HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993 Ordinance No. 022• • • ORDINANCE NO~ SERIES OF 1993 BY AUTHORITY COUNCIL BILL NO . 19 INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HABENICHT 10 C AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF NOT TO EXCEED $3 ,85 0,000 CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BONDS (SAFEWAY INC. PROJECT) SERIES 1993 TO CURRENT REFUND ON AUGUST 1, 1993, CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO'S OUTSTANDING $4,500,000 INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BONDS (SAFEWAY STORES, INCORPORATED PROJECT) SERIES 1983; RATIFYING CERTAIN ACTIONS llERETOFORE TAKEN; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY BY CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO OF A LOAN AGREEMENT, BOND INDENTURE OF TRUST, TAX REGULATORY AGREEMENT, PAYING AGENT AGREEMENT, REMARKETING AGREEMENT, BOND PURCHASE AGREEMENT, SAID BONDS AND CLOSING DOCUMENTS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH; MAKlNG CERTAIN FINDINGS NECESSARY TO ADOPT THIS ORDINANCE; AND REPEALING ACTION HERETOFORE TAKEN IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. WHEREAS, The City of Englewood, Colora~o (the "Issuer") is a legally and regularly created, established municipal corporation dul)' organized and validly existing as a home• rule city pur&uJlllt to Article XX of the Constitution of the State of Colorado (the •state"); and WHEREAS, the provisions of the Co unty and Municipality Development Revenue Bond Act, Article 3, Ti,le 29 , Colorado l!e\ised Statutes, 11 amended (the "Aet"), authorize municipalities to 6-,1ance, refinance, acquire, dwn, )ease, improve and dispo ■e ur one or more projects, including any land, building er other improvement and all real or personal properties s uitable er used for or in connection with commercial or business enterprises (inclutling, without limitation, enterprises engaged in ••lling any products of agricul ture, industry, commerce, limititi«l, enterprises engaged in selling any products of agriculture, in du stry, commerce, manufacturing or business), upon such contlitions as the municipality may deem advisable ; and WHEREAS, in order to accompli sh the purposes of the Aet, the Issuer is further authorized by the Act to issue revenue refunding bonds fo r the purpose of refunding any project, including the payment of all incidental expenses incurred in issuing s uch bonds, and to secure payment of such bonds as provided in the Act; and WHEREAS , pursuant to the Act, the Issuer on September 16, 1983 iuued ita $4,500,000 Industrial Development Revenue Bonds (Safeway Stores, Incorporated Project) Series 1983 (the "Prio r Bonds"); and WHEREAS, the proceeds of the Prior Bonds were uti!ized by Safeway Stores, Incorporated (now known as Safeway Inc . and referred to herein as "Safeway") to finance a retail grocery store facility within th o City of Englewood, Colorado (the "Project"); and WHEREAS , the Act provides that the Issuer may issue refunding bonds to provide fund s for the refunding of any outatanding bonds ; and -1- WHEREAS, Safeway i1 a corporation duly orpniaed and validly ui1ti111 under the laws of the State of Delaware and is authorized to conduct buaineu in the State and ha ■ preaented to the hauer a propou) whereby the laauer will, punuant to the ,'l,t, i11ue the indutrial development revenue refunding bonds hereinaft.er described ar,d loan the p,oceed1 therefrom to Safeway in order to efl'ectuate a current refundinr of the Prior Bonds on Aurust 1, 1993 and pay a portion of the coste ofi11uance 11aociated therewith; and WHEREAS, Safeway h11 (iven it■ 11111rance to the City that Safeway will pay, or reimbune the City for payment of, and all lepl fees and upen1e1 and admini1trative costs and e:rpenaes theretofore incurred or hereaft.er to be incurred by the City related to the Project and it■ refinancing, and that uch agreement to pay or reimburse the City i1 not contingent upon the refinancing of the Project; and WHEREAS, The Cit.) of Englewood, Colorado lnduetrial Development Revenue Refunding Bonds (Safeway Inc. Project) Seriea 1993 in the aarepte princii:111 amount not to exc eed $3,850,000 (the "Bonds") will be iuued, ■old and delivered by the l11uer to L'ougherty, Dawkins, Strand & Birelow Incorporated, Denver, Colorado (the "C',ri(inal Purchaaer"), in order to provide funds to efl'ectuate the current refunding of the Prior ilonds on August 1, 1993, and to pay a portion of certain incidental cost■ incurred in ' connection with the i11uance of the Bonds; and WHEREAS, there have been presented to the City Council of the Issuer: (a) the proposed form of Loan Agreement, dated II of May 1, 1993 (the "Loan Agreement"), by and between lhe Issuer and Safeway, (b)the proposed fonn of