HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992 Ordinance No. 030ORDINANCE NO ,Jo SERIES OF 1992 BY AUTHORITY 10 d (:01/fYttC /-/'.fJ. 5'2-C,;L COUNCIL BILL NO . 27 INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER. HABENI CHT AN ORDINANCE APPROVIN G AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEME NT BETWEEN CITY OF Ll'ITLETON, THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD AND THE CITY OF SHERIDAN -THE TRI-C ITY PLANNING GROUP FOR THE IC::CONSTRUCTION OF SOUTH SANTA FE. WHEREAS, the parties have been working together and have adopted plan s ~ r th e Santo Fe area through th e Tri-City Planning Group ; and WHEREAS, th e parties desi re to enter into an agreement to fund the development of pl ans and graphics to be used to guide the Col orado Department of Transportation in the redesign an d reconstruction of South Santa Fe Drive (to include aesthetic improvements, landscaping and related facilities) located within the city limits of the parties; nnd WHEREAS, the parties desire that Sheridan shall be the co ntract ing party for the dev elopment of such plans and graphics; and WHEREAS, the parties agree that the des ign and reconstructi on of South Santa Fe Dri ve is a matt.e r of great public importance and that th e prop er de sign thereof would serve the public health , safety a nd welfare. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORAD O, AS FOLLOWS: ~ The City of En glewood hereby approves an intergovemment.ol agreement th at provides as follows : I. Littleton shall remit Sll,000 a nd Englewood sha ll remit $11,000 to Sheridan for the purposes of fun ding a contract to be executed and administered by Sheridan for th e developm ent of pl a ns and graphics to be used to guide th e Colorado Department of Transportation in the design a nd r eco nstruction of that portion of South Santa Fe Drive (including aestheti c improvements, land sc ap ing and r elated facilitie s) which is located within th e parties' jurisdictions . 2. Sheridan shall also transfer $3,000 to a separa te account to be used for such purpQses . 3. Th e fu nds transfe rred and r eceived by Sh eridan pursuant to this Agr eeme nt sha ll be segregated into a separate accou nt of Sheridan"s choos in g a nd shall only be used fo r th e purposes set forth herein . 4. Upo n the receipt of such funds, Sheri dan sh all, pursuant to its ordinances and a ny npplicable federa l or state laws or regulations, co ntrac~ with an independent contractor to develop plans and graph ics which shall be designed to serve lhe pu rposes set fo rth h e rein. 5. lfthe entire amount contributed by the pa rties is not expe nd ed, then each party shall be enti tl ed to a refund of its prorat..o. sha re . 6. Expenditures greater than the amount of contributions from each part)' shal : no!. be e xceeded unless an amendment t.o this contract is first executed by the po rlies w!th th e formalities as where undertaken in the adoption of this contract. 7. Sheridan agrees to contract for the provir\on of plons ond grophi cs no later than August I, 1992, and agrees that said Contract-sholl provide that all work shall be completed no later than October I, 1992 . 8. This contract may be executed in several counterparts, each of which shall be an original , but all of which together shall constitute one of the same agreement. Introduced , read in full, and paHed on first reading on the 15th day of June, 1992 . Published as a Bill for an Ordinance on th e 18th doy of Jun e, 1~92 . Read by title and passed on fin al reading on tho 6th da y of July, I 992 . Published by title as Ordinonce No.J,, Series of 1992, on the 9th doy of July , 1992. ATTEST: n .. w 11 ., ~---~ Patricia H . Crow, City Clerk ~ ' L ----E. Wiggins, yor I, Patricia H. Crow, City Clerk of the City of Englewood , Colorado, hereby certify thot the obove and foregoin g is a true copy of the Ordinance passed on final reading and published by title as Ordinance No . .a:2, Series of 1992. ~o£Jkr Patricia H. Crow -2- e Date June 15, 1992 INITIATED BY STAFF SOURCE COUNCIL CVMMUNICA11ON ACendaitcm 11 e Community Development Subject Tri-City Planning Group •• 1tergovcrnmental Agreement Linda Martin, Acting Dtrcctor of Community Development ISSUE/ ACTION PROPOSED I. Adopt an Ordinance approving an Intergovernmental Agreement between the Cities of Englewood, Littleton. and Shendan for the transfer of funds to the City of Asherldan for the purpose of funding 11 contract for the development of plans and .. graphics for the Improvement of South Santa Fe Drive for presentation to the Colorado Department of Transportation. II. Adopt a resolutt,on transferring $11,000 from the General Fund Balance to the Communlty Development Department to defray ~e costs of Englewood's portion of the Tri-Cities planning effort. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION Cl tv Council , through Resolution Number 5 3, Senes of 1992 , has ratlfled the Strategic Plan for the South Santa Fe Drive area as prepared by the Tri-City Planning Group. STAFF ANALYSIS This Intergovernmental Agreem•:nt Is n,~c essary to further the work of the Tri-City Planning Group In the Implementation of the Strategic Plan. One of the principal elem ents of the Strategic Plan was the retention of a design professional to assist th e Cities to Influence decisions of the Department of Transportation so as to Insure tha t the needs and concerns of the citizens and businesses of the three cities are a d equately addressed. This Intergovernmental Agreem ent calls for U1e transfer of A und s to the City of Sheridan who will act as admlnlstrator for the contra cted d es ign ~ro fess lonal . The amount of funds to be transferred, $11,000 , Is Engi ewo ,Jd's prora ta share as detennlned by the 1)1 -Cl ty Planning Group . J?,ACKGn.OUND In 1991 the Tri-City Planning Group was formed by the Cities of Englewood, Shendan and Littleton 1n an attempt to provtde a more coordlnated and systematic a pproach to long range strategic planning In areas that are of mutual concern to the three communities. As a result, the Tri -City Planning Group prepared a Strategic Plan for the South Santa Fe Drive area focused on the prnposed Improvements to be m3de t o South Santa Fe Drlve by the Department of Transportation. On June 4, Hl!12, the Trl -Cltles g.oup lntervlewed consultants to conduct the design and graphic work activities defined In the Str11teglc Plan. The consensus of the group was to hire EDAW-HNTB . FINANCL\L The 1992 Adopted Audget lndlcates a projected General Fund Balance on 12/31 /92 to b e $3 ,518,344. The funds fer this project would decrease the budgeted fund balance by $11,000. Revised estimates Indicate the General Fund Balance may be S160 ,000 grl!ater than bu ~geted, due to greater-than-expected revenue performance.