HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993 Ordinance No. 029• •
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WHEREAS, the Littleton/Englewood Wut.ewat.er Treatment Plant penonnel manqe the
Industrial Preti i at.me nt proe,ama for both Littleton and Enelewood and the manaeement of
the progr,uns include pennittin& certain induatriea which are reeulat.ed by E .P.A ; and
WHEREAS, seve ral small areas wi thin Enelewuod city limits disch arge wastewater t.o the
Metro Di strict; and
WHEREAS, Enelew ood and the Metro Diatrict both have pretreatment programs approved
by th e E .P.A. wh ich ensure that the in du stries they reeu]ate meet all the requirements for
sa mpling and reporting; and
WHEREAS, the Metro Di strict"s program requirementa are slightly different from
Englewood's program and have created a bureaucratic redundancy for Englewood
person ne l and the indu s tri es involved ; and
WH EREAS, wi th the a pproval of this agreement the program will be come more
stream li ned and efficient use of pers onnel an d resources; and
WHEREAS, Enelewood has proposed t.o allow the Metro Uistrict t.o assume full
res pon s ibility for the industries that discharp t.o their plant and such responsibility could
not h ave been given t.o Englewood only , becauae the treatment plant which holds the NPDES
permit is ultimately res ponsible; and
WHEREAS, there is no added co st t.o Englewood a., the City has an existing contract with
Me tro District for wastewater treatment for some residential areu and ,mall areas of
industrial sites a nd this qreement will not affect that contract in any way; and
WHEREAS, Metro District will notify Englewood prior t.o any potential enforcemen t
actions agmnst an affected industry which is pennitted under the Industrial Pretreatment
Program and Englewood wi ll rewn the authority t.o have input int.o actions prior t.o
impl e menta t ion ;
Stcilm.J., The Ci ty Council of th e City of Engl ewood , Co lorado hereby approv.,:; Ille
Agreem ent fo r Delegati on Of Pretreatment/Industrial Wute Control between Metro
Wastewa ter Reclamati on District and the City of Englewood . Such Agreement generally
con t.sins as foll,.ws :
A. Under Sec tion 6 of the Diatrict's Rules and Regulations Governing the
Operation , Use and Services of the Syatem and Article IV of the Di strict's Specia l
Con n ect.or's Sewage Treatment and Disposal Agr eement with Englewood , th e
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Diatrict and Enrlewood enter into thia Arreement whereby Enrl••ood ■hall
delepte, and the District shall a "8 ume, the reaponaibility for cooducting
Englewood's Pretreatment duignated in the Afreement.
B. Deairnated Service Area For Which Acreement Shall Apply : The Arreement
shall apply to only that area of Englewood which receive• ■ewer ae,vict, from the
Di1trict. The service area is described in the Special Connector', Agreement,
which may be amended from time to time.
C. Reoponaibilities Delegated: Englewood hereby delegates and the Diotrict hereby
assumes, responsibility for Englewood 's Pretreatment Program obligation& and
Article IV of the Special Connector'• A,reement and in documents inued
pur1U8nt thereto including, among othen, Proeedure1 For Implementing The
Pretreatment/Industrial Waste Control Program Of the Metro Dimic:t, except a s
Englewood sha11 remain responsible for compiling a comprehen sive list of
industrial users and updating in dustrial waste survey information as described
in the Procedures For Implementing the Pretreatment/Industrial Wute Control
Proeram of the Metro District.
Englewood shall submit to the Diatrict annual updates to the survey no later than
March 31st of each year. In addition, Englewood shall promptly notify the
District of any new dischargers connecting to the sew er sy stem which may be
subject to regulation as Significant Industrial Users under the Pretreatment
D. Notification of Enforcement Actions : The District shall notify Enelewood when
assessing penalties, terminating &"!w age service, or seeking criminal 1Bnctions
against any discha,g,,r within the aervice area of the Agreemenl The District
shall provide Englewood with an annual stetu1 n,port on the complil.nce of
discha,g,,n under the Pretreatment Program .