Bond Indenture ofTruat, Dated II of May I, 1993 (the "Indenture"), by and between the Issuer end Fint lntentate Bank of Denver, N.A., Denv er , Colorado (the "Trustee"), (c) the proposed form of Bond Purchase Agreement, dated May 3, 1993 (the "Bond Pun:hase Agreement"), by and between the lnuer and the Original Purchaser, (d) the proposed form of Paying Agent Agreement, dated as of Ma.,, 1, 1993 (the "Payi ng Agent Agreement"), by and among the lnuer, the Trustee, Safeway and BankAmerica National Trust Company, New York, New York, u paying ag,,nt (the "Paying Agent"), (e) the proposed form ofRemarketing Agreement, dated u of May 1, 1993 (the "Remarketing Agreement"), by and &JDO"i the Issuer, Safew111, the Paying Agent and the Original Purchaser (in its capacity II remarketing arent thereunder and referred to herein as I.h t ("Remarketing Agent"), (0 the proposed form of Tax Regulatory Agreement, dated as o:May 1, 1993 (the "Tas Regulatory Agreement"), by and among the luuer, the Trustee and Safeway, (g) the Preliminary Official Statement of the Issuer with respect to the offering of the Bonds (the "Preliminary Official Statement") and (h) the proposed' form of final Official Statement to be provided to purchasers of the Bonds by the Original Purchaser ; and WHEREAS, Safeway has informed the Issuer that its plan of financing necessitates that •.he Bonds be iuued on or prior to June 2, 1993; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, THAT: ~-All action (not inconsistent with the provisions of this Ordinance) heretofore taken by the City Council of the Issuer and the efl'orts of the luuer directed toward the issuance e.nd sale of the Bonds therefor, and loaning the pror.eeds thereof to Safeway therefo r be, end the same hereby are ratified, approved and confirmed. • ~ The Issuer ,~all deposit the proceeds of the Bonda with the Trustee to current refund the Prior Bonds on Aurust 1, 1993 in accordance with the provisions and conditions of the Indenture. • -2- • • &l:tilm.a-There i1 hereby authorised, approved and created an iaaue of induatrial development revenue refundinc bonds deaicnaled u "City of Enpwood, Colorado Industrial Development Revenue &fwidinc Bonda (Safeway Inc. Prqjeol) Series 1993" in the agregate principal amount not lo H-.i 13,850,000, lo be dated u provided in the Indenture. The Bonds shall bur interest from the dale or iuuanoe, and shall bear interest at the rate ■, on the dales and in the manner u provided in the Indenture. The Bonds shall mature on AU{.,"11t I , 2003. ~ the following determinations and findinp are hereby made in accordance with the Act : . (a) The Bonds shall be repayable by the Issuer solely from revenues constituting, or derived from, payments lo be made by Safeway wider the Loan A&,eement; (b) ·n,e Loan Acreement, as amended from time to time, will require Safeway lo make paym en~• therewider sufficient to pay the principal and purchue price of, premium , if any, and interut on the Bonds, u well aa all expense• incurred by the Issuer in connection with the issuance and aale of the Bonds. Safew~v has agreed that all coste of current refundinc the Prior Bonda on Aucust 1, 1993 m excess of the amowite made available by reason of the isauance of the Bonda will be paid for by Safeway in accordance with the Loan Agreement and the Indenture; (c) The Issuer acknowledges that the avai lability of financing for the Project through the issuance of the Prior Bonds was a material consideration in the decision of Safeway to es~lish the Project within th e boundaries of the Issuer and to expand its rewl aales operations within the bowidaries or the luuer and that the issuance of the Bonds in order to curren t refund the Prior Bonds on Aucust 1, 1~93 further supports and advances this finding and determination ; (d) The Issuer is 1.uthorized by the M to enter inlo the Loan A&,eement for the public purposes expr,,ased in the Act and lo auign its interest therein to the Trustee punuant to the Indenture; (e) The amowit estimated to be necessary lo finance the current refunding of the Prior Bonda on Aucust 1, 1993, including the costs and estimates costs perm itted by the Act , will require the issuan ce of Bonds in the principal amount not to exceed $3,850,000 as herei nafter provided; (0 It is de sirable, feasible and consistent with the objects and purpo se ■ of the Aet to issue th e bond s for the purpr,se offinancing the current refunding of the Prior Bond s on Aucust I, 1993; (g) The Bonds and the interest accruing thereon shall be 1pecial limited obligatio ns of the luuer , payable solely from revenues derived under the Loan Acree ment; neither the Issuer, the Stele nor any public body or political subdivision thereof shall be obligated to pay the principal or purchase price of the Bonds or the interest accruing thereon or any premiums due in connection therewith or other co at.a incident thereto except from the payments, receip ts , revenues , income and mon ey s expressly pl edged t herefor; the Bonds and the interest afcruing thereon are not general oblieations of the laauer, or the Stele nor any public body or political 1ubdivision thereof, and do not constitute or give rilO to a pecuniary liability of th e Issuer, or a charge against its or their general credit or taxin g power; -3- (h) The Bondo are an iuue ofrefundinc bondo permitted by Saction 1313(a) of the Tu Reform Att of 1986, u amended. 