HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994 Ordinance No. 040ORDINANCE NO. '-le SERJES OF 1994 BY AUTHORITY COUNCIL BILL NO. 43 INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HABENICHT AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN ARAPAHOE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BY AND THROUGH THE ARAPAHOE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER AND THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD TO CONDUCT A COORDINATED ELECTION ON NOVEMBER 8, 1994. WHEREAS, pursuant to the Uniform Election Code of 1992 , 1overnmental entities are encourag~d to cooperate and consolidate elections in order to reduce tupayer expenses; and WHEREAS, Arapahoe County and the City of Englewood have determined that it is in the best interest of the taxpayers and the electors to conduct a coordin ated election for the November 8, 1994 election; and WHEREAS, the Colorado Constitution Article X, Section 20, requires the production of a mailed notice ("TABOR"" Notice) concerning certain ballot issues that will be submitted to the electors of Arapahoe County and the City of Englewood; and WHEREAS, the TABOR notices of several jurisdictions are to be sent as a package where jurisdictions overlap; and WHEREAS, Loere should be county-wide coordination of the production and mailing of the TABOR notice package to effectW1te the p•irposes of said constitutional section; and WHEREAS. the County and the City of Englewoo d desire to set forth their respective responsibilities for the General Election and for the production and mailing of the TABOR notice package pursuant to the Intergovernmental Agreement; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED l!Y THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DIGLEWOOD, COLORADO, AS FO LLOWS : ~: The City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado hereby approves an intergo vernmen tal agreement between the Arapahoe County Board of Commissi oners, by and through the Arapahoe County Clerk and Recorder, and the City of Englewood to conduct a coordinated election November 8, 1994 . Such Agreem ent generally reads as follows: A . The November 8, 1994, election shall be conducted as a coordinated election in accordance with the Un iform Election Code of 1992 (Articles 1-13 of Title l, C.R.S .) and the TABOR amendment (Section 20 of Article X of the Co lorado Constitution ). The election participants include municipalities, special districts and school distri cts within tJ1e Arapahoe County limits and the State of Colorado . B . The November 8, 1994, election shall be conducted by the County with the use of voting machines, ball ot cards and electronic vote -c ounting equipment. C. The Arapahoe County Cle rk and Reco rder is designated as the coordinated election official and the City of Englewoo d hereby id en tifies the Englew ood City Clerk .s \:..s designated election official. -I . D. Arapahoe County shall perform the followinc Wk■ in relation to ■aid election, to wit: 1. Negotiate an agreement with Sequoia Pacific Systems Corporation for the printing of the official ballots. 2 . Provide a copy of all agreements or con tracts negotiated for TABOR notice printing, equipment and/or services to all juriadictions participating in the coordinated election . 3 . Have the ballot layout and the ten of the official ballot d ,livered to the Cicy of Eni:lewood for proofreading before authorization for the printin1 of the ballots. 4 . Certify the number of registered electors within the Arapahoe County portion of the City of Englewood on or before October 21, 1994 . 5 . Provide support on the day of the election by telephone and in penon, should the need arise, until counting of the ballots is completed. 6 . Provi de and operate the County's electronic vote-eounting equipmenL The City of Englewood wi ll be cha~d a prorated cost of$71.00 for the pre ~election preventive maintenance on the el"!ctronic vote.counting equipment. i . Provide the unofficial results of the election on election night by telephone or by facsimile transmittal and provide the City of Englewood with a copy of the abstract of vote not later than November 18, 1994. 