HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995 Ordinance No. 018• • ORDINANCE NO./j_ SERIES OF 1995 BY AUTHORITY COUNCIL BILL NO. 18 INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL '.,!EMBER WIGGINS AN ORDINANCE CREATING CONCRETE REPLACEMENT DISTRICT NO. 1995, IN THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO; THE REMOVAL AND REPLAC EMENT OF SUB-SfANDARD CURB, GUTI'ER, AND SIDEWALK, TOGETHER WITH NE(;ESSARY INCIDENTALS; AND SE'ITING FORTH OTHER DETAILS IN CONNECTION WITH THE DISTRICT. WHEREAS, the City Council of Englewood , Colorado pursuant to the Charter, Chapter 2 of Title 11 of the Municipal Code of the City, and the laws of the St.ate of Colorado, hereby find., and determines that there exists a necessity for the creation of Concrete Replacement Distrk Ko . 1995 (the ""District"'), and the construction and inst.n IAtion of curb, gutter, and sidewn":k , together with necessary ;ntident.als, within the District, J W1iEREAS, notice of a public hearing concerning the cr~ation of the District and the remo\~al and replacement or new constructi on of the improv1ments therein was published once a week for three consecutive weeks in the Englewood N,, rald, a newspaper of general circulation in the City, and in addition, notice was mailed, postage prepaid, to each known owner of real property within the proposed District; and WHEREAS, at the time and place set forth in the notice, the City Council met in open session for the purpose of hearing any comments, objections, or protests that might be made for or against the District or the improvements to be removed, replaced, or constructed; and WHEREAS , all comments, objections, and protests having been duly heard and considered, the City Council has determined to proceed with the creation of the District and the removal and re,placement of the improvenents as described in Resolution No . 37 , Series of 1995 , passed and adopted by the Citv Council en April 17 , 19;;,- NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY 1'HE CITY COli NCIL OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, AS FOLLOWS: ~ C:ceatinn g(thf: Qialrjct That a special improvement district for the removal and replactment or new construction of the improvements hereinafter described, is hereby created and establ ... ;,..i in accordanci with the City Charter, Chapter 2 of Title 11 of the Municipal Code of tl,e City, and the laws of the State of Colorado, and shall be known ai:.d designated as "Con crete Replacement District No. 1995". All proceedings, heretofore ';aken and adopted in connection with the District are hereby ratified, approved, and confirmed. ~-Eori oes:rinr Plans and SPCdficntion!I, That the engineer's reports, together with the preliminary details, specifications, estimates of cost, maps, and sohedules attached or appended to said reports, are hereby approved and adopted . 10 b ii ~-PiG::kt Hmmdenr, The Di strict shall be located within th e corporate limits of ·• the City and shall be comprised of oil of the real property a(ijacent to which the curb, gutter, and sidewalk do not meet City standards , which r eal property may be assessed with the cost of the im pr ovements. A list con taining the addresses of said r eal property is attached hereto as "Exhi bi t A". The District shall also include a lim ited number of properties within the City for which property owners have volunt.ari ly co