HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994 Ordinance No. 001ORDINANCE NO. j_ SERIES OF 1993/1994 BY AUTHORITY COUNCIL BILL NO. 65 INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HABENICHT AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING F.Wt'ERJNG INTO AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT BETWEF.N 'l'HE GEOLOGICAL SUI!''EY , U .S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR AND THE LITTLETON-ENGLEWOOD Bl -CITY WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT FOR JOINT FUNDING OF THE STREAM FLOW GAGE AND A FOUR POINT WATER QUALITY MONITOR WHICH IS OPERATED ANO MAINTAINED BY THE U.S . GEOLOGICAL SURVEY ON THE SOUTH PLATTE RIVER '·" THE Bl-CITY PLANT SITE. . WHERE.,\S, since 1985 the U.S. O,.s logical Survey Department has operated and mai ntained a stream flow gage and a four po int water quality monil(.r on the South Platte River ,t the plant site. and WHEREAS, the information from the gage and mon itor are cri tical in determining the permit limitations fo r the Littleton/Englewood Wastewater Treatment Plant em uent to protect the wat ,r quality in the South Platte River ; and WHEREAS, the four point water quality monitor provides data that is u sed primarily to establish ammonia limitatio ns for the plant and also reco rd s temperature, pH conductivity and dissolved oxygen ; and WHEREAS, the Litt:.,on-Englewood Bi-Ci •.y Wastewater Treatment Plant and the Geological Survey, U.S. llepartment of the Int,rior is joint funded at the rate of 50% each for the four point water quality monitor; and WHEREAS, the stream flow gage provides data on the flow in U.1e river at the Bi-C ity plant site such flow is used in determining every site specific permit limitation for the Bi -C ity plant and the gage is funded at the rate of25% for the plant and 75% is contributed by U.S .G.S. and Urban Drainage; and WHEREAS, th e joint funding of the gage and monitor reduces the co st to the plant and results in water flo w and quality data thnt is accurate and acceptable to regulating agencies ; NOW , THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE C ITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD , COLORADO , AS FOLLOWS: ~-The City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado hereby approves the entering i nto an intergovernmental agreement between the Geological Survey, U. S. Department of the lnt,rior and the Littleton-Englewood Bi-City Wastewater Treatment l'lanL The terms of s uch agreemen t are generally as follows : 1. The Geologicnl Survey, U. S . Department of the Interior and the Littleton- Englewood Bi -City Wastewater Treatment Plant agree that subject to th e availability of appropriations and in accordance with their respective authorities there shall be mai ntained in cooperation operation and maintenance of the streamflow gaging station South Platte River at Englewood, and the cost of operation and maintenance of n four-parameter water-quality mo nito r at the gagi ng station , hereinafter called the pr ogram . . J. 9. Billin11 for the ac,eement will be rendered quartA!rly. Puymenu of bills are due within 60 day> after the billin11 date. If not paid by the due date, interest will be ch8Jlllid at <he current Treasury rate for each 30-day 1)11riod , or portion thereof, that r!,;; payment is delayed beyond the due date. ~-The Director of the Littleton/Engle wood Wastewater Treatment Plant shall:,. designated to oign on behalf of the Littleton/Englewood Wastewater Treatmen.t Plant Introduced, read in full , and paes ed on first readinir on the 20th day lfDecember, 1993. Published as a Bill for an Ordinance on the 23rd day of December, 1993. 1994. Read by title and passed on final reading on the 3rd day of January, 1994. Published by t.itle as Ordinance No . L Se ries of 19g~, on the J th day of January, ATTES1': ~<'.G~~ \,i(I , c~~V Patricia H . Crow , City Cl e rk I, Patricia H. Crow, City Clerk of the City of Englewood, Colorado, hereby certify that the above and for egoing is a t"le copy of the Ordinance passed on final reading and ·published by title a s O rdinance No. J._, Series of 1994. a~u~#.a~ Patricia H. Crow -3 - D; ti_, .. ....., ....... ...,,., Joint, ..... ~ '°" WATEI RUOUIICSI INVIIITIGATIONI ea.c...r. .. Project No: 00120 ' THIS AGREEMENT la enl8ntd lnlo u of the 1"1 clay of Oc:lab9o-19113 by u,,, G£0LOGICAL SURVEY, a.