8 . Maintain a list of actual voters from the November 8, 19!M election and following the election, upon request, generate a printed list of the persons who voted . The cost v.;U be $.005 per name. 9 . Determ ine the "le&st cost'" method for mailing the TABOR notice package. Nothi ng herei n shall preclude the County from sendin'g the TABOR notice or no tice package to porsons other than electors of the City of Englewood if such se nding arises from the County's efforts to mail the TABOR notice package at ~e "least cost". 10. In clude the City"s text, as written and in the order submitted, in accordance with the TABOR amendment requirements for the TABOR notice . 11 . Store all voted ballots for a minimum of six (6) months, and all 0th .. materials required by law to be saved for 25 months in such a manner that they may be accessed by the City of Englewood, ifnec•ssary, to resolve any challenge or other legal questions that m ight arise regar\J ing the election . 12 . Th e County sh all keep a careful and accurate ac counting of time, suppli es, costs and salaries chargeable to the City of Englewood. ,;i,e -2- City's proportional share at actual costs shall be based on County expenditures relative to the 1994 Gitneral Election, includin& a prorated share ofth, TABOR notice costs. E. The City of Englewood shall perfonn the following tasks in relation to sa.id election, ,o wit: I . Proofrud the l•yout and the text of the City of En1lewood's portion of th,-official ballots before authorizin1 the printin& of the ballots. 2. Publish all required lei:al notices for the City of Englewood ballot questions. a. Remit payment directly to the County far its prorated share of all costs relating to the printine of the City of Englewood's ballots. The current estimate of costs is $. 77 per ballot card plus $.06 for ellch additional ballot card, if cards are used. 4 . Remit payment to the County for the prorated costs of th<· pre-election preventative maintenanct• on the electTOnic voting equipment in the amount of S7l.OO . 5 . Comply with the provisions oftl-,e Unifonn Election Code of 1992 (Articles 1-13 of Title 1, C.R.S.), and the time KWdeline (s chedule as attached to the Agreemen t) as these relate to the November 8, 1994 , election in the City of Englewood, unless superseded by home-rule charter or other legal authority. The City of Englewood shall notify the County of any such exception no later than 30 days prior to the election. 6 . De liver all requests for absentee ballots to the County for processing. Such requests shall be delivered or fued daily to the Arapahoe County Clerk and R«order commencing October 3, 1994 . i . Pro,-ide a copy of the City a' Englewood's approved Ordina.,ce, certification and ballot pr oof, tc the County within no less than 55 days (September 14, 19-~4) prior tD the date of the election. 8 . Pro,ide to the County all required TABOR notices concerni ng the City of Eng'ewood's ballot issues in the manner required by the Unifonn Elect ion Cede. 9 . The City shall re solve all ch allenges relative to the ballot questions as certifi ed tD the County for the inclusion in the November 8, 1994, General El ection . 10 . Submit tD the County the City of Englewood's District & Precinct Map with a list of county precincts which correspond to each Englewood precinct. 11. Rem it pay ... ent to the County for the prorated cost of the preparation and mailing of the TABOR notice packlge. -3- 1994. 12, 13. The City avers tr.at it hag 1ufficient funds available to pay itl prorated election expenses for tht November 8, 1994, ele<.-tion. Unless otherwise aereed in writing, t he lnte'iovernmental Agreement and the interpretation thereof ■hall be governed by the law• of the State of Colorado. · 14. Should any provision of the lnte'iovernmontal Agreement be determined by a court of competent juri ■diction to be uncon1titutional or otherwise null and void, it is the intent of the pllrties hereto that the remaining provisions of the Intergovernmental Agreement ■hall be of full force and effect. 