HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993 Ordinance No. 007ORDINANCE NO . 1
WHEREAS, Arapahoe County requires administrative and proe,am man-,.ment
services for the Rehabilitation •of Owner-Occupied (Low-Moderate Income) Sin11le Family
I!cusing in Uni ncorporated Arapahoe County; and
WHEREAS , Arapahoe County has created a new $240,000 oingle family hou.s ing
rehabilit.ation prog ram and does not have the at.alfto administer that program; and
WHEREAS, Arapahoe County =••led that proposals be submitted from qualified entities
within the County to provide adm inistrative and program management aervice:s to which the
Engl e•,ood Hous ing Authority responded; and
WHEREAS, said services include : (1) Planning Pha se, (2) Implementation Phase , (3)
Rep orting, and (4) Traini.11: and Coordination ; •nd
\ 'HEREAS, the Co11~ly accepted the Englewood Housing Authority's propo&al; and
WHEREAS, the Englewood Housing Authority's proposal included a two-phase scope of
services end a projer:t budget which was: Under the fint phase the EHA and City st.all' will
meet with County staff to formulate policies and procedure 10 the County's program 10 that t.'ie
pr ogram will be customized to the County's needs. The Second phase involves the actual
implementation of the rehabilitation of the houses aft.er the policies have been qreed upon;
Stwsm.1 . The Agreement For Single Family Housing Rehabilitation Services For
Unincorporated Arapahoe County, Colo rado is hereby accepted and approved by the
Er.glewood City Council and the Mayor is authorized to execute and the City Clerk to attest
en d seal the Agreement for and on behalf of the City of Englewood.
Sfllilm._2. The Agreement For Single Family Hou1ine Rehabilitation Services For
Unincorporated Arapahoe County, Colorado generally contains as follow s:
A . ':" n,• City of Englewood, Colorado by and through the Engl ewood Housing
/..~lhority shall perform the administrative and progrlm manaeeme nt
services as outlined in its qualification statement and proposal and as
spec ifi ed in the Agreement as though fully set forth herein . !n cue of direct
conflict between the acope of oervicu outlined in the COUNTY'S
RFP/Admini1trator'1 proposal , the J ob Specific acope of services outlined in •
the Agreemr• shall gov ern .
B. The Cit) of Enclewood by and throu,h the Enclowood Houoinc Authority will
prr.<ee d with the performance of the aervice1 called for in the Planninc Phue,
11nd will pr,:,duce a written document of all policiea developed within 60 dty1
following the authorization to proceed with the projecl
c .
I. The City of Englewood by and through the Englewood Ho111in1
Authority will proceed with the performance of the aervicea called for in
the Implementation Phaae which involvu the actual rehobilitation of
hou1e1 after the policiea have been llgl'eed upon, IO aa to deliver act111l
completed rehabilitation projecta within 12 months after the
authorization to proceed with the projecL
2 . The City of Englewood by and through the Enclewood Ho111in1
Authority will provide the County with a monthly report includinc but
not limited to the number of applications received, rehabilitation in
progress and com1 leted projects and any other infor.,,ation neceasa,y to
meet Housing and Urban Development'• reporting criteria.
3 The City of Enclewood by and tr.rough the Englewood Ho111ing
Authori ty will be considered to have completed the project with the
submittal of I: e 12th monthly report and/or the complete, documented,
expenditure of the funds in the manner authorized by the Agreement.
Th e County agrees to pay the City of Englewood by and through the Englewood
Housing Authority the fee 1tated below for the aervices described herein.
Partial payments will be made a1 the work progrea1es. Said payment■ will be
ba sed on estimates prepared by the City of Englewood by and through the
Englewood Housing Authority of the value of th, work performed, in
accordance with the HUD guidelines and approval by County.
The total of partial payments and final payment shall be equivaler:t to the fees
stated in the Agreement, assuming all activitiea in the ,cope of r.ervice1 have
been ,atisfactorily completed. Final payment &hall be made Ul)On receipt and
approval by the Cowity of the final documenta required. The funds 1hall be
paid by partial payment in accordar.ce v.ith the Agreement and in the total
amount not to exceed $240,000.
D, For add itional services, compensation will be negotiated wider separate
wri tten addenda to the Agreement.
