HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994 Ordinance No. 010ORDINANCE NO. lf2. SERIES OF 1994 BY AUTHORITY COUNCIL BILL NO. 11 INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HABENICHT AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 16, OF THE E NGLEWOOD MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ADULT USES. WHEREAS, the Englewood City Cou.,cil approved Ordinance No . 44 , Series of 1981, which pertain to adult bu.sinesses in the City of Englewood, Colorado; and WHEREAS, adult businesses in the City of Englewood require apecial 1upervi1ion from publir. safety and health agencies in order to protect and preserve the health, safety and welfare of the patrons of such businesses as well as the citizens of the City; and WHEREAS , the City Council and staff have reviewed reports concerning land use studies o·r summaries concerning the secondary effects of adult businesses in other citier a round the United States including, but not limited to , Garden Grove, California (1991); Phoenix, Arizona (1986 ); Minneapolis, Minnesota (1980); Houston, Texas (1983); Indianapoli s, Indiana (1984); Amarillo, Texas (197 7); Los Angeles, California (1977); Cle,•eland, Ohio (1 977); Austin, Texas (1986); Seattle, Washington (1989); Oklahoma City, Oklahoma (1 986); Be a umont, Texas (1982 ); Whittier, California (1978); and Adams County , Colorado ; and WHEREAS , from a review of these studies and surveys and testimony heard, there is con .. -inc ing documented evidence that adult businesses, because of their very nature, have a de leterious effect on both the existing bu.sinesses around them and the surrounding residential areas adjacent to them, caWling among other adverse &ee0ndary effects, in a eased crime and a depreciation of property values; and WHEREAS, it is recognized that adult businesses, due to their nature, have serious obj ectionable operational characteristics, particularly when they are operating in close proximity to each other, thereby contributing to crime, lower property values, urban blight and downgrading of the quality of life in the acljacent area; and WHEREAS, increased crime and un~1 t althy conduct tend to accompany , concentrate around and be aggravated by adult bu sinesse• including, but not limited to, prostitution, pandering, exposing minors. to harmful mater ial&, possession and distributi on of gh scene materials and child pornography, possession and sale of controlled substances and violent crimes aga~st per10n s and property ; and WHEREAS , the Council desires to minimize and control these adverse se condary effects and th•reby protect the health, safety and welfare of the citizens by pn.tating the citizens fr om incrused crime ; preserving the quality of life . property values and tr.e characu.r of ne iv,nborhoods and busine sses; deterring the spread of urban blight ; and prot ectin g aga inst. the spread of commun icable and social diseases; and WHEREAS, the Council has considered the deci sions of the United States Supreme Co urt and the Colorado Supreme Court regarding regulation of adult busines ses, including bu1~ not Hmited to , Young v American Mini ·Theotres Inc 427 U.S. 50 (1976) ~ 429 U.S. 8 73; Renton y PJmiroe Theatres , 475 U.S. 41 Cl 986l ~ 475 U.S. ll32; -1- 10 b FW/PBS los x P•Uu 493 U.S. 215 (1990); 5•rnes x Glen Theatre U .S. -111 S. CL 2456 (199ll: 725QCgm x Booal oCGouoty cm ·n-799 P.2d 917 (Colo. 1990l: Beaosx 5•cvisu x BgonJ gfCgupty Cgm ·a 819 P.2d 1049 (Colo. 1991); and Sgnt.g Fe Bggh ,I; Video las x The Cjty gf Englewgod Civil Action No . 