nsented to inclusion into the District pursuant to the City's voluntary concrete replacement program . The City Co uncil shall consider a bill fo r .an ordinance lo include said prop erties into the Di stri ct on May 15 , 1995. Ses:tilm,J.. Pffln:jptjgngflmpmyePl'Dts The improve ments to be re mov ed, re placed, or constructed within the proposed district include 4 inch and 6 inch concrete curb, gutter, and sidewalk wh ere said infrastructure does not meet City standards, toget her with necessary inci de nt al s . Property owner, within the District shall be allowed to privately provide for the removal and repl acement or new co nstruction of said improve ments at their own expense prior to the remo val and replacement or new constructio n of said imp ro vements in and for the District; provided howeve r, a construction permi t issued by the City mus t be obtained by said property owne r, no t later than 5:00 o'clock p.m. on Friday, July 21, 1995. Any property owner, wanting to privately provid e fo r the removal and replacement or co nstruction of the improvements should contact the office of the Di recto r of Public Works for further i nformation. ~-~ymentp Anthnriznl The ·removal and repl acement or new construction of the im prowments described above in and for the District, and as shown by the ~Jans, specificatio n,, and maps approved and adopted by the City Council, is hereby authorized and orde red, the material to be us ed in the removal and replacemen t or new co nstruction of said improvements to be in accordan ce with such plan s, speci fica tions, and maps. ~-AS'll'9JllfJU !(Coots. The probable total cost of the im provem ents to be removed, replaced, or constructed within the District is $677 ,000 ; it is proposed that the City of Englewood will pay approxi ma tely $325,000 of said total cost . The balance of the total co st wh ich is not paid by the City of Eng lewood will be assessed against th e real property located witbjn the District and s pecially ben efited by r emoval and replacement or n ew construction of the improvements. The a pproximate amounts to be assessed against said properties on a fro nt foot , linear foot , or square foot basis shall be as more particularly set forth in Resolution No .37 , Seri es of 1995 ; said unit costs are incorporated he,-e in by specific reference. ~-Pavmeot pf Asae,,rneots The assessments will be due and payable without deman d within a period of thirty (30 ) day s as se t forth in the assessment onlinance; pr9vided howeve r , that any property owner who shall pay th e full assessment within said period of thirty days shall be al lowed an allowance of five percent (5%). In t he event any owner of real property sh all fai l to pay the whol e of s uch assessmen t again st his or her property within said period of time, t hen th e whole cost of th e improvements so assessed against s uch property shall be forward ed to Arapah oe Co unty for co ll ectio n. Th e co ll ection by Arapahoe County shall be due January 1, 1997 with th e 1996 prop erty taxes. Th e interest to be pai d on unpaid and deferred assessments will be at a r t\e establi shed by an or dinance to be adopted by the City Co un cil at a later date . ~-Dcm::11t.,,. The City Co un cil hereby finds and determines that the improvements proposed to be removed and replac ed or constructed will confer a special ben efit upon the real property within the