HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995 Ordinance No. 007• • • CROfllAl,,CE NO . .2_ SERIES OF 1995 BY AUTHORITY COUNCIL BILL NO . 7 INTRODUCED BY COL.Nell MEMBER HABENICHT AN ORDINANCE CONFIRMING THAT TITLE 1, CHAf>TER 5, SECTION 1, OF THE ENGLEWOOD MUNICIPAL COOE 1985, IS UNCHANGED RELATING TO COUNCIL DISTRICTS WITHIN THE CITY OF ENGl£WOOD , COLORADO. WHEREAS, pursuanl lo Article Ill, Secllon 20, of the Englewood Home Rule Charter, the four Council Districts established shall be cont iguous and compact and have approx imately the same number of reg istered voters and every four years r.r,oncil shall make such div isions, changes and consolidations necessary to carrr out the intent of Article Ill ol the Home Rule Charter; and WHEREAS, current districting nieets the registered elector criteria as , calculated highest to lowest, there Is a 13.55% differential ; and WHEREAS, pursuant to popu lation requirements established by Colorado Revised .,IaIutes, Constitution of Colorado Artlcla V, Section 46, and case law , the current districting rneets th e population criteria as closely as circumstances will permit (District I is .87% over the maximum and Dis trict IV is .44% unde r the minimum); and WHEREAS, the Election Comm ission of the City of Englewood recommends that no change be made lo the Dislrict boundaries as th e current districting , sub5tantialiy, meet s both the popula tio n and registered elector crileria; and WHEREAS , the Englewood City Council hereby confirms that Title 1, Chapter 5 , Section 1, of the Englewood Municipal Code 1985 shall remain unchanged; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD , COLORADO. AS FOLLOWS : ~-The City Council of the City ol Englewood , Colorado hereby affirms that Title 1, Chapte r 5, Section 1, Englewood Munic ipal Code 1985, is her eby confi rmed to remain the same as loliows : 1-5-1: COUNCIL DISTRICTS: A. Districts Described. Each district is located in the State of Coloraco and the County of Arapahoe . Co,,nc il District No . 1: Council Distr ict No. 1 sha ll incllld& and be comprised of all that portion of th e City lying nc-rtherly ol the following described line : Beginning at th€ inter section of the cent er line of West Hampden Avenue and the westerly City limit line of Englewood; thence easterly along sa id center line of West Ham pden Avenue to the Intersection at South Broadway ; thence northerly along the cent er line ol South Broadway to the intersectio n at East Floyd Avenue ; th ence ea sterly along the center line of East Floyd Avenue to th e int ersection at South Gilpin Street; thence nonherly along the center line ol Council District ~:.:. 2: Council District No. 3: South GIipin Street to its Intersection with the northerly City limit line . Council District No. 2 shall Include and be comprised of all that portion of the City bounded by the following de scribed line : Beginning at the intersection of the centerline of Little Dry Creek and the easterly City limit line of Englewood ; thence northwesterly along said cen ter line to the intersection at East Kenyon Avenue ; thence westerly along th e center line of East Kenyon Avenu e to the intersection at South Broadway; thence southerly along the cent er line of South Broadway lo the intersection at West Lehigh Avenue; thence westerly along the centerline of West Lehigh Avenue to the intersection with the westerly City limit line of Englewood; thence northeasterly along said westerly City limit line to Its intersection with the center li ne at West Hampden Avenue ; thence easterly along said center line of West Hampden Avenue to the intersection at South Broadway ; the nce · nMherly along the cent er line of South Broadway to the inte rs ection at East Floyd Avenue ; thence easterly along the center line of East Floyd Avenue to the intersection of South Gilpin Street ; thence northerly along the ce nter line of South Gilpin Street to its intersection with the northerly City limit line ; thence easterly , souther ly , and wes terly along sa id City limit lin e to th e intersection with the center li ne of Little Dry Creek , sa id point also be in9 the point of beginning . Council District No . 