HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000 Ordinance No. 077ORDINANCE NO. Z+ SERIES OF 2000 BY AUTHORITY COUNCIL BILL NO. 80 INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER GARRET!' AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT WITH SOUTH METRO FIRE RESCUE ENTITLED "MUTUAL AID/AUTOMATIC AID AGREEMENT (FIRE) 2000" FOR MUTUAIJAUTOMATIC AID FOR FIRE PROTECTION FROM BOTH ENTITIES. WHEREAS. aSBistance from other fire protection agencies provides a higher level of protection for the City or Englewood and South Metro Fire Rescue; and WHEREAS, the paeeage of this Ordinance will authorize entering into an intergovernmental agreement with South Metro Fire Rescue which will provide for ruutuaUautomatic aid for fire protection for Englewood and South Metro; NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY 01' ENGLEWOOD. COLORADO , AS FOLLOWS: Sm:tiwL.l. The "Mutual Aid/Automatic Aid Agreement (Fire) 2000" attarhed hereto as "Attachment 1." is hereby accepted and approved by the Englewood City Council. ~-The Mayor and the Director or Safety Se,vices are authorized to execute and the City Clerk ~ attest and seal the "Mutual Aid/Automatic Aid Agreement (Fire) 200v for and on behalf of the City or Englewood. Colorado. Introduced. read in full , and passed on first reading on the 16th day or October, 2000. Published as a Bill for an Ordinance on the 20th day of October. 2000. Read by title and passed on final reading on the 6th day of November, 2000. Published by title as Ordinance No.12 Series or 2000, on the 10th day of November, 2000. 10 bvil I, Loucriabia A. Ellie , Cily Clerk of the City of Englewood, cliorado, hereby nertlfy that the above and !orell!rinr ia a true cop_x,'lf the Ordinance paaaed on final reading •""~"""""""u""""""'No.:U.~~,.(( Loucriahia A. Ellia n ,- • MUTUAL AJD I AUTOMATIC AJD AGREEMENT (FIRB) 2000 , THIS AGREEMENT, 1nade by 1.11d between the CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, a municipal coi;10ration. hereinafter called "Enclewood", and SOUTH METRO F'IRE RESCUE, hereuafter called "South Metro". WITNF.SSETH WHEREAS, Englewood ia n municipal cori,oration orpniud and existing purauant to Article X.'< of the Colorado Conatitution, ita Charier, ill Ordinance ■; ita territorial jurisdiction generally is the lepl boundaries of the City of Englewood, Colorado, and WHEREAS, South Metro is a fire protection district organized and existing under Part 3, Chapter 32 , of 1973 C.R.S.; and WHEREAS, each of the parties hereto maintain emergency equip me n,: and WHEREAS, emei·gencies may ariae in one or the other of the jurisdictions of tl.e parties, resulting in greater demnnda than the manpower and equipment of the party can handle; or emergencies of such intensity n,ay oocur that they cannot be bandied aolely by the equipment of the party in whose jurisdiction the emergency occurs; and WHEREAS, it is to the interest of each of the psrtiea that they may have service of and from the other party to aid and assist them in the purpose of fighting fires or responding to other emergencies; NOW. THEREFORE, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED by and between the partiea aa follows : I. MUTUAL AJD : I. For and in consideration of the promises of South Metro, hereinafter set forth, Englewood agrees with South Metro that in the event there are emergencies in the territory served by South Metro which are beyond the control of the fire department of South Metro, whether because of use of their equipment at other places or because of the intensity of the emergency, or otherwise, Englewood agree■, subject to the limitation hereinafter set forth, to aid and aaaiat South Metro by cousing and permitting its fire department and ita equipmeut to be used in responding to emergencies in the territorial area of South Metro . and the need for such aid and aBBiatance shall be determined by the fi.l'e department of South Metro, subject. however, to the following lu.utations: Englewood shall be excused from making ita equipment and services available to South Metro in tbs event of the need of the emerwency equipment and the manpower within the territorial area of Englewood, or their prior use at any place. which d.ecision o£ availability shall be made by the fin, division of Engl•wood, and which decision shall be conclusive. a C h m e n t l 2. ,( For and in conaldtru!or. ,,! ch, prom iae 1 of En1lewood, hereinafter oat forth, South Metro 111,e • wi th En1lewood that in the event then, IN firtt or otlwr t1111~.