HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993 Ordinance No. 027•• •
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SERIE.S OF 19'13
WHEREAS, Littleton, CuUewoocl, Parker, and Cunningham have previoUJly entered into
an agreeiuent to operate a combined fire communications ce, :t4T a,jd Enelewood wishes to
join such •ITffment; and
WHEREAS. investigations by the respective Partied IA> the Agreement have developed data
which Teveal that the com bined fire communications center would serve as a more effective
method of communicatin1 report.a of fire• and other emergencies in the area.a encompassed
by Littleton , Cutlewood, Parker, Cunningham, Englewood and the other entities that each
might serve : and
WHEREAS, Littleton, Castlewood, Parker and Cunningham currently have interests
join tl y ii' the combined fire communication, center and desire to further increase the
efficient and cost-effective provision of fire and paramedic dispatch services to their
citizens ;
Jil:wlm..l.. The Agreement for a Combined Fire Communications Center between
Castlewood Fire Protection District, P arker Fire Protection District, Cunningham Fire
Protection District, the City of Littleton and the City of Englewood, Safety Services
Department -Pirc Divi sion is hereby accepted and approved by the Englewood City Council.
The Mayor is authorized to execute and the City Clerk to attest and seal th Agreement for
and on behalf of the City of Englewood, Colorado.
w1.iJm...2.. The Agreement for a Combined Fire Communications Center generally
contains u fo11ows:
A . To operate a combined fire communications center to be known u the South Metro
Area Emergency Communica tions Center which is located in the exist ing
communicati ns fac ility at the Littleton Center 2255 West Berry Avenue, Littl eton,
Colorado 80165 .
"· Littleton shall be r esponsible for and shall provide for !.he management and
administration of the Center. This management &hall include the responsibility o
f providing dis patchers for the Center. Littleton will be sol.I~ responsible for all
day-to-day upects of the Center including but not limited to admini,tration and
personne l ma 5\a gement .
C . Operating procedures and protocols for the dispat<h function of the Center will be
established by or purs uan t to th e direction of the Fire Chiefs of eac h of th , Parties
-1 -
huew. In order w eltablish ouch procedures and protocols, t.ae l"ire Chiefs of the
parties shall 1neet as ofun as nece11a,y l<J update and revis,, sa.id procedures and
protocols. In no event shall procedures or protocols be esl,abl!ahed or implemented
in any way thnt conflicts with Jlis agreement, the Littleton City Cl-..arter, the
Constitution of the State of Colorado, or any proviaion of Colorado :~••· goveming the
activities of any of the parties herew.
D . Castlewood, Parker, Cunninrham, and Enclewood shall pay to Littleton their
respective share of the budget costs in accordance witl, the provi1ion1 set forth
E . Th e annual budget for the Center (aa part of the budpt for tho LittJ,,ton l'ire
Department) shall be initially prepared pursuant l<J the direction 11nd w,der the
authority of the Littlewn City Manager. The City Manager, on or lll'foro the 15th dny
of September in the year precedinc the budget year shall aubmit a -'l'Y of the
proposed budget to the Littleton City Council (the "City Council") and to Castlewood,
Parker, Cn nningham, and Englewood (the proposed budget for calendar year 1993
is at tached w the Agre,,ment as Addendum "A"). Subsequent to said submittal and
prior w th e adoptio11 of a budget for the Center by the City Council (as part of the
Littlet on budget), th e City Council , Castlewood, Parker, Cunningham, and
Engl ewood shall re vi ew said budget and may make recommendations thereon.
,c., final budget shall be determined by City Counci l.
t' ,;,,.. i,, September 15 of each year, the estimated percentace obligations of Littlewn ,
C astlewood , Parker, Cunningham, and Englewood for the total amount of said
budget shall be determined based on the preceding year's calls ae<ording to the
fo llowi ng foTmu1 a:
$ Center Budget
Total Calls
(past year)
Casi:!ewcod or
X Parker or
or Figlewood
S Ce,tJe..,ood or Parker
= or Cunningham
or Englewood
G . Castlewood, Parker, Cunningham , and Englewood shall pay to Littleton, (in
addition w their percentage obligations as determined punuant w the formula in
Paragraph F) an am ount equal w 6 .12% of their percentace obligation of the total
Center Budget to defray their share of the management and administ.rative costs of
Litt1e to n. in operating the center.
H . Castlewood, Parker, Cunningham and Englewood agree to pay to LitUewn the
amount of their percentage obligation and their share of management and
admini strative expen ses in twelve equal months installments. It is anticipated
that Englewood will make their first payment on the 3htday of July, 1993 , or upon
commencement of communications services to Englewood.
