HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994 Ordinance No. 043ORDINANCE NO . 'b. SERIES OF 1994 BY AUTHORITY COUNCIL BILL NO. 46 INTRODUCED BY C:>UNCIL MEMBER BURNS AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT BETWE E N THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO AND THE CITY OF SHERIDAN, COLORADO WITH RESPECT TO THE FINANCING OF MEDIAN LIGHTING E NHANCEMENTS ALONG THE SOUTH SANTA FE CORRIDOR. WHEREAS, the Tri-City P lanning Group was formed in 1991 by the cities of Englewoo d, Littlet.on and Sheridan to establish criteria for improvement• along the South S a nta Fe Corridor; and WHEREAS, the Col orado De partment of Transportation provided an initial cost estimate for each city'& assessable improvements · and WHEREAS , the City of Sheridan h •s asked the City of Englewood for financial a ssistanc e in ord er to fund the Ci ty of Sh eridan 's portion which was estimated by CDOT at $80,000.00; ar.d WHEREAS, the cost sharing arrangement has been negotiated and may become void whereby th e fu ll co sts of Sheridan's lighting will be home by Englewood and LitCeton ; 1'OW, T H ERE FORE, BE IT ORDAINED HY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENG LEWOOD, COLORADO, AS FOLLOWS: 5.e.c1inn..L Th e intergovernmental agreement with respect to the financing of median ligh ting enhancem en ts a :ong the South Santa Fe Corridor attached hereto as "E~hibit A" is h ereby acce pted and ap~ roved by the Englewood City Council. The Mayor is authorized to execu t e and th e City Cle rk t., attest and seal th e Agreement for and on behalf of the City of Engle wood , Colo r ado. 1994. In trod uced, r ead in full , and passed on fir st reading on the l~th day of July , 1994 . P ublish ed a s a Bill for an Ordinanc e on th e 21st day of July, 1994 . Read by t itl e and pa ssed on fi n al reading on the 1st day of August , 1994. P ublis h ed by t itl e a s Ordinance No. 'B., Series of 1994 , on AT T Et : ~~d. FA - Loucri sh ia A. Ell is, City Cl e rk .J . I, Loucri shia A. Ellis, City Clerk of the City orEnelewood, Colorado, hereby c,rtify that the above and foregoing i1 a true co~'(,pf the Oi-dinance pa ned on final rudin& and publi shed by title H Ordinanee No . 't':l , Serie• or 1994. /' /~~-,(;~ ~ Loucri1hia A. Elli• -2- EXHIBIT A INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT THIS AGRE::IIIENT is made th is -1.Q!J!.day of A,C~Si , 1993, by and amen, the CITY OF SHERIDAN and the CITY OF ENGLEWOOD municipal corpora- ticn s of the Srate of Colorado. WHEREAS . tne parties have been wcrkir g t ogether to create v isu al unitY in th e South Santa Fe Drive corridor and nave adopted design standards and plans fer :ne recons:ru c:ion of the South Santa Fe Drive (U .S. 851 area through the Tri- c ;l"/ Planning Grouo and the Co lorado Department of Transportation and; WHEREA S. a portion of the proposed highway lighting improvements, lcca:ec: in the CitY of She ridan fro~ U.S.285 south to Stanford Avenue. pro vid es a ;arew ay into both the cities of Sheridan and Eng lewood and reoresents a direc: re f!ec:ion of the charac:er of both communities, and WHE;iEAS. the Tri-CitY Planning Group has agreed to participate in the cos :s assoc :at eC with urban des ign •nhancements throughout the corr id or with tne Co loraCo Depar.m en t of Trans;:ortation and ; NO W , THERE?'ORE, in ccnsic:erat ion of the co v enants and premises contain ed he rein, the sufficiency of w hich is acknowledged by the parties, the par.:1es a~ree as follows: 1 . The Cil"/ of Englewood has agreed to help finance the cos.s of med ian li ghting enha nce ments fer the portion of the roadway located in tne citY limits of Sher idan. Total lighting enhanceme nts in the corridor from U.S . ~85 to Stanford Avenue are es:imated to be $80,000 . 2. The Citv of Sheridan currently has the financial resources to cover install arions ur t o the firs: $20,000 billed . The balance of these cos t s ($60 ,0001 will be f inanceo by the CitY of Englewood at nr,-interest to the CitY of Sheridan fo r a perioC: of 5 years. effective upon the da t e of the first payment. 3 . 'Said pa yments w ill be on an insta ll ation/billing bas is throughout the pro - je c:. but will not ex ceec the City of Sher ida n 's budgeted amo,,m of $12 ,000.00 pe r ca le nd ar year. 4. The City o f Sheridan will de signate funds appropri~~•IY in its CitY budget fo r rep2 y m e nt of ~a rd financ ing to th e City of Eng lewood . ' '· .. _ Pago Two lntergovommental Agro1m1nt So uth Santa Fe Drive Improvements 5 . Expe nditures greater than the amount agreed to In this contract shall not be made unless an amendment to this contract is first executed by the parties witn me same !ormalitles II were und1rtakan in th• adoption ot this contract. EXECUTED this ..!.!!!!.day o! AUGUST , 1993. Qee Heat,.,, ·city Clerk ~~~COLORADO Dale Patton. Mayor '- APPROVED AS TO FORM : Ciry Ar.omey CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO Pa tri cia Crow. Ciry Clerk m AS T C FOl'IM : , ~09, Ciry Ar.omey