HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992 Ordinance No. 027ORDINANCE NOtt:]_ SE RIES OF 1992 BY AUTHORITY 10 a <!oni-rac-1-N(). b fi"-9,;i_ COUNC IL BILL NO. 2 INTRODUCE D BY CO UNCIL MEMBER GULLEY AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN I NTERGOVERNMENTAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT WITH ARAPAHOE COUNTY ON BEHALF OF THE ARAPAHOE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION SERV ICES AND T HE C ITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO FOR SPECIALIZED TRANSPORTATION SERVICES FOR ENGLEWOOD HANDICAPPED AND ELDERLY RESIDE TS FROM JAN UARY I, 1992 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 1992. WHEREAS, the City Council doe. hereby determine that it is in the publi c interest an d welfare of the residents of the City ••!"Englewood, Colorado that the City engage in a coo perative Agreem ent with Ar pd ;10e Co\,1nty Tran sportation Services for transportatio n se rvic es for Englewood handicap~,d and elderly re sidents; and WHEREAS, lhe City shall pay Arapahoe County on beh alf of Arapahoe Co unty Transportation Services $12,000.00 for transportation provided to Engl ewood handicapped and senior residents ; and WHEREAS , Arapahoe County Transportatio1 Services shall be responsibl e for r ecei,.ng tele phone calls from Englewood handicapped and senior residents in need of transportation and shall not directly charge a fee to the Englewood residents using these services; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF T H E CITY OF ENGLEWOOD , COLORADO , AS FO LLOWS: Sfl:l.ism..l . The City of Englewood hereby approves the Agreement, as attached h ereto, entitled Agreement Arapahoe Count¥ Trans portation Services, between the City of Englewood, Colorado and Arapahoe County on behalf of the Arapahoe County Tran sportat ion Services. Ar ~pahoe County Transportatio n Services will provide the City of Englewood handicapped and eld erly re sidents transportation services from J anuary I, 1992 through December 31 , 1992. Said Agreement is h ereby accepted and approved by the Eng lewood City Cou ncil. ~-The Mayor is authorized to exec ute a nd the City Clerk to attest and seal tha t Agr ee ment for and on behalf of the City of Englewuod . Introd uc ed , r ead in full , and passe d on first reading on th e 15th day of June, 1)92. Pu blish ed as a Bill for an Ordinance on the 18th day of June, 1992. Read by tit le a nd pa ssed on fin al reading on the 6th day of July, 1992 . Publi sh ed by title as Ordinance No;JJ, Series of 1991, on th e 9th day of July , 1992. ATTEST : ~-#A~<e~ Patricia H . Crow, City Clerk I, Patricia H. C,·.,...,, City Clerk of the City of Engiewood , Colorado, here by ce rtify that the above and foregoing •• a true copy of the Ordinance passed on final reading and pubJ;shcd by titl e as Ordinance No . ,1,J, Series of 1992. . ~du,~ ,.u. {L.if Ellyde ll. Wiggi110~ -2 - AGREEMENT ARAPAHOE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT made thi1 __ day of ____ , 1992, by and between the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF ARAPAHOE, STAT E OF COLORADO ("COUNTY"), on behalf of the ARAPAHOE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION SERVICES ("ACTS"), and the CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO ("CITY"); and shall constitute a ifllilt for transportation aervice1 for Englewood resident■ for the con1ideration hereinafter set forth; and WHEREAS, there is a need to provide specialited transportation 1ervice1 to handicapped and elderly residents of the CITY; and WHEREAS, ACTS is a traruportation agency which can pruently pro vi de transportation aervices to tha elderly and handicapped resident. of the CITY. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promi1u and coven an ti contained herein, the parties agre• as follows: L The term oftbi1 A,reement shall be from January 1, 1992 to December 31, 1992 inclusive. 2. Th e CITY ■hall pay the COUNTY, on behalf of ACTS, for transportation provided to Englewood resident■. Said payment shall be made on February 18, May 16, August 17, and November 13, 1992 and within thirty (30) day1 of receipt of any final billing submitted at the conclusion or termination of the Agreement. In the event the CITY's budgot or the bucl,-t of the responsible department i1 reduced, theae funds will be reduced. The CITY realizes that the COUNTY and ACTS cannot serve all transportation requestl with the available funds and that ACTS may request the CITY to help determine trip priorities. Tha CITY ■hall have the final decision as to which residents shall be transported within the confines of the allotted budget. The Englewood City Council will pay ACTS for transportation services provided to CITY residenta which are not priaently covered by TITLE III of the Older American Act of 1965 (42 U.S .C. Sections. 3001 , et seq . and to 1upplement and/or replace Title III funds in order to further serve reside9tl of the CITY. It is agreed that transportation services to CITY resident■ will be provided in any given month onl y so long as the coat■ for such aervices do not exceed THREE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($3000) OVER ANY THREE MONTH PERIOD. 