15. Noticts to be provided under this lntergovernmentel Agreement shall be civen in writing either by hand delivery, or deposited in the United States mail, certified mail, retun receipt requested, with sufficient postage, to the following persons: Arapahoe County Office of the County Attorney 5334 South Prince Street Littleton, Colorado 80166 City of Englewood Office of the City Attorney 3400 South Elati Street Englewood, Colorado 80110 16 . The Intergovernmental Agreement may not be modified, amended or otherwise altered unless mutually agreed upon in writing by the parties hereto. Introduce•.i , read in full, and passed on first reading on the 18th day of July, 1994. Publish ,d as a Bill for an Ordin ance on the 21st day of July, 1994. Read by titl e and passed on fin al reading on the 1st day of August, 1994. Published by title as Ord:nance No .1/0 Series of 1994, on the 4th day of August, ~dl;_d.rM --1.,oucrishia A. E!lis, City Cle rk I, Loe · :,ni• A Ellis, City Clerk of the City of Englewood, Colorado , hereby certify that the abo v\.. •.1.nd fo reg oing is a true cop¥~ the Ordinance passed on fin reading and published by title as Ordinance No .• :l!./Series of 1994 . . 4. AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT TO CONDUCT A COORDINATED ELECilON ON NOVEMBER 8, 1994. Th is Agreement iJ made and entered into this __ day of~ 1994, between the CITY OF ENGLEWOOD hereinafter referred to as the "City" and the Arapahoe County Board of Co mmissioners by and throui:fi the Anpahoe County Clerk and Recon!er's Office h ereinafter r,ferred to u the "County". The parties hereby qree as follows . WHEREAS, ?ursuant to the Uniform Election Code of 1992, eoverrmental entities are encourJ~ed to cooperate and consolidate elections in order to reduce taxpayer expenses; and WHEREAS , Arapahoe County and the City of Englewood have determined that it is in the be st interest of the taxpayers and the electors to conduct a eoordin ated election for the ::-:ovember 8 , 1994 election; and WHEREAS, the Colorado Constitution Article X, Section 20, require,, the production of a mail ed notice (''TABOR" No tice ) concerninr certain bal1ot issues that will be submitted to the el•cton of .Arapahoe County and the City of Englewood ; and WHERE.AS, the TABOR notices of several jurisdictions are to be sent as a package where Jurisdictions overlap; and WHERE.AS, there should be county-wide coon!ination of the production and mailing of tl,e T.-\.BOR noti ce package to effectuate the purposes of said constitutional sectio n . and \\liEREAS . the County and the City of Englewood desire to set forth their respective responsib il ities for the General Election and for the production and mailing_ of the TABOR notice package pursuant to the ~ntergvvernmental Acrttment; ::-:ow , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE Cr:'Y vF E::-:GLEWOOD, COLORADO , AS FOLLOWS: ~: The City Council of .'ie City of .,nglewood, Colorado hereby approves an intergovernmental agreement between the A ... apahoe Coun ty Board of Commissione1·s, by a.ad thr ough the Arapahoe County Clerk and R ><o n!er, and the Ci ty of Englewoo~ to conduct 3 coordinated ele ction ~ovember 8, 1994. A . The :'llovember 8, 1994, election shall be conducted as a coordinated election in accordance with the Uniform Election Code of 1992 (Articles 1-13 of Title 1, C.RS.) and th e T.-\.BOR amendment (Section 20 of Ari:fole X of the Colorado Constitution ). The electio n participants include municipalities, special districts and school dis tric ts within tbe Arapahoe County limits and the State of Colorad o. B. The Nover.,ber 8, 1994 , election shall be conducted by the County with the use of voti ng mach in es , ballo t cards and electronic vote -counting eq uipmen t. C. The Arapahoe County Clerk and Recorde r is designated as the coord in ate d election offici•I and the City of Engle wood hereby identifies t , t:nglewood City Cle rk · ·, its designated •lection offi ci al. D . · Arapaho Coun ty shall perform the following tasks in rrlation to said electi on, to wi t : -I . l. Necotiate an airreement with Sequoia Pacific Systems Corporation for the printinr of the official ballots. 