HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000 Ordinance No. 076• ORDINANCE N0.1f/L SERIES OF 2000 BY AUTHORITY ...... COUNCIL BILL NO. 79 INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER GARRE'M' AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE I , CHAPTER ac ; TITLE 3, CHAPTER 5; TITLE 3, CHAPTER 6; TITLE 7, CHAPTER 7; TITLE 8, CHAPTER 3B; T1TLE 8 , CHAPTER 5, SECTIONS 9 AND 13 ; TITLE 11 , CHAPTER 3C ; TITLE 16, CHAPTER i ; TITLE 16, CHAPTER 4; AND TITLE 16, CHAPTER 5 OF THE ENGLEWOOD MUNICIPAL CODE 2000, PERTAINING TO CORRECTIONS OF CODIFICATION. WHEREAS , the Englewood Cit;y Council adopted the recodification of the Englewood Municipal Code 2000 with the pauage of Ordinance No. 37, Series 2000; and WHEREAS , during a review of the recodification , certain errors and omissions were found in the Code which were 1ubatantive in natun,; and WHEREAS, the paaaage of thia Ordinance will clarify the wonting in the existing Code; NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, AS FOLLOWS : Sl:J:tilm.J., The City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado hereby amends Title I, Chapter 6(C), Section I, of the Englewood Municip al Code 2000, to read aa followa: UIC-1: General Re■poa ■lbilltle ■: The Department of Community Development ahall be reRponsible for the formulation , adminiatration and implementation of all planning, environmental , housing, health, aanitation and redevelopment program, "'it bin the City and 1hall enforce code a relating to aaid programs ; ehall auiat the City Planning and Zoning Com.minion in preparation of the ~ Comprehapmye Plan for the phyaical, aoc:ial and economic development of the City; shall inapect eubdiviaion plats for compliance with the Subdivision Code ; and ahall uoist the Boan! of Adjustment and Appeals by providing information and recommendations on matters considered by said BO&rd . ~-The City Council of the City of Engl ewood , Colorado hereby amends Title 3, Chapter 5, Sectiona 3, 4 and 5, of the Englewood Municipal Code 2000, to read aa follows : 3-5-!: RETIREMENT BENEFITS: A.n) police efneet in ee,ered emple}mcnt Tlid, the Cit, prior td l4l"H 8, 19!78, anti "ho hoe allaineli 1he are oflift) &,e E55) )OOH anli ha• 1 .. enl) EB9) 01 mo,e )eare of eremeed eefflee wi'1l t:he Basie, aed Police Bi.;eien , er a mem9er 'Ahe has ,,,un"J fi,c (i5) 3eara er mere e(erciMt 'fl,;tft eaid Sncle aed PeHee 9triaien, 1egm.ilc• e,f a1e , ahaH be eligible le 1eeei, ea aep,~ee 1ctiremen, pension baaed en '-he pottee ofiec1 1a &nal haae pa), aHe:1i11g t'f'le a11ti enc h:al:f pereent ES'lw4') M1 each eft:he-firft -1- lnenl) (09) )OOH ohee,e<liled ee1'¥iee, pl•• one pe,eenl (H') for eoelt add;~onel l ear ofaeeretlit,eti aeMee, to a mam11utm effflt, &w pe1een, (61"➔• G1le11Ht.tn1 lhe l,w pa, meano lhe a,e1age aall:F) recei ea aa a member ofaaid 9ep111m,nl far one JCII bdfJte l'I BrtliRg saifl pe1t1ien. Peneitnt pa) mente aftaY he made in eqttal ■DB~1 inet!e.Uments eo the memher. Retirement benefita and qualification, for those benefit, &hall be proyided in a aeperate plan which ehall be adopted by ordinance a I 11 LB/,>,qNQ 8ERWCE PRIQR 'PQ ELIQHIILl'P¥, Showd ..,, poliee ollieer in oo,o,.d emplo,mon! ,.;ti, !he Gil) prio, lo ,',pril 8, 19'18, "ho lea• ca .._e eerviec of the €i., p1ier ki beeemirc eligiltle to 1ecei :c a pemiee; for ~ reooen o!he, !hon deo!h, and e,ud memher hoe leoe !hon !he (6) 3 eoro or ereditod eerviee al k!rmtnaMOn, he eltall he entilleti to a ref1111Sti of hie Mktl eentrillatiea llftho11:e tfttereo'= or if aeid memhct flee fi,e (6~ or more) ear, of erediNtl NPriee •• -...1ia11, eaiti officer ma, eleet ei~er. A, 'l'o reeei,e deferred monlhli MnelHo pa)uhle hecinMBg al a1e liA, !we (61) hHed ttpon. the mcmher1a &nal bHc pa), aHtMing tno aft.ti. ane haHpereett• (Y'I.,!') £or eaeb oflbe &rel.,..,.., !119) ,ear, oheeredile1he1'¥iee plm OM pereent (HG~ fer each adc:Htienal )CM e£aceredikd seMee to a maxim:1t1:m: of eil<I) fi,e pe1eeu! (869') of hoe pe,), •• B, Reeeiue o ,er,,.,d ofmo lolal eon!rih~oM with inloreo~ ifo,-,, !l!ereo11, oo ma, ~• determined h, ll,e Board of 'l'rueleee ofooid Fund. W. ~: POLICE PENSION FUND: In lieu of the provisions of Title 31 , Article 30, Section 312 , C.R.S., 1973, the Board of Trustees