HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994 Ordinance No. 038ORDINANCE NO .• if SERIES OF 1994 BY AUTHORITY COUNCIL BILL NO. 41 INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HABENICHT AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO AND THE COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FOR THE REPI..ACEMENT OF TWO CITY OF ENGLEWOOD WATER LINES AT THE INTERSECTION OF SOUTH SAITTA FE AND UNION AVENUE. WHEREAS, the City of Encfowood maintains two water ■upply lines which convey raw water from the South Platte River via the Union Av■nu e Pump Staaon to the Allen Filter Plant and t reated water to the Centennial area; and Y.'HEREAS , the Colorado Department of Tran1portaaon will include the replacement of the City of Englewood 's water lines during their existing South Santa Fe Project; and WHEREAS, the CDOT con&truclion will allow the line& to be in■talled by open cul excava ti on, rather than the more upen1ive method ofborini: under South Santa Fe ; and WHEREAS, Englewood 's e st imated cost is $251,256 .80, which i& for a portion of the water supply system which con vey• raw waler from the South Platte River via the Union Avenue Pum p Stati on to the Allen Fi lter Plant and treated water to the Centennial area ; and WHEREAS, staff estimates that t he remaining portion of the water supply system which is fr om the All en Fi lter Plant to the railroad right-of-way and from the Santa Fe corridor to the Un ion Avenue Pump Station wi ll be replaced and realigned within the next five yea r s; !WW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF E NGLEWOOD, COLORADO , AS FOLLOWS: ~ The Contract wi th the State of Colorado Department ofTran&portation, a sample of which is attached hereto as "Exhibit A", is hereby acce pted and approved by the Englewood City Council. The Mayo r i s authori zed to execute and the City Clerk to attest and seal the Agreement fo r and on behalf of t h e Ci ty of Englewood, Colorado. In t roduce d , read in full , and passed on first reading on the 18th day of July , 1994. Publish ed a s a Bill for an Ordinance 011 the 21st day of July , 1994 . Read by titl e and passed on fin a l readin~ on the 1st day of August, 1994 . -)- 1994 . Published by title •• Ordinance No.!.. Serie ■ of 1994, on tho 4th day of Aupot, I, Loucrishia A Ellis, Cicy Clerk of the City of Englewood, Colorado, hereby certify that the above and foregoing it a true COJ!,1t,Of the Ordinance paaaed on final reading and '""'""'"'""'"°""'~•N-"-...... ,.... c~tlti Loucrishia A Ellis -2- STA 085-2 (46) ONION AVE. /SANTA FE (LUMP SUM) REGION 6/TJH CONTRACT THIS CONTRACT, made this ___ day of _____ _ 19 ___ , by and ~etveen the State of Colorado for the use and benefit of THE Dls PARTM!';NT OF TRANSPORTAT:ON, hereinafter referred to as the State , and the CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, STATE or COLORADO, hereinafter referred to as the contractor or Local Agency, WHEREAS , authority exists in the law and funds have been budgeted, appropriated and otherwise made available and a sufficient unencumbered balance thereof remains available for payment in Fun d Number 400, Organization Number 9991, Appropriation Code 010, Program 2000, Function 3020, Object 2312 lP, Originating Unit 606 1, Project Number 92034 00 D, (Encumbrance Amount $0); and WHEREAS, required approval, clearance and coordination :,as been accom plished from and with appropriate agencies; a nd WHEREAS, the State anticipates reconstruction of the Union Avenue /Santa re Drive (SH 85) interoection in Engle,ood, Colorado, under State Project No. STA 085-2(46 ) which is funded with State and Federal-aid funds; and WHEREAS, the Local Agen .y desires modification of the State's project plans to provide ~or the installation of approximately 285 feet of 36-inch ductile iron and 285 feet of 24-inch ductile iron pipe, hereinafter referred to as "the work"; and WHEREAS, the parties have agre ed that de~ign and c ons truct i on of the State's project shall be modified to provide for inc lusion of the work desired by the Local Age ncy; and -1- WHEREAS, t~~ Local Agency has submitted initial design data for tht> desired work. to the State setting forth therein preliminat1• details, informa·don and estimates of coat of this work, which data haa be~n approved by the St~te; and WHEREAS, the Local Agency l •as estimated the total cost of the work and is prepared to provide funding for the work as evidenced by an appropriate ordin:ince or resolution duly passed and adopted by the authorizec'. representatives of the Local Ag:s ncy, a copy of which ls attached hereto and mad., a part hereof ; and WHEREAS, said ordinance er r~solution also establishes the author i ty under which the :,ocal Agency enters into this contract; and WHEREAS, the purpose of this contract is to define the respective responsibilities of the parties hereto for the wo r k, which is to be completed in c onjuncti~n with State Pro ject No. STA 085-2(46); and WHEREAS, this contract is executed by the State under authority of Sections i9-l-203, 43-1-110, 43-1-116 , and 43-2--144, C.R.S., as &r.