HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995 Ordinance No. 035• • • ORDINANCE NO . 3$' SERIES OF 1995 B'l AUT HORll"l COUNCIL BILL NO . 30 INTRODU CED BY COUNCI L MEMBER HATHAWAY AN ORDINANC E APPROVING AN INTE RGO VERNM ENTAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE ARAPAHOE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BY AND THRO UGH THE ARAPAHO E COUNTY CLERK AND RE CO RDER AND THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD TO CONDUCT A COO RDINATED ELECTION ON NOVE MBER 7, 1995 . WHEREAS, pursuant to the Uniform Election Code of 1992, gov ernmental en t iti es are encouroged to coopera te and con soJi date election s in ord c-r to redu ce ta.xl)ayer ex penses; and WHEREAS, Arapahoe County and th e Ci ty of Engl ewood h ave determined that it is in the best interest of the taxpayers an d the e lec tors to co nduct a coordinated election fo r th e :-lovember 7, 1995 election : and WHEREAS, the Co lorado Con stitution Articl e X. Section 20, requires th e production of a mailed n otice ("TABOR" Notice) co nc erning certain ball ot issues that will be submitted to the electors of Arapahoe Coun ty and th e Ci!:) of Englewood : and W'H EREAS , the TAB OR notices of se ve ral jurisdictions are to be sent as a package wher e j uri sdiction s overlap ; and WHEREAS, there should be co u nty-wid e coo rdin atio n of th e production and mail ing of th e TABOR no tice package to effectuate t~e purposes of sai d constitutional sec ti on : an d WHE REAS, the County and '.he City of En glewood desire to set forth their respective respon sibilities fo r the Gen eral ~lection and fo r the pr od uction and mailing of the TAB OR notice package pursuant t.u t.he Intergove rnm enta l Agree ment; NOW , THEREFORE, BE IT OR DAJ NED BY T HE CITY COUNC IL OF THE CIT Y OF ENGLEWOOD , COLORADO, AS FOLLOWS: Sei:tiiuLl : The City Co uncil of th e City of Englewood , Co lorado h ereby a pproves an intergo ,•e rnm ental agreem ent between th e Arapahoe Co unty, by an d through th e Ara pahoe County Clerk and Re co r der , and th e City of Englewood to conduct a coord inated elec ti on Nove mber 7, 1995 . The In te r5ove rnm enta l Agre ement Fo r Coo r di nated, Mai l Ballot Election is hereby acce pted and a pproved by the En glewood City Counci l and the Mayor is authorized to exec u te and the City Clerk to attest and seal th e Agreement fo r and on behalf of the City of Englewood . Sl:l:r.im.,2. The In tergov ernmental Agree me nt For Coordi nated, Mail Ba ll ot Election is attached hereto as "Exhibit A.• lo t r oduced, read in fu ll , a nd passed on firs t read ing on th e 3rd ciu, o' -1:::y, 199 5 . -1 - Published as a Bill for an Ordinance on the 6th day of July, 1995 . Read by title and passed on final reading on the 17th day of July, 1995. Published by title as Ordinance No .6~. Series of 1995, on the 20th day of July, 1995. ~&,j~ Loucrishia A. Ellis , City Clerk I, Loucriohia A. Ellis. City Clerk of the City of Englewood, Colorado. hereby ce rtify that the above and foregoing is a true copy of the Ordinance passed on fin .. ! reading and ;,ublished by title as Ordinance No. 3i, Series of 19 . -2- • • •• • .I.W..fllbX,;a..a:a.a.s:..;. IGPJPDt'Bln: rcJl c:xmDillllU'SO, an. IIALL01' ~ T:::.:.a !:t~ove-.-=enta.J. >.grecunt is imt•=•d i.::.t:o by a::d between t.he 3caci of C:nmt:y C=iaai=-rs of the c=t:y of A:apcoe, Sta::a of Colorado Uld be A=apahoe counc-; c:a=k and llecc.:c:e= (har•~fte= joi.::.t.ly =•f•=ed t:o a.a the •count:y•), a.::id th• C:!.,:y (hereiAa.