Immediately ro:,owing t he clo se of each calendar year the actual calls received
from each Party will be determined and acljustments made by the Finance Director
of Littleton to the percentage obligations of each party to reflect each Party's actual
co sts for that yea r's opera ti on of the Center in copformance with the formula set
forth above. Th e Littleto n Fi nance Director shall use his or her bes t efforts to give
no ti ce of an aclju stment no later than February 15. Amounts l<J be paid pursuant w
said adj ustment by the appropriate Party to any other Party or parties shall be paid
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no later than 30 days followine such notice. FailW'1! to give notice u provided ahall
not be construed to preclude acljustmenta in favor of any Party. All ouch
acljustmenta are subject to review and challene,, Initiated by the Jivine of written
notice thereof not later than March 15 or 30 daya after notice of acljustment,
whichever comes later. Upon receivine ouch notice, the Littleton Finance Director
shall insure that booka and records regardin( the operation of the Center are
accetsible to those Parties for inspection, ,.:.,d ,·ach of thooe Parti"9 shall then have
until April 15 or 30 days after notice of review ,,r challenge, whichever comes later,
to pay the amount stated or a s farther acljusted.
Each Party recognizes that recognizes that each of them, by contract, may provide
cert.ail, fire protection services to other en~ties and will continue to do so provided
that operations of the Center are not adversely afl'ected. The Parties agree to consult
with each other before entering into any new agreementa to provide such services.
The P.arties also agree that the tol.:'I cal'· : ·. "uted to any of the ancillary
agreements will be included int· · , vut years call total.
K . Each Party recogn iz es 11 .ome time it may be necessary to undertake
development of a plan for the provision of another fire communications center
locited at a different site. Primary factors to be considered for the potential
dev•lopment of another site will be the ability of the current site to efficiently
handle all member's call loads, and the results of an annual site evaluation for
purposes of evaluating adequacy of physical facilities. The first such annual
e>-aluation shall occur in January 1994 and thereafter shall take place in January
of each year or 'such other date as agreed upon . In developing said plan and
1electing another location , the Parties shall give primary consideration to, but not
be lim ited to, the South Metro Fire Training Academy property .
L . All personal property that is utilized as part of the Center from each party shall
continue to be that party's property. Except as otherwise agreed, for personal
property purchased after January 1, 1990, the coot of purchasine said property will be
shared equally by the Parties and ti tl e thereto shall be by the Parties as tenants in
common with ,mdivided one-fifth (1/5) interests. Each such item shall be assigned
t . depreciation schedule by the Chiefs. Inventory and depreciation records shall
thereafter be maintained by the Littleton Finance Director of Littleton.
Upon joining this Center, Englewood will reimburse to the City their share
($21 ,457.50) representing 20% of the cost ofS107,2•' .. ~ti for radio consoles which have
heretofore been purchased for the Center. The C :ty will reimburse to Castlewood,
Parker, and Cunningham one-fourth each of Englewood's contribution, so that
ea ch party will have contributed 20% of the total cost of said expenses.
M . Castlewood, Parker, Cunningham, and Englewood will acquire all other
telephone, radio and other required equipment and pay all associate.! installation
charges and monthly telephone fees for any additional equipment needed to serve
Castlewood, Parker, Cunningham, or Englewood .
N . The Agreement shall be in full force and eff'ect from the execution and until
terminated as provided in the Agreement.
.3 .
0. 1. The original term of the >.,reement ■hall commence as of ---,----,-~
1993. The term may be continued for additional one-year term ■, at the option of
the parties. The >.,reement may be terminated by any Party by giving a
minimum rf six (6) months written notice of termination to the other Parties,
which nobce shall be giv,n not later than the last week of June of any yeor. No
termination 1hall be effective prior to the end of the calendar year during
which said notice is given .
2. The Partie1 receivini: the notice of termination shall have the optit<l to
purchase all or any of the items of property held in tenancy in com1T,on by
paying to the other Parties their one-fifth shares of the remainin11 value
indicated on the depreciation schedule. Any of the personal property not
purchased by the Parties receivini: notice of termination may bo pur ,hased hy
the Parties giving such notice of termination . Payment for sala prcp •rty
shal1 be made during the first week of January in the year follo -..,fo f(
3 . The Parties receiving th• notice of termination shall have sixty (60) days
from the date of receipt of such notice to elect to purchase any or all of the items
of property held in tenancy in common . Said election shall be made by
delivering a written statement to the Parties givini: notice of termination of
the items to be purchased by the Parties receiving notice of termination.
Should the Parties rec:eivini: the notice of termination Llko no action within
thot sixty (60) day per'.od, then, and in that event, it shall he assumed that the
Parties receiving notice does not wish to purchase any of ,uch properly and
waives any interest therein .
4 . Possession of all personal and real property purchased un der th;, Poragraph
shall not be delivered witil th e date of final ~nninatior, which shall be on th e
first business day of January of the year following termination. Prior to the
said termination date all personal propen.y shall be used by the Parties wider
the 16rms of the Agreement.