-,<:'nded; and NOW, THEREFORE, it i~ hereby agreed that: A. This ~ontract estublishes the general provisions for and defines certain responsibi.Lities regarding the design and constructicm for instal lation of approximately 285 feet of 36-ii:ch ductile iron pipe in 48-inch stee l casing and 285 feet of 24-inch ductile iron pipe in 36 -inch steel casing in Englewood, Colorado, ("the work") as specifically described in the plans and specifications for the work which are incorporated herein and made a part hereof by reference. B. The parties have agreed to a fixed amount of $251,256 .80 as the cost of the work, including preliminary engineering, construction engineering and contingencies. within 30 days after complet ion of the work t o be performed under this contract ~nd acceptance thereof by the State, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the -2- Local Agency; the Local Agancy vill remit to the State a lump sum of $251,256.80. Work performed in confo,manc:e with the final plans shall be deemed acceptable. The Local Agency shall not unreasonably withhol.!I final acceptance of the work. Interim fund~, until the State is reimbursed, shall ba payable from State Highway Supplementary Fund (400). C. The State wil l provide liaison with the Local Agency through the State'u Region Transportation Director, Region 6, located at 2000 s. Holly Street , Denver, CO 80222 . Said Region Transportation Director will also be responsible for coordinating the Stat e's activities under this contract. D. It is und~rstood and agreed by the parties hereto that the total cost of the work stated hereinbe!ore is the best estimate available based on the design data as approved at the time of execution of this contract, and that such cost is subject to revisions agreeable to the parties prior to bid and award. Following award of the construction contract(s), no further revisions in design data or cost estimate shall be made except by agreement in writing between the parties. E. The parties hereto agree that this contract is contingent upon all funds designated for the work herein being made available from Local Agency sources . Should the Local Agency fail to provide necessary fund s as agreed upon herein , the contract may be terminated by e ither party . An y party terminating its interest and obligations herein shall not be relieved of any financial obligations which existed prior to the effective date of such termination or which may occur as a result of such termination. After the State's construction contract f or the work has been awarded and fully executed, this co~tract may not be terminated until the work is complete and final bills are paid in full. -3- A . AllTICla II G&nlW. HCIYISIQaS The State vill provide the preliminary engineering for the vork, including the preparation of construction plans, specifications, and estimates in accordance vith t he State 's Roadway Des i gn Manual •nd Standard Specifications for Road and Bri dge Construction and the Local Agency's "Technical Speci fi cations". The State will afford the Local Agency ample opportunity to x avi~w and approve the construction plans, spe.::ial p rc1•isions, and estimates . The State vill provide f inal 1.,saml:l l y of con struction plans, special provisions, estimates a nti con struction contract doc\lll\ents . The Sta te vi:.l establish appropri ate Disadvantaged Busine~~ F;n t erpris e (DBE ) goa l s for the construction contract(s ! ~h G SL~te, in conjunction with the Local Agency, will advertise the call for b i ds and award the co,nstruction contract (s) to the low responsible bidder(s). B. The State wil l provide construction engineering during the construct i on of .the work. Said con struction e ngineering will include field and offi:e engineering, inspection and material testing , traffi ~· c.;,'ltrol. and the supervision of the construction of th~~ project. The State will inform the Local Agenc} of a ny con struction contract modifications resulting from the construction engineering. On completion of thP. work, t h e State will schedule a final inspection of <he work with the construction contractor and the Loe •' Agency. Based upon that inspection, the Local Agency will indicate in writing its c oncurrence or non-concurrence of the satisfactory performance of the work . Performance of the work in accordance with the plans and specifications will be