HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993 Ordinance No. 028•• • • • ORDINANCE NO . .2.f SERIES OF 1993 BY AUTHORITY COUNCIL BILL NO. 30 INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER..llWJJn'. AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AN AGREEMENT WITH THE OEOWGICAL SURVEY UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR IN WHICH THE CITY OF ENGLF.WOOD WILL PARTICIPATE IN THE U.S .G .S . SHALWW AQUIFER STUDY OF THE DENVER METROPOLITAN AREA. WHEREAS, the Denver Metropolitan area ia underlain by a compl ete network of water- bearing sediments (acquifen); and WHEREAS, the acquifen are leu than 20 feet deep in much of the Met ropolitan area, which makes these aquifers easily polluted by urban uses and ■pills; and WHEREAS, through percolation and ground mov ement, this flow and pollution may "J ltimately reach the South Platte River, thereby impacting the waateload allocated to th e Littleton/Englewood Wa•• J ter Treatment Plant to maintain the South Platte River quality ; and WHEREAS , the shallow aquifers are so poorly defined that ground water flow paths are diffic ult to discern and water rights issues can be uncertain; and WHEREAS, the aquifers 1•1pply water to the South Platte River and a l111p part of the water nowing through the aquifers ori&inates a .1 percolation from areas served by municipal water supplies; and WHEREAS, if the factors can be better defined, municipal wal,r rights may be increased, based on the improved documented rates o( return flow to the South Platte River; and WHEREAS, at the present time 14 municipalities and governmental agencies are participating in the atudy and the U.S. Geological Survey will be providing matching funds to conduct this study; and WHEREAS, the study will cost a total of $151,000, of which the Waste Water Treatment Plant's initial contribution will be $10,000 and this study is scheduled to begin in the summer of 1993 and completion is anticipated in early 1995; and WHEREAS, the information from the study ia needed for a nitrogen aeries wasteload allocation study being performed on Segment 14 of the South Platte River with the participation of the Littleton/Englewood Wute Water Treatment Plant; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, AS FOLLOWS : ~-The City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado hereby gives approval of e ntering to an agreement with the Geological Survey United States Department of the Interior in which the City of Englewood will participate in the U.S.G.S. Shallow Aquifer Study of the Denver Metropolitan Area. Such Agreement generally contains as follows: -I - A. The parti11 he~ .,...ie that oubjecL t.o the availability or appropriation ■ and in accoTClanco wilh their re■pective authoritie ■ there ■hall be maintair.ed in cooperation for a ■i.,uly of the ■hallo w aquifer■ in I.he Denver metropolitan area as outlined in I.he prop,,sal. · I! The City of Englewood's e<>ntri bution of$10,000 is due during I.he period of March I , 1993 t.o September ao, 1994 . Additional amount■ by each party during I.he 1ucceeding periodJ aa may be determined by mutual agreement and set forth in an exchange oflettera between I.he parties. Such contribution will cover all of the coat~, the necessary field and office work directly related t.o the PfCJl1'&m, but excluding any bureau level general administrative or accountine work in the office of either party. C. Expenses incurred in the performance or the program may be paid by either party in conformity with I.he lawa and regulation• re1pectively gov erning each party, provided that so far II may be mutually agreeable all expenaea lhall be paid in I.h e first instance by the City with appropriate reimbursement thereafter. D. Th e field and office work pertaining t.o this program shall be under the direction of or subject t.o periodic review by an authorized representative of the City, E. The areas t.o be included in the program shall be determined by mutual agreement between the parties haret.o or their authorized representatives. The methods employed in the field and office shall be t.hoae adopted by the party of the first part t.o unsure the required standards of accu.r acy subject t.o modification by mutual agreement F . During I.he progreas of the work all operation ■ of either party pertaining to this program shall be open t.o the inspection oft.he other party, and it /be work is not being carried on in a mutually satisfactory manner, either p..rty may terminate