P . Insurance: The expenses of insurance c~verage for al1 equipment sh ,:; b::
provided in the annual operating budget of the Littleton Fire Departme. :. The c ·,ty
shaH use reasonable efforts to obtain and maintain insurance coverage to actual
cash value, subject to a deductible am o t for all equipment while Parties are
operating under the term s of this >.,reement, and shall use reasonable efforts lo
obtain and maintain liability insurance coverage in accordance with limitation s
on judgment as shall be established from time to time in the Colorado
Governmental Immunity Art, Colorado Revised Statutes, Section 24 -10-114 et seq .,
but in no event with limits leas then $150,000 for any injury to one porson in an y
single occunence; $600,000 for injury to two or more person s in any single
occurrence (e xcept that in such instance no pers•n may recover more than
$150,000). Said coverage may be arranged pursuant to participation in a se lf-
insurance pool and it is hereby acknowledged that Littleton offers its coverage by
pnrticipati on in such a pool , namely th e Colorado Intergovernmental Ri sk Sharing
Assoc iation ("CIRSA") and intends to provide the required co verage through said
a ssociation.
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In the event the City is unable to obtain 111ch property and/or liability in surance,
ea,b Ps ,ty shall be responsible for ita own coverage, but in no event will any Party
hereto bo deemed to have to indemnify or hold harmleu any other Party hereto by
the providing of insurance, the failure to provide insurance, or for any other cause .
'b • Perties recognize that over the course of time that other fire service providers
may wi sh to participate in the Center. To that and and aince the intereata of all
Parties and their citizens may best be aerve.' by such additional participation
through increased efficiency and cost reduction, the Parties an-ree to consider 1uch
amendments •• will facilitate increued participation at such time as requests
therefore are required .
Any amendme11t to the Agreement shall be in writing and executed with the same
formality as the Agreement.
lntre<'uced, read in full, and passed on first reading on the 17th day of May, 1993.
l'u,; ..h•d as a Bill for an Ordinance on the 20th day of May, 1993.
Re ad oy title and passed on final reading on the 7th day of June, 1993.
Publish ed by title a s Ordinance No,;J:/, Series of 1993, on the 10th day of June, 1993 .
(),~, 'E L ~~
Clyde. Wiggins, Mar
Q ~a,W flu f
Patricia H. Crow, City Clerk
I, Patricia H. Crow, City Clerk of the City of Englewood, Colorado, hereby certify that the
above and foregoing is a true copy of the Ordinance paaaed on final reading and published
by title as Ordinance No)[/-, Series of 1993.
-5 -
Patricia H. Crow
TI-rlS AGREEMENT is made this ___ day of ___ . 1993, by and between
the CASTLEWOOD FIRE PROTECTION DIS'TRICT, a special dimict and quasi
municipal corporation of the State of Colorado (hereinafter rderred to ns "Castlewood"),
the PARKER FIRE PROTECTIO N DIS'TRICT, a special di:.,rict and quasi municipal
corporation of the State oi' CCl\o ra do (hereinafter refe m <l 10 as "Parker"), the
CUNNINGHAM FIRE PROTEC'T!ON DIS'TRICT, a special discli~, and quasi municipal
corporation of the State of Colnrado (hereinafter referrec! 11, a; "CUnningham") the CITY
OF LITI1..ETON, COLORADO (hereinafter referred to as "Litt leton"), and the CITY OF
ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO (h e • '"1after referred to as "Englewood").
WHEREAS, Littleton . Castlewood , Parker, and Cunningham h~~e entered into an
agreeme nt to operate a combined fire communic:nions center (hereinaft~r referred to as the
"Ce nter");
WHEREAS, P rticle XIV, Section IS (2)(a) of the Constitution of the State of
Colorado and Part 2 of Article I of Title 29 , C.R.S., encourages and author izes intergovern-
mental agreements of this nature ;
WHEREAS, investi ga tions hy the respective parties to this Agreement have
developed data which reveal that the Center would serve as a more effective method of
communicating repo rts of fir es and other emergencies in the areas encompassed by
Littleton . Castlewood , Parker, Cunningham, Englewood and the other entities that each
migh t serve ;
WHEREAS, Littleton, Cast! ·wood, Parker, and Cunni ngham currently have interests
jointly in the Center and desire to further increase the efficient and cost-effective provision
of fire and paramedic dispatch services to their citizens; and
WHEREAS, Llttl-.ton , Castlewood, Parker, and CUnningham wish to terminat e their
Agre ement dated April I, 1993 by the substitution and execution of this Agreement in lieu
there of.
NOW , THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises contained herein,
Littl eton , Castlewood, Parker, Clinningham , and Englewood (hereinafter"the parties") agree:
I. To operate a combin ed fire communications center to be !mown as the South
Metro Area Emerge ncy <:.immunications Center (hereinafter the "Center")
which is located in the existing communications facility at the Littleton Center,
2255 West Berry Avenue, Ll1t!eton, Colorado 80165 .
2. Littl eton shall be respon sib le for and shall provide for the management and
administration of the Center. Thi s management shall include the responsibili-
ty of providi ng dispa tch ers fo r th e Center. Littleton will be so lel y re spo nsib le
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Combined Communications Agreement
Littleton/Cnstlewood/Pnrl:er/Cunninghnm/Englewood Page 2
for all day-to-day aspects of the Center including but not limited to :idminis-
tration and persor.nel management.