2 . Provide a copy cf all .,,-eements or contracts nlCOtiati.d for TABOR notice printinr, eqwpment and/•! MrvicH to all jurisdictions participatinr _in ..he coordinated election. 3 . Have the ballot :ayout and the text of the official ballot delivered to the City of Englewood for proofreading before authorization for the printillf of the ballots . 4 . Certify th• number ofre(istered electors within the Arapahoe Cow,ty portion of the City ofEnrlewood on er before October 21, 1994 . 5 . Provide support on the day of the election by telepnone and in person, should the ne : arise, 11ntil co11ntinr of the ballots is completed. 6 . Provide and operate the Co11nty"s electronic vote-<:o11nting eqwpment. The City of Englewood will be charged a prorated cost of $71.00 for the pre-el ection preventive maintenance on the ele\.."tronic vot .. counting equipment. 7. Provide the unofficial results of the election on election night by telephone or by facsimile transmittal and provide the City of Englewood with a copy of the abstract of vote not later than November 18, 1994. 8 . Maintain a list of actual voters from the November 8, 1994 election and following the elec:Lon, upon request, generate a printed list of the persons who voted. The cost will be $.005 per name. 9 . De termine the '1east cost" rJethod for mailing the TABOR noti ce package. Nothi ng herein shall preclude the Co11nty from sending the TABOR notice or notice package to persons 0U1er than electors of the City of Englewood if such sending arises from the Co11nty 's efforts to mail t he TABOR notice package at the "least cost·. 10. Include the City's text, as written and in the order submitted, in accordance with the TABOR amendment reqwrements for the TABOR notice. 11 . Store all voted ballots for a minimum of six (6) months, and all oth er materials required by law to be saved for 25 months in such a manner that they may be accessed by the City of Englewood, if necessary, to re solve any ch allenge or other legal questions that might arise regarding the election. 12. The County shall keep a cueful and accurate accounting of tim e, supplies, costs and salaries chargeable to the City of Englewood . The City's proportional share of actual costs shall be based on County expenditures relative to the 1994 General El ection, including a prorated sh are of the TABOR notice costs . ·2. - t. The 1::ity of Enrlewood shall perform tht followi 1';; t11ka in relation t,, said electi-,n, to wit 1. Proofttad the layout and the te,rt oft.he City ofEnclew0<>d 's portion oi the official ballots before authorizing the printing of the ballots. 2 . Publish all required legal notices for the City of Englewood ballot questions . 3 . ~mit payment directly to the Councy for its prorated share of all costs relating to the printinr of the City of Englewood's ballots. The current estimate of costs is $. 77 per ballot card plus S.06 for each additional ballot card, if cards are used. 4 . Remit payment t,, the Councy for the prorated costs of the pre-,,lection preventative maintenance on the electronic voting equipment in the amount ofS7l.00. 5 . Comply with the provisions of the Uniform Election Code of 1992 (A_,.'ticl ,s 1-13 of Title l , C.~.S.), and the time guideline schedule (as attached to the A(reementl as the"" relate to the November 8, 1994, elec'ti on in the City of Englewood, unless 111perseded by home-rule charter or other lega l author.:y . The City of E'11ctewood shall notify the County of any such exception no later than J!) days prior to the election . 6 . 7. 8 . 9 . 10. 11. 