E. District's Charges: The Dist rict shall charge each discha,g,,r within the service
area of the Agreement, for any metering, oampling, and analytical coats
incurred by th• District for discharge or other monitoring conducted under the
Pretreatment Program and for any administrative cos1s deemed appropriate.
The District sh•.ill not charge Englewood under the Agreement any coats
assoriated with the Pretreatment Program responsibilities delegated to the
District herein, Englewood will remain subject to all annual charges as
provi ded in the Special Connector's A,reement as amended from time to time.
F. Amendments: The Diatrict shall be responsible for the performance of future
Pretreatment responsibilities set forth in the United Stites Code of Federal
R.,gulations and Colorado Code of Regulations, exce·pt for those Pretreatment
responsibilitin directly related to updating the industrial waste survey a1
described in the Arr .. ment,
G. Severability: If any sectior. subsection, paragraph, clause, phrase or other
provision of the AcreemenL shall, for any reason , be invalid or unenforceabl e, the
invalidity or unenforceability of 1uch aection, subsection, paragraph , clause ,
phrase, or other provision shall not affect any of the remaining provi sions of the
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H. Waiver: No wai ver by either party of any term or condition of tho Apetment
,.~all be deemed or construed u a waiver of any other term or condition, nor lhall
a waiver of any breach be deemed to conltitute a waiver of any aubtequer,t breach ,
whether of the same or of a diff'erent provision of the Ac,eemenL
I. Remadies: In addition to the remedies provided by law, the Acreen,ent ahall be
specifically enforceable by both of the parties.
K. Term Of Agreement: The Agreement ahaU be in full force and effect and ahall
be binding upon the parties hereto from ita eff'ectivt date for a period offive years.
Thereafter, the Agreement shall continue aa a bindi111 contraet to the extent
permitted by law from year to year until a Di strict Officer or an Englewood
Officer delivers IA> the Chairman or clerk respectively of each of the parties hereto
a notice that thirty days after such delivery or on any date delignated in the notice
following the expiration of auch thirty days the Ac,eement ahall terminate.
L. Conformance With Laws : Both parties beret,, agree IA> abide by and conform IA>
all applicable laws of the Federal Government, the State, and any other body
corporate and politic having any jurisdiction in the service area which is the
subject of the AcreemenL Nothing in the Section contained, however, shall
require any party hereto IA> comply wi th any law, the validity, or applicability of
which shall be contested in good faith and, if necessary or desirable, by
appropriate legal proceedings .
M. Acts Of God : Neither party herelA> shall be responsible or liable in any way for
Acts of God or any other act or acts or omiasions beyond the amtrol of such party
wh ich may cause an interruption or a discontinuance of service of the Sewage
Disposal System or IA> any Sewer System.
N. Assignability : Neither party to the Ac,eement may auign any interest therein to
any Person without u,e consent of the other party hereto at that time, and the terms
of the Agreeme nt shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the respective
re presentatives and successors of each party hereto. Noting herein contained,
however, shall be con strued as prev,~ting the reorganization of any party hereto
nor a s preventing any other body corporate and politic succeeding IA> the rights ,
privileges, powers, in1munities, liabilities , diubilities and duties of either party
herelA>, as may be authorized by law, in the absence of any prejudicial
imprurment of any obl igation of contl'acl imposed.
Introduced , read in full , and passed on first reading on the ,Pth day of May, 1993.
Published as a Bill for an Ordinance on the 20th day of May, 1993.
Read by title and passed on final reading on the7th day of June, 1993 .
1993. Publiahed by t;tle u Ordinance No .~ Seri .. of 1993, on the 10th day of June,
_no/,f /,~ .
Clyd• : Wiggins, Ma
,e?b-,;.;a,, Ii/. (j-d-0(
Patricia H. Crow , City Clerk
l, Patricia H. Crow, City Clerk of the City of Englewood, Colorado, hereby certify that the
above and foregoing i• 1 ~ eopy of the Ordinance pa11ed on final reading and publiah~
by title as Or~inance Not:6/-' Series of 1993.