3. Operating proc edures and protocols for the dispatch function of the Center
will be established by or pursuant to the direction of the Fire Chiefs of each
of the partie s hereto. In order to establish such procedures and protocols, the
Fire Chiefs of the parties shall meet ns often as necessary to update and
revi ~c said procedures and protocols. In .io event shall procedures or
protocols be establis h.:d or implemented in any way that conflicts with this
Agre e ment , the Littleton City Charter, the Constitution of the State of
Colorado, or any provis ion of Colorado law governing the activities of any of
the parties hereto.
4 . Cnstle wood, Parker, Cunningham , aml Englewood shall pay to Littleton their
re spective share of the budget costs in accordance with the provisions set forth
5. The annual budget for the Center (ns part of the budget for the Littleton Fire
Department) shall be initially prepared pursuant to the direction and under
1 e authority of the Littleton City Manager. The City Manager, on or before
the 15th day of September in the year preceding the budget year, shall submit
a copy of the proposed budget to the Littleton City Council (the 'City
Council ') and to C:lstlewood, Parker, Cunningham , and Englewood (the
pr<,;vJsed budget for calendar year 1993 is attached hereto as Addendum 'A').
Subsequent to said ·uhmittal and prior to the adoption of a budget for the
Center by the City Council (as part of the Littleton budget), the City Council ,
Castlewood, Parker, Cunningham, and Englewood shall review said budget
anc.l may make recomrr~ndations thereon . The final budget shall be
determined by City Council.
6. Prior to September 15 of each year, the estimated percentage obligations of
Littleton, Castlewood, Parker, Cunningham, and Englewood for the total
amount of said budget shall be determined based on the preceding year's calls
according to the following formula :
Total Cails x
(past year)
Castlewood or
Parker or
or Englev,ood
(past year)
$ Castlewood or Parker
or Cunrtingham
or Englewood
Castlewood , Parker, Cunningham , and Englewood shall pay to Littleton , (in
addition to their percentage obligations as dete'omined pursuant to
Combined Communications Agreement
Litt leton/Castlewood/Parker/Cunningham/Englewood Page 3
Paragraph 6 above) an amount equal to 6.12% of their percentage obligation
of the total Center budget to defray their share of the management and
admin i~•r ativc cos ts of Li ttleto n in operating the center.
8. Castle wood , Porker, Cunningham, and Englewood agree to pay to Littleton
•~•. i . 1c ,1;1 oi their percentage obligation and their share of managem ent nid
a i:,•,i11l•(!·,,,.,~ expenses in twelve equal monthiy installments. It is anticipated
that \'.n•.'.·~.wood will make their first payment on the 31st day of July 1993, or
up on commencement of communications services to Englewood .
9. Immediately foll~'ing til e cl ose of each calendar year, the actual calls
rece ived from each Party w'ill be determined d adjustments made by tht
Fina nce D irector of Littleton to the percentage obligations of each party 10
reflect each party's actual coSIS for that year's operation of the Center in
con for mance with the fonmla set forth above. The Littleton Finance
Director shall use his or her best efforts to give notice of an adju stment no
later than February 15 . Amounts to be paid pursuant to said adjustment by
the appropr,a te party to any other party or parties shall be paid np later than
30 days following such notice. Failure to give notice as provided shall not be
construed to preclude adjustments in favor of any party. All such adjustments
are subject to review and challenge initiated by the giving of written notice
thereof not later than March 15 or 30 days after notice of adjustment,
whicheve r comes later. Upon receiving such notice, the Littleton Finance
Director shall insure that books nnd records regarding the operation of th e
Center a re accessible to those parties for inspection, and each of those parties
shall then have until April 15 or 30 days after notice of review or challenge,
whichever comes later, to pay the amount stated or as further adjusted .
10. Each party recogn izes that each of them, by contract, may provide certain fire
protection services to other entities and may continue to do so provided that
operations of the Center are not adversely affected. The parties agree to
consult w'ith each other before entering into any new agreements to provide
such services. The parties also agree that the total calls attributed to any of
the ancillary agrements w'ill be included into their part years call total.
11. Each Party recognizes that at some time it may be necessary to undertake
development of a plan for the provision of another fire communications
center located at a different site . Primary f.ictors to be considered for the
potenti a l development of another site will be the ability of the current site to
efficie ntl y handle all members' call loads, and the results of an annual site
evaluatio11 for purposes of evaluating adequacy of physical facilities. The first
such annua, :valuation shall occur in January 1994 and thereafter shall take
place in January of each year or such other date as agreed upon. In
developing sai d plan and selecting another location, the parties shall give
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Com bi ned Communications Agreement
Littl e!on/Cnstlewood /Parker /Cunningham/Englewood Page 4
pr imary consideration to, but not be limited to, the South Metro Fire Training
Academy property.
