HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000 Ordinance No. 057• ~t(G-JDI) ORDINANCE N0.52 SERIES OF 2000 BY AUTHORITY COUNCIL BILL NO . 6L' INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER GARRET!' AN ORDI NANCE ACKN OWLEDGING AN "EASEMENT AGRf EMENT' BE'IWEEN CHERRY HILLS COUNTRY CLUB AND THE CHERRYMOOR SOUTH W' .ER AND SANITATION DISTRICT. WHEREAS, the existing sanitary sewer system acroBB the Cherry Hill· r;o untry Club Golf Course currently belongs to Cherrymoor South; and WHEREAS, at the time the system was built, an easement containinc thii oyatem was supposed to have bee n recorded to Cherrymoor South but waa not; and WHEREAS, passage of this proposed Ort'inance will acknowledge th• eaaement which would enable Cherry Hilla Village and .~eir contractor (Enalewood) a...,. for repair• and maintenance to the sewer line which is a main interceptor aewer with various connections coming from other areaa oJ Cherry Hilla Villap on the north and south sides of the Cherry Hille Country Club.; and WHEREAS, except for em ergency mainte nance, all maintenance work on the district's sewer lines s ball be performed during November of each year; and WHEREAS, if the work cannot be performed during November, two months out of the ensuing months of Dece mber through February shall be deoignated; aod WHEREAS, the Engi ,wood Water and Sewer Board recommended approval of this easement at their June 6, 2000 meeting; NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO , AS FOLLOWS : Sl:l:tilm.1 -The "Easement Agreement" between the Ch erry Hille Country Club and the Cberrymoor South Wa ter end Sanitation District is hereby acknowledged and the City Attc>rney is auth orized to approve as to Corm . A copy of said Agreement is au.,r·h ed hereto as "Exhibit 1" and incorporated herein by reference . Introduced, read in full, and passed on first reading on the 11"' day of July, 2000 . -1- 10 b vii Publiahed a ■ a Bill fo r an Ordinance on the 21" day of July, 2000 . Read by title and puied on final reading on the 7th day of Auguat, 20, ). Publiahad by title as Ordinance No .:£1, Series of 2000 , on the 11"' 6 ~ of Auguat , 2000 . I, Loucriabia A. Ellis , City Clerk of the City of Englewood , Colorado, hereby certify that tha above and foregoing in a true copy of the Ordinance puoad on final reading '"'~"""'"''"·"";_,..,4kle% · Loucriebia A. Ellie -2- IIASEMIINI AGBIIKMENJ' Tl IIS f:ASl!Ml!l'lf AGRlll!Mfil'lf is made 1his _jj_H,,ioy or ~u . , 2000 hc1wccn Cherry I lills Counrry Club, u Colorodo non-prolil co,ponslion ~ c1llc1I 1hc "Gm nrur"), nnd the Chcrrymoor South Woh:r nnd Sunilulion District, a quosi- municipal corponuion of the Stale of Colorado whose lcHul ulkln:ss is c/o Mason Ruud I Wc sl, I.L C, 7)9 Wcsl Unlcton UoultJviml, Liulcron, Colomi.lo 80120·2J37, (hen:inoflcr culled "Dis lri ct"). Fur and in consit!cmlion of the sum or TEN un,I NO ONE IIUNORC!DTIIS DOI.LARS (.\10.1)()) 1111d 01hcr 1;001..I nnd vul1111bli: considcrutinn 10 the Orantor in huml- puid by lh c Districl, the n:cci pt of which is hereby udnowlctlgcd, Grunror Jucs hcn:by grant un d co nvey 111110 the f)islrict, ils successors 1111,t assigns, u pcrmuncnl non -ex clusive ci1:i cmc111 to t:nlcr, n:-t:nlcr, occupy ond use lhc reul 1•mfk!RY dcscril>cJ L>clow 10 cnnslmcl, 11cccss, rcpnir, replucc, n:move, opcmrc ontl muin111in one or more sunirory sewer pipelines, 111u11huh:s mul suhsurfocc uppurtcnanccs lhcn:lo, of such size onJ cnpucity us 1h1.: District detemli ncs ncccssu ry, in, through, over umt across lhc following JC£cril>etl real properly situah:ll in th e Co unty of Ampallnt!, Stul( of Colon.Jo, (lk:reinuRcr "flropc ny") to wit Chem I fills rounlrv Cluh Four (4) p11rccls of luntl id1.:n1ifictl herein us rurccl No . I, rurccl No . 