~t•= ref-=-ci t:o aa t.i.e •City•). ~, pu:-:: to ua Unifo:r:i Zlecti~n Code of 1 992, aa ~. t!l.• Kail 3allot Slect:!.on Act i Ar;::!.cle 7.5 o: -:.:.::le l, ~, the Cc,,m:y a:<! u. Cit:-; have dete=i:leci t:.!lat: :!,-; is in • !:.:le beat i.::i.caraat: of tha t:az;:ayara and t.b.a elac:or• t:o conduct: a • •cooril=t:ad eleceion•) to= eh• Novallu 7, 1995 election; and t:1:e p=oduct:ion of a _:mailed ;c.ctic• ("TA.!OR '' liotice) concerning carea.i:l ballot issues ~t wil.l be IIUbmitteci to the electors of the Co=t-f a:,! ~-~ty; azid W'liZll3AS, the T.i\l!QR 11ot:!.cea of ••.,.ral juriaciict:icna are to 1:,e ae::: aa a p ackage w!:.ue ju:iaciiet:iOI·.a ovarla:;,: =d ~U, there ahou.1.:1. be c:~ty-v.ida c:oorci.iA~~ion of Ue ;,reduction and mailing of the TABOR nctic · package far t!la 7, 1 995 election to aff•ctuata t:h• pw:pcaea cf said couatit~ {oca1 a.etioa., and l ~. the Co=cy a:d the Ci~ daau-. to aet :eorth the.ir ~-.,activ e raapcnail>ilitiMa for the c=:--!i:iated el•ction and for liOW, T2UFORS, ::r IS ~ by t... Caunty and elle C.ity aa !:l:l0W11: l. -:-~ .. Novcu,e:-7 , 1995, election ~l be canc:uctod u a coordinated e.lec::i .•"'l i:> &ccorcunce witll t.ha UAJ.for.n !lection Code o: 1992 (A..~icl aa l•lJ o! Title l, C.K.S.) an.:! U.SO~ amecdmen~ (Sec::io:. 20 of Arti cle % of the C0l0rado C=nati:Utian) • ~e .:.ec::i= i'ar:icipa::ta sh&ll be requi.:ed t:0 execute ag:e-:a with ca;,aho• C::,=t:-.l !o:-~• pu..--.,oae and .. -., .include zaw:ucip&lit:iaa v:.~i.:1 ~• A..-apahoe Ccnmty limita, ac:.bool d.iatricta withu t.ha A..-ap1L'l<le Cou:.ty li::.its, azid apecial diat..-icca vit:ll.in ell• ~apal:lce Co=ey l:!..m.:.ta and ~• S tate of Colorado. 2. Tl:le Ncveml,er 7, 19'5, elec:cion a.ball be conducted by th• Cc.runty with the wae of ballot ca..-da and e.lect:ronic vote- 3 . ~e A:ap~• County Clerk and R.eco.der ia riH.~gnat:ad •• the coo:c-d.!.:1.atad election official and tll~ City hereby id..,.utifiea 4. T!,.e Co=ty ahall perfoni the following taaka in re.l.ation to aaid election, to wit: Systa.o..s c0:::.,oratioc for the printing of the official ballota. i:,. P:-ovide a copy of a.ll ag:-eemanta or contract• neg-otiatad !o~ :,,ail ballot election auppliea, cquipaant 11.z>d/or • • • • •ar<ric .. to a .t.:L juriadictio:a.e part~cipati.l:lg i :::i. th~ ccordin&tecf •.I.action .. c. .!'::avid• & copy o f t:!ie ballot layout and the tex: of t!l.a offici al b&:.l ot to t!,a City for proofreading bafora au~ri:ati= for t!1e ~r!Atilig of tb.e D&llots. <i. Cer.i!y ~ :a.1.:abar of :-egiatared e l ector• ltit.li.ili t.!:e Arapaho• Cou:.ey portii:.-1 o f th• City 110 later ~ October 6 , 1 595 . •. • Provide auppor: on ~ data of Ch.a alact.io:::i. by t aJ.ephone and i.::. p erson, ahould th• i:r.aad ariae, u:itil cou.11t~ of ~• bal: eta i s cc:i:plate<i. f . ?:-ovida &:11! operate t!la Cou:ity' • u.ac,;r=ic of $71 . 00 for t!1a pre-eJ.ect.ion pr.,,,__tat.ive mai.t. '--=c• o:::i. ~ • •-ac:::-=ic vote-cc=tilig eqw.pme,:r,t. • g. ll:-ov:i.da unofficial reault:a of Ch.a •l•e ti-on eJ.acticn :.ig.l:.t by talephci:r.a or lty facsi.mile tranamitta.:. h . Maintai.:::i. a liat of actu&l voter ■ from the l ist of t.l:.e pars=" who votad follow'...::ig the eJ.actiou. ••~ coat v!ll be $.005 per ll&llle. t.l:.e TABOR notice package. No~ har•ili a h.