12. All perscnal property that is utilized as part of the Center from each party
shall continue to be that party's property. Except as otherwise agreed, for
personal property purchased after January 1, 1990, the cost of purchasing said
property will be shared equally by the parties and title thereto shall be by the
par\ies , as tenants in common, with undivided one-fifth ( 1/5) interests . Ench
such item shall be assigned a depreciation schedule by the Chiefs . Inventory
and depreciation records shall thereafter be maintained by the Littleton
Fin ance Directer.
Upon joining the Center, Englewood will reimburse to the City their share
($21,457.50) representing 20 % of the cost of $107 ,287 .50 for radio consoles
which ha ,e heretofore been purchased for the Center. The City will
reimbu ~, to Castlewood , Parker, and Cunningham one-fourth each of
Englewood's contribution , so that each party will have contributed 20% of the
total cost of said exp enses .
13. Cas tlewood, Parker, Cunningham, and Englewood will acquire all oth er
telep hone , radio and other required equipment and pny all associated instal-
lation charges and monthly telephone fees for any additional equipment
needed to serve Castlewood, Par~er, Cunningham, or Englewood.
14. This Agre ement shall be in full force and effect from execution hereof unt il
terminated as provided herein. '
The original term of this agreement shall commence as of
______ , 1993 , and shall tenninate on Decembe r 31 ,
1993 . The term may be continued for additional one-year terms , at th e
option of the parties . The agreement may be tertninated by any party
by giving a minimum of six (6) months written notice of tertnination to
the other parties, which notice shall be given not later than the last
week of June of any year . No termination shall be effective prior to
the end of the ca le ndar year dur ing which said notice is given .
The parties receiving the notice of tertnin ation shall have the option
to purchase all or any of the items of property held in tenancy in
common by paying to the other parties their one-fifth shares of the
r:maining value indicated on the depreciation schedule . Anv of the
personal property not purchased by the partie s receiving notice of
termination may be purchased by th e parties giving such notice of
termination. Payment for said property shall be made during the fir st
week of January in th e year foll owing terminati on.
Combined Communications Agreement
Littleton/Castlewood/Pa ker/Cunningham/Englewood Page 5
C. The parties receivin the notke of tcrminnti on shall have sixty (60)
days from the date of re ceipt of such notice to el e ct to p~rcha.~e an y
or all of the items of property held in tenancy in m t 11r,on. Said
election shall be made by delivering a written sta tement to the parties
giving notice of termination of the items to be purchas.t d by tit parties
receiving notice of tcnninat;on. Should the pan ics recei vin g th e notice
of termination take no action within that sixty (60) day period, then,
and in that event, it shall be assumed that the parties rccci ,irtG notice
does not wish to purchase any of the such prope rty and wu ivcs any
interest therein.
D . Poss ess ion of all personal and real property purchased under this
paragraph shall not e livcred until the date o i fiP l l r~rmination
which shall be on th e first business day of January of the year
followin g term ination . Prior to the sa id terminatio n date . all pe rsonal
property shall be used b\' the parties under the terms of th is Agree-
ln ~urance -The expenses of insurance coverage for all equipmen t sh all be
provided in the annual operating budget of the Littleton Fire Department.
The City shall sc reasonable efforts to obtain and maintain insurance
coverage to actual cash value , subject to a deduct ible amount for all
equipment purchased while the parties are operating under the tenns of this
Agreement, and shall use reasonable efforts to obtain and maint~i n liability
insurance coverage in accordance with limitations on judgment as shall be
established from ·.m.e to time in the Colorado Governmental Immunity Act,
Colorado :vised Statutes Se c· . .,,, 24-0-114 et seq., but in no event with
limits less than $150,000 for any ir.jury to one person in any single occurrence;
$600,000 for injury to two or more persons in any single occurrence (except
that in such instance no person may recover more than $150,000). Said
coverage may be arranged pursuant to participation in a self-insurance pool
and it is hereby acknowledged th a t Littleton offers its ,;overage by participa-
tion in such a pool, namely the Coloradll Intergovernmental Risk Sharing
Association ("CI RSA") and intends to pro·lidc the required coverage through
,aid association .
In the event the City is unable to obta in such property and/or liabili ty
insurance , ea ch party shall be r:sponsible for its own coverage, but in no
event will any party herew be deemed to have to indemnify or hold harmless
any othe r party hereto by the providing of insuran ce, the failure to provide
insurance, or for any other cause .
The parties recognize that over the course of time that other fire service
providers may wish to participate in the renter. To that end, a nd since the
interests c,f all parties and their citizens may best be served by s uch additional
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Combined Communications Agreement
Littl e 1o n/Castlewood/Parke r/Omnirlgham/Englewood Page 6
participation through incre ased efficiency and co st reduction, the parties agree
to cons ider such amendments as will facilitate increased participation at such
time as re qu c ts therefore arc required .