of the Policemen's Pension Fund of this Municipality shall be governed by the following proviHions : The Board of Trustees of the Policemen's Pension Fund in this Municipality shall have power to draw on such Pension Fund, from the treasurer of the Policemen's Pension Fund, and may invest the same, or any part thereof, in the name of the Board of 1 ruateee of the Policemen's Pension Fund, in any security, bond, debenture , corporate oMigation, stock , preferred or common, securities of any open-end or closed· end management•typ~ investment company or investment trust and participation.a in common l~et funds to the extent tho.t such investments would be authorized investments by fiduciaries within this State as set forth in Title 16, Article I, Part 3, C.RS., 197:l, or sny subsequent amendment thertto, providing that said Board :h!!.l! :it llll times hold fixed income obligations having a book value or cost o{ not leas than sixty percent (60%) of the total contributions made to said Police men's Pension Fund, less the amounts paid out. All securities invested shall be deposited with the 'l'reaeurer of the City, as ex officio treasurer of the Board of Trustees oft.he Policemen's Pension Fund, and subject to the order of said Board. SeJ:tiwi..a. The City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado hereby am•nda Title 3, Chapter 6, Section I, Suboections 3, 4 and 5, of the Englewood Municipal Code 2000, to read as follows : 3--6-1-3: RETIREMENT BENEFITS: -2- • A. "'' AB:, lireli1h1er •h• heo olteiJ.ed lhe •~• or&&, (19) , .... ••• • •••n•~ more 3e ma ofereaiRel aeri.iee ohttU ho ettri91e te roeei,e a eet uice Hliram~ hosed "" Ilse empio, ••'• linel hoH P•l, ■lie• illr toll o and •• holf ,.,anl l8'M'l h eael<ohhe &,11 lweoi, (119) ,eoro oF•oililed 1.l"liee, pl• en■ pe,00111 (HI) re, eaeh adilitienai yea, 0Fe1edi1ed oel"liee, le o 111HiJII""' ehml) Ii • pmee111 (&fill). Galeolaltr.g !he ha■t pa, meoM !he 0111011111 eFmolher monll,b •IH, oe er lhe dole ef hteJher 1cliremcat. Penaion pa,me11u oaeu he ■aSo in e,tte:1 monl!W., iMM !lmeate kl the 111e111her. Retirement benefit& and aualifications for then benefits shall be provided in a teparato plan which 1hall be adopted by ordinance. 3-6-l-., l.EAYn16 SERYIGE PRl8R '1'8 ELIGIBILIT¥. She old ""' pion memher !med prier le A~ril 8, 19~8, lea. e the oer, iee er the Sil) prior ta hecemtllg eHgihle te reeeiue a peftoi.en pa)ahle :&em t!:he Fire&gftleN1 PeMien F~nd, fer an) r,e.,en ether !hon death, and eaid 111e111her hoe leee than &,e (1) "'°'" ~ ae1 .-ice at termi:t,atlon, eatd ftre&ghter oheH he eftt!tleel Ml a refllDS ef hislher aeemnttlateel eentrihubon ho the Engle, oeel Fire&ghtero' Pemien Ftmtl. The term l!:NlllttlaRd 01,n.triGuMen.e ohaH mean the ottm ef oaiil :&re&ghtera' wnllibuti:en. ks .tie Fire&ghteH' Penni.en Funel tegeQ.er W"ith iftte1eet, if an), thereoa, as ma, 1K: elelermined ~, the Fire&ghtesa' PeMien Beard. IF oaid &refighter hao Ii. e (5) er more , earo or ereilited oemee el lerraiHalien, !he lirefighter ma, eleet eilher. Ir. 9efeued monlhl) henelit paJahle hegiftftiftg al age lift, (68) 1,oe,d •pen !ho memher'o ttnal haee pa), ■lion inc 1 .. 0 and one halfperee111 (11•.Y,~ the lirol t .. enl) (118) ,ea,o ofereililed oe, riee plllO one pereelll (19') l'er eaeh adililional )eM le a ma,.;,,,..,,, ohiott, 6,e pe,eent (66!') oFhee,. pa,, or B:-Reeei, e a rdttmi of ft13lher accumltlated eontrieJ ttt-ieM ae oet out aho • e. 3-64-~ ~: VC LUNTEER nREFIGHTERS PENSION FUND: A. The.-e is hereby creawd a specinl fund to be known •• the Volunteer F irefigh!A!ra Pension Fund for the purpose of paying statutory benefits to volunteer firefighters under conditions ss provided by Title 31, Article 30, Part 4, C.R.S .. 1973 . B. Benefits for all volunteer firefigh!A!re retired before December 31 , 1974, shall be expended from funds received from the State in the annual allotment provided in TiUe 31, Article 30, Part 4, C.R.S .. 