HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000 Ordinance No. 055• • ORDINANCE No.55" SERIES OF 2000 BY AUTHORITY COUNCIL l3ILL NO . 68 INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER GARRETT AN ORDINAN CE AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO'S ACCEPTANCE OF A PERPETUAL CITY DITCH EASEMENT FOR 4,132 SQUARE FEET ALONG THE CITY DITCH RIGHT-OF-WAY LOCATED AT 4685 SOUTH MARIPOSA STREET. WHEREAS, the "Perpetual Easement" for approximate ly four thousand one hundred and thirty-two (4 ,132) square feet along the City Ditch Right-of-Way for maintenance and improvements to the City Ditch granted by James and Gail Pena ; and WHEREAS , the Engl ewood Water and Sewer Board reviewed and recommended approval of this eas em ent at their June 14 , 2000 meeting; NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO , AS FOLLOWS : ~-The perpetual City Ditch Easement attached hereto as "Exhibit A", from James and Gail Pens is hereby accepted and approved by the Englewood Ci,; Council. ~-The Mayor is authorized to execute and the City Clerk to attest and seal this Quit Claim De ed for an on behalf of the City of Englewood, Colorado . Introduced , re ad in full, and pasaed on first reading on the 17th day of July, 2000. rublished as a Bill for an Ordinance on the 21st day of July, 2000 . Read by title and passe d on final reading on the 7th day of August, 2000. Published by title as Ordinance No. b~Series of 2000 , on the 11"' day of August, 2000 . vJO' !l ' I ( I, Loucrilhla A. Ellli, City Clerk of the City of En1lewoocl. Coiando, bneb)' certify that the above and foreSoinl ii a true copy of the Ordinan<e puaed on final readinl and publiahed by title aa Ordinance No . ~ Serie ■ of 2 . -2- • ,, • GRANT OF CITY DlTCH EASDIENT ov. " THIS GRA.'IT of City Ditch Eaaemeat (thiJ "Grant") ii made thil _ day a._ __ - 2000, by JamH and Gail Ptae ("Grantar") wboat address ii -1685 South :i.{aripau, Enclewaad. Calatada 80!l0, ia favor of the C'''t'Y OF ENGL.."'WOOD ("Grantu") wboaa addn11 ii 3400 S. Elati Stnet. EarJawaaci, Calaroda SOllO. The parties covenant and •sne u !'allows: 1. Euomeat Property. The "Euemeat Property" shall mean :he real prapetty located ia the County of Aropahoe . State of Calatada, mare particularly described aa Attachment A. cansistiar ai 2 page•. attached herota aad :.ncar;,arated hema by retitaace. 2 . Cansider.itian. A.s cansiderotian. Grantee has gi'len Grar.tcr :ea dcllan ($10.00) and ether zuad aad vcluable consideration. the roce ipt oi which is heroby ackncwledred by Granter. 3. Gnnt oi Cit"/ Ditch Sasement. Grlntor hereby r-lnts ro Gr::u:.cee. its su~ssors and auigns, a perpetU.:U usement (the "Cicy Ditch Easement) o,:er, under, acroas and lhn,uch :he !;;a.semen: Property icr the purpose cf caast1'Uc-..::,g, oper:itiag, maintniai:lg, repairing, taplacing, removing, improving and acla.rging :he City Ditch. The City Ditch shall :aean t he City Dito!,. and :ill :iecessar:: '-'Dderr-ouad and sur'.ace appurtenances thereto necessary er desinble for the tr31Ucission cf water including, but not limited t o, mains . conduits. vaults aad •:e:itilators. 4. Ac:cesa . Gr:inue shall have the per;,etual. nan .. c!usive right Jf ingress and egress in. to, over, through :ind a~ss the Easement Prcpert:: :or 1r.:; purpose neeeseary or dtsir3ble £or t he full enjoyment of the rights fr3r.ted. :o Gr3t::ee under this Grant. 