&11 preclude the County f::-om aenci.ing t.l:.e TABOR noti ca o :c ::1otic e pac:.nge to paraoi:r.11 other th.a.: el a o~o:-ss of :J:ie City i f cuc:b. ccndi:lg a:i••• f:-om tl:.a C:a\lDt:y' • effo rts t o mail t.l:.e TAaOR not ice package at t.!ie "l aaat coat• . j. I:>clud• t.ha City'• tu:c, aa V>:ittc &ad in t.ha ordar au=u.eced, !:I. accorda:lc• wit:h t:h• ~oa amendmen~ =tice. Jc. C::i1.n:-1 will. p~li•h net.ice required pu:•wint to C.lt.S. l-5-2O5. l. Store all. vctad ball.oca for & ~ of ai.z =~•• and all ot.!,.ar :.atsrial~ rac;ui:sd hy law, (C.a.s. l-7-802), co be aaved :.:: auc:h & ma=ar tl1ac t:hay -y be ac:c:eaaed by th• City, if nec:aaaa:-.1, to reaolv• a.uy c:hal.lsnge or otl:<c legal. queaciona t.=.at mi!;ht aria• rega..-:i:g t:h• e:ecticm. ::,. Deaigr.aca C!.::y Clerk' a C!!ic:e, in Arapahoe C.:i=cy, aa a vall-i.:i, •c:-op of::• location for mail .b.llou . Cou:c-i ah.aJ.l eatahliah t:--aclciAq a.d acc:c=ci:.q proc••••• to be iaed by th• • Ci::y, aa well aa pic:kl:p &:d d.aliV'llr'; of l::,all.oe .bozea, 1: accordaZl.c • • with t!l.• Sec:eta--y of Stat••• gu!..ieli.:iea, for mail b,.llota received at t!l.e dr:r,:, ~"~ point d=i:ig ~ desiguated period. ,. . !'rovide a c:~ of t!::,e Secretary of Sbte' • .approval !or. t-.J:se Cotmty eo conduc -.:. ;,-. :l&il ba.1l.ot. elect~OA ~o the City ~ t:h.i.l:i two 'Werking day• of aaid approval. o. No later t:ian 10 day9 prior to elac:tia.., p:::<nida o! the City' a !::,allot atyl• (a), co allow for tea tin~ of elec:tr0l1ic 4 • p. t'••ir.nat.• &ll ot the CJ.t.-y Clerlc' • •~f, who ara =-'99'i•ta.ad vot.ara w:a.~ A:rap&A:>a CQw,,t:y, to ac:t i.:1 tha c:apac:it:y of •judqa• for the ~-;,oH ■ ot rac:aivilig any mail ballot.• ~cppeci off !.::. U. Cicy Clerk'■ Office. c;:. r.ia CoWl.t.-/ sl:i.all lceap a careful a:ci ac:cu:ata accat.nti:g o~ ti.Ila, aupplioa, coata and ••1&:i•• &Ctriln.eal:il ■ to ue Cour.t:y' e admi:ti.•t..-a.t.ion of the elect.ion for t.l:.a Cit.-.r. The C!ty' • propc:z::-t.io:c.al ■a.re of act.=l coat• all.&l.l be baaed o:c. Co=t:y expanditu:u relative to eh• 1995 c:ccrril.:.ataci election i::.cl-..d:.:g-prorataci all.are cf TA30R notica. 5. The Cit.-f ■hall pe:z::-fo= cha fol.low~ t:aaka in relation •. Rait pay:iant ta tb.• Ca,mty tor th• pronted c:o•t of ~ pr•-•l•c:t.io: pr••-t&tive :uintcanca on the alect..-cmic voti.:ig •¢;cant i:,. t!1.e uicu::t of $71.00. f . Jb!::,rc• campa.igu ll.uo= Act af 1994 (Article U o! Ti t:!• 1 , c.~.S.) a.a it rala:as to the November 7, 1995, elaetioa iA th" Ci t:y. g. C0mply vi::h the p:t'OViaiana af the llni.fa= Zl ect!cn Coda af 1992 (Mi:ic:l•• 1-lJ of Ti~l• l, c .a.s.), -4th• :!.::la ~deli:.•• •c:lledul• u attached harato aa t:.ll.••• ralata to tha :llovc:il:le: 7, l395 , al•ce!cn in t:.ll.a City . =lH• aupar■edad by hcou- :-.:1 • ca.rear or oc.:ar legal au~rity . Th• C.i:y all&l:.. :10c;' fy th• C:..-u:i::y ot a:;;y in...::. ax:eption :io later tl:an 29 d.ay• prior to the election .. l:.. Oaliver all =e<iU••t• tor ab•-t•• :ballot• to the C::,1:nty !or prac:eaeiz,q. Sw:.!,, r•~••t• •ball !)., <!.livered or faxed d&ily e o the >.rap,e ,.,,.. Cow>t-f Cl.ark aZld RecoZ'dar. !.. Provide to t!l• County, (oz, CClllpUtar ci.i•kette far.:iateed i:,. Wa~arf ■c:t DOS), all r•~=ed ~ notic:ea C0A0enuz,,9 t:h■ c:: ... ey,-a ballot: iaauea by t:laa da.t:■ aZld iA tba ......- required by the tlnifor.:i :sJ.■c:t:ion Cod• and applic:aole rulH &ZMi ::-egulaeiona i:,. C3ula 5 .4). Proof::-ead ud :ziaka any c:o=ac:ti=a to ~ l..,Y=t and. tax: of Cl>■ :otic:ca within cme day of. :C-8<il> .. t c:f t:!