1973. C. Beginning January I. 1975, the City shall make contributions to the Volun!A!er Firefighters Pension Fund as determined necessary to aMually fund the pension benefit accumulations of the volunteers. The cont·ribution shall be baaed on an actuarial study to be done at least every three (3) years. Pon■ion benefits tu volunteers retiring ofter January 1, 1975, will be paid from thoor contributions. -3- ~-The City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado hereby amenda Title 7, Chapter 7, Section 6(C), of the Englewood Municipal Code 2000, to read u followa : 7-7-8(C): Upon filing the approval plat designating the neceesary fire 181111 and widths thereon with t he City, aa provided herein, the City Manager or hie deaignee shall forthwith deliver a copy of the same to the owner, operetor, tenant or lesaee in poeae11sion of said private property with written notice, and order to proceed to make and post said fire lanes in con:ormance with the manual and Specification• of the State Departmunt of Highways. Within forty .five (45) days after notice, or such additional time as not to uxceed forth-five (45) additional days, the owner, operator, tenant or lessee in poueuion shall complete the ne~uary markin11 and signing as required herein . Sl:l:!.iwl.li. The City Council of the City of Englewood, Colora~o hereby amends Title 8, Chapter 3(B), Section 2, of the Englewood Municipal Code 2000, to read as follows: lh'IB-2: Colorado State Department or Health Swimming Pool Regulation, and Su.ndarda Adopted. There is hereby adopted, by reference thereto, the Colorado State Department of Health Swimming Pool Regulations and Standards and Appendix, dated September 30, 1993, published by the Colorado State Department of Health, Diviaion of Engineering and Sanitation, 4210 East 11,. Avenue, Denver, Colorrdo 80220, with the same force and effect 113 if the same were fully set forth heroin. llol 1-11,aa Ihle,, ~ One m amv of the above described Code shall be certified to be !! true eep;,,o ~ of said Code by the Mayor and the Clerk and filed in the office of the Clerk at leas, fifteen (15) days prior to public hearing and subject to public inspection at all times while said Code ia in full forte and effect. Tlte Gle,k ,hall mo.intent a! all tunes ,eaoonahle eopieo of!he So~e a,ailahle fer purehaoe h, !he poblie al ,eaaen•~ The Clerk ahall maintain a copy of the~ C2de available for inspection during regular business hours . ~-The City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado hereby amends 'i'itle 8 , Chapter 5. Section 9, of the Englewood Municipal Code 2000, to read as follows : 8-6-9 : Time oC Movement. The time of movement of a struct .re shall be approved by the City, and if the structure is to be moved over a State highway, 01· !hore,iglt ~ another jurisdiction, the time of such move shall be coordinated with the State and/or the affected jurisdiction. The structure moving permit shall ber,ime null and void unless the move is completed within the specified time approved on the permit; provided, however, that the City may extend the time period of the move for forty-eight (48) hours after consulting with the appropriate agencies when the original time for the move is rendered impractical due to inclement weather, strikes or other causes beyond th e control of the ar.ructure mover. .4. • • Sal:lilm..l. The City Council of.' the City of Englewood, Colondr ilonb:, Uleada Title 8, Chapter 5, Section 13, of the )tnglewood Mww:ipal Code 2000, ~, rud H fo&tra: 8-5-13 : Tran1port Permit Operath,:: Requirement, and Remlctlo111. The City Manager or deaignee may impoee any requireD'enta or re1trictiono on the structure mover ....i...... dllm Dea!Bllll'Y to protect City property; the health, u!ety and welfare of ita citizeno and the people wbo uoe ita roada . The coata allOciated with addreeaing theae requirementa and restrictione ohall be borne by the atructure mover. ~ The City Council of the City of E111lewood, Colorado hereby amenda Title 11, Chapter 30, Section 3(B), of the Englewood Municipal Code 2000, to read •• followe : 11-30-3(8): Applicant may file with the~ written evidence of a contract between each applicant and a reputab!e paving firm ahowing that auch firm will finally reeurface all excavation aa:ording to City apecifia,tiona after having been properly backfilled by the perm.ittee. A charge of six dollan ($6 .00) ■hall be made for each auch permit ioaued. A two-dollar ($2 .00) billing fee ■hall be charged for each individual statement requested. All fees ■hall be doubled for ■tarting work without a