2, l'an.:d No . 3, uml rurc(I Nu. 4, whidt an: more purt icu lurly dl!ScribcJ on "for,hibi1 A", (1.:on ,is ling of lhrcc llUg1..-s) which is ut111chctl herein and incnrponll.:<I herein by this refcc-1.:ncc . rnrccl Nos . 1, 2, 3, und 4 ure dcpich:d on n Jruwing which is ntlochcd hcrcto as "Ex hihil U". TO IIAVE ANO TO 1101.1) sui,I casement uruo the Dislricl , ils iucccssors anti assi gns , forcvcr . As part nl' tin: gni nt herei n con1ui11e\l , lhc 1i.inies hl!rclo 11111111111\y agn:c nml covcnant ns follows : I. 111c Oislricl, ils licensees, employees, ugcnts und contractoni, ah11II hove anJ exe rcise the right of ingress and egress , in, 10, lhrough , over uud MC~ ull of Grnnlor's i;u ll' courst.: propcr1y , i11cl11ct ing hut lh)I limih:cl to lhe .6hovc •llcsc1ilW!d fll'O()trtY for any purpose rcusonuhly neces,,uy for lhc lilll enjoyment of ,my ~tltcr right o( occupuncy or .isc provillc,I for herein ; rnwi,l~li, however, 111111 the mm •neut of men, equipmcnl , mucl1incry, und vd 1icles slmll he 11mlcr the direction uf'1r.mh , .i gmmllls superi11tcn,lcnl, wh11 sh,111 nmh: lmlli c amt dcsi gnuh.: slumge urcOli fol' 11111tc1 ... ls nml cc111ipmcnl during cnns1111c1ion 1111d 11111inh:nnnc1.: uc1iviti..:s wl1en 1k!U.-ssary. Tl1c conslruction, storage un,I movemcnl of vehicles, tmcks, nnd muchi,1cry shull he com luclct! ut 11 II limes by the Distric l in II nmnncr so us to insure 1hc leas t possible i111erli.:n.:ncc wi th 1•l11y .;•, 1hc golf course . 2. Excc111 fur emergency nminh:noncc . 1111 ruutinc aml non •ro, ·tine mainlcnnnt.:c work nu the Ois1ri c1's sewer lines aill l h.:lnleJ fucilitics, shall be pcrfo rnu:tl during Nnvcmhcr of cm::h ycur; pro vidc d, l1owcvcr, that if sm:h v,mrk i:11111101 he: performed during Nuwmhcr for 11ny reuso u, Gn1111ur sh:1l1 ,k :.i~11111c 1wu munchs out ut' 1hc ensuing 111011tl1s of Dcccml1cr 1hr01 1gl1 1:ch11111ry i11clu sive, ,luring which sul.!h 1m1in1 cnu ncc wod; mny 111.: performed hy Dislriet or i1s indcpcntlcnt cunlrJclor. Nu hat er lhun October )Olli of eac h ycur, Dis1rii:t shnll no1ify finu uur uf lhc mainlcnuncc work 11is1ric1 pluns for lhc ensuing month of N\Wcmhcr or 11ml elm: lu lili.:hc,luling or nlhcr pruhlcnui, plunnetl _____ , ... ,_ , __ ....... .. 111uin1cn11ncc work cunnol be perlbnnc'1 duri• IIUd month of November. JfGnmlor lhUI uny ohjcclion lo the muintcnoncc work plunncJ during Novcmher (or in the event Dislricl hu5 nolilicll Gnmtur thut muinh:nuncc work cu nnot l>c pcrfom1i:tl during November}, Gruntoc du.111 immcdiat'cly Jc»i"nulc two of lho month• mentioned urlicr in 1hi1 pornum1•h during which 11111: Dhlll'icl, may, ut its oplion, pcrfom1 the plunncd mointcnoncc work . For purpow of this Ensemcnl Agn:emcnt, routine moinlcnancc work is ddincJ os rcgulnrl y sche dul ed m11i11lcnnnce such 11s nushing, denning uml inspc:clion of sewer linc:s nnd n.:lutctl focililies. N01Moutinc n111i111cnnncc work is delincd ns nny maintcnnncc, olher 1hu11 emergcncy m11in1cnancc thut is nut rcgulurly sd,cdulcd s111.:h 11s point n:pnini or rc11l11 cc 1u,:11ts due In obsolcsce or t!ctcriom1iu11 of sewer pire unt l related facilities. Emc,-yc ncy muinlcMnce is ,klincd us ony n111intcnu11cc which lh c nistricl dclcnu incs cn11nnt he 11\!fcrreJ 11ml musl be Wnc i1m11ediu1cly. 3. Onmlor ugrucs 10 notify lhc Districl, in wl'iling, ul lensl 1hn:c (3) ycurs in 11dvuncc of uny mujor golf lounuuncn t to be lu:h l ul lhc Club . Excc1ll in the cosc nf cnu:rgeue y si 111a11ons , the Dis1 ricl agn:cs 11 01 to perfom1 uny