93 -M-508; and WHEREAS, it is not the intent of the Council to condone or legitimize the distribution of obscene material, and the Council recognizes that state law prohibits the distribution of obacene materials and eJ<J)ectJ and encourages law enforcement officials to enforce state obscenity statutes against such illegal activities in the City; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD , COLORADO, AS FOLLOWS: ~ Title 16, Chapter 4, Section 12, Subsection C, of the Englewood Municipal Code 1985 is hereby amended, to read as follows: 16-4--12 B-2 BUSINESS DIS'llUCT: C . Permitted Principal Uses. No build ing, structure, or land shall be used, and no bui lding or structure shall be erected , structurally altered, enlarged or maintained unless otherwise provided for in this Ordinance, except for one or more of the following us es : l . Any use permitted in the B-1 Business District. 2. 3. Animal hospitals, ken,,els to be enclosed and runs enclosed by P ~nee six (6 ') fee t high. Auction houses. 4. Automobile leasing. 5. Automol:,ile sales at retail by a dealer licen sed by the Stat.e of Colorado, includ ing services and accessories. 6. Drive-in eating or drinking establishments. 7. ADULT ENTERTAINMENT SHALL BE PERMITTED SO LONG AS IT COMPLIES WITH THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS : a . NO ADULT ENTERTAINMENT OR SERVICE FACILITY SHALL BE LOCATED ON ANY SITE UNLESS SUCH SITE IS NOT LESS THAN THE CISTANCE LIMITATION AS REQUIRED BY THIS SECTION. (1) ON'.,; THOUSAND FEET (1,000') FROM THE LOCATION OF ANOTHER ,SUCH AD ULT ENTERTAINMENT OR Gl:RVJCE FACILITY. (2 ) FIVE HUNDRED FEET (500') FROM THE BOUNDARY LINE OF ANY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT DEFINED IN THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE, AS AMENDED , INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED T l't , R-.1-A, R-1 -B, R-1-C, R-1 , -2- • R-2-C, R-3 OR R-4 OR SIMILAR RESIDENTIAL WNE DISTRICT IN AN AREA ADJOINING THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD. OR ANY RELIGIOUS INSTITUTION, PUBLIC PARK, PUBLIC LIBRARY, COMMUNITY CENTER, OR EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION, WHETHER WITHIN OR WITHOUT THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD . b. MEASUREMENT OF DISTANCE. ALL DISTANCES PROVIDED HEREIN SHALL BE MEASURED AS FOLLOWS: (l l WITH RESPECT TO THE DISTANCE BETWEEN A LOCATION FOR WHICH AN ADULT E'.'ITERTAINMENT OR SERVICE FACILITY IS PROPOSED AND A LOCATION WHERE SUCH A FACILITY EXISTS, THE DISTANCE SHALL BE MEASURED BY FOLLOWING A STRAIGHT L INE FROM THE NEAREST POINT OF THE PROPERTY LI NE OF THE PROPOSED LICENSED PREMISES TO THE NEAREST POINT OF THE PROPERTY LINE OF THE EXISTING LICENSED PREMISES. (2 ) WITH RESPECT TO THE DISTANCE FROM THE BOUND, Y LINE OF A RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT OR ANY RELIGIOT.:S INSTITUT IO N, PUBLIC PARK, PUBLIC LIBRARY, COMM UNI TY CENTER, OR EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION, THE DISTANCE SHALL BE MEASURED BY FOLLl)WING A STRAIGHT LINE FROM THE NEAREST POlNT OF THE PROPERTY LDIE OF THE PROPOSED LICENSED PREl\flSES TO THE NEAREST POINT OF THE DISTRICT BOUNDARY LINE ; OR 1N THE CASE OF A RELIGIOUS INSTITUTION, PUBLIC PARK. PUB LIC LIBRARY, COMMUNITY CENTER, OR EDUCATIO NAL INSTITUTION, THE DISTANCE SHALL BE MEASURED BY FOLLOWING A STRAIGHT LINE FROM THE NEAREST POJ )l.'T OF THE PROPERTY LINE OF THE PROPOSED LICfu'>'SED PREMISES TO THE NEAREST POl)l."T OF THE PROPERTY LINE OF A RELIGIOUS INS TITUTIO