12. Deliver all requests for absentee ballots to the County fo r processing. Such requests shall be delivered or faxed daily to the Arapahoe County Clerk and Recorder commencing October 3, 1994. """vide a copy of the City of Engl ewood's approved Ordinance, certification and ballot pr oof, to the County within no less than 55 da ys (September 14, 1994 ) prior to the date of the election. Pi-ovide to the County all required TABOR notices concerni nr the City of l'nglewood's ba llot issues iri th e manner required by the Un iform Eiec tion Code . f The City sh all resol ve all challenges relative to the ballot questi ons as ce rtified to the Councy for the inclusio n in the November 8, 1994, Ge ne ral El ection. S ubmit to the Councy the C ity of Englewood's District & Precinct Map \lr,i th a list of coun ~· precinc:s which co rr espond to each Englewood preci nct . Remit payment to the County fort.he prorated cost of th e pre paratic. n a n d mailing of the TAB OR notice package . Th e City avers that it ha s suffi cient fu nds availa ble to pay its prorated e lection expenses for the ~ovember 8, 1994 , election . -3 - ATTEST : 13 . Unleu otherwioe acned in writln1, the lnterronrnmtntal ~ment and the interpntation thereof shall be ll'Vtmtd by the laws of the State of Colorado. 14. Should any provilion of the lnte'll'vemm,ntal ,¼reement be determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional or otherwise null and void, it is the intent of the partiu hereto that the remEninr provisions of the Interrovemmental ,¼reement shall be of full force and effect. 15. Notices to be provided under this lnterrovemmental ,¼reement shall be (iven in writing either by band delivery, or deposited in the United States mail, certifi ed mail, return receipt requested, with sufficient poot.qe, to the followin1 persons: Arapahoe County Office of the County Attorney 5334 South Prince Street Littleton, Colorado 80166 City of En(lewood Office of the City Attorney 3400 South Elati Street Englewood, Colorado 80110 16 . The Interrovemmental ,¼reement may not be modified, amended or otherwise altered unless mutually aareed upon in writini by the partin hereto. CITY OF ENGLEWOOD Sheri Gulley, M1,yor Loucrishia A. El lis, City Clerk ATTEST : MarJorie Page, Clerk to the Board .4. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, COUNTY OF .'J!APAHOE, STATE OF COLORADO John J . Nicholl, Chairman Board of County Commissioners of Arapahoe County .e ARAPAHOE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER Marjorie Page, Clerk and Recorder IIIDLlZ ~: seen~ ~ seat• Sle<:C!ana Div!llicin Primazy llecci•, .....,._c t, UH GeDeul Slecc.icm, •-I, 1U4 (lOJ) 1'4°2'aO p::aa ■ 1 UH llt.Jcr.011 0Z.ZIIDIJl Jc. 1 Zarlie,: cl&y eo apply !or .., &l>HAtH ballot tor -che . lHt e l ocicin c:yc:le ,u,. 5 Z....t. d&y to ~~ili&tl co YOtl iA the pnciDc:t cal.lC"Ua ,2 -=~ be!ora th• pnc:ic~ cauc:".1.a) Kar . 11 llecor aat be a rHidanc ot thair "pnci:c:c 25 daya c.:, be eligible to "rDte at the precin= c:aw:ua l!l&r . 2' l.ut d&y t.o pest p:,,ei.nc: ca=& lii"9 (at lea..: 10 daya lo&!ora t:J:ie precinct caw:-..al Apr. t 7irn cl&y t.o c:...-e:uu par.;"/ petiticaa (!i:-at 1111:>aday in April) 5 . llreci.:lc: eaw:-..a d&y (!irat T\,Hd&y il1 Aprill Apr. 15 Lu~ day-!or pracinct cazm.itteapacple to aumic liat o! election jwlp• to co,mcy ~= (co la:er than 10 cl&ya ~cu pnci.nc:t C&UCIIS) •• 1.S Fi.rat &Cd lut day co llol.d c:c,,mcy uaaiblisa Cc.ct lo-■ c......, 10 daya i>or IIIDn tl>&n 30 daya a:!:u prec:i.:M:': c:a.ucu.a ) thlN llay s • = OUIDIDAnS ' DUIGBlll'IOIIS Al'lll /,~~ TO ,s P'= 1IITl! na; c:cmrn-ctDIC AIID IEC01Ulll 1ll=1f 10 =s Jv""I'i.t 1ll3 CCtlNTY ASSl!IIILY • a...iC::-...R 'WIIO SIGNS OR ~ CIIIID~ PMl'r =:-:ICIIS llOS: ~v; laR AFFII.LUIID wnH Tm: PARl'f ~ = l ~ PJUOR TO FD.DIG TBII .PETinOII Ai)r. l6 t.&ac d&y 1.0: tne co,,m.ey ctl&i:peracm to oar-..1.ty lia:s o! electic,c judges to clJe Cowicy Oorl< (1&1: T-.ieaday o! Apx i:) · !lay AA=lies:, day jud.icil.l e&:1did.:lces CL'"l file 08cla...-a.ci00 of Int.ant (not D)'re t.h&t1 , a::=ths p=ici.;; co c.he General Slecr..i.c;u.a J llay 18 Lase day the Ti:le Boa.~ may ■et titles for i.:liti~t..:.vco (1:h.ird 11'ed:cod.:y in Mo.y) ~y 26 Las: ~, !c= C=ty Cl•=l<s and c=:y c±ai:;,en=a o .f ch• c.ajor po:.i.eic.al p&rei•• ~0 £i1• • eut.--■at c.."la.:. b:-a.."lc!l resisc.rat:.cn ia n.ct needed v ith tha lo&rd o! C;u::.c:r Ca=i5~ione:s (75 days prior ~o Priaa.:y} 1•1·101 (3) 1·3·101(1) 1·3·102 (1) 1-,-,01 (3) l·t•i04 l·4•f04 (2) l·t•JOS (l) 1-,-103 Ul CO Ccaat. An:. VI, S•c. 25 1·40·106 (l) 1·2-lll (l) (&) JIiiy ll t.uc uy tor tha c:ouncy Oarlt co seD4 noel. .. ■ of a.poln=ant to t!le el ■c:ccm j\Klgu . 