>.■ Co=t y . • • j. T!ia C.!.ey allal.l. def ad aDd reaol'H at ica aole •· ex;>an.a• all c:!iall enq•• relative to the ballot qiaeaci-. &Ad c:&::cli<iacea , a• c:e:ti.fi ad to t!ie County for uolwiio11. 1A tli• ~cvamber 7 , 1995, coo:41:iatad elec:UOII.. It. Submit to t!:>a COW1ty ~ c:.i ey'• Diat:icta and i':ac:.:!.:icc Kap• with a liat of COUii.CY precinct• wllici.h conasp=4 to eac!:. c.i,::Y prr,c.:!.:ict . l. Ace &a off-site, d:op-o f.! location .for mail b&J.lot -..al;.-i: t:s!!ic. M&i:tai: t:ack.!.:iq/a~:;;...-.::iti:ig ncorda in a:d a;,propriata t.:a~/accow,.t.i.c.q r e c<:1r-'.J ava;:.labl• for pick-~p , a.a ache<iulad by U• Co=ty. :,. 2.m:u.t ,iaym-t to the County v i t!>.in &O days of bill i.::q, for the prora::ed c oat of the preparation and maili.ug of th• • TAIICJt :iot.:.ce packag~. • •. Tb<:: City aver■ that 1.t haa au.ffiai ... t: fUAda &"'aJ..!.aol• .:!.:i ita approvad. l:>udqet to pay ita pro::-ated alecti011. ap-.ea fo.- t.:ia Nove:il:>er 7, 199S , e l ection. a • l.hau.ld -r prav:1.oion of thi• :tnt~v•,,,.,...,.t:ou. Ag:-eU1ant be date~ed. l:>y a court of comp•t-t juriad.iction to be w:icona t ::.::U t i on.al or ot:ha::::v.isa null and ,roid, i t is th• 1::1tant o f C;ie pa:ti eG h e reto t.h.:st eha ra:mai.:ung proviai oa• o ! t:.h.i• J:.o.e•=sov•=cal A!;:'!!m:ieut sl:.a.l l l:>• of full forc:e and a.ffact . 7 9. Sad.c-ta b• pron.dad =du-thl,., J:Atarg-~t:&l. .--e ah&ll lM g1,,_ i.Z1 writing ei~ .by haAd cialiva:y or ciapoaiteci in th• tJRitad Statu mail, oarei!ied. lll&il, ret:u= recaipt requeateci, vi th sufficiClt poa1;age, to th• follovi:g pe:r:■ona: A:apalloe Comlt:y Of!ice of !:ha Co,mty J.tto:r:ney 5334 Sout.h hizM:• St=••t Littleton, Colorado 10156 10. Thia :i:::earqover.miantal A9:•-t: may :,.ct be mccii!ied, -.ieci o:r: otha:,nae al.tared wil.e ■e :nutu&lly agraaci up= i.u ~it:i.:lq D"! ~ parti•• ha::-111:0. 11 . Att;Astmcts; 'l:ha et:tac:hmm:.ts c:hecJceci below a::-e a part of t:lri.a Aq:,e..,....t. ~ a, COUll'l'T cam:rsa:rmmai • camr.rr a, .UUU'CK, ftaD a, co~ ~• :a. :irsv-rt, Chef Boazd of Comity c-ia ■i-­ of .lnpab.oa ·c:o-t:y Ilonetta l)aTidam:L J.:r:apali.oa ONDty ci ... i. J;. :a.corder TOTFL P.09 ·• • • •· • • AQJ2etl2ll.M...A ADDENDUM TO THE INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT FOR COORDINATED, MAIL BALLOT ELECTION WHEREAS , the City of Englewood. Colorado desires to submit a ~uestlon to the propPrty owners of a special assessment concrete district as set forth in C.R.S. 31-25-534 Issuing bonds -property specially benefited: and WHEREAS .the City of Englewood and the Arapahoe County Clerk and Recorder are in agreemen t that procedures may be implemented to coordinate this issue ; NOW, THEREFORE. the Intergovernmental Agreement For Coordinated, Mail Ballot Election shaJI be clarified to allow the City of Englewood, Colorado to s.•bmit a question to be voted on by the property (IWners in the speciaJ assessment concrete distri ct in coordir.atlon with C.R.S. 31-25-534. CITY OF 8'.Gl.EWCXX), ca.aw:x:, Thomas J. Bums, Mayor ATTE.