'The Prior Bondo are indldtrial devolopment - bond, within the muninc of Section 103(b) of the Intemal Revonue Code of 11154, u amended, and were luu&, within tho uemptlon provided under 1ubpar&lf""ph (D) of Section 103CbX8) of die lnlemal llennue Code of 1954, u amended, with •-ct to en iuue ofSl0,000,000 or leu; provided dial nothinc herein lhall provent the luuer, with the prior written oppnrval of Safeway, f'rom hereafter qualifyi"i the Bonda under a dif!'erent uemption if, and lo the extent, web exemption 11 permitted by la¥: and conoi ■t,,nt with the object■ and purpo■eo of the Project and the Ad; (i) The loan payment. lo be made by Safeway lo the luuer under the Loan Agreement are 1ufficient in an,ount lo pay the principal and purchaoe price of and the interest on the Bonda authorized lo be iaoued herein for the purpooe of6nancinc the current refunding of the Prior Bonda on Aucu•t 1, 1993, u oet forth in the Loan Agreemen t; (j) Neither Safeway not the Original Purchuer of the Bonda have stipulated that part of the Bond proceeds will be paid into a reserve fund, and no reserve fund shall be ealabliohed or maintained in connection with the retirement,. the Bonda and the maintenance of the Project u provided by the le lll Agreement and the Indenture; (k) Pursuant lo the Loan Agreemert , Safeway shall be required lo maintain and carry proper and adequate insuran<~ on the Project; and 0) Safeway shall pay ad valorem tuea or a payment in lieu of taxeo ao provided for the Loan Agreement. 5.ut '..al..4. The forms, termo and provisions of the Loan Agreement, the Indenture, the Tax Regulatory Agreement, the Payinc Acent Acreement, the Rl!marlteting Agreement and the Bond Purchase Agreement be , and they h ereby are, approved, and the luuer ohall enter into th e Loan Agreement, the Indenture, th, Tu Regulatory Acreement, the Paying Agent Agreement, the Rl!marketing Acreement and the Bond Purchue Agreement 1ub1tantially in the forms of each of such documents attached hereto but with such change• therein as the offi cers of the Issuer executing such document■ ohall approve, their execution thereof being deemed conclusive of their approval of any ouch changes; and the Chairman is hereby authorized and directed to affix the oeal of the Issuer lo, and to attest, such documents in substantially the forms of each of 1uch documents attached hereto. ~-The form , terms and provision a of the Bonds, in substantially the form contai ned in Exhibit A to the Indenture, be end they hereby •re, a pproved ; and the Mayor is hereby authorized and directed lo cause hi ■ manuel and/or facain,il e 1ignature to be affixed to the Bonda ; the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to attest the Bonda by cauoing his or her manual an d/or facsimile 1ignature to be affixed to the Bonda, and each ia authorized to deliver the Bonds in the form contained in Exhibit A to the Indenture but with such changes therein as the officen of the luuer executing the Bonda shall approve, their execution thereof being deemed conclusive of their approval of-any such changes. The seal of the Is suer i1 hereby authorized and direeled to be affixed to or imprinted on the Bonds. Swi.!m.1. First Interstate Bank of Denver, N.A., Denver, Colorado, is herP.by appointed as Trustee and BankAmerica National Trust Company, New York, New York, i1 hereby app ointed as Paying Agent under th e lnd•nture. ~-Th• officen of the Issuer are hereby authorized to take all a,ijon which they dee m necessary or reasonably required in conformity with the Act to finance the current refund ing of the Prior Bonds on August 1, 1993 which ia hereby authorized , including the -4-• • paying of incidental iuuance e,ipen1H, a,,,d for carrying out, eivine effect to and conoummatins the tranaaction1 c:ontamplatod ~ thl1 Ordinanca, the Loan agreement, the Indenture, the Tu Regulatory Agreement, !he Payinc Apnt Agreement, the Remarketing Agreement and the Bond Purchue A,reement, ineludlne without limitation the execution and delivery of any closine documenta to be delivered in eonnection with the sale and delivery of th■ Bonda and the final Offidal Statement. The distribution