N , PUBLIC PARK, PUBLIC LIBRARY, COMMUNITY CENTER, OR EDUCATIO:-AL INSTITUTION. (3) WHERE THE PROPOSED LOCATION OF AN ADULT ENTERTAI NM E:-."T OR SERVICE FACILITY JS A VACANT PARCEL OF LAND UPON WHICH NO PERMIT HAS BEEN ISSUED FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A BUILDING, ALL DISTANCES SHALL BE MEASURED FROM ·~HE NEAREST PO11'"T OF THE PROPERTY LINE OF THE LAND PROPOSED AS A LOCATION FOR AN ADULT ENTERTAJNMENT OR SERVICE FACJLJTY. WHERE THE PROPO S ED LOCATION OF AN ADULT E.",'TERTAJNMENT OR SERVICE FACILITY IS A VACANT PARCEL OF LAND UPON WHI C H A PERMIT HAS BEEN ISSUED FDR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A PEIUMNENT BUILDING FOR SUCH USE, ALL DISTANCES SHALL B"E MEASURED FROM THE NEAREST POINT OF THE PROPERTY Ll:-IE AS SHOWN ON THE SURV EY OF SUCH PARCEL OF LAND . . 3. ~ 8. Feed •·.r, aeed store• (excluding the 11le or ,to,.... of hay). 89. Food !°"\.or storage. 910. Hospitals a n d convalescent homes. ¾9 11. Mortuaries. H 12. Motels. ~ 13. Pawn shops and second hand stores. -13-14. Recreational vehicles and boats, sales or lease. ¼-f.15. ResidenLal use: must conform to the development requirements of the R-3, High-Density Re si dence District. 16-16 . Any similar lawful use , which, in the opinion of the Commission, is not objectionable to nearby property by reason of noise, odor , dust, smoke, fumes, ens, heat, glare, radiation or vibration, or is not hazardous to the health and property of the surrounding area through danger of fir, or explosion. ~-Title 16, Chapter 4, Section 12, Subsection E, of the Englewood Municipal Code 1985 is hereby amended, to read as follows: 16-1-12 B-2 BUSINESS DIS'IRICJ': E. Co nditional Uses . Provided the public intere st is full y protected and th e fo ll owi ng uses are approved by the Commission. Section 15-5-21 of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance . ¼, Adalt er.te,tainn,ent ond,'o. se.-~. ~lo odalt entertainment ,r se. ,iee faeilit., shall be located on on) site ctnlcss :n1ch site is not le t;. than t:ht c¼Lt:m,ce limitation 11u rcqttired b) thi• Seetion. HJ One tho'10B11d f,et ( 1,000') n-om the loeation of 011o!her ,oeh adult cnte.Wnmcnt or Krvice fe ci lit,. ~ F;.,.. hw,dred feet (600') n-on, the boandary--li~ 1 csidcntia) district dcSned in Ole Comprchen:,i • c Zoning Ordinance , as amended:, iflclttdinr, but not limit:ed be, R 91 lt4 R 1 B, R 1 G, R 2, R e G, R a, or R 4 or aimttat"-tt!idetttial ,one dist.-iet i,, on area adjoining-!he Gil) of Sng-le •ood, or an:, relig'ious inst:itutien , public park , public libr ary , eofflfnw1it) center, or cducationa1 institution;-whcthcr ,.-it:JrJin ·t;.ou t the Git) ofEngle .. oocl . I,, Mea,uremw 1 ,f di,tanee. AH diolu,ee> pro,ided herein ,hall be measured e ~ HJ Wi!IH-eopect--to-t~tanee bet•een o loco!i1,n-fc,,..whid,-on adult-ente-rt.-ainment or service fac iHty--i-,-proposed Md a -4 - leeaiien. ,1ftoro 111ch a fecibt-, fflata, Y1c ai ■ten.ee ahaH be mea1t1retl h) fellowiflC a 1traict,, ttn.e &0111 the ncace9' pein.t of ~e propcft) line ef t:>te s,rope■ad licenaeel pre111i1e1 t,o ~e nearut point of the pros,el"t) line or Yle ex:i11:ing Heenaeci ,._._ ~ Wit,h rcapect io t:Jr,e iiist:m,ee &um tfte D0tfflftP) li,se of a rcaieient.iel d:i:1triet er an) religfots:s inltittttien, ptthlic parh, pt1.hlic Hhra:F), eom111tt1'1it) center, or eelt1.catio11ai inatHtttteft; !1,e di,ta,,ce ,holl be meo,.,red i., f,,Jlo ..;ng a etraight line from the neare,t point of the preperl) line ef tl<.e prepoeed licen,ed premi .. , to the neare9; point of tl,c