HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993 Ordinance No. 052ORDINANCE NO . ,5,?-
WHEREAS, Cellular One has requested authoriz.ation to place certain transmiuion
•quipment on the En1tlewood Water Tower; and
WHEREAS, Cell ul •r One .,;n pay $500 per month rent for such location;
WHEREAS, Cellular One and th• City uf Englewood have 1pecifled in a contract
permitted uses, renewals, avoidance of interference, access, as wc,ll aa provisions for
default, termination, taxes, in1urance a n,J other provisions to protect the City while allowing
an e&Sential service to Cel!ular One an , i'.r, t\.Momers who aJso are citizens of Enelewood .
Sl:wwl..l. The City Council of the City of Englewood hereby approves the Cellular
One Wa tsr Tower Lea5e Agreement, a copy of whlth is attached hereto as Exhibit 1.
lilil:tilm...2. The City Mi.negor sha:I be de signated to sign on behalf of the City or
Introduced, read in full , a nd passed on first reading on the lit day of November, 1~93.
Published as a Bill for an Ordinance on th, 4th day of November, 1993.
Read by title and pa55ed on final reading on the 15th day of November, 1993.
Published by title as Ordinance N4&-Series of 1993, on the 18th day of
November, 1993.
Patricia H. Crow, City Clerk
I, Patricia H. Crow, City Clerk of the City of Englewood, Colorado, hereby certify that the
above and foregoing is a t~.copy of the Ordinance passed on flnal reading and published
19 a
by title as Ordinance No.~Series of 1993.
~ • _ . ~ ~~✓ --
Patricia H. Crow, City Clerk
THIS WATER TOWER LEASE AGREEMENT (this "Leau") is entered into this_
day of-----~ 1993 ("Execution Date") between the City of Englewood
("Landlord") and Denver Cellular Telephone ,:ompany d/b/a/ Cellular One C-TeMnt").
1. El:l:.mw:I , Subject to the terms and conditions described herein, Landlord leases to
Tenant certain space on the water tower (the ''Tower") and certain space to constr:.ict
an equipment shelter (the "Equipment Shelter') located on the real property described
in attached Ex hi bit A (the "Property'"). The location and orientation of Tenant"•
space on u,, Tower and within the Equipment Shelter (the "'Premises") is described
and depicted in the attached Exhibit B.
2. '.[u:m. The in itial tem1 of this Lease shall be five years, commencing upon the
earlier of (a ) written notification by Tenant to Landlord of Tenant's receipt of all
Governmental Approvals, or (b ) six (6) months from Execution Date of this Lease (the
"Commencement Date"), and terminating at midnight on the last day of the month
in which the fifth annual anniversary of the Commencement Date shall have
occurred .
If Tenant shall not have obtained all Governmental Ap provals on or before th e date
specified in 2 above, then Tenant shall , l,y notice to Landlord, can,:el all rights and
ob ligations under this Lease , provided Tenant reimbur~es Landlord for actual,
reasonable, l~gal or other preparatory expenses incurred to a maximum of SS00 .00.
3. Permitted U,e. The Premises may be used by Tenant only for permitted uses, which
are the transmissio n and reception of radio communication signals and for the
installation, maintenance, repair or replacement of N!:lated facilities, antennas,
equipment and related activities. Tenant shall obtain, at Tenant's expense, all
licenses and permits or authorizations required for Tenant's use of the Premises
from all applicable government and/or regulatory entities (the '"Governmentai
Approvals"). Tenant may (prior to or after the Commencement Date) obtain a title
rr:p!'l rt, perform surveys, soil tests, arid othe: engineering procedures or
environment.a.I investigations on, uhder !:ind over the Property, necessary to
determine that Tenant's use of the premises will Ii, compatible with Tenant's
,mgineering !tpecifications, system, design , operal\ons and Governmental
Approvals. Said surveys shall be coordinated with l'he Landlord and shall not
interfere with the current use oft'ne facility. Landlo"d agrees to cooperate with
Tenant (at no cost, to Landlord), where reqttired , to perform such procedures or obtain
Governmental Approvals . L,ndlord and Tenant agree that if, based on the result of
any environmental invef.tigation or inquiry, Landlord or Tenant determines that
the condition of the Propecty is unsatisfactory or if Landlord or Tenant believes that
lea sing or continued lea,;ing of the Premises would expose Landlord or Tenant to
undue risks of go vernment action or intervention or third.party liability, Landlorrl
or Tenan t may, without any penalty or liability, immediately term.inate this Lease
Agreement .