-:;T: Loucrishia A. Ellis, City Clerk • DITKaOOVWWWTAL AGRKBNJQl't' POR COORDIDTSD, IIAJ:L BALLOT BLBCTJ:Olf This Intergovernmental Agreement is entered into by and between the Board of Cou nty Co11111Ussioners of the County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado and the Arapahoe County Clerk and Recorder (hereinafter jointly referred to as the •county•), and the City (hereinafter referred to as the •city•). WHEREAS, pursuant to the Uniform Election Co ~e of 1992, as amended, goverma.ental entities are encouraged to cooperat~ and consolidate elections in ord~1 to reduce taxpayer expenses; and WHEREAS, the Mail Ballot Election Act (Article 7.5 of Title 1, C.iLS.), permi ts the use of mail ballots for certain elections; and WHEREAS, the County and the City have det•armined that it is in the best interest of the taxpayers and the electors to conduct a Coordinated, Mail Ballot Election (hereinafter referred to as •coordinated election•) for the November 7, 1995 election; and WHEREAS, Colorado Constitution Article X, Section 20 , requires the production of a mailed notice ("TABOR• Notice) concerning certain ballot issues that will be submitted to the electors of the County and the City; and WHEREAS, the TABOR notices of several jurisdictions are to be sent as a package where jurisdictions overlap; and WHEREAS, there shq_uld be county-wide coord.,nati~. of the production and mailing of the TABOR notice package for the November 7, 1995 election to effectuate the purposes of said constitutional section; and 1 • WHERBAS, the County and the City desire to ■et forth their respective responsibilities for the coordinated electi on and for the production and mailing ,:f the TABOR notice package pursuant to the Intergovernmental Agreement. NOW , THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED by t ~o County and the Ci ty as follows : 1. The November 7, 1995, e lection shall be conductsd as a coordinated election 1 n accordance with the Uniform Election Code of 1992 (Ar ticles 1-13 of Title 1, C .R.S.) and TABOR amendment (Secti on 20 of Article X of the Colorado Consti tution). The election partici pants shal l be required to execute agreements with Arapahoe Count y for thi s purpose and may include municipalities within the Arapahoe County limits, school districts within the Arapahoe County limits , and special distri cts within the Arapahoe • County limits and the State of Col c,r.ado. • 2. The· November 7, 1995, election shall be conducted by the County with the use of ballot car ~a and electronic vote- counting equi pment . 3. The Arapahoe County Clerk and Recorder is designated as the coordi n~ced election official and the City hereby identifies the City c :i.erk as it's •designate d el.,ction officia l". 4 . The County shall perform the following tasks in relation to sai d election, to wi t : a . Negotiate an agreement with Sec;uo ia Pacif i c Systems Corporat i o n for the pri nting of the official ballots. b. Provide a copy of all agreements or contracts negotiated f~r ma i l ballot elect ion supplies, e quipment and/or 2 • • • •ervicea to all jurisdiction ■ participating in the coordinated election. c . Provide a copy of the ballot layout and the text of the official ballot to the City for proofreadi ng before authorization for t h printing of the ballot ■• d . Certify the number of registered electors within the Arapahoe County portion of the City no later than October 6, 1995. e. Provide support on the date of the election by telephone and in person, •hould the need arise, until counting of the ballots is completed . f. Provide and operate the County's electronic vote-counting equipment. The City will be charged a prorated coat of $71.00 for the pre-election preventative maintenance on the