HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996 Ordinance No. 037• • ORDINANCE NO.J? SERIFS OF 1996 BY AL"l'HORITY COUNCIL BILL NO . 41 INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL MEMBER WIGGINS AN ORDINANCE APPROVlNG AN AGREEMENT WITH THE COLORADO HUMANE SOC IETY AND THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD FOR THE LEASE OF THE ENGLEWOOD ANIMAL SHELTER. WHEREAS, the City of En&'l ewood Animal Shelter was operated by the City of Englewood under the s upervision of the Police Department until 1991 ; and \VHEREAS, in 1 991 Englewood's animal control was under the jurisdiction of Community Development and it was determined that contracting out the ope.ration of the animal shelter, while retaining animal control responsibilities by the City, would be a more efficient mode of servi ce delivery for the City; and WHEREAS, the Englewood City Council approved an Animal Housing Services Agreement with the Colorado Humane Society, Inc . by the passage of Ordinance No . 17, Series of 1991 , to pro,~de day-to-day services at the Englew()()(l Anim al Shelter and the contract expired in May of 1996; and WHEREAS, after resef' .. :hing potential contractors , the bid for services has been awarded to the Colorado Humane Society, Inc . to run the Englewood Animal Shelter: NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, AS FOLLOWS : ~-Th e Agreement between the Colorado Hum!lDe Society and the City of Englewood. Colo rado for the lease of the Englewood Animal Shelter, attached hereto as "Exhibit A," is hereby accepted and approved by the Englewood City Council. Sfm!m..2 . The Mayor is authori zed to exe<ute and the City Cle rk to attest and seal the Agreement for and on hr.half of the City of Englewood , Colorado. Int rod uc ed. re ad in fu ll , and passed on first reading on the 19th day of August, 1996 . -1- Published as a Bill for an Ordinance on th e 22nd day of Auguat, 1996. Read by title nnd passed on final reading on the 3rd day of September, 1996. Published by titl e as Ordinance No . J7, Series of 1996, on the 5th day of September, 1996. ~ .. ~ct~ ~ucrishla A. Elli s. City Clerk l , Loucrishia A. Ellis , City Clerk of the City of Englewood, Colorado, hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true oopy..91 the Ordinance passed on final reading and published by title as Ordinance No~ Series of 1996. ~h~~fa • Loucrishia A. Ellis • -2- • • • ANIMAL HOUSING SERVICES AGllEBMBNT Thia Agrftment ii mt.ered tlw lat day of Jucy, 1996, by 111d between the CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, a Colorado municipal corporation, 3400 South Elati Street, E111lewood , Colorado, 80110, (the "City'), and THE COLORADO HUMANE SOCIETY I: S.P.C.A., INC., a Colorado nonprofit corporation , 11490 York Street, Thornton, Colorado 80233 , (the "Contractor"). RECITALS I. The City desires to co n tract with the Co~tractor to ope rate its animal shelter facility and program . 2. The Contractor bas the desire and the ui,ertise to operate such a facility and ~roJralll. In consideration of the mutual covenants and promises of the parties hereto , the City and the Contractc,r covenant and agree as follows: A. B. SECTION l CONTRACTOR SERVICES AND OBLIGATIONS UC!l.ITY-The City herein leases to the Contractor the Englewood Animal Shelter facility located at 2760 South Platte River Dnve, Englewood. Colo rado , at a lease rate of $1.00 per year. The facility shall be used and occupied exclusively as an animal shelter facility for the City of Englewood and other municipalities or entities for a period of time no longer than the term of the Agreem•'lt. Such fa cili ty shall be operated in accordance with all appropriate State. City and other applicable laws and regulations. The City shall furnish to the Contractor , upon request .. copies of any and all relevant laws . regulations and ordinances and shall provide in writing those City practires which relate to its animal shelter activities . The City herein acknowledges and agrees that the Con tractor has the right to co ntract with other municipalities and entities to provide antmal sh elter sen;ces fo r them at this :inimo.1 shelter facility . Howeve r , the City of Englewood shall have first (lst l priority in the event the animal shelter facility is full . Shelter staff shall insure that at least one d'l g run and one cnt cage is available for animal s impounded aft.er hours on weekdays and at least two dog runs and one ca t cage available for weekend use. An Englewood Animal Cont.