3. ACTS shall be re sponsibl. for rece iving telephone call, from residents in need of tra ns portatio n services . 4. Transportation to medicaVdental appointments, grocery stores, adult day care, Title III meal site, Malley Center and Englewood Recreation Center classe s and programs shall be considered "top priority". Transportation to non-groc ery stores, beauty shops , social events, human service agencies, banks and other related destinatio ns, shall be considered ,.lower priority• trip s. 5. .\CT S shall provide both top priori ty and lower priority trip s, but shall imple ment such priorities as follow s : (a) ACTS shall make every effort to provide top priority trips, with in the re strictions set forth herein : ACTS will also attempt to accommodate requests for lower priority tranaportation, but may require that some ,uc h request.I be changed to more convenient times or days in order to make a schedule more efficient or in order to accommodate a top priority trip. (b) ACTS shall not, as a rule, deny service to a person who has already been scheduled for a lower priority trip in order to accommodate a hieh priority trip. 6. ACTS ,hall provide transportation wi t hin the following boundaries : (a) Grocery transportation w,ll generaily be provided only to en,cery stores within a client's general vicinity. (b) Non-grocery store transportation will be provided only to stores within th e Engle~·ood city limita. (c) Me site transportation will be to the VOA Title III meal site in Enelewood . (d) ACT S shall provide lower priority transportation only within a 5-mile radius of a client's home. These restrictions shall not apply if a lower priority trip request can be provided within the route of an existine top priority trip. (e) • Transportation costa for persons under 60 years of 1111e or for lower priority trips shall be limited to $20.00 per month per penon. (t) ACTS shall make every effort to linl,' handicapped individuals under the 1111e of 60 years to other available transportation programs . 7. ACTS shall provide ita services renerally betwun the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m . Persons requesting transportaticn service ■ mu.st have appointment/destination arrival times between 9 :00 a .m. and 2:00 p.m . and return times by 3:00 p.m. ACTS shall provide ita service Monday throueh Friday, unless requested for specific medical treatment. Requesta must be made before 2:00 p.m. one work day in advance unless the request is an immediate medical request by a physician . Transportation shall not be provided when the weather conditions create such risk that residents could sustain injury if transported to designated locations. If transportation is provided in adverse weather conditions, the decision to ride or not to ride is up to the resident. 8. ACTS shall provide its services to persons confined to wheelchairs . However, ACTS must be notified at the time transportation is requested that a person is in a wheelchair so that appropriate transportation can be arranged for each trip. 9. E>eeptions to the above-listed procedures can be made at the discretion of the COUNTY, the CITY and ACTS. When such exceptions are deemed necessa ry, it will be because of coordination, efficiency , time savings or cost effectiveness. 10. ACTS will determ ine the most economical cost system for tTansporting residents, and do its best to ensure thnt residents are able to keep scheduled appointments. If a v ehicle arrives for the transportation of a client and the client either unreasonably ll N!NHI 1ald transportation or is not avallablo to accept aaid transportation, ACTS 1h all be paid its no show/no eo charce by the City. ACTS shall require, u a condition of its agreements with it,, transportation providera, that tho transportation provider shall exorcise reasonable care in tran ■portlnr ro ■idents in a ■are manner. 12. ACTS shall maintain, for ac::ounting purposes, such books, records, accounts and other documents necessary to handle tho accountin1 of all income and upenditures related to tJ,i ■ As,eement . Such records ■hall be subject at all reasonable times to review, audit and inspection by designated officers, employees or arents of the COUNTY. 13. Biannual acti vity/financial summary reports shall be filed with the Enrlewood Department of Recreation Service,. Report. shall be submitted by March l and September l. 14. ACTS shall not directly charge any fee to the residents usinc these aervices. ACTS may accept donations, which will 10 toward increased levels or services . l5. ACTS may promote its program and the services offered by it to CITY residents through various uea media. 16. ACTS shall maintain the confidentiality of all information received and shall conform with all County, State, and Federal laws, rules and recuJations which may be related to this agreement. 17. The COUN'IY and ACTS agree not to refuse to hire, discharce, promote or demote or discriminate in any matter of compensation , performance of services or otherwise, against persons otherwise qualified solely beceuse of rac e, creed , sex , color, national ori(in or ancestry. I& The CITY shall U5ist ACTS in the procedural planning for transportation services and in the monitorinir of data collection and record keepinir to ensure compliance with Federal, State, and County requirements. 