Patricia H. Crow
.4 .
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J-PIMlr. roa
Oll.aMTIOII o• l'ltmD'l'lmft/DIIU81'JIDL
GS'l'll 001ffl10L l'IIOGIIAII U .. OIIIIBILrtIU
'l'bb A9r-t i ■ uda and entered into bet-. ~ ••tra
•~tar MOlu:::tion Di ■trict (t!la •Di ■trict•) loc:atecl at 6'50
York 8treet, nemr.r, Colorado 10221-7499 an4 tile City of Jlnflevood
(•lblCJlewooc!•) 1-tall at HOO louth Cati, Jlnflawoo4, Colorado,
10110. 'l'lli ■ ~t ~ effec:t:iv• 3uly 1, ltt3.
Under Sect.ion 6 of the Di■t:ria1:'■ bl .. an4 a.,ulation■
GoTarnint tile Oparat:ion, UM and llervia.. of tlla lyat:ea (1bll• and
~ion■) AD" Art:icla IV of tlla DJ.lltrict'■ Special connec:t:or•■
--■9• TraatMn\:. and Diapo■al Ag1'MMllt Vitll lnvl ■-oo4 (Special
conr.c:tor• • A9r-t) , th■ Di■trict an4 ZntJlewod ent:■r into 1:Jli•
Aq~t vberaby Snql ■vood ■ha11 d■le(J ■te, an4 tbe Di ■trict ■ball
-■•-• th• r■■ponaibility for conducting Snqlevood'• Pratreataent
l'rogr■a obli9■tion ■ fe":' tbat. portion of Jlnflevood' • ■■rvic■ area
d .. iCJD■tad in a.otion 2 of thia •-t.
Tbi ■ .Aqra-t. ■hall apply t.o en1y that area ot IICnglnood
which ~ive■ -Mrvioe f1'1a th■ Di ■t.rict. Tb■ ■■rvio■ -1 ■ cle■cribed in tJaa special Connect.or'■ Aqr-t, Vllicm aay be
-■nded troa tt.a to u ...
lnglevood banby del119ate■, and tJla Di■trict hereby·-·
r-■pon■ib111ty for Bnglnood'• l'ntnataant Progru obliptlon■ .. t
forth in section , of the D!Rric:t' • lllll-■ an4 a.gulaticma and
Article IV ot th• Special connect.or•■ Aq~t. and 1n doalmant■
i ■■uad pur■uant thereto including, ■-ong other■, rroaeow:r, Ppr
::1::::i:i.:tr·:::r.!'t:tt::ta1 , .. ta Cgptrpl ~gqrg Of
l'ln9l ■vood 1111■11 raain reapon■ible f1)r coapilinf a
coapr■h ■n■iva li■t of indll■tdal u ■-ra and updating indu■trial
v■■t• ■urv■y infor-■t.ion a■ da■cribad in the Prpcaduu ■ Ppr
nmlMNdiiDP t.h• Pret-re1tNnt11nou1tri1l lfa1t1 cantrel Prggry Pf
t:he Nagg pi ■trict.
Bn91Woe4 8hall ■ubait t.o the Di ■triot annual upcl■t-■ to tha
■urvey no latar than Naroh 31at. of ■acb y-■r. In addition,
llnql ■vood ■hall p1:oaptl:r' not.ity the Di ■t:rict. of all)' n■v Oi ■cllargare
connecting to th• ■,;war ■yet.ea Vllieh -Y ba aubjaot. t.o ~•tion
a ■ Significant Ind\.im:dal li'Nr■ under tba Pr■tr-■ta■nt Progr-.
'' IIOTDICHIOJ or rmernm ICf!OJI
The Di ■trict. ahall notity lnqlavood vb■n u ■-■sinG panaltia■,
tar11inating sewage ■c:vic:a, or ■eakin9 cri.J.nal aanct.Ion■ again■t
any diacbaqer vitbin the HrVi a area of thi ■ .-t. Th•
Diatri,:t llhall provide Snglavoo6 with an aJUNal ■ta'1la report on
tb• ..,..,uanca of dbcillU'ftin Wider th• ftftnataer.,c Pro9raa.