permit. ~-The City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado hereby amenda Title 16, Chapter 2, Section l(A), of the Englewood Municipal Code 2000, to read u followa : 16-2-l(A): Enforcement. A. Swp Ordut. Whenever the use of property or the con■truction of any buiJdini or atructure ia contrary to the proviliono of tbia Ordinance, the City Maneger or llie deaignee may order the use of the property or the conatruction to be stopped by aerving notice in writing on any per■on, firm or corporation engaged in ullins ■aid property or in doing or cauaing ouch work to be done, or by poating ouch notice in a conopicuoua place on ■aid property when no such person, firm or corporation can be aerved in the aforeaaid manner. No oversight or dereliction or error on the part of the City Manager or mot-deaignee shall legelize, authorize, or ••CUM tt,,. violation of nny of the proviaiona of thia Ordinance. ~-The Cit/ Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado hereby amenda Title 16, Chapter 4, Section 19, Subaection 14(E), of the Englewood Municipal Code 2000, to read as follows : 16-4-19-U(E): Asst.<Sment. If the full amount of the statement relatrng to sign removal for realty ia not paid within ou:ty (60) days, the City Manager ahall direct ~ !luu an auesament M be mad~ of the entire amount of the statement plus an additional twenty-five percent (25%) penalty against the specified realty. After assessment, a copy shall be sent to each owner of record of the asaesaed realty. The assessment shall contain a legal description of the premises, the expenses and coat.a incurred. e~d the date of sign removal, and a notice that the City claim• a lien for this amount. The City shall certify ouch aaeeBBment to the County Treasurer who •hall collect such assesament in the same manner aa ad valorem taxes are collected . -5- llm:ti:lD..U, The City Council oh.be City o!' En1lewood, C, !orado hereby ameiiae Title 16, Cbaptar 6, Section 18(A), Subsection 4, or the Englewood Mwlicipal Code 2000, to resd ns follows: 16-6-18(A)-4 : All comments and recommendations shall 1,e pn,aented to the~ for review and decision as per sub sections B and C herein . Si:cti.wLl.2. llal'rtt.J'Jaillla. The City Council, herio:• 'lnde, determine•. and declares that this Ordinai•ce is promulgated under the ger.,ral police power of the City of Englewood , that it " promulgated for the health, aafsty, and welfare of the public, and that this Ordina.,ce is nece888ry for the preservation o! health and aafety and £or the protection of public convenience and welfare . The City Council ~,rther determine, that the Ordinance bears a rational relation to the proper legislative object sou~ht to be obtained . ~-Sevvrahjljty If any clauae, sentence, paragraph, or part or thia Ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circwnatances shall mr any reaaon be acijudged by a court o£ competent jurisdiction invalid, such judgment ahall not affect impair or invalidate the remainder of thia Ordinance or ita application to other persons or circumstances . ~ lnrooAintent Ptdioencee All other Ordinances or portions thereof inconsistent or conflicting with thia Ordinance or any portion hereof are hereby repealed to the extent or such inconaiatency or conflict. ~-~f repeal or modification The repeal or modification of any provision of the Code of the City of Englewood Ly thi1 Ordinance shall not release , extinguish, alter, modify, or change in whole or in part any penalty, forfeiture , or liability, either civil or criminal, which shall have been incurred under such provision, and each provision shall be treated and held as still remaining in force £or the purposes of sustaining any and all proper actions, suits, proceedings, and proaecutiona for the enforcement of the penalty, forfeiture, or liability, as well as £or the purpose of sustaining any judgment, decree, or order which can or may be rendered, entered, or made in such actions, auita, proceedings, or proaecutiona . ~-.