District and a general benefit upon th e City as a whole. -2- • • • • ~-ScnmphJHty If any one or more sections or parta of this Ordinance •hall be adjudged unenforceable or invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair or invalidate tbe remaining provision s of this Ordinance, it being the intention that the various provisions hereof ure severnble . ~ Jla:ala:c. AH ordinances, or parts thereof, inco nsisten t or in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed tAJ the exte nt only of such inconsistency or conflict. ~-PHb!k:etion sod Effrdb,;Dptr; This Ordinance , aft.er its fins! passage, shall be numbered and recorded, and the adoption and publication shall be autheuticated by the si gnature of the Mayor and the City Clerk, and by the Certificate of Publication. At or about the time of publication of this Ordinance, a copy of this Ordinance shall be ~ TOvided lAJ the co unty assessor and the county treasurer of Arapahoe County and tAJ the Division of Local Government in the Department of Local Affairs of the State of Colorado. Thia Ordinance shall be,ome effective thirty (3 0) days after publication following final passage. Introduced, read in full , and passed on first ro,dinf!! on the 15th day of May, 1995. Publi shed as a Bill for an Ordinance on the 18th day of May , 1995. A Public was he ld on the 15th day of May, 1995. Read by title and passed on final reading on the 5th day of June, 1995. Published by title as Cudinance No . /(, Series of 1995 , on the 8th d,y of June, 1995. ~ '{lf,1K Loucrishia A. Ellis, City Clerk I, Loucrishia A. Ellis, City Clerk of the City of Englewood, Colorado, hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true copy of the Ordinance passed on final r eading and publish•d by title as Ordinance No . JL, Series of 1995. C2.t~!lfll Loucrishia A. Ellis -3- 11 APR 95 EXHIBIT A Page 1 of3 (Revised) Concrete Dl stri~t 1995 (proposed) -Address Li st • 2718 S ACOMA ST '4639 S AC OMA ST 3169 W CHENANGO AVE 2726 S ACOMA ST 1111 EAMHERSTAVE 32 05 W CHENANGO AVE 2731 S AC OMA ST 125 W AMHERST AVE 3225 W CHENANGO AVE 2734 S ACOMA ST 2737 S BANNOCK ST 3275 W CHENANGO AVE 2735 S AC OMA ST 2742 S BANNOCK ST 3384 W CHENANGO AVE 2743 S ACOMA ST 2749 S BANNOC,< ST 2751 S CHEROKEE ST 2775 S ACOMA ST 2760 S BANNOCK ST 29 87 S CHEROKEE ST 2785 S ACO MA ST 2774 S BANNOCK ST 2996 S CHEROKEE ST 2795 S ACOMA ST 2788 S BANNOC K ST 3143 S CH EROKEE ST 2798 S ACOMA ST 2901 S BANNOCK ST 3171 S CHEROKEE ST 2800 S ACOMA ST 3009 S BANNOCK ST 3175 S CHEROKEE ST 2801 S ACO MA ST 3088 S BANNOCK ST 3290 S CHEROKEE ST 2814 S ACOMA ST 3111 S BANNOCK ST 4136 S CHEROKEE ST 2847 S ACOMA ST 3150 S BANNOCK ST 4150 S CHEROKEE ST 2865 S ACOMA ST 3174 S BANNOCK ST 4161 S CHEROKEE ST 2881 S ACO MA ST 3207 S BANNOCK ST 4201 f: CHEROKEE ST 2888 S ACOMA ST 3212 S BANNOCK ST 4217 S CHEROKEE ST • 3000 S A COMA ST 3215 S BANNOCK ST 4221 S CHEROKEE ST 3009 S ACOMA ST 3230 S BANNOCK ST 3243 S ':LARKSON c T 3040 S ACOMA ST 3241 S BANNOCK ST 1310 E CORNELL AVE 3045 S ACOMA ST 3246 S BANNOCK ST 1313 E CORNELL AVE 3046 S ACOMA ST 3252 :: BANNOCK ST 1401 E CORNELL AVE 3087 S ACOMA ST 3265 S BANNOCK ST 1411 ECORNELL AVE 3114SACOMAST 3271 S BANNOCK ST 1421 E CORNELL AVE 31 15S ACOMAST 3290 S BANNOC K ST 400 W CORNELL A VE 3142 S ACOMA ST 4235 S BANNOCK ST 3000 S CORNELL CIR 3201 S ACOMA ST 4236 S BANNOCK ST 30 04 I i CORNELL CIR 3231 S ACO MA ST 4260 S BANNOCK ST 3005 S ::ORNELL CIR 3273 S ACOMA ST 4263 S BANNOC K ST 3021 S CORNELL CIR 3601 S ACOMA ST '4670 S BANNOCK ST 3025 S CORNELL CIR 3605 S ACOMA ST 4681 S BANN OCK ST 3029 S CORNELL CIR 3792 S ACOMA ST 1211 E BATES PKWY 2875 S CORONA ST 3 901 S ACOMA ST 701 W BELLEVIEW AVE 2865 S CORONA ST 3926 S ACOMA ST . 