HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994 Ordinance No. 003ORDINANCE N0.2._
WHEREAS, authority exiota in the law and funda have been buclceted, appropriated
and otherwiae made available and a aufflcient unencumbered balanoo th-r remain ■
available for payment or project tho Local Apncy co ■ta in Fund Number 400, Orpniution
Number 9991, Appropriation Code 010, Prqirtm 2000, Functioa 3020, Oqect 2312 l P,
Originating Unit 6061, Contract Encumbranca Number /006/ 100) D; and
WHEREAS , required approval, clearance and coordination hu been accomplished
from and with appropriate agencie■; and
WHEREAS, the State and the City o(Englewood claaire to c:ooperete u provided in the
Contract on the project for conatruetlon of the utenaion of W-mdermere Street to provide for a
continuous frontage roac! on the -t aide of Santa Fe Drive (SH85) from Belleviaw Avenue to
Oxford Avenue in Englewoc;d , Colorado, which project ia in the intereat of both the State and
the City of Englewood; and
WHEREAS, the City ofEnelewood hu a,reed to contribute funda toward the coat al
the project; and
WHEREAS, the purpoae aflhe Contract is to define the reapective re■ponaibilitie■ or
the parties h•reto for the project; and
WHEREA5 , the State and the City of Englewood have eatimat.ed the total coat of the
work and the City of Enelewood i1 prepared to provide a portion of the project coota : and
WHEREAS, the Contract i■ uecuted by the State of Colorado under authority af
Sectiona 24-92-101, et seq., 29-1-203, 43-1-110, 43-1-116, 43-2-101 (4) (c) and 43-2-1'4, C.R.S., as
&dilm..l. The f..ell tract with the State of Colorado Department ofTran1portati011 for
highway conatruction of Windermere • Belleview -North and the City of Englewood the
Department of Public Works is hereby ....,pt.ed and approved by the E11glewood City Council.
The Mayor is authorized to execute and the City Clerk to attest and seal the Contract for and
on behalf of the City of Englewood , Colorado.
-1 -
Saalan..2, The Contract pnorally contain, u rollon:
A. The Contract ntabllahn the pnaral provilion1 ror and cleftnea certain
ratp0nllibllitin reprdin1 the conatruction or the utonalon of'Wlndarmera Str.et
to pnmcle ror e contlnu0111 frontap road on the eut aide or Santa Fe Drive (SH 85)
rrom Belleview Avenue to O,rord Avenue In Enalewoocl, Colorado, rthe work") a1
apecifically de1cribed in the plant and 1pecification for the work which an
incorporated in the Contract and made a part o( auch Contract.
B. The State will provide the pN!liminary engineerin1 for the work, lncludina the
preparation or construct.ion plana, apeciflcationa, and eatimate, In accordance with
the St.1itc'1 Roadway Deaisn Manual and Standard Specification, ror Road and
Bridp Conatruction . The State will afford the City of Enelewoocl ample opportunity
to N!view and approve the conatruction plant, 1pecial provision,, and eatimates.
The State will provide final a11ambly of conatructlon plan,, apecial provision,,
eotimatee and conatruction contract documenta. The State will eatabliah
appropriate Diaadvantqed Bualneu Enterpriae coala for the conatruction
contracl(a). The State, in conjunction with the City of En 11lewoocl, will advertiH the
call for bid• and award the conatruction contracl(1) to the low responalble bidder(a).
C. The State or Colorado will provide construction engineorinc during the
conatruction of the work. Said construction enslneering will include field and
office engineering, lnapection and material t.estin1, traffic control, and the
auperviaion ol'the construction ofthia project. The State wm inform the City or
Englewood of any conatruction contract modification, N111>,lting from the
construction engineeri_ng. On completion or the work, the State will aehedule a
final inspect.ion of the work with the construction contractor and the Cili), or
Englewood . Baaed upon that inapection, the City or Enelewoocl will Indicate · •
writing ita concurrence or non-concurrence of the aatilfactory penonnance or the
work . Penormance or the work in accordance with the planl and 1pecification1
will be deemed to be aatisfactory . Upon aatiafactory penormance or the work, the
State will effect contract close out procedurea, includinc advertiaing for and
seUlement cf claims .