4 . &.111 .
a. The Wet.r Tower is an inv1h10.ble r. ~urce to the City both u a water facility
•nd for the use in firt prevention . All other uses including W1 lease, shall be
ancilltry to the Water Tower ■ m o 'n purpose. Rent in this matter does not
reflect th e true vtlue of the uae of tho Water Tower. The City is accommodating
Ce llular One by lettlne it use its facility and by charging a nominal sum as
renL Both parties understand t hat rent does not re0ect the true value of the use.
b. Upon the Co mmencement Da t e, Tenant Shall pay Landlord, as rent, the sum of
Five Hundred Dollars ($500.0C) per month ("Renn. Rent shall ue payable on
the fi rst day of each month in advance to City of Englewood at Landlord's
address !J)eci fied in Paragraph 12 below.
c. If this Lease is terminated at a time ,ther than on the last day of a month, Rent
shall ~ prorated as of the date of 1'!nn; .ation, and, in the event of term ination
for any reason other than nonpayment f Rent, all prepaid Rents o.'1 all be
refunded to TenanL
5. ~-Tenant shall have the right to OY.te nd this Lease upon approval by the City
for five additional, five -year terms ("Renewal Term"). E ach Renewal Tern, shall
be on the same torms and conditions as set forth herein exce~t that Rent shall be
increased after each term by a percentage equal to the percentage increase in the
Consumer Price lndox for the (Denver) Metropolitan Statistical Mes. Tenant shall
be responsible for communicating the ,,rr,ount of the rental acljustment to Landlord
and shall provide Landlord wi th supporting data upon which the acljustment is
Tenant shall noti fy Landlord , in writing, of Tenant's intention to renew this Lease,
at least 90 days prior to th e expiration of the term or any I<enewal Term. City shall
have 30 days to acce pt or r eject the rene>1,al term. lfnot rejected, the contract will
If Tenant shall remain in possession of the Property and Tower at the expiration of
this Lease or any R,,new al without a written agreement, such tenancy shall be
deem ed a month-to-month tenancy under the same terms and conditions of this
6. 1ntedecrncr
a . Tenant shall not use the Premises in any way which interferes with the use or
the Property by Landlord, or tenants or licens,,es of Landlord, with rights to the
Property prior in lime to Tenant's. Such interference shall be deemed•
material breach and upon notice shad immediately rectify said interference or
this lease shall terminate.
TenPnt further warra nts that it will not cause any interference with the
e:d s ting communication systems being used by Landlord on the Tower. Prior
to acl ual install a tion of equipment by Tenant an interference stuciy shall be
conduc~d, at Tenant's expense , analyzing Tenant's proposed frequencies and
the existing frequencies being utilized on the site. This study shall be a cce pted
and a pprove d by Landlord prior to any install ation of cabling, a n tennas, or
ele<tTonic equipment. Said approval or frequency study shall not to be
unreasonably withheld.
b. Tenant understands and agrees to the sensitivity of'the use or this site as a
private communications facility over and above its current uses . Should a
legal suit be 61ed by any individual , corporation, partnership, asaociation,
municipality or quasi-municipality, which directly relates to the in,•J.iiation
of Tenant', Antenna Facilities, this Lease shall terminate. Tene,,t shall have
90 days from the date that Landlord provides written notincation and a ropy of
said action to Tenant to remove it& Antenna Faci1itiea fi-om the site.
7. Imnrovcmcnts· JJtjljtje,· Acrcn
a. Tenant shall huve the right, at its expense , to place and maintain on the
Premises improvements, personal property and faciJities necessary to operate
its facilities (the "Antenna Fucilities '), including, wi th out limitation, the
persona} property, equipment and radio tnnsmitting and receiving BJ 1tennas ,
and electronic equipment described on attached Exhibit C, so long as it does not
interfere with the current us e of the Water Tower. Landlord's prior con sent to
the plans and installation of the Antenna Facilities shall be required but shall
not be unreasonably withheld or delayed and shall be deemed given as to those
items listed M Exhibit C hereto. The Antenna Facilities shall remain the
exclusive • rty of Tenant. Tenant shall have the right to remove the
Antenr ,dties upon termination of this Lease. In addition , Tenant shall
place a pre fabricated Equipment Shelter, at Tenant'& cost, on the: Premises
which will house Tenant's equipment. Tenant shall also locate a prefabricated
equipment building on the premises to provide 144 square feet of space (12 ' X 12')
for Landlord's electronic equipment. Tenant will be responsible for all co sts
associated witl> the relocation of Landlord's equipment to the new cqcipmen t
b. Tenant shall hove the right to install utilities, at Trnant's expense, and to
improve the present utilities •m the Premises (including, but not limited to, the
installation of emergency power generators). Tenant may place utilities on, or
Lring utilities across, the Property in order to service the premises and the
Antenna Facilities. Tenant shall, wherever practicable, install separate
meters for utilities used on the Property.