1-1-10, (~an TUeaday ii, ayl • ==Cl! JODG.i 'tO nI. ACG?t:11110: WIT!l ':211 calllff C:....UC W"I=ii 7 DArS A.-:&ll ~l'Oir.:11:1':' La ■t d&y co fila c:ai:Qc!aU par:y petiticma tar tlla Pri».ry ilec--...:.a: <= lacer :l:&ZI ti:■ '6:ll day prior t~ t."1.e Pr:..m.&ry ila~-ic:=J 1-,-101 (1) 1•6•C04 1-,-101 (SJ :U... s !.Lit l!ay to hold d;.at.rict acd .suta uNal,liH for t:h• P:i.:a&.-y u.;..~!CIM '"" i., • .E' c.:.i.... ,:3 Wlr• ~=•ce<iing cha Pr'..-z,o Sl■ccicml = 1S -1S a. . 20 =a 20 J,me 20 ,7"ly l ci,.....,. .:U:.y 1S .:-..l.y ~ :h:-..& ~- -:uly 1S .;"1;1y 15 - • DI STR:C":", r.,.:"; All:) KL.-:C'Dri:. CMCt!ItlA:0--!: Dm::ICJD.:z'mJ BY ASSal!BI.Y SDI.I. Fll.ll JICa=itOS ~ CUir.=lCIII 11!':'l! Tlli SE= OF S'tllTll 'lrI'lJClf 10 IIA%S A7'!'D ~.;~ 0F ':K: 1\S'$Elml.r • ca~CTIO!IS 'l'0 ~01'S A11D DESIGZIDIT.=~ SllllL U T .L :....:" ln'I'KZ?:l S ::.rs .&.rr.:a THI P'E"!':TTCA' OS llKJaf rl"t.Jt:D 1·4 •C01 (lJ 1-,-,0, 1-,-,0, (11 t.ta: ~.av cUl<ild&ta = r..=a.w !:= 'Cll■ l'ri:ury °1•6•1002(l.) ~: .. .:-.!..:.:, t.,o mcra t:l,.a.:,. S5 cla.yw before the Pri;::aryl Lan d&y :.'I·., Aaau,l:,ly Vac:az,cy Ccllllli tt ,,. can l ·4 -1002 (5 J (a.J !ill & vacmc..-y for th• Priaazy aiec-.: XI (no L&tP:.-tJ:am 5S d&yw-baton tha Pdary r:leccicml ara:c n¢.■c:acon =icH cp011 .for ~ P::iaary 1·2·2ll(11CbJ ilec:::.cu (SO d&y ■ precedi"'J tba Pr'...ma..-y llltc"'..i""'l l,&&t day fer s■=eu.ry of !r.ate to"""-actice ct l·S-202(1) :!:.e P:!.:a--y lla=:ic:: to t.b• Cc-.:ney Clerkl (at lean 50 dzya before th■ Primary Slection) :.arue·sc dzy azi ~dent ea:>didat ■ may .:irc:..late a 1-t-102 (ll (C1J pe:.i:ion ~or the c~ey. dia:.:ic-:, a·,:.e a:d 0."L c:05T9ss:ion.a.l ~!ices (p;:.o: to :.'la t~:.!l d&y l:M.!o=• t.he Vr!-=a...-y 1'lec:tic:m) :.Ct cL.-a.vi~9' :for ta&:.lot poaiti0:11 of candid.at•• l • 5 ••04 (2) \.Y o.w111u1.L uu L.!J.• Gauc~a.l a1 .... 1.~u.u. l.t.l.lu-L :c..~l r;i! inat::-u.co;ir;in for oJ.l elec:-:icm. juc!.ge• to be 1 , 107 (2) held b¥ tlle c=:, Clerka for the PriJnary llection (not a,ora t.u:: S wuka nor laaa i:han oca d&y) :...at dzy of bra:ic!l ragistratio:,. for :.'>■ Primary 1·2 -211 (lJ (l>J El•c~icn (no l~t•r :.!::.a.n. 7 P?:l 2S da.ya pn-cedini :.."le Pr:...-..a:--,1 Zlec-:iccl ta.s t . Cay cf rv.qi.•e--a:.!.cn fer cve:-aeu c:i:i:ena for Ula l ·l •lo, (2) P=:::ia:-; £lec~i= SAI.I.CT zs= r01t n:D£JUL !)nias OJlLY (2S day s. ;1rac:edi::g cha P~....iM--y Elec:t:i c::1 ) .1\aly u ,July u i...c. -.y •• ropoc.or co -.oc:e t..-1lba Priauy ■leci;i~ 12s daya betan c:.e P.-'.-ry nec:Uonl t&at, day en r~ nr vithdrav C'rra u.jor polie.laal pa.r:ey at:!l i&ti cm; ngiacaz-ed wat•iliaccd elec:on MY C:.cl&..-. a u:jor political party at t!la pell• for t:.!:le Prir.ary llec:ticc (25 day• !>Ar....., th• 111..:<:iaal 1-1-11• 1•3•2O21:1,l 1•2•2H (11 1-~·lU (1) July ·15 11&.i~ ~ votu ....tor.aatibc c:a:,1 t::, all n!Ji ■:end 1•2•llH1) lal Cllni elec:o,:a (l5 d&Y9 betc.r• tl:ie ;,riaary to 30 ~ Sept . &!:e.r) .;uly 15 A» EI.lGil!La c.J=il llll 'Yt)'l'l, .Ilf IPDSCS la TD AasDTD 1:•1·113 Cll rue:.~ AS SOOlf AS AIIS.:rff. &AU.OT'$.AU nIIITED AIID l•l•Ut (JI =:-= TO 'l1IS = c::t..lllt . &ALI.OrS SIICm.ll U AVAD.ul.i 110 U..'"D tlllll' 2t =s Plllc:IDI!la R1't c.zcnoff J\lly 1, Pi n: cay of detunid n¢nrat:.oa -alec::or will 1-2 -2021,i be regi 1tend wt DOC elig'..hle to 'fOU iD Cha Pruuy ~l ■c:1CA ilo ·= 111ay <=i)leC. a swo= &!!.:.davit tor a chAA99 1•2•21' (4) c: .run in t:.!:ls o,-,...--cy CJ.erit· • or:1ca suei,>g tllat Ila /oh• ...,,..d ric,;.:i tbo ca.=ty pr..cr to 25 days ~an t:.!:ls ll ■ctica llt day■ !>den a= ca llec::icm day) .:..ly ll l&dy YOten' pclli::; pi..c:. ab&ll be opened 24 d.ay• prec:edll:g tl:ie electica =r''""!I ~ ~UM•■ bG~• Cv=l.••• dMQged l1y c:aal•wit,,1W&.C.a,) o1\lly l5 .Lut dly ta -..