1, DUIIIAl''I ffllNII
1'lle D.letrlc:t ■hall Clbu'V• aaeh diec:barver vitllia tla■ HrVicie
area of thi ■ ~t , for any Mterint, ■--pli119, and analytic:al
co■ta inc:nuTe4 lly th• l)i ■tricit for di ■cb•rva or othar -1torlllf
conducted \Ulder the PretnatMnt Pro9rU and for any edaini ■trativ•
coate dNaad appropriate.
'ftl4l Di ■tric:t allall not. c:J1111:9e Enqlevood 1lllder thiil ~nt
any c:ustll aa■oCliated Vitll 1:1111 Prwtraataent ~--r911pOMJbilitiu
delegated to the Di ■tricit herein. llnglevood vi.\l ~1• ■abject. to
all annual C1barcJU u provided :1n tile Spacial cc,mwotor'• ~t.
a■ ~ froa tiM to ti.a .
• I itP,,,.,nt
'1'be D:.■tric:t ilhall be r,upon■Ulla for tll■ pert-of
tutur. Pr■tnataent napo11dbiliti ■-Mt fortll in th• onlt.1 State■
c:od• of l'■deJi"al. llef\llation■ and Colorado Cod• of llag\ll ■tion■,
u,;,ei,t for thou Pnt:reata■nt n■pon■i'D1111:1• d1rec:tl.y nlated to
updat:1119 th• lnclu■trial -■t• ■urv■y •• d■tlc:rib■cl in Section 3 of tiu ■.a.r-nt.
If any ••c:tion, ■ub■ec:tion, para91"11pb, c:l ■u■■, pbraN or ot.her
provi ■ion of tbil Alar■-t ■ball, for any -• be irwalia or un■nforceabl ■, the invalidity or un■nfore■ability of ■uch ■-c:tion,
aull■Ction, paralJrllpb, cilau■■, l)llreM, or otber prcnruion allall not
affw.-t any of the r ... ining provi ■ions of tbi ■ Aq~t.
Ho vaiver by ■it.her party of any tan, or condition of tbia
••-nt ■ball be 4-■ll■d or oon■tru■d a■ a wiver of any other
t■ra or condition, nor ■ball a waiver of any bruc:b be 4■--4 to
oon■titute a waiver of any IIUbaequent br■acb, whether of th ■•
or of a different provlaion of thi ■ &qre-.it.
In addition to tll■ ruediu provided by lav, tbl• AIJN-t
■ball" ■peoitioally anforeeUl ■ by both of the part1u bereto.
Tbia Aqr•-t ■ball be in full forcie and ■rtecit and ■ball be
binding upon tb• parti ■• hereto f ro■ it■ effective date for a
period of five (5) year■• 'l'h■raafter, thi• ~t ■ball
continue a ■ a bincU119 contract to th• extent per■■ittad },y lav froa
yaar to year until a Di ■trict Officer or an Snglevood Officer
• •
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daliven to tba Cllairaan or clerk rupectively at eacll of the
parti .. berate a notice tut thirty (30) daya after llucb delive.Ty
or on any data duipat■d in Ula notioe foll-in9 tba expiration of
•uch thirty (JO) days this .-t •ball tarai.nata.
lie P?lfflPIICI DD YU
Both partiu hereto a9N ■ to abide by and oonfora to all
applicable lav• of th■ P•d•ral Govarna■nt, the Stat•, and any other
bcXly corporata and politic havincJ any jurisdiction in tb■ -■rvioe
aru vbich ia the subj ■ot of thi ■ Afn■Unt, •othing iD thi•
Section contain■d, h-■v ■r, uall require any party h■nlto to
ccaply vith any lav, th■ validity, or applioability of vtlieh shall
be cont■•t:ed in CJood faiUl Uld, it -•Ary or d■•irable, hy
appropriat. l ■9al proce■dinlJ•·
11, WI or mp
N■ither part:ir hereto ahall be n•ponsihl• or liahl ■ in any way
for Act• of Cod or any other act pr acts or oaia ■iona bayond the
control of •uch party which uy cau•• an interruption or a
di•continuanc ■ of •■rvice of the Sevaqa Oi•po•al lystea or to any
S•-r Sy•t-.