-o l Officer will be availa ble during normal work da ys and hours to transport excess animals to Colorado Humane Society's South Facility provided :hat there is an additional offic ,?r available to co ver calls . Th e City further acknowledges and agrees that the Co ntractor has the right to set its own fee s with regard to the operation of the animal shelter facility and to receive all fees and other revenues derived from its operation . EQL"IP~jE'-:T The City shall provide to the Contractor fo r its \IS• in maintaining the fa cility all the eq ui pment pr esently used by the City fo r its anim.:"l shelter services, which equipment 1s described in Exhibit A. attached he reto and inco rpon1ted herein by reference . The equipment s hall be delive red to the Contractor in good . wo rking order . The Contractor shall have the nght to use this equipment, or any other equipment purchased by the City for use in t he ani mal shelter facility , during the term of the Agreement. Upon expiration or termmarion oi the Agreement, the use of all s uch equlpment shall revert to the Cicy • + A c. OWNERSH[P . Both oartiet acknawled,e aod vm th.at the Citv ofEn1lowood Q11l'Cotlv owns and sh•U continue to own the animal sheJIA!r facility ibl.U, all the equipment described in Exhibit A, or any other equipment purcliued by the City for use in the animal shelter facility and the crematorium located at the animal sbellA!r facility. D. EXPENSES OF OPERATION . The Contractor shall be responsible for and shall pay those expenses of operation BS set forth in Exhibit B, attached hereto and incorporated herein !-, reference . The Contractor shall be responsible for normal maintenance of the facility, the grounds, and the equipment in order to keep such in reasonable repair. This includes ~uch repaiT and repl acement of reasonable repair. Th.is includes such repair and replacement of the facility or the equipment which is necessitated by normal we ar and tear, except for any major repair or replacement caused by normal wear and tet\r as set forth immediately below . The City shall be responsible for any major repair or replacement of the facility or the eq uipm ent. even if such repair or replacement is necessitated through normal wear and tear . This incl1J\'C!S but is not limited to, responsibility for the building itself, the plumbing system , the el,~ctn1..11 l systems and the major equipment. including but not limited to such items as the "Hotsy" machine, The Contractor shall not be responsible for any such major repair or repl ace ment unless such is ne ... -essitated through its gross negligenre. The Contractor shall notify the City in wri'..ing when. in its opinion , a need exists for major repair or rep lacement. The Ci~ shall have the right . u·i>0n twenty.four hours wrinen notice to the Conttactor, to enter and in s pect the facility Slid the equipment and to make any repair or replacement which it may de em necessary . ln the event , the City deems such a repair or replacement is the responsibility of the Contractor and so desires to charge the Contractor , the City and the Con tractor shall agree upon su ch repai r or replacement in writing before such is performed . E . SCOPE OF SERVJCES . The Contractor shall provide the City with the following s,,n;ces in addit ion to those listed eh,ewhere in the Agreement: 1. Recei·:t and house all animals broughr to the animal shelter facility by Englewood Animal Control Officers. Englewood Police Offi cei-s. or oth er authorized Ci ty staff. 2. Abid e by all City regulations, ordinances. or poli des reh,ting to the acquisition . maintenance, and disposition of animals in its care 3. Provid e Eng lewood A.nimal Co ntrol Officers, Police Officers , or other designated City staff with a means of access to the animal shelter facility during non -business h ours . F lli. NIC JP!\,L REGULATIONS . The Contractor shall enforce and perform any and all ani,nal regulatory functions as required or permitted. by state, city or other regulation or ordinance. which funct ions relate to animal housing or s h elte r se rvi ces. The City s hall provide the Co ntrac tor written copies of all City regi.!dl.,ons, ordinances, or policies relatin g to the acquisition , maintenance, and disposition of animals . In the event that the Ci ty des ires that the Co ntractor perform nddiuonal regulatory functi ons, !