nmintenancc, ruulinc or non - ro111i11c, on the sewer li11es locntctl on the Property wi1hi11 18 1110111hs prcce1ling 1my nmjnr golf 1oum11menl to he hchl at the Club, provi,lc.1 lhut Gmntor lms given the Oislricl 11,lvm1cc 110ticc as set fo1ili in 1his pumgruph J , 111111 providctl fua1her that 1hc nistricl shull hnve 11cccss lo the sewe r lines 1Ur muiutcnnncc, routine or nm1-mulinc, ul least every 18 months, if notice is given hy r _;rn111r untlcr !he terms uf 1his flumgmph. In lhc event that lirn111nr hos1s any nmjnr or n· .1or golf tuumumcnt wil h re.sped to which it is unable 10 uulil)' lhc l)islrict at leusl 1hrce yi:111'S in mlvum:e, Cirnntor shull give the nislrkt wrilleu notice lhcr\!of ns soon us pmcticnhlc nn<l the District ugn:cs lo 111ilizc its bcsl efforts lo uvni1I 11ny nminlcmmcc, routine or non-nmtinc, 11rinr lo und during suitl loumamcnl wliich could ai.lvcr::icly uOi:ct thi: pluying condiliuns o r the s.ifo ty uf polcntiul spcc1u1on1 1111d pl11ycn tluring said toum11menl . 4. TI,c District, with Gnmtor's supervisio n, shall huvc 1hc right to mark each 111u11h11le on 1hc surface, wi1h a lonn or pcnm111c111 i<lcntiliculil>n thut is appropriate for imlivilh111I illc11tifit:11till11 of the mnnhoks und which is uppmvcd in udvuncc by lhe Cimn1or, which approval shall no! 00 unreuson ub ly wi1l1hcltl. 5. l'.xccpr in 1hc case of emergency 111ainle1mnce, Gruruor shall hnvc Ill\: oplion uf u~i ng its ow n ground main1cn1111cc crews lo remove autl rcplucc ull sod nml lunJscuping lh ul must be removed !o cnnhlc the Dislricl lo pcrfom1 mutiue and nnn-m111ine m11inh:nu11co, pmvitlcJ, Cimnlor has lirst tldivcn:d In lhc l)islrict for i1s U(lp ro vul: (11} 11 wlillen scope of work tlml idcnlilies, to the District's su lisfocti on, 1he mulcriu ls lo he Ulk:11 ; 111111 (h) un itcmiied cosl esti mate for 1hc wo.-k anJ mulcriuls . In Ith! cvcnl lhe Oislrict clocs nnl npprow: nf the SCOllC uf "ork uncl/or lhc cosl C!llimutc, the p11nie::i shull im111c~li111ely conli:r for tin: purposc of resolvi ng lhc dispu1c . In 1hc '1\'Cllt Ille ,lisp111c is not resolved, 1hc nm th:r shall UC s11hmi11cc.l us soo n as possil,le 10 1m iutlcpcmlcnt engineer whose dc..:isilln us to the scope of lhe work uml whe1her thc L'~tlnu11Ctl c1,sls lhcrcof urc rcaso11ahlc, shu ll he final. If the 1,-u·lii.!S c,,n not ugree on un 111ilc1te11de11t cn~iue~·r lo wllum lo suhmil th eir dispulc , cuch 1mr1 y shu ll ,k:signnte 1111 c11gi11~·cr. Th'-' two engineers shull ..:huuse the indepcntlcul c11gi11ccr whu sl111II hear lhe 1w1ici' ,li spulc 1111d 'i l1 ull cnlcr II decision us soon us pos.sibk . Tl1e decision of 1hc engineer 1h,1II l,c linal, 11111 uppculnhlc hy either sille cxcepl for fruu,I uml grou nhuse of discretion . 'l11e cost of 1h1, simplilictl ~11hi1ru1iu11 11m1.:edurc shull be sh11rcc.l c,11mlly hy Onmtnr 11ml 1he Dis1ric1. 6. TIie Oistl'icr sh.ill provide Gmntor wilh II lny out representing to the Di1i111ct's lk.-st knowh.:t !gc , inform111iun amt bcl i\!f, 1hc l1lC uli1111 of the Di!ilricl's sewer liucs, munholcs und rclu1e1I focili lies scln:c.lulcd !o l'cceivl.! ro utin\! aml/or non-rou1ine • • 111uin1cn11ncc. Sai,I l.tyoul 1lu.ll be provjllcd each yea r coqcum:nt wilh 1hc lklJv.:7 or 1he f1i111icc 1de¥crib:d iu po,ruwruph 2 ulw>ve, 10 pe:rmil Gn1111or sunicicnl lime to prc1>Urc lhc wrilh,!n ICOl)O or work nnJ CCtAt ca.timutc ror the Oistril.!t's u11provul unJ ulso hl 111Tonl On111IOf' aullic ienl lime to pcrfonn such aod nnd ht.mlscupc rcmovul us is nccessury, In 1hc event Gmntor, for 1111y rcnliOII, el~ti not 10 use it¥ own muiutcnuncc CNWll lO remove 11ml repllklu lkkl uml lan,lsc:111>ing , ii ahall w notiry lhc Oi strit.:I. The Dis1ric1 1h.11II then be frtc lo pcrfonn lhc work u1d11y ils own crews or conlructors uml to do so ut the flis1rkt'» aolc cosl 111111 c11:1,c_nsc . In 1he event Cinmtor uses il s own crews to remove nnd O.."fll11cc 101.l 11kl luml:ic1111ing, it shull invoice the 01stric1 for such work un,I lunch1ct1pi11g 11111lcriul1, uml Ilk: l)is1ric1 shall hnvc 30 Juys ufh:r receipt of the sumc in which 10 puy lhe invoice. 