290 E BELLEWOOD DR 3064 S CORONA ST 4089 S ACOMA ST 350 E BELLEWOOD DR 33 02 S CO RONA ST 4200 S ACOMA ST 3163 W BELLEWOOD DR 1321 E DARTMOUTH AVE 4216 S ACOMA ST 3311 S BRO ADWAY 1331 E DARTMOUTH AVE 11APR95 lllWlll...A Pago 2 of3 (Rovtsod) Concrete District 1995 (proposed) • Address List • 1341 E DARTMOUTH AVE 3151 S ELATI ST 4395 S GALAPAGO ST 4730 S DECATUR ST 3;30 S ELA Tl ST 4500 S GALAPAGO ST 4732 S DECATUR ST 3619 S ELATI ST 4670 S GALAPAGO ST 4752 S DECATUR ST 3695 S ELA Tl ST 4850 S GALAPAGO ST 4760 S DECATUR ST 377 5 S ELA Tl ST 3133 S GAYLORD ST 4762 S DECATUR ST 3924 S ELA Tl ST 1101 EGIRAROAVE 4770 S DECATUR ST 3982 S ELA Tl ST 3230 W GRANO AVE 4772 S DECATUR ST 3990 S ELA Tl S 3320 W GRAND AVE 2821 S DELAWARE ST 4215 S ELATI ST 3338 W GRANO AVE 2863 S DELAWARE ST 4398 S ELA Tl ST 3346 W GRANO AVE 2875 S DELAWARE ST 4490 S ELA Tl ST 3351 WGRANOAVE 2~90 S DELAWARE ST 5099 S . ELA Tl ST. 3376 W GRAND AVE 301:i S DELAWARE ST 101 ENGLEWOOD P'r'WY 2868 S GRANT ST 3030 S DELAWARE ST 2068 E FLOYD PL 3412 S GRANT ST 3053 S DELA VARE ST 2099 E FLOYD PL 4905 S GRANT ST 3235 S DELAWARE ST 2109 E FLOYD PL 203 W HAMPDEN A VE 3520 S DELAWARE ST 2138 E FLOYD PL 2381 W HARVARD AVE • 4134 S DELA WARE ST 2139 E FLOYD PL 5030 S HAWTHORNE ST 4140 S DELAWARE ST 2209 E FLOYD PL 5050 S HAWTHORNE ST 4155 S DELAWARE ST 2238 E FLOYD PL ~J75 S HAWTHORNE ST 4235 S DELAWARE ST 2268 E FLOYD PL 5095 S HAWTHORNE ST 4370 S DELAWARE ST 2299 E FLOYD PL 5088 S HOOKER ST 4500 S DELAWARE ST 2309 E FLOYn PL 3760 S HURON ST 4510 S DELAWARE ST 2338 E FLOYD PL 4020 S HURON ST 4572 S DELAWARE ST 2369 E FLOYD PL 4030 S HURON ST 4770 S DELAWARE ST 2398 E FLOYD PL 4387 S HURON ST 4886 S DELAWARE S T 2399 E FLOYD PL 4525 S HURON ST 5070 S DELAWARE ST 2930 S FOX ST 4535 S HURON ST 3036 S DOWNING ST 2947 S FOX ST 4555 S HURON ST 3046 S DOWNING ST 3166 S FOX ST 4784 S HURON ST 3312 S DOWNING ST 3174 S FOX ST 4820 S HURON ST 3511 S DOWNING ST 3633 S FOX ST 5025 S HURON ST 3560 S DOWNING ST 3728 S FOX ST 2000 W ILIFF AVE 3570 S DOWNING ST 3916 S FOX ST 4990 S INCA DR • 3580 S DOWNING ST 3924 S FOX ST 49,3 3 INCA DR 1000 E EASTMAN AVE 4397 S FOX ST 5080 S INCA DR 595 W EASTMAN AVE 3660 S GALAPAGO ST 3827 S INCA ST 11 APR 95 EXHIBIT A Pago 3 o 3 (Revised) Co ncrete District 1995 (proposed) • Address List • 3857 S INCA ST 4000 S KALAMATH ST 705 W NASSAU WAY 3861 S INCA ST 4540 S KALAMA TH ST 1971-34-4-00-002 3985 S INCA ST 5036 KEENLAND CT 2909 S OGDEN ST 4097 S INCA ST 4505 S KING ST 2954 S OGDEN ST 4170 S INCA ST 4640 S KNOX CT 2960 S OGDEN ST 4520 S INCA ST 2801 S LAFAYETTE ST 1020 W OXFORD AVE 4735 S INCA ST 3451 S LAFAYETTE ST 1092 W OXFORD PL 4755 S INCA ST 3459 S LAFA YETTE ST 1121 W OXFORD PL 4775 S INCA ST 3148 S LINCOLN ST 1122 W OXFORD PL 4811 S INCA ST 4406 S LINCOLN ST 1152 WOXFORD PL 48 80 S INCA ST 4454 S LINCOLN ST 1171 VJ OXFORD PL 5040 S IRVING ST 4460 S LINCOLN ST 3200 S PEARL ST 5080 S IRVlNG ST sos ~ s LINDEN DR 3201 S PEARL ST 3701 S JASON ST 500 S LINDEN DR 2815 S PEN NSYLVANIA ST 3754 S JASON ST 508 ~ S LINDEN DR 3187 S PENNSYLVANIA ST 3773 S JASON ST 5098 S LINDEN DR 570 PENNWOOD CIR 