>v.l •A in tho territory 11rved by Ellllewood which are boyond tho .,. ,,-,,1 of tl,1 firt dtviaion of >Enslewood , whether beca1111 of 1111 of l t\tl r tquipmont a t other plac11 or because of the inten1it y of tho om,r•ioney, or otherwioe, South Metro all?ff&, subject to the limitation, Minafter H t forth, to aid and aoaist Englewood by ca111in1 and pr.r111ittb 1 South Metro equipment to be UNd in n,1pondtn1 to 1mcr,.1 nci11 in the territorial area of Englewood , and tlla nttd &,r auch aid and 111iatance shall be determined by the fire dtviaion of Englewood, 1ubject, however, to the follow ing limitation: South Metro shall be exc:uaed f:rom makin1 ite equipment or service a vailable to Englewood in the event of t he noed of the emergency equipment or need of the ma npower within the territ.orial area of South Metro, or tlleir prior 1111 at any place, which decision of availa bility shall be made by the fir e department of South Metro, and wh ich deci1ion shall be conclu1h·e. 3. Each pa r ty waive ■ all claim ■ and cause• of action apin■t the other party for compenaation, damagea , peraonai iltjury or death oocurring as a co nsequence, direct or indirect , of the performance of this Agreement. 4. Each pnrty shall be expected to maintein ill equipment and organize its emerge ncy res ponse method , wit h both manpower and equi pm ent, to the degree nece1Sary to cope with the ordinaey and routine emergencies ariaing within ill boundarioo and for which the pa rty is orga nized. Ne ither pal'ty shall expect the othtr to reopond to emergency calls where the emergency a ri ■e1 due to a failure to organize availa ble manpower or mointoin equipment in proper working order and in sufficient quantity to meet the re1pective demands of the persona and property within 11ch of tho partleo' respective jw'i.sd.ictions. Il. AUTOMATIC AID. !. It is unde rstood and agreed that Englewood Fire Divilion will respond fr om Station #21 and/or Station #23 into South Metro Fire Res cue's district a, part of the inmal re 1ponae throu1h automatic dispatching by South Metro dispatchers into tho bolow defined area,. DEFINED AREA-SOUTH METRO : generally bounded by Clarkaon Street on the We st, University Boule vard on the Ea ■t , E a ■t Hampde n Avenue on the North (including the Cherry Hill, Hei1hta subdivision). and South Sherman Street (5400 block South) on the South. Additionally. for fire alarms in A and E occupancieo only, coverage will also extend to an area generally bounded by University Boule va rd on the West , East Ha mpden Avenue on the North, Colorado Boulevard on the EHt, a nc. Quincy Streit on the South (to include Kent Country Day School). St: 'EXHIBIT "A" • 2. It ia undentood and op-eed that South Metro Fire RellCWI will re1pond from Station #37 and/or Station #38 into EDCiewood'■ diatrict aa part of the initial rnponae thro1111h automatic diapatchinr by Englewood's diapatchera into the below defined area■• DEFINED AREA -ENGLEWOOD : generally 1rtendinr Ea■t and West from the East city limit■ to South Broadway Street, North and South from Dartmouth Avenue to Bellsview Avsnue . SEE EXHIBIT "B" DI. OTHER PROVISIONS: I. Either party hsreto may terminate this contract without ca\lH upon thirty (30) day■ prior written notice to the other. 2. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the partiea hereto have executed tbi.■ A(reement tbi.■ __ day of ___ ~ 2000 . SOUTH METRO FIRE RESCUE By: __________ _ President Fire Diatrict Board By : ----------Chief, Fire Department A'ITEST : By: ---------- CITY OF ENGLEWOOD Br, _________ _ Thoma■ J. Burns, Mayor By: _______ -,-__ Chria Olaon Director Safety ServiCII By: ________ ...;:.: Loucriahia A. Ellia Cil,J CI.rk Date •October 16 2000 COUNCIL COMMUNICATION Agenda Item 10 ai Subject Automatic Aid Agreement INITIATED BY STAFF SOURCE De artment of Safe Services Kieth Lockwood, Division Chief -Fire O erations COUNCIL GOAL AND PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION In 1980Council approved an ordinance(# 45-1990) authorizing the implementation of a mutual I automatic aid agreement with South Metro Fire Rescue. RECOMMENDED ACTION Staff seeks Council's approval of the Mutual / Automatic aid agreement between Englewood and South Metro Fire Rescue. BACKGROUND, ANALYSIS, AND ALTERNATIVES IDENTIFIED The successful mitigation of emergency operations is dependent upon the rapid deployment of adequate resources. To augment City resources and provide a higher level of service to the community the use of resources from neighboring communities has proven an effective means to accomplish this . The agreement is reciprocal in nature .and has no financial impacts to the either agency . FINANCIAL IMPACT NONE LIST OF ATTACHMENTS Mutual / Automatic Aid agreement Exhibit "A" map Exhibit "B" map