D. Upon aatisfactory penormance and completion of the work to be penormed under
the Contract, the State ,hall 1ubmit a final N!Capitulation of the work co.ta to the City
of'Englewoocl and a billing ror the work coata due from the City ofEnelewoocl to the
State. Interim funds, until the State is reimbursed , shall be payable from State
Highway Supplementary Fund (400). Billings and payment will be made under
State Project No . NH 0853-018.
E. The State hea estimated the total cost or the work to be $3,300,000. The Local Ageney
will n,mit to the State a lump aum or$500,000 within 30 daya aft.er receipt of the State
billing for the City or Englewood share th e costa of the work. All costa of the work in
ncess of$500,000 shall be bome by the Stale. The State will bill the City of
Englewood aft.er the project ia accepted by th e State and approved by the City or
Englewood in accordance with the Contract.
F. The State shall maintain all books,1iocumenta, papen, accounting records, and
other evidence pertaininc to coat ■ incurred on the project and 1hall make 1uch
materials available for inspection at all reasonable times during the project period
and for thn,e years from the date o(final payment by the City orEnglewoocl to the
State. Copiea or such record1 shall be furnished at the request of the City of
Englewood for the City's permanent records .
-2 -
0 . Th o f;tata will provide llalaon with the Clt;y of Enslt•oocl throuah tho State'• Jltclon
Transportation Director, or hi1 duipN(1), ftecion 6, 2000 South Holly Strtet,
De 11~r. Colorado 80222. Said ftecion Transportation mr-r or hl1 dellcneo,
wi ll a l be n1pon1ible for coordinatin1 th e State'• activitiu under the ContracL
H. The Contract may not be amended except in writin1 by the mutual aereement of the
parti11 in a manner conlli1tent with all applicable laws and reeulation,. No riehta
may be waived ucept by an instrum ent cl writin1 llcned by the parties chareed
with such waiver.
I. All of the covenants and provi1ion1 hen,of shall inun to the benefit of and be
binding upon the partie ■, their 1ucceaaon and ulli111 1.
J . The agreement shall be contingent upon all fund, needed for the project be ing
made available from State and the City of Englewood aourcea u applir.able. Should
e it.her of the aourc11 fail to provide all of the neceuary funda a, agreed upon
hen,under for the project, 1h11 agreoment may be terminated by either party with
respect to the project. Any party terrninatine ita intereltl and obligation, set forth
in the agreoment shall not be r eli eved of any financial obliption1 which exi st.ad
prior to the effective date of such termination or which may occur u a n,ault of auch
termination .
K . The term oft.he contnct ,hall continue through the completion oft.he project by the
State and n,ce ipt by the State of final payment from the City of Englewood .
L. It is expn,ssly understood and agreod that enforcement of the term, and condition•
of the contract, and all rieh ts tf action relating to such enfon:ement, ahall be
strictly n,aerved to the City of K."lglewood and the State, and not.hine contained in
the contract thall give or allow an y auch claim or right of action by any ot.hn or
third peraon on such contracL It ia lhe e:rpre.u intention of the City of Englewood
and the State that an, peraon ot.h e:c than the City or the State nceiving service , or
benefits under the Contract a.hall b, deemed to be an incidental beneficiary only.
M. The City of Englewood n,preaenta and warrants that it hu taken al l action a that are
nece asary or that are required by ita proc:edun,1 , bylaw1, or applicable law, to
legally authorize the underlligned signatory to uecute the Contract on behalf of th e
City ofE"lglewood and to bind the City of Englewood to the term, of the ContncL
Introduced, n,ad in full , and puaed on first n,ading on the 17th day of January, 1994 .
Publish ed as a Bill for an Ordinance on the 20th day of January, 1994.
Read by title and passed on final reading on the 7th day of February, 1994.
-3 -
Publiahed by titlo u Ordinance No..i. Serieo or 1894, on the 10th day or February,
I, Patricia H. Crow, City Cler, ,f tht City o(En&lewood, Colorado, horeby certify that the
above and rorqoine io a trv,, co;.• of the Ordinance puled on final readinc and publi ■hed
by title a■ Ordinance No . ....:)_, Seri11 or 1994 .