-uch as ani ma l • • • ·, • • • G. H. control function•, thil request 1hall be set forth in writing, aimed by both parties, and attached to the Agreement u an exhibit. STANDARDS OF OPERATION. In addition to enforcing all regulatory functions as specified above, the Contractor shall maintain and operate the animal shelter facility ir, accordance with regul uioo.• established by the Colorado Department of Health which establish standards relating to the phy•ical facilities, animal enclosures , sanitation, and the care and handlini of animals. HOURS OF OPERATION . The Contractor shall keep the facility open to the public durin g the following hours, except for major holidays: Monday-Friday Saturday Sunday .... 10 :0 0 A.,,l.-6:00 P .M. 10:00 A.M .-5:00 P.M . ............ Closed Major holidays include New Year's Day, Mem orial Day , Fourth of July, Labor Da y, Thanksgh~ng, and Christmas Day . I. INSURANCE . During the term of the Agreement, the C mtractor shall maintain the following types and amounts of insurance. Such int,ur rmce shall name the City as an add iti onal insured : 1. Comprehensive General Liability Insurance in an amount of not less than $500,0 00 .00 combined s in gle limit. 2 . Employee Liability and Work.men 's Compensation which shall provide protecti on against any and all claims resulting from injuries to or death of any of the Contractor's employees . An y deductible under any of the above described insurance policies shall be paid by the con tract or . The Contractor shall pro\;de the City with such Certificate(s) of In suran ce evidencing compliance ,1,,;th the above provisions no later than thirty (30) days aft.er the execution dat e of the Agreement. The City shall demonstrate to the sati sfaction of the Contractor that adriquate self- insurance is provided for property and general liability damage . Panicipation in the Colorado Intergove rnmental Risk Sharing Agency (CIRSA ) s hall be deemed satisfactory self-insurance. Th e City shall provide th e Contractor with such Certificate(s) of In sur anc e evidencing co mpliance with these provisions no later than thirty (30 ) days after the execution date of the Agreement. J . K. L RECORDS AND REPORTS 1. The Contractcr shall maintain recorda of all animals it handles in the performance of the A,,.eement. Such records aball contain the following information: type of animal, se,c , bret!d , color, dill])Osition by the Contractor, and any additional information required by the City. A summary of this information shall be provided to the City on a monthly basis on approved forms at the same time that the monthly billing is su bmitted. Records of vicious animals and dog bite incidents shall also be sent to the appropriate governmental authoricies . The Contractor sh all maintain comp1ete nnd accurate records concerning the revenues it derives during the performance of the Agreement from the operation of the animal shelter facility. Such reveoaes shall inclu de adoption fees, reclaim 1by owner} fees , and donations from t he City, as well as such revenues collected from other municipalities or entities. 2. B..EfQ.RIS . Upon written request by the City, the Contractor shall provide the City a quarterly performancP. report that includes the following : a . The Contractor's ac tivities for the pre,;ous quarter. with empl\esis on problem areas. ~-\Vhether or not any changes in policy ;,.;II occu r . c. Recommendations concerning fe es. licenses. and animal regulatory law s. d . An y recomm endations or information relnted to animal control in the Ci t y which are in the best interest of the Ci~· or which may be requested by the City . e . :\ financial statement of operations of the animal shelter faci lity in acco r dance with n format to be determined by the City. In the event such a quanerl y report is submitted to the City. the Contractor shall be available a t any rea so nabl e ti me to discuss same Y.ith the Contract Administrator nr his design ee . VETERINARY ,\ND RELATED MEDICAL CARE The Co ntractor shall provide maintenance-le,·el veterinary and related medical care for sick or injured animals brought to the animal shElte r facility and to those wh ;ch beco me sick during impoundment If a n animal is redaimed by its owner, then su ch oY.'ll er shall be responsible for all ,·et erinary and r•!lat