HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996 Ordinance No. 015• .'.>RDINANCE NO ./~ SERIES OF 1996 BY AUTH<,RJTY COUNCIL BILL NO. 22 INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HATHAWAY AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT FOR TC! GOVERNMENT ACCESS CHANNEL 8, BETWEEN THE CITY OF CHERRY HILLS VILLAGE, THE CITY OF GREENWOOD VILLAGE, THE CITY OF SHERIDAN AND THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO. WHEREAS, TCI Government Access Channel 8 is a ahared access channel used by the Cities of Ch, ,rry Hills Village, Greenwood Village, Sheridan and Englewood ; and WHEREAS , this Memorandum of Agreement betweai the Citiea aetS forth the standards for the Cities' use of Channel 8; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, AS FOLLOWS : S!:dilm.l. The intergovernmental Memornndum of Agreement with respect to TC! Government Access Channel 8, attached hereto as "Exhibit A,· is hereby accepted and approved by the Englewood City Council. ~-The Mayor is authorized to execute and the City Clerk to attest and seal the Agreement for and on behalf of the City of Englewood, Colorado. Introduced, read in full , and pUied on finlt , eading on the ht day of April , 1996 . Published as a Bill for an Ordinance on the 4th day of Apnl, 1996. Read by title and passed on final reading on the 15th day of April , 1996. Published by title as Ordinance No /'), Series of 1996, on the 18th day of April , 1996 . ~dlft Loucrish ia A. Ellis, City Cler)< -1- I, Loucriabia A. Ellie, City Clerk of the Cit} of Englewood, Colorado, hereby certify that the above and foregoing iB a true copy of the Ordinance puaed on final ~··· ... ~ ...... , ""' .. ""'"-'•K .L till,, Louc:riabia A. Elli, • • -2- • • BXBIBIT A Memorandum of Agreement Government Access Channel Holder, (the "Cities "): Concerning: City of Cherry Hills Village ("Cherry Hills "); City of Englewood ("Englewood"); City of Greenwood Village ("Greenwood "); City of Sheridan ("Sheridan"). TC! Government Access Channel 8, a shared access channel between the Cities. Unless otherwise and murually recognized by all four cities, the following is agreed upon: A. Each City is entitled to fifteen consecutive minutes per hour to broadcast City or City sponsored information on Channel 8. 2 . 3. 4 . Cherry Hills will broadcast on the t,our for no longer than fifteen minutes, every hour. Englewood will broadcast at fiftec o minutes after the hour for no longer than fifteen minutes , every hour. G,-.:enwood will broadcast at thiny minutes after the hour for no longtr than fifteen minutes, every hour. Sheridan will broadcast at forty -five minutes after the hour for no longer than fifteen minutes . every hour. B. Each Ci ty agrees that the final page of its broadcast will be a page which indicates the name of the City whose t>rc ~,kast is immediate ly foll owing their broadcast. C. The Cities agree that should broadcast material fall shon of the fiftee n minutes allone d that information c.f a general narure may be broadcast, i.e. a page indicating the times of each City's broadcast, the telephone number cable subscribers may use in the event of question s or problems rela te d to their cable service , etc . D. Each Ci ty shall cau se eac h sc reen to ha ve an iden tify ing logo , graphic, or words identi fy ing that City . E. Each communi ty is auth orized to use air time to broadcast videos en an assigned night of th e week . They must provide informat io n regardin g the propose d time of broadcast the content. and an opponunity fo r each City to previe w the broadcas t material before ai ri ng . Pqe I F. Subject matter of bulletins/video material : I. Items which are government or f:)vernment sponsored subjects . 2. Items which may include calendirs of upcoming events , agendas , and general infonnation relating to eACb respe :tive City . 3. Information about the City . its elected offic i~s. staff. and community members/leaders . 4. Notice of campaign meetings . G. This memorandum is subject to amendment upon mutual agreement of al l ci ti es , as represented below , or by their des ignec(s ): City of Englewood i!MJ 1 kr'MJ!fC. 1 1/-i{g /qft Ci:y of Greenwood Village 1 • • • • COUNCIL COMMUNl':ATION Date Agenda Item Subject April 1. 1996 JO aiii Intergovernmental Agreement for use of Government Ar.cess Channel 8 Initiated By Staff Source Department of Administrative Service., Perry Movick , Manager of Information Services COUNCIL GOAL AND PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION Passage of Ordinance No. 4 , Series of 1980 -Authorizing C"IJle Television Permit. Passage of Ordinance No . 38, Series of 1992 -Authtrizing entering into an intergovernmEmtal agreement for Greater Metro Cable Consortium . RECO .MMENDED ACTION Staff seeks Council Approval , by Ordinance, for an Intergovernmental Agreement between the Cities of Englewood , Cherry Hills Village, Greenwood Village , and Sheridan detailing an Agreement for use of Channel 8 . BACKGROUND, ANALYSIS, AND ALTERNATIVES IDENTIFIED Attached is a co py of the Memorandum of Agreement that has been sig ned by each of th e cities . w ith the exception of Englewood . We requested the agreement be sent to Englewood last given that we are required to approve this agreement by Ordinance . FINANCIAL IMPACl None LIST OF ATTACHMENTS Memorandum of Agreement • • EXBIBI'r A Memorandum or Agreement Government Access Channel Holders (tbe 'Cities"): Concerning : City of Cheny Hill s Village ("Cheny Hills "); City of Engle ;uood ("Englewood"); City of Greenw1,od Village ("Greenwood"); City of Sheridar, ("S he,,1.'111"). TC! Goverr.ment Access Channel 8, a shared access channel between the Cities. Unless otherwise and murually recognized by all four cities, the following is agreed upon: A . Each City is entitled to fifteen consecutive minutes per hour to broadcast City or City sponsored information on Channel 8. Specifically : I. 2 . 3. 4 . Cheny Hill s •~ill broadcast on the hour for no longer than fifte e n minutes. e vert hour. Englewood ••ill broadcast at fifteen minutes after tbc hour for no longer &...n fifteen minutes, every hour. Greenwood will broadcast at thirty minutes after the hour for no longer than fifteen minutes, every hour. Sheridan wi ll broadcast at fony-fi vc minutes after the hour for no longer than fifteen minute s. every hour. B . Each City agrees that the final page of its broadcast will be a page which indicates the name of the City who se broadcast is immediately following 1,~eir broadcast. C. The Cities agree that should broadcast material fall shon of the fifteen minutes alloued that informati on of a general narure may be broadcast, i.e. a page indicating the tim es of each City 's broadcast , the tel ephone number cable subscribers may use in the event of question s or problems related to their cable service, etc. D. Each Cit y shall cause eac h screen 10 have an ident ify in g logo , graphic. or word s identifying that City . E . Each communit y is auth orized to use air time 10 broadcast videos on an as signed night of the week. They mu st provide information regarding the proposed time e,f broadcast the cont ent. and an c pponunity for each City to pre view the broac.:ast mater.al before ai ring . F. Page I Subject manr.r of bulletins/v ideo material : I. Items which are gover:,menl or gJ,lmmcnl sponsored sut,_iects . 2. Items whi ch may include calendars of up,;;;,ni;,g events. agendas , and general informati on relating 10 each respccti~ City . 3. Infonnation about the City , its elected officials , staff, and community members/leaders . 4. Notke of campaign meetings . G. This memorandum is subject lo amendme nt upon mutual agreement of all cities. as .cprcsented below. or by their designec (s): City of Englewood fMJ ( ~ / l/11Plqft City of Greenwood Vill age •