-r1ro STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTEFUOfl , ~ ol the fir91 part, and the Urn.El'ON-ENGLEWOOO B1-wcm W.-.STEWATER TREATMENT PLANT. party of the ucond part. 1. 11-. pnrtiN horelo agr• that u,jed lo the~ o/ "W'cp,Wloi• and in IICCIOldlnoe w91 llllir re,ipective ..,.,,_ it.. 1'nal l be maintained in cooperalion ope,ation and rnelnlenence of the ll!Mmftow geglng llllllon South Platte Rivw at Enr).,.iood (06711565), and the co.r al opererlon and malntenence of a four-parame1er ~uallly monl1or III the gopr,.( 1Aat1on, hereiraller called the progrwn. 2. ~ 'ollowing amounts ,iu,J; De conlribuled to cover all d the cost of the ,-,y fteld and 0lllce WOik dlrwctly Ntated to tte p,o;;;:,,,,,, but exc;udlng any bureau level general adrnniottatl\/e o, accounting WOik In I.he office ol either party. (a} $52,538.00 {b) $52,538.00 by U,e party o/ the flrst part during 111• period Oc1cber 1, 1 gg3 · to Septent)er 30, 1998 by the pally al the second part during the P<triod Odober 1 , 1993 to s.pcemt,er 30, 1998 {cJ Additional amounts by each party during th• ebove p«iod or succeeding periods aa may be daterm~ by ITUuaJ agreemen1 and 9'11 forth In an GllChange at lellers bee-,, the partl•. 3 . e-,,... incurred in the performance of thia program may be peid by either party in conformity with the •-and ,....iioM respectively gove,ring each party, provided that so tar as may be nuually agrNlll)le al .,,.,_ 111111 be paid in the ffr.st instance by the party of the nrsi pan with epproprilte relml>U1M1Tl8111 thlfNller by tl1e pa,ty of lhe ,-,,i part. Each party ml lumish to the other party SJCh llalernenls or reports of e,cpenditures as may be needed to salisly llatal rwquirernetu, . 4 . The field and offtce wolk pertaining to !hie program lhaJl be under the direction of or subject to periodic revi-by ~ . eel r.prenntativw of the party of the ffrs part, ..,.... to be Included in the program "1all be delermined by mutual agreement ~ the partiee herato or their ed roprN«Utlvn. Th• rnelhoda 8111)toyed In the lleld and Ol!lce sh&I be thoa• adoptwd by the party al the fir.ii j:WI ID ran !he required standalds d accuracy subject I,> mocfdlcation by m&.tual ~- 8 . 0umg the piogrN& of the wor1c al operatiana of eitlllt party pertaillng to lhil piogram lhell be open to the inspection at the olher party, and W the worl< is 1101 being carried on in a mulUIJly 9lllisfa:lo,y nwnner, em. pany may tennlnllle !hill agrwmen1 upon eo days wrttten notice to the olher party. 7 . The original 18C0rda resulting lrom thia p,ogram wil be ~ed in the office ol origin of thou record:I . Upon request, cq,ies d the originaJ records wil be provided 10 the olllce of the 01her party. 8 . The maps, recOfda or rep0l1a reeulling from thie profj18111 lhal be made avlllllH to the public u ~ as poMtrte. The nape, recorda or reporta nonnaly wiM be pubuhed by the party of the ffraC part. However, tht party of the 1-,d pell ,-,vu the right to publish the results of this program and, ~ already publiehed by the party of the flraC part ahell, upon request, be lumished by the party al :he first part. at cost , impressions suitable for purposes of reproduction similar to 1h11 tor which the original copy was prepared . The maps, records or rapor1S published by ether pany shall COl1D1 • -al the cooperative J'Nliona betMlll the partiN . 9. S.,g for thi.• ogn,ernent will be rendered quarterly . Payments ot bills are due within eo days after Che billing a..,te. II not ;,aid by the due date, interest will be charged al the currant Tr-.y rate for -h 3C>-day period. or portion tr,.;,-, lhel the payment ia delayed beyond the due date. (31 USC 3717; Comp1rolter General Fie B-212222, AUQUSI 23, 1983.). LITTUITON-ENGLEWOOD Bl-CITY WASTEWATER : TR Ii.A TM;NT PLANT GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UNITED STATES By __________ _,, ____ _ DEPARTMENT OF THE IN'TERIOR By _______________ _ lflllll , 191 'IATURE, T I TLE ) By _______________ _ • ; C);-.Jlrict Chief, WAD, Colorado District (USE REVERSE SIDE IF ADDITIONAL SIGNATIJRES ARE REOUll'iED) " QTY OF ENGLEWOOD -U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY COOPERAnVE PROGRAM OCTOBER 1, 1993 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 30, 1998 FY 1994 FY 1995 FY 1996 FY 1997 FY 1998 s= gaging swion, Plane River c Enclcwood. ·oo and Mainie!WK'e• s 3.6SO S 3,176 S "-100 S 4,HO S 4.600 ~-~wara~ry EP1aae ·vcr glewood, Opc:ruim IDd U.000 ISJIO() 16,m 17.UO IUOO . FlSCAL YEA.R TOTAL Sll.650 Sl9,776 Dl,950 $22,200 $23,500 EACHSID:E S!l.325 S9JII s1r,47s Sll,100 Sll,7SO -0. ~ far all yurs an ba1f of toCll SWioo con. 