lii,t,,;ct l>ot ndar, line, or in ti-te case of a reHg"iotsS tn1tittdion, pl:telic parlt, ~1,, con1mw,iey center, or ech1cet:ional inotitts:t:ion, the liiota,.ce ohti!l be meo,.,red I!) 1;,lloning o ,traight line f1om tfic ncarC:1t poia.t oft.he propert., line of tile s,aopooed liceneed premi,eo to the ncore,t point of the propert) line ofo relig-iot1.s institution , p ... blic parlt, pl:teHc lihrar,, eemmts:nit) cenber , or edt1.eational inotitttt-ion . {-31 W~erc the r,ros,oscd location of au adtt:lt entcrtaf"ment or :Jtl"'\iee facilit) is a ,aeant parcel oflauli tt:pert ,ftieh no pe,mit ~•• been iHlied f<>r the con,t, liction of a hliilding, all distauces shall l,e measttred from tfte nem .ll point of U,e proper!) line of the proper!) Hne of the la,,d propo9ed a, a location fa, ma adttlt cnber M:inme11t or sen ice feei1it). Wfl:crc tl-1e p1 oposcd location of an adttlt cute. tainmeat 01 lC. w ice focilit) i, a .ocm,t parcel of land opon which a permit-ltso Men iooued for t:hc eonat, uetion of a permm,ent btl:11ding fa, sttch ttse, all d:istanecs shall M mea9med from the neat tlt pomt-eftlse p,ope.., line•• ,ho•"' on the"" .C) 11hoch parcel ef-land. 2. l. Automobile service stations shall comply with the following conditions: a . Uses permitted. An automobile service ,talion shall be a retail place of business engaged in the sale of motor fuels and in supplying goods and services generally required in the operation and maintenance of automotive vehicles and the fulfilling of motori,ts needs. Major automotive repairs, painting, body and fender work are prohibited. b . Building line regulations. Buildini: setback line for all structures shall be twenty feet (20') from the property line. c . Exterior display s and trash and storage. No display s or storage of merchandise , automobiles, parts or refuse shall be located closer than twenty fee : (20') from the ultimate street right-of-way line, and all trash and refuse shall be stored in a building or within an area enclosed b) a wall at least six feet (6') high . d. Lighting. All'lighting sh all be designed and located so as to confine direct rays to the premises . -5- e . Outaide activity. All ac:tlvities, other than the aale of motor fuels and the normal service, incidental therato, are prohibited outside of the main buildinr. f. Screening. A masonry wall shall be installed and maintained along property lines where the prem ises abut a residential area. Such wall shall have a total height of not less than six feet (6'), except within twenty feet (20') of any ultimate atreet right-of-way line, when, the height ,hall be not less than three feet (3') nor more than thre• and one-half (3 1/2'). g . Landscaping. A landscape plan in conformance with Section 16-4-18 of this Title shall be su bmitted with the application fo r the Conditional Use . a. 2. Motor vehicle repaur busine sses, not including body or fender work , dism antli ng or collision repa ir , and provided that: a . :\-toter vel-.:cles being serviced or stored while wa iting to be serviced or called for are not park ed on streets, all eys, public si dewalks or perking strips. b . All work is performed within an enclooed stn1cture. c . N o materials or parts are deposi ted or S' • 1 ed on the pre mises out sid e of an en clo sed structure. d. Any area subject to wheeled traffic or storage is screened from acijacen t or acijo ining residential di stricts by a clo sed-face wood fence , or block or brick wall . e . Landsc a ping. A land sc a pe plan in conformance with the Landscape Ordinance , Section 16 -4-18 of this Titl e, shall be submitted with the a p plica ti on fo r th e Conditional Use. 4c 3. Motor vehicle laundry or polish ing busin es s, which shall compl y with the following conditions: a . A minimum of three (3 ) parking spaces shall be provided on the site for each washing stall. b . The si te 1ha)I be paved to the specifications of the Department of Public Workl . c . All waste wet.tr shell be di scharged into the sanitary sewer line all.er having been run through a sand trap . d . All lights used to ill um inate the area shall be di rected away from adjacen t residential prop erties . e. Land scaping. A landscap ing plan in conforman ce with the Landscape Ordinance, Section 16-4-18 of this Titl e, shall be submitted with th e ap plica ti on for t.h e co nd itio nal us e. -6 - 6. 4 . Amusement establiahments including, but not limited to, billiard halls, bowling alleys, coin-operated pmes, dance halls, electronic or lrideo game1, night clubs, outdoor commercial recreational facilities, pool halls or skating rinks. ~ Title 16, Chapter 4 , Section 13, Subsection C, Paragraph 1, of the Englewood Municipal Code 1985 i1 hereby amended, to read as follows, and all other portions of this Subsection ahall remain unchanged: 16-4-13 1-1 LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT Swiluu. 16-4-13 J (l) -h f-1,) ffi C . Permitted Principal Uses. No land shall be used or occupied and no structure shall be designed. erected, altered, used or occupi ed , exce pt for one or more of the following uses: (1) Any use permitted ia the B-2 Business Di s trict excluding residential use except as pennitted in subsecti on C2, mobile home parks. EACH PER?d.JTTED USE FROM THE B-2 ZONE DISTRICT MUST ALSO COMPLY WITH ALL THE RESTRICTIONS AND REQUffiEMENTS SET FORTH IN THE SECTION ESTABLISHING OR ALLOWING THE PERMITIED USE UNLESS SPECIFICALLY MODIFIED BY THIS SECTION. Title 16, Chapter 4, Section 13, Subsection J, Paragra ph 1, parts b, c, and d , of the Englewood Municipal Code 1985 are hereby amended , to read as follows and al l other portion s of th is Subsection sha11 remain unchangei: 1-1 LIGHT INDU!>"TIUAL DISTRICT Adult e11tx:1tainment 01 SCI ,ioe facilit:,. ~lo adult entx:rtainn1ent 01 oe1 ,ice facilit:, ,hall be located on to1) •ite wile•• ,uch ,i te i• not le" ~au the distm1ce limitatio11 as , equired b) this Section . One tl,ousm,d feet 11 ,008 ") "'""' t¾Je location of m,otl,er ,uch facilit), 1tM Fi.e hundred feet E689") r.0111 tile bounder, line of an) re: ,dential ~ned in ~t Compacflenai.c &.niug Ordinatsce, inchiding, I,,,+;-• -~-limited to , R l ,+,, R 1 B, R I G, R 2, R 2 C , R 2 GIS.P.S., Ra, M" .H--4 o. 3imilar zone district H'S m, are ]joining the Cit, of Englewood , or 8:11) religiou!\ in3tit ution , public parlt , public Hbral'), eommunit) center, or educ.,.jonal in:Jtitt1tion, whether within or ..;l:hout the Git) ~f Enr:le • ood . Mtt>utt111ent of Di,tanctt.--,Y;--di,tnnces oronded herein ,hslH,e ffleft3t1red 83 foll~ fA-) With rt!lpeet t,o the di!ltance between t , location for whldt-an adult cnbertainm rnt or Krviee l=--ci!it) i3 propo!ed aud-a J.ocation wftere Juch a facilit, ezi,b, tbe di!taf1ee !hall be meo,ured b) followmg o ,traight line fro~eatt•t-1>0int of the propert.) li~e propo:Jcd licen!cd prcmi3tl t,o the -7- •· b. d . C. (1) (2 ) r,ee1 nt poin, af the p1 aperi) Hne ,. ..,c aai1bng licenac4 ,,.._;- Hl-l Will, re,peet te Ilse m,tm,ee F.0111 lile 1,o...,c1e,, lifle ofa re,ident:ial tiis t riet. or &ts) 1elig'io11a institution, pu&lic petk, public librar,, eommwdt, center, or e.eh1eational i1utitntion, the m ■lal,ee ol,all 1,e 111ea1,..eai a, folio ,.;ng a 1e,,mghtline &0111 bhe neere,t peinl oflhe propert, line oflhe propo9cd lieensefl prcmi:xJ te Ole ncarut point of the district bow,dar, lit,e, or it, lhe ea,e of a religio1to inot;t1ttion, pelie parlt, pttbtic lihrar, 1 comfflttnii) eentier or edueatiortal inatit:ution , Nie ei1ba.11ec ,haH be mea:,ured 0) following a atrll!