deemed to be satisfactory. Upon satisfactory performance of thP. work, the State will effect contract close ou t procedures, including a dvertising for a nd settlement of claims. -4- c . The State s~all maintain all l)ooks, documents, papers, accounting records, and other evidence pertaining to costs incurred tor the work and shall make such materials available for inspection at all reasonable times du ~ing the project re riod and for three(3) years from the date ot final payment by the Local Agency to ~he State. Copies of such records shall be furnished to the Local Agency upon request . D. £he Local Agency will maintain and operate the i •mp r ovements constructed under this contract, at its own cost and expense during their useful lit 9 and will make E . ample provision for such maintenance e a c h ye~r. Such maintenance and operations shall be in 4CCordance with all appl.c abl e statutes and ordinances, and regulations promulgated thereunder, which define thn Local Agency's obl igation to maintain such improvements . The t erm of t h is contract, except for the provisions r eg arding maint enance, shal l cont i nue through the comp l etion and final acceptance of this project by the Stat e , FHWA an d Local Agency . The covena nts with regard t o maintenance of the improvements constructed under t his contrac t shall remai n in effect in perpetuity or unt il s uch t im e as the Local Agency is, by law or otherwise , re l ieved of s u ch responsibilit y. F. Dur in g the performance of ;;ll wo rk under t hi s contract, the parties hereto agrP.e to comp l y with Title VI, of the Civ i l Rights Ac t of 1964, the salient points of wrich are shown in the Non-viscrimination Provisions attached hereto and made a part hereof. G. This contract shall inure to the benefit of and be bindi ng upon the partie s, their successors, and assigns . -5- B. The Local Agency raprasenta and warrants that it has taken all actions that are necessary or required by internal procedures and bylaws, and applicable law, to properly authorize the undersigned signatory tor th• Local Agency to lawtully execute this contract on behalf of the Local Agency and to bind the Local Agency to its terms. -6- IN WITNESS wm:u:or , the partiea hereto have executed this contract the day and year firat above written. ATTEST : By ---------Ch ie f Clerk ATTES T: By--------- Title -7- STATI or COLORADO ROY ROMER, GOVERNOR By-----------Executive Director DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO By------------ Title ___________ _ Note: The attached resolution must contaln the following : A. The local agency's percent (%) contribution of t e total estimated dollar amount. B. Authorized signatory . C . Le ''II Agency's approval of the contract . D . T l :; reso:u tlon must not cont11in language that conflicts with the p· . .-isions of the contract. LOCAL AGENCY RESOLUTION OR ORDINANCE TO BE ATTACHED TO EXECUTORY COPIES • e.,,...; l •criai..natio~ l'roYiaiona: Al'JUL1HO In c ompli ance with Title VI of the Civil Right ■ Act of 1964 and with Sac~i..rn 1 62 (a) of th• Federal Aid Highway Act of 1973, the Contractor, for it•elf , ~ts assignees and ■uccesaors in interest, agree a ■ follow■: A. E!. e . D . Co moliance with Reaulationa . Th• Contractor will ccmply with the Re gul at i on s of the Depnrtment of Transportaion relative to ~ondiscrimination in Federally-assisted programs of the Department o f Transportation (Title 49, Code of Federal Regulation ■, Part 21, hereinafter referred to as the "Regulations"), which are herein incorporated by reference and made a part of thi s contract . Non d i scrimination . The Contractor , with regard to the work pe rformed by it after award and prior to completion of the contract v ork , will not discriminate on the 7round of race, color, ■ex, mental or phys i cal handicap or national origin in the selection and retention of Subcontractors , including procurement ■ of materials and leases of equipment . The Contractor will not participate either directly or indirectly in the disc rimination prohibited by Section 21.5 of the Regul ations, including employment practices when the contract covers a program set forth in Appendix C of the Regulations. Soli citati ons for Subcontracts, I ncludinq Procurements of Materials and Ecn.:iom ent . In a ll solicitations either by competitive bidding or nego t i a ti on made by the Contractor for work to be performed under a subc ontract, including procurements of materials or equipment, e ach potential Subcontractor or supplier shall be notif ied by the Co ntractor of the Contractors' obligations under this contract and the Regulations relative to nondiscrimination on the ground of race, co l or, sex, mental or physical handicap or national