7, The District und Gnmlor 11111111ully Ul&N:C lhul shoulll cmcriJCl1CY repair scrvicc.!I for tl1c »ewer lines he llquire J ul nny time, the Dis1rie1 shull, lhmugh i11 uulhor i',c,I 11cwcr nmintcnnncc co111111c1or, ha ve 11cccss lo lhc sewer lines with lhc uclu11I cnsl 1•fsucl1 emergency strviccs 10 he billed 11nll pnid by 1l1e Di sl ricl . Nolificution of the ( im111111', 1l1m11MII ils 11e11e111l munagcr uml eoordinutinn of cffurls belwecn Ilic Grunlor 11ml lhc l>is1riet sl111II be 11mlc11ukcn by the Dir.1rii.:t ns soon 11s possiblc following discovery or such c111c11;cncy. Uni ii the firnntnr is otherwise lh>tilictl , the District's uulhorizcd 24 •hour sewer service conlnictur fur emergency rmvoses is Aq1111Sourcc Services 11nd Tcdumlugies, Inc ., 12 570 Enst 3,y~ Avenue, Denve r, Culonulo 80239-3421; telephone 1111111l~r ()03) 31l7-l2UO . The Oistrid cont cmpl ah:s nssigning thi s Eusc mcnl to the Cily of Cherry llill» Villuge . C:lll!ctivc upon nssi gnmcnl, uml unl il the <1mnlllr is olherwisc 11n1ilic,I, !he C'i1y's 24-hour sewer s..:rvicc conlrnclor for emergency purposes is The City of Englcwoml, (.'olorJ,lo luca t..:d ut 341M) S. 1!1111i Stree t, Englewo0t.l, Colorutlo ; tclcphomi number (303) 762-2643 . In 1he event llmt emergency rcpuir services nrc required urul nn nffl ..'.t\11 ,1 l' rl-, Di slricl cun he n:11chcJ uflcr there hns l>.:cn II rcasouuhle effort to do sn, G: 1,lf'I , .. ty contuet sni,I uuthorizcd emergency sewer scrvkcs co nlrnctt,r llircetly nnd req11«:.St suc :, emergency rep.1ir services us 11rc rcasonuhlc nllll necessary under 1hc cirtumslunccs. Thc Dilitl'kl shull he f\:S(lOnsihlc uml liuhlc for uny uuil all tlamugc occurring to Cimnlur's growhls und the gull' cours.: cuused by suid e111ergeucy repair sc rviccs lo lhc ext ent nnl eovercd hy lhl! conlrnclor's li:ihility insu rn nc e. The Dislriet 's liuhilily, however , shall not cxlcnd h) any indirect or cunscque111i11I ,l1111111gcs including , hul not limit..:d It~, 1111.: loss ur n.:venucs or 1\.-:~s n.:imltiug from ,l;unugc to Grnnlor's ground s nnd 1he golr course unless suit! J1111111gc rc ,m lls lium Oistl'ict's ncgligcucc . 8. Cinmlor shall not coustnicl or plucc any s1111 c1urc, im:lmlin~ but not limiletl hl uny fences or huil,l in"s, temrorary or pcrmnncnl, 11r plunl uny tree, woody plunt or nurse ry Shk.:k of uny kin,I un any purt or lhc l1ropc11 y 1hal would inli.:rfcre with the operu1ion, mui111e11 1mcc , repuir 11ml n:plnccmcnt of l)i s1rict's s1111i1ury sewer line unJ relu1c,I focililics . 1>. Gr.mlur n:tains lhe right lo the umlis111rhcd use 11ml occ11p11ncy or the Pn1pcrly insofor us such use 111111 occ upuncy is cn11sislent with ;ul\l docs 1101 impuir th..: upcmlinn nnd muinh:num:e uf the Dislriel's sewer liuc am! 11pp11rle111111ccs loc11tcJ or lo be lt,cntcll therein U.llll insofar .is such use uml occupancy is nut incon sis lcnt with nml docs no\ i1111,air uny gl'unt ur covenn nl cm1111incJ herci n. 10 . 111..: Districl, in opclllting ils sa nilury sewer syslem on thL" flrope11y, shull be rcsponsil,lc for insuring thut nll nmnhule covers sh11II be set u minimum of 12 inches heluw existing gnuk :md lhc Grn nt or nu1y plucc Stkl over thcsc 111a11hole covers . 