~t line &om tiht nweat peint of lne propcrt, line of Uric prepe9Cd lieeused pttmiJEs te Mic nenrcst point eft:hc propert, Ji"• ofa religion, iJ1otil1ttion, polio parh, p1tbl~ eomnutuit) cent.er , or eftttcationa1 institut::ion . Vfthc,c t:Jlc p1ope,ed ltsee•~on ofan adult entcrtainrnent of acniec feeiHt, is a ,aeent: parcel of land upon nflieh ne perfflit hao been iooned for the eonotntetion of a l,..;Jding, all cii!ta nees ,hall 1,e 1neast11 ed frons the nearut point of t.-Jr,e p,opert) line oflhe 1..,,1 propooeai a, a loeation fer a,, adttl t enlel'"t.aiftmeflt or xrvice facilit). \\there the prt.~ leee!ion of an adlllt enlertaift111ent of .. ,.iee feeilit, i• a ,aea,,I pa,eel oflMai 11pen .. ltieh a perfflit hao been io ■1ted fa, tile eonali uetion of a pe, 01Ment bmlmng for •1teh "•e, all diotaneeo oh all be 111ea,w ed F. om the nea, eot poiut of the p1upe1t.., line as !hewn on tfle sw •e) ofsts:d, pa1ce1 oflmed. Amusement establishments including, but not limited ID billiard halls. bowling alleys, co in-operated games, dance halls, electronic or video games, night clubs, outdoor commercial recreational facilitie s, pool halls, or skating rinks. Recycli ng nperotions, including but not limited ID the processi ng of batteries, construction waste, glass, metals and/or alloys, paper, plastics and tires, excluding food 'Yaste, automobile wrecking yards and junk yards as cited in subsection 16-4, 13.J la. Buy back centers tl\at do not process recycled materials and store their materials within an enclosed structure or a roll•off' container, semi•trailer, or similarly self-contained apparatua shall be exempt from t his suboection J ld. Any recycled m• ··•rial manufacturing opened after the effective date of this subsect: ·•. •ld shall be located on one or more contiguous p.e.rcel (s) wh id: ;"'I.a] area shall not be less than one acre . The manufactr.ring snd sto r age of all processed and unproces sed materials shall be enclosed with a solid, non •transparent vertical wall or fence with a max imum height of eight feet (8') on the parcel(s ) front,,.ge and twelve feet (12') on the par cel(s) aide and !Jack boundaries. Fences of woven plastic, wire or chain link shall be prohibited. -8- ~ 16-4-14 (3) (4) (5) The a&ockpiling of all proceued and unprocessed materials shall not exceed the hoicht of the wall or fence . N-, more than seventy five percent (75'lb) oi the parcel(s) total aiu may be utilized for the storage of proc:e11ed or unprocessed materials. All recycled material m1111ufacturin1 businesses operating under a conditional use provision shall be subject to yearly administrative compliance review of the adopted conditions. Title 16, Chapter 4, Section 14, Subsection B, Paragraph l, of the Englewood Municipal Cede 1985 i1 hereby amended, to read as follows and all other portions of this Subsection shall remaiJ, unchanged: 1-2 GENERAL INDUSTRIAL DISTRlCT B . Pennit!A!d Principal Uses. No land shall be used or occupied and no structure shall be designed, erected, altered, used or occupied, except for one or more of the fol1ov.in g uses: ( l ) Any use permitted