electronic vote-counting equipment. g. Provide unoffic ial results of the election on election night by telephone or by facsimile transmittal. h . Maintain a list of actual voters from the November 7, 1995, election, and, upon request, generate a printed list of, the per sons who voted following the election. The cost will be $.005 per name . i. Determine the "least cost• method for mailing the TABOR notice package. Nothing herein shall preclude the County from send Lng t.he TABOR notice or notice package to persons other than ele::co:c s of t e City if such sending arises from the County• s efforts to mail the TABOR notice package at the "least cost" . • • • j . Include the City'a text, as writteA and in the order ■ubmitted, in accordance with the TABOR amendment requirements fo r t he TABOR notice requirements for the TABOR notice . k . Store a ll vo t ed ballots for a minimum of s i x months, a nd all other mat e r i als requJ.rad by law, (C.R .S. 1-7 -802), to be saved i n such a manne r tha t t hey may be accessed by the City, if necess a ry, to r e solve any challenge or other legal questions that might arise regarding the election. 1. Designate Ci ty Clark 's Office , in Arapahoe County, as a walk-in, "dr~p off • location for mail ballots. County shall establish tracki ng and accounting processes to be used by the City , as well as pickup and delivery of ballot boxes, in accordance with the Secretary of Sta';e 's guidelines, for mail ballots received at the drop off poi nt curing the designated period . m. Provide a copy o f the Secretary of State's approval fo r the County to conduct a mail ballot election to the City within two working days of sai d approval. n . No later than 10 days prior to electio~, provide the Ci t 'j' Clerk's Office, no less than 10 sets of each "test deck• of the Ci ty's ballot style(s), t o allow for testing of elec t ronic vote-count i ng equipment. o. Designate a l l of the City Clerk 's staff, who are registered v oters ~i thin Arapahoe County, to act in the capacity of •judge" for the purposes of recei·d ng any ma i l b a llots dropped off i n the Ci ty Clerk's Office . 4 • • • p. The County ■hall keep a careful and accurate accounting of ti.me, supplies, coat ■ and salaries attributable to the County's administration of the election for the City . The City's proportional share of actual coats shall be based on County expenditures relative to the 1995 coordinated election including proratad share of TABOR notice. 5 . The City shall perfor,n the following tasks in relation to said election, to wit: a. Proofread and make any corrections to the layout and the text of the City's portion of the official ballots before au~.horizing the printing of the ballots. b. Publish all required legal no t ~ces for the City's ballot questions and candidates including the notice that is required by C .R.S. 1-5-205, that is published at least 10 days prior to the election which covers all pertinent information required by statute. c. Prepare, hand-count and deliver to the County Clerk, the required teat deck of ballots for testing the electronic vote-counting equipment, no later than November l, 1995. d. Remit payment directly to Arapahoe County within 60 days of billing, for its prorated share of all costs relating to the p r inting and mailing of the City's ballots, and City's share of t~~ election expense described in Section 4 p . The current ~stimate of costs is $.78 per ballot card plus $.10 for each additional bal lot card per set, co be shared by all participating jurisdictions . 