11. The l>istr k t >hall lm ve uu d exercise th c righl uf sul,jncent and hucrul s;1p1mr1 to wl111h:ver e,;lcnl ill 11e1.'l.!>li ll f)' 111 1lcsirnhlc fur lhe foll, c11111plete 111111 unmolcste,I cnjoymcul ol'thc l>ii.trh:t'li 11 yh1 :i1 herem ~nullctl . Cim11t11r shull take no n..:tiun which shall impuir the e111lh nvc1llt11 \lc11 ,1r lhe luten,I 11r st1hJuce11t s11pp11rl for uny of th ..: Dis1ric1 's fuci1iti~ thut mliy h..: ilui111ll..:d hereunder; provitl..:,1, however, llwt upon obWining the s1ll!cific wrilten penni11sion of the Diatricl, lhc eanlt ovcrbt1rJcn of uny of the lli11ric1 '» sewer lines mny be modified, 11111 it is undcrs1ooJ 1hn1 11on1U11ly ~m1iasion will nOI be gmntctl for o modificalion involving a ~over of less than 4 1/2 feet ROf' paler 1h1n IS ICcl , mt11urcd vertically from the top of th e sewer lino . Any modificution1 of lhc e1rth ovc1,unfon will he:: upon lcnns which proYidc: for n:lmburacmcnl lo the Di1tricc of 1hc cost of tiny ullcmation or rclocotion of any Dislricl fucililies made neccuary by the curth ove1Uunlen modificntion . 12 . In lhc cusc lhc Disrrict shull oMnllon i11 rights hi:rein gnan1cJ and ccue lo us\! lhc snm..:, nll riKhl, litle und interest of the Ois1ric1 hercumlcr, shall ccusc anJ tenninulc , and llu: finuuor shull hollf the Prop,:r1y, as tlti.: sa1rn.: muy then be, free from the Dislrict's rii;hls so ubu11d1J111.:d, uml shall own all mulcrial s, slnidurcs uml focililies oflh\! Di stri ct so uhantlllnCll, bul nothing ht:rcin cnn11ti11cJ shull be com;tnu.:d us worting u forfoiturc or uhanL!nnmenl or 1111y inlc/'C5t or rii;hh1 hen:undcr Ullll nol owned by the Uis1rict ul 1ht: lime oflht! uhnn,lonmt:111 oflhe l>is1ric1's riuh1s . In the evcnl th..: District uhunJons ils sun ilury sewer lin e loc :llcd wilhin the f:uscment, 1h.: District ugrccs llwl ii will c11r 1he sewer line u111I fill any manholes locale1I lhcrcon with und, ull ut lhe Dislrict's wlc cost onJ ex[l(nsc . 13 . Euch unll every one of the bcnc:fils ond burdens of 1his Eusemenl Deed shull inure to oml lx: binding uron the rcs11CC1ivc: h:g11I re1m:scn1111ivt."S 1 heirs, cxcculnrs, udministrutol"li, successors untl a1Signs of 1hc p,.ir1ics hereto . 14. Gmnlnr wummls dull it lms full righl and lawful authority hl granl lhe riKhls contained herein . 15 . 111c District sh11II he responsible anti li11M..: fi•r nny 1111d 111 damage occurring 10 Gnmlor's grounds uml the golf course cnurcd 1,y nny maintenance work perfonued by 1h..: Ois1ric1 on 1he sewer lines pursuant to 1his i.:a scmcnl Agreerncnl. SaiJ liahili1y s~u1II nol cxteml to :my i11Jirec1 or consc'lucntial ctumogcs, inclmling but not limilc<l to, 1hc loss of revenues or Ices resulting from such tlumugt, unlds suid Janmge results frum District's negligence . I (1 . 111c Dis1ric1 reserves the right 10 uh;mdon the sewer line identificJ on fahihi1 "fl" us sewer line Jl '"loc;11ed \Yi ll 1·11 r.arccl No . '1" if the usc:r of th111 line, lhc Cherry I lills School District No . 5, can oh tuin sewer s..:rvkc for 1hc ChefT)' I lills f:lcmi:n1u1y School through the Cherry I lilts S:111ilution [)is1ric1. Al such lime us sewer service.: for the Cherry Hills El cmc111ary School is lrnnsforrc,I In lh..: Cherry Hills Sunilulion Oislricl, lhc Ois1ric1 will rdin<ruish ull of il s righl , title nnd inlcrcsl in uml to 1hc Eusemcnt exlcnding in, lhro ,11;11 , ovL-r anll ucross Pured No . 2 u1lll shnll convey all of ils right, 1i1lc and inh:resl in anll 10 'lie sewer line localed wilhlo i.ni,I P·.arcct 10 Gmnlor, allcr c11ppi11g lhc s..:wer line amt filling lhe manholes ltXulctl 1hcrcon with sund, all 01 lhc Dis1rict's so le cost Ullll CX!ll:IISC. 17. 