HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994 Ordinance No. 031ORDINANCE No.& SERIES OF 1994 BY AUTHORITY COUNCIL BILL NO. 35 INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HATHAWAY AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 8, CHAPI'ER 2A. SECTION 2, SUBSECTIONS J, K, L, AND M, OF THE ENGLEWOOD MUNlC.IPAL CODE SO THAT THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO MAY PARTICIPATE IN DENVER REGIONAL COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENT'S ELEVATOR, ESCALATOR AND DUMBWAITER INSPECTION PROGRAM . WHEREAS, prior to 1980,when funding was eliminated, the State of Colorado provided annual inspection services for elevators and eaca1atora: and WHEREAS, there is a need to inspect elevator and related equipment; and WHEREAS, with the implementation of the Americans With Disabilities Act the number an d usage of elevators is increa sing; and WHERF.AS, with the City of Englewood pa,i;cipation , along with 16 oth er jurisdictions, the public 's safety will be enhanced ; KOW, THE:REFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, AS FOLLOWS: 5.wiluLl. The Englewood City Ccunc:il hereby approves amending Title 8, Chapter 2A, Section 2, Subsections J, K, L, and M, ofth• Englewood Municipal Code because of the need for the inspection of eleva tors , escalators and dumbwaiters in the City of Englewood, Colorado. Ti tle 8, Chapt er 2A , Section 2, Subsection J, K, L , and M, shall read as follows: CHAPraR2 CONS'IRUCTION AND SAFETY CODES AR11CIEABVIU>ING CODE S-2A-1: CODE ADOPTED: There is hereby adopted, by reference thereto, the Uniform Building Code , 1988 Edition, including Appendu Chapter 12 • Division II ; Chapter 23 . Divisio n I, Chapters 26, 32, 49, 51 ,55 and the Uniform Building Code Standards, 1988 Edition , published by the International Conference of Building Officials, 5360 Workman Mill Road , Whittie r , Californi a, 90601, subject to the exceptions, modifications and amendments set forth in Section 8-2A-2 of this Article. The Clerk shall maintain at all times copies of the Code available for purchase by tho public at reasonable price. (Ord. 19 Serie s 1990) 8-2A-2: SPEClFlC MODlFlCA'M NS TO ADOPI'ED CODE : The following specific changes , modifications and amc nd :r11mts are hereby mad e in the provisions of the Uniform Building Cod e, 1988 Edition , hcre1 nabove adopted : A . Delete section 102 of chapter 1. B. Delete secti on 105 of chapter 1. C . Delete sec tion 201 of ch a pte r 2. -1 - l -◄ ,, ) D . Delete lledion 1 202(a), 202(b), 202(c) and 202(0 af chapter 2. E . Delete M!Ction 202(g) of chapter 2. F . Delete oection 204 of chapter 2. G . Delete lledion 205 of chapter 2. H . Section 3802(b), of chapter 38, ALL OCCUPANCIES EXCEPT GROUP R, DIVISION 3, AND GROUP M, shall be amended by adding the following paragraph as it.em 5: 3802(b) 5. In all buildi"ll• whu:h arr 50 or morr fttt in /uight (a, dtfi,ud in chapttr 4 of the 1988 Uniform Buil<Wl/1 Cod,J, or whu:h compriu morr than four storiu irrrspectiue of luight. Except: Group B occuponcie, cla,,i{i,d exclusivtly as open parlii"ll garag,s in accordanct with ,ection 709 oftht 1988 Uru{orm Building Code . I . Section 3802(g), of chavter 38, GROUP I, OCCUPANCIES shall be amended by add ing the following paragraph as exception 2: 3802(g) Exception 2. In hospiJa/s of Types I , 11 firr-rrsutiut and 11 oru-haur con struction, the automatic spridler system may be omitted from op,rating, dtliv.ry, cardiac , X-ray and intensive care room., when tach ,uch room is providtd with smoke det<etors connected to a continuau,ly attendtd station or locatio n within th e building. Increases far area ana height specifitd in s,ctions 506(c) and 507 shall not apply wlun this exception is used. J. Delete .al4opendiiroeetion &HAIi a,....,.,. &l. APPENDIX SECTION 51 lO(E) SHALL BE REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: CE> FEES. A FEE FOR KACH PERMIT OR CERTIFICA1E OF INSPECTION CITY OF ENGLEWOOD AS FOi.LOWS: NEW INSTALLATIONS: FEES FOR NEW INSTALLA"J'ION SHALL BE AS FORTH IN TABLE NO. 3-A. FEES FOc' .IIA.JOR AL1ERATIONS SHAlL BE AS SET FOR'IB IN TABLE NO. 3-A. INSTALLATION FEES INCLUDE CHARGES FOR THE FIRST YEAR'S ANNUAL INS.?ECTION FEE AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT ON THE CONVEYANCE SIDE OF THE DISCONNECT SWITCH. -2 - ANNUAL CER11FICA'l1t8 OF INSPEC'l10NS FOR EACH ELEVATOR '1IIO.OO FOR EACH ESCALATOR OR MOVING WALK '150.00 FOR EACH COMMERCIAL DUMBWAITER '150.00 (EACH