&nal,ty. The Penalty Proviaion o£E.M.C. Section 1-4-1 shall apply to each and every violation of this Ordinance. Introduced , read in full , and passed on first reading on the 16th day of October 2000 . Published as a Bill for an Ordinance on the 20th day of October, 2000 . Read by title and passed on final reading on the 6th day of November, 2000 . -6- • • Publi,hed by title aa Ordinance No. ?f. Series of 2000, on the 10th day of NovemDer , 2000 . I, Loucriahia A. Ellis, City Cle•.l< of the City of Englewood, Colorado, h ereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true COf!, of the Ordinance p on final reading and published by title aa Ordinance No : 1/12., Series of 2000 . -7 - Date October 16, 2000 COUNCIL COMMUNICATION Agenda Item 10aiil Subject Amendments to Englewood Municipal Code 2000 INmATED BY STAFF SOURCE Finance and Administrative Services , City Clerk's Fra hk Gryglewicz, Director of Finance and Office Administrative Services Loucrishia A. Ellis, City Clerk COUNCIL GOAL AND PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION On June 5, 2000 City Council approved Ordinance No. 37 , Series of 2000 , which adopted the recodtticatlon of the Englewood Mun icipal Code 2COO . RECOMMENDED ACTION The City Clerk's Office recommends City Council approve this bill for an ordinance amending various sections of the Englewood Municipal Code 2000 . These changes are considered housekeeping In nature . BACKGROUND, ANALYSIS AND ALTERNATIVES IDENTIFIED The proposed amendments were identttled through the process of proofing the first supplement to EMC 2000 . FINANCIAL IMPACT Funds are budgeted and available . LIST OF ATTACHMENTS Memo detailing substantive Code changes Proposed bill for an ordinance C cl Memorandum Y8.'.J3 f, To: Lou Ellis, City Clerk From: Brenda Castle , Deputy City Clerk Date: October 5, 2000 Subject: EMC 2000 -Clean -up Ord inance J; The following substantive errors should be Included in the clean up ordinance : SubJec:t TIU. Page Error Text H It ahould read Chapter No , Section General 1-6C-1 CD1 :21 Change "Master" The Department of Communtty Aesponai>il to Development shall be responsible for the -ttles "Comprehensive" fonnulation, administration and implementation ,! ~II plann ing , environmental, hous il .~. heahh, san itation and redevelopment programs wtthin the City and shaU enf01Ce codes relating to said programs ; shall ass ist 1he City Planning_ and Zon i~ion in preparat10n of the i6ftiiii Plan for the physical , social and economic development of the City; shall inspect subdivision plats for compliance wtth ttJe Subd ivision Code; and shall assist the Board of Adjustment and Appeals by provid ing Information and recommendations on matters cons idered b" said Board . Police 3-5-3 CD3 :42 The changes 3-5-3 Reti rement beneltts and Reti rement 3-5-4 made by qualificat ions for those beneltts shall be Plan Ordinance 48 of provi ded in a separate plan which shall be 1999 were not adopted by ordinance . reflecied in a later ordinance (1 O of 3-5-4 (Leaving Service Prior to Eligibility) 2000) In which the was deleted. cite numbers were changed . The current wording in the Code under 3- 5-5 is correct and will be renumbered 3-5 · 4. Fire 3•8·1•3 CD3 :45 The change, 3-6· 1 ·3 Retirement benams and Retirement 3-8+4 C03 :46 made by qUl!lificatlons for those benefits shall be Plan O!dinance 49 of provided in a separate plan wh ic h shall be 1999W919not adopted by ordinance . reflected In a later ordinance (10 of 3-6-1-4 (Leaving Service Prior to 2000) in which the Eligibility) was deleted . 1,, cite numbers were The current wording In the Code under 3-changed. 6-1-5 is correct and will be renumbered 3-6·1-4. Gender 7•7•6·C CD7:4-4 Remove the word C. l,0-on filing the approval plat words "his" designating the necessary fire lanes and widths thereon with the City, as provided herein , the City Manager or lii<Jeslgnee shall forthwith deliver a copy of the seme to the owner, operator, tenant or lessee In possession of said private property wtth written notice, and order to proceed to make and post said fire lanes in conformance with the Manual and Spec~lcations of the State Department of Highways . Wtthin forty-five (45) days after 1, notice , or such addttional time as not to exceed forty -five (45) addttional days , the owner, operator, tenant or lessee In possession shall complete the necessary mark;nn and sinnlnn as mnuired herein. Swimm ing 8-38-2 CD8 :16 Various changes There is hereby adopted, by reference pools thereto, the Colorado State