All requests for payment by tl,e City of Englewood by and through the
Englewood Housing Authority must be made on the "Subgrantee Draw Down
Reque st Form . ,h form must be completed and signed.
E. The City of Englewood by and through the Englewood Housing Authority
agrees not to refuse to hire, disch arge, promote or demot. or discriminate in
any matt.er of compensation; performance or services or otherwise, again st
pers o, ·the rwise qualified ao1ely because of race, creed, au, color, nation al
ori&;n ancestry ,
F . To the e.1 t authorized by law, the City of Englewood by and through the
Englewoo . tlousing Authority agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the
County , an , its officers, employees and 11 ·;ents from any and al1 claims,
losses , in jur, s, damag e, and lawsuits , 1d expenses, including attorney's
-2 -
J .
ree, ari1inr out of or re1ulUn1 mm tho n11lilent acu or omiuion1 or the City
of En1lewood by nnd throu,t, the EnsJewood Hou1in1 Authority or ill
1ubcontraclor in ·:he performance ~ aarvicea u Ml forth in tho A,reement.
The Agreement n 1ay not be modified, amended or otherwioe altered unle11
mutually agreed upon in writine by the partiea.
The City of En11lewood by and lhroueh the En11lewood Houainr Authority and
its employees and "'enta shall be conaidered for oll purpooea of the
Agreement, lo be indepen dent controct,,ra and not employee• of the County.
Pursuant to Section 29 -1-110, C.R.S., al amended, financial obliptiona of the
County payable aa set forth herein , aft.er the curTenl f\acal year, are
contingent upon funds for that purpoae beine appropriated, budpted and
otherwise made available. The Agreement may be terminated on January 1
of the fir&t fis cal year for which funds are not apr·•opriated. The County shall
give 30 days written notice of such nonapproprialion. Federal funds for the
Agreement a11 1vailable and have been appropriated by the County for the
The City of Englewood by and through the Englewood Houaing Authority
assures that it will establi sh safeguards lo prohibit their employees, agents, or
servants from usin11 thc Agreement for any p.irpose which causes or lends
itself to create an a ppearance of im propriety. Said employees, agenta or
servants shall not seek any personal benefits or p1ivate pin for themselves,
the ir families, or others. '
No member of County government. whether individual officers or employees,
shall be admitted to any personal share, or afforded any pecuniary gain ,
remuneration or part of the Agreement or any benefit that may arise
K . During the term of the Agreement. the City of Englewood by ar.d through the
Engl ewood Housing Authority shall not perform similar services for
person s, firm s or entities which have the potential lo create a conflict of
interest unl es s this is disclosed to and approved by the Board of County
Co m mi ss ioners .
L . Unle ss oth erwise agreed in writing, t he Agreement and the interpretation
thereof sha ll be governed by the laws of the State of Colorado.
M . Should any provision of the Agreement be determined by a court of competent
juri Sdicti on t.o be unconstitutional or otherwise nul1 and void, it is the intent
of th e parties hereto that the remaining provi sions of the A(reement aha II be of
full forc e and effect.
1'. Th e Ci ty of Engl ewood by and through the Englewood Housin11 Authority
sh all riot assign or transfer its interest in the Arr""'l!'ent without the written
,on se nt of the County. Any unauthorized assignmtnt or tran,fer ahall
rend er th e Agreement null , void and ofno effect as lo the County .
0 . Th e City of Englewood by and through the Englewood Hou1in11 Authority
agr ees to obtain and maintain, at the City's expense, such insurance as will
pro tect t he City from claims under the Workmen 's Compenaation Act, and
. 3 .
such comrreh,?nsive pneral liability insurance and automobile liability
insurance as wm protect the County and the City from all claims for ho.lily
injury, death , or :,roperty dalllBf.' which may &rile from the performance by
the City or by the City'• employe,a, of the City', functions and ae,vicea
r eq11irod under the Agrument. The amounts of liability inl\wance shall be
not less than $150,000 pet l"-non/S600,000 per accident and $600,000 property
damage. The City shall provide a Certificate of In1ura.1ce in accordan c,
with the above requirements upon execution of the contracL
P . The City shall be responsible for the profe11io,,al quality, technical accuracy ,
timely completion and the coordination of the project under the Agreement,
Th e City shall, without additional compensation , conect or revise any errors,
umissions, or other deficiencies in his 1ervice1 related to the Agreemenl
Q ,
1. The City shall perform such profeuional servi ~•s as may be necessary
to accompli ,h the work to be performed under t),_, Acreement.