5 • • • e. Remit payment to t:he County tor the prorated coat of the pre-election preventative maintenance on th,1 electronic voting equipment in the amount o f $71.00. f. Enforce Campaign Reform Act of 1994 (Article 45 of Title l , C.R.S.) aa it relates to the November 7, 1995, election in the City._ g. Comply with the provision ■ of the Uniform Election Code of 1992 (Articles 1-13 of Title l, C.R.S.), and the time guidelines schedule as attached hereto as these relate to the November 7, 1995, election in the City , unless superseded by home- rule charter or other legal authority. The City shall notify the County of any such exception no later than 29 days prior to the election. h. Deliver all requests for absentee ballots to the County for processing . Such requests shall be delivered or faxed daily to the Arapahoe County Clerk and Recorder. i . Provide to the County, (on computer diskette formatted in WordP.e r fect DOS), all required TABOR notices concerning the City's ballot issues by the date and in the manner required by the Uniform Election Code and applicable rules and regulations in (Rule 5 .4). Proofread and make any corrections to the layout and text of the notices within one day of request of the County . • • j. The City shall defend and reaolve at its aole expense all challenges relative to the ballot question ■ and candidates, as certified to the County for inclusion in the November 7, 1995, coordinated election. k. Submit to the County the City's Districts and Precinct Maps with a list of county precincts which correspond to each city precinct. l. Act as off-site, drop-off location for mail ballot walk-in traffic. Maintain tracking/accounting record ■ in accoz·d ,u,ce with County's approved process. Make all mail ballots and a:;} ,·,priate tracking/accounting records available for pickup, as scheduled by the Councy. m. Remit payment to the County within 60 days of billing,for the prorated cost of the preparation and mailing of the TABOR notice package. 6. The City avers that it has sufficient funds available in its approved budget to pay its prorated election expenses for the November 7, 1995, ·election. 7. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, thia Intergovernmental Agreement and the i n terpretation thereof shall be governed by the laws of the State of Color ado. 8 . Should any provision of this Intergove rnmental Agreement be determined by a court of c ompetent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional or otherwise null and void, .'.t is the intent of the parties hereto that the remaining provisions of this Intergovernmental Agreement shall be of full force and effect . 7 • • 9. Notices to be provided under this Intergovernmental Agreement shall be given in writing either by hand delivery or deposited in the United States mail, certified mail, return receipt requested, with sufficient postage, to the following persons: Arapahoe County Office of the County Attorney 5334 South Prince Street Littleton, Colorado 80166 10. This Intergovernmental Agreement may not be modified , amended or otherwise altered unless mutually agreed upon in writing by the parties hereto . 