18. Any amendment to this Agreement shall be in writing and executed wit h the
same form aiity as this Agreement.
19. Th is Agreement may be exe cuted in several co•.:ntcrpans, each of which shall
be considered as an origin al Agreement.
Boa rd President
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Castlewood Fire District Anorncy
Se cretary
Park er Fire Di s•. ·ic t Attorney
Board President
Combined Communications Agreement
Lluleton/Castlewood/Parker/Cunningham/Englewood Page 7
City Clerk
By : ___ ,,....,,__,,.,.------
Council President
City Attorney
Board President
Cunningham Fire Di strict Attorney
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Combined Communications Agreement
Littleton/Castlewood/Parker/Cunningham/Englewood Pnge 8
City Clerk By: ___ M-;-a:-yo:-r:---------
City Auorney
AGREEMENT •• nns AGREEMENT is made this ___ day of , 1993, by and between •
the CASlLEWOOD FIRE PROTECTTON DISTRICT, a special district and quasi
municipal corporation of the State of Colorado (hereinafter referred to as 'Castlewood"),
the PARKER FIRE PROTECTTO N DISTRICT, a special district and quasi municipal
corporation of the State of Colorado (hereinafter referred to as "Parker"}, the
CUNNINGHAM FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, a special district and quasi municipal
corporation of the State of Colorado (hereinafter referred to as 'Cunningham') the CITY
OF LITI1..ETON, COLORADO (hereinafter referred to as 'Littleton'}, and the CITY OF
ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO (hereinafter referred to as 'Englewood").
WHEREAS, Littleton, Castlewood, Parker, and Cunningham have entered into an
agreement to ope rate a com b ined fire communications center (hereinafter referred to as the
WHEREAS, Article XIV, Section 18 (2)(a) of the Constitution of the State of
Colorad o and Part 2 of Articl~ I of Title 29, C.R.S., encourages and authorizes intergovern-
mental agreements of this nature;
WHEREAS, investigations by the respective parties to this Agreement have •
developed data which reveal that the Center would serve as a more effective method of •
communicati ng reports of fires and other emergenci es in the areas encompassed by
Littleton, Castlewood, Parker, Cunningham, Eng'ewood and the other entities that each
mi ght serve ;
WHEREAS, Littleton, Castlewood, Parker, and Cunningham currently have L-1terests
jointly in the Center and desire to further increase the e fficient and cost-effective provision
of fire and paramedic dispatch services to their citizens; and
WHEREAS, Littleton, Castlewood, Parker, and Cunningham wish to terminate their
Agr eement dated April 1, 1993 by the substitution and execution of this AgrP-ement in lieu
there of.
NOW, TiiEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises contained herein,
Littletori, Castlewood, Parker, Cunningham, and Englewooll (hereinafter "the parties") agree :
I. To operate a combined fire communications center to be known as the South
Metro Area Emergency Communications Center (hereinafter the 'Center')
wh ich is located in t'at .:iisting commuru cations facility at the Littleton Center,
2255 West Berry Avc11ue, Uttleton, Colorado 80165 .
2. Litt leton shall bl' ,~~ponsible for and shall prr,vid e for the management and
administration of the Center. This management shall include the responsibili-
ty of providing dispatchers for the Center. Littleton will be solely responsible • •
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Combined Communications Agreement
Littleton/Castlewood/Parker /Cunningham/Englewood Page 2
for all day-to-day aspects of the Center including but not limited to adminis-
tration and personnel managemen t
3. Operating procedures and protocols for the dispatch function of th,, Center
will be established by or pursuant to lhe direction of the Fire Chiefs of each
of the panies hereto . In order to establish such procedures and protocols, the
Fire Chiefs of the panies shall meet as often as necessary to update and
revise said procedures and protocols . In no event shall procedures or
protocols be established or implemented in any way that conflicts with this
Agreemen , .. the Littleton City Charter, the Constitution of the State of
Colorado, ,1 1 any provision of COiorado law governing the activities of any of
the parties hereto.
4. Cas tlewood , Parker, Cunningham, and Englewood shall pay to Littleton their
re spective share of the budget costs in accordance with the provisions set forth
5. The annual budget for the Center (as part of the budget for the Littleton Fire
Department) shall be initially prepared pursuant to the direction and under
the authority of the Littleton City Manager . The City Manager, on or before
the 15th day of September in the year preceding the budget year, shall submit
a copy of the proposed budget to the Littleton City council (the "City
Council ") and to Castlewood, Parker, Cunningham, and Englewood (the
proposed budget for calendar year 1993 is attached hereto as Addendum • A").