NH 0853.:.018
THIS C•.)NTRACT, made this day of
1 9 ___ , by and between the State of Colorado for the use and
referred to as the State, and the CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, STATE OF
COLORADO, her~inafter referred to as the contractor or Local
WHEREAS, authority exi sts i n the law and funds have been
budgeted, appropri ated and otherw',e made available and a
sufficient unencumbered balance thereof remains available for
payment of project and LOcal Agency costs in Fund Number 400,
Organization Number 9991 , Appropriation Code 010, Program
2000, Function 3020, Object 2312 l P, Originating Unit 6061,
Contract Encumbrance Number/_dd~/ [00] D (Contract
Encumbrance Amount $0); and
WHEREAS, required approval, clearance and coordination
has been accomplished from and with appropriate agencies ; and
WHEREAS, the State and Local Agency desire to coo~erate
as provided her~in on a project for construction of the
extension of Windermere Street to provide for a continuous
frontage road on the east side of Santa Fe Drive (SH 85) from
Belleview Avenue to Oxford Avenue in Englewood, Colorado,
hereinafter referred to as "the work ", which project is in
the interest of both the State and the Local Agepcy ; and
WHEREAS, the Local Agency has agreed to contribute funds
toward the cost of the project ; and
WHEREAS, the purpose of this contract is to define the
respective responsibilities of the parties hereto for the
above-described project; and
WHEREAS, the State and Local Agency have estimated the
total cost of the work and the Local Agency is prepared to
provi de a portion of the project costs ; and
WHEREAS, the Loca l Agency has passed and adopted an
a~propri ate ordinance or resolution , a copy of whi ch is
attached hereto and made a part hereof, which provides for
Loca l Agenci• participation in the co s ts of the work, and
establishes the authority under which the Local Agency enters
into this con~ract ; and
WHEREAS, this c ontract is executed by tbe Stato under
authority of Sections 24-92-101, et seq ., 29-1-203, 43-i-110,
43-1-116, 43-2-101 (4) (c) and 43-2-144, C.R .S., as amended;
NOW , THEREFORE , it is hereby agreed tha '.:
1 . ~his contract establishes the general provisions for
and defines certain re s ponsibilities regarding the
construction of the extension of Windermere Street to
provide for a continuous frontage road on the east
s i de of Santa Fe Dr i ve (Sn 85) from Belleview Avenue
to Oxford Ave r.ue in En-sl'!'""od, Colorado , ("the work")
as specifi cal ly described in the plans and
specifications for the ~ork which are incorporated
herei.n and made a part hereof l:>y reference .
2 . The State will provide the preliminary engineering tor
the work, including the preparation of construction
plans, specifications, and estimates in accordance
with the State's Roadway Design Manual and Standard
Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction. The
State will afford the Local Agency ample opportunity
to review and approve the construction plans, special
provisions, and .,stimates . The State will provide
final assembly of construction plans, special
provisions, estimates and construction contract
documents . The State will establish appropriate
Disadvantnged Business Enterpri se (DBE) goal s for the
construction contract(s). The State, in conjunction
with the Local Agency, will advertise the cal l for
b i ds and award the construction contract(s) to the low
responsible bidder(s).
3 . The State will provide construction engineering during
the construction of the work. Said constructi on
engineering will include field and office engineering,
inspection and material testing, traffic control, and
the s •~ervision of the construction of this project.
The !:,r.s te will inform the Local Agency of any
construction contract modifications resulting from the
construction engineering. On completion of the work,
the State wil l schedule a f i nal i n spection of the work
wi t h the construction contractor and the Local Agency .
Based upc,n that inspection, the Local Agency will
indicate in vriting its concurrence or non-concurrence
of the satisfactory performance ot' the work.
Performance of the vork in accordance ~·ith the plans
and specifications will be deemed to be satisfactory .
Upon satisfactory performance of the work, the State
will effect contract close out procedures , including
advertising for and settlement of claims .
4 . Upon satisfactory performance and completion of the
work to be performed under this contract, the State
shall submit a final recapitulation of the work costs
to the Local Agency and a bil ling for the work c osts
due from the Local Ag e ncy to the State . Interim
funds, until t he State is reim~ursed, shall be payable
from State Highway Supplementary Fund (400). Billings
and payment will be made under State Project No .
NH 0853-018 .
5 . The State has estimated the total cost of the work to
be $3,300,000 . The Loca l Agency will remit to the
State a lump sum of $500,000 within 30 days a f ter
receipt of th, Stnte bil.ling for the Local Agency
share of the cost s of the work. All costs of t he work
i n ~xcess of $500,000 shall be borne by the State.
The State will bill the Local Agency after the project
is accepted by the State and approved by the Local
Ag .ency in accordance with Paragraph 3. above .