1l1c District ngrccs 11ml olher public 111ili1it:s such us gas , electric nntl lch:phonc lin es 111uy he insl:illcd in th,.; ul>0\le -l lcscrihc1 l cnscmcnl us lnng us lhcy do nol i111c1 fore with the l>is11ict's riglils herein i;mnletl um l us loug us pi1ti11g croSsing the sewer lin..: 111 the di scrclion 11f the Dis1ric1, is mdullic or cuncn:le or is cn cuscd in an ncci:p lnhlc muh.:rial. Any an1l all ulilitics which purullcl the Dis1ric1's foc1li1ies will not ix! pcnnitlcJ wi1hin li\lc (5) fcct of flis1ric1's facilities: without prior conscnt from the District The intenl is lo reserve fur Distric l 's sewer lines at lc11st 1i.:n ( Ill} foci uf th e euscmcnl widlh . 18. II is ngrei.:J lhul hy reilSOn of1ha1 cert11in ugrccmcnt tlulcd '1..:1obcr 9, 1970 l>ctwccn lhc r,nrtic:s, Grnntor lms a reserved c:irncily or 178 singl..:-fonu ly equivalent I sewer lups in the sewer line lncutcd un Grantor's gulf cour;..: pmpcrty 1111J 1hu1 1tl least 70 uf those si nll,le-liunily c1111iv11lcnt sewer laps nn.: pr-... ~enlly co nnecli:tl 10 1he Oistric1'11 • ~r lil)Cl .1 ,\Yhfleyer ~\ni~a tc'wcr tnp capucity Orantor h111 in 11i1I lines, may be usccl b.Y Grun!<>! 1wid1i11 il'J'J~"/r cmifsc property; provicled, Gran1ar i'°Y' rn,1ric1 S IINl.tNI for ,mch 11inKlc•fumily C(IUIVU cil1 IIII1 cOnnechHI 10 Oililrict's sewer lines from 1111J aOcr the dule of lhis l!:1Scmcnl Agrcc1m:n1. Notwilluilnnding any other provision con1ainc1l herein . each au,J every ,ewer 111p reserved hcn:in for the Granlor's use 1111d lk:nclit lhul is nol ploccd inlo Jcrvice wilhin 15 years from the durc of lhi1 l!Uiemcnt Agrct:mc111 1 1lwll expire anti l>I! or no filrthcr force onJ effect. The pn:c1,,,•ding scntcnci: applies only In lhc lk:wcr 1111,s reiervcll by the Dijlrict for the Gruntor in th!! 0.:1obcr •>, I 9~0 AgMmc111 uml no1 10 uny sewer tnps 111111 Omnlor must p11rcl111s1: from the City of Engh:wooJ, Coh>nulo, in order 10 utili ze imitl reserved 11111s. All 111ps purcl111sc,I from the Chy or l!nHlew ood, ( 'olurmlo expire within m1e yeur li·om the 1l111e of IMlll:hASe if nnl soone r 11cliv111c1I. All other lcrms und prov isi uns of1hc putties' Octuh<:r 1J, 1''10 utrocmcnl as well us .any 01hcr 11grccmc11ts between 1hc p11r1ies, im:lu,ling but 1101 limitc,I to 111111 ccr111in lcllcr llgl'\:cmcnt duh:d Muy S, I 1J86, shull 11111omu1icnlly tenuinole 111111 he or no rurthcr force 1111d effect 111 such lime DI nn order from lhc Am1mhoc Couuly Ois1 ri.:1 Court, dissolving lh c Dislricl is recorded upon th e publ ic r.:cunls of Ampnhoc Count y, Colontdo . IN WITNESS v:.IERl!OF, Grantor h:1s execu1cJ this r:.osemcnl Agreement os or 1he Ju y nml yeur lir.i;I above wrillcn STAT E OF COLORADO ) )s.s COUNTY OF ARArAIIOI: ) CHERRY HILLS COUNTRY CLUB, n Culonulo non-profil corpon11ioo Tiu: forc1,~i 1rv\!':".r'\lll~:~ Klmowlt!t'lgetl before me by Stave T. Kle ■enz, 11 Ce ner-aL&oaae.L.J,-~ __ 101 Prcaulcau aaJ -,---------~IUUlpt• of .CIJ&.u.µUJ.1...Cm,.n.tr~uL this -26th_ day -Ap_ci.L_, 2000 . .• -:_ .. '.·.:~) commission expires: '/-/,'.· U Y\ 1•· ::· .. ,<.~-,!°I w ·ii•n·~!. my hnnJ onJ official seal. =···-. : STATE OF COLORADO ) t!.'z;.1 J ,.Uc~~~ )ss C~JNTY OF ARAPA110E ) CIIERRYMOOR SOUTII WATER AND SANITAT)ON DISTRICT,• quasi -municipal corporn1ion orlhc'Slulc ofC""1i,,do 'I Ill I The foregoing in slmmcnl was nclmowlcdgcd before me by .Jd&Jf3 (!. 4a,,u,MJ --,--------US l'rt:ai<lenl aN of Charryaoor South Matar , U~ 1tf S.nl tation Dhtrlct this~ duy /.'At , 2000 . My commissi on expires : /-.:!..tJ -t.1..l Wilncss my haih · APPROVED AS TO FORM : --·· CITY OF EN GLEWOOD lly : ----::-oanie-,_:-;-1-:-L-, -:-Brct-:--zman---~.i:ldillC=== City Attome)' The foregoing in•tru•ent wu acknowhdged l.,llfore .. thie /Jfi day Of lld.:1--, 2000 , h.,(pJJ:'~~CL•• _J£t!.i.