origin. Informa tion and Reports . The Contractor will provide all i nformation and reports requied by the Regulations, or orders and instructions issued pursuant thereto, and will permit access to its books, recor ds, accounts, other sources of information, and i t s facilities as may be determined by the State or the FHWA to be pertinent to ascertain comp liance with such Regulations, orders and instructions. Where any information required of the Co ntractor is in the exclus ive possess i on of another who fails o r refuses to furni s h this information, the Contractor shall ao cert i fy to t he State, or the FHWA as appropriate, and shall set forth what •~forts have been made to obtain the i n f ormation . page 1 of 2 pages NH-AQCM-CX-CC 085-2(63) ILIFF-SOOTH, PHASE II (LUMP SUM) EXHIBIT A CONTRACT THIS CONTRACT, made this day ot _____ _ 19 ___ , by and between the State of Colorado lo!: t ne tUa and benefit of the DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, he reina f ter referred to as the State, and the CITY OF EllGLF.WOOD, SrATE OF COLORADO, hereinafter referred to as "the c ont ractor" o r "the Local Agency", WHEREAS, authority exists in the law and fund . have been budgeted, appropriated and otherwise made availabl e and a suffic~ent unencumbe?:e d hd l a~~e thereof remains avaL lable for pay:n e nt of project and Loca l .1'.gency costs in Fund ~umber 400 , O?:ganization Number 9991, Appropriation Code , Program Func tion , Obj ect Originating Unit , Project No. (00] D (Contract encumbrance amount $0 .00); and WHEREAS, required approval, clearance and coordination has been accomplished fro~ and with appropriat3 agencies; and WHEREAS, the State anticipates the construction of corridor enhancements a long Santa Fe Drive (SH 85) from Yale Av enue to Church Street, in the cities of Englewood, Littleton, a nd Sheridan, Colc -·ad o , he r einafter referred to as "the project:"; anl WHE REAS, the local Ag enc y desires to install raw and treated water pipelines at Union .~venue across the Santa Fe cooridor; and WHEREAS, the State and the Local Agency de si re to c oo perate as provided herein for a portion of the project , on Sa nt a Fe Drive at Unio , Avenue. -1- specifically described in Exhibit A, hereinatter -retarrad.to as "the work"; and WHEREAS, the State and Local Agency have estimated the total cost of the work, and the Local Agency is prepared to provide funds for the work; and WHEREAS , the purpose of this contract is to define the rEspective financial responsibilities of the parties hereto for the work; and WHEREAS, the State Transportation Commission, on January 20, 1994, gave approval for the State to enter into a contract with the Local Agency for Project No . , thereby accepting tl e Local Agency's funds for the costs of the work; and WHEREAS, the Local Agency has passed and adopted an a p propriate ordinance or resolution , a copy of which is a r.tached hereto and made a part hereof, which provides for Local Agency participation in the costs of the work , and establishes the authority under which the Local Agen c y enters into this contract; and WHEREAS, this contract is executed by the State under a utho rity of Sections 24-92-lOl, et seq., 29-1-203, 43-l-llO, 43-l-11 6, 43-2-101(4) (c) and 43-2-144, C.R.S ., as amended. NOW , THEREFORE , it is hereby agreed that: l . Th is contract establishes the general p rovi sions for and defines certain responsibilities regarding the installati on of water pipeli nes across Santa Fe Dri ve (SH8 5) at Un i on Av enue in the city of Englewood, here in after referred to as "the work" 2. Th~ State wil l provide the preliminary~ ;ineering for the work, including the preparation of c onstruction plans, specifications , a r.d estimates in accordance with the State's Roadwa y Design Manual and Standard Speci fic ations f o r Road and Bridge Construction . The State will afford -2- the Local Agency ample opportunity to review the construction plan,,, special provisions, and estimates. The State wi ll provide final assembly of construction plans, special provisions, e,timates and construction contract documents. The State will advertisP the call for bids and award the construction contract(s) to the low responsible bidder(s). 3 . 