6 . The State shall m&intain all books, documents, papers,
accounting records, and other evidence pertaining to .
costs incurred on the project and shall make such
materials available for inspection at all reasonable
times during the project period and for three(3) years
from the date of final payment by the Local .Agency to
the State . Copies of such records shal l be furnished
at the request of the Loca Agen<:'.' for the Local
Agency's permanent records .
7 . The State will provide liaison with the Local Age ncy
through the State's Region Transportation Director, or
his designee(s), Region 6, 2000 South Holly Street ,
Denver, CO 80222. Said Region Transportation Director
or his designee, will also be responsible for
coordinating the State 's activi ties under this
8 . This contract may not be amended except in writing by
the mutual agreement of the parties in a manner
consistent with all applicable laws a ~d regulations .
No rights may be waived except by an instrument of
writi ng signed by the parties charged with such
wa i ver .
9. All of che covenants and provisions hereo f shal l inure
to the benefi t of and be binding upon the parties,
their successors and assigns .
10. This agreement shall be contingent upon r.ll funds
needed for the project bP..ng made available from State
and Local Agency sources as applicable. Should either
of the sources fail to provide all of the n ~cessary
funds as agreed •lpon hereunder for the project, this
agreement may be terminated by either party with
respect to the project. Any party terminating its
interests and obligations set forth in t ,ils ;i.greement
shall not be relieved of ~ny finan cial o~l igations
which existed prior to tne effective date o f such
termination or which may occur as a result of such
termi nat i on.
11 . The term of thi s contract shall continue through the
completiou of the project by the State and receipt by
the State of final payment from the Local Agency .
1 2. It i s e xpressly understood and agreed that
e n forcement of the terms and conditions of this
contract, and all rights of action relating to such
&nforcement, s h all be strictly reserved to the
Local Agency and the State, and nothing contained
in this contract shall give or allow any such claim
or r i ght of action by an·{ other or third person on
such contract .
It i s the express intention of the Local Agency and
the st,.t e that any person other than the Local
Agency or t he State receiving servi ces or benefit s
under this contract shall be deemed to be an
incidental benetici ary only.
13 . The Local Agency represents and warrants that it
has taken all action~ that are necessary or that
are required by its procedures, bylaws, or
applicable law, to legally authorize the
undersi<Jned si•Jnatory to execute this .contract on
behalf o·f the Local Agency and to bind the Local
Agency to it:1 terms.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, tbe parties hereto have executed
tbis contract tbe day and year first above vritten.
Chief Clerk
Title _____ _
By-----~•------Executive D:.c rector
By-----------Title __________ _
January 17, 1994
Ag~nda Item
11 b
Department of Public Works
Subject Contract to Construct
Windermere from
Belleview North
Charles Ester •v, D irector of Public \, ·orlcs
This does not address a specific Council goal , but this a ction will
improv transportation wi thin the City. It improves access to
::ilglewood's bu,,;.0 °ss and residenti al areas in the proposed
paving district.
Staff seeks Council support for a bill for an ordinance approving a contract with the
Colorado Department of Transportation (COOT) to construct Windermere, Belleview North
(Project 1'1H 0853-018).
Paving District N o . 35 (Navajo Street) was created by Ordinance 1 o . 17, Series of 1992,
passed and adopted by City Council on April 20, 1992 .
The Colorado Department of Transportation conti nues t',eir Santa Fe improvement project,
which includes several Santa Fe access closures . Constructi n of Windermere Street will
pro,~d e for the continuous frontage road behvcen Btlleview Avenue and Oxford Avenue .
This co ntract pre ,ides for the construction of the extensinn of Windermere Street to provide
for a continuous frontage road on the east s ide of Santa Fe Drive (SH 85) from Bellevic N
Avenue to Oxford Avenue .
The Colorado Department of Transportation will provide construction engineering, A
including field and office engineering, L'I.Specti on and material te!ting, traffic control, and W,
the supervision of construction of this prtject.
The City will accept the Windermere extension as a part of the City street system and will
maintain it.
The Colorado Department of Transportation has estimated the total cost of the project to be
$3 ,300 ,000 . The City will remit its share to th e Colorado Department of Tr • ortation in a
lump s um of 5500,000 upon completion of the prn1~tt. All costs of the projec~ tn excess of
$500,000 will be borne by the Colorado Departwt·(lt of Transportation
Future maintenance costs of the Windermere ex tension will be the responsibility of the City .