5 . Restoration. Gr:i::.tee agrees :hat after the constrJc::c~. :c.ll."ltenance. repair. replacement or enl.lra•ment, ii 3ny, for the City Dit:::. Gra:'ltee ,hall ,estaro :he surface oi :he Easement Praper:y 3S nearly as possible to c.he gr,de ,cd conditions e:c:istinc im.media~!y prior to 3aid conscruction. maL-:.tenal:ce . repair. replacement or enlargement. e:oc:cept :is may be necessary to accon:1:1cda:e ::.e C1tj Ditch. Grantee further ar-ees to roplace any topsail removed from any :ul::vaced or agricultur:tl areas an :he Easement Property and to remove any e:tcess ,u-:h :-e~ulting from said construcdon. m:w:cenance, repair. replacement or eda?'i!=~nt. at Grantee's sole coat and 1:tpense . No Improvements. Grantor covenant, and •!Jl'ff• not to construct. erect, place or plan any "Improvements," as herainafter defined, on the Easement Property without obta.i ninc the prior written consent of Grantee . "lmprovementa" shall mean any struct, '"'• building, planting, trees, shrubbery, or garden other than a snu t,p,e lawn. ;rantee shall have the right to ramove, without any liability to r;ralllor, aQy improvements constructed, erected, placed or planted on the Euement Property without Grantor's having obtained the prior written consent of Grantee. If IIUCb_prior written aonsent is not obtained, Grantee shall not be responsible for rapair or replacement or the Improvements if they are damaged during conatrucaon, maintaining, repair. replacement or enlargement. Subjacent and Lateral Support. Grantor covenan ts and agreH that Grantee shall have the right of subjacant and latsral support on the Euement Property to whatever extent is necessary or desirable for the full , complete and undiaturbed enjoyment of the rights granted to Grantee under this Grant. Rights of Gran tor. Grantor reserves the full right to ,he undisturbed ownership. uae , and occupancy of t.he Easement Prop e rty insofar as said ownership, use, an i occupancy is consistent with and does not impair the rights granted to Grantee in thia Grant. Abandonment. In the event that Gr•ntee shall a bandon the rights granted to it under this Grant. ail rights, title and interes~ hereunder of Grantee ahall ceue and terminate, and Grantor shall hold Eaaement Property, u the same may than be, free from the rights of Grantee 90 abandoned and shall own all materials and .tructures of Grantee 90 abandoned, provided that Grantee shall have a reuonable period of time aft;, said abandoill!'.ent in which to remove any or all lines and appurtenances from t) e Eaaement Property. In the event that Euement is abandoned by Grantee, Granwr shall have the right, at its sole option, to requize Grantee to remove or neutralize any improvements constructed in the Easement by Grantee . Warranty of Title. Grantor warrants and repres ents that Grantor ii the owner of the Easement Property and that Granter has full right . title and authority, to grant and convey to Grantee the Easement. Grantor further covenants and &l!'ff& to indemnify, defend and hold Grantee harmless from and against any adveroe claim to the title to the Easement Property by all and every person or peroona lawfully claiming or to claim t he whole or any part thereof. Binding Effect. This Grnnt shall extend to and be binding upon the heire, pemonal repr esentatives. successors and assigns of the re s pe:tive parties hereto. The terms, covenants, agreements and cond itions in this Grant s hall be construed as covenants running with the land. • • I r " 1M wri'NF..SS WRBREOF1 tbli~ lifflto 1w ni!ated tblJ Giifnt 'of'lcttrDitell l!:liioment tM t!atand•~W....wriUN. ' n ;ix, ii: b ru ,1,, JUot' • ~n u: ,n:,r .,.fll ? .i..: ~u ~ I, STATE OF COLORADO ) )u. COUNTY OF ~AHOE ) r: 1l Jtit PJ l GRANTOR: J !