thi s agreement upon 60 days written notice to the other party. G. The original records resulting from this program will be deposited in the office of origin of those records. Upon request, copies of the original records will be provided to the office of the other party. H. The maps , records or reports resulting from this program shall be made available t.o the public as promptly as possible. The maps, records or reports normally will be published at cost, impressions suitable for purposes af reproduction similar to that for which I.he original copy was prepared. The maps , records or reports poblished by either party shall contain a statement of the cooperative relation& between I.he parties. I. Billing for this agreement will be rendered Oct.ober I, 1994 , Payments or bills are due within 60 days after I.he billing date. If not paid by I.he due date, intere&t will be charged at the current Treaaury rate for each 30-day period, or portion I.hereof, that the payment it delayed beyond the due date. Introduced, read in full , and passed on first reading on the 17th day of May, 1993. -2 - •• • I • • •• • • • Publlohed aa a Bill ~r an Onllnance on the 20th day or M.oy, 1993 . Rud by tiUe and puled on final reodlnr on the 7th day of June, 1993. Published by tiUe u Onlinance ~o4, Serie• of 1993, on the 10th day of June, 1993. ATTEST : W t«e , !JI ~ Patrici a H. Crow , City C lerk 1, Patrici a H. C row, City Ci eri< or the City of Engl ewood , Colorado, hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a tru~~opy of the Ordinance passed on final reading and publi sh ed by title as Ordinance No i.fl_. Series of 1993. ~u,m,#~ Patricia H . Crow -3 - I=-~-) Dw,w,b1w.• ol .. lnlilrlor Gleologlaalllnwy Joint Funding~ FOR PIOjact No: 27980 WATER RESOURCES INVESTIGATIONS A THIS AGREEMENT is ffl..-.d inlo u ol 1l1e 111 day ol Marci, 19113 by the GEOLOGICAL SURVl:9• UNITED STATES DEPARiMENT OF THE INTERIOR, party ol the finll part, and the UTTLETON-ENGLEWOOO 8. CITY WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT, party ol !he MC0nd part. 1. The parties homo..,... thal Nljed lo !he availlbiliy ol appcp,illloi• ard in.,.,.,,..,_ wilh thai-.-.pective authcrilles there shall be mainlained in 000pel8lion for a study of the shallow aquffers in the Denver rnatrcpolilan area as outlined in the attached proposal , hereinafter called the program . 2. The following amounts 8hall be contributed to cover all of the cost of the necessa,y field and office work directly ~1ed to this program , but e eluding any bumiu level general administrative or accounting w0l1I in !he office of eilher pai :y. (a) $10,000.00 (b) $10,000 .00 by the party ol the first part during the period Man:h 1, 1993 to September 30, 1994 by !he party ol lhe second part during !he period Man:h 1 , 1993 lo September 30, 1994 (c) Addit ional amounts by eech party during !he above period or succeeding penods as may be determined by mutual agreement and set fo rth in an exchange of letters between the parties . 3. Expenses incurred in the performance of !his program may be paid by etther party in conformity with !he laws and regulations respectively gcweming each party, provided that so far as may be mutually ~;:-able al expenses shal be paid in the first instance by the party of !he first pan with appropriate reimbursement lherealt, ·r by !he party of the second part . Each party shall fl.mish lo !he other party such statements or reports of expendiures a. may be needed lo SGtisfy fiscal requ irements. I 4 . The field and office wo rk pertaining lo th is program shall be under !he direction of or subj .. :t 10 periodic rev iew an authorized representative of !he party ol the first part. 5 . The araas 10 be included in !he program shall be determined by mutual agreement be!ween !he parties hereto or authorized representatives . The methods employed in the field and oflica shall be those adopted by the party of the rst part lo insure !he required slardards of accuracy subject to modification by mutual agreement . 6 . During the progress rA !he work all operations of etther party pertaining to this program shall bt open to the inspecti?n of the other party, and n !he work is not being carried on in a mutually satislaciory manner, eitht r party may terminate this agreement upon 60 days written notice to the other party. 7. Th u original records resun ing from this program will be depostted in lhe office of origin d those ... -orc1s . Upon request, copies of the original records will be provided to the office of the other party. 