--pci:lt ell• loud of C:a::vauera fc,,:: Chll Pria&zy Elect-l oa (l.S d.ayo NC'oro hiauy &1.ec:ciOII) · J\lly ·l, Lut da1 & writ••iA c:&:14id&te ca: tile. m Aftidavit o~ · Xi::ceat for tbe Pri.c:l.azy Sl.eccioa. (>10re tl:all a day■ before Cha ~ llecilcm) July JO Lut: My ,r,,r ~ C:Nnty Cl•Fk t.o g-:....,. ~t.iee cl th• P:i:oary Uoc::i.c:> (&t leut 10 day■ before tbo l:lectiac) July J O ~•= cay t.o po■t pgll.:.:lq pilca •i~• frrr th• PT"i.ma,:y Elec:ion (u leut 10 day■ before tbe Slectiac) .aaq. l Lu t day to file a:, i:,depel:lde:,t e&:>di date 11C1W1&cicm peuti cn (no leer Ch&:l l :00 Pl! t)>e TUaaday preceding . ~• Primo..ry Election') . Aug'. Lu t day to &e:1e:1d & previou.sly t iled i:ldepamiect car.:ildate co:u:u.tioc petiti on (prior to, 3 :00 Pl! t he Tue ■day p::ecadi.cg tho ~ llectiCD) • O!l=CN TO =Ol'IS = DESIGIIA":::OllS TQ Ii F= IN Wlu."'TING wrnu :,; 5 DAYS AFalt Tl!I. PJ.TITIOl'l K/.5 8~'1 PILAD iw;. I-•t c!ay to apply !or An &l:eei:tee ballot !or t.':e 1-::.:.a.....-y i:s:l ec:i ::m {Friday pracadi.::.; the El ecti etll l•l•Ul (l.) 1·1·11' 1-10-101 (1) (al 1 -t -110, 1-5-202 (21 1 -5-10~ l·t•l02 (11 (f l 1-t-'12 (1) l·t-,0! (11 1 ·8 ·103 (3 ) - - ~-5 -.Au!i. a .Au!!. • ~- .Au!i . .Aus. .Alli-10 ~-10 thru .11u,. l.9 9'. " Auq . 1, .Aug . 24 .... !i. ·24 .Aug . 25 Sept . 13 Sept . u .. ::ep~. 1, _c . 1S .:.a: d&y == ~ ....car to .... u 1zl -Omacy Clea• a o==ica fcrr tlle Priaiary ~ac:Uan (cl..., oL bwi:l:>aas the Friday prac:ading tl>a Pruia..-y nact:iml La.st day co file &:1 l.nic.!.at.!-.. peti:icm with tlle Sec::er.a:-.1 o:: Stau. ao l&tar than J :00 ,. CJ r.c:,ths loetora the Ge:·aral Uec:--icml Lu: dAy !c: jud:ic:i&l c:&ndidAtH to f.:.l• a Declua.eian at !n~ant (aoc lua than l -=:..V p::-.:.or to G«a.-al llectic:i) (ii'Olla apM 7 :00 All TO 7:00 PK) 1-,0-101. C0 Coaet. .Art v, Sec l co coaac. Art VJ:, lee: 25 1•1•104 (32) . E.c:&=-;iu:c-1 &b1en:ae b&llc: roquast1 ,mat l>e made 1·1·111 Cl) (Joi l>ef=e 5 ,oo Pl! md n=d ao l&tu-tll&Zl 7 :00 PK ~ &l:IMo:ee lo&l.!cu ab&l.l l>e 1zl cbe bamda of Clle l·l-11' Ill t:ou=.cy O.ark oo lacar c.nan 7 : oo ~ Kegi1c..--ati= Jooal<a c,pen the day &f:er l:!>e Primary 1·2·202 Ill &.:.c:-:.!.0;:; and all. ~u-~-.'1 .a..yi•n •. &&"-la.a &b&l.l. bec::ome l•2•302(f) C!■c:--i.Te u cf ca daea c.a :egia:--at.!.:a ... ac:-o"4!ly made ~--c:=cy Bo&--d of ~-:a llll&ll p:apan aU1c:i&l 1-10•102(1) Al::a::&c:-o of vou• for Che Pr'..ma..7 lla=icD c:c l&tor t;1,a.,. -.10ca uy _._ ai.. Priaa&y n...=.-1 I.ut day the ccuccy Clerk& all&ll ali-clle official 1-10-102 (ll ati.e-~ ~ ~•• to tlw J:4'cr•t1ny rd R1":.cl".A ~or P.M P:i=.a.ry llec'"..ica (10 days &fur the Prlaazy llec:ical L&s: day fer Seen~ of State to order nc:auat 1·10-lOl(lJ o! ;:~ nac:-oia, (10 day9 &f:er uie llec:icml Lan dav a candid&u or ccac&i::ee can rec;uasc a 1·10-304 :e=c ac tl:eir own up-• of tlUI Pri:oa..7 lleccica Cvi~ 1.S d&y& &!:e.r th• ~lec--ic:al I.ut day to c:o:;,laa st&tu:ory nc:cunr. af t:he Priaal:y l•lO•JOl (2) a:ec:::ica (15 days at:er cile PrimL-y Alec--ion) Sec..-eu::y of Su.ca ah&ll proceed to ca:r,,aa ■ .the TO:e& l ·lO•l.Ol (lJ of ehe P:-imar/ i l ec-...icc c1, days U::er cha necticn) La.sc day a ~da:e may vit!1drav fran the Genual. 1 ·4 -1002 (ll 3lec:i.on (:0:e t!l&: 55 daya be!on t.he il ■ction) i:...ec day tor a vaa:,cy CClllniccea -tc,-~ill a -cy i-•-100~ c,J Ca> to: the Gen•nl lllecticn (55 c!ay ■ Jo.!an, the llecticcl rir■t: da.y o -f br.:.ac:h rcgi•t:.r.:itiaa ~or tho Cccozul. 1 2 :::11 (l.) Cb ~ &l ec-:.ion ( s 0 "Y' p:ecedi.::s ~• Ga.oera.l SlectiOQ) !.a.I;: ,!ay '!or t.":• Sac:raca:y o! Se.a.ca ea ~d noc!.cac 1-5-21:)3 Cl) o:! Ge::.•ra.l .i lac:i c::o to c.."l.a cOWlty Clerxa (SO dzy• loefore :he Ce,:or3-l iloctic:J 0cc. u llc:bool ~ iAa~-for: all. •l.ecb.-~udp• i:o !M bald by Clla e-:y Clulce tor the -.n1 lllec:tiaD (110t IIOr9 thlm s ...,.. nar l••• than oua clay prior to1:be~&1--1 . i:.ut d&y of an:= Jlagiatntian !a:r ell• Gclaral Elec-cioa. (DO lacar diaD the .2S1:ll day p~ the GeJ,an.l llac-..iOll) Lut cSay of reqiac..-acian far oven ... citiaana for Clla Gena:ca.J. KleC"'..i= JIAX.t.OT us:n;i:, :rca n:>a..u. orricu OC.T 125 cl&ya prac:ad!::; tlla Geoaral. ll1ec:ti011) L&,t day to nq'...nar to ,..,ta for Clla GaDanl ~~ec:-:i= 1:15 da.ya before ell• General 11 -.:Uanl A:I EI.:C.:::St. c..C'Oll 1111% Y0'Ci :Ill ~ AT 'I'& MSIIIID& ~IIEc:::llC':' AS 500:f AS AaS6"1'Ii:i aAUDrS Alli n:arI'li1> AIID 0l!I.."VKJIIC TO n1A a:iam'T C.ZU •. ~ SIICCUI II .:\V.