of the Preliminary Official Statement by the Orieinal Purehuer i1 hereby ratified, eonfirmed and approved . The di•tribution of the final Official Statement ■ub■tantially in the form of the Preliminary Official Statement ia hereby approved. The l11uer hereby agrees t,, cooperate with and to take all action ■ r eaaonably neceuary to u si st the Orieinal Purehaser in complying with Securitie■ and Exchange Commission Rule 15c2-12 promulpted under the Securities Exchange Ad of 1934, u amended, to the extent ouch role i1 deemed to apply to the Bonds, including, without limitation, providing to the Original Purchaser at the expense of Safeway, sufficient copies of offering, reoffering, remarketing or other di sclosure documents. ~-The cost of current refunding the Prior Bond ■ on August 1, 1993, including the paying ,r inciden I ,n uance expenoec, will be paid out of the proceeds of the Bonds or directly by Safeway. The Bonds together with intere1t paya le thereon are special limited obl igations of the Issuer payable solely as provided in the Indenture. The Bonde or interest payable th ereon are not general obligations of the Issuer, or the State of Colorado or any public body or r, lil1 J ;ubdivision thereof within the meaning of any provision r limitation of the Co n stiluti~n q. ·; .!utes of the Stat. of Colorado or Home Ruie Charter of the Issuer, n,r shall anything r ,ntainod in this Ordinance or in the Bonds, th o Loan Agreement, the Indenture, the Tax lv,~ulatory Agreement, the Paying Agent Agreement, the Remarketing Agreement, the Bon d Purchase Agreement or any other instrument constitute or give rise to a pecuniary liability of, or a chorge again st the general credit or taxing power of, the Issuer, nor shall the breach of any agreem,!nt contained in this Ordinance, or any of the above-mentioned documents 01 instruments impo ;e any pecuniary liability upon the Issuer. ~-After any of the l:onds are issued, this Ordinance shall be and remain irrepealable until the Bonds and interest thereon shall have been fully psid, canceled and discharged pursuant to the Indenture. ~-If any section, paragraph, clause or provision of this Ordinance shall for any reason be held to be invalid or unenforeeable, the invalidity or unenforceability of such section, paragraph, clause or provision shall not affect any of the remaining provi sions of this Ordinance. 5.ed.iluLJ.2 , All bylaws, orders, ordinances and resolutions or parts thereof, inconsistent herewith and with the documents hereby approved, are hereby repealed to the extent only of such inconsistency. This repealer shall not be construed as reviving ony bylaw , order ordinance or resolution, or part thereof. ~. Immediately upon its final passage, this Ordinance shall be reeorded in the Issuer's book of ordinances k ept for that purpose, shall be authenticated by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and shall be published in the Englewood Herald, a legal newspaper of general circulation in the City of Englewood, Colorado. Introduced, read in full , and passed on first reading on the 19th day of April, 1993 . -5- P-Jbliahed u a Bill for an Onli11&11ce on Ille 22nd day of April, 1993. Read by uUe and puaed on final reading 011 Ille 3rd day of M8,y, 1993. Published by uUe u Ordinance No ... _ _s..8eriu of 1993, on the 6C, clay of May, 1993. ATTE:ST : Oo~ r; .r..~ 111;~· CJ E. Wiggin,, or I, Patr'·i· 1-1. Crow, City Clerk of the City ofEr11lewood, Colorado, hereby cerUfy that the above ana , lOing i1 a trua copy of the Ordinance pulled on final reading and published by title u ' dinauce No~eries of 1993. -6 - Pat ricia H. Crow < • • KEGARDING : FROM : DATE : COUNCIL COi,'MUNICATION 1·.B. 19 -SAFEWAY llliOUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENI' ~E BONDS REF1NANCING . Rick DeWitt, City Attorn..!}' April 19, 1993 On September 16, 1983 the City ol :...,1glewood was the "Issuer" of $4,500,000 lndm,trial Development Revenue Bond~ (Safeway Stores, Incorporated Pro).ect) Ge.ies 1983. The 1983 Bonds bear Interest at rates ranging from 8 .00% to ·10.625% per annum. Safeway wishes to refinance these Bonds and ti. · Sertes 1993 Bonds will be structured and Issued In a "flexible " Interest rate mode and the Interest rate ts anticipated to b e approximately 3 .00%-4.00% per annum. The City of Englewood lndustrtal Development Revenue Refunding Bonds (Safeway Inc. Project) Sertes of 1993 In the aggregate principal amount not to exceerl $3,ll50.000. F1NANClAL IMPACT The financial Impact on the •Ctty will be none as Safeway has agreed to pay all reasonable charges tncurreu by the City or Its agents. Safeway will Indemnify the City for any and all litigation or any other case arising from the Issuance of the 1993 Bonds. RD/nf • • Pn-,1ed on Re cvc rea Paper ~