3890 S JASON ST 4555 S LIPAN CT 1155 W PRINCETON PL • 3900 S JASON ST 4585 S LIPAN CT 12 E QUINC Y AVE 3930 S JASON ST 4945 S LIPAN DR 1201 W RADCLIFF AVE 4140 S JASON ST 4955 S LIPAN DR 271 S S SHERMAN ST 41 e.o S JASON ST 3720 S LIPAN ST 2739 S SHERMAN ST 4301 S JASON ST 3748 S LIPAN ST 2749 S SHERMAN ST 4342 S JASON ~·r 4120 S LIPAN ST 2754 S SHERMAN ST 4379 S JASON ST 4130 S LIPAN ST 2788 S SHERMAN ST 4591 S JASON ST 4280 S LIPAN ST 2819 S SHERMAN ST 4665 S JASON ST 43 15 S LIPAN ST 3211 S SHERMAN ST 4675 S JASON ST 4325 S LIPAN ST 330 1 S SHERMAN ST 4700 S JASON ST 3182 SLOGAN ST 3333 S SHERMAN ST 4821 S JASON ST 3196 SLOGAN ST 4609 S SHERMAN ST 5014 S JULIAN ~T 3570 S LOGAN ST 2315 S TEJCIN ST 50 15 $ JULIAN S r 4301 S LOGAN ST 3300 W TUFTS A VE 504 1 S JULIAN ST 4901 S LOGAN ST 615 WUNION AVE 5046 S JULIAN ST 2901 S MARION ST 2167 W WARREN ST • 4163 S KALAMATH CT 3020 S MARION f, T 2709 S WASHINGTON ST 3730 S KALAMATH ST 3030 S MARIO~, ST 3255 S WASHINGTON ST 3925 S KALAMATH ST 3268 S MARION ST 3295 S WILLIAMS ST COUNCIL CO MMUNICATION ·----~--------Date May 15 , 1S95 IN mATEO B Y Agend a Item 11 a i Subject Concrete Re placement District No, 1995 Deparonent of Pub lic Works I STAFF SOURCE Ch arles Esterly, Director of Public Works COUNC IL GOAL ANO PREVIOUS COUNCIL AC TI ON C,ty Council has expressed concem about the gen eral condition of the City 's public an d priv ate concrete , and directed staff to proceed with proposed Concrete Rep!lcement Distnct 1995. RECOMMENDED ACTION Acopt Ord inance creaong Co c:ete Reo lace ment Oistnc! o. 1995 BACKGROUND, ANALYSIS , ANO A LTERNATIVES IDENTIF IED e proposed prcgram cons ists cf con sll'\Jc on of improvements ad jacent to 330 proper1ies in the City . • Fer th e past se vera l years , staff as wcrkec to ward s deve lopin g a City-.vide concrete program addres sing existi ng sub-stand ard concrete and es.ab li sh in g a framework for ongo ing ma;ntenance for b~th pub li c and priv ate concrete . Sta ff beli eves tha t ,moating a large concrete district. s,m,l ar to paving improvem ent districts . prov ide s us with a prcs,-am to best addres s the City 's concrete needs . As in pav ing districts. the costs of th ese imp rovements are borne by both the ad jacent prop erty owners, through spec:al assessmen ts levied for work done ad jacent to their proper1ie s, and th e City , through mon ies budg eted in the PIF fo r all ey , intersection wo rk, inc:denta l storm sewer consll'\Jction , tree remov al replace ment. prog ra m adm inistration , engineering . survey ing. testing , etc . A pub lic he aring on th e forma tion of the district will be he ld on Mond ay, May 15 , 19 95 , prior lo the passage of th is Ord inance . FINANCIAL IMPACT Concrete Rep lacem ent District No . 1995 is schedu led fo r construction during the summer of 1995. Fundi ng for the City 's portion of the proiect in th e amount of approxi mate ly S325 ,000 is budgeted in the 1995 PIF. Construction fun ding for the ass es sable po rtion , in th e appro ximate amo un t of S270 ,000 will need to be prov ided by the City from th e Genera l Fund balance , but s reimbursa t le through asses sments to the affected properties and will be cue wrth property taxes in 1997 . Th e assessment total w,11 be S352,000 , wh ich includes lega l fees , contingencies , e c , bnnging the proiect tota l to S67 ,COO • LI ST OF ATTACHMENTS Pr ~osed Bill fo r an Ordinanc e