ed medical costs . CONFIDENTIALITY. The Contractor shall. to the ext ent permitted by law, kee p all in fo rma!:ion which 1t rece ives co ncerning complaints. names , addresses , and telephone numbers of co mplainants and y,itn esses, and the names, a ddresses, and telephone numbers of own ers co nfidential. Ti.e Co ntractor shall. t o tht> greatest extent possible , prot ect an indi,;dual's right of ;i ri vacy and shall not circulate or permit the circulation of this information fo r co mm ercial purposes or other purposes not related to the duties und ertake n in this Agree ment. The Co ntractor is not prevented . however , fr om releasing that ii.fo rmation which may be necessary for the location of an animal's own er or the gaining of co n seu t fo r medi cal treatment. Th e Con tracto r may also use that m fo rmat1 on it co nsiders n ecessa ry or proper m and fo r its fund raising oc t iv1t1 es . 4 ' • • • •• • • M. NON-PISCRJMJNATION. During the performance ofthia Agreement, the Contractor shall not dlacrimlnate on th• bui1 ofrace, color, au, relieion, national orism, creed, marital status, age, or the pruence of any oenaory, mental, or physical handicap In employment or application for employment, provided that the applicant ia able to perform the required duties, or in the administration or delivery of aervicu, or any other benefits under the Agreement. The Contractor shall comply with all applicable federal, state, city, u.nd other l,ws, regulations , or u:eeutive orders. :.; PROHIBITED TRANSACTJON . The Contractor shall not give or sell any animal for research purposes . 0 . RETURN -TO -O WNER POLICY . The Contrartor iihal! maintain a policy relating to the return to owners of their animals and shall mJt.!ce every reasonable effort to insure that as many animals as possible are so returned . A. SECTION 2 CITY OBLIGATIONS COMPENSATION/MONTHLY P~YMENTS . In consideration of the services to be performed by the Colorado Humane Society under this Agreement. the City shall pay the sum of thirty-four thousand twenty dollars ($34 .020 .00) per year, payable in monthly installments of two thousand eight hundred thirty-five dollars ($2,835 .00). This rate shall be in effect from July I. 1996 through June 30, 1997 . During the balance of the term of this Agreement, i.e .. from July 1. 1997 through June 30. 1998. if suffi ci ent funds are appropriated , the City ard the Colorado Humane Society sh al l adjust the rate of r"l mpensation on an annual basis . The amount of a<ljustment shaU be the same as the perc entage ('t) change in the Consumer Price lndex-U for the Denver metropolitan area for the pr ior calendar year. H owe,·er. in no case shall the adj ustment be less than zero percent {0%) or more than seven percent. t7'H If the CPI-U for the Denver metropolitan area is not available at the outset of the calendar year. the City shall continue to pay the Contractor at the rate set forth for the pr io r year . At such rime as the rate adjustment is calculated , the C'ity shall pay the Co ntrac t or the difference between the new rate and the rate sc ft : the prior year retroactive t o January 1st of the calendar year. Said retroactive payment shall be due in full a~ the next regular monthly payment date after the new rate is set . B. ~IS Bil UNGS . The Contrnctor shall submit billings to the City by the end of each 1:1onth for that month·s co mpensation. Each mor,thly payment shall be due on the twentieth l 20th I day of t he succeeding month. A late charge of twenty-five (25%) shall be assessed against any payment received after the twentieth (20th) day of t he month. C REVENUES . All revenue collect ed by the Co ntractor from odoptions, reclaim foes, or donatio ns . whether fro m the City or other municipalities or entities, shall accrue to o.n c.i beco me the prope rty of t he Contractor. All court fine s shall bec ome the property of the City . D. A~;D•J O:L CON TR OL. The City is responsible for all animal control services within its City limits . Subject t o Sect10n 1. Paragraph G. in the event the City desires that the Co ntrnctor iss ue ci tations at the animal shelte r facility for vio!ations of applicable ltlw s, reguln u on s. or ordinances. the Ci t y shall tnke wh atever actrn n is nec essary t o ins ure that •.li e Coi .t ract or 1s legall y em power ed to perform such a duty :ind to t ram the Co ntractor's t!mpl oyee s in the pe