Department of Health Swimming Pool Regulations and Standards and Appendix , dat9d September 30 , 1993, published •'V the Colorado State Department of Hentth , Division of En~ineering and Sanitation, 4210 East 11 ' Avenue, Denver, Colorado, 80220, wtth the same force and effect as If the same were fully se~h her~ less IIMIA ~l S11Pl!i• Opp I of the above described Code shall be cert~ied to be I true ~ \:2PY of said Code by the Mayor and the Clerk and filed in the office of the Clerk at least fifteen (15) days prior to public hearing and subject to public inspection at all times while said Code is in full force and effect. +~a Qla"' •llall Rl&iAlaiA al all l!iiiii rea&aAallla ciajaiH lilt ltla ~alila auaiiiili fer P•••~a&a bv ,~. pwlNla al a rHIIA..@.bi~ jlfiH. The Clerk shall maintain a copy of the Standards available fo r inspection durino reaular bus ine ss hours . Moving of 8-5-9 CD8:21 Change The time of movement of a struc1u111 ahaR structu111s ihorough' to be approved by the City, and H the 'through'. structure Is to be moved over a Slate highway, orJl!t~another jurisdiction, the time of 1uch move shall be coordinated ~i:h the S1a1e and/or the effected jurisdlc1ion. The struc1u111 moving permtt shall become null and void unless the move is completed ~hin the specified time approved on the permtt; provided, however , that the City may exlend the time period of the move for forty -eight (48) hours after consulting wtth 1he appropriate agencies when the original time for the move is rendered imprac1ical due lo inclement weather , strikes or other causes bevond the control of the structu111 mover. Moving of 8-5-13 CD8 :22 Change "it deems' The City Manager or deslgnee may struc1u111s to "deemed". impose any requi111ments or restric1lons on the struc1ure moved necessary to protect City property; the health, safely and wella111 of tts cttizens and the people who use tts roads. The costs associated with add111ssing these requirements and restrictions shall be borne by the structw e mover. Permtt 11 -JC• C011 :34 The word 'City B. Applicant may fil ,i wtth the lllll written Fees 3-B was omitted.' evidence of a contra,-:1 between IIIICh applicant and a reputauie paving firm showing that such firm will finally resurlace all excavation according to City specHlcations after having been properly backfilled by the permittee. A charge of six dollars ($6 .00) shall be made for each such permit issued . A two-dollar ($2.00) billing fee shall be charged for each individual statement reouested . Gender 16-2-1· CD16 :6 Remove the word A. Stop Orders . Whenever the use of words A "his " property or the construction of any building or structure Is contrary to the provisions of this Ordinance, the City Manager or Ai& design•• may order the use of the property or the construction to be stopped by serving notice In writing on any person, firm or corpcration engaged in using said property or in doing or causing such work to be done, or by posting such notice in a conspicuous place on said property when no such person, firm or corporation can be served In the aforesaid manner . No oversight or dereliction or error on the part of the City Manager or Ai& designee shall legalize, authorize , or excuse the violation of any of the provisio ns of this Ordinance. Signs 16-4-19-CD16 : Change "the" to E. Assessment. If the full amount of the 14-E 134 "thar and remove statement relating to sign removal tor ·or. realty is not paid within sixty (60) days, the City Manager shall direct the that an assessment el be made of the entire amount of the statement plus an additional twenty-five percent (25%) penalty against the specified realty. After assessment, a copy shall be sent to each owner of record of the assessed nealty. The assessment shall contain a legal description of the premises, the expenses and costs incurred, and the date of sign removal, and a notice that the City claims a lien for th is amount. The City shall certify such assessment to the County Treasurer who shall collect such assessment in the same manner as ad valorem taxes are collected. Landfill 16-5-18-CD16: Insert the word 4. All comments and recommendations sites A-4 157 ·c~y-shall be presented to the !.illi for review and decis ion as per subsections 8 and C herein .