11. Attachments: The attachments checked below are a part of this Agreement. Addendum A ATl'BST: ATTBST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMNISSIONBRS, C01DITY OF ARAPAllOB, STATE OF COLORADO Th<aaa R. Bggflt't , Chair,aan Board of Councy i::aaussioners of Arapahoe County COUNTY CLKRlC i< IU!:CORDBR Donet)'.a Davidson Arapahoe County Clerk i< Reco·cder • ADDENDUM A ADDENDUM TO THE INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREE:MENT FOR COORDINATED, MAIL BALLOT ELECTION WHEREAS , the City of En glewood , Co lorado de sires to submit a question to the properly owners o f a spec ial assessmen t concr ete district as set forth in C.R.S. 31 -25 -534 Issu ing bonds -property specially benelited ; and WHEREAS , the City of Eng le wood and th e \rapahoe County Clerk and Recorder are in agreement that procedures rr.oy be implemented to coordinate th is issue ; NOW, THER EFORE . the Intergovern mental Agreement For Coo rdi nated, Ma il Ballot Election shall be clarified to allow the City of Eng lewood, Colorado to subm it a question to be vo ted on by the properly owners in the special assessment concrele • district in coord ination with C .R .S. 31 -25-534 . CITYOF 8'.GLEWOOO, CO-OOAOO • Date July 3 , 1995 INITIATED BY E lection Commission COUNCIL COMMUNICATION Agenda Item 11 a iii Subject Intergovernmental Agreement with Arapahoe County fc-r Coordinated Election Services STAFF SOURCE Loucrishia A Ellis, City Clerk/Election Commission Member COUNCIL GOAL ANO PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION On September 7, 1993 City Council approved an ordinance authori7ing an intergovernmental agreement between Arapahoe County and the City of Englewood for the November 2, 1993 Coordinated Mail Ballot Election. On August 1, 1994 City Council approved an ordinance authorizing an i.ilergovernmental agreement between Arapahoe County and the Ci ty of Englewood for the November 8 , 1994 Coordinated Mail Ba llot E lection. RECOMMENDED ACTION Approve , by ordinance, an in tergovernmental agreement between the City of Eng lewood and Arapahoe County for the November 7, 1995 Coordinated Mail B;:illot Election Because of State Leg islation and the Taxpayer's Bill of Rights (TABOR) amendnent approved by the voters in 1992, coordinated elections are to be conducted throughout the State by County Clerks . Arapahoe County has advised the City o' Englewood it will be conducti ng a Mail Ballot Election on November 7, 1995. The County has the capability of coordin ating this election and including the C ity of Eng lewood . • The Election Commission agrees that it is in the best interest of the electors of Eng lewood to conduct future elections join tl y with the other political ent ities within the County. In order to participate in the 1995 coordinated election, it is essential for the City of Englewood to enter into an intergovernmental agreement with Arapahoe County . Staff has rev iewed the proposed intergovernmental agreement w ith Arapahoe County and concurs with the Commission's recommendation . FINANCIAL IMPACT Since costs are b ased 0 ,1 several variables , i.e . the number of registered electors in the City ct :nglewood at lhe timt , of the election , the number of ballot questions , the number of ent ities participating the election the financial impact is only an estimate. Based on the known facts , the cost of the 199!..J mu,11cipal election has been budgeted at $20,000.00 . LIST OF ATTACHMENTS Proposed Council Bill No. 30 Pro posed Intergovernmental Agreement for Coord inated, Mail Ballot Election