19. ACTS agrees to comply with all applicable laws includinir but not limited to health, safety and employment law1 and reiruJatio ns. 20. This qreement shall terminate on December 31 , 1992 and may be tenninated by either party upon 30 days written notice to the other party, without any responsibili ty or liability to either party. 21 This agreement may be modified only in writing upon mutual agreement of all parti e s . 22. The COUNTY and ACTS both acknowledge and arr•• that this agreem,nt fo r tran sportation services is a non -exclusive Agreement. The CITY may contract with othe r providers of tran spor'..J ti on services to provide similar seMces as provi ded by ACTS. The CITY makes no representation s r ega,·ding the level of services tc be demanded of ACTS d u ring the term of this Agreement. 23. The offl eW addrel1 or the CITY ii 3400 South Elatl Strwt, E111lewood, Colorado 80110, and the CITY shall promptly notify ACTS and the COUNTY or any change in wd addreu. 24. The offleW mniling addr;u~ er the COUNTY l1 do County Attorney'• Office, 5334 South Prince Sltt•t LiWeto , Colorado 80166-0001, and the COUNTY ah all promptly notify the CIT'l or any ch anp in aald addn,u . 25. The offieW ru.oilinc adclre•• af' ACTS ii 2009 Welt Littleton Blvd., Littleton, Colorado 80120, and ACJrS •~11 promptly notify the CITY and tho COUNTY of any change in wd adclr111 . IN WITNESS WHER.f.OF, tht parties hereto have hereunto affixed their signatures and seal ■• CITY OF ENGLEWOOD COLORADO BY ___ ._ _______ _ Clyde E. Wtgim, Mayor ATTEST : Patricia H. Crow, City Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIO N ERS COUNTY OF ARAPAHOE, STATE OF COLORADO BY __________ _ ARAPAHOE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION SERVICES BY ___________ _ COUNCIL COMMUNICATION Date June 15 , 1992 INITIATED BY Agenda Item 11 a Department of Recreation Subject Transportation Agreement with Arapahoe County STAFF SOURCE Jerrell Black, Recreation Director ISSUE/ ACTION PROPOSI,.,D Rec ommendation from the Department of Recreation Services to adopt a bill for an ordinance approving the Arapahoe CountyTransportatton Services (ACTS) A agreement. This transportation agreement with Arapahoe County will serve • Englewood residents over S'l years of age, and residents under 60 with d1sabllltles . j>REVJOUS COUNCIL ACTION TWs program was discussed during the December 16, 1991 Study Session. Council s upported the program concept and directed Its Implementation. No previous formal action has been t.aken on the Agreement. At the January 20, 1992 Council Meeting , Co uncil voted to re-Implement the Taxi Coupon Program along with the ACTS Program for three months. After these programs were evaluated, they were dis cu ssed at a study session on April 20, 1992. At that time, Council requested that the ACTS billing agreement be reconfigured to allow for billing on a q-aarterly basis rather than a lump SUIT payment at the begtnning of the contract. STAFF ANALYSIS As disc ussed 1n the Study Session: The agreement will cove r all Englewood residents over 60 years of age, \\1th no Income 11mltations . and at no charge. Englewood funding will be utlllzed to maintain the same levels of s ervtce to the participants. Residents under 60 years of age with dlsablllties will be covered under the .iew agreement to the same level as before. 0 · The agreement would provtde transportation servtces to people over 60 years of age through coordination and use of funding programs other than City funds . Crttical (medlcal, etc.) transportation needs would be met to a greater degree than with the Trod Program, and persons over 60 would <Jot be Urnlted to 820 wo rth of transportation per month. People under 60 with diseblllties uld be limited to 820 worth of transportation per month. This Is the current level provtded by the trod program. Englewood funding would fill In the "gaps " and would be prorated on a monthly basis. Current taxi program Urnltations provtde for only two to three roundtrlps per month (depending on destination.) While It Is possible that all requests of a non- prtortty nature may not be met due to funding Urnltations, the proposed agreement provtdes a significant financial trnprovement over the current structure. BACKGROUND Arapahoe County Transportation Servtces (ACTS) program coordinates, through contractual agreement, a variety of transportation programs, Including taxi cabs , Swedish Express, lnterFatth Task Force vans, mediceid transportation through Denver Moblllty, Red Cross, and others for persons over 60 years of age. The prtrnary funding source for this program Is through the Older Amer1cans Acta Grant A (Title Ill). Under the proposed agreement, Englewood would pay for servtces not • permitted by ACTS due to Federal guidelines . FINANCIAL Englewood's portion of the funding for this program for 1992 will be 812 ,000. The City's cost under the former structure of the agreement would have been 820,160 (e,,11enditures less revenues). The proposed agreement represents a net savtngs of S8.160.00.