Subsequent to said su bmittal and prior to the adoptio !! of a budget for the
Center by the City COunc/1 (as part of th~ Littleton iJudget), the City Cc,uncil,
Castl ewood, Parke r, Cunningham, !!!<d Englewood ~b ll r~view said budget
an.d may make recommendatio!IS thereon . The: final budget shall be
determined by City Council .
6. Prior to September 15 of each year, the estimated percentage obligations of
Littleton, Castlewood, Parker, Cunningham, and Englewood for the total
amount of said budget shall be determined based on the preceding year's calls
according 10 the following formula :
S Center Budget
Tot al Calls x
(past year )
Castlewood or
Parker or
or Englewood
(past year)
S Castlewood or Parker
or Cunningham
or Englewood
Cas tlewood , Parker, Cunningh am, and Englewood shall pay to Littleto n, (in
additi on to the ir percentage obligations as determined pursuant to
Combined Communications Agreement
Littleton/Casllewood/Parkcr,'O!nningham/Englcwood Page 3
Paragraph 6 above) an amount equal to 6.12% of their percentage obligation
of the total Center budget to defray their share of the management and
administrative costs of Littleton in operating the center.
8. Castlewood, Parker, Cunningham, and Englewood agree to pay to Littleton
the amount of their percentage obligation and their share of management and
administrative expenses in rwclve equal monthly installments. It is anticipated
that Englewood will make their first payment on the 31st day of July 1993, or
upon corrur.encement of communications services to Englewood.
9. Immediately following the close of each calendar year, the actual calls
received from each Party will be determined and adjustments made by the
Finance Director of Littleton to the percentage obligations of each party to
reflect each party's actual costs for that year's operation of the Center in
conformance with the formula set forth above. The Littleton Finance
Director shall use his or her best effortS to give notice of an adjustment no
later than February 15 . Amounts to be paid pursuant to said adjustment by
the appropriate party to any other party or parties shall be paid no later than
30 days following such notice . Failure to give notice as provided shall not be
construed 10 preclude adjustments in favor of any party. All such adjustments •
are subject to review and challenge initiated by the giving of written notice •
thereof not later than March l '.: or 30 days after notice of adjustment,
whichever comes later. Upon rt cciving such notice, the Littleton Finance
Director shall insure that books ,md records regarding the operation of the
Center arc accessible to those parties for inspection, and each of those parties
shall then have until April 15 or 30 days after notice of review or challenge,
whichever comes later, to pay the amount stated or as further adjusted.
10. Each party recognizes that each of them, by contract, may provide certain fire
protection services to other entities and may continue to do so provided that
operations of the Center are not adversely affected . The parties agree to
consult with each other before entering into any new agreements to provide
such services. The parties also agree that the total calls attributed to any of
th e ancillary agrements will be i..,cluded into their part years call total.
11. Each Party re~ognizes that at some time it may be necessary to und e rtake
de velopment of a plan for the provision of another fire communications
center located at a different site . Primary factors to be considered for the
potential development of another site will be the ability of the current site 10
effici e ntly handle all members' call loads, and the results of an annual site
evaluau un for purposes of evaluating adequacy of physical facilities . The first
such annual evaluation shall occur in January 1994 and thereafter shall t..kc
place in January of each year or such other date as agreed unon . In
developing said plan and selecting another location, the parti~s shall give • •
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Combin ed Communications Agreement
Uttleton/Castlewood/Parker /Cunningham/Englewood Page 4
primary consideration to, but not be limited to , the South Me tro Fire Training
Academy pr,,perty.
12. All personal ~•roperty that is utilized as part of the Center from each party
shall continue to be that party's property. Except as otherwise agreed , for
pe rs.:Jn al property purchased after January 1, 1990, the cost of purchasing said
prop erty will be shared equally by the parties and title there to shall be by the
parties, as tenants in common, with undivided one-fifth (1/5) interests. Each
such item shall be assigned a depreciation schedule by the Chiefs . Inventory
and depreciation records shall thereafter be maintained by the Uttleton
Fin ance Director.
13 .
Upon joining the Center, Englewood will reimburse to the City their share
($21,457 .50) representing 20% of the cost of $107,287.5 0 for radio consoles
which have heretofore been purchased for the Center. Tb.e Cit1 will
reimburse to Castlewood, Parker, and Cunningham one-fowtb each of
Englewood 's contribu ti on, so that each party will have contributed 20 % of th e
total co st of said expenses .
Castlewood , Parker, Cunningham, and Englewood will acquire all other
telephone, radio and other required equipment and pay all associated instal-
lation charges and monthly telephone fees for any additional equipment
needed to serve Castlewood , Parker, Cunningham, or Englewood .
14. This Agreement snail be in full force and effect from execution hereof until
terminated as provided herein.
15. A
The original term of this agreement shall commence as of
--~---• 1993, and shall terminate on De cember 31,
1993. The tenn may he continued for additional one-year terms, at the
option of the parties. The agreement may be terminated by any party
by giving a minimum of six ( 6) months written notice of termination to
the other parties, which notice shall be given not later than the last
week of June of any year. No termination shall be effective prior to
the end of the calendar year during which said notice is given.