~&-I J•-,..,DI "' Ackno•J,ldpd befon me tbia ~ day of 1)11..y 2000, b:, Jame• Pena u o..tter. Notary P My Commiaaion expires: Z (r,. Io.!... GRANTOR: STATE OF COLORADO ) ) ... COUNTY OF AJ<.APAHOE ) Acknowledpd before me thia J.!::.. day of ,TuL. '(" 2000, by Gail Peno aa Owner. My Commission expires: A'ITEST: I.oucrishia A. Ellis City Clerk Notar, Publi GRANTEE : THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD 'lh:lras J. Bums Title : Hmror AttadlrmtA City Ditch ~.senent. Aimce!oflamllill-.l,ilpatofthe Northe&. ... ,Qyartcr of~DII, Jlffllll!iiPASo~Jlaale 68 w-, 6111 Principll Meridim, City ofEnpwo<x., ~ of Allplboe, S.. of,~lonlio • more particulay dacribed u lbllowa: Colllll!m:ina • the Cam Quarter comer of said Section 9; thence alona the Southerly line of said Northeast Qua111r Due Eat a dilllnce of905 .96 lffl; til:Dce dqmting Slid Southerly line Due Nonh a dislmx:e of 13. 76 k ID lbu poa OD the Wesacrly line of the City Ditch, said point allo being the PoilllO/.,.,,.,., tbm:edlp.uug said Westerly line N 88°45'00" Wadillm:e of32.18 feet to a point on the Eutcrly line of lot 13 of the Bell Isle Gardens SubdivWon u n:cordecLin book 7 at page 3 of the Anpaboe Coun:y Records; thence alo1111 said Eutcrly line N 08°16'22" Ea distance of 124.961iet; thence ..:ootinuiug along said Easterly line N 08°15W W a~ bf 100.00 lffl; tbm:edqaliagsaid Easterly line N 89"47'00" E adislaocc ,of\0~~~ to apoim on said Westerly line; thence along said Westerly line S 11 °04'51" Ea dislm:e of53.31 i,et; tbence CODtinuillg aJoaa Slid Westerly line S 07"57'20" E a distance of 50.60 met; thence CODlinuing along said Wesacrly liDe S 00°09'00" E a distance of 120.94 feet to the Poilll Of..,...,,. Said pa=l contains4,132 square fi:et or 0.090 acres more or less. See attacbmmt "A" fur graphical depiction. Reviled 7-20-00 m • JIIIES EXHIBIT PART OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER Qli' SECTION 9, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 68 WEST, tilb. PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COUNTY OF ARAPAHOE, STATE OF COLORADO NOR'Tlt PER BEU. ISlE CAROENS SUlllMSIOH 0 25 50 ,.._._ SCALE : 1 "=50' 100 , N 88'45'00" rj 32.IB' 1.---"!i'--OIY I.M'. rJI nc err, anat ,W ODAJaCD l'I" A cmnn:,11! a, tLIMY #II l.mtil. aDCIIIIP'D QiUID IM)t 17. 1171 ,......U ., ,.,, , .......... N.OPl8DNIIL WC, ....._ ~ IC. 1 ♦106.. ="':...~ .. --- AREA= 4, 132 SQUARE FEET 0 .090 ACRES MORE OR LESS PO!NrOF f'retNNIN<S :z:1. POINT OF ~!;;Ile ~rtl-fC.Of(Nr:tr~, t aJHHoaMOff "~i:l ig:g ,:.,;f~~n:-aox I T5S R&aW ,;, sa1s10 11H PlS NO 235111· L_ L _ sos.96' ______ 1.. 173/J.§Q'_ ~ ~ -DUE llAST 2639 46 ' 7 ----------:;I CDtrr:tr 1/-f CO((N/:K ~, ~~~~!,:CC aox ~ 1--:;,_«J = ! T5S U1W C 1/4 SEC 9 1117 PLS NO 1073'•,----------+:==:...J.--==--....L..!!....j 1. W.DllffllalfCll'....wfAIIIII.IIINDUllllT. YLSTRA ATIACIDIENT "A" I EXHIBIT If a Wl1Jllm TD a? 0IJl'Cf 1Hl A1UOG ~ a. -•---ncamc11.TtNt:1nc.....-~-=-•-= =r::.=-r:r=-~ M ~,.,,..,.nc: ..... CIMffl' AKER PMl'01'TIC __ .,..,_,, ~SDJTM.--■'1111',ltfl....:wt. URVEYING, INC. "':"""~"'~ ..., , .. ,