;
Preserving four free-standing communities of Boulder , Brighton , Castle Rock and
Long mont :
Deve lopment of a regional open space system;
Preserving the region 's natural environment, especially air and wa!er quality .
• P•Jblic parjc :;atjon . The comprehensive planttna.ster plan will be developed through a
pub li c partic:pation process with the spec:fics determined by each jurisdiction, but which
will include a public hearing prior to the adoption of the comprehensive plan/master
• P"if @c:ig n oi community values . Tne comprehens ivelfr.astar plan will be a reflection of
the community's values and the region 's vision .
, Traos 12te ·he vision into soec!fic coals pgl ides ::inc ;,rggr;r:i s. The
compre hensiv e,tn aster plan will trans late the vision for the c::mmunity into specific
goals, poli c:es and programs and/or prov ide imple mentati on strategies .
• p,qvice for ~he broad negds of the commun ity . The comprehensive/ •
master pla n will provide for the diverse life-S1y le, and life~yc!e needs of the community
(residen ti al and business).
Long-range view . Local comprehensive/master plans will addreas the development and,
re-<jevelopment of the community for a fifteen-to-twenty-year period, as well as · '.
considering :he build-out of the community.
• ~. The comprehenslve,tnaster plan will be a dynamic document and be ab!!tlo
reflect c.'ianges in the community .
• Long-range gJan tor maier infrastruc:wa. The comprehensivell'naster plan will address
the major infrastructure that will be needed to support the development of the
community . The incremental, Implementing elements of '.he long-range plan will be
identified in the capital improvements;projec: plan .
• Cgordjna,ted . The comprehensiveJtnas:e r plan will coordinate the various elements,
such as transportation, land use , community facillttes, that must come together in §icier
to provide fer the desired quality of life.
• jnterggv,cnmemal cgll2bor;anon . Issues that overlap or affec: neighboring jurisdictions
or distric:s will be adc:ressed in a collaborative procsss.
4. Elements of a ComprehenslvetMastar Plan. We agree to include and/or address tl!e
• fellowing elemerns within our comprehensive/master plans.
• Land use ~nd growth cgordinatlqn . This element includes identification of the desired
land use patterns, where growth is anticipated or desired tc occur over the tfllld period
ct :.'le plan, and the amicipated amount of development at the end of twenty years or
buildout. An urtan growth boundary/area will be based on these decisions.
• P•c.,is ion oi se~1ic"s •oC: community fac:liti~s . Tnis element provides a desc.iptlon of
the assential services and comm~nity facilities (for example, sc.'iools, fire, police
recreatlon , libraries, etc.) to be provided or available to the community . the level of such
services, and what services and/or community facilities are necessary in the future to
address future growth for the plan period .
• ~-This element provides a description of how utffities with sufficient capacity will
be provided to serve planned development and redevelopment . Such utilities should
inc!ude, but not be limited to water, wastewater and drainage.
• irans;;oqatign •~c: ·~ostt. Tnis element addresses how the community plans to
ac:ommodate the transcortation demand for the tl meframe of the
comprehensive/ma~er plan, inc!uding alternative modes of transportation such as trails
and bikeways , and transportation demand reduc:ion strategies. Tnis element also
• r~flec:s Metre Vision 2C20 i9£ional multimodal transportation ;:ilans .
• Parks anc; r!!c.->gtion. This element addresses how the community provides future
parks and rec:aation facilities and opportunities to serve the community. Plans for trail
corridors, bike paths, etc. will be coordinated with over1apping and neighboring
• Open 3pace . This element addresses the community's future open space preservation
which will be coordinated with, but not limited by , the plans cl overlapping and
naighooring jurisdictions and the Metro Vision 2020 Open Space Plan.
• E;cnomic yiabj1ity . This element includes a review and projection cl the accnomic
viability ol the community based on existing and projected commercial/industrial
activities and employment included in Iha comprehensiveimas-:er plan and their impadl
on Iha other elements ol the plan .
• ~-This element addresses how projected population c.'1anges, and development
and redevelopment are anticipated to affect the mix, atforcability, availability and
redevelopment needs of the community's hous ing stock. Tne relationshi p between
housing and jobs may be addressed in the comext oi the subreg ion or lo the individual
community .
• Urpan desjgn/Ccmmunity image 1Ideptjty . This element ac:::resses how the community
will shape its boundaries and urban landscape to further its identity and image.
• E·virgnmentai resources >nd hw•rds. This element identifies key environmental
resources, such as wildlife corridors and habitat areas . which are important for Iha
community to preserve and to identify hazard areas :hat should not be ~cnsidered fer
development This could also be included as part of ihe land uses element since it
provides the basis for future land use. This element add resses the effec:s that the
location and type of growth and land development have on air and water quality.
5. Urban Growth Areas or Urban Growth .loundarles. We agree to adopt Urban
Growth Areas or Urban Growth Boundaries , a.; established by Metro Vision 2020, within
our comprehensive/master plans, or in the case of cournies by resolution of the Board ol
Commissioners , and to allow urban development only within those areas. We will
encourage and support the effic ient development within our Urt:an Growth Areas or Urban
Growth Boundaries cons istent with the goals of Metro Vision 2020 . Modifications to Urban
Growth Areas or Urban Growth Boundaries will be adcressad through Metro Vision 2020's
flexibility process . We agree to address nonurban growth outs ice of the Urban Growth
Area or Urban Growth Scundary through subregional planning, intergovernmental
agreements, comprehens ive/master plans or revised Metro Vision polic :es .
6. Comprehensive!M..ster Plan Approval. We will cevelcp our comprer.ens ive
planli'naster plan through 0 n inclus ive public partic:pati cn precess including, but not llmited
to, a public hearing . •
• 7. ComprehensiveAtuter Plan Implementation. We will use our
comprehensiva,tnaster plan for updating local zoning and development regulations.
Moreover, we will develop and adept policies, procedures, and/er ordlnancas to Implement
and enforce our comprehensive/master plans that art consistent with the provisions at cur
comprehensive/master plan.
8. Coordination with Other Plans. We will wor1< to coordinate our plans with
neighboring and overlapping governmental entitles an.I wt1r1< to integrate our plans al a
sub-regional level.
9. Intergovernmental Agreements . We will enter irr.J 1,;!dltio,,a1 intergovernmental
agreements, when nacassary, to address discrepancies M d/er inconsistencies at the
jurisdk::ional boundaries or any other planning and coord in ation matters .
10 . Dispute Resolution . Individual communitle !'. wi!I ~ ;ue dispute resolution
processes .
11. Tenn. We will annually jointly evaluate the effectiveness of the processes set forth
herein and to propose any necessary amendments. If any parties consider withdrawing
from the agreement, they must notify DRCOG by April 1• with the action to be eff~e by
the fellowing January 1 •.
12. Intent of Agreement. This Agreement is intended to desc~be ritih ;, 1nu
respons ibilities only as between the named parties he reto . It is not inm::de ( ro and 'shall
not be deemed to confer rights to any persons or entitles not named as parties hereto.
We, by signing thii! Agreement, intend to implement its provisions in good faith.
13. Execution In Counterparts .