2 . The City shall be responsible for all conaequenti11l damages , including
all normally fore seeable ones, resulting from errors and omissions of
the City, in an amount not to exce ed the fee for ae rvi cu under the
Agreemen t.
E,:h er party to the Agre,ment may terminate the Acreement by !livi ng to the
other 30 days notice in w-iting with or without good cause ahown, Upe-,
delivery of ruch notice by the County to the Ci ,y, and upon expi.ration of the 30-
day pei iod, the City shall discontinue all seTVices in connection with the
perform ance of the AgreemenL ~ soon as practicable after receipt of notice
of termination, the City shall submit a statement, showini: in detail the
servic es p erformed under the Agreement to the date of termination.
The County shall then pay the City promptly that proportion of the p r:,scribed
charges which the services ac tuall y pe·rformed under the Agreeme nt bear to
the total services ca led for under the Agreement, le11 such payments on
acco un t of the chargu as have been pre viously made. Copies of 111 co mpleted
or partially completed designs, plans, and specification prepared under the
AgTeement shall be delivered to the County when and if the Agreement is
t erm inat e d.
R . All notices and com munications under the Agreement to be mailed or
delivered to the City shall be to the following addre,s:
Englewood Housing Authority
3460 South Sherman Street
Englewood , Col ora do 80110
All notices and communications pertaining to the Agreement shall be mailed
or del ivered to the County at the following address:
Arapahoe County Colorado
Office of the County Attorn ey
5334 South Prince Street
Littleton , Co lorado 801 66
S . Th e terms and conditions of the AgTeem en t shall be binding upon the City, its
su cce ssors and assign s .
-4 -
T . Nothing herein ahall be conatrued •• ereatine any penonal liability on the
part of any officer or agent of any public body which may be party hereto, nor
ahall it be conatrued as Jivine any riehta or btneftta hereunder to anyone
other than I.he County and I.he City.
U . State and federal regulation• to be complied wit.h include, but are not
necessarily limited to, the following reeulations:
Civil Rights Act of 1964. Under Title VJ of Civil Righta Act m 1964, no person
sholl, on the grounds of race, color, or national o,iJin, be excluded from
participation in, be denied I.he benefita of, or be aubjected to diacrimination
under any program or activity receivine Federal financial a11i1tance .
Section 109 of I.he Housing and Comsnunity Development Act of 1974, no
person in I.he United Stat.ea ahall on the ground, of race, eolor, national oriJin
or sex be excluded from participation in, be denied I.he benefits of, or be
s ubjected to discrimination under any proeram or activity funded in whole or
in pa rt with funds made available under this title.
"Sect io n J" Compliance in the Provision and Employment and Busine11
Op portunities, I.he work I.hat will be performed under contracts usociat.ed wit.h
this RFP are projects assisted under a program providing Federal financial
assistonce form the Department of Housing and Urban Development Act of
19 68 , a s amended, ;2 U.S .C. 170111. Section 3 requires that to the greatest
ex te nt feas ible, opportunities for trainine and employment be Jiven lower
incom e residents of the project area, and conb'acts for work in connection
with i h e proj ect be awarded to busineH concern• which are located in or
own ed in s ubstantial part by person residine in the projecL
1983 Amen dment to the Hou sing and Community Development Act of 1974, the
cont rac tor will certify that they will affirmatively further fair housing.
Equa l Em ployment Opportunity, all areas of the Colorado
Antidi scrimination Act of 1957, a s amended, other applicable law respecting
di scri m in ation and unfair employment practices and u required by
Executive Order, Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action to include
provisi ons that no person shall be discriminated against on the basis of race,
cr ee d , col or , ancestry, religion , sex , national origin , marital status, age,
pr egnancy stat u s, or disabili ty.
In trodu ced , re ad in fu ll , and p•ssed on first reading on the 181.h day of January, 1993.