'Ille orbcr balf Is 1\J.nded lilroagh ID Urban Urainagc and Flood Control DiaaictlU.S. Goolosical s~ C00pCnlM ..-,-at. i ' ., J TOTAL S:Z0,576 $14.SOO S!QS,076 lj Date December 20, 1993 INffiATED BY STAFF SOURCE COUNCIL GOAL COUNCIL COMMUNICATION Agenda Item 12 a Subject River Gaging Station and Water Quality Monitor Agreement Littleton/Englewood Wastewater Treatment Plant Supervisory Committee Stewart Fonda, Director of the Wastewater Treatment Plant NIA -ISSUE/ ACTION PROPOSED Staff seeks Council support for a bill for an ordinarce authorizing an Intergovernmental Agreement with Geological 3urvey, U.S . Departme1 t of the Interior, for joint funding of the stream flow gage and water quality monitor at the ?!ant. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION In 1989 , Council approved a joint funding agreement for the flow gage and water quality monitor. This agreement covered a five-year period, and the new agreement will renew the agreement we currently have in place for another five years. BACKGROUND A stream flow gage and a four point water quality monitor, operated and maintained by the United States Geological Survey (USGS), have been in operation on the South Platte River at the Plant site since 1985 . Their.formation from the gage anrl monitor are critical in determining the permit limitations for the Littleton /Englewo-,d Wastewater Treatment Plant effluent. Tl ,f' Plant shares in tne cost of opt,rating and maintaining these stations to obtain this data . The USGS publish,·s the data annually and reports are provided to the Plant. The four fOic :t water quality monitor provides data that is used primarily ~o establish ammonia limita tions for the Plant. The monitor records temperature, pH, conductivity and dissolved ox y gen . Th e Plant fund s the monitor at 50% of the operating and maintenance cost, with the remain'. g 50% contributed by th e USGS . The flow gag e provi des data on the flow in the river at the plant si te . Flow, specifically low e • flows, are used in determining every site specific permit limitation for the Plant. The Plant funds die gage at 25% of the operating and maintenance cost, with the remaining 75% conbibuted by the USGS and Urban Drainage . Th e most re cent use of the data was in establishing the ammonia limitations for the Plant. Th e staff worked with the Water Quali ty Control Division (WQCD) in dtcveloping the limitations w ith this data . As a result ci having si te specific data, the lowest ammonia limitation was determined to be 5.1 mg /I, compared to the initial regulatory proposal of 3.2 mg /I. Th e data has also been used in lo w flow criteria studies, wasteload allocation studies and in supporting low flow determinations at the plant site . The joint funding of the gage and r, •onitor reduces the cost to th e Plant to obtain an excellent set of c!,,t,,. In addition, the USGS performs all activities necessary to obtain and process the data, including data quality control and ass urance . The result is water flow and quality d ata that is accurate and acceptable to regulating agencies . STAFF ANALYSIS Th e site 5pecific data pro,~ded by the gage and monitor is essential in developing discharge limitations for the plant effluent to protect the water quality in the South Platte Ri ver. Site specific daba rr ·,Its in appropriate discharg.• limitations and avoids having to meet overly stringent limit .. uons . We are able to conserve capital fund s by not building unneeded - facilities, to reduce annual operating costs by not providing excessive treatment, to reduce the potential for permit ,~olations and to prevent the imposition of unduly restrictive industrial pretreatment local limits on area businesses . Without this data, the WQCD would have used the best data available or used "ddault" values (conservative guesses) for essential data. This approach results in discharge limitations that are more stringent th an what is actually required at a specific site . FINANCIAL IMPAU The cost of the fund ing agreement is $52,538 over the next 5 years, beginning with $9,325 in 1994 . The cost is apportioned to the cities of Englewood and Littleton on a 50% each ba sis. The funds are included in th e L/E WWTP budget and are available in the sewer funds .