3 shall include and be comprised of all that portion of the Cit y bounded by the following described line : Beginning at the intersection of the cen ter line of Little Dry Creek and the easterly City limit line of Englewood : thence northwesterly along said ce nter line to the intersection at East Kenyon Avenue ; thijnce we sterly along the center line of East Keny on Avenue to the intersection at South Broadway ; thence south erly along the ce nter line of South Broadway to the intersection al West Lehigh Av enue; the nr;e westerly along the center line of Wes t Lehigh Avenue to the intersection with the westerly City limit line of Englewood , thence soulhwesteriy· along said westerly City limit line to its intersection with the cente r li ne at West Oxford Avenue; thence easterly along said center line of West Oxford Av en ue to the intersection al South Delaware Street ; the nce southerly along the center line of South Delaware Stre et to the intersection at West Stanford Avenue ; th en ce east erly along the center line of West Stanford Ave nue to the intersection at South Broadway ; thenc e southerly along the center line of South Broadway to the intersection at Ea st Bell eview Avenue ; thence easterly along the center lin e of Ea st Bellev iew Avenue to its inters ection with the so utherly Cit y limit line ; thence easterly and northerly along said City limit line to th e intersection with the center line of Lillie Dry Creek , said point also being the point of beg inning . 2 • • • \ • • • Co~nc il Dlstri•~t No . 4: Council Dist ri ct No . 4 shall include and be comprised of all thnt portion of the City lying southerly and westerly of the follow ing descr ibed line : Beg inn ing at th e intersection of the center line of West Oxford Avenue and the westerly City li mit line of Englewood; thence easterly along said center line of West Oxford Avenue to the intersection at South De laware Stre e1; lh ence southerly along the center line of South Delaware Stre et to the Inters ect ion at West Stanford Avenue : the nce easte rly along the cen te r line of West Stanford Avenue to th e intersection at South Broadway ; thence south erly along the center line of South Broadway t(l the in tersection at East Bellev iew Av en ue : the nc e easte rly along the cent erline of Eas t Bellevi ew Av en ue to Its inters ecti on with the southerl y City limit line. r' B. Equ iva lent Size. The City Council finds, deter mines and decla res that the four (4) distric ts, as hereinabove established , conta in an approximately si milar number of ,egiste,e e ,eI e,s CITIZENS as 'determin ed by the nijmee r ef reg is te ree ,eters at the last general J'4ijn iei pal eleetien ans thal 1990 CENSUS FI GURES (DIS TRICT I IS .87% OVER THE MAXIMUM AND DISTRICT IV IS .44 % UNDER THE MINIMUM). THE DISTRICTS CONTAIN A SIM ILAR NUMBER OF REGISTERED VOTERS AS DETERMINED BY TH E NUM BER OF REGISTERE D VOTERS AT THE LAST GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION AND the Variance Between the DISTRICT WITH TH F. HIGHEST number of REGISTERED VOTER S AND THE DISTRICT WITH THE LOWEST NUMBER OF REGISTERED VOTERS-saie .,eters in an y twe (2) eist,iet s is not in excess of fii ~een percent (15 %). C. Annexa tions . All territory ann exed to lh e Ci ty shal l be and beco mes a pa rt of the Council district to wh ich the said dist rict is contig uou s, until suc h time as lh e Council sha ll redistrict th e City. (Ord . 6, Series 1993 ) Introdu ced , read in full , and passed on first readin g on th e 27th day of February , 1995 . Pub lishe d as a Bill for an Ord inan ce on thE , 2nd day of March , 1995. Read by titl e and passed on final reading 0 ~ lhe 20th day of Ma rch , 1995 . Publ ished by title as Ordinance No . .1_, Series of 1995 . on the 23rd da y ol March, 1995. , I A :~d(fl oucrishiaA.Bis: City Cl erk I, Lo ucri shia A. Ellis , City Clerk of the City of Englewood , Colorado , hereby ce rtify l~at the above and forego ing is a true_ry of the Ordinance pa sse n fi~a l reading and pub li shed by titl e as Ordinan ce No. , Series of 1995 . ~~~· tf'. ~ Loucrishia A. Ellis 3 • • • Data February 27, 1995 INITIATED BY Election Commission COUNCIL COMMUNICATION Agenda Item 10 a-1 Subject Reapportionment of City Council Districts STAFF SOURCE Louaishia A Ellis, City Cleril/Election Commission Member COUNCIL GOAL AND PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION Resolution No . 20, Series of 1991, was adopted by City Council on February 19, 1991 . This resolution officially postponed Council reapportionment until 1990 census data was available and redistricting by State and County was comple te . Ordinance No . 