HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994 Ordinance No. 016ORDINANCE NO .~ SE!UES OF 1994 BY AUTHORITY COUNCIL BILL NO . 18 INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER WIGGINS AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING A COOPERATIVE CONTRACT FOR THE DESIGN OF BELLEVIEW AVENUE SIDEWALKS FUNDING FOR THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO AND COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. WHEREAS, authority •xists in the law and funds have been budgeted, appropriated and otherwise made available and a sufficient unencumbered balance thereof remains ava ilable for payment of the design of Belleview Avenue sidewalks and the City of Englewood costs in Fund Number 400, Organization Number 9991, Appropriation Code 010, Pr ogram 2000, Function 3020, Object 2312 1 P, Reporting Category 6040, Contract Encumbrance Number 104800 (00] Din the amount of$96,385.00; and WHEREAS, required approval , clearance and coordination has been accomplished from and with appropriate agencies; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Title I, Part A. Section 1007 (cl of the lntermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991, certain Federal funds have been and will in the future be , allocated for the "provision of facilities for pedestrians and bicycles, acquisition of scenic easements and scenic or historic sites, scenic or historic highway programs , landscaping and other scenic beautification, historic preservation, rehabilitation and operation of historic transportation buildings, structures or facilities (including historic railroad facilities and canals), preservation of abandoned railway corridors (including the conversion and use thereof for pedestrian or bicycle trails), conb·ol and removal of outdoor advertising, archaeological planning and r•search, and mitigation of water pollution due to highway runoff."; and WHEREAS, Federal-aid funds have been made available for a project, identified as STE M395-0023 for preliminary engineering of sidewalks with handicap accessible curb cuts along Belleview Avenue from Clarkson Street to Windermere Street in Englewood, Colorado; and WHEREAS, the City of Englewood has submitted initial design data (D .O.H. Form 463 ), dated February 17, 1994, to the State setting forth therein preliminary details, inform ation and estimates of cost of this work, which data has been approved by the State; a n d WHEREAS, the matching ration for this Federal-aid project is 83% Federal-aid funds to 17% City of Englewood funds, it being understood that such ratio applies only to such costs as are eligible for Federal participation, it being further understood that all non - partici pating costs are borne by the City of Engl ewood ai 100%; and WHEREAS. the City of Englewood has estimated the total cost of the work and is prepared to provide its share of th·e cost as evidenced by this ordinance which establishes the City's authority to enter into such Contract; and WHEREAS, the City of Englewood and the Colorado Department of Tra nsportation agree upon the divi si on of respons ibilities with regard to th e project; and -1- WHEREAS, the City of Enrlewood is adequately staffed and suitably equipped lo undertake and uti1factorily complete portions of the work ; and WHEREAS, the St.ate certifies that such work can be more advantageously performed by the c;ty of Englewood ; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, AS FOLLOWS: ~ The Contract with the Stale of Colorado Department of Transportation is hereby accepted and approved by the Englewood City Council. The Mayor is authorized lo execute and the City Clerk lo attest and seal the Contract for and on behall'ofthe City ofEnrlewood, Colorado. SJ:.c.t.i.iw..2. The Contract generally contains as follows : I. STATE COMMJTMENTS : A. The State will provid e liaison with the City of Englewood, Colorado through the State"s Region Transportation Director, Region 6, located at 2000 South Holly Street, Denver, Colorado 80222. The Transportation Director will also be responsible for coordinating the State's activities under the Contract. The Director will also issue a "Notice lo Proceed" lo the City of Englewood for commencement of the work. I B . The State will •dminister the City of Enrlewood and Federal-aid share of the project charges followinr the State's review and approval of such ch.,...,s. Charres incurrad by the City of Englewood prior lo the date ofFHWA authorization for the project will not be charred lo the Projecl 11. THE GJTY OF ENGLEWOOD'S COMMJTMENTS: A . Preliminary enei,neering, design services, preparation or construction plans, special provisions and estimates in accordance with the State's Roadway and Bridge Design Manuals and Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction. Said plans shall include details ofany required detours to prevent any interference of the construction work and lo protect the traveling public. All plans produced shall be stamped by a Colorado Registered Professional Engineer. B . The City will be respon si ble for the plans being accur ate and complete. C. The City will be responsible to perform acquisition and relocation assistance for , the projecL D. The City will prepare and submit to the State monthly charges for costs incurred r elative lo the project. The City will prepnre project charges in accordanca with the State's standard pol icies , procedures, and standardized billing format a s set forth in the Contract. Charges incurred by the City prior to the date ofFHWA authorization of the project will not be charged lo the proje ct. E . The City shall maintain all books, documents, papers, accountinr records ant' other evidence pertaining lo costs incurred and lo make such materials available for insp•,~ion at all reaso,cable times during the contract period and for 3 years -2- from the date o( final pa,;ment to the City. CopiH ol 1uch records shall be fumilhed l,y the City i( requested. 111. GENERAL PB<lYl.fillliS A. The City has e■timated the total cost o( the preliminary engineering o( aidewalks with handicap acceuible curb cuts along Belleview Avenue from Clarkson Street to Windermere Street in Enclewood, Colorado, hereinafter referred to aa "the work" to be $96,385.00 which is to be funded aa follows: 1. Federal participating funds (83% of$96,385.00) SS0,000.00 2. City of Englewood participatin1t funds (17% of$96,385 .00) $16,185.00 Total Funds $96,385.00 B . The matching ratio for this Federal-aid project is 83% Federal-aid funds to 17% City of Englewood funds, it bei~sr understood that such ratio applies only to such co sts as are eligible for Federal pa.-ticipation, it being further understood that all non-participating cosU are borne b"/ the City of Englewood at 100%. The performance of the work shall be at no cost to the Sta IL If the total actual cost of performance of the work exceeds S~o,385.00, and additional Federal funds are made available for the project, the City of Englewood shall pay 17% o( all such costs eligible for Federal pa:-ticipa\ion and 100% of all non-participating costs. If the total actual cost of perfor,nance of the work is less than $96,385.00, then the amounts of the City of Engl ,wood 1111d Federal-aid funds will be decreased in acoordance with the funding ratio c.escribed in the Contract. C . The mromum amount payable to the c;,y of Englewood under the Contract shall be $80,000.00 (100% of the Federal !'articipating Pnlimina!'y Engineering funds) ,.ml ·ss such amount is increa,;~d by a written supplemental contracL D . It is understood and agreed by the parties of the Contract that the total cost of the work stated in the Contract is the best estimate available based on the design data as approved at the time of execution of the Contract, and that such cost is subject to revisions agreeable to the p,., ties prior to oid and award. E. The parties agree that the Contract is contingent upon all funds designated for the project being made available from Federal and the City of Englewood sources . Introduced , read in full , and passed on fi rst .-eading on the 18th day of April , 1994. Published as a Bill for an Ordinance on the 21st day of April , 1994. Re ad by title and passed on final readin g on the 2nd day of ~.fay, 1994. -3- Published by tiUe aa Ordinance No)_(,, Serl11 of 1994, I, Loucrishia A. Ellis, City Clerk of the City of Englewood, Colorado, hereby certify that th e above and foregoing is a true COl\lJ of the Ordinance passed on final readine and published by title as Ordinance No .&, Series of 1994. ~&fl.~- Loucrishia A. Ellis