\.-...UW: llO I.USll '=II 24 DAYS ~IIIG Alff cu=cir cc,;. 15 Fi~ d&y of da!und :c,fiacn.tiCA • elec-.or rill be :o;iater9d bu: ~ al!galo to """" 1A tlla ~ .::.e~ioa 1•2·211 (l.) Cbl 1-2-.20, (2) l•l•ll• 1·2 •202 (11 l •l·lll (l) 1-1-114 (3) 1·2•202(&) UC'C. l."/ = lloV. • a.:ec:or may c::c;>l •c• a nor: at:1d&rtc :or a ~ 1·2·211(4) oc::.:18 Jlcv ' 4 Jrov. a! addrua iD t:. ~ ('len;• a oUic:a 8UtM!f tll&C !oe /llha -4 Yi~ Clla c:oomcy prior to tba 25tll dq loe:on Clla ~-124 day,, -on ...i cm .i--u-lla:rl !&:ly ••oun• pol.~i:lg placa abal.l lie -for the Oeuoul lll.ecti<m (24 dap IM>!0X' tlla Ue«i-l .... : day :o ~= lloard of c:azrvusara for tlla Ce.a.ral. Sl.rct.ioa (~e ~~ U clayu -,_.. tl:ae ale•tioaJ I.out day !or .:ice-ill cacdid&te to f i le At:fid&Yit of XotaDt ~o:r ~ a.a.ral Sl•~iaa (1110n = I days l>afor■ tl'.a Gei:iual llec:ticm) Lutt: day for CD\::"f Cl&rks to giva notice of thJ Gene.n.J. nec:--..i= (at leut 10 d&ya lla!o::e the iilecucml Lut day to pc,,: polling aig:,a tor the Galleral Uec:ticc (at leut 10 daye bet:oni cha lllac:tianl Lan day to a.:;:ly for ..., abaantae b&llot for th• Generu lilec:-:ic:, (Friday preceding u.e lleci:ian) Lan: day t:or &bsei:.tN/a&rly vote• to Tgt• in the Cc:unt;y Clerk• a C:!i ee for the General &lec:-:icm • (t.'lo Friday proc:edini the General ilac:tia>I (Poll.a op"" 7 :00 .IK TO 7 :00 PK) llav . E..:ie:"9eAc;y &b ■e :tee DallQt r e quest• =:.at be ma.de pri er to 5 : oo P?:! az:.c: re :,;n:ed no later tl1an 7 : 00 Pl! on General El e~i c::c. da.y 1-1·11' 1•10•10:. (ll (al 1-4-1102 1-s-::ios (11 1 -s-10, 1 -8 -103 (J) 1 -1-11, l·l•lOH17) 1·1 ·118 (_1) (b) -! - IIO'r. I ...... 11 ..... 11 llav. 24 Bev. 21 Dec . Dec. a All aloaanca ll&llac■ ldsall i. iA tlle II.Inda ot tlMI c:ouney Clarx DO lacer tllaA 7:00 111(_ Co1.1:lty aoarc! ot QavaQMr■ &hall pr■pan 01!!ic:ial a!>st::ac:: ot votH !or tha Genaral. nac:1:ioa (10 d&ys at:ar cbe llac:t:ioa) L.ut d&y ::ha Couaty Clarita llhal.l .ul:i:nit Cha O:fic:ial a!)et:ac:: ot YOtH to tha Sec::.ca:y 0: Stace :or ::ha Gene,:al ilec:tion (lO days &fear t!>a llacticml S.c:ecuy ot St&ce 1h&ll proceed to canvu, tl-.a -.eta ■ ct t!>a G<maral nac:::i.011 (l& d&ya aftu ::ha IUac:tica) t.u: day for Secncary of State co order a nc:owot ct t!>a G&earal Slac::icm (.20 days U::er tile 11•"1:ical LA•t. day a candidate or ccmm.tt•• c:a:i nq1Mat a ::.cawit at t!>air cwn _,,.. or ::ha Gciff&l ilactioa (vi:.u:i 30 d&ya attar !:be Ganaral IUeC'".ica) ta.a,: c:.ay co cc:zip1ec ■ a ■:.a'C\11:ozy recoun~ ~ Che Gal>an.l ilec:tioa (30 days attar tha JJ.ac:ticm) .. u,s - 1-10-102 (1) 1-10-102 (1) 1•10-103 1-10-101 (1) 1·10·301 (Z) .JaD. l ~ .J .... _ 10 I.Mt day ~.he C..'""lmty Clari... cu, u.il c:c11tim.lacioa c:uda 1•2•2H (,J (al to iD.&C1:i._ -.o"ra vbo f&ilod 1:0 ,w,t,c ia cb.c: C~ Electicn .Illar .. I.an clay ~= tluo C:CU,,ty Clerk Co • ~ ........ 111, • li ■c cd 1-.2-::u. l 71 alac:ton -.h.oA -• ftn r-■IC>ftd (i:a=celledl tram ::ha ngi ■t=aticn book to th• ~ ajor political p&Ztiu (!.20 days a.!t.ar the c:..m..r.i1.l ffl1111r.T:icn) ··••·•····················· .. ······························•·':'J' ...................... . ~iu:cm BlfPB!I M:r rnnr;s 1. CIVI:AT. == ·1au.-Z) lNa 10 d&yc after am,c,mCElmlt Purauant to C.R.S . 1•45-105 (l) .2 . Cl:&:DI:lATE PEIL~O!lll PIIWIC:tAL l>:t.SO.OSCU S'Uramrr /Fl>•l} l>ue wi~ 10 cay• ,;: fil!ng candidate artidavit. State-wii!e and. aut.e diat:iet ofticea cmly -C .R.S. 1-45·10SU) 3 . C011KITTD Slln:>G:lff a, CIIGAJlllllllllll /i:2.l J} l>u ■ lS aya after bank account !a opened er initial ccntrillutioa made ·c .JLS . 1 ·45·106'1) 4 . Slll'Z2<ZST OJP COll'!ll.DftlTICDIS Allll JCDJ:llt)~S /Cl.II 4 / R.epor:.• a.re du• 11 d&ya betora and 30 days aft.er ••c:n elac:icm c.n .£. 1 45 100 pu; da~ss tor Aucn;:rt , Primarr lJ!c:vnPer I c;,o, .... ,, ar'l.i.. .;,.,J.y >9 se;:t . a 0<:1:. :lQ Dec . a aeporeillo ; p•riod CO"Y'Cra Rapor:in l period c:cvers Reporting-period c:cvers a.,,ort.ing p · :-ic:id t:n-naT"• .1.m . 1 diru. J\aly .Zt July 25 thru Sept . 3 Sept . 4 thru Oct. 23 nr.t . '" t:hru %lee . l TOTAL P . 07