'rhe State will provide construction engineering during the constru,;:tion of the wo1:k. Said construction engineering will include field and office engineering, inspection and material testing, traffic control, and the supervision of the construction o f this projec t. The State will inform the appropri ate jurisdiction of any construction contract modifications resulting from the construction engineering. On completion of thP work, the State will schedule a final inspection of the work with the construction contxactor and the appropriate jurisdiction. Based upon that inspection, the Sta te will indicate in writing its concurrence or non-conc~rrence of the satisfactory performance of the work . Performance of the wor k in a ccordance with the plans and specifications will be deemed to be sat i sfactory. Upon satisfactory performance of t he work, the State will effect contract close out procedu res, including adv ert i sing for anu settlement of c la ims. 4. The Local Agency ~h all reimburs e the State for all dire c t costs incurred by the State in the performance of the wo rk . The Scace estimates t hat such costs will not exceed 5. S ,51,000.00 The Local Age'lcy' s cos c shall not exceed a maximum amount of S 251,000. provided that if the total c ost a ctua lly incurred b~ the State in performing the work e xceeds S 25! ,000. then the parties 'shall supplement thi s contract t o provide for the Local Age ucy to re imburs e the State for the additional cost . The State s hall prepare monthly billings of incurred direct c osts relative to the wo rk. The State 's monthly -3- billings to the Local A9ency will be based on actual coats incurred for the work perfoxmed during the previous month. Upon satisfactory performance and completion of the work, the State shall submit a final recapitulation of the work costs to the Local Agency and a final billing for the balance of the work costs due to the State from the Local Agency. Within 30 daye of receipt of each b ill from the State, the Local Agency shall remit to the State the amount billed . Interim funds, until the State is reimbursed, shall be payable from the State Highway Supplementary Fund (400). 6. The State shall maintain all books, docume nts, papers, accounting records, and other evidence pertaining to costs incurred on the project and shall make such material s available for inspection at all reasonable times during the project period and for three(3) years from the date of final payment by the Local Agency to the State. Copies of such records shall be furnished at the request of the Local Agency for the Local Agency's p(:manent records. 7. The State will provide liaison with the Local Agency through the State's Region Transportation Director, or his designee(s), Region 6, 2000 South Holly Street, Denver, Colorado 80222. Sa i d Region Transpo rtation Director or his designee will also be responsible for coordinating the Staters activities under this contract. The City Manager of Englewood, or his/her designee(s) shall be t he principal representative(s) oi the Local Agency in all matters relating to this contract . 8. This contract may not be amended except in writing by the mut ual agreement of the parties in a manner consistent with all applicable laws and regulations. No rights may be waived except by an instrument of writing signed by the parti es charged with such waiver. 9. Al l of the covenants and provisions hereof shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties, their successors and as~igns. -4- 10. This agreement shall be contingent upon all funds needed f or the project being made available from State a.nd Local Agency sources as applicable. Should either of the sources fail to provide all of the necessary funds as agreed upon hereunder for the project, this agreement may be terminated by either party with respect to the project. l\ny party terminating its interests and obligations set forth in this agreement shall not be relieved of any f i nancial obligations which exi sted prior to the affective date of such termination or which may occur as a result of such termination. l l. The term of this c~ntract shall continue through the comp l etion of the f~~:et by t~e State and receipt by the Stat e of final payment from the Local Agency. 12 . It is e x pressly understood and agreed that enforcement of t he terms and conditions of this contract, and al i rights o f action relating to such enforcement, shall be strictly re ser.ved to the Local Agency and the St~te, and nothing contained in this contract shall. give or allow any such cla i m or rigb:c of action b y any other. or tJ-.ird person on s uch contract. It is the e~press inten tion of the Local Age n cy and the State that any pe~son oth er tnan the Lo cal Ag ency o r the State receiving servic es or benefits under this contract shal l be deeme to be an incidental bene f iciary only. l3 . The laws of the State of Co lorado and ~-ules and regulations issuE'd pursuant thereto shall be appl i.ed in t he interpretation, executior , and enforc ement of this c on tract. l\ny provision of t his contract whe t her or not incorporated herein by reference which provides for arbi tration by a ny extra -judicial body or pe r son or whi ch is otherwise i n confl ict wit h said laws, rules, and regu lations shall be considered null and vo id. Nothing con tained in any p rov i sion i ncorporated her~,n by refere k1ce which pu r po rts to negate t hi s or any other speci a l provi s ion i n who l e or in part shall b P. v a l id o r -5- enforceable or available in any action at law whether by way of complaint, defense , or otherwise . 