c. Tenant shall have access to the Premises at all times during the term of this
Lease and any Renewal Term; however, due to the character or the facility all
access ,nto the Tower mu st be coordinated thr ough Landlord, said accesa to
Tower shall not be unreasonably delayed .
8. lll:!awt. Any of the following occurrences, conditions, or acts shall be deemed a
"Default" under this Lease:
a . if Tenant fails to pay amounts due under this Lease within ten (10) days of its
rec e ipt of written notice that such p::1.yments are o•:c rdue ;
b. if either party fails to observe or perform ,ta obligations under this Lease and
doe s not cure such failure within thirty (30) days from its receipt of written
notice ofbreach t or such longer period as may be required to diligently complete
a cure commenced within the 30-day period .
-3 -
9, Termination . Except as otherWl tt'" provided herei n, this Leaae may be terminated,
without any penalty or furth er liability •• follows :
a . upon t'.!n (10) days' written noti ce in the event of a Default (aa defined above);
I;. upon ninety (90) days' written notice by Tenant if Tenant is unable to obtain,
maintain, or otherwise (orfeit.a or canc.e1t any lictnae, permit of Governmental
Approval necessnry to the construcl.lon and/or operation of th• Antenna
Facilities or Tenant'• businu1;
c. upon ninety (90) days' written notice by Landlord or Tenant if the Premi11s are
or become uneccept.able under Land',ord or Tenant'• desirn or eneinnring
specification !' for it,1 Antenna Facilities or the commun icati ons ~y1te m to
wh ich the Antenna Facilities belong;
d. immediately upon written notice if the Property or the Towe r or the Antenna
Faci li ties are de stroyed or damaged. In such event, all rights and obliaations
of the parties shall cease as of the dote of the damage or destruction , and Tenant
shall be entitled to the reimbursement of any Rent prepaid by TenanL
10. IPSIAPCZ: ■mt 5vbrogpfjgp
a . Tenant will provid e Commercial General Liability in an aggregate amount of
$500,000.00, naming the Landlord as an additional insured on the policy or
po lici es. Tenant may satisfy this requirement by obtaining appropriate
endorsement to any master policy of liability insurance Tenant. may
mai ntain .
11. Hold Rarmle,s . Tenant agrees to hold Landlord harmless from cJa;-,,s arising
from the installation, use, maintenance, repair or removal of the T1:nant's Antenna
Facili ties , except for claims arising from the necligence or intentional acts of
Landlord , its employees, agents or independent contractors.
12. ~ All notices , requests, demands and other communic ations hereunder sh all
be in writing and shall be deemed given if personally delivered or mailed, certified
mail , re turn receipt requested, or sent by overnight carrier to the following
addresses :
If to Landlord, to :
CiLy of Englewood
3400 South Elati Street
Englewood, CO 80110
Attention : Director of Utilities
If to Tenant, to :
Cellular One
1001 16th Street, Suite Cl
Denver, Colorado 80265
Attention: Site Acquisition Manager
13 . Environmental LAWS · Tenant re presents, warrants and agrees that it will conduct
its acti,;t ies on the Property in compliance with all ijpplicable Environmental Laws
(as defined in attached Exhibit D).
Landlord represents that all future conduct of its activities on the the Property shall be
in compliance with all applicable Environmental Law ■ (as defined in attached
Exh ibit 0 ).
14. Anlrurncut and Sub!tlSIPf-Upon approval by the Landlord and provided
Landlord's rights and Interests are not advenely affected, Tenant may assign this
Le6se to any person controlling, controlled by, or under common control Mth
Tenant, or an y pe rson or entity that, after first receiv'.ng FCC or state regulatory
agency approvals, acquires Tenant's radio communications business and assume s
all obligations of Tenant under this Lease. All assignments of this Lease must be
approved by Landlord, which approval will not be unreasonably withheld.
15 . Sucr:e,SAn ond A,signs Thi s Lease sha11 run with th e Property , and shall be
bind ing upon and inure to the benefit of th e parties, their respective successors,
penonal representatives and assigns .