P ubl ished as a Bill fo r an Ordinance on the 21st day of January, 1993 .
Read by title a, d passed on final reading on the 1st day of February, 1993.
-5 -
Published by title as Ordinance No . j. Serie ■ of 1993, on the 4th day ofFebrwny, 1993 .
ATTEST : w~u~-~
Patricia H. Crow, City Clerk
I, Patricia H. Crow, City Clerk of the City of Englewood , Colorado , hereby certify that the
above and foregoing is a true copy of the Ordinance passed on final readine and published
by title as Ordinance No . f• Series of 1993.
-6 -
'l'JIIS AGREEMD'l' is entered into this ___ day ot ____ _
1993, by and between the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS of the
county of Arapahoe, State ot Colorado, f or the Arapahoe county
Hous i ng Authority (hereinafter referred to as "COUNTY") and The
City of Englewood by and though the Englewood Housing Authority
(herei nafter referred to as "ADMINISTRATOR").
WJIEREAS, the COUNTY requires odministrative and program
management service~ for the follow i ng described project:
Reh ab il itati on of Qwner-occupied CLow-Moderate Income) single
Fami lv Housing in Unincorcorated Aracahoe county; and,
WJIER£AS, said s~rvices, as outlined in the ~ttach~d scope of
serv i c es , include : (l) Planning Phase, (2) Implementation Phase,
(J ) Reporting, and (4) Training and Coordination; and
WJIEREAS, the County did seek proposals from qualified
entit i es for adm i n i strative and program management services i or
the abov e noted project, and
WJIEREAS, ADMINISTRATOR did submit a proposal for said
services for sa i d project, which propos al has been accepted by
the COUNTY and is a part hereof.
NOV THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and
st i pulations hereinafter set forth, it is agreed as follows:
I . Scope ot Servi~••: ADM I NISTR.~TOR shall perform the
administrative and program management services as
outlined in its qu a lification sta~ement and proposa l
and as specified i n Attachment A, titled •scope of
Work --Unincorporated Arapahoe county Single Family
Housing Rehabilitation" attached to this Agreement and
incorporated by reference in its en~irety as though
fully sat forth herein . I n ease of direct conflict
between the scope of services outli~@d in the COUNTY'S
RFP/Administrator's proposal, the Job Specific scope of
services outlined in Attachment A of this Agreement
shall govern.
A. The ADM I NISTRATOR will proceed with the
perform ance of the services called for in th "
Planning Phase, and will produce a written
document ot all policie ■ developed within 60
calendar days following the authorization to
proceed with the project,
B. The ADMINISTRATOR will proceed with the
performance o! the ■ervices called tor in the
Implementation Phase which involves the actual
rehabilitation ot houses attar the policie ■ have
been agreed upon , ■o as to deliver actual
completed rehab i litation projects within 12 months
after the authorization to proceed with the
c. The ADMINISTRATOR will provide the COUNTY with a
monthly repor t i ncl•1ding but not limited to the
number ot applications received, rehabilitation in
progress and completed projects and any other
inf ormation necessary to meet Housing and Urban
Development's (HTTDJ reporting criteria .
D. The ADMINISTRATOR will be con~i dered to have
completed the projftct with the s u bmittal of the
12th monthly report ~nd/or the complete,
documented, expenditure of the funds in the manner
authorized by t .his agreement .
A. The COUNTY agrees to pay ADMINISTRATOR the fee
stated below for tl1e s~rvices described herein.
Partial payments will be made as tr..e work
progresses . Saia payments will be based on
estimates prepared by ADMINISTRATOR of the value
o f the work perf ormed, in accordance with the HUD
guidelines and approval by COUNTY.
The total of r~rtial p,yments and final payment
shall ~e equivalent to the fees stated below,
assuming all act i vities in the scope of s ervices
have been satisfactorily completed . Final payment
shall be made upon ~eceipt and approval by the
COUNTY of the final documents required. The tunds
shall be paid by pan·.ial payment in accordance
with the above and in the total amount not to
exceed $24 0,000.
B. For additional services, compensation will be
negotiated under separate writt~n addenda to this
agreement .