The parties receiving the notice of termination shall have the option
to purchase all or any of the items of property held in tenancy in
common by paying to the other parties their one-fifth shares of the
remaining value indicated on the depreciation schedule . Any of the
personal property not purchased by the parties receiving notice of
termination may be purchased by the parties giving such notice of
tennination. Payment for said property shall be made during the first
week of January in the year following termination.
Combined Communications Agreement
Littlcton/Castlewood/Parkcr/Cunningham/Eoglewood Page 5
C. The parties receiving the notice of tennination shall have sixty (60)
days from the date of receipt of such notice to elect to purchase any
or all of the items of property held in tenancy in common. foid
election shall be made by delivering a written statement to the parties
giving notice of termination of the items to be purchased by the parties
receiving notice of termination. Should the parties receiving the notice
of termination take no action within that sixty (60) day period, then,
and in that event, it shall be assumed that the parties receiving notice
does not wish to purchase any of the such property and waives any
interest therein.
D. Possession of all personal and real property purchased ander this
paragraph shall not be deliver ed until the date of final termination
which shall be on the first business day of January of the year
following termination . Prior to the said termination date . all personal
property shall be used by the parties under the terms of this Agree-
!nfil!r~ -The expenses of insurance coverage for all equipment shall be
provided in the annual operating budget of the littleton Fire Department.
The City shall use reasonable efforts to obtain and maintain insurance
coverage to actual cash value, subject to a deductible amount for all
equipment purchase<! while the parties are operating under the terms of this
Agreement, and shall use reasonable efforts to obtain and maintain liability
insurance coverage in accordance with limitations on judgment as shall be
established from time to time in the Colorado Governmcutal Immunity Act,
Colorado Revised Statutes Section 24-10-114 ct seq., but in no event with
limits less than $150,000 for any injury to one person in any single occurrence;
$600,000 for injury to two or more persons in any single occurrence ( except
that in such insrance no person may recover more than $150,000). Said
coverage may ~ arranged pursuant to participation in a self-insurance pool
and it is hereby acknowledged that littleton offers its coverage by participa-
tion in such a poo~ namely the Colorado Intergovernmental Risk Sharing
Association ("CIRSA") and intends to provide the required coverage through
said association.
In the eve nt the City is unable to obtain such property and/or liability
insurance, each party shall be responsible for its own coverage , but in no
event will any party hereto be deemed to have to indemnify or hold harmless
any other party hereto by the providing of insurance, the failure to provide
insurance. or for any other cause .
The parties recognize that over the course of time that other fire service
providers may wish to participate in the Center. Tr that end, and since the
intere ,;ts of all parties and their citizens may best be served by such additional
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Combined Communications Agreement
Littleton/Castlewood/Parkcr/Cmningbam/Englewood Page 6
participati Jn through increased efficiency and cost reduction, tbe parties agree
to conside: such ameodmeots as will facilitate increased participation at such
time as requests therefore arc required .
18. Any amendment to tbis Agreement shall be in writing and executed with the
same formality as this Agreement .
19. This Agreement may be executed in several counterparts, each of which shall
be considered as an original Agrccmrnt.
Secretary , By :_-:Bo::-ar-d-:--::Pr:-e-s.,.id.,.c_o_t _____ _
Castlewood Fire District Attorney
Secretary By :_-=a'""o_ar_d'""'P""r-cs""'i""'de_n_t _____ _
Parker Fire District Attorney
Com bined Communications Aiireement
Littleton/Castlewood/Parter/Qumingbam/Englewood Page 7
City Attorney
Cunningham Fire District Attorney
Council Preside~!
By._-=-~-=-...,..,.------Board President
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Combined Communications Agreement
Uttl.,ton/Cas1lewood/Parker /Qmningbam/Englewood F:,.ge 8
City Clerk
By : _________ _
~Ci-.ty-A-tto_r.i_e_y _____ _
May 17, 1993
11 e
8-abject Fire Communications
Department of Safety Services
Allan Stanley, Director of Safety Services
Chris Olson, Deputy Director of Safety Services
Staff seeks Council approval of the attached bill for an ordinance approving an
Intergovernmental agreement between the City of Englewood and four south metro
fire departments to operate ::. combined Fire Communications Center.
o\ study ses sion held on May 3, 1993, provided information to Council on the merits
and technical aspects of combined communications operations.
The South Metro Fire Dispatch Center has been successfully operating for at least
four years. As the Englewood Fire Division Is already participating In other
cooperative efforts with south metro fire agencies, this proposal fills a natural and
cost-effective need that will ensure a higher level and quality of fire service
communications than presently provldeC:.
Safety Services staff has been discussing and analyzing the options for both fire and
police combined dispatch operations since 1991. Staff recommen ds that action be
taken now .