£..rdL:::..L. ot Ch e rryaoor South Weter , Seniut l on Ol1trkt. cJ.rc' ' .. /c (/_ ½ Notary Public J Hy c o .. lui on upl ru 1 /-.ltJ-o.Z. • .J I. 'I'll•!• 'f 1_. ,_ q! IXlllllT A. u 1 l:l'itnnv 1111.1.!! COIINl'RY CLUB SANITARY SKWIUl EASEMDml 1arc~1 llo. l LIIILA A Pute1 ort.and localed In portions ollhe NW M, SWM <11!1 SBM or Soctloo 2, Tpn,blp l Saulh, Rana• 61 WOii or d11 6• P.M., Cky o: Chlny HUb ,•t1 ~1•, Arlplhoo COIIOly, Colondo boJq mon partlculariy dcacribed u follo ws : A strip or land 30 rect ln width , 15 fce1 each aide or I cea1crllne dclcribcd u ~wa: DcQIMlna 111 point on the &a uth lot Une of Lot S, D.S. Ductwian 5ubctlvllk>n Amudcd PIii (Plal Boolt 18, P11c 21) which Iles 74.3 feet westerly from Uie Soutbcut Comer of uid Lot 5 and from which tho Southcut Comer of ulJ Section 2, 1'owruhlp 5 Soulh, Ranae 61 Wai bean S 59• 17•31• B, 5003 .3 feet , more or leu; thence S 01•13 •35• E, 1.33 feet; lhcacoS ◄7'11 '1.)1" ll, 291 .Tl feet ; lhcnccS 66•s1 •51• e, 327.◄9 r,e1; 0icnco N 73'◄◄'13" E, 356.n feet: thence N 89'03'19' I!, 165.56 feel ; lhencc S ◄0'25'16" E, 222 .2 ◄ feel; o ..... S 49'40'5I' E, 397 .31 loet; !hence S ll'46'19' I!, 226.55 foci; thence s 76 '3l 'l6' E, 297 .17 fee1; lhencc s 70'39'52' B, 254.12 fee1; dienco S 71'27 '22' B, 139.77 feet ; 1hcncoS79'59'34' E,291.32 lcet ; lhenccSn'54'41' B, 298 ,35 feel; thence S 56'◄9'12' B, 229 .04 fee t; thence S Jrt ◄'0J" E, 201.73 feet ; lhcocc S 71'16'05" I!, 198.32 fut; thence N 7C-4S'0]• E, 362 .80 feet to the Po int of Tcnn\DIII whki1 bean N 26"34'47" W, 1259.5 feet, more or lcu, from the Soulhcaal Comer of uld Section 2, Tuwmhip 5 South, Ran1c 61 We11. Saki parcel corulns 128,469 aqwirc feet or 2.949 Ktel, more or leu. Parcel Mo. 2 Lhlul A pon:el orWld localed lnlhe SEM orSectlao2, Towmhlp5 Sow11 , Ilana• 61 Wcaoflhe6• P.M., Cky of Chert)' llllls Vlllaae , An.pahoe Counry , Colon.do bcln& more putlcwrly described u follows: A ,trip of land 30 feet In width, tS feet c.ach ddc of a ccatullne described u follows: Be1lMin111 • point from wbkh the Southeast Comer or 11k1 Section 2, Township S Soutl1 , Jtanse 61 viut bcar1 s 44•4g•1a· B, 1995 .l feet, more or lw; 1her1CC s 51•15•2r B, 221.85 feet : thence S 22'37'37' E, 207 .26 fce1; thence S 03'20'24' E, 233 .09 feel ; thence S 09'41'◄2' E, 298 .39 lul; tl1enee .s 3S-38'J4• E, 380 .74 rcc:c; thence s 39•04 •37• e, 2 ◄6 .27 feet ; 1hence S 7J•~l'2◄" B, 132.05 red; !hence N 86• 10•07• E, 51.0l feel ; lhcocc N 117•31 ·11• E, 164.93 feet ; lhencc N 19•35•59• B, 15.-41 feet lo tl\C Point of Termirlll wMcb Ii.cs on the westerly lac line of l..ol 3, Fairway Subdlvlaion (Plat :.0&1l CUIRllY mLL8 COIJHftY =~AllY awn SMlflllN'l'8 (~ 50 , ..... 33) and bean N 12"42'02" W, 341.7 loll,-• or""• from .. ...,_,Come, of aid Scclloo l , Townolilp 5 Soudl, Rup 61 Wrli. Seid pual COC1llllll 51,531 _. feel or 1.34◄ """• _. c, •· Parcel llo. J L,laJ: Apuul of land localed b1010SBW ofSoctlool, Towmb!p5 Solllb, Ru&•61W•oflbe6•r.M., Clly of CbmY 111111 VUII .. , Anl"hoe CUllllly, Colorado bdlll mon penlc:ularlr dacrtbe4 u follows: A strip of land 30 feel ln width, 1 S feet on each aide ol a ccdUllnc dacrW II foUowa : Oeginnlnl II • polnl from which lhe SwOIWI Comu of nld Sec11oo l, Townolilp 5 Soulh , Rua• 61 w.-!Jar, S 52°56'40" n, 2653 .9 fcc<, more or ltu, IIICIICC S 01"15'51' W, 410 .66 feel : II-. s 26"◄6 '26" e, 299 .26 fec1 : lhenc< s l7"09'll" I!. 299 .11 fec1 : """" s wn•14• e, 404 .60 ;,,., ,1.