16. Waiver pf J.andlonJ's Lien -Landl ord hereby waives any and all lien rights it may
have, statutory or otherwise, conc erning the Ante nna Facilitie s or any portion thereof
which shall be deemed perso nal property for the purpose,, of th is Lease, reprdless of
whether or not same is deemed real or personal property unde r applicable laws, and
Landlord gives Tenant the right to remove all or any portion of same from the Tower
from t ime to time with Landlord's consent.
17. Miscellaneous :
a. Each party shall be respo nsible for its own attorney's fee,: and court costs,
including appeals, if any.
b. Each party agrees to furnish to the other, within ten (10) days after request, such
truthful estoppel information as the other may reasonably request.
c. This Lease constitutes the entire agreement and understanding of the parties,
and supersedes all offers, negotiations and other agreements. There are no
representations or understandings of any kind not set forth herein . Any
am en dments to this Lease mu st be in writin g and executed by both parties.
d. Each party agrees to cooperate with the oth er in executing a,,y documents
(i ncluding a Memorandum of Lease) necessary to protect its r :ghts of the
Property or Pre11ises. The Memor:\ndum of Lease may be recorded in place of
this Lease, by either party.
e. This Lease shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the Colorado.
f. If any term of this Lease i1 found to be void a· ,:I ;nvalid, 1uch invalidity shall
not affect the remaining terms of this Lease , ~hich ■hall coe.tinue in full force
and effect.
Signed by U,e parties on the Execution Date specified on page 1.
Patricia H. Crow, City Clerk
Clyde E. Wiggins, Mayor
d/b,'a Cellular On e
By : ___________ _
On this ___ day of ________ , 1993, before me personally appeared
____________ , known to me to be the ________ of
--------~ the corporation that executed the within and foregoing
instrum ent, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and vo luntary act and
detd of said corporation for the uses and purposes therein mentioned , and on oath s tated
th at _he wa s a uth ori zed to execute said instrument.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the
d ay an d ye ar first a bove written.
My comm ission expi re s :
-6 -
Novembe r 1, 1993
Agenda Item
11 b
Water and Sewer Board
Subject Water Tower Lease
Agreement with
Cellular One
Stewart Fonda , Director o f Utili ties
Staff seeks Co uncil ap pr val of a bill for an ordinance setti ng forth an ag reement with
Cellular One to use the Englewood Water Tower for certain transmission equi p ment.
:'\o ne .
Cellu lar One approached the Utilities De partment for loc ating p a nel an tennas and leasing
an area fo r constructing a small building stru cture on the Sherman tank site . Cellul ar One
ha s si tes at Broadway & Hampden , G ran t & Pierce , Holly & Orchard and Unh·ersity & Dry
Creek . A site is necessa ry to cover the area east fro m Windermere to Colorado Boul e·:ard
and south of Quincy to Orchard Road .
The Water Tower Lease Agreement is fo r s pace on the water tower at Sherman Street and
certa in space to construct an equipment shel ter on th ~ water tower property. The antennas
w o uld not affe ct our opera ti ons a nd wou ld elimim ·e the constructi on of a separa te tow e r in
the area .
The City will re cei ve rent in the sum of 5500 per month, pay able on the first o f each m o nth .
Lease term shall be five yea rs with a n allowance for a rent increa se e qual to the Consume r
Price In d ex for the Denve r Metro Statisti cal Area .
SERIES O I" 1993
ce cert.ain transmission
lular One will pay $500 per month relli for such location;
r One and the City of Englewo 'have s pecified in a contract
permitted u ses, re newa1s, avoidance of inte rference, ace , B! well as pro visions for
default, termin ation, taxes, illsurance and other provis s to protect the City while allowing
an essential se rvice to Ce11ular One and its custome ho also are citizens of Englewood .
y of Englewood hereby approves the Cellular
fwhich is attached hereto as Exhibit 1.
Introduced, read in full , a passed on first reading on the !st day of November, 1993.
Publi shed as a Bill for.,, Ordinance on the 4th clay of November, 1993 .
aEST : tt:v~ ,&f!td
Pa trici a H. Crow, City Clerk
I, P~tricia H. Crow, City Clark of the City of Englewood, Colorado, hereby certify that
th e above and foregoing is a true •:opy of a Bill for an Ordinance, introduce d, read in full,
and passed on first reading on the I sl day of November, 1993 .