14. At all times during the performance of this contrllct, the Local Agency shall strictly adhere to all applicable federal laws, rules, and regulations that have bean or may herfiaft er established. 15 . The s i gnatories aver that they are familiar ·with §18-8-301, et seq., C.R.S. (Bribery and Corrupt Influences) and §18-8-401, et seq. (Abuse of <PU:,lic Office) and that no violation of such provisions is present . 1 6. The s ignatories aver that to their knowledge, no state employee has a ny personal of beneficial interest whatsoe .. er in the ser.vice or property described herein. 17. The Loc 1l Agency represents and ,·a rrants that i t has taken all act :,ons that are necessary or that are requ ired h y its procedures , bylaws, or applicable law, to l egally authorize the unde rs i gned signatory to execute this contract on behalf of the Local Agency and to ·bind the Loc~l Agency to its terms . -6- IN WITNESS WBEREOF, th• parties hereto have executed this contract on the day and year first above written. ATTEST: By=-~,...-,~-,------Chief Clerk ATTEST: By ---------- Title STATE OF COLORADO ROY ROMER, GOVERNOR By=---,-,~-=.,..-----,----Executive Director DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO By ------------- Ti tle __________ _ -7- Date July 18, 1994 lNil1A TED BY STAFF SOURCE axJNCil. GOAL CCXJNCL COMMUNICATION Agenda Item 12 a Utilities Department Subject Intergovernmental Agreement for the Union &: Santa Fe Waterline Crossings Dennis Stowe, Acting Director of Utilities Regional Cooperation -::ti:::ff:::: Council approval of an ordinance entering ~to an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Colorado Department of Transportation for the installation of two water mains crossing Santa Fe at Union Avenue . PREVIOUS COUNCil. ACTION None. BACKGROUND 'The next project along the Santa Fe corridor will be Union Avenue, where the Utilities Department maintains two water supply. lines that cross at that intersection. One line conveys raw water from the South Platte River via the Union Avenue Pump Station to the Allen Filter Plant and the other conveys treated water to the Centennial area . Maintenance or repair of these lines is difficult already, and the conversion of Santa Fe to roncrij<ie pavement, with additional lanes and the construction of light rail will make access to tho?.;e lines virtually impossible. The existing lines are 45 year old steel pipes that should be replaced. A. The job would be bid with the entire COOT project for the Santa Fe/Union Avenue W intersection. COOT would include the water lines replacement project when submitting the entire intersection project for bid . The City will pay a lump sum based on the agreed upon State estimates, as per the Intergovernmental Agreement. The project Is proposed to go to bid early August, 1994 with construction estimated to begin in late fall. In order to be included in the project, an agreement needs to be completed with COOT by the end of July, 1994 . The project was presented tr the Water and Sewer Board at their July meeting and the Board !"'!commends approval. STAFF ANALYSIS The installation would involve the realignment to an easement and placement of approximately 285 feet of 36'" ductile iron pipe and 285 feet of 24" ductile iron pipe each to be encased in approximately 275 feet of 48 " steel casing and 275 feet of 36" steel casing. The existing highway project would allow the pipe to be installed by open cut excavation, rather than the more expensive boring under the highway and rail lines . Englewood staff would provide the preliminary pipe design and perform inspections to assure compliance. This installation is a portion of the piping system in the area. The remaining portions of pipe from the Allen Plant to the railroad right-of-way and from the Santa Fe ,:orridor to the Union Avenue Pump Station will be replaced and realigned in the ne xt five years. Staff anticipates the next project to be the Windermere project. Staff has evaluated the COOT estimate of $251 ,256.80 for the work. The COOT estimate is below the Utilities ' estimate of $300,000 and is a good va lue for the City . - FINANOAL IMPACT Because the current highway at Santa Fe and Union does not impact the existing lines, Englewood would bear the cost of replacement . The lump sum contract amount proposed with the Hig hway De partment is $251 ,256 .80 .