-. s21•20·21· n, 291 .96fecl ; lhcnccS01"16'16" B, 14.27 fecl"1 lh<PoUII n!Tcrmlrm whkhllcs on lb< noctb rll,lll-of-way of l!ul Qulocy AY,_ aod bean S 19•53•04• W, 1665.1 fed, 110n: or~ from die SOlllh<ul Comer of said Seclloo l, Towosblp 5 SOlllh, Rua• 61 WCII. Sa\d parcel rontalnl 51 ,S96 aquarc feet of 1.ll5 aau. more or lea. For the above ducr ibcd parcdl, all bouQd.uy lnl &ball bo wcodcd or truDWcd u roqlllrtd at anale polau , property linca and/or riplS-of-way 10 complete a r.olit katoul 1tr lp of lam.I JO fNI la wldlh. Foe the above dcscrlbcd parcc.b , bcarin&• arc \,uo.l on lbt ICIUlb Um o( lhe SBtl of Scaion 2, TOYIDlhlp 5 Sculh, Rans• 68 We11 of lhe 6* P.M. burlnc N 11"51'01" Bu 11-'"1 Ille "Ar,phoe Counoy Uortz.ontal Control Nd wort Phaae tv• drawina for Arapahoe County by Moumaln Survcyln, & Mapploa:, loc ., dalcd N..,_ 4, 1997. • • ( 1• I UIIIJIITA CllllRJIY lllUB COUNTRY CLIJII SANITARY SIWD L\aMDml Uao.Jl Apmolofludl-lalheSBM olSodlon2, Towalblp5Soudl ,Ranp61W•orlllo6"P.M., Clry orCborry HIIII Vllla10, Ani>lhooC_, C41onodollllaa mo111 putboluty dactlied M ~: 1 A llfip olluid JO '1:<I la width. 1' l'lol oo ach aide or, """'ll•doclbed II rooo,,., Dc1i!wnl al a pot,, l'n>m w1ltch 11,e Southeaal Comer., aid Section 2, Towmblp l Soudl. Raop 61 w.J bean S Jt•S6'1O' B. 2l21.1 reec, moro or las; lhencc N W32'1J6• B. l00.33 rc.i; lhooco N 49•32•31• n, l◄l.O1 reec 10 die PolnlorTonnlnuntilch boan N 37•40'16' W, 2S67 .2 '"'· more or lea, from \he Southcut Comer or 111d SectiDG 2, Towmblp 5 Soulh, Ranae 61 Wat.. Saki parcel contain& 19.240 square fcot or 0 .4◄2 acru, snore or lea. All hou nduy lineaorlbcabovcdacrlbedparcd lhall bc111tndcdor1111QC11cd u n:qulred&1anelepoillt·1 to co mplete • conclauwl llf1l or laid 30 feal la width . DcolUII Olllbued oa lhe-lillco(lheSBM o(S<clioo2 , Townshlpl Soodl, ltoqo 61 Wat or Ille fl' P.M . beulq N u·s1·01· Il u ,._ .. Ibo "Aroplhoo Coualy lloriraml Coalrol -l'huc VI' dnwlna for Arapahoe CDllllly by M.,...lo Sumylq A M,pplns, loc., daled No-◄, 1997. -- n>11tl' UBIIJT •1• I II TJU' I ) I •• • • • Date July 17. 2000 INITIATED BY Utilities Department COUNCIL COMMUNICATION A1ir,nda Item 10av Subject Easement Agreement between Cherry HIiis Country Club and the Cherrymoor South Water and Sanitation District STAFF SOURCE Stewart H. Fonda, Director of Utilities COUNCIL GOAL AND PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION None. RlCOMMENDED ACTION The Englewood Water and Sewer Board, al their June 6, 2000 meeting, recommended Council approval of the Easement Agreement between Cherry Hills Country Club and the Cherrymoor South Water and San~ation District. BACKGROUND, ANALYSIS, AND ALTERNATIVES IDENTIAED The existing sanitary sewer system across the Cherry Hills County Club Golf Course currently belongs to Cherrymoor South. At the time the system was built, an easement was supposed to have been recorded to Cherrymoor South but was not. The easement would enable Cherry Hills Village and their contractor (Englewood) access tor repairs and maintenance to the sewer line which is ,i main interceptor sewer with various connections coming from parts of Cherry Hills Village on the north and south sides of the County Club . Except for emergency maintenance, all maintenance work on the district's sewer lines shall be performed during November of each year. If the work cannot be performed during November, two months out of the ensuring months of December through February shall be designated. The Englewood City Attorney has reviewed and approved the easement document and it is being approved for form only . FINANCIAL IMPACT None . UST OF ATTACHMENTS An Ordinance tor Cherry Hill$ Country Club -Sewer Easement