ESCALATOR OR MOVING WALK UNIT POWERED BY ONE MOTOR SHALL BE CONSIDERED AS A SEPARATE OR MOVING WALK,) K. Appe1111R 1eetiell 5Hlel efehllpter 111 ,\PPLICl.n9N mR P6RMR'& Delete tne ,....u,,,•..,,1 the pamll ohall he 111110,l tie..,_,.... ~I oflhe pei11lit feel 111eeiftell in tllie uethn", APPENDIX SECTION 5111 SHALL BE REPLACED W1'IB THE FOLLOWING: ANSI CODE ADOPrZD. SECTION 5111. ALL NEW ELEVATORS, DUMBWAITERS, ESCALATORS AND MOVING WALKS AND MAJOR ALTERATIONS TO SUCH CONVEYANCES AND 1HE INSTALLATION THEREOF SHALL CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD msrrrun: ANSVASME Al 7,J.1993 PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN SOl:IETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. b. Dele~ .\p1 1' oeetiOB 5Hldl of ehllpter M. ~l Delet.<Appellcm oeeti<11l 61191el llfehap.,,.61. f9t,i.18 Beriu 1990) ~-The General Penalty Provi sio n of E.M.C. 1-4-1, shall apply to each and every violation of this Article. l nlr oduced, read in full, and passed on first r eading on the 20th day of June, 1994. Published as a Bill for an Ordinance on the 23rd day of June, 1994 . Read by title and passed on final reading on the 5th day of July, 1994 . ~ .. d,r'/1/. '.l!J/4bL~~ Loucrishia A. Ellis , City Clerk I, Loucrishia A. Elli s, City Clerk of the Ci Ly of Englewood, Colorado, h er eby certify thal th e above and foregoing is a true copy of the Ordinance passed on final reading and published by title as Ordinance No. ~. Series of 1994. d . ' . f,/1A(A,Y.IJ a.~- Loucrishia A. Ellis -3 - Date June 20, 1994 INl11A TED BY STAFF SOURCE COUNCIL GOAL COUNCL COMMUNICATION Agenda Item llf Department of Public Works Subject DRC(X;'s Elevator, Escalator, &: Dumbwaiter Inspection Program Charles Esterly, Director of Public Works NIA ISSUE/ ACilON PROPOSED Staff seeks Council support for a bill for an ordinance revising the Englewood Municipal Code to allow participation in the Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRC(X;) Elevator and Escalator Inspection Program. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACilON During the 1994 Budget workshop, the New Program Request for elevator inspections was not approved . BACKGROUND Prior to 1980, when funding was eliminated, tr, State of Colorado provided annual inspection services for elevators and escalators. Local jurisdictions recognized the need to continue to inspect thi s equipment, and under the umbrella of DRCcx;, a regional inspection program was created. The Elevator Inspection program will enhance the public's safety , with all costs offset by fees . Without this program, there is no independent verificar.0n of elevator safety. Of the 16 participating jurisdictions, Englewood is only surpassed by Lakewood, Greenwood Village, and Boulder in terms of the numbers of elevators. Denver is not partici pating in the program. Wlml f.nglewood adopted the 1988 Uniform Building Code, we amended the Code by mcducting reference to elevator inspections. The proposed action would restore these excluded lledians back in the EnGJewood Municipal Code. ST AFJI ANALYSIS The current Englewood Code excludes elevators from mandatory inspection. This change will require inspections and set appropriate inspection fees . The DRCOG Elevator Inspection Program provides for the semi-annual inspection of elevators, escalators, dumbwaiters, and wheelchair lifts, and plan review for all new installations. With this specialized transportation machinery, excessive wear and tear of mechanical parts such as cables and brakes, and underground oil leaks can only be detected during inspection and safety tests . With the American witl. Disabilities Act (ADA), the number and usage of elevators is increasing. This program costs the participating jurisdictions $100 .00 per unit. To have this program pay for itself, the City would bill the owners $150.00 per unit. Currently, the other participating jurisdictions pass along the costs to building owners at a rate from $100 .00 to $150.00 per unit. FINANCIAL IN'J'ACT fi Englewood will be billed twice per year, for one half of the total fee of $15,000 (150 units@ A $100.00 = $15,<m). This cost and local coadination of tM program will be CO\lered by fees W collected. STAFF NOTES If anyone would like to review the Uniform Building Code, we're happy to loan a copy. In the attached bill for an ordinance, the sections that are in BOLD UPPER CASE or Nl4 la, er sse &H'YQ! a11t represent the changes that will appear in Section 8-2A.