in the 1-1 lndustrial Zone District except mobile home parks and other residential uses WHICH SHALL BE PROHJBITED. EACH PERMITTED USE FROM THE 1-1 ZONE DISTRICT MUST ALSO COMPLY WITH ALL THE RESTRICTIONS AND REQUIREMENTS SET FORTH DI THE SECTION ESTABLISHING OR ALLOWING THE PERMIT'l'ED USE UNLESS SPECIFICALLY MODIFIED BY THIS SECTION. ~ Title 16, Chapter 4, Section 14, Subsection I, of I.he Englewood Municipal Code 1985 is hereby amended, to rn J as fo llows : 16-4-14 1-2 GENERAL INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT I. Conditional Uses . Provided the public int..rest ia fully protected and the fo llowing use is approved by the Commission : ¼: ltdttlt entertainment rmdto, x, ,ice faci1it). a,-No admt entertmnment or serviee f.acility-oltt .lH,e- 1oeated on td .l !:ite t111le:,s stsch sh:.:~ imitation as reqttired b'.) this Section. flt One tl,o.,.and ket (1 ,888') &om tne location ofanotl,cr ••ch adts lt en tic l"tafflment or service facilit), mui t2)-Fi,e hondred ket 1688') from the bow,dal') line of a,,~ ruidential diltriet defined in tl,e Compo ehen•i ,e Zon ing Ordinance, incloding, boi not limited lo, R l A; R l B, R I G, R 2, R 2 G, R 2 G/6 .P.6 ., R a or R 4 or a •imilar ruidea tial ,one di,t, ict in an a, ea adjoining: tne •;tt), or an) reli~ous insti tution , public parlt , pub lic -9- li l,,a.,, Gofflmmtit, eenticr, er eGueatienal i111titt1~en, •het:l'Jcr ..;tl,in 01 ..;tl,ont tl,e Gill) of KRsl .. oed . I,,; Menm ement aF digtanees. ,\II tliel:encee pro rided he, ein shall ht meaeured as f'olle" s. ffi \\fitfl : eapeet t;e t:J\e diuM:nee Mtw ee11 • Jeeat:ien far ,,, hid, an atttslt enk:1 taiftrncnt .,, ser, iec facilitl) ia propoacd m,d a location ollo,e ,,.,1, a feoilil) u:iat,,, !he ,lioleftee ohell l,e meeo1tred II) follo" ing a stntigl,,t line from the nearest peir.t of t¾le proper;:, line e( the propoxd licensed i,rernisu to the rteareat f)eint of the p re pert) line of ti-.e uistinc Jieensed p1 emises. fiH 'Nitll rcspeet te ~e d:isUnce froffl tne hau:nde11 li.tte-e'Hl r,,identiel di,!rie! or Sil) relifi•"" inltitlt!ion, ~~ m,ra.,, eommlfflit) ecnkr, or educational i:ns~tt1tien, ~e etetenee ,llcll l,e meeo1tred b, follo • ing a •trmgl,t line from !ho ..,,,.,.,...,,.;,,t o:t:he propefey line ef~e psopexd licenxd premises l......tM--:teAfe!t poH,t of the iii strict l,ottt,dar:, line, 01, in lite e&K of a re1iriot11 insbtllt-ion, pt:tl,Jie perW , puhHc lil11a,,, eemfflMit, cent.er, er edtteetionel in,!i!n!ion, ti,, dioltll.ee •llell 1,e mea,.,.ed II) follo ,inc a stra:ig:flt line Prom t:he nearest point of Ole propeft) line of ti-.e proposed licensed premises te l->le ncare,t point ef lne propert) line of a relig"iottS institu:tion , ptthHc r,uh, puhlie lil,rar,, eo1nrnunit) cenbcr, or ed1:1eati 1,rial instit1:1tion . f3l Wliere tl,e propo .. d loea!ion ofm, adult ente.teinment or .. .:. • ice faeilit) is a : acaut peree) of )and apon , hich no pc, n.it has !,,en i••u•d fa. the eonotruetion of a bail,iiug, ell ,lio!OJ.ee• ,hall I,, mea,u,ed non. the near'9t point of!II, prope.'l) line oftl.e land p. opo .. d •• a location :o, w, adwt wte.brinment or ,., ,iee foteilil.). Whe. e !lie propo"d lo,ation of 111 odnlt ente, teinment 01 x •• iee faeilicy io a ,a,m.t pa,eel oflm.d 1tpo11 •hieh a p,111,it ha• heen i99ne<l fc" the const. action oF a pem,anent blHlding fa, saeh ax., all di,tm.ce• ,hall I,, mcao1t1ed non. ti., nea,e,t point of the p1ope.l) line as sho,m on t:l,e sur,e, of Juel, parcel oflmsd. H!1 I. Dump. (See ChapteT 16-5 of this Title, General &gulations.) E-3,. 