C. All request to1· payment by the ADMINISTRATOR must
be made on the "Subgrantee Draw Down Request" torm
(Attachment B). The torm must be complete and
A. ADMINISTRATOR agrees not to retuse to hire,
discharqe, promote or demote or discriminate in
any matter or compensation; pertormance or
services or otherwise, against person otherwise
qualitied solely because or race, creed , sex
color, national origin or ancestry.
B. To the extent authorized by law, ADMINISTRATOR
agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the COUNTY,
and its officers, employees and agents from any
and all .claims, losses, injuries, damages and
lawsuits and expenses, including attorney's fees
arising out or or resulting from the negligent
acts or omissions of ADMINISTRATOR or its
subcontractor in the pertormance of services as
set forth in this agreement.
This Agreement may not be modified, amended or
otherwise altered unless mutually agreed upon in
writing by the parties hereto.
ADMINISTRATOR and its employees and agents shall
be considered f or all purposes of th i s Agreement,
to be independent contr3ctors and not employees of
Pursuant to Section 29-1-110, C.R.S., as amended,
financial obligations or th~ COUNTY payablr as set
forth herein, after the current tiscal year, are
contingent upon tunds tor that purpose being
appropriated, budgeted and otherwise made
available . This Agreement may be terminated on
January l or the tirst fiscal year for which funds
ar not appropriated. The COUNTY shall give 30
days written notice of such nonappropriation.
Federal funds for this agreement are available and
have been appropriated by the COUNTY for this
G ,
The ADMINISTRATOR assures that it will establish
safeguards to prohibit their employees, agents, or
servants from using this Agreement for any purpose
which causes or lends itaelt to create an
appearance of impropriety. Said employees, agen•~
or servants shall not seek any personal benefits
or private gain for themselves, their families, or
No member of COUNTY government, whether individual
officers or employees, shall be admitted to any
personal share, or afforded any pecuniary gain,
remuneration or part of this Agreement or any
benefit that may arise therefrom.
The ADMINISTRATOR shall avoid all conflicts of
interest that may result in a violation of law, a
violation o f City Policy or a violation of County
Unless otherwise agreed in writing, this Agreement
and the interpretation thereof shall be governed
by the laws of the State of Colorado.
Should any provision of this Agreement be
determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to
be unconstitutional or otherwise null and void, it
is the intent of the parties hereto that the
remaining provisions of this Agreement shall be of
full for ce and effect.
The ADMINISTRATOR shall not assign or transfer
its interest in this agreement without the written
consent of the COUNTY. Any unauthorized
assignment or transfer shall, render this Agreement
null, void and of no affect as to the COUNTY.·
V. I!flmw«:E
The ADMINISTRATOR agrees to obtain and maintain, at the
ADMINISTRATOR'S expense, such insurance as will protect
th• ADMINISTRATOR trom claims under the Workmen's
compensation Act, and such comprehensive general
liability insurance and automobile liability insurance
as will protect the COUNTY and the ADMINISTRATOR from
all claims tor bodily injury, death, or property damage
which may arise from the performance by the
the ADMINISTRATo~•s ~unctions and services required
under this agre~~ent . The amounts of liability
insurance aha),l be not leas that $150,000 par
person/$600,000 per accident and $600,000 property
damage. ADMINISTRATOR shall provide a Certificate of
Insurance in accordance with the above requirements
upon execution of this contract .
A. The ADMINISTRATOR shall be responsible tor the
professional quality, technical accuracy, timely
completion and the coordination ot the project
under this agreement. The ADMINISTRATOR shall,
without additional compensation, correct or revise
any errors, omissions, or other deficiencies in
his services related to this Agreement.
B. The ADMINISTRATOR shall perform such professional
services as may be necessary to accomplish the
work to be performed under this agreement.
C. The AOMINI~TRATOR shall be responsible tor all
consequenti,.1 damages, including all normally
foreseeable c ies, resulting from errors and
.omissions of the ADMINISTRATOR, in an amount not
to exceed the fee for services under this
Either party to this Agreement may terminate the
Agreement by giving to the other 30 d a ys notice in
writing with or without good cause shown . Upon
delivery of such notice by the COUNTY to the
ADMINISTRATOR, and upon expiration of the 30-day
period, the ADMINISTRATOR shall discontinue all
services in connection wit~ the performance of this
Agreement. As soon as practicable after receipt of
notice of termination, the ADMINISTRATOR shall submit a
■tatement, ■bowing in detail the ■ervice ■ performed
under this Agreement to the date of teraination.