6, Series of 1993 was adopted by Coundl on February 1, 1993 which established the current District boundaries . RECOMMENDED ACTION The Englewood Charter requires that population and number of registered voters be reviewed every four years in an effort to equalize each of Englewood's Council Districts. Addressing redistricting in 1995 puts redistricting back on schedule per Charter. TI1e Colorado Revised Statutes has a population provision that case law supports, even though the provision is not made specifically applicable to municipalities. The guidelines stipulate that population should not vary in each district more that 5% from the total population divided by the number of districts. ,ne Englewood Charter requires that the number of registered voters should vary no more than 15% between thd highest and lowest Council District . The Election Commission is c/;arged with reviewing and recommending r1:1apportionment to City Council. The Charter require:; that reapportionment be in place six months prior to the November 7, 1995 Gener ·JI Municipal Election . The Election Commission recommends that no change be made to the District bo\.lndaries as the current districti ng meets both the population and registered elector criteria as closely as circumstancds will permit. The City Attorney's office concurs . BACKGROUND, ANALYSIS, AND ALT. ERNA TIVES IDENTIFIED POPUI..A TIQfi Bj;gllTERED liL,EI.TORI {Based on 11190 Census -(Baled on Ar..,.i-County Figures for 29,3117) November a, 11114 Election) 21,317 + 4 • 7,347 TOTAL NUMBER OF REGISTERED 7,34711 THE IDEAL ELECTORS: 11,531 POPULATION FIGURF. VARIANCE c,J.CULATED DIFFERENCE BETWEEN FROM HIGHEST TD LOWEST DISTRICT: ~ IDEAL 1UI% DISTRICT I 7771 ♦ 1.17% 4124 II 7.311 + 0.41% 4121 Ill 7.211 -G.10% 4,30I IV IM7 -U4% 4113 Population -District I is .87% over maximum (approximately 64 voters) "';strict IV is .44% under minimum (approximately 33 voters) The only way to modify the District lines to meet the population criteria exactly would be to split a County precinct line between City Districts whjch will prove to be detrimental to both the City and County . • Registered Electors -meets the criteria. FINANCIAL IMPACT The re is no financial impact foreseen as a resu lt of this recommondation. UST OF ATTACHMENTS Memorandum dated February 14 , 1995 from Community Development Planning Administrator St itt . • • • A • • • M™ORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Lou Ellis , City Clerk, Harold J. Stin, Planning Administrat~ February 14, 1995 1995 Redistricting I have completed my review of the population counts of each of the City's twelve election precincts based on the final 1990 Census information. W nen compared with the information that you provided me for the I 993 redistricting there are some discrepancies . It is my understanding that these differences may be due to the County redistricting that took place several years ago . In any event, I feel comfortable recommending that the current precinct and district boundaries not be changed even though the lener of the law may not be met in tenns of the five percent variance from the ideal district size . I recommend not changing district boundaries for the foUowing reasons : I. The number of persons needed to balance Districts I and IV are so small ,64 and 33 persons respectively, and the precinct size so comparatively large, that simply shifting precincts from one district to another woul d likely result in an imbalance in the other districts . 2. The districts could be brought into conformance if the precincts were split ratr.er than shifted. This, however, creates the potential for confusion for the voters if they are required vote at more than one location when County and City issues are on the ballot . In conclusion, I belie•:e that a strong case can be made that the current precinct and district boundaries meet the spirit of the law and changing the districts creates no real benefit and may, in fact , complicate the voting procedure for many citizens . Attached to this memorandum is a summary of the precinct and district population counts including an analysis of the variance of each of the districts from the five percent threshold . Diltric:t I n m IV Citv Total City of En&Iewood Election Precincts County Pltclncts 101 104, 105, 109 106, 107, 110 108, 114 111 , 113,401 112 115, 117 402,403 407,408 116, 118, 121 122, 123 ,411 120, 124 City Preciact District Variance rrom Precincts Po ulatloa Po nlatloa Ideal District • ·-I 1,290 ! 2 3,367 3 3,121 7 778 +-0.87% 4 2,7 :" t 5 338 5 6 1,242 7 381 0 .0% 7 2,377 8 2,505 9 2,399 7,281 0 .0% 10 2,876 11 2,214 12 1,857 6 947 -0.44% 29387 • The Ideal District population is defined as that number derived by dividing the total City population by the number of election districts. Each district may vary no more that +/-5% from • the ideal . Based on the 1990 population of29,387, the ideal district would be 7,347 ar.d the 5% variance would result in a district range of no less than 6,980 persons nor more than 7,714 pen;ons per district. • •