8. The maps , records or reports resulting from this program ~U ba made ava ilable to the pu,lic as p,of11)tly as possi,le. The maps , records or reports normally will be published by tho party of !he first pert. However, the party of !he second part reserves tho right to publish the resuns of !his program and , n alreacly published by the party rA the first part shall , upon request , be fum'.shed by the party cf the first part, at cost, impressions suitable for pl.lp0S89 rA reproduction linilat lo Iha! for which the original copy was prepared. The maps, records or reports plblished by either party shall coruin a statement of the ooop,,rative relations between the parties . 9. Billing for this agreement will be rendered October • , 1994 . Payments of bills are due within 60 days alter the billing date . Hnot paid by the due date, interest ·Nill be charged al the ct.n9f\l Treasury rate for each 30-day period, orportion thereof , that the payment is delay ed t,,yond the due date . (31 USC 3717 ; Comptroller Geno File B-212222 . August 23, 1983.). LITTI.ETON •ENGLEWOOD Bl•CITY WASTEWATER GEOLOG ICAL SURVEY UN ITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR By ____________ _ By _______________ _ By ___________ ----4 __ • )S IGNATU RE l 7 ;,t!') By ________________ .;;._ District Ch ief, WAD , Colorado District (USE REVERSE SIDE IF ADDITIONAL SIGNATURES ARE REO\JIRED) Date May 17, 1993 INITIATED BY STAFF SOURCE COUl'fCIL COIIIIUNICATION Acendaltem 11 a Subject USGS Shallow Aquifer Study of the Denver Metro Area Uttleton/Englewood Wastewat•er n-eatment Plant Supcmsory Committee Stewart Fonda, Director of the Wastewater n-eatment Plant ISSUE/ ACTION PROPOSED Staff seeks Council approval of a bill for an ordinance authorizing Englewood 's participation In the USGS Shallow Aquifer Study of the Denver Metropolitan Area. and approving the agreement with the USGS for the study. PREVIOUS COUNCD, ACTION None. BACKGROUND The Denver Metropolitan area l.s underlain by a complete network of water-bearing sediments (aquifers). The aquifers are less than 20 feet deep In much of the ·area, which makes these aquifers easily polluted by urban uses and spills . 1n addition , through percolation and ground water movement. this flow ar.d pollution may ultimately reach the South Platte River, thereby Impacting the wasteload allocated to the L/E WWI'P to maintain South Platte River quality. With regard to river rights. the shallow aqw 'ers are so poorly defined that ground water flow paths are cllfflcult to discern and water rights Issues can be uncertain. It Is likely that the aquifers supply water to the ·South Platte River and that a large part of the ~-ater flowing through the aquifers originates as percolation from areas served by municipal water supplies. lf these facto rs can be better defined, municipal water rights may be Increased. based on the Improved documented rates of return flow to ' the South Platte River . Pr inted on Aec vcled P•pet ~ 1bc U .S. Geological Survey will be providing matching funds to conduct the study. ~ Currently fourteen municipalities and governmental agencies are participating In the .... study, which Is scheduled to begin this summer and completion Is anticipated In early 1995. STAFF ANALYSIS The study I nil provide hydrologlc mapping of the shallow ground water aquifer and ground water movement In the South Platte River Basin, encompassing the entire Uttleton/Englewood Service area. as well as the surrounding comm..:nitles. The study will have broad applications In the followin g areas : • Improved L/E wwrP estimate of stream wasteload allocations , based on improved estimates of ground water discharge to the South Platte River. • Improved hydrologtc Information regarding environmental and water rights Issues. • Improved knowledge of return flow to the South Platte River. which may benefit existing tributary water rights holders. • Improved assessment and management of hazardous materials spills, leaks from underground storage tanks and leechate from domestic. commercial and Industrial land use . • Improved Information regarding availability of.ground water supplies. foundation excavation conditions and possible causes of basement flooding. FINANCIAL IMPACT The shallow aquifer study will cost a total of $151.000. of which the L/E WWI'P contribution will be $10,000. The contribution will not be due until October of 1994. and would be Included In the 1994 budget. If approved .