HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996 Ordinance No. 020• ORDINANCE NO .~ SERIES OF 1996 BY APTHORITY COUNCIL BILL NO . 24 INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER HATHAWAY AN ORDIN~~'I C E AUTHORIZING AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMEN'l' <.>r' THE INTERIOR GEOLOGICAL S URVEY AND THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOIJ. C Oi t.hi.AD O ENTITLED "DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR GEO!.OGICAL SURVE' JOlN'l' fliNDING AGREEMENT FOR WATER RESOURCEi: INVESTIGATIONS." WHERE 15, a str, am flow gage whicli is operated .nrl :naintained by the U.S . Geological Survey (USGS) has been in operation since 1990 at Ui:icu l'.ven ue an<l the South Platte Riv er; and WHEREAS , the information from the g8j!e L, ,.itical d uring low fl ow periods to determine if water must be released from Chatfield Reservoir; and WHEREA..' !te data provided by the ga;png !SIP on is required by the State Water Co mmissioner in order to make releases froto Ccatfield Reservoir during low fl ow s ituations in wluch insufficient water is avai !u1e to meet pumping demands nt Union Av enue Pump S tation ; and • WHEREAS , W u Englewood Department of UtiLties shares in the annual cost of operating • and maintaining the station on a 50 percent basis, with the remaining 50 percent contributed by the USGS; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, AS FO!..L OWS : ~-The " Department of the Interior O..O logical Survey Joint Funding Agreement For Water Re!'l-01..h 'Ces Inv estigati ons• attached as '"Exhi bit A'', with th e United States Department of the Interi or Geo logical Survey is hereby accepted and ap proved by the :..n1 :lewood City C'o t.:nr.il . The Mayo r is a uthorized to exec ute an d the City Clerk to attest and seal the Agreen . ,. '.or and on behalf of the City of Englewood , Co lorado. Introduced, read in fu ll, and passed on first reading on the 6th day of Ma y, 1996 . Published as a Bill for an Ordinance on the 9th day or May, 1996. Read by tiUe and passed on final reading on the 20th day or May, 1996 . Published by tiUe .. Ordinance No.~ Series or 1996, on the 23rd day of May, 1996. _(~,.,__, ~or ~tflA Loucrishia A. Ellis, City Clerk I, LoucriJlhia A. Ellis, City Clerk or the City of Englewood, Colorado, hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true COPY. or the Ordinance passed on final reading and ~·-"'"··-••;ii"'"'"'"'~ tt m. Loucrisbia A. Ellis -2- • • • CINIOIIDII.._, Jolntl'UllllnlAer-.il l'Oft WATER RESOURCES INVESTIGATIONS THIS AGREEMENT ia ontered into u ol the 1111 day ol October 19115 by the GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, .a!NITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, party ot tt,« llrul part, and the CITY CJF ENGLEWOOD, party of --second part, 1. The parties hetvto agree Iha! su,jea 10 !he availabi~ ol appn,priationo and in IIC00ldarce with !he« reopecw,, atJ!mies !here sral be mairuined in cooperalion fc: !he operation and maintonance of slreamflow gaging st11tions , South Platte River at Union Avenue , herain after C3lled the program . 2. The folowing amounts shall be conlributed to cover all ol the cost of the nee ,ssa,y field and ollice work directly related lo this p~,tam. but excluding any bureau levol general administralive or acc·Jtm1ing work in the ollice ol either party. (a) $4.2:::5 .00 by the party of !he first part during the period October 1, 199ti lo !Jeptember 30, 1996 (b) $4.225.00 by the part'/ of the second part durinq the period October 1, ! 095 lo September 30, 1996 (c) Additional amounts by each party during the above period or succeeding periods a.• may be determined by mutual a~ and set forth in an exchange of letters between the parties . 3 S.-.,enses iocurrnd in the performance of this prt'3ram may be paid by either party in co nformity with the laws and regulations respectively governing each party , provided that oo far as may be mutually agreeable all expenses ,;,all be paid in the lirst instance by the party of the first part wi1h appropriate reimbursement thoreafter by the party of thR second part. Each party shall furnish lo the othe r party such s1atements or reports of expendttures as may be needed to satisfy fiscal requin!ments . 