The COUNTY ■hall then psy the ADMINISTRATOR promptly
that proportion of the prsscribed charge■ which the
services actually performed under thi ■ Agreement bear
to the total aervice ■ called for wider thi ■ Agreement,
les,, such payments on account of the charge ■ a ■ have
bee.n previously made. Copies of all completed or
pa~~ially completed designs, plan ■, and ■pacifications
prepared und,er this Agreement shall be delivered to the
COUNTY whAn and i f this Agreement is terminated.
All notices and communications under this Agreement to
be mailed or delivered to ADMINISTRATOR shall be to the
following addr~ss:
Eng l ewood Hous i ng Authority
3460 s. Sherman Street #101
Englewood, CO ~0110
Al l notices and communicat i ons per taini ng to this
Agreement shall be mailed or deliver ed to the COUNTY at
the fol l owing address:
Arapahoe county Colorado
Offi ce of the County Attorney
533 4 5. Prince Street
Littleton, co 80166
The terms and conditions of this agreement shall be
bindi ng upon ADMINISTRATOR, its successors and assigns.
Nothing herein shall be construed as creating any
personal liability on the part of any officer or agent
of any public body which may be party hereto, nor shall
it be construed as g i ving any rights or benefits
here under to anyone other than the COUNTY and the
The titles and head i ngs are inserted herein only for
convenience of reference and in no way shall they
define, limit or describe the scope or intent of any
provisions of this Agreement.
state and federal regulations to be complied with
include, but are not necessarily limited to, the
following regulations:
Civil Right ■ Act of 1964. Under Title VI of Civil
Rights Act of 1964, no perBon shall, on the grounds of
race, color, or national origin, be excluded from
participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be
subjected to discrimination under any program or
activity receiving Federal financial assistance .
Section 109 ot the Housing and Co11111unity Development
Act ot 1974, no person in the United States shall on
the grounds of race, color, national origin or sex be
excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits
of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program
or activity funded in whole or in part with funds made
available under this title.
"Section 3" Compliance in the Provision and Employment
and Business opportunities, the work that will be
performed under contracts associated with this RFP are
projects assisted under a program providing Federal
financial assistance from the Department of Housing and
Urban Development Act of 1968, as amended, 12 u.s.c.
1101u. Section J requires that to the greatest extent
feasible, opportunities for training and employment be
given lower income residents of the project area, and
contracts for work in connection with the project be
awarded to business concerns which are located in or
owned in substantial part by person residing in the
project .
1983 Amendment to th• Housing and Community Development
Act of 1974, the contractor will certify that they will
affirmatively further fair housing.
Equal Employment Opportunity, all areas of the
Colorado Antidiscrimination Act of 1957, as amended,
other applicable law respecting discriminat::on and
unfair emploY111ent practices and as required by
Executive Order, Equal Opportun i ty and Affirmative
Action to inch".de provisions thsc no person shall be
discriminated nq a i nst 011 the basis of race, creed,
color, ancestrj'. religi on, sex, national origin,
marital stat~$, ,ge, pregnancy status, or disability.
In Witness Whereof, the Parties have caused this agreement to be
duly executed this __ /_,_ day ot .J Cl&:::a , 1993.
Board of Cou y Commis s ioners
Arapahoe /Count~, C orado
By~~ Cha rman
Marjor i e Page, Clerk to the Board
City of Ertglewood
By : ____________ _
Attest :
City Cle.:k
Englewood Housing Authority
Executive Director
I. Planning Pb••·
During the Planning Phase, the Project Manager and Executive
Director will meat with raprasantativ•• of Arapahoe County
to formulate policies and procedures for th• County's
program. In th i s way, the program will be customized to the
County's needs . Policies to be developed include, but are
not limi ted to, the following:
A. Uses and purpcsas of rehab funds
B. Eligibility for loans (individuals and properties)
c . Loan limits
D. Loan agreements, structure and repayment of loars
(deferred , declining, lien, balance due upon death ur
sale, etc.), approval by the Arapah~e County Housing
E. Collateral and equity requirements
F. Credit factors
G. Loan approvals with the bank and the Arapahoe County
Housing Authority.