rformance of such a sen ·1ce. E. CONTRACT AQMINISTRATOR. The City appoir'" tho Deputy Director of Safety Services as the City Official responsible for the adminiatr<.tion of this A(reement. All reports, recommendations, and other correspondence ah.JI be directed t.o aaid Mana,er. The Cont:ractor's Executive or Acting Director shall act u the Contractor's liaison w: th the City . F. ANTI-KICKBACK. No officer or employee of the City having the power or the duty t.o perform an official act or action related ~ the Agree ment shall have or acquire any interest in the Agreement or have solicited, acxepted, or granted ., present or future gift, favo r , service, or other thing of value ft-om or to any person invo lved in the Agreement. SECTION 3 TERM OF AGREEMENT AND TEP.MINATION A. TERM OF AGREEMENT . The Agreement shall be for a torm of two (2) years, commencin g on Jul; 1, 1996 and terminating on June 30, 1998 . 1n the event sufficient funds shall not be appropriated. by the City for the payment of compe:nsationA.11onthly payments, and if the City bas no funds availab le for compe.n~Jit;on/monthly payments fr om any other sources, the City may terminate the .\. ·re. ::nc r , .. ,:xm providing written notice to the Co ntractor within thirty (30) days from the ,~.~~ -o1 ·J ~t1':l ption of the next fiscal year's appropriation ordinancl'. There shall, h e , ,_-er 1,. l Sixty (60) da y transition period, beginning from the dot e of the rec eipt of the t e.·..:..:i.J1h:t1.m notice by the Contractor. during which period the Contractor shall continue to pro\'id e those services as pro vi ded in the Agreement and the Ci ty shall r.ontinue to make paym ents as provided herein. Upon the expirat,.;n of this sixty (60) day transiticm period, the Contractor shall not be obligated to provide any further services 11s provi ded in the- Agreement and the Ci ty shall not be obligated to make any further poyments as pr ovi ded r.erein. except, ho wever , that co mpensation for services which occ urred prior to the end of the sixty (60 ) day transition period shall be made. B. TER\11NAT!ON OF AGREEME NT BY :\,CT!O N OF PARTIES . Either party sh all h ave the right to terminate the Agr eement wi th or without cause at any time during the term hereof by providing the other party ninety (90) days written notice to that effect . SECT101' 4 AD DITIONAL PROVI SIONS AND OB LIG ATIONS A 1'.DEPE8 DENT CONTRA CTOR. All services pe.Corm ed by the Co ntracto r und er th, Agreement are done as an independent co ntractor and not as an empl oyee of the City . B. 1:-IDE~!'l!FJCAT!ON . To the extent permitted by law , each party shall indemnify and h ol d harmless the other party aga in st any and al l cl aims , demands, losses, and li abilities and fr om any debt , oblir·u io n . payment, collectio n cost, jud gment, court order , co u.rt cost , interest. penalty, or ex~en se of any ki nd or nature in connecti on with that p arty's act or omission ari sin g direc tly or ind irectly o.s a co n sequence of the Agr eement. C Pl ·sue REI ATIONS . Th e City and the Co ntractor shaU exerc ise good fa ith i 11 dealin g ,,,th each other . 6 • • • • • • D E. F. G. H . I. ENTIRE AGREEMENTJMODlF•CATION . The A,nement conltitutea the entire Agreoment of the parties with respect to the 1ubject matter. All prior and contemporaneous neRotiation■ and undentandinp between the partie■ are embodied in the Agreement, and i, supersedes all prior o,m.-ements and underotandinp between the parties hereto relating to the subject matt.lr hereof. No alteration or other modification of the Agreement shall be effective unless such modi fication shall be in writing and signed by the parties . SEVERA BU !TY. ln the eve,1t any portion of the Agreement should become invalid, the remainder of the Agr eement :•hall remain in full force and effect. BINDING EFFECT . The Agree-nent shall ~ • governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Stnte of Co lon·do . The Agreement shall inure to the benefit of, and be binding upon , the successors in inti treSt of the respective parties . sl,SSIGNABIL)TY . The Agreement may only be ll!lsigned with the express written co n sent of the non-assigning party. IllSf.llIE.S. Venue for any litigation to enforc e or co nstrue t.Us Agreement shall be in Arapahoe County, Colorado. ln the event of litigation to enforr:e or construe this Agreement. the prevailing party shall be entitled to all reasra ab le costs and expe.nses. including attorneys' fe es . whether or not the matter proceeds to judgment. ~-Any notice required under the terms of this Agreement s hall be deemed delivered and received when delivered in perst'n or when deposited as certified or registered mail . return receipt requested, to the parties at the addresses listed at the beginning of the Agreement. !'