2. Amusement establishments including, but not limited lo billi&Td halls, bowling alleys, coin-operated games, dance halls, electronic or vi deo games, night clubs, outdoor commercial recreation al facilities, poo! ialls, or skating rinks. (-4) 3. &cycling operations, including but not limited to the processing of batteries, constructiun waste, glass, metals and/or alloys, paper, plastics and tin,s, excluding food wa,te, automobile WTeeking y&Tds and junk yards as cited in subsection 16-4-13.Jla of this Chapter &Te excluded. Buy back centers that do not process Tecycled materials and ii.lore thei r materials within an enclosed structure or a roll.off container, semi-trailer, or similarly self-contained apparatus shall be exempt from this subsection 14 . -10 - a . Any recycled material manufacturinr opened afur the effective date of this subsection Jld ~all be located on one or more contieuous parcel(s) which total area shall not be leu than o~, acre. b . The manuf1cturin11 and storap of all proc, ,aed and unpTOCessed materials shall be enclosed with a solid, r ,n-transparent vertical wall or fence with a maximum height of eilfht feet (8') on the parcel(s) frontage and twelve feet (12') on the parcel(s) side and back boundane1. Fence• of wov en plastic, wire or chain link shall be prohibite d. c . The stockpiling of all proce sse d and unprocessed materials shall n.ot e,ceed the hei ght of th e wall or fenc e. d . No more than seventy five perce nt ('. ·%) of the par.:e l(s) t.otal size may be utilized for the storage of proc essed or unprocessed meterials. e . All recy cled material manufa cturing busines ses opera ting under a conditional uSP provi sion shall be subject to yearly administrative com pl ia nce review of the adopted conditions. ~-Ti:le 1.6, Ch apter 8, Section 1, of the Englewood Municipal Code 1985 is hereby am ended to chang, J,;1 fo1;. -':,g defi ni tions, all other definitions remain unchanged: 16-8-1: DEFINIT!O ,,•: ADULT BOO KSTORE: A place where books, magazines, motion pic tures, VIDEOS, prints, photographs, periodicals, recot dings, novelties and devices , or ary of these things, which have as their pri mary or dominant theme, matter depi cting, ill ustreting, describing or relating to specified se,u.al ac tivities, are sold, RENTED or offered for sale to adults. m,d includes a place •itlt e"I' a portion e, seetier. ,fits area !Et Hide fer the di•pla, or Mt!e of,uch maL<.'1'i~. e-xttpt-t:h-at ml) place , eitl,el"W'ise inehttied llnt:h in tr,i s definition , that deri • es not more tltM ten percent (18%) of ih gr••• income from tfte sale of Jttcl. material sl-lall be e~cmpt from the proti!l ion!I of this Title !lo long as Jtteft material iJ lr:cpt in a locat:ion wftcrc it is not l'i!liblc . and 3ftal1 no t bt a self: scniee ite m for t.h c eu3tcmcn of !ltteh plac e. Introduced, read in full , and passed on fir st readin g on th e 22nd day of February, 1994 . -11 · 1994. Published u a Bill for atl Ordinance on the 24th day of February, 1994 . A Public fuaring was held on March 7, 1994 at 7:30 P.M.. Read by title and passed on final reading on the 7th day of March, 1994. Publish ed by title as Ordinance No .tll, Series of 1994, on the 10th day of March , ~~~~(}t:(4 J Loucri shia A. Ellis , Deputy Ci ty Clerk I, Loucrishia A. Ellis, Deputy Ci ty Clerlt of the City of Englewood, Colorado, herPby certify that the abc>Te and foregoing is a tn,e copy of the Ordinan ce p,as sed on fina l reading and published by title as Onlinar.re No . L£L, Series of 1994 . -12-