4. Thfl field and office work pertainir.g to !his program shall be under the direction of or subject to per iodic review by A, authorized represenlative of the party of the first part. ""!. The areas lo be iocluded in the program shall be delermined by mutual agree,~ent between the parties hereto or their authorized representatives . The methods employed in 11 ,e field and office sha ll bf ·:-iosoa adopted by the party ol the first part lo insure the req,;ired standards of accuracy subject lu modification by mutt•ai a;reemenl. 6 . During the progress of the wcrk all operations of etther party pertaining lo this program shall be open lo the inspection of the other party. and if the wcrk is not being carried on in a mutually satisfactory manner, etth er party may terminate this agreement upon 60 days written notic e lo the other party 7. The original reco rds resulting from this program will be depos itet< in the office of origin of those records. Upon request. copies of th e original records will be provided lo the office ol lhe olher party. 8 . The rraps. records or reports resulting from this program shall be made available 10 the public ns promptly as possible . The maps. records er repcrta ncrmal~; ·Nill be published b'/ !hs pa,r,-cf the firs! ~•I!. How<JVer, the party of the second part reserves the rig ht lo pub 'is h the results of ltiis program and, ij already published by the party of the first part shall, upon requ est , be furnished by the party of the first part, at cost. impressions suttabfu for purposes of reproduction similar to that for which the original copy was prepared . The maps , records or reports published by etther party shall conl~in a stat ement of the coope rative relations betwee11 !he parties . 9. Billing for !his agreement will be rendered annually . Payments of bills are due wtthin 60 days after the billing dale If not paid by the due dale . interest will be charged al the current Treasury rate for each 3o-day period , or portion che,e,:,f , tha t the payme nl is delayed beyon<J the due dale . (31 USC 3717 ; Comptroller General File 8-2 12222 . August 23. 1983 .). CITY OF ENGLEWOOD GEOLOGICAL SURV EY UNIT ED STATES DE?AATMENT OF THE INT ERI OR ~Q1YJL ., Acti11g District Chief , WAD . Colorado Dist. (SI G~A 7 URE & TITL E ) By _______________ _ By ________________ _ By _______________ _ (U SE RE VER SE SIDE IF ADDITION,\L SIGNATURES ARE AEOUIA!:D) A • • Date May 6, ·,996 INITIATED BY Utilities Department COUNCIL COMMUNICATION Agenda Item 10 a Subject Gaging Station at Union Ave. & S. Platte River I STAFF SOURCE Ste-. .,art H. Fonaa, Dimctor of Utilities COUNCIL GOAL AND PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION Council Bill for prior Gaging Station Agreements passed June 19, 1995, as Ordinance #32. RECOMMENDED ACTION Approval of the proposed Jo int Funding Agreement between the City of Englewood and the U.S. Geological Survey for October 1, 1995 through September 30, 1996. BACKGROUND, ANALYSIS, AND ALTERNATIVES IDENTIFIED A stream flow gage, operated and maintained by the United States Geological Survey (USGS), has been in operation since 1990 at Union Avenue and the South Platte RiVE ' .. The information from the gage is critical during low flow periods to detem,ine if water must be released from Chatfield Reservoir. The data provided by the gaging station is required by the State Water Commissioner in order to make releases from Chatfield Reservoir during low flow situations in which insufficient water is available to meet pumping demands at Union Avenue Pump Stat;on . The Utilities Department shares in the annual cost of operating and ma intaining t:,e station on a SC% bas is, with the remaining 50% contributed by the USGS . FINANCIAL IMPACT The cost of funding this agreement will be approximately $20,000 to $25,000 over the next five years . This portion is for 1996 and is $4 ,225.00. The funds are induded in the 1996 budget. LIST OF ATTACHMENTS Dept. of the Interior Geological Survey Joint Funding Agreement for Water Resources Investigations .