Alternatives with pros and cons for each section will be
presented during the meetings. A written document of all
po l ici es will be compiled and distributed.
Estimate of Time: 60 days
Personnel Involved: EHA Executive Director, Project
Ma~ager, county HCDS staff.
II. ImplUlantation Pbasa
The I mplementation Phase involves the actual rehabilitation
of houses after the pol i cies have been agreed upon . These
services i nclude, but are not limited to, the following:
A. Applicati on intake
B. Verif i cations
c . El i gibility evaluation with approval by the Arapahoe
County Housing Authority
D. In i t i a l property evaluation
E , Specification writing
F . Contractor outreach
G. Bidding process
H. Walk-throughs with contractors
I. Review of bids wi th homeowners
J. Contractor selection with homeowners
K. Expedi te contract signing
Progress inspections
Respo nd to homeowner-contractor disputes
Final inspections
Est ima e ct time : Ten Months
Personnel Involved: Project Manager, Hous i ng construction
Specialist, County HCDS statt (tor training purposes)
III, Rerorti11q
A monthly report will be sent to the county's designated
representative showing the number ct applications received,
rehab in progress and completed projects. This intormation
will be broken out by type ct loan, tor the month as well as
a running total, Reasonable additional intormation can also
be provided at the County's request. Adiainistrative charges
~•quire time sheets to track grant expenses at a pre-
approved hourly rate. HUD requests time sheet~ be signed by
the e mployee and the employee's immediate supervisor.
Estima te of Time: Within 30 days attar the end of each
Personnel Involved: Project Manager , Executive Director
IV, services Not Covered
Arapahoe Co unty will be responsible t'or all accounting
functions. In this way, assets in the form of notes
receivable (the loans) will be on the County's books and all
monies generated by the loans will return to the County.
Training and coordination to county personnel will be
provi ded by the EHA as part of this contract.
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C0111Nnt ■ and /or Br ief De1cr i ption of Pro j ect S tatu ■J
Agenda ban Subject Arapahoe County
Rehab Agreement
January 18, 1993 11 a
INOlATED BY Department of Community Development
STAFF SOURCE Lee D. Merkel , Director of Community Development
Staff seeks Council approval of a bill for an ordinance approving an agreement with Arapahoe
County to provide for single family housing re habilitation services for unincorporated Arapahoe
County .
Arapahoe County has created a new $240,000 single famil y housing rehabilitation program .
The program will be in the unincorporated portions of the County . The County does not have
staff tc administer the rehab program and requested that proposals be submitted from qualified
entili -., Mthin the County to provide administrative and program management services . The
Erll::h ··,)od Housing Authority responded to the request for proposals . The EHA proposal has
bet.i acc epted by the County .
The proposal included a two-phase scope of services and a project budget. Under the first
p hase , the EHA and City staff will meet with County staff to formulate policies and procedures
for the County's program . In this way , the progr~m will be customized to the County's needs .
The second phase in volves the actual implementation of the rehabilitation of the houses after the
policies have been agreed upon . A monthly report will b e sent to the County's designated
representative showing the number of applications received , rehabs in progress , and completed
projects . Arapahoe County will be responsible for all accounting functions . In this way, assets in
the form of notes receivable (the loans) will be on the County's books and all monies generated
by the loans will return to the County. Training and coordination to County personn~I will be
provided by the EHA as part of the contract. The project budget included:
General Administration :
Direct Rehab Monitoring:
Rehabilitation Capital Improvements:
The agreement provides for $13,000 in general administration, which will reimburse th e City and
the EHA for staff costs, plus an additional $27,000 to contract for direct rehab monitoring
(inspections and work specifications). No City or EHA funds will be required to cover the costs
of administering the County's rehabilitation program . The EHA Board of Directors supports the
City entering into the Arapahoe County Rehab Agreement.
The agreement provides for a project budget which includes monies to cover the costs of general
administration and direct rehab monitoring of the Arapahoe County projects . No City or EHA
funds will be required to cover the costs of administering the County's program.