.\ WIT:-IESS WHEREOF, the City and the Co ntractor herei n acknowledge that they have duly read . understood. and do freely and voluntarily execute thi s Agreement. consisting often (10) pages. on the day and year first above written . ATTEST: By :--------------- Loucri shia A. Ellis, Ci ty Clerk 7 CITY OF ENGLEWOOD By :--------------- Thomas J . Burns , Mayo r THE COLORADO HUMANE SOCIETY & S .P .C.A .. INC ., a Colorado nonp r ofit corporation EXIIIBITA ENGLEwoop EQUIPMENT REMAINJNG AT ANTMA SHEJJER OITlCE Desk (S'l l Desk !5'l 2 Offi~ Stools 4-D rawer Fil e Ca bin et (legal) Waste Baske t CAT ROOM 15 Cat Cages (2 units ) 2 Trash Cans (20 gallon with lids • Cat Chow and Cat Li tter ) Trash Can (30 ga ll on with Ii,! -Tras h ) ISOLd,TIOi- 10' \\Ta t er Hose 32 Stamles,; Steel Water Buckets Hot Water Hose -50 ' tred.1 Cold Wate r Hose• 50' \gree1d Bu g Zappers FOOD PREP ROOM 2 Trash Cans 120 gallon ";th lids --Dry Food. Puppy Chow ) Tras h Can 15 ga ll on \\1 th lid --Rabbit Foodl ~l op Bucket and Mop Fl oo r .'~queegee Fl oo r crape r 55 Gallon Drum Caddy EOl"IP\lENT TO BE STO.REI) Hotsy Pr essure Wash er Wlth hose and nozzle I Dog Trap 9 Cat Traps A..ir Kenn els tDog i A.1r Kenne ! tCan i' C1.1n trol tic k Electnc Fan Sharp Calc ulati on (052052) 25 ' 12-3 ext ension co rd Cash Box • • • Color.Mio Humane Society and S.P.C.A., Inc. Expenses. En&)ewood Sbcltcr Contract I. Supplies 2. Gas/Electric Watcr/Se\~er 4. Office ' • rinting \' Cl Services ' Trash 8. LJbor 9. Educatio n 10. Bank Charges II Insurance 12 Uniforms 13 Repairs/Maintenance 14 Phones 15 Postage 16 Pa~Toll Ta.x ,-Insurance/Benefits 18 All olher c:.,-pc:nscs directly related 10 shelter operati ons except as specified in the Co ntract • • • • COUNCIL COMMUNICATION D ATE 8-19-96 Agen da It em , S u bj ect A ni ma l Housin g / I 0..1 Service s A reement I INITIATED BY Safety Services I STAFF SOURCE Deputy Directo r O lson CCUNCIL GOAL AND PREVIOU S COUNCIL ACTION Reg ional Cooper~tio n : In 1991 . Co unc il ao pro ved an Anim a l Hous ing Se rv ice s Agreement w1t:1 the Col orado Humane Society . In c. to provid e da y-to-d ay services at th e Englewood Anima l Shelter. Th is co ntrac, e1·pi red in May of 1996 . RECOMMENDED ACT ION Approval of a new Animal Ho using Se rvices Agreement w ith the Colorado H umane Society to run the Eng lewood Ani mal S helter: said agree me nt to be on a one-year ·enewable bas is BACKGROUND, ANALYSIS . AND ALTERNATIVES IDENTIFIED Pri or to 1991. Eng lewood em ployees . op erating un der tre superv ision of the Pol ice [)epart me ~t. ran day-to-day act1v1ties at the sh elter . includin g the adoption . r lease to c1v 1ers and destructio n of an ima ls. as ne cess ary . In 1991 . with an imal contro l under me 1u nsd 1c11on of the Commun ity Develo pment Department. it was determined that co ntracting out the operat10~ of the shelte r. while ret ainin g an ima l control respons1l:ilit1es . wo u ld be a mo re efficient mode of se rvic e deli very /r,r ir.e c ity . After researchin g po tential contractors . the bid for services was aw a rd , d to th e Co lorado Huma ne Society . In c . in the fo rm of a five-yea r rate-ad justed contract. Up on expiration of the con tra ct . st aff researched other o pti ons to util izing Colorado Humane as a contractor . ·ncl ud ing the return of the she lte r to Englewood ma nag eme nt in a cooperativ e ver,,ure w ith other local agencies . Aft er much rese a rch . 1t was determined tn at for the present time . con tra ct ing w ith Colorad o Hu mane conti nu ed to p rovide a more eff1c 1ent op tion than any others re searched FINANCIAL IMPACT The contract wilh Colorado Humane will be for $34 ,020 a year ($2 ,835 .00/month ), and 1f ren ewed may be adjusted based on the Denve r-Boulder CPI , but no more than 7% annually The city is responsit)le for any major maintenance issues at the shelter , beyond those identified in the agreement. Li ~ r OF ATTACHME'NTS 1 Bill for an ordinan ce 2. Animal Hous ing Serv ice s Agreement. • • •