N■itheis party to this ~t uy u■iCJD any intar■■t
therein to any Person without the consent ot tbe other party herato
at that ,1..,,,, and the tu.s of thi ■ AcJ-t a.hall inure to th•
J:Manatit ot' ~nd be bindin9 upon the respective r■pr-tativu UICI
•ucce■•or• of each part:, hereto. •othing h■r■in contain■d,
bov■ver, llball be con•trued H prevant1119 th■ ~anication of any
party hereto nor H preventing any othH· hody corporata and politic
•ucceedinq to th■ riqhu, privileq••• povan, 1-lniti ■a,
liabiliti••· di ■ahilitiH and dutiH of either party hereto, a■ uy
be authorized b:, lav, in the ab■ance or any prejwliciaJ. iapairaent
of any obliqaticn of contract herelly 1-poaed.
D■t ■ ■i9fted:
D■t ■ ■iqned: ________ _
.May 17. 1993
11 b
Subject Agreement for
Delegation of
Uttleton/Englewood Wastewater Treatment Plant
Supervisory Committee
Stewart Fonda. Director of the Wastewater Treatment Plant
Stafr seeks Council support for the attached bill for an ordinance, delegating
responsibility to the Metro Wastewatei: Reclamation District for conducting
Englewood's Pretreatment Program obligations for that portion of Englewood's service
area that discharges to , and ls treated by. the Metro District.
The Uttleton/Englewood Wastewater Treatment Plant personnel manage the
Industrial Pr,etreatment programs for both Uttleton and Englewood . Management of
the program in<'ludes permitting certain industries regulated by the Environmental
Protection Agt.•.1cy . Several small areas within Englewood city limits discharge
wastewater to the Metro District. One industry, Sterling Stainles!' Tube·. Inc .. which
ls permitted and regulated, Is located In this area. There Is potential for other
industries to locate In this area: however , since 1987, only one industry has fallen
Into the category as defined by EPA.
Englewood and Metro both have pretreatment programs approved by the EPA. Both
are responsible for ensurtng that the industries they regulate me et all the
requirements for sampling and reporting . Because each program's requiremen ts are
slightly different. It has created a bureaucratic redundancy for Englewood personnel
and the industry Involved .
Pr1n11 d on Rtcvcled P1 p1r ~
In ...lier to create a more streamlined and efficient use of personnel and resources,
Englewood has proposed to allow the Metro District to assume full responsibility for
administering the program for the Industries that discharge to their plant. The
responstbllity could not have been given to Englewood only, because the treatment
plant that holds the NPDES permit Is ultimately responsible.
Discussions with the Englewood City Attorney , the Metro District, management at
Uttleton/Englewood wwrP, and the affected industries have resulted In this
r ecommended course of action.
Past practice has had the Metro District overseeing the work of Englewood and,
therefore, duplicating much of the paperwork and field work. This will end the
duplication of work for Englewood personnel and cut the cost for the Industry
Involve d .
There is no added cost to the City. The City has an existing contract with the Metro
Distrtct for wastewater treatment for some residential areas and a small area of
Indus trial s ites . Thi s agreement will not affect the contract In any way.
The Metro District will notify Englewood prior to any potential enforcement actions
against an Industry which Is permitted under the Industrial Pretreatment Program.
Therefore, Englewood retains the authority to have Input Into actions prior to ~
Implementation . ....
We anticipa te no negative Impacts to the City by passing this agreement.
There is no financial Impact on the City of Englewood forese en as a result of this
proposed ordinance.